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Fluid flow induces Rankl expression in primary murine calvarial osteoblasts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mechanical loading of bone generates fluid flow within the mineralized matrix that exerts fluid shear stress (FSS) on cells. We examined effects of FSS on receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), a critical factor for osteoclast formation. Primary murine osteoblasts were subjected to pulsatile FSS (5 Hz, 10 dynes/cm(2)) for 1 h and then returned to static culture for varying times (post-FSS). Protein levels were measured by Western analysis and mRNA by Northern analysis, RT-PCR and quantitative PCR. There were 20- to 40-fold increases in RANKL mRNA at 2-4 h post-FSS. RANKL protein was induced by 2 h post-FSS and remained elevated for at least 8 h. Effects were independent of cyclooxygenase-2 activity. Small increases (up to three-fold) in mRNA of the decoy receptor for RANKL, osteoprotegerin, were seen. Five min of FSS, followed by static culture, was as effective in stimulating RANKL mRNA as 4 h of continuous FSS. FSS induced cAMP activity, and H-89, a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, blocked the FSS induction of RANKL. H-89 also inhibited the PKC pathway, but specific PKC inhibitors, GF109203X and Go6983, did not inhibit FSS-induced RANKL. FSS induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2, and PD98059, an inhibitor of the ERK pathway, inhibited the FSS induction of RANKL mRNA 60%-90%. Thus, brief exposure to FSS resulted in sustained induction of RANKL expression after stopping FSS, and this induction was dependent on PKA and ERK signaling pathways. Increased RANKL after mechanical loading may play a role in initiating bone remodeling.  相似文献   

An early response to mechanical stimulation of bone cells in vitro is an increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca 2+]i). This study analyzed the [Ca 2+]i wave area, magnitude, duration, rise time, fall time, and time to onset in individual osteoblasts for two identical bouts of mechanical stimulation separated by a 30-min rest period. The area under the [Ca 2+]i wave increased in the second loading bout compared to the first. This suggests that rest periods may potentiate mechanically induced intracellular calcium signals. Furthermore, many of the [Ca 2+]i wave parameters were strongly, positively correlated between the two bouts of mechanical stimulation. For example, in individual primary osteoblasts, if a cell had a large [Ca 2+]i wave area in the first bout it was likely to have a large [Ca 2+]i wave area in the second bout (r 2 = 0.933). These findings support the idea that individual bone cells have “calcium fingerprints” (i.e., a unique [Ca 2+]i wave profile that is reproducible for repeated exposure to a given stimulus).  相似文献   

《Journal of biomechanics》2014,47(16):3903-3908
Intracellular calcium transient ([Ca2+]i transient) induced by fluid shear stress (FSS) plays an important role in osteoblastic mechanotransduction. Changes of membrane potential usually affect [Ca2+]i level. Here, we sought to determine whether there was a relationship between membrane potential and FSS-induced [Ca2+]i transient in osteoblasts. Fluorescent dyes DiBAC4(3) and fura-2 AM were respectively used to detect membrane potential and [Ca2+]i. Our results showed that FSS firstly induced depolarization of membrane potential and then a transient rising of [Ca2+]i in osteoblasts. There was a same threshold for FSS to induce depolarization of membrane potential and [Ca2+]i transients. Replacing extracellular Na+ with tetraethylammonium or blocking stretch-activated channels (SACs) with gadolinium both effectively inhibited FSS-induced membrane depolarization and [Ca2+]i transients. However, voltage-activated K+ channel inhibitor, 4-Aminopyridine, did not affect these responses. Removing extracellular Ca2+ or blocking of L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels (L-VSCCs) with nifedipine inhibited FSS-induced [Ca2+]i transients in osteoblasts too. Quantifying membrane potential with patch clamp showed that the resting potential of osteoblasts was −43.3 mV and the depolarization induced by FSS was about 44 mV. Voltage clamp indicated that this depolarization was enough to activated L-VSCCs in osteoblasts. These results suggested a time line of Ca2+ mobilization wherein FSS activated SACs to promote Na+ entry to depolarize membrane that, in turn, activated L-VSCCs and Ca2+ influx though L-VSCCs switched on [Ca2+]i response in osteoblasts.  相似文献   

Cardiac alternans is a dangerous rhythm disturbance of the heart, in which rapid stimulation elicits a beat-to-beat alternation in the action potential duration (APD) and calcium (Ca) transient amplitude of individual myocytes. Recently, “subcellular alternans”, in which the Ca transients of adjacent regions within individual myocytes alternate out-of-phase, has been observed. A previous theoretical study suggested that subcellular alternans may result during static pacing from a Turing-type symmetry breaking instability, but this was only predicted in a subset of cardiac myocytes (with negative Ca to voltage (Ca→Vm) coupling) and has never been directly verified experimentally. A recent experimental study, however, showed that subcellular alternans is dynamically induced in the remaining subset of myocytes during pacing with a simple feedback control algorithm (“alternans control”). Here we show that alternans control pacing changes the effective coupling between the APD and the Ca transient (VmCa coupling), such that subcellular alternans is predicted to occur by a Turing instability in cells with positive Ca→Vm coupling. In addition to strengthening the understanding of the proposed mechanism for subcellular alternans formation, this work (in concert with previous theoretical and experimental results) illuminates subcellular alternans as a striking example of a biological Turing instability in which the diffusing morphogens can be clearly identified.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) action is known to be initiated by its binding to multiple cell surface receptors containing serine/threonine kinase domains that act to stimulate a cascade of signaling events in a variety of cell types. We have previously shown that TGF-beta1 and BMP-2 treatment of primary human osteoblasts (HOBs) enhances cell-substrate adhesion. In this report, we demonstrate that TGF-beta1 elicits a rapid, transient, and oscillatory rise in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, [Ca(2+)](i), that is necessary for enhancement of cell adhesion in HOBs but does not alter the phosphorylation state of Smad proteins. This rise in [Ca(2+)](i) in HOB is not observed in the absence of extracellular calcium or when the cells are treated with the L-type Ca(2+) channel blocker, nifedipine, but is stimulated upon treatment with the L-type Ca(2+) channel agonist, Bay K 8644, or under high K(+) conditions. The rise in [Ca(2+)](i) is severely attenuated after treatment of the cells with thapsigargin, a selective endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) pump inhibitor. TGF-beta1 enhancement of HOB adhesion to tissue culture polystyrene is also inhibited in cells treated with nifedipine. These data suggest that intracellular Ca(2+) signaling is an important second messenger of the TGF-beta1 signal transduction pathway in osteoblast function.  相似文献   

The strong analogies between electrical and fluid system can be used to effect in modeling behaviour under pulsating flow conditions. This paper discusses the model of a simple pipe network experiencing pulsating flow as a result of valve movement. Experimental results are presented, indicating that care needs to be taken in modeling the valve behaviour as analogous to thermionic valve.

One of the major problems in modeling fluid networks of this type is the lack of information regarding the characteristics of active components such as the valve. Developments in the field of Electro-magnetic and Ultrasonic flow measurement are helping to improve this situation.  相似文献   

Phosphatidic acid-induced calcium mobilization in osteoblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphatidic acid (PA) evoked a transient increase in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in osteoblasts isolated from neonatal mouse calvaria. This increase was observed in both low (below 150 microM) and high (1.26 mM) Ca2+-containing medium. In contrast, other phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylinositol, failed to increase [Ca2+]i in osteoblasts. In high Ca2+-containing medium, A23187 also increased [Ca2+]i in the cells, but the mode of the change was different from that in the case of PA. These results suggest that PA may induce Ca2+-mediated cellular responses through Ca2+ release from intracellular stores in osteoblasts.  相似文献   

Fluctuation in extracellular calcium (Ca(2+)) concentration occurs during bone remodeling. Free ionized Ca(2+) plays a critical role in regulating osteoblast functions. We analyzed the effects of different concentrations of free ionized Ca(2+) (0.5, 1.3, and 2.6 mM) on human osteoblasts and we evaluated osteoblastic phenotype (marker expression and cell morphology) and functions (osteogenic differentiation, cell proliferation, and cell signaling). Our data show human osteoblasts that chronically stimulated with 0.5, 1.3, or 2.6 mM Ca(2+) significantly increase intracellular content of alkaline phosphatase, collagen type I, osteocalcin, and bone sialoprotein, whereas collagen type XV was down-modulated and RUNX2 expression was not affected. We also found a Ca(2+) concentration-dependent increase in osteogenic differentiation and cell proliferation, associated to an increase of signaling protein PLCβ1 and p-ERK. Human osteoblast morphology was affected by Ca(2+) as seen by the presence of numerous nucleoli, cells in mitosis, cell junctions, and an increased number of vacuoles. In conclusion, our data show a clear phenotypical and functional effect of extracellular Ca(2+) on human osteoblasts and support the hypothesis of a direct role of this cation in the bone remodeling processes.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocyte Ca2+ overload is closely linked to cardiac arrhythmias. We have earlier shown in a mathematical model that myocardium mechanical activity may contribute to rhythm disturbances induced by Ca2+ overload in cardiomyocytes with reduced Na+-K+ pump work (Sulman et al., 2008). The same model is used here to address possible contribution of the passive mechanical properties of cardiac muscle (i.e. myocardial viscous and elastic properties) to the arrhythmogenesis. In a series of contractions at regular pacing rate of 75 beats/min a model with higher viscosity demonstrated essentially earlier appearance of extrasystoles due to a faster cardiomyocyte Ca2+ loading up to a level triggering spontaneous Ca2+ releases from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The model predicts that myocardial elasticity also may affect arrhythmogenesis in cardiomyocytes overloaded with Ca2+. Contribution of the mechanical properties of the myocardial tissue to the arrhythmia has been analyzed for wide ranges of both viscosity and elasticity coefficients. The results suggest that myocardial viscoelastic properties may be a factor affecting Ca2+ handling in cardiomyocytes and contributing to cardiac mechano-electric feedback in arrhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

A method for the correction of background fluorescence in flow cytometry with special relevance to the quantitation of low levels of cellular surface membrane antigens is presented. The method is based on the mathematical modeling of cellular fluorescence distributions of background fluorescence (autofluorescence control or irrelevant antibody control) and total fluorescence (positively stained cells). Algorithms based on two models and utilizing only the routinely available background and total fluorescence histograms are developed and implemented in computer programs. These allow estimation of the fluorescence histogram corresponding exclusively to immunofluorescence staining of the cell surface antigen of interest. Thus, the correction of background fluorescence is effected solely with software processing of routinely available data; no additional hardware or parameter determinations are necessary. Two models were chosen to be physically plausible and to represent extremes in correlation between background and probe fluorescence. Extremes were chosen to assess the solution dependence on model and to provide bounds to the actual solution when no information on correlation is available. Results are presented for both computer simulations and for an actual assay of the CR1 complement receptor on human erythrocytes to test and illustrate the technique. Alternatively, data can be tested assuming a particular model to explore the relationship, if any, between specific and nonspecific fluorescence.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that bone cells have a hyaluronic acid (HA) rich glycocalyx (cell coat or pericellular matrix) and that this contributes to bone cell mechanotransduction via fluid flow. The glycocalyx of bone cells of the MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cell line and the MLO-Y4 osteocytic cell line were characterized. Alcian blue staining and lectin binding experiments suggested that these cells have a glycocalyx rich in HA. Sulphated proteoglycans were not detected. Staining with hyaluronic acid binding protein and degradation by hyaluronidase confirmed that HA was a major component of the glycocalyx. We subjected cells, with and without hyaluronidase treatment, to oscillating fluid flow under standardized in vitro conditions. There was no effect of glycocalyx degradation on the intracellular calcium signal, in either cell type, in terms of the percentage of cells responding (40-80%) or the magnitude of the response (2-5 times baseline). However, a 4-fold fluid flow induced increase in PGE2 was eliminated by hyaluronidase pre-treatment in MLO-Y4 cells. We conclude that under these conditions the calcium and PGE2 responses occur via different pathways. An intact glycocalyx is not necessary in order to initiate a calcium signal in response to oscillating fluid flow. However, in osteocyte-like cells the PGE2 pathway is more dependent on mechanical signals transmitted through the glycocalyx.  相似文献   

Immunological therapy of progressive tumors requires not only activation and expansion of tumor specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), but also an efficient effector phase including migration of CTLs in the tumor tissue followed by conjugation and killing of target cells. We report the application of an agent-based model to recapitulate both the effect of a specific immunotherapy strategy against B16-melanoma in mice and the tumor progression in a generic tissue section. A comparison of the in silico results with the in vivo experiments shows excellent agreement. We therefore use the model to predict a critical role for CD137 expression on tumor vessel endothelium for successful therapy and other mechanistic aspects. Experimental results are fully compatible with the model predictions. The biologically oriented in silico model derived in this work will be used to predict treatment failure or success in other pre-clinical conditions eventually leading new promising in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is mediated by an intracellular biochemical system that mainly includes proteins (procaspases, caspases, inhibitors, Bcl-2 protein family as well as substances released from mitochondrial intermembrane space). The dynamics of caspase activation and target cleavage in apoptosis induced by granzyme B in a single K562 cell was studied using a mathematical model of the dynamics of granzyme B-induced apoptosis developed in this work. Also the first application of optimization approach to determination of unknown kinetic constants of biochemical apoptotic reactions was presented. The optimization approach involves solving of two problems: direct and inverse. Solving the direct optimization problem, we obtain the initial (baseline) concentrations of procaspases for known kinetic constants through conditional minimization of a cost function based on the principle of minimum protein consumption by the apoptosis system. The inverse optimization problem is aimed at determination of unknown kinetic constants of apoptotic biochemical reactions proceeding from the condition that the optimal concentrations of procaspases resulting from the solution of the direct optimization problem coincide with the observed ones, that is, those determined by biochemical methods. The Multidimensional Index Method was used to perform numerical solution of the inverse optimization problem.  相似文献   

Cyclical thrombocytopenia (CT) is a rare hematological disease characterized by periodic oscillations in the platelet count. Although first reported in 1936, the pathogenesis and an effective therapy remain to be identified. Since besides fluctuations in platelet levels the patients hematological profile have been consistently normal, a destabilization of a peripheral control mechanism might play an important role in the genesis of this disorder. In this paper, we investigate through computer simulations the mechanisms underlying the platelet oscillations observed in CT. First, we collected the data published in the last 40 years and quantified the significance of the platelet fluctuations using Lomb-Scargle periodograms. Our analysis reveals that the incidence of the statistically significant periodic data is equally distributed in men and women. The mathematical model proposed in this paper captures the essential features of hematopoiesis and successfully duplicates the characteristics of CT. With the same parameter changes, the model is able to fit the platelet counts and to qualitatively reproduce the TPO oscillations (when data is available). Our results indicate that a variation in the megakaryocyte maturity, a slower relative growth rate of megakaryocytes, as well as an increased random destruction of platelets are the critical elements generating the platelet oscillations in CT.  相似文献   

Mathematical models have long been used to better understand disease transmission dynamics and how to effectively control them. Here, a chancroid infection model is presented and analyzed. The disease-free equilibrium is shown to be globally asymptotically stable when the reproduction number is less than unity. High levels of treatment are shown to reduce the reproduction number suggesting that treatment has the potential to control chancroid infections in any given community. This result is also supported by numerical simulations which show a decline in chancroid cases whenever the reproduction number is less than unity.  相似文献   

Hepcidin is known to increase intracellular iron through binding to and degrading ferroportin, which is a transmembrane protein that transports iron from the intracellular to the outside. However, it is not clear whether hepcidin has a similar effect on intracellular calcium. Here, we investigated the influence of hepcidin on intracellular calcium in human osteoblasts, with or without high environmental iron concentrations. Our data showed that hepcidin (<100 nmol/L) could increase intracellular calcium, and this effect was more significant when cells were exposed to high environmental iron concentrations. To further explore its underlying mechanisms, we pretreated human osteoblasts with Nimodipine, a L-type calcium channel blocker, and Dantrolene, a ryanodine receptor antagonist to inhibit abnormal calcium release from the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum. These treatments had not resulted in any alteration of intracellular calcium in human osteoblasts. Thus, these findings indicate that the increase of intracellular calcium induced by hepcidin is probably due to calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum, which is triggered by calcium influx.  相似文献   

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