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In this study, we investigated the effect of increasing the number of meals of concentrate (whilst maintaining the same daily intake) on the behaviour of stabled horses with particular reference to stereotypic activities. The study was carried out on a working equestrian yard with stables for up to 50 horses. A pilot study was used to record incidence of stereotypic behaviour and to select subjects for the main study. In this, the behaviour of 30 warm-blooded horses was recorded during their morning (08:30 h) and afternoon (16:30 h) concentrate feeds. Whilst there was a low incidence of stereotypic behaviour (5.6% of scans) in the population, they were more commonly observed in the afternoon (7.1%) than the morning observations (4.2%; P < 0.05). The higher incidence in the afternoon observation appeared to be related to the lower availability of high fibre forage during the afternoon meal. In the main study nine horses were fed their normal ration of concentrate divided between two, four or six equally sized meals. Their behaviour was compared with seven control horses, which received two meals per day throughout the trial. As the number of meals increased, the treatment horses showed a decrease in oral stereotypies (P < 0.01), but an increase in weaving (P < 0.05) and nodding (P < 0.01) prior to feeding. The control group increased weaving, nodding and oral stereotypies (all P < 0.05) as their yard-mates received more meals. Consequently there was an overall increase in incidence of stereotypy in both treatment and control horses with the increase in meal frequency. The study, therefore, suggests that dividing the stabled horses’ concentrate ration into a number of smaller meals may be an effective means of reducing oral stereotypies, but that pre-feeding stereotypies may persist and that the practise may increase the frequency of stereotypic behaviour on unfed horses in visual contact.  相似文献   

One of the main aims of pasture-based systems of dairy production is to increase the proportion of grazed grass in the diet. This is most easily achieved by increasing the number of grazing days. However, periods of inclement weather conditions can reduce the number of days at pasture. The two objectives of this experiment were: (i) to investigate the effect of restricting pasture access time on animal production, grazing behaviour and dry matter intake (DMI) of spring calving dairy cows in early lactation; and (ii) to establish whether silage supplementation is required when cows return indoors after short grazing periods. In all, 52 Holstein-Friesian spring calving dairy cows were assigned to a four-treatment study from 25 February to 26 March 2008. The four treatments were: full-time access to pasture (22H; control); 4.5-h- pasture access after both milkings (2 × 4.5H); 3-h pasture access after both milkings (2 × 3H); 3-h pasture access after both milkings with silage supplementation by night (2 × 3SH). All treatments were offered 14.4 kg DM/cow per day herbage from swards, with a mean pre-grazing yield of 1739 kg DM/ha above 4 cm, - and were supplemented with 3 kg DM/cow per day of concentrate. The 2 × 3SH treatment was offered an additional 4 kg DM/cow of grass silage by night. Restricting pasture access time (2 × 3H, 2 × 3SH and 2 × 4.5H) had no effect on milk (28.3 kg/cow per day) and solids-corrected milk (27.2 kg/cow per day) yield when compared with the treatment grazing full time. Supplementing animals with grass silage did not increase milk production when compared with all other treatments. Milk protein concentration tended to be lower (P = 0.08; 32.2 g/kg) for the 2 × 3SH animals when compared with the 22H animals (33.7 g/kg). The grass DMI of the 2 × 3SH treatment was significantly lower (-2.3 kg DM/cow per day) than all other treatments (11.9 kg DM/cow per day), yet the total DMI of these animals was highest (16.6 kg DM/cow per day). The 22H cows grazed for 481 min/cow per day, which is significantly longer than all other treatments. The 2 × 3H animals grazed for 98% of the time, whereas the 2 × 3SH grazed for 79% of their time at pasture. Restricting pasture access time did not affect end body weight or body condition score. The results of this study indicate that restricting pasture access time of dairy cows in early lactation does not affect milk production performance. Furthermore, supplementing cows with grass silage does not increase milk production but reduces grazing efficiency.  相似文献   

Female Glossina pallidipes Austen trapped with baited NG2B traps were subjected both to detailed ovarian dissection and to nutritional analysis. Using a calibration curve derived from dissected wild-caught, laboratory-held flies, the field females were assigned by discriminant analysis to each day of the pregnancy cycle. Field females were most available to NG2B traps while carrying the first instar larva. The nutritional characteristics of trapped field females over the pregnancy cycle lead to the following main conclusions. (i) Fat levels increase most rapidly during the egg in utero stage, while CRDW increases significantly only during the larval stages, culminating in a 4 mg increase during the last day of the third larval instar. (ii) The haematin content of the flies indicates that females feed at approximately 3-day intervals and may feed on any day of the pregnancy cycle. (iii) The estimated time of feeding during the day corresponds with the observed time of peak activity, both of which are earlier in the day later in the pregnancy cycle. (iv) The rate of fat usage reveals significantly greater flight activity on day 5 of the cycle than on other days, agreeing with the high trappability on this day, and overall females appear to use fat at twice the rate of males. Reproductive data provide a much more accurate picture of the relative sampling efficiency than do nutritional data, although the latter reveal the general trends correctly.  相似文献   

Connors  K. B.  Scruton  D.  Brown  J. A.  McKinley  R. S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,483(1-3):231-237
The social behaviour of Atlantic salmon smolts was evaluated during their migration period under controlled conditions in an experimental stream tank. Agonistic behaviour, dominance, distance to nearest neighbour, and distance from substrate were examined pre- and post-surgical implantation of dummy radio transmitters (2.4–4.3% body weight). Smolts were able to quickly equilibrate after transmitter insertion. Social ranking changed in nine of the eleven trials with four fish, and in only one of the five trials with pairs. No significant differences were found (p>0.05) in any of the behavioural parameters measured. Overall, the only effect on smolts surgically implanted with radio transmitters was a large shift in dominance. The presence of an antenna also elicited aggressive attacks from other individuals.  相似文献   

The probing behaviour of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and Sitobion avenae (F.) and the feeding behaviour of several slug species, (Deroceras reticulatum (Müller), Arion distinctus Mabille, Agriolimax caruanae Pollonera, Maximus sp.) were assessed on seedlings of winter barley (Hordeum marinum) treated with different concentrations of azadirachtin. Settling behaviour of both aphid species was strongly biased towards the untreated seedlings or those treated with low concentrations of azadirachtin. Concentrations of <500 ppm were effective with topical application and probing activity was reduced for at least 4 days after application. Systemic activity of azadirachtin against cereal aphids was also demonstrated. Feeding behaviour of the slug species, as seen by the amount of leaf eaten compared to the controls, was not affected by the presence of azadirachtin at those concentrations which deterred aphids from feeding. The relevance of these results to crop protection is discussed.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of offering ewes two different feeding levels, during mid and late pregnancy, on ewe and lamb behaviour 12 to 24 h after birth. Romney ewes, bearing twin (n = 80) or triplet foetuses (n = 56), were allocated to a pasture sward height of 2 or 4 cm between 70 and 107 days of pregnancy. In late pregnancy (day 107 to 147), half of the ewes were reallocated the alternate sward height, which produced four treatments: 2-2, 2-4, 4-2 and 4-4. Ewes were weighed on days 65, 92, 107 and 130 of pregnancy and lamb live weights were recorded 12 to 24 h after birth. Twelve to 24 h after birth the maternal behaviour score (MBS) of the ewes were determined, whilst their lambs were tagged. After the lambs were released, the behaviour of each ewe and her lambs was observed for 5 min. Ewe treatment and litter size had no effect on ewe MBS. However, as MBS increased (ewes stayed closer to lambs during tagging), ewes bleated less in a high-pitch and were quicker to make contact with their lamb. During the observation period, ewes in the 4-4 treatment had a greater percentage of their bleats in a low pitch (P < 0.05) than ewes in the 2-2 and 4-2 treatment (61.3% v. 41.3% and 38.8% low bleats, respectively) and more lambs born to 4-4 ewes (95%) bleated than lambs born to 2-2 ewes (84%; P < 0.05). However, lambs born to ewes in the 2-2 treatment bleated earlier than lambs in all other treatments (P < 0.05). Lambs born to 4-4 ewes were less likely (P < 0.05) to move towards their dam in order to make contact than lambs born to 2-2 or 4-2 ewes (3.1% v. 16.9% and 16.7%, respectively). These findings suggest that under the conditions of the present study, ewe nutrition had little effect on maternal behaviour. However, lambs born to ewes offered 2 cm pasture sward heights during mid and/or late pregnancy (2-2, 2-4 and 4-2 treatments) displayed behaviour that demonstrated greater 'need' whereas lambs born to ewes offered 4 cm during mid and late pregnancy sought less attention from their dam.  相似文献   

The effect of ovariectomy on feeding, mating, Juvenile Hormone (JH) production, and maternal behaviour was assessed in female ring-legged earwigs, Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) (Dermaptera: Carcinophoridae), during the first 16 days of adult life (the first gonadotrophic cycle and early brooding). Ovariectomy of 2-day-old adults did not affect weight gain, nor did it alter mating behaviour on day 7. Similarly, ovariectomy did not prevent the increase in JH biosynthesis that accompanies vitellogenesis in this species, which suggests a cycle of JH production that is not dependent on the presence of the ovaries. Both ovariectomy and mating status affected feeding behaviour. Most introduced eggs were consumed (i.e. disappeared) within 24 h, and younger (7-day-old) females consumed more eggs than did older ones. However, 12-day-old intact virgins and 16-day-old ovariectomized, mated females consumed fewest eggs, and allowed some hatching. Thus, ovariectomy did not abolish changes in feeding behaviour that normally accompany reproduction but, instead, appeared to delay the reduction in feeding that normally accompanies the completion of the cycle of egg development. By contrast, mating enhanced the reduction in feeding late in the reproductive cycle. Mating significantly enhanced maternal behaviour in both ovariectomized and sham-operated females. Hatching success from egg clutches introduced to day 16 virgin or mated females that had been ovariectomized or sham-operated on day 2, was significantly greater in the mated groups.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of depriving dairy cows of the ability to feed and lie down for short periods, on behaviour and production. In experiment 1, cows were deprived by confining them in pairs in a pen for 2 or 4 h, and they more frequently exhibited behaviour likely to suggest discomfort - leg stamping, repositioning themselves, shifting their weight between legs and butting. After deprivation, the cows deprived for 2 h made up their lost feeding time within 24 h, but cows deprived for 4 h did not restore their feeding time within the 41-h period of observation. Lying time was not restored in either treatment within the 41-h period. Milk yield was not affected by the treatment. However, in experiment 2, when cows were deprived of feeding and lying for 4 h, during which time their hooves were trimmed (which is likely to be a painful and stressful procedure and result in some discomfort for a period post-trimming) the evidence suggested that milk yield was reduced by approximately 2 l/day for 3 days, with corresponding increases during the subsequent 2 days. Walking speed on returning to the herd was the same as before the treatment. In summary, temporary deprivation of feeding and lying for 2 and 4 h/day induced behaviours that were indicative of discomfort and frustration but had no negative effect on milk production, except when 4 h of deprivation was accompanied by foot trimming.  相似文献   

The impact on birds and mammals of treating two grass fields in Devon and Yorkshire with chlorpyrifos (Dursban 4*) to control leatherjackets was assessed. Both fields had leatherjacket populations in excess of 3 million/ha. Samples of leatherjackets and earthworms were collected for chlorpyrifos residue analysis at intervals before and after spraying. Samples of leatherjackets and earthworms, were also obtained for residue analysis from a nearby unsprayed field, 7 and 10 days after the day on which the treated field was sprayed. Observations of birds and mammals were made for 2 h at dawn and dusk, on two days before spraying and on six occasions afterwards. Several species of birds, many of which appeared to feed on leatherjackets brought to the surface by chlorpyrifos treatment, and three species of mammals were observed in the treated fields. Some of the bird species, e.g. magpie and carrion crow, together with hares were present frequently and it is probable that the fields were part of their feeding territories and that the same individuals were returning to feed at frequent intervals. At least some of the birds, e.g. starlings and carrion crows appeared to feed on leatherjackets. None showed any immediate sign of abnormal behaviour and the consistent reappearance of the territorial species during the study period suggests there were no longer-term effects. Thorough searches were made of the field, its hedgerows and ditches for dead birds and animals on seven occasions. None was found.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the Sainte‐Marguerite River, Quebec, Canada, varied with the characteristics of turbulent flow. Simulations indicated that juveniles would decrease their swimming costs during attacks by 19·8% in low and by 31·1% in high turbulent conditions by initiating movements in low‐speed flow events. The real swimming costs did not differ from the swimming costs estimated for a situation where fish initiate their movements at randomly selected flow velocities. The juvenile Atlantic salmon did not seem to prefer low‐speed flow events when initiating their movements. The proportion of time used for movements by fish decreased with an increase in the mean and the s . d . of the flow velocity.  相似文献   

The diurnal feeding patterns of dairy cows affects the 24 h robot utilisation of pasture-based automatic milking systems (AMS). A decline in robot utilisation between 2400 and 0600 h currently occurs in pasture-based AMS, as cow feeding activity is greatly reduced during this time. Here, we investigate the effect of a temporal variation in feed quality and quantity on cow feeding behaviour between 2400 and 0600 h as a potential tool to increase voluntary cow trafficking in an AMS at night. The day was allocated into four equal feeding periods (0600 to 1200, 1200 to 1800, 1800 to 2400 and 2400 to 0600 h). Lucerne hay cubes (CP = 19.1%, water soluble carbohydrate = 3.8%) and oat, ryegrass and clover hay cubes with 20% molasses (CP = 11.8%, water soluble carbohydrate = 10.7%) were offered as the ‘standard’ and ‘preferred’ (preference determined previously) feed types, respectively. The four treatments were (1) standard feed offered ad libitum (AL) throughout 24 h; (2) as per AL, with preferred feed replacing standard feed between 2400 and 0600 h (AL + P); (3) standard feed offered at a restricted rate, with quantity varying between each feeding period (20:10:30:60%, respectively) as a proportion of the (previously) measured daily ad libitum intake (VA); (4) as per VA, with preferred feed replacing standard feed between 2400 and 0600 h (VA + P). Eight non-lactating dairy cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. During each experimental period, treatment cows were fed for 7 days, including 3 days habituation and 4 days data collection. Total daily intake was approximately 8% greater (P < 0.001) for the AL and AL + P treatments (23.1 and 22.9 kg DM/cow) as compared with the VA and VA + P treatments (21.6 and 20.9 kg DM/cow). The AL + P and VA treatments had 21% and 90% greater (P < 0.001) dry matter intake (DMI) between 2400 and 0600 h, respectively, compared with the AL treatment. In contrast, the VA + P treatment had similar DMI to the VA treatment. Our experiment shows ability to increase cow feeding activity at night by varying feed type and quantity, though it is possible that a penalty to total DMI may occur using VA. Further research is required to determine if the implementation of variable feed allocation on pasture-based AMS farms is likely to improve milking robot utilisation by increasing cow feeding activity at night.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the influence of rearing system (free-ranging (FR) v. confinement (C)) on buffalo heifer efficiency to reach age of puberty and on behavioural and immune functions, two experiments were conducted from September 2010 to October 2011. In Experiment I, 32 subjects aged 8 to 9 months at the start of experiment were used. A total of 16 animals (group C) were group housed in an indoor slatted floor pen (4 m2/animal) with an outdoor paddock (4 m2/animal); 16 others grazed on a Mediterranean natural pasture of 40 ha (group FR). Behavioural data were collected and organic matter digestibility, blood metabolites and progesterone were determined. At the end of the experiment, a novel object test and a skin test were conducted, and the avoidance distance (AD) at the manger was measured. Free-ranging animals were able to express natural behaviours such as wallowing and grazing. C animals devoted more time to the novel object than FR animals, whereas AD at manger was lower in group FR than in group C (P<0.01). Cellular immune response was higher in FR heifers than in C animals (P<0.01). FR animals also showed a higher digestibility of organic matter (P<0.01). Heifers from group FR had higher plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (P<0.001) and lower concentrations of glucose than heifers from group C (P<0.001). C animals showed higher daily weight gains (P<0.01) and weight at the puberty (P<0.05), but there were no differences in terms of age of puberty between the two groups. The intakes of dry matter (DM), CP and energy to reach the age of puberty were similar in both groups. In order to verify whether the results obtained in Experiment I could be replicated in different rearing conditions (reduced pasture availability, different location and altitude), a second experiment was conducted on 26 animals, where only onset of age of puberty and metabolic profile were monitored. In Experiment II, 13 heifers grazed on a natural pasture of 5 ha, other 13 received the same space as indicated for Experiment I. Results from Experiment II generally confirmed those of Experiment I. Only the intakes of DM and energy to reach the age of puberty were higher in group C than in FR (P<0.001). A lower competition with human nutrition, reproductive performances similar to those shown by confined animals and the indications given by immune and behavioural variables, suggest that a free-range-based system may be conveniently used for buffalo heifer farming purposes.  相似文献   

A total of eight Simmental heifers (114 ± 3.2 days old and weighing 118 ± 3.8 kg BW) were used to study the effects of feeding method on intake and animal behaviour in a crossover design experiment. Treatments consisted of feeding concentrate and chopped barley straw as (1) choice (CH; concentrate and straw in separate feedbunks) or (2) total mixed ration (TMR; concentrate and straw in one feedbunk). Feeds were offered on an ad libitum basis, but always maintaining a concentrate to straw ratio of 90 to 10. The experiment was performed in two 21-day periods, and sampling was carried out in the last week of each period. At the end of each period, treatment was changed for heifers; hence, the final number of animals per treatment was eight. Intake was recorded over 7 consecutive days. BW was recorded at the beginning and the end of the experiment and on day 21 of each experimental period. Barley straw was coarsely chopped with a chopping machine. Once chopped, all the straw was handled for particle size separation using the 2-screen Penn State Particle Separator and only material of more than 8 mm was used to feed the heifers. Animal behaviour was video-recorded for 24 h on day 2 and day 6 of each experimental period. Concentrate intake and total dry matter intake of heifers fed with the CH feeding method were higher (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05) than when fed with TMR (5.1 and 5.3 v. 4.7 and 5.0 kg dry matter (DM)/day, respectively). Conversely, barley straw was consumed in higher amounts in heifers fed with the TMR feeding method (0.3 v. 0.2 kg DM/day, respectively; P = 0.001). The total NDF intake was similar in both treatments. In contrast, NDF intake from barley straw and physically effective NDF intake were higher in heifers fed with the TMR feeding method than when fed with CH. Feeding method used to feed heifers did not affect the consumption of the different kinds of barley straw particles and eating and drinking behaviours but affected ruminating behaviour. Heifers fed TMR spent more time ruminating than heifers fed concentrate and barley straw separately (376 v. 287 min/day, respectively; P < 0.01). TMR as the feeding method in intensive beef production systems could be a good approach to promote roughage intake.  相似文献   

The ‘Werribee farrowing pen' (WFP) was developed as a loose housing alternative to the farrowing crate. The WFP occupies about twice the space of a crate and comprises two compartments, a ‘nest' and a ‘non-nest' area. In this experiment, we investigated the effects of reducing total pen space by modifying the dimensions of the ‘nest'. The hypothesis was that modifying ‘nest' size and width would not negatively affect piglet survival. A reduction in total floor space in the WFP may increase attractiveness for adoption of the system by pig producers. The experiment had a 2×2 factorial design with nine replicates and a total of 72 primiparous sows (Large White×Landrace) and their litters. All subjects were included to day 4 of lactation, but production data to weaning (day 23) was restricted to 36 litters. We examined the effects of ‘nest' size (large: L vs. small: S) and width (wide: W vs. narrow: N) on sow and piglet behaviours and piglet survival. The W, as compared to N treatment sows, had longer mean bouts of standing in the ‘nest' during 16–8 h pre-farrowing (3.7 vs. 2.0 min, P<0.01), suggesting that pre-farrowing (‘nesting') behaviour may have been adversely affected by narrow nest width. On the first 2 days of lactation, sow suckling grunts occurred more in the W than N treatment (14.1 and 8.0% of observations, P<0.01). However, this was due to an approximately 50% lower incidence in the SN treatment, as compared to the other treatments combined (5.9 and 12.7%). Piglets spent more (P<0.01) time at the udder in L vs. S (41 and 30%) and W vs. N nests (40 and 31%) and performed more (P<0.05) sucking behaviour (i.e., drinking milk from a teat) in L vs. S nests (2.5 and 1.2%). These differences were due to SN treatment litters sucking less than other treatments combined (0.9 vs. 2.2%). Of the 680 piglets born (n=72 litters), 3.8% were stillborn and 6.8% died between birth and day 4 of lactation. From day 5 to weaning (n=36 litters), 3.5% of piglets died, all due to Escherichia coli infection. While there were no effects of treatment on piglet survival, liveborn piglets were less likely (P<0.05) to die from E. coli in the L vs. S treatments (9/24 vs. 23/33 piglets). In conclusion, our results provide evidence that the size and width of the farrowing ‘nest' in a loose farrowing system may effect sow and piglet behaviours that may be relevant to piglet survival.  相似文献   

Viral diseases non-persistently transmitted by aphids are of great economic importance in several annual crops. Transmission efficiency of these non-persistent phytoviruses is dependant on vector efficiency (i.e. vector intrinsic ability to transmit the virus) but also on the vector activity that implies the early steps of aphid host plant selection process (i.e. brief intracellular stylet punctures after landing) and to their interplant movement ability. In Europe, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas 1878) is considered as one of the most serious virus vectors on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. 1753). Nevertheless, several alate aphid species that do not colonise potato plants are trapped in potato crops. Therefore, we investigated, through laboratory experiments, vector activity of one potato colonising aphid, M. euphorbiae, and two non-colonising potato aphids, the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L. 1758) and the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris 1776). A settling experiment was used to evaluate dispersal activity, and the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to investigate probing activity on potato plants. Results showed that M. euphorbiae exhibited a better vector activity than other two aphid species in terms of landing and probing. By contrast, interplant movements were only recorded on non-colonising aphids, suggesting a better vector activity than M. euphorbiae in terms of locomotive behaviour. These data confirm the involvement of A. pisum and R. padi in the spread of non-persistent viruses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Male oriental fruit moths, Grapholitha molesta (Busck) (Tortricidae), flew at lower overall and net ground velocities when they flew toward higher concentration pheromone sources. Turning frequency was greater with increased pheromone concentration, while the distance of turns from the plume axis back towards the axis decreased. Turning magnitude and inter-reversal track angles remained constant at all concentrations tested. Concomitant with the changes in ground velocity but constant inter-reversal angles, were decreases in airspeed, decreases in the moths' course angles and increases in their drift angles. The significance of these changes is discussed in relation to their possible role in a longitudinal chemoklinotactic programme of turning operating in conjunction with anemotaxis to allow location of a pheromone source in wind.  相似文献   

崔爽  刘丙万 《兽类学报》2020,40(4):364-373
近年来,由于野猪(Sus scrofa)数量增长和土地利用方式的变化,导致人与野猪之间的冲突不断增加。2018年8-10月在吉林省珲春地区利用东北虎声音、野猪惨叫声、狼叫声,太阳能警示灯、防兽彩带等视觉设施,东北虎粪便,综合使用东北虎声音和东北虎粪便以及电子围栏等防控措施在已使用过和未使用过防控措施的样地开展了野猪危害防控效果及空间特征研究。我们以2018年野猪危害防控研究的数据,结合2011-2017年已发表数据进一步研究了野猪危害防控措施的时空特征。防控有效期为实验开始到野猪首次进入样地发生危害的时间间隔。研究结果表明:(1)2018年实验组与对照组相比,防控有效期均存在显著差异(P< 0.001),对照组防控有效期为(1.33±0.58)d,实验组中已使用过和未使用过防控措施样地的防控有效期分别为(16.25±9.00)d和(20.58±9.61)d,防控有效期差异不显著(P=0.127);(2)2018年与2011年、2013年、2016年、2017年相比同一种防控措施的防控效果随着使用年份的增加,播放东北虎声音1min加空白5min、放置避雨装置的粪便、综合使用东北虎声音加粪便、放置红黄绿色太阳能警示灯等防控措施的防控有效期没有显著变化(P=0.200;P=0.295;P= 0.221;P=0.080;P=0.090;P=0.050);播放狼声音1min加空白5min防控效果有显著下降趋势(P=0.003);按顺序播放东北虎声音加野猪惨叫1min加空白5min组防控效果呈显著上升趋势(P=0.001),但防控有效期较短为(13.67±2.62)d,不具推广意义。因此,野猪危害防控措施中播放东北虎声音、综合使用东北虎声音和东北虎粪便、太阳能警示灯等均具有空间推广性和时间延续性。  相似文献   

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