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Larval digenean parasites were studied in Littorina obtusata (L.) and L. mariae Sacchi & Rastelli at Sawdern Point in West Wales. Shell parameters, ovipositor and shell colour, penis morphology and sex ratios were scored, and the influence of parasitism studied. A total of 7 species of parasites were found, although the prevalence was very low in L. mariae, especially in the females. The parasitic gigantism that has been described in other species of gastropod was not found in this study. Parasitic castration does occur in some infected male L. obtusata, resulting in severe stunting of the penis. However, this phenomena was never observed in L. mariae. The winkle species are congeneric and inhabit broadly similar niches on the shore; their life histories are however quite different — one being annual and the other perennial. This probably affects exposure to infection, and might explain the differing prevalence of the parasites.  相似文献   

Two intertidal snails, Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1972) (upper eulittoral fringe/maritime zone) and Littorina obtusata (Linnaeus, 1758) (lower eulittoral) were collected from a boulder shore on Nobska Point, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in July and acclimated for 15–20 days at 4 ° or 21 °C. Oxygen consumption rate (Vo2) was determined for 11–15 subsamples of individuals at 4 °, 11 ° and 21 °C with silver/platinum oxygen electrodes. Multiple factor analysis of variance (MFANOVA) of lo10 transformed values of whole animal Vo2 with log10 dry tissue weight (DTW) as a covariant revealed that increased test temperature induced a significant increase in Vo2 in both species (P<0.00001). In contrast, MFANOVA revealed that temperature acclimation did not affect Vo2 in either L. saxatilis (P= 0.35) or L. obtusata (P= 0.095). Thus, neither species displayed a capacity for the typical metabolic temperature compensation marked by an increase in Vo2 at any one test temperature in individuals acclimated to a lower temperature that is characteristic of most ectothermic animals. Lack of capacity for metabolic temperature acclimation has also been reported in other littorinid snail species, and may be characteristic of the group as a whole. Lack of capacity for respiratory temperature acclimation in these two species and other littorinids may reflect the extensive semi-diurnal temperature variation that they are exposed to in their eulittoral and eulittoral fringe/maritime zone habitats. In these habitats, any metabolic benefits derived from longer-term temperature compensation of metabolic rates are negated by extreme daily temperature fluctuations. Instead, littorinid species appear to have evolved mechanisms for immediate metabolic regulation which, in L. saxatilis and L. obtusata and other littorinids, appear to centre on a unique ability for near instantaneous suppression of metabolic rate and entrance into short-term metabolic diapause at temperatures above 20–35 °C, making typical seasonal respiratory compensation mechanisms characteristic of most ectotherms of little adaptive value to littorinid species.  相似文献   

Comparisons among patterns exhibited by functionally distinct genetic markers have been widely used to infer the impacts of demography and selection in structuring genetic variation in natural populations. However, such multilocus comparisons remain an indirect evaluation of selection at particular candidate loci; ideally, the identification of a candidate gene by comparative genetic methodologies should be complemented by functional analyses and experimental manipulations of genotypes in the laboratory or field. We examined genotype frequency variation among replicated intertidal habitats at two spatial scales in the grazing snail Littorina obtusata. Both of the candidate allozyme markers varied predictably with environment, and these patterns were consistent at both spatial scales. Three of four reference loci were spatially homogeneous, but one microsatellite exhibited significant structure at both geographical and mesoscales. To initiate a direct examination of whether the observed genotype frequency variation at one of the candidate markers, mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (MPI), was impacted by differential survivorship of genotypes, we conducted a series of laboratory-based thermal stress assays using snails from two geographically disparate source populations. When snails were exposed to bouts of thermal/desiccation stress, patterns of mortality were nonrandom with respect to MPI genotype. Furthermore, patterns of mortality in the laboratory manipulation coincided with the observed distribution of genotypes in the field. The data suggest the operation of selection at the Mpi or a linked locus, but functional studies and further experimentation are required to establish the relationship between MPI genotype and fitness across heterogeneous intertidal environments.  相似文献   

C. R. Fletcher 《Hydrobiologia》1995,309(1-3):73-87
The strength of molluscan shells has been shown to vary in adaptive ways in a number of species and one of the main factors thought to be involved is shell-crushing by predators. A recent study found that the sibling species of flat periwinkle Littorina obtusata and Littorina mariae showed significant differences in the rates at which shell strength increased with shell length in specimens which had been collected from the same location, where the species were sympatric. This paper describes differences between the shells of the two species from a number of localities around Milford Haven in Dyfed, Wales, and local geographical variation in the shells. Littorina mariae, which is normally found at lower tidal levels than L. obtusata, matures at a smaller shell length. Both species reinforce the shell as they grow since shell strength, determined as the maximum force applied by a hydraulic tensile testing machine before the shell cracked, is strongly positively allometric; it increases at a rate close to the cube of shell length whilst isometric growth would result in strength increasing in proportion to the square of shell length. Because L. mariae matures earlier and reinforces the shell at a smaller size, the mature shell of L. mariae is substantially stronger on average than that of a similar sized but immature L. obtusata. At maturity the shell strengths of the two species are not very different despite the substantial difference in mean shell length. Strength varies significantly from shore to shore, and with the level of the shore from which the animals were collected. Strength increases down the shore in both species. Shell strength decreases with exposure to wave action in L. mariae but increases with exposure in L. obtusata; there is also substantial shore-to-shore variation which is not explained by exposure. Path analysis was used to explore the relationship between shell strength and other measured shell parameters (mass, length, height, thickness). The best predictor of shell strength in both species is a parameter which is heavily positively loaded on LN (shell mass) and strongly offset by negative loadings on LN (shell length) and LN (shell height). This is logical because for a given shell length a heavier shell will be thicker and stronger, whilst for a given shell mass a bigger shell will be thinner and therefore weaker. Such differential variation of shell mass and shell length explains most of the geographical variation observed in shell strength; shells are stronger in snails collected from one place than from another because, for the same shell length they are heavier or, to put it the other way, because at the same shell mass, they are smaller.  相似文献   

Populations of both species of flat periwinkle were examined at five discrete sites along the Severn Estuary, and at a marine site in Dyfed. The vertical distribution of the two species showed a clear partitioning of the shore – Littorina obtusata occupied the high/mid shore and L. mariae the low shore area. L. obtusata also extended further up the Severn Estuary than L. mariae. Maximum densities of both species were found in Milford Haven. Biometric investigations revealed intra and inter-specific differences in colour morphs, shell damage and size between populations. The possible influence of differential selection pressures at the various sites is discussed.  相似文献   

Rough periwinkles are notoriously variable in shell characters. There are many reports of substantial local variation on single shores which not only make identification difficult but also may be difficult to understand in terms of likely selective pressures. We show that despite local variation in southern Britain there is evidence of a broader scale of change which is likely to be explicable in adaptive terms. At the same time, along an extreme environmental gradient on a single shore in south Wales we show that there are changes in morphology which are related to avoidance of water loss.  相似文献   

The status of the four currently recognised species in the Littorina saxatilis species-complex, i.e. Littorina nigrolineata Gray, L. arcana Hannaford Ellis, L. saxatilis (Olivi) and L. neglecta Bean is reviewed briefly, with notes on their characteristic features and location on the shore. Since the taxonomy of these rough periwinkles has only become stable relatively recently much of the previously published information on distribution is of little or no use. In this paper their distribution around the coastline of England and Wales (with some notes on Scotland) is described and discussed. L. saxatilis is found in a wide range of habitats from exposed peninsulas to estuaries on all shores where there is a suitable rocky or stony substrate; also in salt marsh pools. L. arcana has a more restricted distribution and is notably absent along much of the south English coast, central Cardigan Bay and possibly northern Scotland; it is not found in estuaries. L. nigrolineata has an even more restricted distribution, although it occurs both on exposed coasts and in estuaries; it has only been found by us in one locality on the east coast. L. neglecta is probably fairly widely distributed but we have few details so far. The implications of the different patterns of distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrogenous excretion in two snails, Littorina saxatilis (high intertidal) and L. obtusata (low intertidal) was studied in relation to temperature acclimation (at 4° and 21°C), including total N excretion rates, the fraction of urea in N excretion, corresponding O:N ratios and the partitioning of deaminated protein between catabolic and anabolic processes at 4°, 11° and 21°C. Aggregate N excretion rates in both species showed no significant compensatory adjustments following acclimation. Total weight specific N excretion rates at 21°C were higher in standard 3 mg L. saxatilis (739 ng N mg−1 h−1) than standard 5 mg L. obtusata (257 ng N mg−1 h−1) for snails acclimated to 21°C. Comparisons of Q10 values of total weight specific N excretion to Q10 values for weight specific oxygen consumption ({xxV}O2) between 4° to 11 °C and 11° to 21°C indicated that, while total rates of catabolic metabolism ({xxV}O2) and protein deamination in L. obtusata were essentially parallel, the relationship between N excretion and {xxV}O2 in L. saxatilis revealed the partitioning of a larger share of deaminated protein carbon into anabolism at 4° and 21°C than at 11°C. Urea N accounted for a larger share of aggregate N excreted in L. saxatilis than in L. obtusata, but in both species urea N is a greater proportion of total N excreted when acclimated at 4°C (urea N: ammonia N ratio range: 1 to 2.15) than in snails acclimated to 21°C (urea N: ammonia N ratio range: 0.46 to 1.39). Molar O:N ratios indicate that the proportion of metabolism supported by protein catabolism is greater in L. saxatilis (O:N range: 2.5–8.4) than in L. obtusata (O:N range: 7.3–13.0). In both species, regardless of acclimation temperature, the O:N ratios are generally lowest (high protein catabolism) at 4°C and highest at 21°C.  相似文献   

Clines can signal spatially varying selection and therefore have long been used to investigate the role of environmental heterogeneity in maintaining genetic variation. However, clinal patterns alone are not sufficient to reject neutrality or to establish the mechanism of selection. Indirect, inferential methods can be used to address neutrality and mechanism, but fully understanding the adaptive significance of clinal variation ultimately requires a direct approach. Ecological model systems such as the rocky intertidal provide a useful context for direct experimentation and can serve as a complement to studies in more traditional genetic model systems. In this study, we use indirect and direct approaches to investigate the role of environmental heterogeneity in the maintenance of shell colour polymorphism in the flat periwinkle snail, Littorina obtusata. We document replicated clines in shell colour morph frequencies over thermal gradients at two spatial scales, contrasting with patterns at previously reported microsatellite loci. In addition, experimental results demonstrate that that shell colour has predictable effects on shell temperature and that these differences in temperature, in turn, coincide with patterns of survivorship under episodic thermal stress. Direct manipulation of shell colour revealed that shell colour, and not a correlated character, was the target of selection. Our study provides evidence that spatially varying selection via thermal regime contributes to the maintenance of shell colour phenotype variation in L. obtusata in the sampled areas of the Gulf of Maine.  相似文献   

Marine gastropods which do not disperse larvae in the plankton exhibit a relatively high degree of interpopulation morphological variability. This phenomenon has been the root of considerable taxonomic confusion, particularly in the Littorinidae. In the present study, specimens of Littorina obtusata from the UK were compared morphologically and genetically with two samples of a northern high-spired form from Iceland which has been referred to by some workers as Littorina palliata. A multivariate discriminant function analysis based on three measured shell dimensions clearly separated the three samples, correctly predicting the origin of shells on the basis of morphology alone in 96% of cases. However, genetic analysis revealed that the most distant relationship, based on allozyme data at 13 loci, was surprisingly close (Nei's I = 0.983) providing no evidence to suggest that L. palliata is not conspecific with L. obtusata.  相似文献   

Williams  Gray A.  Brailsford  T. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):115-127
Parasitic infection of Littorina obtusata (L.) and Littorina fabalis Turton by larval digeneans was studied in summer (August) and winter (February) on a sheltered shore at St Michael's Island, Isle of Man. Sampling was timed to investigate parasite loading at different stages of the littorinids' life history. Nine species of digeneans were identified and infection rates were similar between the species, with a slightly higher prevalence in females for L. obtusata and males in L. fabalis. Temporal differences in infection were small, although metacercariae and degenerate infections were greater in female L. obtusata in February. Analysis of shell parameters and size of the penis in males and the pallial oviduct in females revealed morphological differences between parasitised and uninfected individuals. Parasitic stunting of the penis was evident in both species and the pallial oviduct was also smaller in parasitised females. There was also a tendency for parasitised individuals to have larger shells; although size also varied with season for L. fabalis.  相似文献   

Characterizing the patterns of hybridization between closely related species is crucial to understand the role of gene flow in speciation. In particular, systems comprising multiple contacts between sister species offer an outstanding opportunity to investigate how reproductive isolation varies with environmental conditions, demography and geographic contexts of divergence. The flat periwinkles, Littorina obtusata and L. fabalis (Gastropoda), are two intertidal sister species with marked ecological differences compatible with late stages of speciation. Although hybridization between the two was previously suggested, its extent across the Atlantic shores of Europe remained largely unknown. Here, we combined genetic (microsatellites and mtDNA) and morphological data (shell and male genital morphology) from multiple populations of flat periwinkles in north‐western Iberia to assess the extent of current and past hybridization between L. obtusata and L. fabalis under two contrasting geographic settings of divergence (sympatry and allopatry). Hybridization signatures based on both mtDNA and microsatellites were stronger in sympatric sites, although evidence for recent extensive admixture was found in a single location. Misidentification of individuals into species based on shell morphology was higher in sympatric than in allopatric sites. However, despite hybridization, species distinctiveness based on this phenotypic trait together with male genital morphology remained relatively high. The observed variation in the extent of hybridization among locations provides a rare opportunity for future studies on the consequences of different levels of gene flow for reinforcement, thus informing about the mechanisms underlying the completion of speciation.  相似文献   

Variation in the shape of the shell in Littorina saxatilis Olivi has been shown to be due largely to the same variables on both the west and the south coasts of Britain, and it exhibits various clines. Two important aspects are the size of the aperture, which becomes relatively larger from the Isle of Man southwards to Cornwall and eastwards from Devon to the Isle of Wight, and the jugosity of the shell, which increases with distance from Cornwall both northwards as far as the Isle of Man and eastwards as far as Kent. Superimposed on the clines are domains of shape, notably one in Lewis/Harris, where the shells have a relatively large aperture, which is long and narrow, coupled with a rather globose second whorl. The local and geographical aspects of shell shape variation are discussed.  相似文献   

N. I. Zaslavskaya 《Hydrobiologia》1995,309(1-3):123-128
Eight species of the genus Littorina were hitherto recognised in the north-western region of the Pacific Ocean: L. sitkana, L. brevicula, L. mandshurica, L. squalida, L. aleutica, L. naticoides, L. kasatka and L. subrotundata. Using allozyme electrophoresis it has been demonstrated that, in the Kurile Islands, three of these species (L. sitkana, L. subrotundata and L. kasatka) co-occur, together with a fourth, still undescribed species (L. sp.). These four species were compared at 16 loci coding for 13 enzymes. All species were easily distinguished by diagnostic enzyme markers. The mean genetic distances and ranges between species pairs are: L. sitkana and L. sp. D = 0.622 (0.561–0.741), L. sitkana and L. subrotundata D=0.981 (0.821–1.110), L. subrotundata and L. sp. D=0.975 (0.955–0.995). The genetic distance between L. kasatka and each of the other three species was greater than 1 (range 1.123–2.087). These data suggest that L. sitkana, L. subrotundata and L. sp could be members of a species complex; according to current classifications these three belong to the subgenus Neritrema. However, the genetic distance between L. kasatka and L. sitkana is much greater than between L. sitkana and other Neritrema species, and thus supports the classification of L. kasatka in the subgenus Littorina.  相似文献   

The patterns of pigment distribution in the shell of the gastropod Littorina obtusata were studied. It was determined that the background coloration of the periwinkle shell resulted from the coloration interaction of the external and internal parts of the ostracum. The coloration of the latter can be monochromatic or twolayer. The external and/or internal zones of the ostracum can be colored purple, white, orange, yellow and greenish. Only 11 of 25 possible color combinations were recorded. Four additional versions of shell background coloration resulted from partial depigmentation of external or internal parts of ostracum. The mottling pattern corresponded to white or depigmented lenticular sites in the external part of the ostracum. The bands on the shell may be subdivided into two groups according to their means of formation. The bands that appeared due to redistribution of pigments forming background coloration belonged to the first group, the bands arising as a layer of additional (white, yellow, orange) pigment belonged to the second group. Various band versions could occur simultaneously in the same individual.  相似文献   

Littorina saxatilis and Littorina arcana collected from a boulder field low in the intertidal zone had a uric acid concentration significantly higher than snails collected from nearby cliff crevices that were at the upper limit of their vertical range on the shore. The absolute concentrations varied with different collections, suggesting a possible seasonal fluctuation in uric acid. L. arcana had a greater concentration of uric acid than did L. saxatilis when both were from the boulder field, but the two did not differ significantly when taken from crevices. Samples from the two sites were marked and transplanted; by four weeks the transplanted animals showed a tendency to develop a uric acid concentration similar to that of natives of the site, suggesting a physiological rather than a genetic adaptation. Xanthine dehydrogenase activity differed between animals from the two sites in the same manner as the uric acid concentration.  相似文献   

Yoshitake Takada 《Hydrobiologia》1995,309(1-3):151-159
Littorina brevicula Philippi is one of the most common snails found in the upper intertidal zone of Japan. In Amakusa, some of the population of L. brevicula migrate to the lower zone in the winter, while the rest stay in the upper zone. Thus, during the winter, which is its reproductive season, the population of L. brevicula divides into two sub-populations. This leads to a hypothesis that the migration pattern in winter is genetically controlled and this behavioural dimorphism is maintained by reproductive isolation between the two sub-populations. In order to test this hypothesis, the following three points were investigated: (1) whether the same snails migrate in a similar way every winter, (2) whether there is a significant tidal level preference in snails, and (3) whether reproductive isolation occurs between the two sub-populations. The results showed (1) the migration behaviour of each snail was consistent over two successive winters, i.e. the same group of snails migrated downward every winter and the same group of snails stayed in the upper zone every winter, (2) transplanted snails moved toward the original zones where they were caught, suggesting that the snails actively selected their tidal zone in winter, and (3) most of the snails copulated within each sub-population. Therefore, reproductive isolation between the two sub-populations was considered to be established to some extent by the dimorphic migration behaviour. In conclusion, the migratory behaviour of L. brevicula is determined separately for each individual and might be genetically controlled, and the behavioural dimorphism may be maintained by partial reproductive isolation between the two sub-populations.  相似文献   

The vertical zonation of the flat periwinkles Littorina obtusata (L.) and L. mariae Sacchi et Rastelli is different, but overlaps. At a sheltered location on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, L. obtusata, although most abundant on Fucus vesiculosus L. and Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. on the midshore, ranged over the entire shore from the Pelvetia zone down to the upper limits of Laminaria. Littorina mariae exhibited a much more restricted distribution being associated predominantly with Fucus serratus L. on the lower shore. In laboratory trials with adult plants, flat periwinkles found fucoid algae both more attractive and more palatable than other seaweeds. Littorina obtusata also preferred the reproductive receptacles of fucoid algae to their vegetative tissue. Tiny germlings of a diversity of seaweeds were readily consumed by L. obtusata. In choice experiments germling Ulva lactuca L. was preferred to adult U. lactuca, whereas adult Fucus serratus was preferred to germling F. serratus. Contrasting foraging behaviours between different species of flat periwinkle are discussed in relation to differences in their radular dentition.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Ulva are widespread and abundant in intertidal and shallow subtidal areas but there are conflicting data regarding susceptibility to herbivory. While some studies have documented that Ulva spp. were favored by a diversity of marine herbivores, other work has revealed herbivore deterrence. We investigated grazing and growth rates of the littorinid species, Littorina littorea and L. obtusata, when offered Fucus vesiculosus, Ascophyllum nodosum, Ulva lactuca, and Chondrus crispus, highlighting distinctive vulnerabilities to toxic effects of U. lactuca. Ulva lactuca was the preferred food of L. littorea, while L. obtusata showed no grazing on this ephemeral algal species. In contrast, F. vesiculosus was highly preferred by L. obtusata. Although L. littorea demonstrated a grazing preference for U. lactuca, growth rate of this gastropod species was nearly 3× greater when fed F. vesiculosus, suggesting a non‐lethal, negative effect of U. lactuca on L. littorea with long‐term exposure. Mortality of L. obtusata ranged from 0% to 100% when held in the presence of various Ulva densities for 1 week, and Ulva exudate depressed herbivory of this gastropod. We conclude that the water‐soluble, toxic exudate produced by U. lactuca in response to herbivory had allelochemical properties, and may contain a cleavage product (acrylic acid) of dimethylsulfoniopropionate or reactive oxygen species (i.e., H2O2). Observed differences in susceptibility to Ulva toxicity by the littorinid species may be related to generalist versus specialist feeding and habitat strategies.  相似文献   

Sphyraena iburiensis sp. nov. is described, and taxonomic reviews are provided for S. obtusata and S. pinguis. These species, characterized by having 2 gill rakers, are defined as the S. obtusata group. Sphyraena iburiensis, known only from the Pacific coast of southern Japan, is characterized by 8.5–9.5 scales above the lateral line, a single row of scales in the groove along the lower margin of the suborbital region from the posterior tip of the maxilla to below the eye (=suborbital groove) not covered with skin, 2 distinct longitudinal stripes on the lateral surface of the body when fresh (upper stripe usually lost in preserved specimens), the lower stripe reaching the caudal-fin base just below the lateral line. Sphyraena obtusata, distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 5–7.5 scales above the lateral line, a single row of scales in the suborbital groove covered with skin, 2 somewhat indistinct longitudinal stripes on the lateral surface of the body when fresh (upper stripe usually lost in preserved specimens), the lower stripe joining the lateral line midway between the end of the second dorsal-fin base and caudal peduncle and extending to the middle of the caudal-fin base. Sphyraena pinguis, distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 7.5–9.5 scales above the lateral line, a single row of scales in the suborbital groove not covered with skin, and a single longitudinal stripe on the lateral surface of the body joining the lateral line slightly before or just below the end of the second dorsal-fin base and extending to the middle of the caudal-fin base. Seven (S. aureoflammea, S. brachygnathos, S. flavicauda, S. grandisquamis, S. langsar, S. lineata, and S. strenua) and 2 (S. chrysotaenia and S. schlegelii) nominal species are regarded as junior synonyms of S. obtusata and S. pinguis, respectively. In addition, lectotypes are designated for S. flavicauda, S. langsar, S. lineata, and S. obtusata. A key to the three species of the S. obtusata group is provided.  相似文献   

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