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The homology concept has had a long and varied history, starting out as a geometrical term in ancient Greece. Here we describe briefly how a typological use of homology to designate organs and body parts in the same position anatomically in different organisms was changed by Darwin’s theory of evolution into a phylogenetic concept. We try to indicate the diversity of opinions on how to define and test for homology that has prevailed historically, before the important books by Hennig (1950. Grundzüge einer Theorie der Phylogenetischen Systematik. Deutscher Zentralverlag, Berlin) and Remane (1952. Die Grundlagen des Natürlichen Systems, der Vergleichenden Anatomie und der Phylogenetik. Geest & Portig, Leipzig) brought more rigor into both the debate on homology and into the usage of the term homology among systematists. Homology as a theme has recurred repeatedly throughout the history of the “Phylogenetisches Symposium” and we give a very brief overview of the different aspects of homology that have been discussed at specific symposia over the last 48 years. We also honour the fact that the 2004 symposium was held in Jena by pointing to the roles played by biologists active in Jena, such as Ernst Haeckel and Carl Gegenbaur, in starting the development towards a homology concept concordant with an evolutionary world view. As historians of biology, we emphasize the importance of major treatises on homology and its history that may be little read by systematists active today, and have sometimes also received less attention by historians of biology than they deserve. Prominent among these are the works of Dietrich Starck, who also happened to be both a student, and later a benefactor, of systematics at Jena University.  相似文献   

In different medical systems, notions of person, as patient and as healer, vary widely. An analysis of the talk of a practitioner of internal medicine in the U.S.A. reveals an understanding of patients as syndromes. The work of medicine is physiological integrity, distinct from personal and interpersonal integrity. It is suggested that the world view of this practitioner is consistent with the institutions of medicine in which he practices, and with historical movements in U.S. society and Western civilization more broadly.  相似文献   



Malacostracan evolutionary history has seen multiple transformations of ontogenetic mode. For example direct development in connection with extensive brood care and development involving planktotrophic nauplius larvae, as well as intermediate forms are found throughout this taxon. This makes the Malacostraca a promising group for study of evolutionary morphological diversification and the role of heterochrony therein. One candidate heterochronic phenomenon is represented by the concept of the ‘egg-nauplius’, in which the nauplius larva, considered plesiomorphic to all Crustacea, is recapitulated as an embryonic stage.


Here we present a comparative investigation of embryonic muscle differentiation in four representatives of Malacostraca: Gonodactylaceus falcatus (Stomatopoda), Neocaridina heteropoda (Decapoda), Neomysis integer (Mysida) and Parhyale hawaiensis (Amphipoda). We describe the patterns of muscle precursors in different embryonic stages to reconstruct the sequence of muscle development, until hatching of the larva or juvenile. Comparison of the developmental sequences between species reveals extensive heterochronic and heteromorphic variation. Clear anticipation of muscle differentiation in the nauplius segments, but also early formation of longitudinal trunk musculature independently of the teloblastic proliferation zone, are found to be characteristic to stomatopods and decapods, all of which share an egg-nauplius stage.


Our study provides a strong indication that the concept of nauplius recapitulation in Malacostraca is incomplete, because sequences of muscle tissue differentiation deviate from the chronological patterns observed in the ectoderm, on which the egg-nauplius is based. However, comparison of myogenic sequences between taxa supports the hypothesis of a zoea-like larva that was present in the last common ancestor of Eumalacostraca (Malacostraca without Leptostraca). We argue that much of the developmental sequences of larva muscle patterning were retained in the eumalacostracan lineage despite the reduction of free swimming nauplius larvae, but was severely reduced in the peracaridean clade.

As regards their morphology and biology, tumours consist of heterogeneous cell populations. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis assumes that a tumour is hierarchically organized and not all of the cells are equally capable of generating descendants, similarly to normal tissue. The only cells being able to self-renew and produce a heterogeneous tumour cell population are cancer stem cells. CSCs probably derive from normal stem cells, although progenitor cells may be taken into consideration as the source of cancer stem cells. CSCs reside in the niche defined as the microenvironment formed by stromal cells, vasculature and extracellular matrix. The CSC assays include FACS sorting, xenotransplantation to immunodeficient mice (SCID), incubation with Hoechst 33342 dye, cell culture in non-adherent conditions, cell culture with bromodeoxyuridine. CSCs have certain properties that make them resistant to anticancer therapy, which suggests they may be the target for potential therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The term “σ-hole” originally referred to the electron-deficient outer lobe of a half-filled p (or nearly p) orbital involved in forming a covalent bond. If the electron deficiency is sufficient, there can result a region of positive electrostatic potential which can interact attractively (noncovalently) with negative sites on other molecules (σ-hole bonding). The interaction is highly directional, along the extension of the covalent bond giving rise to the σ-hole. σ-Hole bonding has been observed, experimentally and computationally, for many covalently-bonded atoms of Groups V–VII. The positive character of the σ-hole increases in going from the lighter to the heavier (more polarizable) atoms within a Group, and as the remainder of the molecule becomes more electron-withdrawing. In this paper, we show computationally that significantly positive σ-holes, and subsequent noncovalent interactions, can also occur for atoms of Group IV. This observation, together with analogous ones for the molecules (H3C)2SO, (H3C)2SO2 and Cl3PO, demonstrates a need to expand the interpretation of the origins of σ-holes: (1) While the bonding orbital does require considerable p character, in view of the well-established highly directional nature of σ-hole bonding, a sizeable s contribution is not precluded. (2) It is possible for the bonding orbital to be doubly-occupied and forming a coordinate covalent bond. Figure Two views of the calculated electrostatic potential on the 0.001 au molecular surface of SiCl4. Color ranges, in kcal/mole, are: purple, negative; blue, between 0 and 8; green, between 8 and 11; yellow, between 11 and 18; red, more positive than 18. The top view shows three of the four chlorines. In the center is the σ-hole due to the fourth Cl−Si bond, its most positive portion (red) being on the extension of that bond. In the bottom view are visible two of the σ-holes on the silicon. In both views can be seen the σ-holes on the chlorines, on the extensions of the Si−Cl bonds; their most positive portions are green  相似文献   

Both human and nonhuman primates have been suggested to possess some essential knowledge about animate entities, but it remains unclear whether the concept of animacy is shared across species, which properties are used as an "animacy marker," and whether such ability is present at birth. We investigated infant Japanese monkeys' looking responses towards novel objects varying in both physical appearance and self-propelled motion, with the aim of depicting the role of eyes and fluffiness in the early recognition of animacy. Presented with an inanimate natural stone, three-month-old monkeys showed longer looking times at the stone's self-propelled motion than at its baseline still posture. This effect became significantly smaller when artificial fur was attached to the stone, while adding artificial eyes did not elicit a departing pattern in their looking behavior. In contrast, one-month-old monkeys showed no systematic differences in their looking behavior. This suggests that the concept of animacy in terms of self-propelledness may develop between one and three?months of age, with sensitivity to texture emerging by three?months. Development of biological knowledge is discussed in relation to social knowledge from both ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives.  相似文献   

During dental treatment children are usually under psychological pressure. With the Sarnat Behaviour Score five different types of patients can be distinguished. There is no method that measures the impact of dental atmosphere and dentist's behaviour on the young patients' readiness to cooperate. The objective of the present study was the implementation and evaluation of a questionnaire on this subject. Eighty-eight patients participated in this study. In the first part of the new questionnaire personal information was collected. The second part consists of 43 items and investigates the relationship between dentist and patient and reflects the atmosphere of the environment. Statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test. There were statistically significant differences between the cooperative and non-cooperative group, as regards the perceived honesty of the dentist, the ability to explain and wish to help. Uncooperative children are significantly more often afraid of the dental environment. Sympathy alone has only a minor effect on children's cooperation. Children should be treated with empathy. Especially younger patients appreciate detailed explanations by the dentist. Children's non-cooperative behaviour results often from their aroused interest in the unknown environment, which causes an unpleasant perception of the whole setting.  相似文献   

1. delta-(l-alpha-Aminoadipyl)-l-cysteine, the corresponding d- and dl-alpha-aminoadipyl isomers, delta-(dl-alpha-amino[6-(14)C]adipyl)-l-cysteine and gamma- and alpha-l-glutamyl-l-cysteine were synthesized. 2. The behaviour of delta-(l-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteine and the corresponding d- and dl-alpha-aminoadipyl isomers was studied in the presence of suspensions of intact mycelium of a Cephalosporium sp., suspensions treated ultrasonically and extracts obtained by grinding with alumina. 3. With intact mycelium the l-alpha-aminoadipyl isomer was removed more rapidly from the extracellular fluid than the corresponding d-isomer. 4. Addition of delta-(dl-alpha-amino[6-(14)C]adipyl)-l-cysteine to suspensions of intact mycelium led to the labelling of extracellular and intracellular penicillin N and cephalosporin C, but also to extensive hydrolysis of the dipeptide. 5. Broken-cell systems hydrolysed delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteine and the corresponding d-alpha-aminoadipyl isomer, but the former was hydrolysed more readily than the latter. 6. gamma- and alpha-l-Glutamyl-l-cysteine were also hydrolysed but delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-l-valine was not. 7. Only part of the enzyme activity in broken-cell systems responsible for the hydrolysis of delta-(alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteine was present in the supernatant obtained on centrifugation at 20000g. 8. Possible implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We review recent history and evolution of Oceans and Human Health programs and related activities in the USA from a perspective within the Federal government. As a result of about a decade of support by the US Congress and through a few Federal agencies, notably the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, robust Oceans and Human Health (OHH) research and application activities are now relatively widespread, although still small, in a number of agencies and academic institutions. OHH themes and issues have been incorporated into comprehensive federal ocean research plans and are reflected in the new National Ocean Policy enunciated by Executive Order 13547. In just a decade, OHH has matured into a recognized “metadiscipline,” with development of a small, but robust and diverse community of science and practice, incorporation into academic educational programs, regular participation in ocean and coastal science and public health societies, and active engagement with public health decision makers. In addition to substantial increases in scientific information, the OHH community has demonstrated ability to respond rapidly and effectively to emergency situations such as those associated with extreme weather events (e.g., hurricanes, floods) and human-caused disasters (e.g., the Deep Water Horizon oil spill). Among many other things, next steps include development and implementation of agency health strategies and provision of specific services, such as ecological forecasts to provide routine early warnings for ocean health threats and opportunities for prevention and mitigation of these risks.  相似文献   

G. Rambold  R. Agerer 《Mycorrhiza》1997,7(2):113-116
 A considerable amount of data has been published on morphological and anatomical characteristics of ectomycorrhizae but these are dispersed in several, sometimes not easily available, journals. The few keys that exist are mostly based upon host tree genera. No comprehensive determination tools for non-experts are available. An information system for specific characters of ectomycorrhizae and an interactive key are now provided by DEEMY on CD-ROM. Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

An assessment of genotoxicity is a precondition for marketing authorization respectively registration of herbal medicinal products (HMPs), as well as for inclusion into the ‘Community list of herbal substances, preparations and combinations thereof for use in traditional herbal medicinal products’ established by the European Commission in accordance with Directive 2001/83/EC as amended, and based on proposals from the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC).In the ‘Guideline on the assessment of genotoxicity of herbal substances/preparations’ (EMEA/HMPC/107079/2007) HMPC has described a stepwise approach for genotoxicity testing, according to which the Ames test is a sufficient base for the assessment of genotoxicity in case of an unequivocally negative result. For reducing efforts for testing of individual herbal substances/preparations, HMPC has also developed the ‘guideline on selection of test materials for genotoxicity testing for traditional herbal medicinal products/herbal medicinal products’ (EMEA/HMPC/67644/2009) with the aim to allow testing of a standard range of test materials which could be considered representative of the commonly used preparations from a specific herbal drug according to a ‘bracketing/matrixing’ approach.The purpose of this paper is to provide data on the practical application of this bracketing and matrixing concept using the example of Valerianae radix, with the intention of facilitating its inclusion in the “Community list”. Five extraction solvents, representing the extremes of the polarity range and including also mid-range extraction solvents, were used, covering the entire spectrum of phytochemical constituents of Valerianae radix, thereby including polar and non-polar constituents. Extracts were tested in the Ames test according to all relevant guidelines. Results were unequivocally negative for all extracts. A review of the literature showed that this result is in accordance with the available data, thus demonstrating the lack of a genotoxic potential.In conclusion the two guidelines on genotoxicity provide a practically applicable concept. Valerianae radix has no genotoxic potential, supporting its use in HMPs and its inclusion in the Community list.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1983,31(4):1195-1205
The concept of an ‘ethological need’ has assumed a prominent place in recent discussions of animal welfare, although the term itself is surrounded by confusion. It is here argued that some of this confusion might be overcome by applying consumer demand theory to some of the problems of animal welfare. As an example, the postulated ‘need’ of battery-caged hens to scratch and dustbathe is reinterpreted in this light, using the economic definition of a ‘necessity’. Two attempts to measure the value that hens put on access to litter are reported. In experiment 1, birds were required to make an instantaneous choice between food and litter under different degrees of food deprivation. In experiment 2, choices were observed over longer periods of time under changes of income (time available). In neither case was there evidence of hens regarding litter as a necessity but these results should be regarded only as preliminary.  相似文献   

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