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We sought to determine whether microorganisms from the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediment in Woods Pond (Lenox, Mass.) could dehalogenate brominated biphenyls. The PCB dechlorination specificities for the microorganisms in this sediment have been well characterized. This allowed us to compare the dehalogenation specificities for brominated biphenyls and chlorinated biphenyls within a single sediment. Anaerobic sediment microcosms were incubated separately at 25°C with 16 different mono- to tetrabrominated biphenyls (350 μM) and disodium malate (10 mM). Samples were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector and a mass spectrometer detector at various times for up to 54 weeks. All of the tested brominated biphenyls were dehalogenated. For most congeners, including 2,6-dibromobiphenyl (26-BB) and 24-25-BB, the dehalogenation began within 1 to 2 weeks. However, for 246-BB and 2-2-BB, debromination was first observed at 7 and 14 weeks, respectively. Most intermediate products did not persist, but when 2-2-BB was produced as a dehalogenation product, it persisted for at least 15 weeks before it was dehalogenated to 2-BB and then to biphenyl. The dehalogenation specificities for brominated and chlorinated biphenyls were similar: meta and para substituents were generally removed first, and ortho substituents were more recalcitrant. However, the brominated biphenyls were better dehalogenation substrates than the chlorinated biphenyls. All of the tested bromobiphenyls, including those with ortho and unflanked meta and para substituents, were ultimately dehalogenated to biphenyl, whereas their chlorinated counterparts either were not dehalogenation substrates or were only partially dehalogenated. Our data suggest that PCB-dechlorinating microorganisms may be able to dehalogenate brominated biphenyls and may exhibit a relaxed specificity for these substrates.  相似文献   

Marine sponges are natural sources of brominated organic compounds, including bromoindoles, bromophenols, and bromopyrroles, that may comprise up to 12% of the sponge dry weight. Aplysina aerophoba sponges harbor large numbers of bacteria that can amount to 40% of the biomass of the animal. We postulated that there might be mechanisms for microbially mediated degradation of these halogenated chemicals within the sponges. The capability of anaerobic microorganisms associated with the marine sponge to transform haloaromatic compounds was tested under different electron-accepting conditions (i.e., denitrifying, sulfidogenic, and methanogenic). We observed dehalogenation activity of sponge-associated microorganisms with various haloaromatics. 2-Bromo-, 3-bromo-, 4-bromo-, 2,6-dibromo-, and 2,4,6-tribromophenol, and 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoate were reductively debrominated under methanogenic and sulfidogenic conditions with no activity observed in the presence of nitrate. Monochlorinated phenols were not transformed over a period of 1 year. Debromination of 2,4,6-tribromophenol, and 2,6-dibromophenol to 2-bromophenol was more rapid than the debromination of the monobrominated phenols. Ampicillin and chloramphenicol inhibited activity, suggesting that dehalogenation was mediated by bacteria. Characterization of the debrominating methanogenic consortia by using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis indicated that different 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) phylotypes were enriched on the different halogenated substrates. Sponge-associated microorganisms enriched on organobromine compounds had distinct 16S rDNA TRFLP patterns and were most closely related to the delta subgroup of the proteobacteria. The presence of homologous reductive dehalogenase gene motifs in the sponge-associated microorganisms suggested that reductive dehalogenation might be coupled to dehalorespiration.  相似文献   

Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis was used to localize the two brominated natural products (aerothinonin and homoaerothionin) in the tissues of a marine demosponge, Aplysina fistularis. Virtually all of these compounds were localized within the spherules of the spherulous cells in the mesohyl. This is the first localization of any secondary metabolite at the cellular or sub-cellular level in any marine invertebrate. In Aplysina fistularis, as in other species of the same genus studied by Vacelet, the spherulous cells are concentrated just beneath the exopinacoderm and just beneath the endopinacoderm of the excurrent canals. Moreover, there is electron microscopic evidence for degeneration of some spherulous cells throughout the mesohyl. Presumably, this degeneration can release some aerothionin and homoaerothionin, which are known to have antibiotic properties. After release from the spherulous cells, these brominated natural products could function (1) within the mesohyl to exclude some types of bacteria or to aggregate ingested bacteria and/or (2) within the boundary layer of the surrounding seawater for defense or offense, as considered in the discussion section.  相似文献   

The upper Housatonic River and Woods Pond (Lenox, Mass.), a shallow impoundment on the river, are contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the residue of partially dechlorinated Aroclor 1260. Certain PCB congeners have the ability to activate or “prime” anaerobic microorganisms in Woods Pond sediment to reductively dehalogenate the Aroclor 1260 residue. We proposed that brominated biphenyls might have the same effect and tested the priming activities of 14 mono-, di-, and tribrominated biphenyls (350 μM) in anaerobic microcosms of sediment from Woods Pond. All of the brominated biphenyls were completely dehalogenated to biphenyl, and 13 of them primed PCB dechlorination. Measured in terms of chlorine removal and decrease in the proportion of hexa- through nonachlorobiphenyls, the microbial PCB dechlorination primed by several brominated biphenyls was nearly twice as effective as that primed by chlorinated biphenyls. Congeners containing a meta bromine primed Dechlorination Process N (flanked meta dechlorination), and congeners containing an unflanked para bromine primed Dechlorination Process P (flanked para dechlorination). Two ortho-substituted congeners, 2-bromobiphenyl and 2,6-dibromobiphenyl (2-BB and 26-BB), also primed Process N dechlorination. The most effective primers were 26-BB, 245-BB, 25-3-BB, and 25-4-BB. The microbial dechlorination primed by 26-BB converted ~75% of the hexa- through nonachlorobiphenyls to tri- and tetrachlorobiphenyls in 100 days and removed ~75% of the PCBs that are most persistent in humans. These results represent a major step toward identifying an effective method for accelerating PCB dechlorination in situ. The challenge now is to identify naturally occurring compounds that are safe and effective primers.  相似文献   

Sponge-associated bacteria are thought to produce many novel bioactive compounds, including polyketides. PCR amplification of ketosynthase domains of type I modular polyketide synthases (PKS) from the microbial community of the marine sponge Discodermia dissoluta revealed great diversity and a novel group of sponge-specific PKS ketosynthase domains. Metagenomic libraries totaling more than four gigabases of bacterial genomes associated with this sponge were screened for type I modular PKS gene clusters. More than 90% of the clones in total sponge DNA libraries represented bacterial DNA inserts, and 0.7% harbored PKS genes. The majority of the PKS hybridizing clones carried small PKS clusters of one to three modules, although some clones encoded large multimodular PKSs (more than five modules). The most abundant large modular PKS appeared to be encoded by a bacterial symbiont that made up <1% of the sponge community. Sequencing of this PKS revealed 14 modules that, if expressed and active, is predicted to produce a multimethyl-branched fatty acid reminiscent of mycobacterial lipid components. Metagenomic libraries made from fractions enriched for unicellular or filamentous bacteria differed significantly, with the latter containing numerous nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and mixed NRPS-PKS gene clusters. The filamentous bacterial community of D. dissoluta consists mainly of Entotheonella spp., an unculturable sponge-specific taxon previously implicated in the biosynthesis of bioactive peptides.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate bacteria with antimicrobial activities from the marine sponges Aplysina aerophoba and Aplysina cavernicola. The obtained 27 isolates could be subdivided into eight phylogenetically different clusters based on comparative sequence analysis of their 16S rDNA genes. The sponge isolates were affiliated with the low (Bacillus) and high G+C Gram-positive bacteria (Arthobacter, Micrococcus), as well as the alpha-Proteobacteria (unknown isolate) and gamma-Proteobacteria (Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas). One novel Bacillus species was identified and two species were closely related to previously uncharacterized strains. Isolates with antimicrobial activity were numerically most abundant in the genera Pseudoalteromonas and the alpha-Proteobacteria. The sponge isolates show antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative reference strains but not against the fungus Candida albicans. A general pattern was observed in that Gram-positive bacteria inhibited Gram-positive strains while Gram-negative bacteria inhibited Gram-negative isolates. Antimicrobial activities were also found against clinical isolates, i.e. multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from hospital patients. The high recovery of strains with antimicrobial activity suggests that marine sponges represent an ecological niche which harbors a hitherto largely uncharacterized microbial diversity and, concomitantly, a yet untapped metabolic potential.  相似文献   

Microorganisms can account for up to 60% of the fresh weight of marine sponges. Marine sponges have been hypothesized to serve as accumulation spots of particular microbial communities, but it is unknown to what extent these communities are directed by the organism or the site or occur randomly. To address this question, we assessed the composition of specific bacterial communities associated with Aplysina fulva, one of the prevalent sponge species inhabiting Brazilian waters. Specimens of A. fulva and surrounding seawater were collected in triplicate in shallow water at two sites, Caboclo Island and Tartaruga beach, Búzios, Brazil. Total community DNA was extracted from the samples using “direct” and “indirect” approaches. 16S rRNA-based PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) analyses of the total bacterial community and of specific bacterial groups—Pseudomonas and Actinobacteria—revealed that the structure of these assemblages in A. fulva differed drastically from that observed in seawater. The DNA extraction methodology and sampling site were determinative for the composition of actinobacterial communities in A. fulva. However, no such effects could be gleaned from total bacterial and Pseudomonas PCR-DGGE profiles. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries constructed from directly and indirectly extracted DNA did not differ significantly with respect to diversity and composition. Altogether, the libraries encompassed 15 bacterial phyla and the candidate division TM7. Clone sequences affiliated with the Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Gamma- and Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Acidobacteria were, in this order, most abundant. The bacterial communities associated with the A. fulva specimens were distinct and differed from those described in studies of sponge-associated microbiota performed with other sponge species.The phylum Porifera (sponges) consists of benthic (sessile) organisms that occur primarily in marine environments at different depths (26). Sponges are classified into three groups, namely, the Calcarea (calcareous sponges), Hexactinellida (glass sponges), and Demospongiae (5, 26). The group Demospongiae, also called demosponges, encompasses 95% of the ca. 5,500 living sponge species described thus far (5). As typical filter feeders, demosponges are the prime bacterial filters of the sea. They are capable of pumping thousands of liters of water per day (23), using prokaryotic microorganisms as the main source of food (1, 43, 47). In addition to demosponges feeding on microorganisms, the presence of bacteria in high density in internal sponge layers (mesohyl) indicates that a selective process favoring particular prokaryotes, involving microbe-sponge interactions, is likely to occur (64). Furthermore, the dawn of the interactions between Prokarya and higher organisms may actually lie in the demosponges, whose origin is estimated to date back to 550 million years ago (5, 33).Putative interactions between demosponges and microorganisms, presumably mostly consisting of Bacteria and Archaea, were first demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), where high amounts of microorganisms were observed in the mesohyl (1, 14, 16, 64). Hence, these bacterium-rich sponges have been termed “bacteriosponges” (46). While investigating 11 taxonomically different demosponges using TEM, Vacelet and Donadey (64) identified two different sponge types in respect of their association with bacteria. Sponges with thick mesohyl contained abundant, dense, and morphologically diverse microbial communities (i.e., bacteriosponge), while those with a well-developed aquiferous system and low-density mesohyl contained few bacterial cells and typically only single bacterial morphotypes. The two types have recently been called “high-microbial-abundance” (HMA) and “low-microbial-abundance” (LMA) sponges, respectively (23). In HMA sponges, bacterial densities may reach 108 to 1010 bacterial cells per g (wet weight) of sponge, exceeding seawater concentrations by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude (15, 23). Based on the analysis of 16S rRNA genes, over 15 bacterial phyla have thus far been reported to occur in association with marine sponges (11, 23, 56). Among these are typical sponge-associated bacteria such as members of the Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and the candidate phyla “Poribacteria” and TM6 (14, 30, 51, 56, 60, 68).Increasing research interest in the sponge-associated microbiota has emerged in the past few years, mainly due to the in spongium production of an enormous diversity of biologically active secondary metabolites (56). Recent studies suggest that certain bioactive compounds retrieved from marine sponges—such as complex polypeptides and nonribosomal peptides—are likely to be synthesized by the symbiont bacteria (27, 41, 42). Such bioactive secondary metabolites offer great promise for use in biotechnology and medicine (3, 22, 27, 41, 42, 51, 59). In particular, cytotoxic compounds, i.e., antitumoral substances and polyketides, may find application in anticancer therapies (13, 42, 51). Recent investigations revealed the presence of dibromotyrosine-derived metabolites in Aplysina fulva (Pallas, 1766) specimens collected along the Brazilian shore (39). However, a putative role of microbial symbionts in the production of such metabolites, commonly found to display biological activity, remains to be evaluated.Despite the global-scale occurrence of sponges in Earth''s marine ecosystems, the investigation of their associated bacterial communities has thus far been restricted only to certain areas (1, 11, 13, 14, 27, 54, 58, 68). To our knowledge, no studies have been conducted, to date, on sponge-associated microbes in subtropical, South Atlantic open shore waters. In the present study, we assess the diversity and composition of the bacterial community associated with the demosponge A. fulva collected at two different sites at the Brazilian shore. A suite of tools, ranging from plate count estimations and TEM to sponge DNA-based analyses of bacterial 16S rRNA genes, was used. We hypothesized that a distinct bacterial community occurs in A. fulva, which is different from that in the surrounding bulk water, as well as from those in other sponge species.  相似文献   

Cut specimens of the common reef sponge of the Verongid family, Aplysina fistularis, were retained in flow‐through seawater tanks over a six‐week period to assess the metabolite profile of the sponge when subjected to stress, compare the profile with the source material, and assess the preliminary feasibility of the protocol for sponge culture. The living specimens were harvested, extracted with MeOH/CH2Cl2 1 : 1, and subjected to column chromatography to identify metabolites. The brominated isoxazoline compounds, aerothionin ( 1 ) and 11‐oxoaerothionin ( 2 ), along with aeroplysinin 2 ( 3 ) and 2‐(3,5‐dibromo‐4‐hydroxyphenol)acetamide ( 4 ), were detected in the cuttings from the tank‐maintained sponge. An examination of the metabolite profile of the sponge from the natural habitat showed that the compounds 1 and 2 were present. The identities of all the compounds were ascertained by analysis of the mass‐spectral data and NMR spectra (1H, 13C, HMBC, and HSQC) of the compounds, which were compared with reported data. The survival rate was 44% with limited necrosis or exposed skeletal tissue being observed in eight of the 18 cuttings, suggesting that protocol modifications would be required for culturing the sponge.  相似文献   

We investigated the anaerobic biodegradation of 3-chlorobenzoate (3CBz) by microorganisms from an aquifer where chloroaromatic compounds were previously found to resist decay in the presence of sulfate. After a lengthy lag period, 3CBz was degraded in the presence of sulfate and concurrently with sulfate reduction. Chlorine removal from 2,5- or 3,5-dichlorobenzoates and the transient appearance of benzoate from 3CBz confirmed that reductive dehalogenation was the initial fate process for these substrates. Sulfate did not influence 3CBz degradation rates in acclimated enrichment cultures but accelerated the development of 3CBz degradation activity in fresh transfers. Benzoate degradation was more rapid in the presence of sulfate regardless of the enrichment history. Nitrate, sulfite, and a headspace of air inhibited 3CBz dehalogenation, while thiosulfate had no effect. Mass balance determinations revealed that 71 to 107% of the theoretically expected amount of methane was produced from 3CBz and benzoate oxidation in the absence of sulfate. In parallel cultures containing 15 mM sulfate, methanogenesis was reduced to 48 to 71% of that theoretically expected, while sulfate reduction accounted for 12 to 50% of the reducing equivalents. In either the presence or absence of sulfate, steady-state dissolved hydrogen concentrations were similar to those reported for sulfate-reducing or methanogenic environments, respectively. Molybdate inhibited sulfate reduction and 3CBz dehalogenation to a similar extent but did not affect benzoate biodegradation. Sulfate-dependent 3CBz biodegradation was not observed. We conclude that reductive dehalogenation and sulfate reduction occur concurrently in these enrichments and that the sulfate-dependent stimulation in fresh transfers was likely due to the acceleration of benzoate oxidation.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques were employed to document the microbial diversity associated with the marine sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile. The phylogenetic affiliation of sponge-associated bacteria was assessed by 16S rRNA sequencing of cloned DNA fragments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to confirm the presence of the predominant groups indicated by 16S rDNA analysis. The community structure was extremely diverse with representatives of the Actinobacteria, low-G+C gram-positive bacteria, the β- and γ-subdivisions of the Proteobacteria, Cytophaga/Flavobacterium, green sulfur bacteria, green nonsulfur bacteria, planctomycetes, and other sequence types with no known close relatives. FISH probes revealed the spatial location of these bacteria within the sponge tissue, in some cases suggesting possible symbiotic functions. The high proportion of 16S rRNA sequences derived from novel actinomycetes is good evidence for the presence of an indigenous marine actinomycete assemblage in R. odorabile. High microbial diversity was inferred from low duplication of clones in a library with 70 representatives. Determining the phylogenetic affiliation of sponge-associated microorganisms by 16S rRNA analysis facilitated the rational selection of culture media and isolation conditions to target specific groups of well-represented bacteria for laboratory culture. Novel media incorporating sponge extracts were used to isolate bacteria not previously recovered from this sponge.  相似文献   

Representatives of Actinobacteria were isolated from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea collected from the Baltic Sea (Germany). For the first time, a comprehensive investigation was performed with regard to phylogenetic strain identification, secondary metabolite profiling, bioactivity determination, and genetic exploration of biosynthetic genes, especially concerning the relationships of the abundance of biosynthesis gene fragments to the number and diversity of produced secondary metabolites. All strains were phylogenetically identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses and were found to belong to the genera Actinoalloteichus, Micrococcus, Micromonospora, Nocardiopsis, and Streptomyces. Secondary metabolite profiles of 46 actinobacterial strains were evaluated, 122 different substances were identified, and 88 so far unidentified compounds were detected. The extracts from most of the cultures showed biological activities. In addition, the presence of biosynthesis genes encoding polyketide synthases (PKSs) and nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) in 30 strains was established. It was shown that strains in which either PKS or NRPS genes were identified produced a significantly higher number of metabolites and exhibited a larger number of unidentified, possibly new metabolites than other strains. Therefore, the presence of PKS and NRPS genes is a good indicator for the selection of strains to isolate new natural products.Sponges are multicellular invertebrates and sessile filter feeders which are abundant in the oceans as well as in freshwater habitats (41). They gained great interest due to their association with a wide variety of microorganisms. These microorganisms are known to be a rich source of secondary metabolites (108), which exhibit a broad range of bioactivities such as inhibition of enzyme activities and cell division and antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, cytotoxic, and cardiovascular properties (77).Numerous studies concerning specific aspects of sponge-bacterium associations were accomplished using distinct methods for the evaluation of the microbial diversity (mostly molecular approaches) or the bioactivities (culture-dependent methods) or biosynthetic aspects (chemical analyses and molecular approaches) of secondary metabolites of the associated bacteria (19, 47, 51, 54, 110, 122, 126). So far, there is less comprehensive information about the integration of this knowledge into concepts for sponge-bacterium interactions based on small molecules.We focused on Actinobacteria associated with Halichondria panicea Pallas (Porifera, Demospongiae, Halichondriida, Halichondriidae), a sponge species living in coastal habitats worldwide (9). Previous work demonstrated a phylogenetically diverse array of bacterial groups present in this sponge: representatives of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Cytophaga/Flavobacteria, the Deinococcus group, low-G+C-content Gram-positive bacteria, Actinobacteria, and Planctomycetales were identified by means of a genetic approach (47, 122). Among these, though representing only 3 to 20% of the sponge-associated bacterial community (41, 47, 103), Actinobacteria are the most promising bacterial group regarding secondary metabolite production. Members of this phylum account for approximately half of the bioactive secondary metabolites that have so far been discovered in bacteria (64). Although the majority of secondary metabolite-producing Actinobacteria originate from terrestrial habitats (101), recent studies of marine Actinobacteria have revealed many new chemical entities and bioactive metabolites (13, 30, 50, 100). Among these, only a few substances were isolated from Actinobacteria associated with H. panicea (85, 123), e.g., the antimicrobially active substances 2,4,4′-trichloro-2′-hydroxydiphenylether and acyl-1-(acyl-6′-mannobiosyl)-3-glycerol produced by Micrococcus luteus (17). By combining data about the phylogenetic characterization of the Actinobacteria associated with H. panicea, their biosynthetic potential for secondary metabolite production, and their chemical profiles, we present comprehensive insights into a great variety of produced natural products as well as their bioactivities. By means of these results, we attempt to close the gap of knowledge about Actinobacteria associated with H. panicea and discuss the biological roles of identified small molecules in the sponge-associated community.  相似文献   

Halogenated organic compounds serve as terminal electron acceptors for anaerobic respiration in a diverse range of microorganisms. Here, we report on the widespread distribution and diversity of reductive dehalogenase homologous (rdhA) genes in marine subsurface sediments. A total of 32 putative rdhA phylotypes were detected in sediments from the southeast Pacific off Peru, the eastern equatorial Pacific, the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank off Oregon, and the northwest Pacific off Japan, collected at a maximum depth of 358 m below the seafloor. In addition, significant dehalogenation activity involving 2,4,6-tribromophenol and trichloroethene was observed in sediment slurry from the Nankai Trough Forearc Basin. These results suggest that dehalorespiration is an important energy-yielding pathway in the subseafloor microbial ecosystem.Scientific ocean drilling explorations have revealed that marine subsurface sediments harbor remarkable numbers of microbial cells that account for approximately 1/10 to 1/3 of all living biota on Earth (20, 25, 33). Thermodynamic calculations of pore-water chemistry suggest that subseafloor microbial activities are generally supported by nutrient and energy supplies from the seawater and/or underlying basaltic aquifers (6, 7). Although sulfate, nitrate, Fe(III), Mn(IV), and bicarbonate are known to be potential electron acceptors for anaerobic microbial respiration in marine subsurface sediments (5), the incidence of both the dissimilatory dehalorespiration pathway and microbial activity in halogenated organic substrates remains largely unknown.Previous molecular ecological studies using 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that Chloroflexi is one of the most frequently detected phyla in subseafloor sediments of the Pacific Ocean margins (12-14). Some of the sequences within the Chloroflexi are closely related to sequences in the genus Dehalococcoides, which contains obligatory dehalorespiring bacteria that employ halogenated organic compounds as terminal electron acceptors (21, 29). The frequent detection of Dehalococcoides-related 16S rRNA genes from these environments implies the occurrence of dissimilatory dehalorespiration in marine subsurface sediments.In this study, we detected and phylogenetically analyzed the reductive dehalogenase homologous (rdhA) genes, key functional genes for dehalorespiration pathways, from frozen sediment core samples obtained by Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 201 (Peru margin and eastern equatorial Pacific) (7, 14); Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 301 (Juan de Fuca Ridge flank) (8, 24); Chikyu Shakedown Expedition CK06-06 (Northwest Pacific off Japan) (20, 23); and IODP Expedition 315 (Nankai Trough Forearc Basin off Japan) (Table (Table1).1). DNA was extracted using an ISOIL bead-beating kit (Nippon Gene, Japan) and purified using a MagExtractor DNA fragment purification kit (Toyobo, Japan) according to the manufacturer''s instructions. To increase concentration, DNA was amplified by multiple displacement amplification using the phi29 polymerase supplied with a GenomiPhi kit (GE Healthcare, United Kingdom) (20). Putative rdhA genes were amplified by PCR using Ex Taq polymerase (TaKaRa, Japan) with degenerate primers RRF2 and B1R (17), dehaloF3, dehaloF4, dehaloF5, dehaloR2, dehaloR3, and dehaloR4 (32), and ceRD2S, ceRD2L, and RD7 (26) and the PCR conditions described in those studies. Amplicons of the approximate target size were gel purified and cloned into the pCR2.1 vector (Invitrogen, Japan). Sequence similarity was analyzed using FastGroupII web-based software (34), and sequences with a 95% identity were tentatively assigned to the same phylotype. Amino acid sequences were aligned by ClustalW (31), including known and putative reductive dehalogenase sequences in the genome of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195 (28), as well as several functionally characterized reductive dehalogenases from other species.


Sample locations and results of PCR amplification of rdhA
Sampling site (expedition name)LocationWater depth (m)Core sectionSediment depth (mbsf)rdh amplification resulta
1226 (ODP Leg 201)Eastern equatorial Pacific3,2971-33.2++
1227 (ODP Leg 201)Southeast Pacific off Peru4271-10.3+
1230 (ODP Leg 201)Southeast Pacific off Peru5,0861-10.3++
1301 (IODP Expedition 301)Northeast Pacific Juan de Fuca Ridge flank off Oregon2,6561-22.5+
C9001 (JAMSTEC Chikyu Shakedown Expedition CK06-06)Northwest Pacific off Japan1,1801-11.0++
C0002 (IODP Expedition 315)Nankai Trough Forearc Basin off Japan1,9371-31.9+
Open in a separate windowa−, PCR product of expected size not amplified; +, PCR product of expected size weakly amplified; ++, PCR product of expected size amplified and confirmed by sequencing analysis.Putative rdhA genes were successfully detected by primer set RRF2-B1R in samples from the eastern equatorial Pacific (ODP site 1226, 3.2 and 46.7 m below the seafloor [mbsf]), the Peru margin (ODP site 1227, 0.3, 16.6, and 75.1 mbsf, and ODP site 1230, 0.3 mbsf), the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank (IODP site 1301, 2.5 mbsf), offshore from the Shimokita Peninsula of Japan (CK06-06 site C9001, 1.0, 13.5, 78.5, 191.5, 216.8, and 358.6 mbsf), and the Nankai Trough Forearc Basin off the Kii Peninsula of Japan (IODP site C0002, 1.9, 9.2, 20.2, and 66.6 mbsf) (Table (Table1).1). No amplification was observed in samples from several deep horizons at sites 1227, 1230, 1301, C9001, and C0002 (Table (Table1).1). A total of 92 clones of subseafloor putative rdhA genes were sequenced and classified into 32 phylotypes (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all of the detected putative rdhA sequences were related to those of Dehalococcoides.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Phylogenetic tree based on the deduced amino acid sequences of rdhA genes, including sequences from marine subsurface sediments. Putative rdhA sequences from marine subsurface sediments (rdhA clones 1 to 32) are marked in red, while those of the Dehalococcoides genome are marked in blue. Clonal frequencies and sequence accession numbers are indicated in parentheses. Bootstrap values from 50% to 84% and 85% to 100% are indicated by open and solid circles at the branches, respectively. Asterisks indicate the following functionally characterized rdhA genes: pceA and prdA, tetrachloroethene reductive dehalogenase; tceA, trichloroethene reductive dehalogenase; vcrA and bvcA, vinyl chloride reductive dehalogenase; dcaA, 1,2-dichloroethane reductive dehalogenase; cprA, chlorophenol reductive dehalogenase; and cbrA, chlorobenzene reductive dehalogenase. The tree was constructed by a neighbor-joining (NJ) method based on an alignment of almost-complete rdhA amino acid sequences with pairwise gap deletion on MEGA version 4.0 software (30). The resulting tree was displayed using Interactive Tree Of Life (19). The scale bar represents 0.1 substitutions per amino acid position.In the alignment of the subseafloor rdhA sequences, we observed two Fe-S cluster-binding motifs as a conserved structure of previously reported reductive dehalogenases (29). The sequences were amplified with primer RRF2 containing the N-terminal twin arginine translocation (Tat) signal sequence and primer B1R containing the rdhB genes encoding a putative dehalogenase membrane anchor protein (17). Thus, the dehalogenases of subseafloor bacteria have a structural framework similar to that of known dehalogenases from terrestrial Dehalococcoides species. However, BLASTP analysis showed that similarities among subseafloor rdhA sequences and previously reported dehalogenase sequences were generally low, ranging from 33.06% to 64.27%. Some sequences were affiliated, with relatively high bootstrap values, with subseafloor rdhA clusters I and II, which are clearly distinct from the rdhA sequences of Dehalococcoides and other known species (Fig. (Fig.1).1). In addition, we were unable to detect subseafloor rdhA genes using other primer sets targeting cprA- and pceA-like genes (26, 32). These results indicate that most subseafloor rdhA genes are distinct from those reported from terrestrial environments, a trend that corroborates the results of a metagenomic survey of subseafloor microbial communities at the Peruvian site (3). However, it is worth noting that the RRF2 and B1R primers used in this study are based on the rdhA sequences present in Dehalococcoides (17) and that sequence retrieval is probably biased by primer mismatch. It is thus likely that there are still unexplored functional genes related to the dehalorespiration pathways in marine subsurface sediments.An interesting finding of the functional gene survey is that the subseafloor rdhA homologues are preferentially detected in shallow sediments. At site C9001 off Japan, the sedimentation ratio is considerably higher than at other sites (54 to 95 cm per 1,000 years) (unpublished data), and rdhA genes were successfully detected in horizons as deep as 358 mbsf (Table (Table1).1). The rdhA genes were also detected in sediments from the open ocean at site 1226, which contained very low concentrations (<0.2%) of organic matter (7). This may be because halogenated compounds are derived not only from terrestrial environments but also from the seawater overlying the sediments. In addition, a diverse range of marine organisms, such as phytoplankton, mollusks, algae, polychaetes, jellyfish, and sponges, are known to produce halogenated organic compounds (11). For example, the amount of brominated organic compounds in the ocean has been estimated at 1 to 2 million tons per year (10). Since these halogenated compounds are generally recalcitrant or not metabolizable by aerobic microorganisms in the seawater column (15), they are effectively buried in marine subsurface sediments. In fact, debromination of brominated phenols in marine, estuarine, or intertidal strait sediments has been reported (4, 9, 16, 22), and a brominated phenol-dehalogenating microbial community has been observed in the marine sponge Aplysina aerophoba, which produces bromophenolic metabolites (1).We also observed reductive dehalogenation activity in subseafloor sediment slurry from site C0002 in the Nankai Trough (Fig. (Fig.2;2; also see the supplemental material). The slurry sample was prepared by mixing sediment samples from 1.9, 4.7, 9.2, 13.4, 20.2, 30.0, 66.6, and 155.4 mbsf. During the initial incubation with 2,4,6-tribromophenol (2,4,6-TBP) for 179 days, 2,4,6-TBP was completely converted to phenol. We then supplemented the same incubation slurry with 2,4,6-TBP and once again observed dehalogenation activity (Fig. (Fig.2A).2A). During the incubation, 2,4-dibromophenol and 4-bromophenol were produced as intermediates (Fig. (Fig.2C),2C), suggesting that ortho debromination occurred in preference to para debromination, as observed previously in marine sponge habitats (1). The maximum phenol production rate during the second incubation was calculated to be 0.094 μM per 1 cm3 of sediment per day (Fig. (Fig.2A2A).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Dehalogenation activities of subseafloor microbes. (A) Debromination of 2,4,6-TBP in a subseafloor sediment slurry from site C0002 in the Nankai Trough Forearc Basin. Arrow indicates the timing of 2,4,6-TBP supplementation. (B) Dechlorination of TCE in the same slurry sample. Sterilized control sediment slurries did not exhibit phenol and/or cis-DCE production (data not shown). (C) Potential debromination pathway of 2,4,6-TBP (solid arrows) and (D) potential dechlorination pathway of TCE (solid arrows) observed. The pathways indicated by dashed arrows were not observed in this experiment.Using the same sediment slurry sample, we also observed dehalogenation activity of trichloroethene (TCE), a substantial pollutant in the natural environment. During an incubation lasting more than 200 days, TCE was almost entirely converted to cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). The subsequent dechlorination step of cis-DCE, which is presumably from cis-DCE to monochloroethene, was not observed during the incubation. The rate of cis-DCE production was calculated as 0.045 μM per 1 cm3 of sediment per day.In conclusion, the observed molecular and activity data suggest that metabolically active dehalorespiring microbes are well represented in marine subsurface sediments and that these microbes may be widely distributed in Pacific Ocean margin sediments. Given the relatively high in vitro activity rates, we expect that subseafloor dehalorespiring microbes play important ecological roles in the biogeochemical cycles of chlorine, iodine, and bromine, as well as in halogenated carbon substrates. The distribution of in situ activity rates, chemical and geophysical constraints, metabolic characteristics of the individual dehalorespiring phylotypes, and genetic and enzymatic mechanisms of the microbes remain to be clarified. Nevertheless, the findings of this study provide new evidence of microbial functioning in the subseafloor ecosystem.  相似文献   

海绵及其共附生微生物的活性物质与化学防御   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海绵及其共附生微生物具有多种化学防御途径,具体表现在能够抵御潜在病原微生物、抗鱼类捕食、阻止污浊生物和降解表面活性剂等方面,这可能与海绵及其共附生微生物产生的活性物质有关。本文对海绵及其共附生微生物的化学防御进行讨论,希望对相关机制的揭示有所帮助。  相似文献   

Sponges (Porifera) are filter feeders that take up microorganisms from seawater and digest them by phagocytosis. At the same time, many sponges are known to harbor massive consortia of symbiotic microorganisms, which are phylogenetically distinct from those in seawater, within the mesohyl matrix. In the present study, feeding experiments were performed to investigate whether phylogenetically different bacterial isolates, hereafter termed “food bacteria,” microbial seawater consortia, and sponge symbiont consortia are taken up and processed differently by the host sponge. Aplysina aerophoba retained high numbers of bacterial isolates and microbial seawater consortia with rates of up to 2.76 × 106 bacteria (g sponge wet weight)–1 h–1, whereas the retention of sponge symbionts was lower by nearly two orders of magnitude [5.37 × 104 bacteria (g sponge wet weight)−1 h–1]. In order to visualize the processing of a food bacterium within sponge tissues, the green fluorescent protein-labeled Vibrio strain MMW1, which had originally been isolated from A. aerophoba, was constructed. Incubation of this strain with A. aerophoba and subsequent visualization in tissue cryosections showed its presence in the choanocytes and/or endopinacocytes lining the canals but, unlike latex beads, not in deeper regions of the mesohyl, which suggests digestion of the bacteria upon contact with the host. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was performed on the incubation seawater to monitor the changes in phylogenetic composition after incubation of the sponge with either seawater or sponge symbiont consortia. However, the DGGE experiment provided no evidence for selective processing of individual lineages by the host sponge. In conclusion, this study extends early studies by Wilkinson et al. (Proc R Soc London B 220:519–528, 1984) that sponges, here A. aerophoba, are able to differentiate between food bacteria and their own bacterial symbionts.  相似文献   

具有多重酶活性的澳大利亚厚皮海绵共附生放线菌的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国南海澳大利亚厚皮海绵分离得到23株放线菌,并对其蛋白酶、琼胶酶、纤维素酶、几丁质酶和酯酶活性进行了筛选,同时基于16S rDNA序列信息对放线菌进行了分子鉴定。研究发现23株放线菌全部具有较强的生物酶活性,其中21株放线菌具有至少3种以上的酶活性,17株具有除酯酶活性以外的4种酶活性。通过序列比对与系统发育分析证实12株放线菌属于链霉菌属(Streptomyces)。这些分离自海绵具有多重生物酶活性的放线菌具有较大的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

构建了中国黄海繁茂膜海绵中细菌16S rDNA克隆,对其遗传多样性进行了分析,发现海绵中相关细菌16S rDNA基因主要归类于紫硫细菌门(Proteobacteria)中的α-亚门、γ-亚门,和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)等类群。所获得的16S rDNA序列与GenBank中的已知序列差异较大,反映出该海绵存在尚未发现的微生物新信息。  相似文献   

从大连海域的繁茂膜海绵 (Hymeniacidonperleve)中分离到 5株具有抗菌活性的放线菌 ,它们分别对白色假丝酵母菌(Candidaalbicans)、枯草芽孢杆菌 (Bacillussubtilis)、稻瘟霉病菌 (Pyriculariaoryzae)等有良好的抑制作用。本文对其中 2株链霉菌的形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特征、细胞壁化学组分、1 6SrRNA序列进行了系统的研究 ,得到种水平的鉴定结果 :Hmp -S1 9为灰色链霉菌 (Streptomycesgriseus) ;Hmp -S2 6为生二素链霉菌 (Streptomycesambofaciens)。  相似文献   

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