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A selection experiment was initiated in 1996 in which selection for (HP line) and against (LP line) feather pecking was performed. The foundation stock was a White Leghorn layer strain established in 1970 and maintained since then as a random bred control line at the Institute. Six hatches were produced over three generations. At the age of 68 weeks (generation 0, 1996), 35 weeks (generation 1, 1997), 30 weeks (generation 2, 1998), and 27 weeks (generation 3, 1999) female birds were transferred to observation pens and their feather pecking behaviour was recorded. In each generation, 30 females and 8 males were selected from approximately 200 females and 60 males. The selection criterion was breeding value estimated by animal model on the trait 'number of bouts of feather pecking per bird per hour'.Feather pecking behaviour in adult hens was significantly higher in HP than in LP. In generation 2 the following was recorded: 3.10 versus 1.37 bouts per bird per hour (P<0.01), 7.04 versus 3.58 pecks per bird per hour (P<0.05) and the proportion of hens recorded feather pecking in the 180min observation period was 67 versus 56% (P<0.05). In generation 3 the following was recorded: 4.56 versus 0.63 bouts per bird per hour (P<0.001), 13.9 versus 2.51 pecks per bird per hour (P<0.001) and the proportion of hens recorded feather pecking in the 180min observation period was 75 versus 49% (P<0.001).In generation 3, plumage condition was better in LP on neck, breast, back, wings and tail, as well as overall (P<0.001). Body weight did not differ between lines in generation 2, but in generation 3, HP hens were on average heavier than LP hens at the age of 27 weeks (1435g versus 1371g, P<0.001).  相似文献   

Ovine LH and ovine FSH stimulated progesterone production in granulosa cells isolated from the F1, F2 and F3 follicles of hypophysectomized and control (sham-operation) hens when they were collected 6 h after operation, but the steroidogenic response to LH was greater for granulosa cells from hypophysectomized hens. At 15 h after operation progesterone production by granulosa cells was stimulated by LH in all 3 follicle types of control hens, but only in the F1 follicles of hypophysectomized hens. The response to FSH at 15 h was similar for control and hypophysectomized hens. The time after hypophysectomy therefore appears to affect the LH-stimulated progesterone production by granulosa cells of the F2 and F3 follicles.  相似文献   

Diets containing 3.5, 1.0 and 0.1% calcium were fed from the age of 42 weeks to individually caged laying hens. Ovaries were examined at 46-49 and 70 weeks of age for changes in the follicular population corresponding to the lowered egg production rates of birds given calcium-deficient diets (1.0% and 0.1%) and older birds given a normal diet (3.5%). Growth rates of follicles from 3.5 mm diameter to ovulation were not changed by the level of dietary calcium in 46-49-week-old birds. The number of atretic small follicles (less than or equal to 8 mm diam.) increased in old and calcium-deprived birds, resulting in lower numbers of viable follicles in the intermediate stages of growth (3-8 mm diam.). There was also an increase in the number of small follicles (1-2 mm diam.) starting to grow in 70-week-old birds which may have partly compensated for the increased loss by atresia. Birds of all ages on all diets were able to produce large follicles up to ovulable size. The main feature of poor laying birds was a reduction in the ovulation rate due to the loss of large follicles (greater than 8 mm diam.) by atresia, an event seen rarely in the birds with good laying performance. As atresia is the normal fate of most of the small follicles, the mechanisms controlling atresia in the small follicles and the large follicles appear to be independent.  相似文献   

Explants of pig small intestine were maintained at 37 degrees C in organ culture for periods up to 24 h in a system using Trowell T-8 medium supplemented with 10% foetal-calf serum. The mucosal morphology was well preserved during culture, as judged by light and electron microscopy. The explant contents of protein and two brush-border enzymes, microvillus aminopeptidase (EC and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (EC, were not significantly modified during culture compared with controls, but a moderate, continuous release of both protein and enzyme activities into the medium was observed. Continuous labelling with [35S]methionine resulted in an even incorporation of radioactivity in the protein components, and the rate of labelling only moderately decreased over the 24 h period. The polypeptide compositions of sucrase (EC (EC, maltase--glucoamylase (EC lactase (EC hydrolase (EC, microvillus aminopeptidase and aspartate aminopeptidase (EC synthesized during culture were studied, and some were found to be similar to those of the pro-forms of the enzymes isolated from animals that had had their pancreatic duct disconnected 3 days before being killed. These results confirmed earlier findings of the existence of pro-forms of some of the microvillar enzymes and thus indicate a low activity of pancreatic proteinases in the culture system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to localize major histocompatibility complex class II positive (MHC-II+) cells in the hen ovary, and to determine the effects of ageing and sex steroids on their frequency. Cryostat sections of ovarian tissues of immature, young laying and old laying hens and those of immature hens treated with or without diethylstilboestrol or progesterone were prepared. Sections were immunostained for MHC class II antigens using mouse anti-chicken MHC class II monoclonal antibody and observed under a light microscope. Positive cells were counted using a computer-assisted image analyser. MHC-II+ cells were localized in the ovarian stroma and theca layer of primary follicles in all birds examined. The frequency of MHC-II+ cells in the stroma and theca of primary follicles (approximately 400-600 microns in diameter) was significantly greater in young laying hens than it was in immature and old laying hens (P < 0.01). In the stroma and the theca of primary follicles of diethylstilboestrol-treated birds, the frequency of MHC-II+ cells was significantly greater than it was in the stroma and theca of control and progesterone-treated birds (P < 0.01). Progesterone had no significant effect when compared with controls. These results indicate that both the ovarian stroma and theca of follicles in the hen ovary contain MHC-II+ cells, the frequency of MHC-II+ cells increases in association with sexual maturation and decreases thereafter during ageing, and oestrogen may be one of the factors enhancing the induction of MHC-II+ cells in the ovary.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the metabolic responses of laying hens induced by high temperature at later laying stage, nine 60-wk-old laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) were employed in the present study. The hens were exposed to 32 degrees C for 21 d and blood samples were obtained before and at 1, 7, 14 and 21 d of heat exposure. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) formed in blood during heat exposure were estimated by the ex vivo spin-trapping method. Body temperature and plasma concentrations of glucose, urate, creatine kinase (CK), triiodothyronine (T(3)), thyroxine (T(4)), corticosterone (CORT), thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS), ferric/reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were measured. Plasma levels of glucose, CK and CORT were not significantly influenced by heat exposure at any time point. The circulating concentrations of T(3) were decreased while plasma T(4) levels changed in the opposite way. The formation of ROS was significantly augmented by heat exposure in laying hens though the body temperature was not significantly altered. The enhanced enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems acted in concert to alleviate the heat stress evoked oxidative damage.  相似文献   

The daily injection of the anti-androgen, cyproterone acetate, into regularly laying hens failed to prevent ovulation immediately. The delayed response suggested that testosterone is not part of the ovarian positive feedback stimulus resulting from the presence of an ovulable follicle and leading to ovulation. Ovarian changes in treated birds, and their unimpaired response to LH-RH, suggested that the drug might be acting by altering ovarian steroid metabolism.  相似文献   

Thyroxine increases during a molt in wild and captive birds, and thyroidectomy prevents induction of molt. This trial examined the effect of dietary thyroxine on molt induction molt in chickens (laying hens, 59 weeks of age). In a completely randomized design (n=15 hens/replication; 6 replications/treatment), hens were randomly assigned to either a traditional molting program consisting of feed withdrawal (FWD), or to diets containing 40 mg thyroxine/kg diet (HT), 20 mg thyroxine/kg diet (LT), or 40 mg thyroxine from thyroactive iodinated casein/kg diet (TIC). The molting treatment lasted 7-13 d, until egg production reached 0%. After molt induction, birds had ad libitum access to the same diet, until egg production was re-initiated and maximized ( approximately 56 d). All treatments induced molt, based upon cessation of egg laying and regression of ovary and oviduct. Birds on FWD treatment lost more body weight during the molting period, but gained more after molt compared to thyroxine treatments (P<0.01 for each), although all body weights were similar when egg production was maximized. Data demonstrate that oral thyroxine, in purified or non-purified form, induces a molt and may enhance animal well-being by reducing the need for FWD.  相似文献   

Summary A pedigreed, commercial broiler population of 31 sire families was administered dietary aflatoxin at levels of either 0.0 or 5.0 g of aflatoxin per g of diet from 7 to 21 days of age and their response assessed by various physiological parameters.Body weight, gain, packed red blood cell volume (PCV). plasma albumin, plasma protein and cholesterol responses were significantly reduced from control values by the 5.0 g/g aflatoxin diet. Males had greater body weights and gains in both dietary regimes than females. Females had significantly higher PCV, protein, albumin and cholesterol values in the 5.0 g/g aflatoxin group than their male counterparts. These differences resulted in significant sex × aflatoxin level interactions for these parameters. Coefficients of variation were increased for all parameters measured in the 5.0 g/g aflatoxin treatment compared to values for the control group. This increase was greatest for plasma protein, albumin, and cholesterol responses. Heritabilities were calculated for all responses within both treatment groups and were found to be increased in all cases by the 5.0 g/g aflatoxin diet. Highly significant phenotypic correlations were determined between body weight and gain and between plasma albumin and total plasma protein in both treatment groups. High phenotypic correlations among PCV, plasma cholesterol, plasma protein, and plasma albumin were noted in the 5.0 g/g aflatoxin group. Significant genetic correlations were determined between body weight and gain and between plasma albumin and plasma protein in the control group. Body weight and gain and plasma protein, albumin, cholesterol and PCV were genetically correlated in the 5.0 g/g aflatoxin group. Genetic correlations calculated across environments for the same traits were high for PCV, body weight and gain and much lower for plasma albumin, plasma protein, and plasma cholesterol.The results of this study demonstrate that genetic variability for resistance to aflatoxin exists in commercial broiler populations. Strong genetic and phenotypic relationships, and high heritabilities associated with plasma albumin and protein suggest their applicability as selection criteria for aflatoxin resistance. Genetic correlation for these traits across dietary environments indicate that responses for aflatoxin resistance should be measured during aflatoxin challenge and suggest that selection for growth and selection for aflatoxin resistance are not antagonistic.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to compare the luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone (P4) and oestradiol (E2) release in response to injections of various doses of synthetic mammalian luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) and of an LH-RH agonist, ICI 118630, administered to laying hens 4 to 9 hours after a mid-sequence ovulation. Plasma LH increased significantly within 10 minutes of injection of either compound whereas any increases in plasma steroid concentrations were discerned later, at approximately minutes post-injection. No dose-response relationship was found for either compound with respect to LH release, but ICI 118630 appeared more potent than LH-RH. This analog also produced a greater mean incremental rise in plasma progesterone, but not oestradiol, than LH-RH, and this was found in animals injected at a time when the largest ovarian follicle was not mature. These result suggest that ICI 118630 is a more potent releasing hormone in the hen at the level of the pituitary, and that it may have a stimulating effect on ovarian progesterone secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of PGF2 alpha and PGE2 before or after administration of isoproterenol or norepinephrine was studied on uterine strips of White Leghorn laying hens. Prostaglandins (0.2 ng/ml of bath solution) always produced an increase in tension and area under the tracing, the effect of PGF2 alpha being significantly marked especially when administered after norepinephrine. Norepinephrine and isoproterenol (0.1 microgram/ml of bath solution) produced a marked decrease in area under the tracing, the effect of isoproterenol being more potent especially when administered before prostaglandins.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Blood flow distribution was examined in 12 normothermic laying hens by microspheres injected via the brachial artery into the root of the aortic arch above the aortic valves.
  • 2.2. Double reference sampling (brachial and sciatic) accounted for uneven microsphere distribution between upper and lower body arterial flows.
  • 3.3. This easily accessible injection site yielded results comparable to those attained by left atrial injections.
  • 4.4. Blood flow (ml/min g tissue) was highest in the spleen (8.2); intermediate in the brain, kidneys. adrenals, liver, follicles (1.1–3.1); below 0.5 in the skin. muscle, respiratory tract and post ovulatory follicle. Hyperthermia markedly changed this order.

This study demonstrates the effects of recombinant human tumour necrosis factor a (rhTNF-alpha) and conditioned medium of the HD11-transformed chicken macrophage cell line on cultured chicken granulosa cells. Effects were studied on basal, IGF-I- and LH-stimulated progesterone production and cell proliferation. Recombinant human TNF-alpha stimulated basal progesterone production in a dose-dependent manner in the granulosa cells of the largest follicle but had no effect on cells from the third largest follicle. TNF-alpha stimulated and sometimes inhibited progesterone production stimulated by IGF-I and LH alone or in combination depending on the size of the follicle and the concentration of LH or IGF-I applied. However, the inhibitory effect of TNF-alpha was significantly more pronounced in cells from the third largest follicle when high concentrations of IGF-I, LH or a combination of both were applied. TNF-alpha had no effect on basal cell proliferation in both the largest and the third largest follicles, but regulated responses to IGF-I and a combination IGF-I and LH in the cells of the third largest follicle but not those of the largest follicle. The data indicate that the normal hierarchy of follicles is maintained in the chicken ovary through the regulation of the activity of IGF-I and its interaction with LH. Conditioned medium of LPS-activated HD11 macrophages mimicked the effects of TNF-alpha and its interaction with IGF-I and LH on progesterone production and cell proliferation. The observation that the HD11-conditioned medium contained TNF-alpha indicates that TNF-alpha produced by macrophages found in chicken follicles modulates granulosa cell growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Acid lipase activity was found in the defatted liver from the laying hen, but little neutral or alkaline lipase activity was observed in the liver. Most of acid lipase was in the insoluble fraction of the defatted liver, and the enzyme was solubilized by sonication at 9 kHz for 50 min in a slightly alkaline solution. The lipase showed its maximum activity at pH 5.0, 38 degrees C. It was stable below 40 degrees C and over the pH range from 4.0 to 9.0. Detergents, serum of the laying hen and the soluble fraction from the defatted liver homogenate from the laying hen markedly inhibited the lipase activity. The lipase solubilized by sonication was large in molecular mass, suggesting that the preparation formed colloidal particles.  相似文献   

The capability of granulosa and theca interna cells, from preovulatory follicles of the domestic hen, to metabolize steroid precursors was evaluated. Granulosa and theca interna cells were isolated from ovarian preovulatory follicles at three different developmental stages: F1, F3 and F5. Tritiated pregnenolone (P5), progesterone (P4), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione (A4) and testosterone (T) were employed as precursors and their metabolic products were evaluated. The major metabolite of P5 by granulosa cells was P4, but we also observed low amounts of 5β-pregnandione. DHEA metabolism by granulosa cells yielded mainly A4, and minute quantities of 5β-androstan-3,17-dione (5β-dione) were detected. The only significant metabolite obtained in granulosa cells from A4 was 5β-dione, whereas T was only transformed into A4. On the other hand, P5 metabolism by theca interna cells yielded A4 as the main product, also P4, 17α-OHP4, 17α-OHP5, 5β-pregnandione, and DHEA, were found. When DHEA was the precursor A4 was produced in higher amounts than 5β-dione. A4 was mainly transformed into 5β-dione. In similar conditions, T was transformed into A4. These results show that granulosa cells have enzymatic activities of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/5-4 isomerase (3β-HSD from P5 and DHEA), 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD from T) and 5β-reductase (from P5, DHEA and A4). Whereas theca interna cells have enzymatic activities of cytochrome P450c17 (from P5 and P4), 3β-HSD (from P5 and DHEA), 17β-HSD (from T) and 5β-reductase (from P4, DHEA and A4). These data support the concept that theca interna cells have the ability to synthesize androgens from progestins produced in granulosa cells. In addition, since theca interna cells did not show the capacity to aromatize androgens suggests that interaction between theca interna and theca externa cells occurs in vivo, thus confirming the three cell model for estrogen production. Furthermore, the fact that other metabolites were produced both in granulosa and theca interna cells, but in a different extent, suggests that complex mechanisms are participating in the regulation of steroid synthesis in avian ovary follicles.  相似文献   

Circulating inhibin A, inhibin B, activin A, total immunoreactive inhibin alpha-subunit (ir-alpha inhibin), LH, FSH and progesterone concentrations were measured throughout the normal ovulatory cycle and after cessation of egg laying induced by feed restriction to investigate the potential involvement of inhibins and activins in the ovulatory cycle of the domestic hen. Plasma inhibin A varied significantly (P < 0.05) during the ovulatory cycle; the concentration was highest at the preovulatory LH surge and reached a nadir 10 h later, at about the time the F(2) follicle makes the transition to become the new F(1) follicle. Plasma FSH concentrations did not change significantly throughout the cycle and showed no correlation with inhibin A. Total ir-alpha inhibin concentrations were much higher than those of inhibin A at all stages of the ovulatory cycle and showed no correlation with inhibin A or FSH. Plasma concentrations of inhibin B and of activin A were below the detection limit of the assays in all plasma samples analysed. In the feed restriction study, plasma inhibin A and total ir-alpha inhibin showed little change until the last day of oviposition (day 0) after which they fell significantly (P < 0.05) and remained low to the end of the experiment (approximately 70-78% decrease relative to day -4). Conversely, plasma FSH increased after cessation of laying and was significantly higher (P < 0.05) from day 3 to the end of the study (approximately 50% increase on day 6 relative to day -4). Plasma FSH values were negatively correlated with inhibin A (r = -0.39; P < 0.005) and total ir-alpha inhibin (r = -0.36; P < 0.005). Plasma LH and progesterone also decreased (P < 0.05) during feed restriction. The decrease in LH preceded the terminal oviposition and the associated fall in inhibin A by 2 days; there was a positive correlation between LH and inhibin A (r = 0.35; P < 0.005). Taken together these findings support (i) a role for LH in promoting inhibin A secretion by preovulatory follicles and (ii) an endocrine role for inhibin A secreted by preovulatory follicles in the maintenance of tonic FSH secretion in laying hens.  相似文献   

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