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R. J. Bino 《Protoplasma》1985,127(3):230-240
Summary Anther development of isogenic male fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile types ofPetunia hybrida cv. Blue Bedder is studied by electron microscopy. First deviation in sporogenesis of the sterile type, is observed during leptotene stage of the meiocytes. Initial aberration is represented by the presence of large vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the tapetal cells. These vacuoles reveal the first aspects of degeneration; no other ultrastructural differences are observed. Vacuolation is accompanied by the condensation of cytoplasmic organelles. The tapetal cells become distorted and ultrastructural aberrations in mitochondria do occur. The mitochondria elongate and contain several tubular cristae.Substantial evidence suggests, that cytoplasmic male sterility in petunia is encoded by the mitochondrial genome (Boeshore el al. 1983). However, before degeneration becomes manifest, no consistent ultrastructural differences in mitochondrial organization are observed.Abortion of the tapetum and the sporogenous tissue in cytoplasmic male sterile plants, generally follows a corresponding pattern. Ultimately, the cells are highly distorted, the nucleus is disrupted and the cytoplasm disorganized. Mitochondria and plastids degenerate and many lipid droplets are present.  相似文献   

M. Hesse 《Protoplasma》1999,207(3-4):169-173
Summary InTilia platyphyllos, the anther tapetal cell walls undergo significant modifications from the tetrad stage onwards. During the tetrad stage the inner tangential and radial parts of the tapetal walls begin to dissolve, while the distal parts swell. After the tetrad stage, the distal and outer radial tapetal cell walls become covered by a thick, irregular, highly electron-dense, polysaccharide layer. Striking features of the maturing tapetal walls (microspore stage and later) are electron-translucent, structureless, unstainable angular areas of variable dimensions. Similar electron-translucent areas occur in the exine arcades and apertures, but also isolated in the locular fluid ofT. platyphyllos. Electron-translucent areas, that are also found in the exine arcades and tapetal cells of other angiosperms, can be interpreted as the products of poorly understood metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Summary The anther ofCanna indica L. ×C. sp. hybrid contains a hitherto uncharacterized non-syncytial, invasive category of tapetum. With the onset of prophase I the tapetal walls are dissolved and the released protoplasts migrate into the loculus, where they stay discrete. Concomitant with the dissolution of walls the tapetal protoplasts develop a 17 nm thick extracellular granulo-fibrillar cell coat. This feature develops in the synchronous phase of tapetal development. The cell coat reacts positively with ruthenium red, potassium ferrocyanide, ConA-FITC and in the Thiéry reaction. Immunofluorescence microscopy using anti-tubulin revealed that even after the migration of tapetal cells into the loculus, the microtubules retain a predominant orientation in the cell cortex, probably derived from that in the original tapetal walled cells. This order is lost during late post-meiotic stages when the cells distort and can produce amoeboid processes. The microtubule orientation is correlated with that of the cell coat fibrils. Tapetal cells vary in ultrastructure and the density of cell coat fibrils after their migration into the loculus, but the cell coat persists until the cells degenerate. It is surmised that development of the cell coat relates to the lack of cell fusion and that the cortical microtubules help to sustain cell form. During post-meiotic stages the free tapetal cells develop massive peripheral arrays of interconnected ER cisternae, probably as part of a secretory apparatus which matures when the spores are producing their ornamented walls. Buds grown in colchicine solution showed accumulation of sporopolleninlike granules in all extracellular spaces of the anther cavity.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts from pollen grains of Lilium longiflorum regenerate amorphous cellulosic cell walls in culture, during which some precursors of cellulose are polymerized, thus producing progressively harder cellulosic cell walls as the period of culture continues. It is presumed that the components of the cell wall regenerated during 1 week in culture differ from those of the intine of the pollen grain wall. The regenerated cell wall is formed by means of large smooth vesicles; in addition, numerous coated vesicles and pits aid in wall regeneration. The pollen tube that germinates from the 8-day-old cultured protoplast has numerous Golgi bodies and many vesicles which build the pollen tube wall. The tube wall has two layers just like a normal pollen tube wall.  相似文献   

Starch was cytologically localized and biochemically assayed in different anther cell layers of Lilium cv. Enchantment during pollen development and its presence was correlated with anther growth. Two phases could be distinguished: the first, the growth phase, extends from the beginning of meiosis to the vacuolated microspore stage and corresponds to maximum increase in anther size and weight. During this period, microspores lack amyloplasts and starch is degraded in the outer staminal wall layers. The tapetum does not contain starch reserves but accumulates a PAS-positive substance in its vacuole. The second phase, the maturation phase, begins with the late vacuolated microspore stage and lasts until pollen maturation. Anther growth is slowed during this phase. A wave of amylogenesis/ amylolysis occurs first in the late vacuolated-microspores and young pollen grains and, next, in the staminal envelopes. In the pollen grain, the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell is filled with starch, but amyloplasts are not detected in the generative cell. When pollen grains ripen, amylaceous reserves are replaced with lipids. In the staminal envelopes, the second amylogenesis is particularly evident in the endothecium and the middle layers; the peak of starch is reached at the young bicellular pollen grain stage; starch disappears from the anther wall early during the maturation phase. The wave of amylogenesis/amylolysis occurring in the staminal envelopes during the maturation phase is peculiar to Lilium. It is interpreted as a sudden increase in carbohydrate level caused by lower anther needs when the growth is completed. Staminal envelopes may act as a physiological buffer and regulate soluble sugar level in the anther. Stages of anther growth correlate with starch content variations and this suggests that during the growth phase, products of starch hydrolysis in the staminal envelopes may be consumed partly by anther cell layers and partly by microspores.  相似文献   

Using a combination of electron-microscopic and immunocytochemical techniques the behaviour of the microtubular cytoskeleton has been followed throughout microsporogenesis in Lilium henryi Thunb. Cells treated with colchicine at specific stages and then permitted to develop to near maturity were used to investigate any participation by microtubules in the regulation of pollen wall patterning. The microtubular cytoskeleton assumes four principal forms during the meiotic process; in pre-meiosis it resembles that characteristic of meristematic somatic cells, during meiotic prophase it becomes associated with a nuclear envelope and, perhaps, with the chromosomes and, as the nuclear and cell divisions commence, it takes the form of a normal spindle apparatus. In the young microspores, microtubules assume a radial organisation extending from sites at the nuclear envelope to the inner face of the plasma membrane. No firm evidence was found linking any one of these forms of cytoskeleton with the generation of patterning on the cell surface. Experiments with colchicine revealed that the drug would readily dislocate the colpus, but did not affect the general reticulate patterning. The radial cytoskeleton was present during the deposition of the early primexine, but evidence from these and other studies (J.M. Sheldon and H.G. Dickinson 1983, J. Cell. Sci. 63, 191–208; H.G. Dickinson and J.M. Sheldon, 1984, Planta 161, 86–90) indicates patterning to be imprinted upon the plasma membrane prior to the appearance of this type of cytoskeleton. These results are discussed in terms of a recent model proposed to explain pattern generation on the surface of Lilium pollen grains, based on the self-assembly of patterning determinants within the plasma membrane.Abbreviation MTOC microtubule-organising centre  相似文献   

Summary Establishment of a tapetal plasmodium in postmeiotic stages in anther locules ofTradescantia virginiana encloses the tetrads in membrane-limited compartments. The perispore membrane (PSM), around each tetrad, is derived from composite tapetal cell plasma membranes. The tapetum acquires an abundance of ER and ribosomes and by the late tetrad stage the PSM and its underlying cytoplasm exhibit specialized features, studied here by ZnIO impregnation, osmium maceration, application of indirect immunofluorescence employing antitubulin, conventional thin sectioning and the Thiéry reaction. These features include: labyrinthine convolutions of the PSM resulting from migration of membranous sacs and their partial fusion to the PSM, an intimate relationship of tubular ER with the convoluted PSM, and microtubules underlying the PSM and among the membranous sacs. At the same time membrane-bound granules, comparable to but smaller and simpler than tapetal orbicules of secretory tapeta, form in the convolutions. It is postulated that the ER supplies precursors of sporopollenincontaining parts of the spore wall, that the PSM-associated microtubules stabilise the whole secretory apparatus at the tapetum-spore interface, and that the precursors are expelled into the lumen bounded by the PSM and then accreted upon the orbicule-like granules or the developing spore wall. With dissolution of the callosic wall, the plasmodium invades the intermicrosporal spaces of late tetrads, the PSM unfolding its elaborations and becoming closely appressed to the exinous surfaces of individual spores. Microtubules, although present during this phase of invasion, do not seem to propel the invasion processes and may have roles in shape maintenance. During pollen mitosis and enlargement the tapetal cytoplasm accumulates lipidic globules. A late phase of Golgi activity precedes accumulation of vesicles or vacuoles near the spores, these being bounded by single or multiple tripartite membranes. With anther desiccation, portions of plasmodium are deposited on the pollen surface in the form of tryphine, the deposits containing stacked membrane-like bilayers.  相似文献   

Summary Although intact pollen grains are assumed to be the primary carrier of pollen allergens, specific immunoreactive components have been found in other aerosol fractions, e.g., starch grains and remains of tapetal cells Cryo-scanning-electron-microscopy results demonstrate the presence of a clear network of strands connecting the tapetum with the microspores. The distribution of protein in tapetal orbicules, pollen wall, and pollen cytoplasm was tested by histochemical stains for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The protein is mainly localized at the apertures and starch grains in the cytoplasm of pollen and in the core and on the surface of tapetal orbicules. Monoclonal antibodies Bv-10, BIP3, and BIP4 have been used to locate the cellular sites of pollen and tapetal allergens inBetula pendula (syn.B. verrucosa). The application of rapid-freeze fixation prevented relocation of allergens from their native sites. The allergens are predominantly found in the starch grains and to lesser extent in the exine. We also tested interactions between mature birch pollen and human fluids: saliva, nostrils fluid, and eyes solution. The aim was to mimic more closely the in vivo situation during allergenic response. In all cases we observed several pollen grains that were burst and had released their cytoplasmic contents. In the nose the allergens are released from the pollen within minutes. In rhinitis, nasal pH is increased from the normal pH 6.0 to 8.0. When we used nasal fluid at pH 8.0, the number of ruptured pollen grains increased. The mechanism that might induce formation of small allergen-bearing particles from living plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Chlorotetracyclin (10-4M) has been used to observe the distribution of membrane-associated calcium during pollen germination of Lilium longiflorum. For comparison, the general membrane distribution has been determined with 4·10-5 M fluorescamine. The pollen grains show a calcium gradient with either weak or strong chlorotetracycline-fluorescence intensity, but always increasing toward the germination colpus. This gradient intensifies during germination, reaching a maximum before the pollen tube emerges. The typical tip-to-base calcium gradient of the tube does not change during growth. Independent of the developmental stage, the pollen grains show a flat fluorescamine-fluorescence gradient with the highest intensity in one half of the grain. Pollen tubes reveal a tip-to-base membrane gradient, independent of their length. As an additional marker for membrane distribution, the distribution of phosphorus, measured by proton-induced X-ray emission in chemically fixed tubes, has been used. A tip-to-base phosphorus gradient, distinct from the calcium gradient measured with the same method, was detected.Abbreviation CTC chlorotetracycline  相似文献   

Summary A comparative histological study is made of microsporogenesis in fertile, cytoplasmic male sterile and restored fertilePetunia. Microsporogenesis in sterile anthers proceeds normally until leptotene. The development of the restored fertile type at 25°C is normal until the tetrad stage. In both types sporogenesis arrests and the meiocytes, c.q. microspores ultimately degenerate. The first phenomena of deviation are found in the tapetum. The effects of degeneration on cellular structure, vacuolation and cytoplasmic organization of the tapetal and sporogenous cells are variable. The deposition of callose around the meiocytes appears independent of the process of degeneration. The absence of an increase in callase activity possibly explains the remnants of callose found at late stages of development. The failure of callose wall dissolution appears to be the result of metabolic abnormalities in the tapetum and is regarded as an indirect effect of sterility.  相似文献   

Programmed-cell-death events during tapetum development of angiosperms   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A. Papini  S. Mosti  L. Brighigna 《Protoplasma》1999,207(3-4):213-221
Summary Programmed-cell-death events in the tapetum of two angiosperms (Lobivia rauschii Zecher andTillandsia albida Mez et Purpus) are described by ultrastructural methods. Tapetum degradation appears to be a type of programmed cell death, with the cellular remnants necessary for pollen development, acting as products of holocrine secretion. Diagnostic features of apoptosis during tapetum development are: general shrinkage of the whole cell and the nuclei; condensation of the chromatin at the periphery of the internal nuclear membrane; the enlargement of the endoplasmicreticulum cisternae to circumscribe portions of the cytoplasm; the persistence of mitochondria together with microfilament bundles until the last stages of tapetal degeneration.  相似文献   

Biogenesis and function of the lipidic structures of pollen grains   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
 Pollen grains contain several lipidic structures, which play a key role in their development as male gametophytes. The elaborate extracellular pollen wall, the exine, is largely formed from acyl lipid and phenylpropanoid precursors, which together form the exceptionally stable biopolymer sporopollenin. An additional extracellular lipidic matrix, the pollen coat, which is particularly prominent in entomophilous plants, covers the interstices of the exine and has many important functions in pollen dispersal and pollen-stigma recognition. The sporopollenin and pollen coat precursors are both synthesised in the tapetum under the control of the sporophytic genome, but at different stages of development. Pollen grains also contain two major intracellular lipidic structures, namely storage oil bodies and an extensive membrane network. These intracellular lipids are synthesised in the vegetative cell of the pollen grain under the control of the gametophytic genome. Over the past few years there has been significant progress in elucidating the composition, biogenesis and function of these important pollen structures. The purpose of this review is to describe these recent advances within the historical context of research into pollen development. Received: 1 November 1997 / Revision accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Declining viability and lipid degradation during pollen storage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Declining viability of pollen during storage at 24° C in atmospheres of 40% relative humidity (RH) and 75% RH was studied, with special emphasis on lipid changes. Pollens of Papaver rhoeas and Narcissus poeticus, characterized by a high linolenic acid content, were compared with Typha latifolia pollen which has a low linolenic acid content. The rationale behind this was to answer the question of whether lipid peroxidation is involved in the rapid viability loss and reduced membrane integrity of, in particular, the unsaturated-lipid pollen types. Viability and membrane integrity degraded more rapidly at 75% RH than at 40% RH. All pollen species showed deesterification of acyl chains of lipids but no detectable peroxidation at both RH levels. Considerable amounts of lipid-soluble antioxidants were detected that did not degrade during storage. Free fatty acids and lysophospholipids were formed during storage, the effects of which on membranes are discussed. These degradation products were very prominent in the short-lived Papaver pollen. The loss of viability does coincide with phospholipid deesterification. A significant decrease of the phospholipid content occurred at 75% RH, but not at 40% RH. Based on compositional analyses of phospholipids and newly formed free fatty acids, it was concluded that the deesterification of acyl chains from the lipids occurred at random. We suggest that, due to the low water content of the pollen, free radicals rather than unspecific acyl hydrolases are involved in the deesterification process.  相似文献   

Wang L  Liu YM  Li Y 《Plant cell reports》2005,24(5):266-270
Fluorescence labeling of F-actin in pollen tubes by various methods has produced inconsistent results in the literature. Here, we report that EGTA, which was always used in fixative buffers in the past and thought to help cytoskeleton stabilization, can significantly affect F-actin distribution and lead to the formation of thick F-actin bundles at the tip of the pollen tube. We also found that vacuum-infiltration for the first 5 min during pollen tube fixation can better preserve normal cytoplasm structure and F-actin distribution. In contrast, m-maleimidobenzoic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (MBS) treatment before chemical fixation resulted in a shortening of the free zone of thick F-actin bundles in the pollen tube tip. Taken together, our results suggest that exclusion of EGTA and MBS from the fixative buffer, in combination with vacuum-infiltration in the first 5 min of fixation, can improve F-actin fluorescence labeling in pollen tubes of Lilium davidii.Li Wang and Yi-Min Liu are considered joint first authors  相似文献   

Kenji Ueda  Ichiro Tanaka 《Planta》1994,192(3):446-452
A method has been developed for the efficient isolation of generative and vegetative nuclei from the generative and vegetative cells, respectively, of pollen grains of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. First, large numbers of pollen protoplasts were isolated enzymatically from nearly mature pollen grains. After the protoplasts had been gently disrupted by a mechanical method, the generative cells could be separated from the other pollen contents, which included vegetative nuclei. The generative nuclei were isolated by suspending the purified generative cells in a buffer that contained a non-ionic deter gent. The isolated generative nuclei, like those within pollen grains, had highly condensed chromatin and the isolated material was without contamination by vegetative nuclei. When basic proteins, extracted from the preparation of generative nuclei by treatment with 0.4 N H2SO4, were compared with those from preparations of somatic and vegetative nuclei by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, it was revealed that at least five proteins with apparent molecular masses of 35, 33, 22.5, 21 and 18.5 kDa (p35, p33, p22.5, p21 and p18.5), respectively, were specific for, or highly concentrated in, the generative nuclei. An examination of solubility in 5% perchloric acid and the mobility during electrophoresis indicated that two of these proteins (p35 and p33) resembled H1 histones while the three other proteins (p22.5, p21 and p18.5) resembled core histones. It is likely that these basic nuclear proteins are related to the condensation of chromatin or to the differentiation of male gametes in flowering plants, as is the case for analogous proteins present during spermatogenesis in animals.Abbreviations DAPI 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - NIB nuclear isolation buffer This work was supported in part by Grant-inAid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

The post-initiation growth of 64 anthers (1.1–17.4 mm long) in Lilium longiflorum Thumb. was examined by time-lapse marking experiments in combination with serial sections and the scanning electron microscope. Each anther was characterized by spatial and temporal variation in growth rate. Larger anthers had two, and occasionally three, series of peaks and troughs in local growth rate. Regions of negative growth rate were frequently encountered. When observed over several days, the growth maxima and minima were found to move basipetally as a waveform down the length of the anther. The wavelength was longer in taller anthers; amplitude and frequency were variable, and anthers of the same size were not always synchronous. Distribution patterns of cell division (and elongation, once division has ceased) recapitulate the growth data. Anther growth is a non-steady system, therefore, with growth centers constantly shifting. Implications for future studies in organ growth patterns are discussed.Abbreviation SEM scanning electron microscope  相似文献   

Changes in the dry weight of the endosperm of Euphorbia lathyris L. seedlings showed that 2 mg material was taken up by the cotyledons after 10 d germination. A similar amount of sucrose could be taken up by these seedlings after removal of the endosperm. The maximum yield of latex triterpenes synthesized from this exogenously supplied substrate was in the same order of magnitude as the daily latex lipid increase in 19 g per seedling. Cotyledons and adjacent 1–2 cm segment of the hypocotyl were the most active tissues in latex trieterpene synthesis. Excised cotyledons were able to accumulate 1–1.5 mg sucrose in 48 h from a sugar concentration higher than 0.1 mol l-1. In this period a maximum amount of 8–10 g latex triterpenes could be synthesized from this substrate. [14C]Mevalonic acid was rapidly taken up by excised cotyledons but not metabolized by the laticifers. This exogenously supplied precursor was rapidly converted to squalene and triterpenes by the adjacent tissue, and after 48 h incubation most of the 14C in the nonsaponifiable fraction was traced in the phytosterolds.  相似文献   

C. Clément  J. C. Audran 《Protoplasma》1995,187(1-4):172-181
Summary Anthers ofLilium were for the first time investigated at the ultrastructural level in order to appreciate the possible ways of sugar transport in the microsporangium. Our results have shown that the cells of the outer anther wall layers and the cell of the connective were interconnected by plasmodesmata, thus allowing assimilates to travel through the symplasmic pathway from the vascular bundle to the most internal middle layer (ML 1). ML 1 was devoid of cell communication throughout pollen development. Tapetal cells were also lacking plasmodesmata on their external face towards ML 1, but adjacent tapetal cells developed lateral junctions: the tapetum could represent a syncytium. Sugars destinated to pollen in the loculus have then to cross the ML 1 and the tapetal layers by the apoplasmic pathway; it is suggested that these two envelopes could be involved in the control of sugar transport from the outer anther wall layers to the locular fluid. Before microspore mitosis, the tapetum degenerated but ML 1 remained structurally unchanged. During pollen development, the guard cells of stomata were lacking cell communication, and preserved their starch content, which could be the sign of photosynthesis within the anther wall. In order to check whether these structural disconnections in anther tissues corresponded to physiological barriers, isolated pollen and stamens were cultivated during the anther maturation phase, on a medium containing increasing concentrations of sucrose (0 M, 1/6 M, 1/2 M, 1 M). After 7 days of culture, isolated pollen was engorged with starch grains and was unable to germinate, whereas in cultivated stamens, pollen did not contain any starch grain: sporophytic tissues, however, accumulated abnormal amylaceous reserves. These results strongly suggest that the anther wall layers, in particular ML 1, starve pollen with sugars during its maturation. They are acting as a physiological buffer storing nutriment surplus in starch grains.Abbreviations ML 1 middle layer 1 - ML 2 middle layer 2 - PAS periodic acid Schiff - PATAg periodic acid thiosemicarbazide silver nitrate  相似文献   

The tapetal development ofCichorium intybus L. is investigated using LM and TEM and discussed in relation to the development in other species. During the second meiotic division the tapetal cells become binucleate and lose their cell walls. They intrude the loculus at the time of microspore release from the meiotic callose walls, which means that a locular cavity is never present in this species. During pollen development they tightly junct the exine, especially near the tips of the spines. During the two-celled pollen grain stage they degenerate and most of their content turns into pollenkitt. Until anther dehiscence they keep their individuality, which means that these intruding tapetal cells never fuse to form a periplasmodium. The ultrastructural cytoplasmatic changes during this development are discussed in relation to possible functions.  相似文献   

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