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Genetic and biochemical studies have shown that the products of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase (UL30) and UL42 genes are both required for viral DNA replication. A number of studies have previously suggested that these two proteins specifically interact, and more recent studies have confirmed that the viral DNA polymerase from HSV-1-infected cells consists of a heterodimer of the UL30 (Pol; the catalytic subunit) and UL42 polypeptides. A comparison of the catalytic properties of the Pol-UL42 complex with those of the isolated subunits of the enzyme purified from recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells indicated that the Pol-UL42 complex is more highly processive than Pol alone on singly primed M13 single-stranded substrates. The results of these studies are consistent with the idea that the UL42 polypeptide is an accessory subunit of the HSV-1 DNA polymerase that acts to increase the processivity of polymerization. Preliminary experiments suggested that the increase in processivity was accompanied by an increase in the affinity of the polymerase for the ends of linear duplex DNA. We have further characterized the effect of the UL42 polypeptide on a defined hairpin primer template substrate. Gel shift and filter binding studies show that the affinity of the Pol catalytic subunit for the 3' terminus of the primer template increases 10-fold in the presence of UL42. DNase I footprinting experiments indicate that the Pol catalytic subunit binds to the primer template at a position that protects 14 bp of the 3' duplex region and an adjacent 18 bases of the single-stranded template. The presence of the UL42 polypeptide results in the additional protection of a contiguous 5 to 14 bp in the duplex region but does not affect the 5' position of the Pol subunit. Free UL42 protects the entire duplex region of the substrate but does not bind to the single-stranded region. Taken together, these results suggest that the increase in processivity in the presence of UL42 is related to the double-stranded DNA-binding activity of free UL42 and that the role of UL42 in the DNA polymerase complex is to act as a clamp, decreasing the probability that the polymerase will dissociate from the template after each cycle of catalysis.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the effects of mutations in the herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA polymerase (Pol) C-terminal UL42 binding domain on the activity of Pol and its ability to form complexes with and be stimulated by UL42 in vitro. Wild-type Pol expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was both bound and stimulated by UL42 in vitro. C-terminal truncations of 19 and 40 amino acids (aa) did not affect the ability of Pol to be stimulated by UL42 in vitro. This stimulation as well as basal Pol activity in the presence of UL42 was inhibited by polyclonal anti-UL42 antiserum, thus indicating a physical interaction between Pol and UL42. Removal of the C-terminal 59 aa of Pol and internal deletions of 72 aa within the Pol C terminus eliminated stimulation by UL42. None of the truncations or deletions within Pol affected basal polymerase activity. In contrast with their ability to be stimulated by UL42, only wild-type Pol and Pol lacking the C-terminal 19 aa bound UL42 in a coimmunoprecipitation assay. These results demonstrate that a functional UL42 binding domain of Pol is separable from sequences necessary for basal polymerase activity and that the C-terminal 40 aa of Pol appear to contain a region which modulates the stability of the Pol-UL42 interaction.  相似文献   

G J Hart  R E Boehme 《FEBS letters》1992,305(2):97-100
The effect that the UL42 protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 has on the DNA polymerase activity of the DNA polymerase catalytic subunit (Pol) of the same virus has been investigated. The observed effects are critically dependent on the salt used and its concentration, such that the UL42 protein may inhibit, have little or no effect on, or activate the Pol activity, depending on the condition used. The observed effects are due to the values for Km(app) for activated DNA and Vmaxapp for Pol and the Pol-UL42 protein complex differently varying with salt concentration.  相似文献   

Chaudhuri M  Parris DS 《Journal of virology》2002,76(20):10270-10281
The DNA polymerase holoenzyme of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a stable heterodimer consisting of a catalytic subunit (Pol) and a processivity factor (UL42). HSV-1 UL42 differs from most DNA polymerase processivity factors in possessing an inherent ability to bind to double-stranded DNA. It has been proposed that UL42 increases the processivity of Pol by directly tethering it to the primer and template (P/T). To test this hypothesis, we took advantage of the different sensitivities of Pol and Pol/UL42 activities to ionic strength. Although the activity of Pol is inhibited by salt concentrations in excess of 50 mM KCl, the activity of the holoenzyme is relatively refractory to changes in ionic strength from 50 to 125 mM KCl. We used nitrocellulose filter-binding assays and real-time biosensor technology to measure binding affinities and dissociation rate constants of the individual subunits and holoenzyme for a short model P/T as a function of the ionic strength of the buffer. We found that as observed for activity, the binding affinity and dissociation rate constant of the Pol/UL42 holoenzyme for P/T were not altered substantially in high- versus low-ionic-strength buffer. In 50 mM KCl, the apparent affinity with which UL42 bound the P/T did not differ by more than twofold compared to that observed for Pol or Pol/UL42 in the same low-ionic-strength buffer. However, increasing the ionic strength dramatically decreased the affinity of UL42 for P/T, such that it was reduced more than 3 orders of magnitude from that of Pol/UL42 in 125 mM KCl. Real-time binding kinetics revealed that much of the reduced affinity could be attributable to an extremely rapid dissociation of UL42 from the P/T in high-ionic-strength buffer. The resistance of the activity, binding affinity, and stability of the holoenzyme for the model P/T to increases in ionic strength, despite the low apparent affinity and poor stability with which UL42 binds the model P/T in high concentrations of salt, suggests that UL42 does not simply tether the Pol to DNA. Instead, it is likely that conformational alterations induced by interaction of UL42 with Pol allow for high-affinity and high-stability binding of the holoenzyme to the P/T even under high-ionic-strength conditions.  相似文献   

C S Chow  D M Coen 《Journal of virology》1995,69(11):6965-6971
The herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase is a heterodimer consisting of a catalytic subunit and the protein UL42, which functions as a processivity factor. It has been hypothesized that UL42 tethers the catalytic subunit to the DNA template by virtue of DNA binding activity (J. Gottlieb, A. I. Marcy, D. M. Coen, and M. D. Challberg, J. Virol. 64:5976-5987, 1990). Relevant to this hypothesis, we identified two linker insertion mutants of UL42 that were unable to bind to a double-stranded-DNA-cellulose column but retained their ability to bind the catalytic subunit. These mutants were severely impaired in the stimulation of long-chain-DNA synthesis by the catalytic subunit in vitro. In transfected cells, the expressed mutant proteins localized to the nucleus but were nonetheless deficient in complementing the growth of a UL42 null virus. Thus, unlike many other processivity factors, UL42 appears to require an intrinsic DNA binding activity for its function both in vitro and in infected cells. Possible mechanisms for the activity of UL42 and its potential as a drug target are discussed.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of the herpes simplex virus UL42 protein.   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
P Digard  C S Chow  L Pirrit    D M Coen 《Journal of virology》1993,67(3):1159-1168
The herpes simplex virus UL42 gene encodes a multifunctional polypeptide (UL42) that is essential for virus DNA replication. To further understand the relationship between the structure of UL42 and the role that it plays during virus replication, we analyzed an extensive set of mutant UL42 proteins for the ability to perform the three major biochemical functions ascribed to the protein:binding to DNA, stably associating with the virus DNA polymerase (Pol), and acting to increase the length of DNA chains synthesized by Pol. Selected mutants were also assayed for their ability to complement the replication of a UL42 null virus. The results indicated that the N-terminal 340 amino acids of UL42 were sufficient for all three biochemical activities and could also support virus replication. Progressive C-terminal truncation resulted in the loss of detectable DNA-binding activity before Pol binding, while several mutations near the N terminus of the polypeptide resulted in an altered interaction with DNA but had no apparent affect on Pol binding. More dramatically, an insertion mutation at residue 160 destroyed the ability to bind Pol but had no effect on DNA binding. This altered polypeptide also failed to increase the length of DNA product synthesized by Pol, and the mutant gene could not complement the growth of a UL42 null virus, indicating that the specific interaction between Pol and UL42 is necessary for full Pol function and for virus replication. This study confirms the validity of the Pol-UL42 interaction as a target for the design of novel therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL42 DNA polymerase processivity factor interacts physically with UL9 and enhances its ability to unwind short, partially duplex DNA. In this report, ATP hydrolysis during translocation of UL9 on single-stranded (ss) or partially duplex DNA was examined in the presence and absence of UL42 to determine the effect of UL42 on the catalytic function of UL9. Our studies reveal that a homodimer of UL9 is sufficient for DNA translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis, and the steady-state ATPase catalytic rate was greater on partially duplex DNA than on ss DNA in the presence or absence of UL42. Although UL42 protein increased the steady-state rate for ATP hydrolysis by UL9 during translocation on either partially duplex or ss DNA, UL42 had no significant effect on the intrinsic ATPase activity of UL9. UL42 also had no effect on the catalytic rate of ATP hydrolysis when UL9 was not limiting but enhanced the steady-state ATPase rate at only subsaturating UL9 concentrations. At subsaturating UL9 to DNA ratios, stoichiometric concentrations of UL42 were shown to increase the amount of UL9 bound to ss DNA at equilibrium. These data support a model whereby UL42 increases the ability of UL9 to load onto DNA, thus increasing its ability to assemble into a functional complex capable of unwinding duplex DNA.  相似文献   

Fifteen temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 were studied with regard to the relationship between their ability to synthesize viral DNA and to induce viral DNA polymerase (DP) activity at permissive (34 C) and nonpermissive (39 C) temperatures. At 34 C, all mutants synthesized viral DNA, while at 39 C four mutants demonstrated a DNA+ phenotype, three were DNA+/-, and eight were DNA-. DNA+ mutants induced levels of DP activity similar to thhose of the wild-type virus at both temperatures, and DNA+/- mutants induced reduced levels of DP activity at 39 C but not at 34 C. Among the DNA- mutants three were DP+, two were DP+/-, and three showed reduced DP activity at 34 C with no DP activity at 39 C. DNA-, DP- mutants induced the synthesis of a temperature-sensitive DP as determined by in vivo studies.  相似文献   

Genetic experiments have shown that the products of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase (UL30) and UL42 genes are both required for viral DNA replication, and a number of studies have suggested that these two proteins specifically interact. We have confirmed and extended these findings. The viral DNA polymerase from HSV-1-infected cells has been purified as a complex containing equimolar quantities of the UL30 (Pol, the catalytic subunit) and UL42 polypeptides. Sedimentation and gel filtration analyses of this complex are consistent with the idea that the complex consists of a heterodimer of Pol and UL42. A complex with identical physical and functional properties was also purified from insect cells coinfected with recombinant baculoviruses expressing the two polypeptides. Therefore, the formation of the Pol-UL42 complex does not require the participation of any other HSV-encoded protein. We have compared the catalytic properties of the Pol-UL42 complex with those of the isolated subunits of the enzyme purified from recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. The specific activity of the catalytic subunit alone was nearly identical to that of the complex when assayed on activated DNA. When assayed on a defined template such as singly primed M13 DNA, however, the combination of Pol and UL42 utilized fewer primers and formed larger products than Pol alone. Template challenge experiments demonstrated that the Pol-UL42 complex was more highly processive than Pol alone. Our data are consistent with the idea that the UL42 polypeptide is an accessory subunit of the DNA polymerase that acts to increase the processivity of polymerization.  相似文献   

The analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase reported here suggests that the polymerase structure consists of domains carrying separate biological functions. The HSV-1 enzyme is known to possess 5'-3'-exonuclease (RNase H), 3'-5'-exonuclease, and DNA polymerase catalytic activities. Sequence analysis suggests an arrangement of these activities into distinct domains resembling the organization of Escherichia coli polymerase I. In order to more precisely define the structure and C-terminal limits of a putative catalytic domain responsible for the DNA polymerization activity of the HSV-1 enzyme, we have undertaken in vitro mutagenesis and computer modeling studies of the HSV-1 DNA polymerase gene. Sequence analysis predicts that the major DNA polymerization domain of the HSV-1 enzyme will be contained between residues 690 and 1100, and we present a three-dimensional model of this region, on the basis of the X-ray crystallographic structure of the E. coli polymerase I. Consistent with these structural and modeling studies, deletion analysis by in vitro mutagenesis of the HSV-1 DNA polymerase gene expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has confirmed that certain amino acids from the C terminus (residues 1073 to 1144 and 1177 to 1235) can be deleted without destroying HSV-1 DNA polymerase catalytic activity and that the extreme N-terminal 227 residues are also not required for this activity.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses replicate their double stranded DNA genomes as high-molecular-weight concatemers which are subsequently cleaved into unit-length genomes by a complex mechanism that is tightly coupled to DNA insertion into a preformed capsid structure, the procapsid. The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL25 protein is incorporated into the capsid during DNA packaging, and previous studies of a null mutant have demonstrated that its function is essential at the late stages of the head-filling process, either to allow packaging to proceed to completion or for retention of the viral genome within the capsid. We have expressed and purified an N-terminally truncated form of the 580-residue UL25 protein and have determined the crystallographic structure of the region corresponding to amino acids 134 to 580 at 2.1-Angstroms resolution. This structure, the first for any herpesvirus protein involved in processing and packaging of viral DNA, reveals a novel fold, a distinctive electrostatic distribution, and a unique "flexible" architecture in which numerous flexible loops emanate from a stable core. Evolutionary trace analysis of UL25 and its homologues in other herpesviruses was used to locate potentially important amino acids on the surface of the protein, leading to the identification of four putative docking regions for protein partners.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) UL42 protein, one of seven herpes-encoded polypeptides that are required for the replication of the HSV-1 genome, is found in a 1:1 complex with the HSV-1 DNA polymerase (Crute, J. J., and Lehman, I. R. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19266-19270). To obtain herpes DNA polymerase free of UL42 protein, we have cloned and overexpressed the Pol gene in a recombinant baculovirus vector and purified the recombinant DNA polymerase to near homogeneity. Replication of singly primed M13mp18 single-stranded DNA by the recombinant enzyme in the presence of the herpes encoded single-stranded DNA-binding protein ICP8 yields in addition to some full-length product a distribution of intermediate length products by a quasi-processive mode of deoxynucleotide polymerization. Addition of the purified UL42 protein results in completely processive polymerization and the generation of full-length products. Similar processivity is observed with the HSV-1 DNA polymerase purified from herpes-infected Vero cells. Processive DNA replication by the DNA polymerase isolated from HSV-1-infected Vero cells or the recombinant DNA polymerase-UL42 protein complex requires that the single-stranded DNA be coated with saturating levels of ICP8. ICP8 which binds single-stranded DNA in a highly cooperative manner is presumably required to melt out regions of secondary structure in the single-stranded DNA template, thereby potentiating the processivity enhancing action of the UL42 protein.  相似文献   

The UL30 protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a catalytically active DNA polymerase which is present in virus infected cells in a heterodimeric complex with an accessory subunit, the UL42 polypeptide. Both proteins are essential for viral DNA synthesis but because the UL42 protein is much more abundant it has been difficult to determine whether its role is related to, or independent of, its interaction with the UL30 protein in vivo. Since the C-terminal region of UL30 has been shown to be important for interaction with the UL42 protein but dispensable for DNA polymerase activity, a recombinant baculovirus which overexpresses a UL30 protein truncated by 27 amino acids at its C-terminus was constructed and used to assess the significance of the protein-protein interaction. The mutated protein was as active as wildtype (wt) UL30 in a DNA polymerase assay in which activated calf thymus DNA was used as template. However, in contrast to the wt protein, the activity of the truncated polymerase on this template was not stimulated by addition of purified UL42. A monoclonal antibody against the UL42 protein co-precipitated the full length but not truncated polymerase from extracts of cells which had been co-infected with a UL42-expressing recombinant baculovirus. Finally, the truncated protein was not active in a transient assay for HSV-1 origin-dependent DNA replication performed in insect cells in tissue culture. These results indicate that sequences at the C-terminus of the UL30 protein which are dispensable for DNA polymerase activity play essential roles both in viral DNA replication and interaction with the UL42 protein, and strongly suggest that the interaction between the proteins is important in vivo.  相似文献   

Purine ribonucleoside monophosphates were found to inhibit chain elongation catalyzed by herpes simplex virus (HSV) DNA polymerase when DNA template-primer concentrations were rate-limiting. Inhibition was fully competitive with DNA template-primer during chain elongation; however, DNA polymerase-associated exonuclease activity was inhibited noncompetitively with respect to DNA. Combinations of 5'-GMP and phosphonoformate were kinetically mutually exclusive in dual inhibitor studies. Pyrimidine nucleoside monophosphates and deoxynucleoside monophosphates were less inhibitory than purine riboside monophosphates. The monophosphates of 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine, Virazole (1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide), 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine, and 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine exerted little or no inhibition. In contrast to HSV DNA polymerase, human DNA polymerase alpha was not inhibited by purine ribonucleoside monophosphates. These studies suggest the possibility of a physiological role of purine ribonucleoside monophosphates as regulators of herpesvirus DNA synthesis and a new approach to developing selective anti-herpesvirus compounds.  相似文献   

Properties of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 DNA polymerase   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) DNA polymerases were highly purified from infected HeLa BU cells by DEAE cellulose, phosphocellulose and DNA cellulose column chromatography. DNA exonuclease activity but not endonuclease activity was found associated with both types of DNA polymerase. Both DNA polymerase activities could be activated by salt in a similar fashion with the optimal activity in the range of ionic strength between 0.22 and 0.29 alpha. At an ionic strength of 0.14, spermidine and putrescine in the concentration range (0--5 mM) studied could mimic the action of KCI in stimulating DNA polymerase activity. Spermine, in the same concentration range, had a biphasic effect. At an ionic strength of 0.29 all three polyamines were inhibitory. HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA polymerase are similar in their column chromatographic behavior, sedimentation rate in sucrose gradient centrifugation, and activation energy, but they differ in their heat stability at 45 degrees C with the HSV-2 enzyme more stable than the HSV-1 enzyme. Kinetic behavior of both enzymes is similar, with Km values for deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in the range of 5 . 10(-7) to 1.8 . 10(-8) M. IdUTP and dUTP served as apparent competitive inhibitors with respect to dTTP, and AraATP acted as an apparent competitive inhibitor with respect to dATP. AraATP could not replace dATP in the DNA polymerization reaction; in contrast, IdUTP could replace TTP. Phosphonoformic acid behaved as an uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to DNA. The ID(50) value estimated was foind to be dependent on the purity of the DNA polymerase used and the ionic strength of the assay condition. Each DNA-polymerase associated DNA exonuclease had the same stability at 45 degrees C as its DNA polymerase. The associated DNAase activity was inhibited by phosphonoformic acid and high ionic strength of the assay condition.  相似文献   

Purified preparations of herpes simplex virus type 2 DNA polymerase made by many different laboratories always contain at least two polypeptides. The major one, of about 150,000 molecular weight, has been associated with the polymerase activity. The second protein, of about 54,000 molecular weight, which we previously designated ICSP 34, 35, has now been purified. The purified protein has been used to prepare antisera (both polyclonal rabbit serum and monoclonal antibodies). These reagents have been used to characterize the protein, to demonstrate its quite distinct map location from that of the DNA polymerase on the herpes simplex virus genome, and to demonstrate the close association between the two polypeptides.  相似文献   

The UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that is myristylated, palmitylated, and phosphorylated and is found on the cytoplasmic faces of nuclear, Golgi apparatus-derived, and plasma membranes of infected cells. Although this protein is thought to play a role in virus budding, its specific function is unknown. Purified virions were found to contain approximately 700 copies of the UL11 protein per particle, making it an abundant component of the tegument. Moreover, comparisons of cell-associated and virion-associated UL11 showed that packaging is selective for underphosphorylated forms, as has been reported for several other tegument proteins. Although the mechanism by which UL11 is packaged is unknown, previous studies have identified several sequence motifs in the protein that are important for membrane binding, intracellular trafficking, and interaction with UL16, another tegument protein. To ascertain whether any of these motifs are needed for packaging, a transfection/infection-based assay was used in which mutant forms of the protein must compete with the wild type. In this assay, the entire C-terminal half of UL11 was found to be dispensable. In the N-terminal half, the sites of myristylation and palmitylation, which enable membrane-binding and Golgi apparatus-specific targeting, were found to be essential for efficient packaging. The acidic cluster motif, which is not needed for Golgi apparatus-specific targeting but is involved in recycling the protein from the plasma membrane and for the interaction with UL16, was found to be essential, too. Thus, something other than mere localization of UL11 to Golgi apparatus-derived membranes is needed for packaging. The critical factor is unlikely to be the interaction with UL16 because other mutants that fail to bind this protein (due to removal of the dileucine-like motif or substitutions with foreign acidic clusters) were efficiently packaged. Collectively, these results suggest that UL11 packaging is not driven by a passive mechanism but instead requires trafficking through a specific pathway.  相似文献   

The product of the U(L)11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a 96-amino-acid tegument protein that accumulates on the cytoplasmic face of internal membranes. Although it is thought to be important for nucleocapsid envelopment and egress, the actual function of this protein is unknown. Previous studies focused on the characterization of sequence elements within the UL11 protein that function in membrane binding and trafficking to the Golgi apparatus. Binding was found to be mediated by two fatty acyl groups (myristate and palmitate), while an acidic cluster and a dileucine motif were identified as being important for the recycling of UL11 from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus. The goal of the experiments described here was to identify and characterize binding partners (viral or cellular) of UL11. Using both immunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assays, we identified a 40-kDa protein that specifically associates with UL11 from infected Vero cells. Mutational analyses revealed that the acidic cluster and the dileucine motif are required for this association, whereas the entire second half of UL11 is not. In addition, UL11 homologs from pseudorabies and Marek's disease herpesviruses were also found to be capable of binding to the 40-kDa protein from HSV-1-infected cells, suggesting that the interaction is conserved among alphaherpesviruses. Purification and analysis of the 40-kDa protein by mass spectrometry revealed that it is the product of the U(L)16 gene, a virion protein reported to be involved in nucleocapsid assembly. Cells transfected with a UL16-green fluorescent protein expression vector produced a protein that was of the expected size, could be pulled down with GST-UL11, and accumulated in a Golgi-like compartment only when coexpressed with UL11, indicating that the interaction does not require any other viral products. These data represent the first steps toward elucidating the network of tegument proteins that UL11 links to membranes.  相似文献   

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