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Clathrin is a major component of clathrin-coated pits and serves as a binding scaffold for endocytic machinery through the binding of a specific sequence known as the clathrin-binding motif. This motif is also found in cellular signaling proteins other than endocytic components, including G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), which phosphorylates G protein-coupled receptors and promotes uncoupling of receptor-G protein interaction. However, the functions of clathrin in the regulation of GRK2 are unknown. Here we demonstrated that overexpression of GRK2 mutated at the clathrin-binding motif with alanine (GRK2-5A) results in inhibition of phosphorylation and internalization of the beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR). However, the interaction of beta2AR with GRK2-5A is the same as that of wild type GRK2 as determined by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. Furthermore, GRK2-5A phosphorylates rhodopsin essentially to the same extent as wild type GRK2 in vitro. Depletion of the clathrin heavy chain using small interference RNA inhibits agonist-induced phosphorylation and internalization of beta2AR. Thus, clathrin works as a regulator of GRK2 in cells. These results indicate that clathrin is a novel player in cellular functions in addition to being a component of endocytosis.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is a key modulator of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Altered expression of GRK2 has been described to occur during pathological conditions characterized by impaired GPCR signaling. We have reported recently that GRK2 is rapidly degraded by the proteasome pathway and that beta-arrestin function and Src-mediated phosphorylation are involved in targeting GRK2 for proteolysis. In this report, we show that phosphorylation of GRK2 by MAPK also triggers GRK2 turnover by the proteasome pathway. Modulation of MAPK activation alters the degradation of transfected or endogenous GRK2, and a GRK2 mutant that mimics phosphorylation by MAPK shows an enhanced degradation rate, thus indicating a direct effect of MAPK on GRK2 turnover. Interestingly, MAPK-mediated modulation of wild-type GRK2 stability requires beta-arrestin function and is facilitated by previous phosphorylation of GRK2 on tyrosine residues by c-Src. Consistent with an important physiological role, interfering with this GRK2 degradation process results in altered GPCR responsiveness. Our data suggest that both c-Src and MAPK-mediated phosphorylation would contribute to modulate GRK2 degradation, and put forward the existence of new feedback mechanisms connecting MAPK cascades and GPCR signaling.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) control the signaling and activation of G protein-coupled receptors through phosphorylation. In this study, consensus substrate motifs for GRK2 were identified from the sequences of GRK2 protein substrates, and 17 candidate peptides were synthesized to identify peptide substrates with high affinity for GRK2. GRK2 appears to require an acidic amino acid at the −2, −3, or −4 positions and its consensus phosphorylation site motifs were identified as (D/E)X1–3(S/T), (D/E)X1–3(S/T)(D/E), or (D/E)X0–2(D/E)(S/T). Among the 17 peptide substrates examined, a 13-amino-acid peptide fragment of β-tubulin (DEMEFTEAESNMN) showed the highest affinity for GRK2 (Km, 33.9 μM; Vmax, 0.35 pmol min−1 mg−1), but very low affinity for GRK5. This peptide may be a useful tool for investigating cellular signaling pathways regulated by GRK2.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) phosphorylates and shuts down signaling from 7-transmembrane receptors (7TMs). Although, receptor activity controls GRK2 expression levels, the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. We have previously shown that extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) activation increases GRK2 expression [J. Theilade, J. Lerche Hansen, S. Haunso, S.P. Sheikh, Extracellular signal-regulated kinases control expression of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), FEBS Lett. 518 (2002) 195-199]. In the present study, we found that ERK1/2 regulates GRK2 degradation rather than synthesis. ERK1/2 blockade using PD98059 decreased GRK2 cellular levels to 0.25-fold of control in Cos7 cells. This effect was due to enhanced degradation of the GRK2 protein, since proteasome blockade prevented down-regulation of GRK2 protein levels in the presence of PD98059. Further, ERK blockade had no effect on GRK2 synthesis as probed using a reporter construct carrying the GRK2 promoter upstream of the luciferase gene. We predict ERK1/2 mediated GRK2 protection could be a general phenomenon as proteasome inhibition increased GRK2 expression in two other cell lines, HEK293 and NIH3T3.  相似文献   

Chemical genetic engineering of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) play a pivotal role in receptor regulation. Efforts to study the acute effects of GRKs in intact cells have been limited by a lack of specific inhibitors. In the present study we have developed an engineered version of GRK2 that is specifically and reversibly inhibited by the substituted nucleotide analog 1-naphthyl-PP1 (1Na-PP1), and we explored GRK2 function in regulated internalization of the mu-opioid receptor (muOR). A previously described method that conferred analog sensitivity on various kinases, by introducing a space-creating mutation in the conserved active site, failed when applied to GRK2 because the corresponding mutation (L271G) rendered the mutant kinase (GRK2-as1) catalytically inactive. A sequence homology-based approach was used to design second-site suppressor mutations. A C221V second-site mutation produced a mutant kinase (GRK2-as5) with full functional activity and analog sensitivity as compared with wild-type GRK2 in vitro and in intact cells. The role of GRK2-as5 activity in the membrane trafficking of the muOR was also characterized. Morphine-induced internalization was completely blocked when GRK2-as5 activity was inhibited before morphine application. However, inhibition of GRK2-as5 during recycling and reinternalization of the muOR did not attenuate these processes. These results suggest there is a difference in the GRK requirement for initial ligand-induced internalization of a G protein-coupled receptor compared with subsequent rounds of reinternalization.  相似文献   

Cell migration requires integration of signals arising from both the extracellular matrix and messengers acting through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). We find that increased levels of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), a key player in GPCR regulation, potentiate migration of epithelial cells towards fibronectin, whereas such process is decreased in embryonic fibroblasts from hemizygous GRK2 mice or upon knockdown of GRK2 expression. Interestingly, the GRK2 effect on fibronectin-mediated cell migration involves the paracrine/autocrine activation of a sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) Gi-coupled GPCR. GRK2 positively modulates the activity of the Rac/PAK/MEK/ERK pathway in response to adhesion and S1P by a mechanism involving the phosphorylation-dependent, dynamic interaction of GRK2 with GIT1, a key scaffolding protein in cell migration processes. Furthermore, decreased GRK2 levels in hemizygous mice result in delayed wound healing rate in vivo, consistent with a physiological role of GRK2 as a regulator of coordinated integrin and GPCR-directed epithelial cell migration.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is a key modulator of G protein-coupled receptors and other plasma membrane receptors stimulated by chemotactic messengers. On top of that, GRK2 has been reported to interact with a variety of signal transduction proteins related to cell migration such as MEK, Akt, PI3Kgamma or GIT. Interestingly, the levels of expression and activity of this kinase are altered in a number of inflammatory disorders (as rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis), thus suggesting that it may play an important role in the onset or development of these pathologies. This review summarizes the mechanisms involved in the control of GRK2 expression and function and highlights novel functional interactions of this protein that might help to explain how altered GRK2 levels affects cell migration in different cell types and pathological settings.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is an important serine/threonine-kinase regulating different membrane receptors and intraceUular proteins. Attenuation of Drosophila Gprk2 in embryos or adult flies induced a defective differentiation of somatic muscles, loss of fibers, and a flightless phenotype. In vertebrates, GRK2 hemizygous mice contained less but more hypertrophied skeletal muscle fibers than wild-type littermates. In C2C12 myoblasts, overexpression of a GRK2 kinase-deficient mutant (K220R) caused precocious differentiation of ceUs into immature myotubes, which were wider in size and contained more fused nuclei, while GRK2 overexpression blunted differentiation. Moreover, p38MAPK and Akt pathways were activated at an earlier stage and to a greater extent in K220R-expressing cells or upon kinase downregulation, while the activation of both kinases was impaired in GRK2-overexpressing cells. The impaired differentiation and fewer fusion events promoted by enhanced GRK2 levels were recapitulated by a p38MAPK mutant, which was able to mimic the inhibitory phosphorylation of p38MAPK by GRK2, whereas the blunted differentiation observed in GRK2-expressing clones was rescued in the presence of a constitutively active upstream stimulator of the p38MAPK pathway. These results suggest that balanced GRK2 function is necessary for a timely and complete myogenic process.  相似文献   

The accepted paradigm for G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-mediated desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors involves GRK-mediated receptor phosphorylation followed by the binding of arrestin proteins. Although GRKs contribute to metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1) inactivation, beta-arrestins do not appear to be required for mGluR1 G protein uncoupling. Therefore, we investigated whether the phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues localized within the C terminus of mGluR1a is sufficient to allow GRK2-mediated attenuation of mGluR1a signaling. We find that the truncation of the mGluR1a C-terminal tail prevents mGluR1a phosphorylation and that GRK2 does not contribute to the phosphorylation of an mGluR1 splice variant (mGluR1b). However, mGluR1a-866Delta- and mGluR1b-stimulated inositol phosphate formation is attenuated following GRK2 expression. The expression of the GRK2 C-terminal domain to block membrane translocation of endogenous GRK2 increases mGluR1a-866Delta- and mGluR1b-stimulated inositol phosphate formation, presumably by blocking membrane translocation of GRK2. In contrast, expression of the kinase-deficient GRK2-K220R mutant inhibits inositol phosphate formation by these unphosphorylated receptors. Expression of the GRK2 N-terminal domain (residues 45-185) also attenuates both constitutive and agonist-stimulated mGluR1a, mGluR1a-866Delta, and mGluR1b signaling, and the GRK2 N terminus co-precipitates with mGluR1a. Taken together, our observations indicate that attenuation of mGluR1 signaling by GRK2 is phosphorylation-independent and that the interaction of the N-terminal domain of GRK2 with mGluR1 contributes to the regulation of mGluR1 G protein coupling.  相似文献   

Many modulators of inflammation, including chemokines, neuropeptides, and neurotransmitters signal via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). GPCR kinases (GRK) can phosphorylate agonist-activated GPCR thereby promoting receptor desensitization. Here we describe that in leukocytes from patients with active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) or with secondary progressive MS, GRK2 levels are significantly reduced. Unexpectedly, cells from patients during remission express even lower levels of GRK2. The level of GRK2 in leukocytes of patients after stroke, a neurological disorder with paralysis but without an autoimmune component, was similar to GRK2 levels in cells from healthy individuals. In addition, we demonstrate that the course of recombinant myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (1-125)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for MS, is markedly different in GRK2(+/-) mice that express 50% of the GRK2 protein in comparison with wild-type mice. Onset of EAE was significantly advanced by 5 days in GRK2(+/-) mice. The earlier onset of EAE was associated with increased early infiltration of the CNS by T cells and macrophages. Although disease scores in the first phase of EAE were similar in both groups, GRK2(+/-) animals did not develop relapses, whereas wild-type animals did. The absence of relapses in GRK2(+/-) mice was associated with a marked reduction in inflammatory infiltrates in the CNS. Recombinant myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced T cell proliferation and cytokine production were normal in GRK2(+/-) animals. We conclude that down-regulation of GRK2 expression may have important consequences for the onset and progression of MS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Drosophila circadian clock controls rhythms in the amplitude of odor-induced electrophysiological responses that peak during the middle of night. These rhythms are dependent on clocks in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), suggesting that odorant receptors (ORs) or OR-dependent processes are under clock control. Because responses to odors are initiated by heteromeric OR complexes that form odor-gated and cyclic-nucleotide-activated cation channels, we tested whether regulators of ORs were under circadian-clock control. RESULTS: The levels of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (Gprk2) messenger RNA and protein cycle in a circadian-clock-dependent manner with a peak around the middle of the night in antennae. Gprk2 overexpression in OSNs from wild-type or cyc(01) flies elicits constant high-amplitude electroantennogram (EAG) responses to ethyl acetate, whereas Gprk2 mutants produce constant low-amplitude EAG responses. ORs accumulate to high levels in the dendrites of OSNs around the middle of the night, and this dendritic localization of ORs is enhanced by GPRK2 overexpression at times when ORs are primarily localized in the cell body. CONCLUSIONS: These results support a model in which circadian-clock-dependent rhythms in GPRK2 abundance control the rhythmic accumulation of ORs in OSN dendrites, which in turn control rhythms in olfactory responses. The enhancement of OR function by GPRK2 contrasts with the traditional role of GPRKs in desensitizing activated receptors and suggests that GPRK2 functions through a fundamentally different mechanism to modulate OR activity.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is a serine/threonine-specific protein kinase that mediates agonist-dependent phosphorylation of numerous G protein-coupled receptors. In an effort to identify proteins that regulate GRK2 function, we searched for interacting proteins by immunoprecipitation of endogenous GRK2 from HL60 cells. Subsequent analysis by gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry revealed that GRK2 associates with heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). GRK2 interaction with Hsp90 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and was effectively disrupted by geldanamycin, an Hsp90-specific inhibitor. Interestingly, geldanamycin treatment of HL60 cells decreased the expression of endogenous GRK2 in a dose- and time-dependent manner, and metabolic labeling demonstrated that geldanamycin rapidly accelerated the degradation of newly synthesized GRK2. The use of various protease inhibitors suggested that GRK2 degradation induced by geldanamycin was predominantly through the proteasome pathway. To test whether Hsp90 plays a general role in regulating GRK maturation, additional GRKs were studied by transient expression in COS-1 cells and subsequent treatment with geldanamycin. These studies demonstrate that GRK3, GRK5, and GRK6 are also stabilized by interaction with Hsp90. Taken together, our work revealed that GRK interaction with heat shock proteins plays an important role in regulating GRK maturation.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is able to phosphorylate a variety of agonist-occupied G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) and plays an important role in GPCR modulation. However, recent studies suggest additional cellular functions for GRK2. Phosducin and phosducin-like protein (PhLP) are cytosolic proteins that bind Gbetagamma subunits and act as regulators of G-protein signaling. In this report, we identify phosducin and PhLP as novel GRK2 substrates. The phosphorylation of purified phosducin and PhLP by recombinant GRK2 proceeds rapidly and stoichiometrically (0.82 +/- 0.1 and 0.83 +/- 0.09 mol of P(i)/mol of protein, respectively). The phosphorylation reactions exhibit apparent K(m) values in the range of 40-100 nm, strongly suggesting that both proteins could be endogenous targets for GRK2 activity. Our data show that the site of phosducin phosphorylation by GRK2 is different and independent from that previously reported for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Analysis of GRK2 phosphorylation of a variety of deletion mutants of phosducin and PhLP indicates that the critical region for GRK2 phosphorylation is localized in the C-terminal domain of both phosducin and PhLP (between residues 204 and 245 and 195 and 218, respectively). This region is important for the interaction of these proteins with G beta gamma subunits. Phosphorylation of phosducin by GRK2 markedly reduces its G beta gamma binding ability, suggesting that GRK2 may modulate the activity of the phosducin protein family by disrupting this interaction. The identification of phosducin and PhLP as new substrates for GRK2 further expands the cellular roles of this kinase and suggests new mechanisms for modulating GPCR signal transduction.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate the ability of a diverse array of extracellular stimuli to control intracellular signaling. Many GPCRs are phosphorylated by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), a process that mediates agonist-specific desensitization in many cells. Although GRK binding to activated GPCRs results in kinase activation and receptor phosphorylation, relatively little is known about the mechanism of GRK/GPCR interaction or how this interaction results in kinase activation. Here, we used the alpha2A-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)AR) as a model to study GRK/receptor interaction because GRK2 phosphorylation of four adjacent serines within the large third intracellular loop of this receptor is known to mediate desensitization. Various domains of the alpha(2A)AR were expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins and tested for the ability to bind purified GRK2. The second and third intracellular loops of the alpha(2A)AR directly interacted with GRK2, whereas the first intracellular loop and C-terminal domain did not. Truncation mutagenesis identified three discrete regions within the third loop that contributed to GRK2 binding, the membrane proximal N- and C-terminal regions as well as a central region adjacent to the phosphorylation sites. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed a critical role for specific basic residues within these regions in mediating GRK2 interaction with the alpha(2A)AR. Mutation of these residues within the holo-alpha(2A)AR diminished GRK2-promoted phosphorylation of the receptor as well as the ability of the kinase to be activated by receptor binding. These studies provide new insight into the mechanism of interaction and activation of GRK2 by GPCRs and suggest that GRK2 binding is critical not only for receptor phosphorylation but also for full activity of the kinase.  相似文献   

Brain dopaminergic transmission is a critical component in numerous vital functions, and its dysfunction is involved in several disorders, including addiction and Parkinson's disease. Responses to dopamine are mediated via G protein-coupled dopamine receptors (D1-D5). Desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors is mediated via phosphorylation by members of the family of G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRK1-GRK7). Here we show that GRK6-deficient mice are supersensitive to the locomotor-stimulating effect of psychostimulants, including cocaine and amphetamine. In addition, these mice demonstrate an enhanced coupling of striatal D2-like dopamine receptors to G proteins and augmented locomotor response to direct dopamine agonists both in intact and in dopamine-depleted animals. The present study indicates that postsynaptic D2-like dopamine receptors are physiological targets for GRK6 and suggests that this regulatory mechanism contributes to central dopaminergic supersensitivity.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have suggested that resumption of oocyte meiosis, indicated by germinal vesicle breakdown or GVBD, involves inhibition of endogenous heterotrimeric G proteins in both frogs and mice. These studies imply that a heterotrimeric G protein(s), and hence its upstream activator (a G protein-coupled receptor or GpCR), is activated in prophase oocytes and is responsible for maintaining meiosis arrest. To test the existence and function of this putative GpCR, we utilized a mammalian G-protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK3) and beta-arrestin-2, which together are known to cause GpCR desensitization. Injection of mRNA for rat GRK3 caused hormone-independent GVBD. The kinase activity of GRK3 was essential for GVBD induction as its kinase-dead mutant (GRK3-K220R) was completely ineffective. Another GRK3 mutant (GRK3-DeltaC), which lacked the C-terminal G(betagamma)-binding domain and which was not associated with oocyte membranes, also failed to induce GVBD. Furthermore, injection of rat beta-arrestin-2 mRNA also induced hormone-independent GVBD. Several inhibitors of clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis (the clathrin-binding domain of beta-arrestin-2, concanavalin A, and monodansyl cadaverine) significantly reduced the abilities of GRK3/beta-arrestin-2 to induce GVBD. These results support the central role of a yet-unidentified GpCR in maintaining prophase arrest in frog oocytes and provide a potential means for its molecular identification.  相似文献   

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