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Hao M  Luo J  Yang M  Zhang L  Yan Z  Yuan Z  Zheng Y  Zhang H  Liu D 《Génome》2011,54(12):959-964
The ph-like genes in the Chinese common wheat landrace Kaixian-luohanmai (KL) induce homoeologous pairing in hybrids with alien species. In the present study, meiotic phenotypic differences on homoeologous chromosome pairing at metaphase I between hybrids of wheat genotypes Chinese Spring ph1b (CSph1b) and KL with rye were studied by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). The frequency of wheat-wheat associations was higher in CSph1b×rye than in KL×rye. However, frequencies of wheat-rye and rye-rye associations were higher in KL×rye than in CSph1b×rye. These differences may be the result of different mechanisms of control between the ph-like gene(s) controlling homoeologous chromosome pairing in KL and CSph1b. Wheat-wheat associations were much more frequent than wheat-rye pairing in both hybriods. This may be caused by lower overall affinity, or homoeology, between wheat and rye chromosomes than between wheat chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic maps of chromosomes 3A, 3B and 3D of wheat and 3R of rye were developed using 22 DNA probes and two isozyme marker systems. Analysis of the 49 loci mapped showed extreme clustering around the centromere in all four maps, with large gaps in the distal chromosome regions, which is interpreted as being due to strong localisation of recombination towards the ends of the wheat and rye chromosomes. In the centromeric regions gene orders are highly conserved between the three wheat genomes and the rye genome. However, the unpredictable behaviour of the DNA clones that map in distal chromosome locations may indicate that the genomes are diverging most rapidly in the regions of higher recombination. A comparison of cDNA and genomic probes showed the latter to be much more efficient for revealing RFLP. Some classes of gDNA clones, i.e. chromosome-specific sequences and those hybridizing in a non-homoeologous manner, were seen to be most polymorphic. Correlations between map locations and RFLP levels showed no clear relationship. In addition to anonymous DNA clones, the locations of known function clones, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (XSbp), carboxypeptidase I (XCxp1) and a bZIP protein (XEmbp), were ascertained along with those for two isozyme loci, Mal-1 and Est-5.  相似文献   

Rye B chromosomes, which are supernumerary chromosomes dispensable for the host but increase in number by non-disjunction after meiosis, have been reported to affect meiotic homoeologous pairing in wheat-rye hybrids. The effect of a rye B chromosome (B) and its segments (B-9 and B-10) on homoeologous pairing was studied in hybrids between common wheat (2n=42) and Aegilops variabilis (2n=28), with reference to the Ph1 gene located on wheat chromosome 5B. The B-9 and B-10 chromosomes are derived from reciprocal translocations between a wheat and the B chromosomes, and the former had the B pericentromeric segment and the latter had the B distal segment. Both the B and B-9 chromosomes suppressed homoeologous pairing when chromosome 5B was absent. On the other hand, the B-9 and B-10 chromosomes promoted homoeologous pairing when 5B was present. On pairing suppression, B-9 had a greater effect in one dose than in two doses, and B-9 had a greater effect than B-10 had in one dose. These results suggested that the effect of the B chromosomes on homoeologous pairing was not confined to a specific region and that the intensity of the effect varied depending on the presence or absence of 5B and also on the segment and dose of the B chromosome. The mean chiasma frequency (10.23) in a hybrid (2n=36) possessing 5B and one B-9 was considerably higher than that (2.78) of a hybrid (2n=35) possessing 5B alone, and was comparable with that (14.09) of a hybrid (2n=34) lacking 5B. This fact suggested that the B chromosome or its segment can be used in introducing alien genes into wheat by inducing homoeologous pairing between wheat and alien chromosome.  相似文献   

Agropyron cristatum (2n = 4x = 28, PPPP) possesses potentially valuable traits that could be used in wheat (Triticum aestivum) improvement through interspecific hybridization. Homoeologous pairing between wheat chromosomes and P chromosomes added to wheat in a set of wheat - A. cristatum addition lines was assessed. First, the Ph-suppressing effect of P chromosomes (except 7P) was analyzed. It was concluded that this system is polygenic with no major gene, and consequently, has no prospect in the transfer of alien genes from wild relatives. In a second step, the potential of the deletion ph1b of the Ph1 gene for inducing P-ABD pairing was evaluated. Allosyndetic associations between P and ABD genomes are very rare. This very low level of pairing is likely due to divergence in the repeated sequences between Agropyron and wheat genomes. Development of translocation lines using ionizing radiation seems to be a more suitable technique than homoeologous recombination to exploit the A. cristatum genome in wheat improvement.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of levels of chromosome pairing in pentaploid hybrids between normal and ph 1b -and ph 2 -mutant forms of Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare cv. Chinese Spring each crossed with Triticum kotschyi and T. turgidum var. dicoccoides. Higher levels of multivalent formation in the ph 1b -kotschyi, compared with the ph 1b -dicoccoides pentaploid was attributed mainly to the absence of allelic buffering, by the Ph 1 allele, in the Kotschyi pentaploid and its presence in the dicoccoides pentaploid. The higher level of homoeologous pairing in the ph 2 -dicoccoides pentaploid compared with that of kotschyi was believed to be due to differential levels of homoe-and non-homoallelic buffering in the two pentaploids. The high level of homoeologous pairing caused by the ph 2 -mutant in the dicoccoides pentaploid indicates a potential use of pairing promoters, free of homoallelic buffering, as a means of increasing thelevel of homoeologous pairing in wheat and in certain of its hybrids with alien species.  相似文献   

The effect of telomere heterochromatin on metaphase I association of chromosome pair 1R of rye was analyzed in normal diploid plants of rye (2n=14) and in wheat-rye derivatives with the chromosome constitution (0–7)A(0–7)BRR (2n=20, 21 and 22). The C-banding pattern of 1R was variable between plants. In diploid rye the presence or absence of telomeric heterochromatin in 1R does not influence its meiotic pairing. However, in wheat-rye derivatives the presence of telomeric heterochromatin decreases chiasma frequency in the 1R bivalent. This cannot be attributed to interference of heterochromatin with chiasma terminalization. This effect of heterochromatin is most pronounced in heterozygous condition. In plants heterozygous for telomeric C-bands the reduction of pairing is stronger in the short arm than in the long arm of the 1R bivalent.  相似文献   

Control of homoeologous chromosomal pairing in hexaploid wheat stems from a balance between a number of suppressor and promoter genes. This study used centromeric behaviour as a tool to investigate the mechanism. Fluorescent in situ hybridization employing centromeric and telomeric sequences as probes was applied to pollen mother cells of wheat and wheat/alien hybrids having different pairing gene combinations. It showed: association of centromeres during pre-meiotic interphase; decondensation of centromeric structure; sister chromatid disjunction of univalent chromosomes in homoeologous pairing situations at anaphase I; and centromeric stretching between univalent sister chromatids in wheat/rye hybrids deficient for pairing genes. The implications of these results are discussed. Received: December 1996 / in revised form: 11 March 1997 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

In tetraploid rye with single-substitution wheat chromosomes - 1A, 2A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 3B, 5B, 7B - chromosome pairing was analysed at metaphase I in PMCs with the C-banding method. The frequency of univalents of chromosome 1A was considerably higher than that of the other four wheat chromosomes of genome A (6A, 5A, 7A and 2A). Among chromosomes of genome B, the lowest mean frequency of univalents was observed for chromosome 5B. In monosomic lines, wheat chromosomes 1A, 2A, 5A, 6A, 7A and 5B paired with rye homoeologues most often in rod bivalents and in chain quadrivalents (also including 3B). The 47% pairing of 5B-5R chromosomes indicate that the rye genomes block the suppressor Ph1 gene activity. In monosomic plants with chromosomes 5A, 2A, 6A, 7A and 5B, a low frequency of rye univalents was observed. It was also found that the wheat chromosomes influenced the pairing of rye genome chromosomes, as well as the frequency of ring and rod bivalents and tri- and quadrivalents. However, the highest number of terminal chiasmata per chromosome occurred in the presence of chromosomes 5A and 2A, and the lowest - in the presence of chromosomes 3B and 7B. In the presence of chromosome 5B, the highest frequency of bivalents was observed. The results of the present study show that the rye genome is closer related to the wheat genome A of than to genome B. The high pairing of wheat-rye chromosomes, which occurs in tetraploid rye with substitution wheat chromosomes, indicates that there is a high probability of incorporating wheat chromosome segments into rye chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary The meiotic behaviour of hybrids between Secale cereale carrying B chromosomes and S. vavilovii has been studied in order to estimate the effects of B chromosomes on hybrid meiotic pairing. The possible effect of Bs on the meiotic pairing of the offspring from backcrosses with S. vavilovii has been studied also. The results obtained clearly indicate that no detectable differences existed in chromosome pairing of hybrids with or without B chromosomes. The hypothetical existence of epistatic genes on cereale genome masking the effect of Bs has been rejected after the results obtained in backcrosses. Therefore, lack of qualitative genes controlling interspecific pairing on rye B chromosomes has been concluded. A quantitative effect of B chromosomes was detected only when they were in alien cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-2 chromosomes were constructed, comprising 114 loci in wheat and 34 loci in rye. These include the genes coding for sucrose synthase, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, a bZIP protein (EmBP-1), a peroxidase and an abscisic acid-induced protein (#7). Overall, gene orders are highly conserved in the genomes of wheat, barley and rye, except for the distal ends of chromosome arms 2BS and 2RS, which are involved in interchromosomal, probably evolutionary, translocations. Clustering of loci in the centromeric regions of the maps, resulting from the concentration of recombination events in the distal chromosomal regions, is observed in wheat and rye, but not in barley. Furthermore, loci for which homoeoloci can be detected in rye and barley tend to lie in the centromeric regions of the maps, while non-homoeologous and wheat-specific loci tend to be more evenly distributed over the genetic maps. Mapping of the group-2 chromosomes in the intervarietal Timgalen x RL4137 cross revealed that the T. timopheevi chromosome segment introgressed into chromosome 2B in Timgalen is preferentially transmitted. Recombination is also greatly reduced in that segment.  相似文献   

RFLP-based genetic maps of wheat homoeologous group 7 chromosomes   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) mapping was attempted using 18 cDNA clones, 14 anonymous and 4 of known function, which had been shown to have homologous DNA sequences on the group 7 chromosomes of wheat. The loci identified by these probes have been mapped on one or more chromosomes in this homoeologous group using linkage data derived from various F2, random inbred, doubled haploid and single chromosome recombinant populations. The maps also include three isozyme loci, five disease resistance loci, two anthocyanin pigment loci and a vernalisation response locus. The mapping data have been used to determine the extent of map co-linearity over the A, B and D genomes, the degree of RFLP variability in the three genomes and the relative efficiency of various restriction enzymes in detecting RFLPs in wheat. The strategy for future mapping in wheat, particularly the use of alien genomes or segments, such as that from Aegilops ventricosa used here, is discussed.  相似文献   

The normal course of meiosis depends on regular pairing of homologous chromosomes. In intergeneric hybrids, including those of wheat, there is no chromosome pairing because there are no homologs. In F1 wheat/rye hybrids, pairing is largely prevented by the pairing homoeologous1 (Ph1) gene. In its presence, there are only rare instances of pairing; most chromosomes are univalent, and their orientation at metaphase I initiates different pathways of the meiotic cycle. The meiotic-like pathway includes a combination of the reductional and the equational + reductional steps at AI followed by the second division. The resulting gametes are mostly non-functional. The mitotic-like pathway involves equational division of univalents at AI and the absence of the second division. Any fertility of wheat/rye hybrids depends on the production of unreduced gametes arising from meiotic restitution (mitotic-like division). We examined the meiotic pairing in wheat/rye hybrids created from wheat lines with single rye chromosome substitutions and Ph1 present. This guaranteed F1 meiosis with one pair of rye homologs. All hybrids formed bivalents, but proportions of meiocytes with bivalents varied. In the meiocytes where bivalents were present, there was a higher tendency for the meiotic-like pathway, while in meiocytes where bivalent pairing failed, the tendency was stronger for the mitotic-like pathway. Among the equationally dividing cells, we observed more than 90 % of meiocytes without bivalents, where rye homologs did not form bivalents, too. The data indicate a potential application of wheat/rye lines in producing genetic stocks of amphidiploids with designated genomic constitutions.  相似文献   

H Ozkan  M Feldman 《Génome》2001,44(6):1000-1006
The Ph1 gene has long been considered the main factor responsible for the diploid-like meiotic behavior of polyploid wheat. This dominant gene, located on the long arm of chromosome 5B (5BL), suppresses pairing of homoeologous chromosomes in polyploid wheat and in their hybrids with related species. Here we report on the discovery of genotypic variation among tetraploid wheats in the control of homoeologous pairing. Compared with the level of homoeologous pairing in hybrids between Aegilops peregrina and the bread wheat cultivar Chinese Spring (CS), significantly higher levels of homoeologous pairing were obtained in hybrids between Ae. peregrina and CS substitution lines in which chromosome 5B of CS was replaced by either 5B of Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides line 09 (TTD09) or 5G of Triticum timopheevii ssp. timopheevii line 01 (TIMO1). Similarly, a higher level of homoeologous pairing was found in the hybrid between Ae. peregrina and a substitution line of CS in which chromosome arm 5BL of line TTD140 substituted for 5BL of CS. It appears that the observed effect on the level of pairing is exerted by chromosome arm 5BL of T turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, most probably by an allele of Ph1. Searching for variation in the control of homoeologous pairing among lines of wild tetraploid wheat, either T turgidum ssp. dicoccoides or T timopheevii ssp. armeniacum, showed that hybrids between Ae. peregrina and lines of these two wild wheats exhibited three different levels of homoeologous pairing: low, low intermediate, and high intermediate. The low-intermediate and high-intermediate genotypes may possess weak alleles of Ph1. The three different T turgidum ssp. dicoccoides pairing genotypes were collected from different geographical regions in Israel, indicating that this trait may have an adaptive value. The availability of allelic variation at the Ph1 locus may facilitate the mapping, tagging, and eventually the isolation of this important gene.  相似文献   

Diploid-like chromosome pairing in polyploid wheat is controlled by several Ph (pairing homoeologous) genes with major and minor effects. Homoeologous pairing occurs in either the absence of these genes or their inhibition by genes from other species (Ph I genes). We transferred Ph I genes from Triticum speltoides (syn Aegilops speltoides) to T. aestivum, and on the basis of further analysis it appears that two duplicate and independent Ph I genes were transferred. Since Ph I genes are epistatic to the Ph genes of wheat, homoeologous pairing between the wheat and alien chromosomes occurs in the F1 hybrids. Using the Ph I gene stock, we could demonstrate homoeologous pairing between the wheat and Haynaldia villosa chromosomes. Since homoeologous pairing occurs in F1 hybrids and no cytogenetic manipulation is needed, the Ph I gene stock may be a versatile tool for effecting rapid and efficient alien genetic transfers to wheat.Contribution no. 93-435-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA  相似文献   

Summary Wheat-rye homoeologous pairing in both ABRR and (0–7)A(0–7)BRR plants takes place preferentially between homoeologous chromosomes of group 1. This suggests either a much greater affinity between wheat and rye chromosomes for this group or more efficient pairing initiation because of common nucleolar organizer activities. 1A–1R associations were more frequent than 1B–1R associations though in both cases pairing was restricted mostly to the long arms. From the variation in these particular chromosome arms the three following factors might hinder the wheat-rye pairing: regular homologous pairing of rye chromosomes, presence of prominent telomeric C-bands in rye chromosomes or occurrence of wheat-wheat homoeologous pairing.  相似文献   

Dvorak J  Lukaszewski AJ 《Chromosoma》2000,109(6):410-414
Chiasmate pairing between homoeologous chromosomes at metaphase I (MI) of meiosis in wheat is prevented by the activity of the Ph1 locus on chromosome 5B. Several hypotheses have been proposed sharing the assumption that Ph1 regulates MI chromosome pairing by regulating centromere-mediated chromosome alignment before the onset of meiosis. To test the relevance of the putative predetermination of chromosome pairing at MI by the centromere-mediated chromosome association prior to meiosis, a 2BL.2RL homoeoisochromosome was constructed and its MI pairing was assessed in the presence and absence of the Ph1 locus. Although the 2BL and 2RL arms of the homoeoisochromosome paired with each other at MI in the absence of Ph1, they never paired with each other at MI in the presence of Ph1. Since the two arms were permanently associated in the homoeoisochromosome via a common centromere, it is unlikely that Ph1 predetermines MI pairing between homoeologous chromosomes solely by controlling premeiotic association of centromeres. These findings are consistent with the idea that Ph1 determines the chromosome pairing pattern at MI by scrutinizing homology across the entire chromosome.  相似文献   

Induction of small-segment-translocation between wheat and rye chromosomes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A new approach to produce wheat-rye translocation, based on the genetic instability caused by monosomic addition of rye chromosome in wheat, is described. 1 283 plants from the selfed progenies of monosomic addition lines with single chromosome of inbred rye line R12 and complete chromosome complement of wheat cultivar Mianyang 11 were cytologically analyzed on a plant-by-plant basis by the improved C-banding technique. 63 of the plants, with 2n = 42, were found containing wheat-rye translocation or substitution, with a frequency of 4. 91% . Compared with the wheat parent, other 32 plants with 2n = 42 exhibited obvious phenotypic variation, but their com-ponent of rye chromosome could not be detected using the C-banding technique. In situ hybridization with a biotin-la-beled DNA probe was used to detect rye chromatin and to determine the insertion sites of rye segments in the wheat chromosomes. In 20 out of the 32 variant wheat plants, small segments of rye chromosomes were found being inserted into dif  相似文献   

Comparing of vernalization requirement and photoperiodic sensitivity in various winter genotypes and F4 lines was carried out. The results of genetic analysis of Ppd genotypes in the crosses of winter wheat cultivars differing in photosensitivity and duration of vernalization requirement are described. It has been shown that differences in duration of vernalization requirement are under control of independent genetic system, distinctive from Ppd gene system regulating level of photosensitivity. This independence does not deny the opposite possibility of Ppd genes to modify duration of vernalization requirement in winter wheat.  相似文献   

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