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Water relations of the tomato during fruit growth   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
Fruit and stem water potentials of tomato plants were measured continuously for several days using automated psychrometers. A linear voltage displacement transducer was used to simultaneously measure diameter changes on an adjacent fruit. A strong correlation was observed between the water potential gradient of the fruit and stem, and changes in fruit diameter. Fruit diameter increased when the apoplasmic water potential gradient favoured solution flow into the fruit and fruit shrinkage occurred only when the water potential gradient was inverted. Based on our data and other published data (Ehret & Ho 1986; Lee 1989a) on phloem transport in tomato, we have concluded that low stem water potentials have an immediate and direct effect on phloem turgor; reducing the driving force for sap flow into the fruit. Since fruit water potential remained relatively constant, the diurnal variation in stem water potential was sufficient to account for the correlation with changes in fruit diameter. There are consequences with respect to predicting the accumulation of dry matter in tomato fruit.  相似文献   

Water relations and growth of tomato fruit pericarp tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The water relations of young tomato fruit pericarp tissue were examined and related to tissue expansion. The relationship between bulk turgor pressure and tissue expansion (as change in fresh mass or length of tissue) was determined in slices of pericarp cut from young, growing fruit by incubation in different osmotic concentrations of polyethylene glycol 6000 or mannitol. The bulk turgor of this tissue was low (about 0.2 MPa), even in fruit from plants that were otherwise fully turgid, whether measured psychrometrically or by length change in osmotic solutions. The rate of tissue growth at maximum turgor was less than that at moderate turgor unless calcium was added to the incubation medium. However, added calcium also decreased the rate of growth at lower turgor pressures. Yield turgor was < 0.1 MPa, but it was increased by the addition of calcium ions. Electrolyte leakage from tissue was greatest at maximum turgor pressure but was decreased by the addition of calcium ions or osmoticum. Tissue growth was unaffected by a range of plant growth regulators (IAA, abscisic acid, benzyladenine and GA3) but was inhibited, particularly at high turgor, by low concentrations of malic or citric acid. The low turgor pressure of pericarp tissue could be due to the presence of apoplastic solutes within the pericarp, and evidence for this is discussed. Thus, fruit tissue may be able to maintain optimal expansion rates only at moderate turgor and low calcium concentration.  相似文献   

Given the close relationship between a plant's growth rate and its pattern of biomass allocation and the effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on biomass allocation, we studied the influence of ABA on biomass allocation and growth rate of wildtype tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) plants and their strongly ABA-deficient mutant sitiens. The relative growth rate of sitiens was 22% lower than that of the wildtype, as the result of a decreased specific leaf area. The net assimilation rate and the leaf weight ratio were not affected. The mutant showed a much higher transpiration rate and lower hydraulic conductance of the roots. These two factors resulted in sitiens having a significantly lower leaf water potential and turgor. resulting in reduced leaf expansion and, consequently, a lower specific leaf area relative to the wildtype. Addition of ABA to the sitiens roots resulted in phenotypic reversion to the wildtype. We conclude that the influence of ABA-deficiency on biomass allocation and relative growth rate is the result of altered water relations in the plants, rather than of a direct effect on sink strength of different plant organs.  相似文献   

The extreme dwarf d x tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutant has very short internodes which were found to contain shorter and fewer epidermal cells. The leaves are highly abnormal. The mutant showed a substantial stem growth response to GA3, without approaching normal stature or morphology. The active gibberellin GA1 and its precursors GA19 and GA20 were identified by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in d x shoots. Quantitative GC/MS revealed that GA20 accumulated to far higher levels than normal in stems and leaves of the mutant.  相似文献   

Alcobaca is commonly regarded as an abnormally ripening mutant of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Alcobaca fruits were found to be similar to cv. Rutgers fruits in the following characteristics: time between full anthesis and the onset of ripening, response to ethephon, flavor, pH and concentrations of titratable acids, total soluble solids and reducing sugars. The pattern of CO2 and ethylene climacteric are similar in the two plant types, but the peak levels were lower and occurred later in alcobaca than in ‘Rutgers’. The mutant fruits differed from fruits of normal varieties in their greatly prolonged shelf life, their relatively low activity of polygalacturonase (PG) and polymethylgalacturonase (PMG), and their low level of endogenous ethylene. Fruits of the mutant harvested before the onset of ripening failed to reach normal pigmentation and remained yellow. Fruits harvested at the onset of ripening reached an orange color, while fruits ripened while attached to the plant reached almost normal pigmentation. These results suggest that alcobaca is a slow ripening mutant and does not belong to the category of non-ripening mutants.  相似文献   

We studied the possible involvement of ABA in the control of water relations under conditions of increased evaporative demand. Warming the air by 3°C increased stomatal conductance and raised transpiration rates of hydroponically grown Triticum durum plants while bringing about a temporary loss of relative water content (RWC) and immediate cessation of leaf extension. However, both RWC and extension growth recovered within 30 min although transpiration remained high. The restoration of leaf hydration and growth were enabled by increased root hydraulic conductivity after increasing the air temperature. The use of mercuric chloride (an inhibitor of water channels) to interfere with the rise on root hydraulic conductivity hindered the restoration of extension growth. Air warming increased ABA content in roots and decreased it in shoots. We propose this redistribution of ABA in favour of the roots which increased the root hydraulic conductivity sufficiently to permit rapid recovery of shoot hydration and leaf elongation rates without the involvement of stomatal closure. This proposal is based on known ability of ABA to increase hydraulic conductivity confirmed in these experiments by measuring the effect of exogenous ABA on osmotically driven flow of xylem sap from the roots. Accumulation of root ABA was mainly the outcome of increased export from the shoots. When phloem transport in air-warmed plants was inhibited by cooling the shoot base this prevented ABA enrichment of the roots and favoured an accumulation of ABA in the shoot. As a consequence, stomata closed.  相似文献   

The shoots of cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. T5) wilt if their roots are exposed to chilling temperatures of around 5 °C. Under the same treatment, a chilling‐tolerant congener (Lycopersicon hirsutum LA 1778) maintains shoot turgor. To determine the physiological basis of this differential response, the effect of chilling on both excised roots and roots of intact plants in pressure chambers were investigated. In excised roots and intact plants, root hydraulic conductance declined with temperature to nearly twice the extent expected from the temperature dependence of the viscosity of water, but the response was similar in both species. The species differed markedly, however, in stomatal behaviour: in L. hirsutum, stomatal conductance declined as root temperatures were lowered, whereas the stomata of L. esculentum remained open until the roots reached 5 °C, and the plants became flaccid and suffered damage. Grafted plants with the shoots of one genotype and roots of another indicated that the differential stomatal behaviour during root chilling has distinct shoot and root components.  相似文献   

M. George Jones 《Planta》1987,172(2):280-284
The procera mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) has a phenotype which is remarkably similar to that of normal tomatoes treated with exogenous gibberellin (GA), indicating that it might be a GA over-producer. However, analysis of endogenous GAs by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that Procera actually has lower levels of GA20 and GA1 than normal. The reason for these anomalously low GA levels is not clear, as there was no difference between procera and normal plants in their ability to metabolize [3H]GA20. The procera mutant responded to exogenous gibberellic acid with increased extension growth, but the proportional response for a given dose of GA was the same in procera and normal plants. It therefore appears that the procera mutation does not directly affect either the GA status of the plant, or its ability to respond to GA.Abbreviations GA gibberellin - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MeTMSi methyl trimethylsilyl - SIM selected ion monitoring  相似文献   

Mumtaz  Muhammad Ali  Wang  Ying  Li  Fangman  Shang  Lele  Wang  Yaru  Zhang  Xingyu  Tao  Jinbao  Gai  Wenxian  Dong  Haiqiang  Ahiakpa  John Kojo  Zhang  Yuyang 《Plant Growth Regulation》2022,96(3):473-481
Plant Growth Regulation - The extracellular domain of bri1 perceives brassinosteroids (BRs), and its signal transduction mediates the kinase signal transduction pathway. Disruption in this...  相似文献   

Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants of the non-ripening mutant nor (3rd backcross to the normal cultivar Rutgers) were grown under water stress induced in two different ways: a) reduction of water supply and b) increase in transpiration rate by adding kinetin to the nutrient solution. Both drought treatments induced fruits of the non-ripening mutant nor to ripen, that is, the parameters characteristic of ripening – red pigment, taste, pectolytic activity, softening, and the evolution rates of CO2 and ethylene – all increased, although not to the normal level. Such an increase does not normally take place in the nor mutant under control conditions. It is suggested that fruits of the nor mutant can be induced to ripen by any kind of water stress. The induction mechanism is still to be explored.  相似文献   

Insensitivity of the diageotropica tomato mutant to auxin   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The sensitivity of excised hypocotyl segments to indoleacetic acid (IAA) in two assays, ethylene production and elongation, was determined in the ethylene-requiring tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutant, diageotropica (dgt), and its isogenic parent, cv VFN8. Endogenous (uninduced) ethylene synthesis rates were slightly lower in dgt hypocotyls than in VFN8 hypocotyls. Ethylene production was essentially unaffected by IAA in dgt, but was stimulated up to 10-fold by 10 micromolar IAA in VFN8. Elongation of dgt hypocotyls was also insensitive to concentrations of IAA as high as 100 micromolar, as compared to significant elongation of VFN8 hypocotyls in response to 0.1 micromolar IAA. A range of IAA analogs active in VFN8 was also ineffective in stimulating elongation of dgt hypocotyls, suggesting that the differences were not due to rapid metabolism of IAA by dgt tissues. Auxin-induced elongation of VFN8 hypocotyls was unaffected by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid and naphthylphthalamic acid, indicating that polar auxin transport was not a factor in these experiments. Exogenous and auxin-induced ethylene had no effect on the elongation respone of either genotype, nor did exogenous ethylene restore the sensitivity of dgt hypocotyls to IAA. Despite their apparent insensitivity to auxin, dgt hypocotyls elongated dramatically and synthesized ethylene rapidly in response to 1.2 micromolar fusicoccin. These results suggest that the primary effect of the dgt mutation is to reduce the sensitivity of the tissue to auxin. As altered regulation of ethylene synthesis is only one symptom of this fundamental deficiency, dgt should more properly be considered to be the auxin-insensitive tomato mutant.  相似文献   

Tomato high pigment (hp) mutants are characterized by their exaggerated photoresponsiveness. Light-grown hp mutants display elevated levels of anthocyanins, are shorter and darker than wild-type plants, and have dark green immature fruits due to the overproduction of chlorophyll pigments. It has been proposed that HP genes encode negative regulators of phytochrome signal transduction. We have cloned the HP-2 gene and found that it encodes the tomato homolog of the nuclear protein DEETIOLATED1 (DET1) from Arabidopsis. Mutations in DET1 are known to result in constitutive deetiolation in darkness. In contrast to det1 mutants, tomato hp-2 mutants do not display any visible phenotypes in the dark but only very weak phenotypes, such as partial chloroplast development. Furthermore, whereas det1 mutations are epistatic to mutations in phytochrome genes, analysis of similar double mutants in tomato showed that manifestation of the phenotype of the hp-2 mutant is strictly dependent upon the presence of active phytochrome. Because only one DET1 gene is likely to be present in each of the two species, our data suggest that the phytochrome signaling pathways in which the corresponding proteins function are regulated differently in Arabidopsis and tomato.  相似文献   

Abstract Etiolated hypocotyls from normal tomato plants show a negative gravitropic response within 20 min of stimulation. In contrast, etiolated hypocotyls from the gravitropic mutant Lazy-l do not reorientate after gravistimulation. Etiolated hypocotyls from both types of plant are positively phototropic, however, Lazy-l seedlings achieve a greater final angle of bending following phototropic stimulation compared to normal plants. Anatomical studies reveal that etiolated hypocotyls from normal plants contain sedimenting amyloplasts located within the endodermal cells. Such sedimenting amyloplasts are absent in Lazy-l tissue. It is hypothesized that the hypocotyl of Lazy-l is agravitropic since it is unable to perceive a gravistimulus.  相似文献   

The results on studying of mutant genes with a non-allelic interaction in tomato are presented. It is determined that the mutant c and e genes of the leaf form interact by type of recessive epistasis with predominance of the homozygote cc over ee and the manifestation of the genotype ee can be influenced by genes-suppressors. It is defined that mutants ful, l-2, au, lg interact by type of dominant complementarity in F1 and by type of recessive complementarity in F2.  相似文献   

Exposure of plants to sodium (Na) and salinity may increase glycine betaine accumulation in tissues. To study this, red-beet cvs. Scarlet Supreme and Ruby Queen, were grown for 42 days in a growth chamber using a re-circulating nutrient film technique with 0.25 mmol/L K and either 4.75 mmol/L (control) or 54.75 mmol/L (saline) Na (as NaCl). Plants were harvested at weekly intervals and measurements were taken on leaf water relations, leaf photosynthetic rates, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll levels, glycine betaine levels, and tissue elemental composition. Glycine betaine accumulation increased under salinity and this accumulation correlated with higher tissue levels of Na in both cultivars. Na accounted for 80 to 90% of the total cation uptake under the saline treatment. At final harvest (42 days), K concentrations in laminae ranged from approximately 65-95 micromoles g-1 dry matter (DM), whereas Na in shoot tissue ranged from approximately 3000-4000 micromoles g-1. Leaf sap osmotic potential at full turgor [psi(s100)] increased as lamina Na content increased. Glycine betaine levels of leaf laminae showed a linear relationship with leaf sap [psi(s100)]. Chlorophyll levels, leaf photosynthetic rates, and chlorophyll fluorescence were not affected by Na levels. These results suggest that the metabolic tolerance to high levels of tissue Na in red-beet could be due to its ability to synthesize and regulate glycine betaine production, and to control partitioning of Na and glycine betaine between the vacuole and the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Evidence is building that stomatal conductance to water vapour (g(s)) can be quite high in the dark in some species. However, it is unclear whether nocturnal opening reflects a mechanistic limitation (i.e. an inability to close at night) or an adaptive response (i.e. promoting water loss for reasons unrelated to carbon gain). Further, it is unclear if stomatal responses to leaf-air vapour pressure difference (D) persist in the dark. We investigated nocturnal stomatal behaviour in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) by measuring gas exchange and stomatal responses to D in the light and in the dark. Results were compared among eight growth environments [two levels for each of three treatment variables: air saturation deficit (D(a)), light and water availability]. In most plants, stomata remained open and sensitive to D at night. g(s) was typically lower at night than in the day, whereas leaf osmotic pressure (Pi) was higher at night. In well-watered plants grown at low D(a), stomata were less sensitive to D in the dark than in the light, but the reverse was found for plants grown at high D(a). Stomata of droughted plants were less sensitive to D in the dark than in the light regardless of growth D(a). Drought also reduced g(s) and elevated Pi in both the light and the dark, but had variable effects on stomatal sensitivity to D. These results are interpreted with the aid of models of stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

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