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Two trials were conducted at commercial salmon farms to evaluate the efficacy of emamectin benzoate (Slice, 0.2% aquaculture pre-mix, Schering-Plough Animal Health) as a treatment for sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr?yer) and Caligus elongatus Nordmann infestations in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. Trials were carried out in 15 m2 commercial sea pens, at temperatures of 5.5 to 7.5 degrees C and 10.8 to 13.8 degrees C. Each pen was stocked with 14,000 to 17,500 fish with mean weights of 0.44 to 0.74 and 1.33 to 1.83 kg. Fish were naturally infested with sea lice at the start of each trial. At Day -1, samples of 10 or 15 fish were taken from each pen to determine pre-treatment numbers of lice. Emamectin benzoate was administered in feed, to 4 replicate pens, at a dose of 50 micrograms kg-1 biomass d-1 for 7 consecutive days (Days 0 to 6). Sea lice were counted again, between Days 7 and 77, and comparisons made with untreated control fish. Despite adverse weather conditions, wide variations in fish weights and exposure to new infestations, treatment was effective against chalimus and motile stages of L. salmonis. In the autumn trial, efficacy at Day 27 was 89%, and lice numbers remained lower on treated fish than on control fish 64 d from the start of treatment. In the winter trial, reductions in lice numbers at low temperatures were slower but good efficacy was achieved by Day 35. Although control fish had to be treated with hydrogen peroxide at Day 21, fish treated only with emamectin benzoate on Days 0 to 6 still had 89% fewer lice than control fish at Day 35. There were very few C. elongatus present, but at the end of both trials numbers were lower on treated fish. No adverse effects were associated with treatment of fish with emamectin benzoate.  相似文献   

The efficacy of teflubenzuron (Calicide) for the treatment of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. infested with sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr?yer, 1838), was investigated at low water temperatures in 2 commercial salmon farms. Calicide, coated on commercial feed pellets, was administered orally at 10 mg kg(-1) d(-1) for 7 consecutive days. Fish were randomly sampled and lice numbers recorded from both treated and control groups on 3 or 4 sampling occasions post-medication. Statistically significant reductions in the number of L. salmonis per fish were recorded. Maximum efficacy was observed toward chalimus and preadult stages of L. salmonis, and was achieved approximately 26 d post-medication. No adverse drug reactions or palatability problems were associated with the treatments.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of a high level of infection of the parasitic copepod L. salmonis on the stress response and immunological status of Atlantic salmon. An initial low-level initial infection was carried out 14d prior to a second infection in which twice as many parasites were introduced. Plasma cortisol and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) levels were monitored concurrent to the expression of six immune-related genes over five sample times (9, 21, 26, 33 and 40days post initial infection, dpii). The mean lice counts on the infected fish increased significantly from the first infection (16.3+/-1.89 at 9dpii) to the second (142.8+/-12.8 at 26dpii). Plasma cortisol levels increased significantly at 26, 33 and 40dpii in infected fish compared to controls. Plasma PGE(2) levels were significantly higher in infected fish at 9, 33 and 40dpii, when compared to controls. At 9dpii, expression of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)-like cytokine, major histocompatibility class II (MH II), transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta)-like cytokine and cyclooxygenase-2 genes were increased in infected fish compared to controls. The expression of most of these genes returned to control levels at 21dpii when the highest expression of the MH class I gene was observed in infected fish (significantly higher than controls). Major histocompatibility class I gene expression remained higher in infected fish at 26 and 33dpii compared to controls and this was observed for the TNFalpha-like gene. By 33dpii, MH class II and TGFbeta-like genes had higher expression in infected fish compared to controls. Interleukin-1beta and TNFalpha-like gene were the only genes that showed significantly higher expression in infected fish compared to controls at 40dpii, while MH class I gene expression was significantly depressed in infected fish at this time. The expression of nearly all immune-related genes studied here increased following initial infection with L. salmonis, however, immunological stimulation did not reduce parasite numbers or protect against re-infection.  相似文献   

Cranial nodules are described from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar fry hatched from certain egg batches. Conspicuous, smooth, mostly unilateral nodules were recorded on the cranium. Histologically, the cerebellum appeared normal, but was displaced dorsally. Karyorhectic malpighian cells were absent from the epidermis and the meninges appeared normal. There was no apparent contact of the cerebellum with the water, or evidence of fungal, bacterial or parasitic infection. Mortality of up to 15% as recorded. The aetiology of this condition is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromosome numbers for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from ten populations in Scotland were ascertained. The majority of fish had 2n = 58, NF = 74 karyotypes, and no polymorphisms between populations were found. The findings suggest that Atlantic salmon in Scotland are cytogenetically homogeneous.  相似文献   

The treatment of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis infestations on farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar requires regular bathing of the fish in diachlorvos (DDVP), 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate, with subsequent release to the marine environment of spent pesticide. The toxicity of a possible alternative compound, carbaryl, l-naphthyl N-methylcarbamate) to kill sea lice and Atlantic salmon was examined. Preliminary studies with carbaryl indicate the potential advantage of a reduced treatment dose was outweighed by the greater persistence of both the parent compound and of its toxic degradation product. Hence this carbamate insecticide is unlikely to be considered by regulatory authorities as an alternative treatment for sea lice infestations.  相似文献   

Four commercial salmon farms on the West coast of Norway were recruited to a programme of field trials in which the efficacy of SLICE (0.2% emamectin benzoate; Schering-Plough Animal Health) was compared with a commercially available product, EKTOBANN (teflubenzuron 2 g kg(-1); Skretting A/S) in treating natural sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis infections in Atlantic salmon Salmo salmar L. At each test site, 3 fish pens were treated with each product. In total, nearly 1.2 million first-year-class fish were included in the trial, of which approximately 561,000 received emamectin benzoate at a dosage of 50 microg kg(-1) body wt d(-1), while approximately 610,000 received teflubenzuron at a dosage of 10 mg kg(-1) body wt d(-1). Medicated feed was provided at 0.5% body wt d(-1) over 7 consecutive days. Feed containing emamectin benzoate was generally well accepted by the fish and no problems were encountered in feeding the medicated diet at the desired dose. Lice numbers were counted 2 d before and 1, 7, 14 and 21 d after commencement of treatment. While treatment with both substances rapidly reduced lice numbers, pens treated with emamectin benzoate were found to harbour significantly fewer lice 14 and 21 d post-treatment. Twenty-one days following treatment with emamectin benzoate the lice abundance was reduced on average by 94%. Limited sampling outside the main study period indicated that emamectin benzoate protects against sea-lice infestation over longer periods.  相似文献   

Returning adult salmon caught at the mouth of the River Dee, Aberdeenshire, were transferred to tanks in the laboratory. For fish placed in fresh water, sea lice remained attached for up to 6 days, though most lice were lost in the first 48 hours. Few lice were lost from salmon maintained in sea water. The experiments were conducted in water within a temperature range of 12·8 to 16° C, equivalent to summer river temperatures in the Aberdeenshire Dee.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. artificially infected with salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr?yer 1837) recovered from detrimental physiological changes and skin damage induced by preadult lice as the parasites matured. Growth rates of Atlantic salmon remained unaffected by lice infection, but food consumption decreased with increasing feeding and movement of the lice prior to and post-mating, correlating with the appearance of head erosions and detrimental changes in physiological integrity. Food consumption of the fish increased as the lice moulted to the adult stage and gravid female lice settled in a posterior location on the fish, subsequently reducing the impact of infection and allowing recovery of the skin damage. However, the impact of preadults was limited, as the decrease in food consumption of fish at 21 d post-infection had no effect on either the specific growth rate or condition factor of the fish. Furthermore, the intensity of lice infections at each of the sample days was not correlated with food consumption, specific growth rate or any of the haematological or physiological parameters measured, either before or after infection, indicating that lice intensity was independent of social dominance/subordinance. This work has provided the first evidence that infected fish can recover from the detrimental changes caused by lice infection, even when they are still infected with lice. If fish can survive the preadult stage of lice, then the mortal impact of lice infections is greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Adult male sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis were more likely to leave host fish Atlantic salmon Salmo salar if they detected the chemical cues of other adult male lice than if they detect cues of female lice. The detection of both male and female chemical cues yielded an intermediate response. These results suggest that males use chemical cues to balance competition for resources and mate acquisition, and they highlight the need for further studies of the chemical ecology of this important parasite.  相似文献   

Excavation of stranded redds revealed differences in spawning behaviour between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. The redd of a farmed fish contained more egg pockets (nine v . average of two) and fewer eggs per pocket (averages: 459 v . 707). No other pocket measures differed.  相似文献   

Some members of the ABC-transporter superfamily, such as P-glycoprotein and the multidrug resistance associated protein, may confer resistance to the avermectin subclass of macrocyclic lactones. The aim of this study was to examine the presence of ABC transporters in both sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) and its Atlantic salmon host (Salmo salar) using monoclonal antibodies (C219 and JSB-1, with high selectivity for P-gp) and a new polyclonal antibody (SL0525) generated against a putative sea louse ABC transporter. The antibody raised to SL0525 did not react with rat P-gp, suggesting that an ABC transporter, not necessarily P-gp, was isolated. C219 was the only antibody to localize P-gp in all 3 salmon tissues (intestine, kidney and liver). American lobster (Homarus americanus) was used as a reference crustacean for L. salmonis immunostaining reactions and showed positive staining in the hepatopancreatic and intestinal tissues with all 3 antibodies. The L. salmonis showed positive staining in the intestinal epithelial lining with all antibodies. This report represents the first documented evidence for the expression of ABC transporters in L. salmonis, its Atlantic salmon host, and the American lobster.  相似文献   

As part of an investigation of the biochemical interactions between the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, we characterized protease activity in the skin mucus of noninfected Atlantic salmon and Atlantic salmon infected with L. salmonis and in an L. salmonis whole-body homogenate. Zymography revealed that mucus from infected salmon contained a series of low-molecular-mass (17-22 kDa) serine proteases that were not present in the mucus of noninfected salmon. Based on molecular mass, inhibition studies, and affinity chromatography, the series of proteases was identified as being trypsin-like. Similar proteases were observed in the L. salmonis homogenate and in mucus from noninfected Atlantic salmon following a 1-hr incubation with live L. salmonis. An antibody raised against Atlantic salmon trypsin failed to recognize any proteases in the mucus of noninfected salmon or infected salmon or in the L. salmonis homogenate. Collectively, these findings suggest that the trypsin-like proteases present in the mucus of infected Atlantic salmon were produced by L. salmonis, possibly to aid in feeding and evasion of host immune responses.  相似文献   

Twenty-two salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., carrying miniature sonic tags were tracked individually for periods of up to 175 h in Loch Voil, Scotland, during May 1979 and 1980. Activity was predominantly nocturnal, 80% occurring between 21.00 and 06.00 hours, and was apparently undirected. Average velocities during this active interval were 0.6 body lengths per second (bl s−1), with 98 and 93% of the time spent moving at less than 2 and less than 1 bl s−1, respectively. The rates of downstream displacement were 0.04 bl s−1 in 1979 and 0.01 bl s−1 in 1980. The direction of displacement of smolts and of movement of water at a depth of 1 m was positively correlated ( P <0.001) and smolt displacement was biassed slightly ahead of water movement. Mean step lengths were 141 and 200 m in 1979 and 1980, respectively. Rates of downstream passage of 327 ICES plate-tagged smolts released 16.8 km upstream of the fish trap at Clunie dam, Loch Tummel, during the spring migrations of 1975 and 1976 averaged 0.13 bl s−1 in each year: net surface water movement was about 3.7 times this rate during the same intervals. These data are consistent with the model of passive smolt migration postulated by Tytler et al. (1978) and suggest that the active component required to ensure passage through a loch (Thorpe & Morgan, 1978) is very small.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon salmo salar smolts of wild, hybrid and farmed parentage were individually tagged then reared in a sea cage for 8 months. The fish were sampled three times during this period. On all occasions, farmed Atlantic salmon displayed the highest abundance and density of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis , whilst no significant differences were observed between hybrid and wild Atlantic salmon. Percentage variation between the lowest and highest infected groups was as high as 175 and 144% for L. salmonis abundance and density respectively (sample 2). The temporal stability of interindividual sea lice infection levels was investigated pair‐wise between samples using correlation (sample 1 v . 2, 1 v . 3 and 2 v . 3). When calculated using sea louse abundance, correlations ranged from r 2 = 0·11, P  < 0·01 to r 2 = 0·39, P  < 0·001, but, when the effects of fish size were controlled for by converting abundance to density, all correlations were <  r 2 = 0·1. Therefore, these data indicate that a fish's relative infection level in one sample was a weak predictor of its relative infection level in another sample. This suggests that identification of individual Atlantic salmon that display reduced susceptibility to sea lice, may be problematic.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviour at spawning of wild and newly-escaped farmed Atlantic salmon was analysed by radio telemetry in the River Alta, North Norway. Spawning areas were located by aerial surveys. Farmed females moved significantly more than wild females ( P <0.01). There was no such difference between the two groups of males. About 83% of the wild fish stayed within identified spawning areas for 1 day or longer. The corresponding figure for farmed salmon was only 43% ( P <0.05). Wild salmon stayed 8.1 days inside spawning areas and farmed salmon 5.2 days. The present results suggest that escaped farmed salmon had reduced spawning success compared with wild fish.  相似文献   

Physiological, immunological and biochemical parameters of blood and mucus, as well as skin histology, were compared in 3 salmonid species (rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and coho salmon O. kisutch) following experimental infection with sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis. The 3 salmonid species were cohabited in order to standardize initial infection conditions. Lice density was significantly reduced on coho salmon within 7 to 14 d, while lice persisted in higher numbers on rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Lice matured more slowly on coho salmon than on the other 2 species, and maturation was slightly slower on rainbow trout than on Atlantic salmon. Head kidney macrophages from infected Atlantic salmon had diminished respiratory burst and phagocytic capacity at 14 and 21 d post-infection (dpi), while infected rainbow trout macrophages had reduced respiratory burst and phagocytic capacities at 21 dpi, compared to controls. The slower development of lice, coupled with delayed suppression of immune parameters, suggests that rainbow trout are slightly more resistant to lice than Atlantic salmon. Infected rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon showed increases in mucus lysozyme activities at 1 dpi, which decreased over the rest of the study. Mucus lysozyme activities of infected rainbow trout, however, remained higher than controls over the entire period. Coho salmon lysozyme activities did not increase in infected fish until 21 dpi. Mucus alkaline phosphatase levels were also higher in infected Atlantic salmon compared to controls at 3 and 21 dpi. Low molecular weight (LMW) proteases increased in infected rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon between 14 and 21 dpi. Histological analysis of the outer epithelium revealed mucus cell hypertrophy in rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon following infection. Plasma cortisol, glucose, electrolyte and protein concentrations and hematocrit all remained within physiological limits for each species, with no differences occurring between infected and control fish. Our results demonstrate that significant differences in mucus biochemistry and numbers of L. salmonis occur between these species.  相似文献   

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