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Yang CC  Chen D  Lee SS  Walter L 《Aging cell》2011,10(4):724-728
Here, we report that inactivation of the Caenorhabditis elegans dynamin-related protein DRP-1, a key component responsible for mitochondrial fission and conserved from yeast to humans, dramatically enhanced the effect of reduced insulin signaling (IIS) to extend lifespan. This represents the first report of a beneficial impact of manipulating mitochondrial dynamics on animal lifespan and suggests that mitochondrial morphology and IIS cooperate to modulate aging.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondrial fusion requires at least two outer membrane proteins, Fzo1p and Ugo1p. We provide direct evidence that the dynamin-related Mgm1 protein is also required for mitochondrial fusion. Like fzo1 and ugo1 mutants, cells disrupted for the MGM1 gene contain numerous mitochondrial fragments instead of the few long, tubular organelles seen in wild-type cells. Fragmentation of mitochondria in mgm1 mutants is rescued by disrupting DNM1, a gene required for mitochondrial division. In zygotes formed by mating mgm1 mutants, mitochondria do not fuse and mix their contents. Introducing mutations in the GTPase domain of Mgm1p completely block mitochondrial fusion. Furthermore, we show that mgm1 mutants fail to fuse both their mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. Electron microscopy demonstrates that although mgm1 mutants display aberrant mitochondrial inner membrane cristae, mgm1 dnm1 double mutants restore normal inner membrane structures. However, mgm1 dnm1 mutants remain defective in mitochondrial fusion, indicating that mitochondrial fusion requires Mgm1p regardless of the morphology of mitochondria. Finally, we find that Mgm1p, Fzo1p, and Ugo1p physically interact in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Our results raise the possibility that Mgm1p regulates fusion of the mitochondrial outer membrane through its interactions with Fzo1p and Ugo1p.  相似文献   

Three proteins with similar effects on mitochondrial morphology were identified in an RNA interference (RNAi) screen for mitochondrial abnormalities in Caenorhabditis elegans. One of these is the novel mitochondrial outer membrane protein MOMA-1. The second is the CHCHD3 homologue, CHCH-3, a small intermembrane space protein that may act as a chaperone. The third is a mitofilin homologue, IMMT-1. Mitofilins are inner membrane proteins that control the shapes of cristae. RNAi or mutations in each of these genes change the relatively constant diameters of mitochondria into highly variable diameters, ranging from thin tubes to localized swellings. Neither growth nor brood size of the moma-1, chch-3, or immt-1 single mutants is affected, suggesting that their metabolic functions are normal. However, growth of moma-1 or immt-1 mutants on chch-3(RNAi) leads to withered gonads, a lack of mitochondrial staining, and a dramatic reduction in fecundity, while moma-1; immt-1 double mutants are indistinguishable from single mutants. Mutations in moma-1 and immt-1 also have similar effects on cristae morphology. We conclude that MOMA-1 and IMMT-1 act in the same pathway. It is likely that the observed effects on mitochondrial diameter are an indirect effect of disrupting cristae morphology.  相似文献   

Here, we report that acute reduction in mitochondrial translation fidelity (MTF) causes ubiquitination of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) proteins, including TRAP1 and CPOX, which occurs selectively in mitochondria with a severed outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). Ubiquitinated IMM recruits the autophagy machinery. Inhibiting autophagy leads to increased accumulation of mitochondria with severed OMM and ubiquitinated IMM. This process occurs downstream of the accumulation of cytochrome c/CPOX in a subset of mitochondria heterogeneously distributed throughout the cell (“mosaic distribution”). Formation of mosaic mitochondria, OMM severing, and IMM ubiquitination require active mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial fission, but not the proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bak. In contrast, in Parkin-overexpressing cells, MTF reduction does not lead to the severing of the OMM or IMM ubiquitination, but it does induce Drp1-independent ubiquitination of the OMM. Furthermore, high–cytochrome c/CPOX mitochondria are preferentially targeted by Parkin, indicating that in the context of reduced MTF, they are mitophagy intermediates regardless of Parkin expression. In sum, Parkin-deficient cells adapt to mitochondrial proteotoxicity through a Drp1-mediated mechanism that involves the severing of the OMM and autophagy targeting ubiquitinated IMM proteins.  相似文献   

Brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose-6-phosphotransferase, EC binds selectively to the outer membrane of rat liver mitochondria but not to inner mitochondrial or microsomal membranes nor to the plasma membrane of human erythrocytes. A protein having subunit molecular weight of 31,000, determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, has been highly purified from the outer mitochondrial membrane by repetitive solubilization with octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside followed by reconstitution into membranous vesicles when the detergent is removed by dialysis. When incorporated into lipid vesicles, the protein confers the ability to bind brain hexokinase in a Glc-6-P-sensitive manner as is seen with the intact outer mitochondrial membrane. Hexokinase binding ability and the 31,000 subunit molecular weight protein co-sediment during sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Both hexokinase binding ability and the 31,000 subunit molecular weight protein are resistant to protease treatment of the intact outer mitochondrial membrane while other membrane proteins are extensively degraded. It is concluded that this protein, designated the hexokinase-binding protein (HBP), is an integral membrane protein responsible for the selective binding of hexokinase by the outer mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Plant morphogenesis depends on polarized exocytic and endocytic membrane trafficking. Members of the Arabidopsis thaliana dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) subfamily are required for polarized cell expansion and cytokinesis. Using a combination of live-cell imaging techniques, we show that a functional DRP1C green fluorescent fusion protein (DRP1C-GFP) was localized at the division plane in dividing cells and to the plasma membrane in expanding interphase cells. In both tip growing root hairs and diffuse-polar expanding epidermal cells, DRP1C-GFP organized into dynamic foci at the cell cortex, which colocalized with a clathrin light chain fluorescent fusion protein (CLC-FFP), suggesting that DRP1C may participate in clathrin-mediated membrane dynamics. DRP1C-GFP and CLC-GFP foci dynamics are dependent on cytoskeleton organization, cytoplasmic streaming, and functional clathrin-mediated endocytic traffic. Our studies provide insight into DRP1 and clathrin dynamics in the plant cell cortex and indicate that the clathrin endocytic machinery in plants has both similarities and striking differences to that in mammalian cells and yeast.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) and overexpression of the Smad4 gene on the phenotype of Car C, a ras mutated highly malignant spindle carcinoma cell line. TGF-β1-treated Car C cells overexpressing Smad4 spread with a flattened morphology with membrane ruffles abundant in vinculin and show a reduction in their invasive abilities. TGF-β1 treatment and overexpression of Smad4 also enhanced the production of PAI-1 measured by the activation of the p3TP-lux reporter gene containing a PAI-1-related promoter. This activation was abolished with a dominant-negative Smad4 construct. These results lead us to conclude that both TGF-β1 and Smad4 overexpression reduce the invasive potential of Car C cells, probably via the Smad pathway.  相似文献   

Mitochondria import the majority of their proteins from the cytosol. At the mitochondrial outer membrane, import is initiated through a series of reactions, which include preprotein recognition, unfolding, insertion and translocation. These processes are facilitated by a multisubunit complex, the TOM complex. Specific roles can now be assigned to several components of this complex. Although the import machinery of the outer membrane can insert and translocate a few proteins on its own, completion of translocation o f most preproteins is dependent upon coupling to both the membrane potential and mt-Hsp70/ATP-driven transport across the inner membrane, mediated by the TIM complex.  相似文献   

UGO1 encodes an outer membrane protein required for mitochondrial fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane fusion plays an important role in controlling the shape, number, and distribution of mitochondria. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the outer membrane protein Fzo1p has been shown to mediate mitochondrial fusion. Using a novel genetic screen, we have isolated new mutants defective in the fusion of their mitochondria. One of these mutants, ugo1, shows several similarities to fzo1 mutants. ugo1 cells contain numerous mitochondrial fragments instead of the few long, tubular organelles seen in wild-type cells. ugo1 mutants lose mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In zygotes formed by mating two ugo1 cells, mitochondria do not fuse and mix their matrix contents. Fragmentation of mitochondria and loss of mtDNA in ugo1 mutants are rescued by disrupting DNM1, a gene required for mitochondrial division. We find that UGO1 encodes a 58-kD protein located in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Ugo1p appears to contain a single transmembrane segment, with its NH(2) terminus facing the cytosol and its COOH terminus in the intermembrane space. Our results suggest that Ugo1p is a new outer membrane component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fission in mammals is mediated by at least two proteins, DLP1/Drp1 and hFis1. DLP1 mediates the scission of mitochondrial membranes through GTP hydrolysis, and hFis1 is a putative DLP1 receptor anchored at the mitochondrial outer membrane by a C-terminal single transmembrane domain. The cytosolic domain of hFis1 contains six α-helices (α1-α6) out of which α2-α5 form two tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) folds. In this study, by using chimeric constructs, we demonstrated that the cytosolic domain contains the necessary information for hFis1 function during mitochondrial fission. By using transient expression of different mutant forms of the hFis1 protein, we found that hFis1 self-interaction plays an important role in mitochondrial fission. Our results show that deletion of the α1 helix greatly increased the formation of dimeric and oligomeric forms of hFis1, indicating that α1 helix functions as a negative regulator of the hFis1 self-interaction. Further mutational approaches revealed that a tyrosine residue in the α5 helix and the linker between α3 and α4 helices participate in hFis1 oligomerization. Mutations causing oligomerization defect greatly reduced the ability to induce not only mitochondrial fragmentation by full-length hFis1 but also the formation of swollen ball-shaped mitochondria caused by α1-deleted hFis1. Our data suggest that oligomerization of hFis1 in the mitochondrial outer membrane plays a role in mitochondrial fission, potentially through participating in fission factor recruitment.  相似文献   

The yeast gene MCR1 encodes two isoforms of the mitochondrial NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase. One form is embedded in the outer membrane whereas the other is located in the intermembrane space (IMS). In the present work we investigated the biogenesis of the outer membrane form. We demonstrate that while the IMS form crosses the outer membrane via the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) complex, the other form is integrated into the outer membrane by a process that does not require any of the known import components at the outer membrane. Thus, the import pathways of the two forms diverge in a stage before the encounter with the TOM complex and their mechanism of biogenesis represents a unique example how to achieve dual localization within one organelle.  相似文献   

DICE1 (deleted in cancer 1), first identified in human lung carcinoma cell lines, is a candidate tumor suppressor, but the details of its activity remain largely unknown. We have found that RNA interference of its C. elegans homolog (DIC-1) produced inviable embryos with increased apoptosis, cavities in cells and abnormal morphogenesis. In the dic-1(RNAi) germ line, ced-3-dependent apoptosis increased, and cell cavities appeared at the late-pachytene/oogenic stage, leading to defective oogenesis. Immunofluorescence microscopy of DIC-1 revealed its ubiquitous expression in the form of cytoplasmic foci, and cryoelectron microscopy narrowed down the location of the foci to the inner membrane of mitochondria. After dic-1 RNAi, mitochondria had an irregular morphology and contained numerous internal vesicles. Homozygous embryos from a heterozygous dic-1 mother arrested at the L3 larval stage, in agreement with the essential role of DIC-1 in mitochondria. In summary, C. elegans DIC-1 plays a crucial role in the formation of normal morphology of the mitochondrial cristae/inner membrane. Our results suggest that human DICE1 may have several functions in multiple intracellular locations.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes undergo dramatic changes in size, shape, number, and position within the cell, but the division process of peroxisomes has not been characterized. We screened a number of Arabidopsis mutants with aberrant peroxisome morphology (apm mutants). In one of these mutants, apm1, the peroxisomes are long and reduced in number, apparently as a result of inhibition of division. We showed that APM1 encodes dynamin-related protein 3A (DRP3A), and that mutations in APM1/DRP3A also caused aberrant morphology of mitochondria. The transient expression analysis showed that DRP3A is associated with the cytosolic side of peroxisomes. These findings indicate that the same dynamin molecule is involved in peroxisomal and mitochondrial division in higher plants. We also report that the growth of Arabidopsis, which requires the cooperation of various organelles, including peroxisomes and mitochondria, is repressed in apm1, indicating that the changes of morphology of peroxisomes and mitochondria reduce the efficiency of metabolism in these organelles.  相似文献   

Mitochondria display a variety of shapes, ranging from small and spherical or the classical tubular shape to extended networks. Shape transitions occur frequently and include fusion, fission, and branching. It was reported that some mitochondrial shape transitions are developmentally regulated, whereas others were linked to disease or apoptosis. However, if and how mitochondrial function controls mitochondrial shape through regulation of mitochondrial fission and fusion is unclear. Here, we show that inhibitors of electron transport, ATP synthase, or the permeability transition pore (mtPTP) induced reversible mitochondrial fission. Mitochondrial fission depended on dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) and F-actin: Disruption of F-actin attenuated fission and recruitment of DRP1 to mitochondria. In contrast, uncoupling of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation caused mitochondria to adopt a distinct disk shape. This shape change was independent of the cytoskeleton and DRP1 and was most likely caused by swelling. Thus, disruption of mitochondrial function rapidly and reversibly altered mitochondrial shape either by activation of DRP1-dependent fission or by swelling, indicating a close relationship between mitochondrial fission, shape, and function. Furthermore, our results suggest that the actin cytoskeleton is involved in mitochondrial fission by facilitating mitochondrial recruitment of DRP1.  相似文献   

Functions of outer membrane receptors in mitochondrial protein import   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Most mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol as precursor proteins and are imported into mitochondria. The targeting signals for mitochondria are encoded in the presequences or in the mature parts of the precursor proteins, and are decoded by the receptor sites in the translocator complex in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The recently determined NMR structure of the general import receptor Tom20 in a complex with a presequence peptide reveals that, although the amphiphilicity and positive charges of the presequence is essential for the import ability of the presequence, Tom20 recognizes only the amphiphilicity, but not the positive charges. This leads to a new model that different features associated with the mitochondrial targeting sequence of the precursor protein can be recognized by the mitochondrial protein import system in different steps during the import.  相似文献   

The general preprotein translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM complex) transports virtually all mitochondrial precursor proteins, but cannot assemble outer-membrane precursors into functional complexes. A recently discovered sorting and assembly machinery (SAM complex) is essential for integration and assembly of outer-membrane proteins, revealing unexpected connections to mitochondrial evolution and morphology.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane contains translocase complexes for the import of precursor proteins. The translocase of the outer membrane complex functions as a general preprotein entry gate, whereas the sorting and assembly machinery complex mediates membrane insertion of β-barrel proteins of the outer membrane. Several α-helical outer membrane proteins are known to carry multiple transmembrane segments; however, only limited information is available on the biogenesis of these proteins. We report that mitochondria lacking the mitochondrial import protein 1 (Mim1) are impaired in the biogenesis of multispanning outer membrane proteins, whereas overexpression of Mim1 stimulates their import. The Mim1 complex cooperates with the receptor Tom70 in binding of precursor proteins and promotes their insertion and assembly into the outer membrane. We conclude that the Mim1 complex plays a central role in the import of α-helical outer membrane proteins with multiple transmembrane segments.  相似文献   

The majority of mitochondrial proteins are nuclear-encoded and need to be transported into the mitochondria, including the proteins in the outer mitochondrial membrane. For β-barrel proteins, the preproteins are initially recognized and imported by the TOM complex, then shuttled to the SAM complex via small Tim proteins. For ⍺-helical proteins, some preproteins are recognized by the TOM complex and imported into the membrane by the MIM complex. In recent years multiple structures of the TOM complex and the SAM complex have been reported, increasing our understanding of the mechanism of protein biogenesis in the outer mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

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