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Despite a growing body of research linking bioenergy cultivation to changing patterns of biodiversity, there has been remarkably little interest in how bioenergy plantations affect key ecosystem processes underpinning important ecosystem services. In this study, we compare how the processes of predation by ground arthropods and litter decomposition varied between Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) willow bioenergy plantations and alternative land‐uses: arable and set‐aside (agricultural land taken out of production). We deployed litter bags to measure variation in decomposition, and a prey removal assay coupled with pitfall traps and direct searches to investigate variation in predation pressure. Decomposition rate was higher in willow SRC and set‐aside than in cereal crops. Willow SRC had the highest abundance and diversity of ground‐dwelling arthropod predators, but land‐use had no detectable influence on predation of fly pupae or the combined activity‐density of the two principal Coleoptera families (carabids and staphylinids). Overall, our study demonstrates that the conversion of arable land to SRC may have implications for the rate of some, but not all, ecosystem processes, and highlights the need for further research in this area.  相似文献   

Improving production in short rotation coppice (SRC) plantations requires, among other elements, a proper understanding of clonal performance. Genotypic stability over a range of environments is a factor of concern for breeding and recommendation purposes. Most common stability measures can be embedded in a mixed‐model framework accounting for interaction and heterocedasticity in genotype‐by‐environment tables. Data from nine hybrid poplars of different taxonomic background were tested in four Mediterranean sites under three agronomic practices (control, herbicide application, and supplementary fertilization) for total biomass (TB), stem biomass (SB), and branch biomass (BB) at the end of the first rotation. Stability models (stability variance, Finlay–Wilkinson and Eberhart–Russell) were compared, also allowing for the definition of groups of genotypes with distinct taxonomic backgrounds and a priori different variabilities. Results showed that genotype‐by‐environment (GE) interactions were associated with factors inherent to evaluation sites rather than to the agronomic practices tested. Depending on biomass fraction, regression models provided appropriate stability measures. Highly reactive clones to improving environmental conditions (e.g., ‘AF2’) tended to show the largest mean TB. However, this was not always the case, as clone ‘Monviso’ showed both intermediate reactivity (i.e., stable sensu Eberhart–Russell) and enhanced overall performance. The taxonomic group was relevant for explaining stability patterns for SB. The stability assessment for BB indicated different patterns in biomass allocation. Present findings point to the feasibility of either exploiting specific adaptation (in which case hybrid type may play a relevant role) or searching for broadly adapted, stable material exhibiting good performance in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of a transition from grassland to second‐generation (2G) bioenergy on soil carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance is uncertain, with limited empirical data on which to validate landscape‐scale models, sustainability criteria and energy policies. Here, we quantified soil carbon, soil GHG emissions and whole ecosystem carbon balance for short rotation coppice (SRC) bioenergy willow and a paired grassland site, both planted at commercial scale. We quantified the carbon balance for a 2‐year period and captured the effects of a commercial harvest in the SRC willow at the end of the first cycle. Soil fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) did not contribute significantly to the GHG balance of these land uses. Soil respiration was lower in SRC willow (912 ± 42 g C m?2 yr?1) than in grassland (1522 ± 39 g C m?2 yr?1). Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) reflected this with the grassland a net source of carbon with mean NEE of 119 ± 10 g C m?2 yr?1 and SRC willow a net sink, ?620 ± 18 g C m?2 yr?1. When carbon removed from the ecosystem in harvested products was considered (Net Biome Productivity), SRC willow remained a net sink (221 ± 66 g C m?2 yr?1). Despite the SRC willow site being a net sink for carbon, soil carbon stocks (0–30 cm) were higher under the grassland. There was a larger NEE and increase in ecosystem respiration in the SRC willow after harvest; however, the site still remained a carbon sink. Our results indicate that once established, significant carbon savings are likely in SRC willow compared with the minimally managed grassland at this site. Although these observed impacts may be site and management dependent, they provide evidence that land‐use transition to 2G bioenergy has potential to provide a significant improvement on the ecosystem service of climate regulation relative to grassland systems.  相似文献   

Abstract: Leaf phenology of 17 poplar ( Populus spp.) clones, encompassing spring phenology, length of growth period and end-of-year phenology, was examined over several years of different rotations. The 17 poplar clones differed in their latitude of origin (45°30'N to 51°N) and were studied on a short rotation experimental field plantation, situated in Boom (province of Antwerpen, Belgium; 51°05'N, 04°22'E). A similar, clear pattern of bud burst was observed during the different years of study for all clones. Clones Columbia River, Fritzi Pauley, Trichobel (Populus trichocarpa) and Balsam Spire (Populus trichocarpa × Populus balsamifera) from 45°30'N to 49°N reached bud burst (expressed as day of the year or degree day sums) almost every year earlier than clones Wolterson (Populus nigra), Gaver, Gibecq and Primo (Populus deltoides × Populus nigra) (50°N to 51°N). This observation could not be generalised to end-of-season phenology, for which a yearly returning pattern for all clones was lacking. Late bud burst and early leaf fall of some clones (Beaupré, Boelare, IBW1, IBW2, IBW3) was brought about by increasing rust incidence during the years of observation. For these clones, the variability in leaf phenology was reflected in high coefficients of variation among years. The patterns of genetic variation in leaf phenology have implications for short rotation intensive culture forestry and management of natural populations. Moreover, the variation in phenology reported here is relevant with regard to the genetic mapping of poplar.  相似文献   

For avoiding competition with food production, marginal land is economically and environmentally highly attractive for biomass production with short‐rotation coppices (SRCs) of fast‐growing tree species such as poplars. Herein, we evaluated the environmental impacts of technological, agronomic, and environmental aspects of bioenergy production from hybrid poplar SRC cultivation on marginal land in southern Germany. For this purpose, different management regimes were considered within a 21‐year lifetime (combining measurements and modeling approaches) by means of a holistic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). We analyzed two coppicing rotation lengths (7 × 3 and 3 × 7 years) and seven nitrogen fertilization rates and included all processes starting from site preparation, planting and coppicing, wood chipping, and heat production up to final stump removal. The 7‐year rotation cycles clearly resulted in higher biomass yields and reduced environmental impacts such as nitrate (NO3) leaching and soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Fertilization rates were positively related to enhanced biomass accumulation, but these benefits did not counterbalance the negative impacts on the environment due to increased nitrate leaching and N2O emissions. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the heat production from poplar SRC on marginal land ranged between 8 and 46 kg CO2‐eq. GJ?1 (or 11–57 Mg CO2‐eq. ha?1). However, if the produced wood chips substitute oil heating, up to 123 Mg CO2‐eq. ha?1 can be saved, if produced in a 7‐year rotation without fertilization. Dissecting the entire bioenergy production chain, our study shows that environmental impacts occurred mainly during combustion and storage of wood chips, while technological aspects of establishment, harvesting, and transportation played a negligible role.  相似文献   

The demand for wood from short rotation coppice (SRC) plantations as a renewable energy source is currently increasing and could affect biodiversity in agricultural areas. The objective was to evaluate the contribution of SRC plantations to phytodiversity in agricultural landscapes assessed as species richness, species–area relationships, Shannon indices, detrended correspondence analysis on species composition, Sørensen similarities, habitat preference proportions, and species proportions found in only one land use. Vegetation surveys were conducted on 12 willow (Salix spp.) and three poplar (Populus spp.) coppice sites as well as on surrounding arable lands, grasslands and forests in central Sweden and northern Germany. SRC plantations were richer in plant species (mean: 30 species per 100 m²) than arable land (10), coniferous forests (13) and mixed forests in Germany (12). Comparing SRC plantations with other land uses, we found lowest similarities in species composition with arable lands, coniferous forests and German mixed forests and highest similarities with marginal grassland strips, grasslands and Swedish mixed forests. Similarity depended on the SRC tree cover: at increased tree cover, SRC plantations became less similar to grasslands but more similar to forests. The SRC plantations were composed of a mixture of grassland (33%), ruderal (24%) and woodland (15%) species. Species abundance in SRC plantations was more heterogeneous than in arable lands. We conclude that SRC plantations form novel habitats leading to different plant species composition compared to conventional land uses. Their landscape‐scale value for phytodiversity changes depending on harvest cycles and over time. As a structural landscape element, SRC plantations contribute positively to phytodiversity in rural areas, especially in land use mosaics where these plantations are admixed to other land uses with dissimilar plant species composition such as arable land, coniferous forest and, at the German sites, also mixed forest.  相似文献   

Woody biomass produced from short rotation coppice (SRC) poplar (Populus spp.) and willow (Salix spp.) is a bioenergy feedstock that can be grown widely across temperate landscapes and its use is likely to increase in future. Process‐based models are therefore required to predict current and future yield potential that are spatially resolved and can consider new genotypes and climates that will influence future yield. The development of a process‐based model for SRC poplar and willow, ForestGrowth‐SRC, is described and the ability of the model to predict SRC yield and water use efficiency (WUE) was evaluated. ForestGrowth‐SRC was parameterized from a process‐based model, ForestGrowth for high forest. The new model predicted annual above ground yield well for poplar (r2 = 0.91, RMSE = 1.46 ODT ha?1 yr?1) and willow (r2 = 0.85, RMSE = 1.53 ODT ha?1 yr?1), when compared with measured data from seven sites in contrasting climatic zones across the United Kingdom. Average modelled yields for poplar and willow were 10.3 and 9.0 ODT ha?1 yr?1, respectively, and interestingly, the model predicted a higher WUE for poplar than for willow: 9.5 and 5.5 g kg?1 respectively. Using regional mapped climate and soil inputs, modelled and measured yields for willow compared well (r2 = 0.58, RMSE = 1.27 ODT ha?1 yr?1), providing the first UK map of SRC yield, from a process‐based model. We suggest that the model can be used for predicting current and future SRC yields at a regional scale, highlighting important species and genotype choices with respect to water use efficiency and yield potential.  相似文献   

It was obtained statistical models to estimate the leaf area (LA) based in the length (L) and the width (W) of Bambusa vulgaris, two different eucalypt clones, AEC-144 (spontaneous hybrid of Eucalyptus urophylla) and LW07 (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis), and Salix nigra leaves. The trees or clumps were provbrided from a short rotation coppice (SRC) for bioenergy, mainly characterized by the high tree density, in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was collected, by chance, more than 4000 leaves that represented a quarter of the coppices. The bamboo and AEC-144 clone were, at the time, 22 months old, while the willow and LW07 clone were 18 months old. Young, intermediate and old leaves were mixed and measured. The measured leaves were correlated to obtain the simple linear eqs. (LA in function of L and W) and multiple linear regression (LA in function of L × W), to each species. All the species shown a positive correlation coefficient (r) to L (r = 0.75 to 0.95), W (r = 0.70 to 0.82) e L × W (r = 0.87 to 0.95), significative to p ≤ .05. The multiple linear models, that used L × W, are the most appropriated once it had better adjustments with the determination coefficients (R2) between 0.76 and 0.91 with exception in the case of S. nigra (willow), the R2 of the simple linear regression using L was similar to the multiple linear regression, 0.90 and 0.91 respectively, showing that it is possible to estimate the LA in willow just using length.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate how short rotation coppice (SRC) on arable soil in Northern Germany altered the concentrations of soil lipids, and thus, soil organic matter (SOM) quality. The concentrations of organic C and aliphatic lipids were determined in the litter and underlying soil layers under two willow (Salix caprea × viminalis clone 6, S. viminalis clone 78–183) and two poplar (Populus trichocarpa × deltoides cv. Beaupré, P. nigra × maximowiczii cv. Max 4) clones at a 14-year-old SRC and a permanent arable reference site. High organic C concentrations in the topsoil under S. viminalis and P. trichocarpa × deltoides agreed with high concentrations of long C-chain saturated n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols and n-alkanes. These disproportionally higher concentrations of long C-chain saturated n-alkanoic acids (factor 3.6) and n-alkanols (factor 3.8) under S. viminalis and of n-alkanols (factor 3.9) under P. trichocarpa × deltoides than in an arable reference treatment indicated a lower microbial decomposability and, thus, a clone-specific accumulation of these SOM constituents. The clone-specific enrichments in long C-chain saturated n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols and n-alkanes indicate that clone selection may be an approach to additional long-term storage of atmosphere CO2 in the form of stable SOM under SRC.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the songbird communities occupying willow and poplar short rotation coppice (SRC) crops during the breeding season, and to identify the features of existing plantations that affect their abundance. Songbird point-counts were undertaken at 66 different plots of SRC at 29 sites throughout Britain and Ireland during spring 1993. Measures of vegetation and coppice management in each plot were also taken. The songbird species using the SRC survey plots were similar to those reported from traditional coppice habitats. Willow SRC contained more resident and migrant songbird species than poplar SRC. Warbler species and buntings in particular were rarely recorded from poplar plots. Finches, tits and thrushes were recorded equally from both willow and poplar. More migrant species were recorded from year 2 willow coppice (i.e. in its third growth season since winter cutting) than in either year 1 or year 3. Most resident species selected older willow or poplar coppice growth up to year 3 or 4, the oldest age classes in the sample. These 4-year trends for migrant and resident songbirds are similar to those observed in traditional coppice woodland over a 10- or 12-year rotation. Skylark and Meadow Pipit were recorded from recently cut SRC plots (year 0). In a regression analysis, the number of songbird species and individuals, particularly migrants, were found to be positively related to the increased structural density or complexity of the coppice vegetation.  相似文献   

Short rotation coppices (SRC) are considered prime candidates for biomass production, yielding good‐quality feedstock that is easy to harvest. Besides technical, social and economical aspects, environmental issues are important to be taken into account when developing SRC. Here, we evaluated the environmental impacts of delivering 1 GJ of heat from eucalyptus SRC using life cycle assessment (LCA), based on management scenarios involving different rotations lengths, fertilizer input rates, stem densities and harvest methods. Compared to equivalent fossil chains, all eucalyptus scenarios achieved savings of fossil energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the 80–90% range, and had generally lower impacts, except for eutrophication. The 3 year rotation scenario was the most energy and GHG‐intensive, whereas manual felling for the longer rotations resulted in twofold larger photochemical ozone impacts compared to the other scenarios. Transportation of wood chips and fertilization were the top two contributors to the impacts, the latter being more important with the shorter rotation lengths due to the evergreen character of eucalyptus. The possibility of including ecosystem carbon dynamics was also investigated, by translating the temporary sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in the above and belowground biomass of eucalyptus as CO2 savings using various published equivalence factors. This offset the life cycle GHG emissions of heat provision from eucalyptus SRC by 70–400%.  相似文献   

A small-scale greenhouse investigation was undertaken using Goat willow (Salix caprea) and aspen (Populus tremula) to evaluate the potential of short rotation coppice for remediation of 137Cs- and 90Sr-contaminated sites. Results showed that both species were able to accumulate these radionuclides from a representative disposal soil (aged) and a spiked soil S. caprea accumulating greater levels of 137Cs than P. tremula, with no difference between species for 90Sr accumulation. For each radionuclide, the distribution in both species was similar, with 137Cs accumulation greatest in the roots, whereas 90Sr accumulation was greatest in the leaves. It was also evident that the soil-to-plant transfer factor (Tf) values for 90Sr were greater than for 137Cs, agreeing with differences in the reported bioavailailablity of these radionuclides in soil Based on the Tf values for S. caprea (conservative), estimated remediation times were 92 and 56 yr, for 137Cs and 90Sr, respectively. It is suggested that the selection of Salix species grown in a system of SRC provides a significant opportunity for removal of both 137Cs and 90Sr, primarily due to its higher biomass production. However, for 137Cs phytoremediation investigations into the appropriate use of soil amendments for increasing bioavailability are required.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the potential of biomass production by short rotation poplar in Romania without constraining agricultural food production. Located in the eastern part of Europe, Romania provides substantial land resources suitable for bioenergy production. The process‐oriented biogeochemical model Landscape DNDC was used in conjunction with the forest‐growth model PSIM to simulate the yield of poplar grown in short‐rotation coppice at different sites in Romania. The model was validated on five sites with different climatic conditions in Central Europe. Using regional site conditions, with climatic parameters and organic carbon content in soil being the most important, the biomass production potential of poplar plantations was simulated for agricultural areas across Romania. Results indicated a mean productivity of 12.2 ± 0.5 t ha?1 year?1 of poplar coppices on arable land in Romania. The highest yields were simulated for lowland areas in the south‐east and west and for the Mures valley, whereas the lowest yields – due to either temperature or water limitations – were found for the mountainous regions, the Danube valley, and the region west of Bucharest. The amount of abandoned arable land in the past 10 years indicates that around 10% of cropping land in production in 1999 (approximately 1 million ha) is available for bioenergy production systems today. Production of poplar grown in short‐rotation coppices on these areas would result in a yield of approximately 10 million tons of wood per year. The energy that can be generated by conversion of poplar short rotation coppice biomass may contribute up to approximately 8% of the national energy demand if these set‐aside areas are used for lignocellulosic bioenergy.  相似文献   

Given today's political targets, energy production from agricultural areas is likely to increase and therefore needs to be more sustainable. The aim of this study was thus to carry out a long‐term field trial based on the poplar short‐rotation coppice (SRC), in order to compare dry matter, energy‐use efficiency and the net energy yield obtainable from this crop in relation to different harvest frequencies (1‐, 2‐ and 3‐year cutting cycles). The results showed that poplar SRC performed very well under temperate climates as it can survive up to 12 years, providing a considerable annual biomass yield (9.9, 13.8, 16.4 t ha?1 yr?1 for annual T1, biannual T2 and triennial T3 cutting cycles, respectively). The system tested in southern Europe showed a positive energy balance characterized by a high energy efficiency. We found that the choice of harvest interval had huge consequences in terms of energy yields. In fact, the energy efficiency improved from T1 to T2 and T3, while the net energy yield increased from 172 to 299 GJ ha?1 yr?1. This study suggests that, with 3‐year harvest cycles, poplar SRC can contribute to agronomic and environmental sustainability not only in terms of its high yield and energy efficiency but also in terms of its positive influence on limiting soil tillage and on the environment, given its low pesticide and nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Sustained interest in producing renewable energy from dedicated woody biomass crops, such as shrub willow (Salix spp.), through short rotation coppice (SRC) has resulted in a substantial amount of published research on SRC over the past few decades. One area of constant focus has been the nutritional requirements for optimal growth and yield. Inconsistency in the results of individual research trials has likely been a driver of repeated experimentation. This review is intended to provide a quantitative examination of the effect of fertilization treatments on willow biomass yield in field conditions. Data from the literature were collected and summarized to test for significant sources of variation in willow biomass nitrogen (N) pools of common SRC genotypes used in North American and European research programs. A meta‐analysis was conducted on studies comparing synthetic or organic sources of N willow fertilization to an unfertilized control treatment to test for yield response. Overall, the majority of responses to fertilization were positive, although variation by species, N source material, and crop age were found. While no clear pattern in N dosage response was observed, the level of yield response was correlated with geographic and climatic variables. Nitrogen export levels were fairly predictable, and the synthesis presented here can be used to refine current guidelines. Environmental and economic aspects are also considered.  相似文献   

Accumulation of biomass and nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn) was measured during the first 3-year rotation of three Eucalyptus short rotation forest species (E. botryoides, E. globulus and E. ovata) irrigated with meatworks effluent compared with no irrigation. E. globulus had the highest biomass and nutrient accumulation either irrigated with effluent or without irrigation. After 3-year growth, E. globulus stands irrigated with effluent accumulated 72 oven dry t/ha of above-ground total biomass with a total of 651 kg N, 55 kg P, 393 kg K, 251 kg Ca, 35 kg Mg and 67 kg Mn. Effluent irrigation increased the accumulation of biomass, N, P, K and Mn, but tended to reduce the leaf area index and leaf biomass, and decreased the accumulation of Ca and Mg.  相似文献   

Several factors influence land availability for the growth of short rotation coppices (SRC) with fast‐growing tree species, including the nationwide availability of agricultural land, economic efficiency, ecological impacts, political boundaries and environmental protection regulations. In this study, we analysed the growing potential of poplar and willow SRC for bioenergy purposes in Germany without negative ecological impacts or land use conflicts. The potential biomass production using SRC on agricultural land in Germany was assessed taking into account ecological, ethical, political and technical restrictions. Using a geographic information system (GIS), digital site maps, climate data and a digital terrain model, the SRC biomass production potential on cropland and grassland was estimated using water supply and mean temperature during the growing season as parameters. From this analysis, a yield model for SRC was developed based on the analysed growth data and site information of 62 short rotation plantations in Germany and France. To assess the technical, ethical and ecological potential of SRC, restrictions in protected areas, technical constraints and competition with food and feed production were investigated. Our results revealed that approximately 18% (2.12 Mio. ha) of cropland and 54% (2.5 Mio. ha) of grassland in Germany were highly suitable for SRC plantations, providing favourable water supplies and mean temperatures during the growing season. These identified sites produced an average yield of more than 14 tons of dry matter per hectare per year. Due to local climate and soil conditions, the federal states in northern and eastern Germany had the highest theoretical SRC potential for agricultural land. After considering all ecological, ethical, political and technical restrictions, as well as future climate predictions, 5.7% (680 000 ha) of cropland and 33% (1.5 Mio. ha) of grassland in Germany were classified as suitable for biomass production with fast‐growing tree species in SRC.  相似文献   

The need for renewable energy sources will lead to a considerable expansion in the planting of dedicated fast‐growing biomass crops across Europe. These are commonly cultivated as short‐rotation coppice (SRC), and currently poplar (Populus spp.) is the most widely planted. In this study, we report the greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) measured using eddy covariance technique in an SRC plantation for bioenergy production. Measurements were made during the period 2010–2013, that is, during the first two rotations of the SRC. The overall GHG balance of the 4 years of the study was an emission of 1.90 (±1.37) Mg CO2eq ha?1; this indicated that soil trace gas emissions offset the CO2 uptake by the plantation. CH4 and N2O contributed almost equally to offset the CO2 uptake of ?5.28 (±0.67) Mg CO2eq ha?1 with an overall emission of 3.56 (±0.35) Mg CO2eq ha?1 of N2O and of 3.53 (±0.85) Mg CO2eq ha?1 of CH4. N2O emissions mostly occurred during one single peak a few months after the site was converted to SRC; this peak comprised 44% of the total N2O loss during the two rotations. Accurately capturing emission events proved to be critical for deriving correct estimates of the GHG balance. The nitrogen (N) content of the soil and the water table depth were the two drivers that best explained the variability in N2O and CH4, respectively. This study underlines the importance of the ‘non‐CO2 GHGs’ on the overall balance. Further long‐term investigations of soil trace gas emissions should monitor the N content and the mineralization rate of the soil, as well as the microbial community, as drivers of the trace gas emissions.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar short‐rotation coppices (SRC) provide feedstocks for bioenergy production and can be established on lands that are suboptimal for food production. The environmental consequences of deploying this production system on marginal agricultural land need to be evaluated, including the investigation of common management practices i.e., fertilization and irrigation. In this work, we evaluated (1) the soil‐atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (N2O); (2) the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks; (3) the gross ammonification and nitrification rates; and (4) the nitrate leaching as affected by the establishment of a hybrid poplar SRC on a marginal agricultural land in southern Germany. Our study covered one 3‐year rotation period and 2 years after the first coppicing. We combined field and laboratory experiments with modeling. The soil N2O emissions decreased from 2.2 kg N2O‐N ha?1 a?1 in the year of SRC establishment to 1.1–1.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 a?1 after 4 years. Likewise, nitrate leaching reduced from 13 to 1.5–8 kg N ha?1 a?1. Tree coppicing induced a brief pulse of soil N2O flux and marginal effects on gross N turnover rates. Overall, the N losses diminished within 4 years by 80% without fertilization (irrespective of irrigation) and by 40% when 40–50 kg N ha?1 a?1 were applied. Enhanced N losses due to fertilization and the minor effect of fertilization and irrigation on tree growth discourage its use during the first rotation period after SRC establishment. A SOC accrual rate of 0.4 Mg C ha?1 a?1 (uppermost 25 cm, P = 0.2) was observed 5 years after the SRC establishment. Overall, our data suggest that SRC cultivation on marginal agricultural land in the region is a promising option for increasing the share of renewable energy sources due to its net positive environmental effects.  相似文献   

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