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Jun Y  Xu H  Thorngren N  Wickner W 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(24):4935-4945
Intracellular membrane fusion requires SNARE proteins in a trans-complex, anchored to apposed membranes. Proteoliposome studies have suggested that SNAREs drive fusion by stressing the lipid bilayer via their transmembrane domains (TMDs), and that SNARE complexes require a TMD in each docked membrane to promote fusion. Yeast vacuole fusion is believed to require three Q-SNAREs from one vacuole and the R-SNARE Nyv1p from its fusion partner. In accord with this model, we find that fusion is abolished when the TMD of Nyv1p is replaced by lipid anchors, even though lipid-anchored Nyv1p assembles into trans-SNARE complexes. However, normal fusion is restored by the addition of both Sec18p and the soluble SNARE Vam7p. In restoring fusion, Sec18p promotes the disassembly of trans-SNARE complexes, and Vam7p enhances their assembly. Thus, either the TMD of this R-SNARE is not essential for fusion, and TMD-mediated membrane stress is not the only mode of trans-SNARE complex action, or these SNAREs have more flexibility than heretofore appreciated to form alternate functional complexes that violate the 3Q:1R rule.  相似文献   

Actin participates in several intracellular trafficking pathways. We now find that actin, bound to the surface of purified yeast vacuoles in the absence of cytosol or cytoskeleton, regulates the last compartment mixing stage of homotypic vacuole fusion. The Cdc42p GTPase is known to be required for vacuole fusion. We now show that proteins of the Cdc42p-regulated actin remodeling cascade (Cdc42p --> Cla4p --> Las17p/Vrp1p --> Arp2/3 complex --> actin) are enriched on isolated vacuoles. Vacuole fusion is dramatically altered by perturbation of the vacuole-bound actin, either by mutation of the ACT1 gene, addition of specific actin ligands such as latrunculin B or jasplakinolide, antibody to the actin regulatory proteins Las17p (yeast Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein) or Arp2/3, or deletion of actin regulatory genes. On docked vacuoles, actin is enriched at the "vertex ring" membrane microdomain where fusion occurs and is required for the terminal steps leading to membrane fusion. This role for actin may extend to other trafficking systems.  相似文献   

Vesicular traffic is essential for sporulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Golgi-associated retrograde protein (GARP) tethering complex is required for retrograde traffic from both the early and late endosomes to the Golgi. Analyses of GARP complex mutants in sporulation reveal defects in meiotic progression and spore formation. In contrast, inactivation of the retromer complex, which mediates vesicle budding and cargo selection from the late endosome, or Snx4p, which is involved in retrieval of proteins from the early endosome, has little effect on sporulation. A retromer GARP double mutant is defective in the formation of the prospore membrane (PSM) that surrounds the haploid nuclei. In the retromer GARP double mutant, PSM precursor vesicles carrying the cargo, Dtr1p, are transported to the spindle pole body (SPB), where PSM formation is initiated. However, the v-SNARE Snc1p is not transported to the SPB in the double mutant, suggesting that the defect in PSM formation is because of the failure to retrieve Snc1p, and perhaps other proteins, from the endosomal pathway. Taken together, these results indicate that retrograde trafficking from the endosome is essential for sporulation by retrieving molecules important for PSM and spore wall formation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1377-1386
Protein translocation into the yeast endoplasmic reticulum requires the transport of ATP into the lumen of this organelle. Microsomal ATP transport activity was reconstituted into proteoliposomes to characterize and identify the transporter protein. A polypeptide was purified whose partial amino acid sequence demonstrated its identity to the product of the SAC1 gene. Accordingly, microsomal membranes isolated from strains harboring a deletion in the SAC1 gene (sac1 delta) were found to be deficient in ATP-transporting activity as well as severely compromised in their ability to translocate nascent prepro- alpha-factor and preprocarboxypeptidase Y. Proteins isolated from the microsomal membranes of a sac1 delta strain were incapable of stimulating ATP transport when reconstituted into the in vitro assay system. When immunopurified to homogeneity and incorporated into artificial lipid vesicles, Sac1p was shown to reconstitute ATP transport activity. Consistent with the requirement for ATP in the lumen of the ER to achieve the correct folding of secretory proteins, the sac1 delta strain was shown to have a severe defect in transport of procarboxypeptidase Y out of the ER and into the Golgi complex in vivo. The collective data indicate an intimate role for Sac1p in the transport of ATP into the ER lumen.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive secretory mutants (sec) of S. cerevisiae have been used to evaluate the organelles and cellular functions involved in transport of the vacuolar glycoprotein, carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). Others have shown that CPY (61 kd) is synthesized as an inactive proenzyme (69 kd) that is matured by cleavage of an 8 kd amino-terminal propeptide. sec mutants that are blocked in either of two early stages in the secretory process and accumulate endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi bodies also accumulate precursor forms of CPY when cells are incubated at the nonpermissive temperature (37°C). These forms are converted to a proper size when cells are returned to a permissive temperature (25°C). Vacuoles isolated from sec mutant cells do not contain the proCPY produced at 37°C. These results suggest that vacuolar and secretory glycoproteins require the same cellular functions for transport from the endoplasmic reticulum and from the Golgi body. The Golgi body represents a branch point in the pathway: from this organelle, vacuolar proenzymes are transported to the vacuole for proteolytic processing and secretory proteins are packaged into vesicles.  相似文献   

Mon1 and Ccz1 were identified from a gene deletion library as mutants defective in the vacuolar import of aminopeptidase I (Ape1) via the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway. The mon1Delta and ccz1Delta strains also displayed defects in autophagy and pexophagy, degradative pathways that share protein machinery and mechanistic features with the biosynthetic Cvt pathway. Further analyses indicated that Mon1, like Ccz1, was required in nearly all membrane-trafficking pathways where the vacuole represented the terminal acceptor compartment. Accordingly, both deletion strains had kinetic defects in the biosynthetic delivery of resident vacuolar hydrolases through the CPY, ALP, and MVB pathways. Biochemical and microscopy studies suggested that Mon1 and Ccz1 functioned after transport vesicle formation but before (or at) the fusion step with the vacuole. Thus, ccz1Delta and mon1Delta are the first mutants identified in screens for the Cvt and Apg pathways that accumulate precursor Ape1 within completed cytosolic vesicles. Subcellular fractionation and co-immunoprecipitation experiments confirm that Mon1 and Ccz1 physically interact as a stable protein complex termed the Ccz1-Mon1 complex. Microscopy of Ccz1 and Mon1 tagged with a fluorescent marker indicated that the Ccz1-Mon1 complex peripherally associated with a perivacuolar compartment and may attach to the vacuole membrane in agreement with their proposed function in fusion.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is devoid of lipid-synthesizing enzymes, but contains all classes of bilayer-forming lipids. As the lipid composition of the plasma membrane does not match any of the intracellular membranes, specific trafficking of lipids from internal membranes, especially the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi, to the cell periphery is required. Although the secretory pathway is an obvious route to translocate glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids and sterols to the plasma membrane, experimental evidence for the role of this pathway in lipid transport is rare. Addressing this issue in a systematic way, we labeled temperature-sensitive secretory yeast mutants (sec mutants) with appropriate lipid precursors, isolated the plasma membranes at high purity and quantified labeled lipids of this compartment. Shifting sec mutants to the restrictive temperature reduced transport of both proteins and lipids to the plasma membrane, indicating that the latter compounds are also trafficked to the cell periphery through the protein secretory pathway. However, efficient sec blocks did not abrogate protein and lipid transport, suggesting that parallel pathway(s) for the translocation of membrane components to the plasma membrane of yeast must exist.  相似文献   

In nutrient-rich, vegetative conditions, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae transports a resident protease, aminopeptidase I (API), to the vacuole by the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway, thus contributing to the degradative capacity of this organelle. When cells subsequently encounter starvation conditions, the machinery that recruited precursor API (prAPI) also sequesters bulk cytosol for delivery, breakdown, and recycling in the vacuole by the autophagy pathway. Each of these overlapping alternative transport pathways is specifically mobilized depending on environmental cues. The basic mechanism of cargo packaging and delivery involves the formation of a double-membrane transport vesicle around prAPI and/or bulk cytosol. Upon completion, these Cvt and autophagic vesicles are targeted to the vacuole to allow delivery of their lumenal contents. Key questions remain regarding the origin and formation of the transport vesicle. In this study, we have cloned the APG9/CVT7 gene and characterized the gene product. Apg9p/Cvt7p is the first characterized integral membrane protein required for Cvt and autophagy transport. Biochemical and morphological analyses indicate that Apg9p/Cvt7p is localized to large perivacuolar punctate structures, but does not colocalize with typical endomembrane marker proteins. Finally, we have isolated a temperature conditional allele of APG9/CVT7 and demonstrate the direct role of Apg9p/Cvt7p in the formation of the Cvt and autophagic vesicles. From these results, we propose that Apg9p/Cvt7p may serve as a marker for a specialized compartment essential for these vesicle-mediated alternative targeting pathways.  相似文献   

The metalloreductase Fre6p in Fe-efflux from the yeast vacuole   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The yeast vacuole is the storage depot for cellular iron. In this report we quantify the import-export balance in the vacuole because of the import of iron by Ccc1p and to export by the combined activity of Smf3p and the ferroxidase, permease pair of proteins, Fet5p and Fth1p. Our data indicate that the two efflux pathways are equally efficient in trafficking iron out of the vacuole. A major focus of this work was to identify the ferrireductase(s) that supplies the Fe(II) for efflux whether by Smf3p or the Fet5p-Fth1p complex. Using a combination of flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry to quantify vacuolar and whole cell iron content and a reporter assay for cytoplasmic iron we demonstrate that Fre6p supplies Fe(II) to both efflux systems, while Fre7p plays no role in Fe-efflux from the vacuole. Enzymatic assay shows the two fusions to have similar reductase activity, however. Confocal fluorescence microscopy demonstrates that Fre6:GFP localizes to the vacuolar membrane; in contrast, Fre7:GFP fusions exhibit a variable and diffuse cellular distribution. Demonstrating a role for a vacuolar metalloreductase in Fe-efflux supports the model that iron is stored in the vacuole in the ferric state.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion and protein trafficking to the vacuole are complex processes involving many proteins and lipids. Cytosol from Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a high Mr activity, which stimulates the in vitro homotypic fusion of isolated yeast vacuoles. Here we purify this activity and identify it as enolase (Eno1p and Eno2p). Enolase is a cytosolic glycolytic enzyme, but a small portion of enolase is bound to vacuoles. Recombinant Eno1p or Eno2p stimulates in vitro vacuole fusion, as does a catalytically inactive mutant enolase, suggesting a role for enolase in fusion that is separate from its glycolytic function. Either deletion of the non-essential ENO1 gene or diminished expression of the essential ENO2 gene causes vacuole fragmentation in vivo, reflecting reduced fusion. Combining an ENO1 deletion with ENO2-deficient expression causes a more severe fragmentation phenotype. Vacuoles from enolase 1 and 2-deficient cells are unable to fuse in vitro. Immunoblots of vacuoles from wild type and mutant strains reveal that enolase deficiency also prevents normal protein sorting to the vacuole, exacerbating the fusion defect. Band 3 has been shown to bind glycolytic enzymes to membranes of mammalian erythrocytes. Bor1p, the yeast band 3 homolog, localizes to the vacuole. Its loss results in the mislocalization of enolase and other vacuole fusion proteins. These studies show that enolase stimulates vacuole fusion and that enolase and Bor1p regulate selective protein trafficking to the vacuole.  相似文献   

To survive starvation conditions, eukaryotes have developed an evolutionarily conserved process, termed autophagy, by which the vacuole/lysosome mediates the turnover and recycling of non-essential intracellular material for re-use in critical biosynthetic reactions. Morphological and biochemical studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have elucidated the basic steps and mechanisms of the autophagy pathway. Although it is a degradative process, autophagy shows substantial overlap with the biosynthetic cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway that delivers resident hydrolases to the vacuole. Recent molecular genetics analyses of mutants defective in autophagy and the Cvt pathway, apg, aut, and cvt, have begun to identify the protein machinery and provide a molecular resolution of the sequestration and import mechanism that are characteristic of these pathways. In this study, we have identified a novel protein, termed Apg2, required for both the Cvt and autophagy pathways as well as the specific degradation of peroxisomes. Apg2 is required for the formation and/or completion of cytosolic sequestering vesicles that are needed for vacuolar import through both the Cvt pathway and autophagy. Biochemical studies revealed that Apg2 is a peripheral membrane protein. Apg2 localizes to the previously identified perivacuolar compartment that contains Apg9, the only characterized integral membrane protein that is required for autophagosome/Cvt vesicle formation.  相似文献   

SNAREs on transport vesicles and target membranes are required for vesicle targeting and fusion. Here we describe a novel yeast protein with a typical SNARE motif but with low overall amino acid homologies to other SNAREs. The protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and was therefore named Use1p (unconventional SNARE in the ER). A temperature-sensitive use1 mutant was generated. use1 mutant cells accumulated the ER forms of carboxypeptidase Y and invertase. More specific assays revealed that use1 mutant cells were defective in retrograde traffic to the ER. This was supported by strong genetic interactions between USE1 and the genes encoding SNAREs in retrograde traffic to the ER. Antibodies directed against Use1p co-immunoprecipitated the SNAREs Ufe1p, myc-Sec20p and Sec22p, which form a SNARE complex required for retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER, but neither Bos1p nor Bet1p (members of the SNARE complex in anterograde traffic to the Golgi). Therefore, we conclude that Use1p is a novel SNARE protein that functions in retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER.  相似文献   

In yeast, ubiquitin plays a central role in proteolysis of a multitude of proteins and serves also as a signal for endocytosis of many plasma membrane proteins. We showed previously that ubiquitination of the general amino acid permease (Gap1) is essential to its endocytosis followed by vacuolar degradation. These processes occur when NH(4)(+), a preferential source of nitrogen, is added to cells growing on proline or urea, i.e. less favored nitrogen sources. In this study, we show that Gap1 is ubiquitinated on two lysine residues in the cytosolic N terminus (positions 9 and 16). A mutant Gap1 in which both lysines are mutated (Gap1(K9K16)) remains fully stable at the plasma membrane after NH(4)(+) addition. Furthermore, each of the two lysines harbors a poly-ubiquitin chain in which ubiquitin is linked to the lysine 63 of the preceding ubiquitin. The Gap1(K9) and Gap1(K16) mutants, in which a single lysine is mutated, are down-regulated in response to NH(4)(+) although more slowly. In proline-grown cells lacking Npr1, a protein kinase involved in the control of Gap1 trafficking, newly synthesized Gap1 is sorted from the Golgi to the vacuole without passing through the plasma membrane (accompanying article, De Craene, J.-O., Soetens, O., and André, B. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 43939-43948). We show here that ubiquitination of Gap1 is also required for this direct sorting to the vacuole. In an npr1Delta mutant, neosynthesized Gap1(K9K16) is rerouted to and accumulates at the plasma membrane. Finally, Bul1 and Bul2, two proteins interacting with Npi1/Rsp5, are essential to ubiquitination and down-regulation of cell-surface Gap1, as well as to sorting of neosynthesized Gap1 to the vacuole, as occurs in an npr1Delta mutant. Our results reveal a novel role of ubiquitin in the control of Gap1 trafficking, i.e. direct sorting from the late secretory pathway to the vacuole. This result reinforces the growing evidence that ubiquitin plays an important role not only in internalization of plasma membrane proteins but also in their sorting in the endosomes and/or trans-Golgi.  相似文献   

The vacuole of Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays essential roles not only for osmoregulation and ion homeostasis but also down-regulation (degradation) of cell surface proteins and protein and organellar turnover. Genetic selections and genome-wide screens in S. cerevisiae have resulted in the identification of a large number of genes required for delivery of proteins to the vacuole. Although the complete genome sequence of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been reported, there have been few reports on the proteins required for vacuolar protein transport and vacuolar biogenesis in S. pombe. Recent progress in the S. pombe genome project of has revealed that most of the genes required for vacuolar biogenesis and protein transport are conserved between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae. This suggests that the basic machinery of vesicle-mediated protein delivery to the vacuole is conserved between the two yeasts. Identification and characterization of the fission yeast counterparts of the budding yeast Vps and Vps-related proteins have facilitated our understanding of protein transport pathways to the vacuole in S. pombe. This review focuses on the recent advances in vesicle-mediated protein transport to the vacuole in S. pombe.  相似文献   

It was known that the uptake of tryptophan is reduced in the yeast erg6 mutant, which is defective in a late step of ergosterol biosynthesis. Here, we show that this is because the high affinity tryptophan permease Tat2p is not targeted to the plasma membrane. In wild-type cells, the plasma membrane localization of Tat2p is regulated by the external tryptophan concentration. Tat2p is transported from the Golgi apparatus to the vacuole at high tryptophan, and to the plasma membrane at low tryptophan. However, in the erg6 mutant, Tat2p is missorted to the vacuole at low tryptophan. The plasma membrane targeting of Tat2p is dependent on detergent-insoluble membrane domains, suggesting that sterol affects the sorting through the organization of lipid rafts. The erg6 mutation also caused missorting to the multivesicular body pathway in late endosomes. Thus, sterol composition is crucial for protein sorting late in the secretory pathway. Tat2p is subject to polyubiquitination, which acts as a vacuolar-targeting signal, and the inhibition of this process suppresses the Tat2p sorting defects of the erg6 mutant. The sorting mechanisms of Tat2p that depend on both sterol and ubiquitin will be discussed.  相似文献   

Müller O  Johnson DI  Mayer A 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(20):5657-5665
Membrane fusion reactions have been considered to be primarily regulated by Rab GTPases. In the model system of homotypic vacuole fusion in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we show that Cdc42p, a member of the Rho family of GTPases, has a direct role in membrane fusion. Genetic evidence suggested a relationship between Cdc42p and Vtc1p/Nrf1p, a central part of the vacuolar membrane fusion machinery. Vacuoles from cdc42 temperature-sensitive mutants are deficient for fusion at the restrictive temperature. Specific amino acid changes on the Cdc42p protein surface in these mutants define the putative interaction domain that is crucial for its function in membrane fusion. Affinity-purified antibodies to this domain inhibited the in vitro fusion reaction. Using these antibodies in kinetic analyses and assays for subreactions of the priming, docking and post-docking phase of the reaction, we show that Cdc42p action follows Ypt7p-dependent tethering, but precedes the formation of trans-SNARE complexes. Thus, our data define an effector binding domain of Cdc42p by which it regulates the docking reaction of vacuole fusion.  相似文献   

We have been studying protein components that function in the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway and the overlapping process of macroautophagy. The Vac8 and Apg13 proteins are required for the import of aminopeptidase I (API) through the Cvt pathway. We have identified a protein-protein interaction between Vac8p and Apg13p by both two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Subcellular fractionation of API indicates that Vac8p and Apg13p are involved in the vesicle formation step of the Cvt pathway. Kinetic analysis of the Cvt pathway and autophagy indicates that, although Vac8p is essential for Cvt transport, it is less important for autophagy. In vivo phosphorylation experiments demonstrate that both Vac8p and Apg13p are phosphorylated proteins, and Apg13p phosphorylation is regulated by changing nutrient conditions. Although Apg13p interacts with the serine/threonine kinase Apg1p, this protein is not required for phosphorylation of either Vac8p or Apg13p. Subcellular fractionation experiments indicate that Apg13p and a fraction of Apg1p are membrane-associated. Vac8p and Apg13p may be part of a larger protein complex that includes Apg1p and additional interacting proteins. Together, these components may form a protein complex that regulates the conversion between Cvt transport and autophagy in response to changing nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

C R Cowles  W B Snyder  C G Burd    S D Emr 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(10):2769-2782
More than 40 vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutants have been identified which secrete proenzyme forms of soluble vacuolar hydrolases to the cell surface. A subset of these mutants has been found to show selective defects in the sorting of two vacuolar membrane proteins. Under non-permissive conditions, vps45tsf (SEC1 homolog) and pep12/vps6tsf (endosomal t-SNARE) mutants efficiently sort alkaline phosphatase (ALP) to the vacuole while multiple soluble vacuolar proteins and the membrane protein carboxypeptidase yscS (CPS) are no longer delivered to the vacuole. Vacuolar localization of ALP in these mutants does not require transport to the plasma membrane followed by endocytic uptake, as double mutants of pep12tsf and vps45tsf with sec1 and end3 sort and mature ALP at the non-permissive temperature. Given the demonstrated role of t-SNAREs such as Pep12p in transport vesicle recognition, our results indicate that ALP and CPS are packaged into distinct transport intermediates. Consistent with ALP following an alternative route to the vacuole, isolation of a vps41tsf mutant revealed that at non-permissive temperature ALP is mislocalized while vacuolar delivery of CPS and CPY is maintained. A series of domain-swapping experiments was used to define the sorting signal that directs selective packaging and transport of ALP. Our data demonstrate that the amino-terminal 16 amino acid portion of the ALP cytoplasmic tail domain contains a vacuolar sorting signal which is responsible for the active recognition, packaging and transport of ALP from the Golgi to the vacuole via a novel delivery pathway.  相似文献   

vps33 mutants missort and secrete multiple vacuolar hydrolases and exhibit extreme defects in vacuolar morphology. Toward a molecular understanding of the role of the VPS33 gene in vacuole biogenesis, we have cloned this gene from a yeast genomic library by complementation of a temperature-sensitive vps33 mutation. Gene disruption demonstrated that VPS33 was not essential but was required for growth at high temperatures. At the permissive temperature, vps33 null mutants exhibited defects in vacuolar protein localization and vacuole morphology similar to those seen in most of the original mutant alleles. Sequence analysis revealed a putative open reading frame sufficient to encode a protein of 691 amino acids. Hydropathy analysis indicated that the deduced product of the VPS33 gene is generally hydrophilic, contains no obvious signal sequence or transmembrane domains, and is therefore unlikely to enter the secretory pathway. Polyclonal antisera raised against TrpE-Vps33 fusion proteins recognized a protein in yeast cells of the expected molecular weight, approximately 75,000. In cell fractionation studies, Vps33p behaved as a cytosolic protein. The predicted VPS33 gene product possessed sequence similarity with a number of ATPases and ATP-binding proteins specifically in their ATP-binding domains. One vps33 temperature-sensitive mutant contained a missense mutation near this region of sequence similarity; the mutation resulted in a Leu-646----Pro substitution in Vps33p. This temperature-sensitive mutant strain contained normal vacuoles at the permissive temperature but lacked vacuoles specifically in the bud at the nonpermissive temperature. Our data suggest that Vps33p acts in the cytoplasm to facilitate Golgi-to-vacuole protein delivery. We propose that as a consequence of the vps33 protein-sorting defects, abnormalities in vacuolar morphology and vacuole assembly result.  相似文献   

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