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A total of 2,605 faecal specimens from children up to 10 years old with or without diarrhoea were collected. Samples were obtained from 1986 to 2000 in hospitals, outpatient clinics and day-care centers in Goiania, Goiás. Two methodologies for viral detection were utilized: a combined enzyme immunoassay for rotavirus and adenovirus and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results showed 374 (14.4%) faecal specimens positive for Rotavirus A, most of them collected from hospitalized children. A significant detection rate of rotavirus during the period from April to August, dry season in Goiania, and different frequencies of viral detection throughout the years of study were also observed. Rotavirus was significantly related to hospitalization and to diarrhoeal illness in children up to 24 months old. This study reinforces the importance of rotavirus as a cause of diarrhoea in children and may be important in regards to the implementation of rotavirus vaccination strategies in our country.  相似文献   

Sixty clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from AIDS from Goiania, state of Goiás, Brazil, were characterized according to varieties, serotypes and tested for antifungal susceptibility. To differentiate the two varieties was used L-canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue medium and to separate the serotypes was used slide agglutination test with Crypto Check Iatron. The Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of fluconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin B were determined by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards macrodilution method. Our results identified 56 isolates as C. neoformans var. neoformans serotype A and 4 isolates as C. neoformans var. gattii serotype B. MIC values for C. neoformans var. gattii were higher than C. neoformans var. neoformans. We verified that none isolate was resistant to itraconazole and to amphotericin B, but one C. neoformans var. neoformans and three C. neoformans var. gattii isolates were resistant to fluconazole. The presence of C. neoformans var. gattii fluconazole resistant indicates the importance of determining not only the variety of C. neoformans infecting the patients but also measuring the MIC of the isolate in order to properly orient treatment.  相似文献   

The epidemiological features of rotavirus A (RVA) infection differ between children from developing and developed countries which could result in differences in vaccine efficacy around the world. To evaluate the impact of Rotarix? on RVA prevalence, we monitored RVA genotypes circulating in Goiania by monitoring virus in faecal samples from children that had or had not been previously vaccinated. From February-November of 2008, 220 faecal samples were collected from children in seven day-care centres. RVA detection was performed by two methodologies and the results were confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From the 220 samples, eight were RVA-positive (3.6%) and five were from children that had received either one or two doses of the vaccine. All positive samples were collected from children with diarrhoea during August and September. Genotyping of the RVA characterised five of the viral samples as genotype G2P[4] and one as G8P[4], suggesting that G2P[4] was the predominant circulating genotype in Goiania during the study. The fact that vaccinated children were also infected by RVA suggests that the vaccine does not fully protect against infection by the G2[P4] RVA genotype.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage and attitudes to vaccination and Pap screening in young women. Design: Population-based telephone survey. Setting: Victoria, Australia. Participants: 234 women resident in Victoria aged 18–28 years in May 2009. Main outcome measures: Self-reported HPV vaccination uptake, reasons for non-receipt or failure to complete vaccination, knowledge and attitudes about HPV vaccination and Pap screening, and cervical screening intentions. Results: The response rate for eligible households was 62.4%. Half of the women (56%, n = 131) had previously had a Pap test and 74% (age standardised estimate) had received HPV vaccine. Of the vaccinated women, 5% had received one dose only, 18% two doses and 76% had completed the course (1.7% unsure of number of doses). Vaccination uptake was highest in the youngest women (declining from 90% for at least one dose in women aged 18–38.5% in women aged 28; p for trend <0.001). Among women who had heard of the vaccine, 96% knew Pap tests were still needed after it, although 20% thought the vaccine could prevent all cervical cancers and 9% thought the vaccine could treat cervical abnormalities and cancer. Among vaccinated women, 8% of women agreed that having been vaccinated made them less likely to have Pap tests in the future. Conclusions: Self-reported coverage in this sample was higher than that recorded on the national vaccination register. Young women report the message that Pap tests are required after vaccination, but there are gaps in their knowledge about the limitations of the vaccine so it remains to be seen if they actually follow through with having Pap tests. Ongoing monitoring of cervical screening rates will be important as this cohort ages.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the cause of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. This causative relationship has provided the rationale and incentive for development of a prophylactic vaccine. Such a vaccine, if found to be effective, could reduce the need for cervical cancer screening and have a profound effect on the incidence of cervical and other anogenital cancers. This review begins by examining the basic biological and epidemiological principles relevant to the development of HPV preventative vaccines. It then summarises studies examining the use of vaccines to prevent HPV infection in animals and humans, and, finally, discusses some of the unanswered issues surrounding vaccine development against HPV infection and cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Purpose: Infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV-16 in particular is a leading cause of anogenital neoplasia. High-grade intraepithelial lesions require treatment because of their potential to progress to invasive cancer. Numerous preclinical studies have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of E7-directed vaccination strategies in mice tumour models. In the present study, we tested the immunogenicity of a fusion protein (PD-E7) comprising a mutated HPV-16 E7 linked to the first 108 amino acids of Haemophilus influenzae protein D, formulated in the GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals adjuvant AS02B, in patients bearing oncogenic HPV-positive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Methods: Seven patients, five with a CIN3 and two with a CIN1, received three intramuscular injections of adjuvanted PD-E7 at 2-week intervals. Three additional CIN1 patients received a placebo. CIN3 patients underwent conization 8 weeks postvaccination. Cytokine flow cytometry and ELISA were used to monitor antigen-specific cellular and antibody responses from blood taken before and after vaccine or placebo injection. Results: Some patients had preexisting systemic IFN- CD4+ (1/10) and CD8+ (5/10) responses to PD-E7. Vaccination, not placebo injection, elicited systemic specific immune responses in the majority of the patients. Five vaccinated patients (71%) showed significantly increased IFN- CD8+ cell responses upon PD-E7 stimulation. Two responding patients generated long-term T-cell immunity toward the vaccine antigen and E7 as well as a weak H. influenzae protein D (PD)–directed CD4+ response. All the vaccinated patients, but not the placebo, made significant E7- and PD-specific IgG. Conclusions: The encouraging results obtained from this study performed on a limited number of subjects justify further analysis of the efficacy of the PD-E7/AS02B vaccine in CIN patients.  相似文献   

BackgroundIt is known that socioeconomic status (SES) influences the outcome of cancer treatment and this could partly be explained by decreased use of cancer screening services by people of lower SES. Many studies have indicated that low SES, including low educational attainment or unstable employment, was related to nonparticipation in cancer screening. However, studies investigating trends in SES inequalities within cancer screening participation are limited. Our objective was to examine trends in SES inequalities in cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer screening participation among women in Japan between 2010 and 2019.MethodsWe analyzed 189,442, 168,571, 163,341, and 150,828 women in 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 respectively, using nationally representative cross-sectional surveys. The main outcome variables are participation in each cancer screening. We used educational attainment and employment status as measures for SES. Multivariable logistic regression analysis, adjusted for age, marital status, educational attainment, and employment status was performed to evaluate the associations between SES and nonparticipation in each cancer screening.ResultsOverall participation rates in each cancer screening increased between 2010 and 2019. Low educational attainment and non-permanent employment status were related to nonparticipation in each cancer screening and inequality according to employment status increased within each screening participation during the study period. For example, dispatched workers were more likely to not participate in cervical cancer screening than permanent workers: in 2010, [aOR 1.11 95 %CI: 1.01 –1.21], and in 2019, [aOR 1.46 95 %CI: 1.34–1.60]. The inequality was greatest in colorectal cancer screening nonparticipation, followed by breast and cervical screening.ConclusionsAlthough the participation rates in each cancer screening have increased, inequality in participation in terms of employment status widened among women in Japan between 2010 and 2019. Reducing inequalities in cancer screening participation is essential for cancer screening intervention policies.  相似文献   

Vochysia palmirana is described and illustrated as a new species. It is a member of sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes. It grows in sandy Cerrados of the Central Brazilian Plateau and is similar toV. sessilifolia. A key to the species ofVochysia sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes is provided.  相似文献   

We investigated a possible link between endometriosis and polymorphism of the progesterone receptor gene (PROGINS). The endometriosis group consisted of 54 patients with a diagnosis of endometriosis by laparoscopy, and the control group comprised 44 women without endometriosis. Genotypes for PROGINS polymorphisms (A1/A1, A1/A2 and A2/A2) were determined by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed on a 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. The frequency of polymorphic genotypes (A1/A2 and A2/A2) was significantly higher in patients with endometriosis (33%) than in the control group (16%). We conclude that there is a significant correlation between PROGINS polymorphism and endometriosis.  相似文献   

Background: To determine human papillomavirus (HPV) types by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-reverse line blot assay and examine the concordance between HPV by Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) and PCR on self-collected vaginal and physician-collected cervical samples and cytology. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 546 sexually active women aged ≥30 years with persistent vaginal discharge, intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding or an unhealthy cervix. Participants self-collected vaginal samples (HPV-S) and physicians collected cervical samples for conventional Pap smear and HPV DNA (HPV-P) testing and performed colposcopy, with directed biopsy, if indicated. HPV testing and genotyping was done by HC2 and PCR reverse line blot assay. Concordance between HC2 and PCR results of self- and physician-collected samples was determined using a Kappa statistic (κ) and Chi-square test. Results: Complete data were available for 512 sets with 98% of women providing a satisfactory self-sample. PCR detected oncogenic HPV in 12.3% of self- and 13.0% of physician-collected samples. Overall, there was 93.8% agreement between physician-collected and self-samples (κ = 76.31%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 64.97–82.29%, p = 0.04)—complete concordance in 473 cases (57 positive, 416 negative), partial concordance in seven pairs and discordance in 32 pairs. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of self-sampling for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)2+ disease were 82.5%, 93.6%, 52.4% and 98.4%, respectively; for physician-sampling they were 87.5%, 93.2%, 52.2% and 98.9%, respectively; and for cytology they were 77.5%, 87.3%, 34.1% and 97.9%, respectively. Concordance between HC2 and PCR was 90.9% for self-samples (κ = 63.7%, 95% CI: 55.2–72.2%) and 95.3% for physician-collected samples (κ = 80.4%, 95% CI: 71.8–89.0%). Conclusions: Self-HPV sampling compares favourably with physician-sampling and cytology. A rapid, affordable, HPV self-test kit can be used as the primary method of cervical cancer screening in low-resource situations.  相似文献   

The plant functional group approach has the potential to clarify ecological patterns and is of particular importance in simplifying the application of ecological models in high biodiversity ecosystems. Six functional groups (pasture grass, pasture sapling, top-canopy tree, top-canopy liana, mid canopy tree, and understory tree) were established a priori based on ecosystem inhabited, life form, and position within the forest canopy profile on eastern Amazonian region. Ecophysiological traits related to photosynthetic gas exchange were then used to characterize such groups. The ecophysiological traits evaluated showed considerable variations among groups. The pasture grass functional group (a C4 photosynthetic pathway species) showed high instantaneous water use efficiency (A max/g s@A max), high photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (A max/N area), and high ratio of A max to dark respiration (A max/R d). Among the species with the C3 photosynthetic pathway, the top-canopy liana group showed the highest mean of A max/g s@A max, statistically distinct from the lowest average presented by the understory tree group. Furthermore, the pasture sapling group showed the lowest average of A max/R d, statistically distinct from the high average observed for the understory tree group. Welch-ANOVAs followed by Games–Howell post hoc tests applied to ecophysiological traits produced reasonable distinctions among functional groups, although no significant distinction was detected between the groups top-canopy tree and pasture sapling. Species distribution within the functional groups was accurately reproduced by discriminant analyses based on species averages of ecophysiological traits. The present work convincingly shows that the functional groups identified have distinct ecophysiological characteristics, with the potential to respond differently to environmental factors. Such information is of great importance in modeling efforts that evaluate the effects of dynamic changes in tropical plant communities over ecosystem primary productivity.  相似文献   

In mouse testis, claudin-11 is responsible for the formation of specific parallel TJ strands of the blood–testis barrier (BTB). Concerning the human BTB, there is no information about the transmembrane TJ proteins. We recently demonstrated the loss of functional integrity of the BTB in testicular intraepithelial neoplasia (TIN), associated with a dislocation of the peripheral TJ proteins ZO-1 and ZO-2. Here, we determined the expression and distribution of claudin-11 at the human BTB in seminiferous tubules with normal spermatogenesis (NSP) and TIN. Immunostaining of claudin-11 revealed intense signals at the basal BTB region in seminiferous epithelium with NSP. Within TIN tubules, claudin-11 immunostaining became diffuse and cytoplasmic. Double immunogold labeling demonstrated a co-localization of claudin-11 and ZO-1 at the inter-Sertoli cell junctions. Real-time RT-PCR of laser microdissected tubules showed an up-regulation of claudin-11 mRNA in TIN. Additionally, increased claudin-11 protein was observed by Western blot. We conclude that claudin-11 constitutes a TJ protein at the human BTB. In TIN tubules, claudin-11 is up-regulated and dislocated from the BTB. Therefore, the disruption of the BTB is related to a dysfunction of claudin-11 and not to a failure of its expression.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is one of the major concerns regarding tuberculosis (TB) infection worldwide because it hampers control of the disease. Understanding the underlying mechanisms responsible for drug resistance development is of the highest importance. To investigate clinical data from drug-resistant TB patients at the Tropical Diseases Hospital, Goiás (GO), Brazil and to evaluate the molecular basis of rifampin (R) and isoniazid (H) resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Drug susceptibility testing was performed on 124 isolates from 100 patients and 24 isolates displayed resistance to R and/or H. Molecular analysis of drug resistance was performed by partial sequencing of the rpoB and katGgenes and analysis of the inhA promoter region. Similarity analysis of isolates was performed by 15 loci mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing. The molecular basis of drug resistance among the 24 isolates from 16 patients was confirmed in 18 isolates. Different susceptibility profiles among the isolates from the same individual were observed in five patients; using MIRU-VNTR, we have shown that those isolates were not genetically identical, with differences in one to three loci within the 15 analysed loci. Drug-resistant TB in GO is caused by M. tuberculosis strains with mutations in previously described sites of known genes and some patients harbour a mixed phenotype infection as a consequence of a single infective event; however, further and broader investigations are needed to support our findings.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present study was to examine if there is difference in terms of incidence rates of congenital toxoplasmosis among populations assisted in public and private hospitals from Uberlandia, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 805 serum samples from cord blood were collected, being 500 from public hospital and 305 from private hospital, and all patients answered a questionnaire about pregnancy and newborns. An indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to detect IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and the positive samples were retested to verify the presence of specific IgM and IgA antibodies in a capture ELISA. We found significant differences among data from both hospitals with respect to maternal age, origin city, gestational age, number of visits to physicians during pregnancy, type of delivery, and birth weight. Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies against T. gondii for patients from public and private hospitals was 57.6% and 41.9% respectively, and this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In addition, the frequency of congenital toxoplasmosis measured by the presence of IgM and/or IgA antibodies toward T. gondii was exclusively located in samples from public hospital (0.8%), and no positive sample was seen in private hospital (0%). Considering that almost all babies suffering from congenital toxoplasmosis, if undiagnosed and untreated, will develop visual or neurological impairments by adulthood, the results presented herein emphasized the importance to accomplish screening programs for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, particularly in the public hospitals, due to the expressive rate of congenital disease showed in the patients attended at these centers.  相似文献   

The Lecythidaceae or Brazil Nut family are ubiquitous in non-flooded lowland forests of the Amazon, where they are indicative of well-preserved or little-disturbed habitats. A recent checklist of the Brazilian flora reported 10 genera and 119 species for that country, of which 104 are found in the Amazon region. However, the botanical knowledge in many regions of the country remains far from complete. This study aimed to analyze the diversity of Lecythidaceae in the upper Madeira River region in Rondônia, an area where botanical data is scarce. Lecythidaceae collections deposited in the CEN, INPA and RON herbaria were examined, and four field expeditions in the study area were carried out. For that region, we recorded 37 species of Lecythidaceae belonging to 7 genera: Eschweilera (21 species), Couratari (6), Cariniana (3), Gustavia (3), Allantoma (2), Bertholletia (1) and Lecythis (1). Among these species, five are listed as threatened in the IUCN Red List. The total number of species found in the upper Madeira River of Rondônia alone is higher than the 28 species reported to date for the entire state of Rondônia in the Brazilian Flora Checklist (Smith et al., 2015), and adds 13 new records of Lecythidaceae for the state. Considering that this study is restricted to the northern part of the state, our results suggest that the number of Lecythidaceae species in Rondônia is severely underestimated. Our findings highlight the need for more intensive floristic studies in the Amazon region, which should target areas that are botanically unexplored but have high biodiversity potential. Such studies will provide valuable information to support both taxonomic studies and species conservation assessments.  相似文献   

Leprosy remains a public health problem in Brazil with new case incidence exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) goals in endemic clusters throughout the country. Migration can facilitate movement of disease between endemic and non-endemic areas, and has been considered a possible factor in continued leprosy incidence in Brazil. A study was conducted to investigate migration as a risk factor for leprosy. The study had three aims: (1) examine past five year migration as a risk factor for leprosy, (2) describe and compare geographic and temporal patterns of migration among past 5-year migrants with leprosy and a control group, and (3) examine social determinants of health associated with leprosy among past 5-year migrants. The study implemented a matched case-control design and analysis comparing individuals newly diagnosed with leprosy (n = 340) and a clinically unapparent control group (n = 340) without clinical signs of leprosy, matched for age, sex and location in four endemic municipalities in the state of Maranhão, northeastern Brazil. Fishers exact test was used to conduct bivariate analyses. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was employed to control for possible confounding variables. Eighty cases (23.5%) migrated 5-years prior to diagnosis, and 55 controls (16.2%) migrated 5-years prior to the corresponding case diagnosis. Past 5 year migration was found to be associated with leprosy (OR: 1.59; 95% CI 1.07–2.38; p = 0.02), and remained significantly associated with leprosy after controlling for leprosy contact in the family, household, and family/household contact. Poverty, as well as leprosy contact in the family, household and other leprosy contact, was associated with leprosy among past 5-year migrants in the bivariate analysis. Alcohol consumption was also associated with leprosy, a relevant risk factor in susceptibility to infection that should be explored in future research. Our findings provide insight into patterns of migration to localize focused control efforts in endemic areas with high population mobility.  相似文献   

One of the most popular single-factor hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the naturalization and spread of introduced species is the enemy release hypothesis (ERH). One ramification of the ERH is that invasive plants sustain less herbivore damage than their native counterparts in the invaded range. However, introduced plants, invasive or not, may experience less herbivore damage than the natives. Therefore, to test the role of natural enemies in the success of invasive plants, studies should include both invasive as well as non-invasive introduced species. In this study, we employed a novel three-way comparison, in which we compared herbivore damage among native, introduced invasive, and introduced non-invasive Eugenia (Myrtaceae) in South Florida. We found that introduced Eugenia, both invasive and non-invasive, sustained less herbivore damage, especially damage by oligophagous and endophagous insects, than native Eugenia. However, the difference in insect damage between introduced invasive and introduced non-invasive Eugenia was not significant. Escape from herbivores may not account for the spread of invasive Eugenia. We would not have been able to draw this conclusion without inclusion of the non-invasive Eugenia species in the study.  相似文献   

Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is an infection caused by abnormal yeast growth in the mucosa of the female genital tract which is commonly diagnosed in gynecology. The aim of this study was to correlate the frequency of yeasts and their respective species in asymptomatic women with different clinical manifestation of VVC; evaluate possible relationships between number of fungus colonies and symptoms in this pathology. All patients who visited the laboratory within a period of five months, for routine examinations of vaginal secretion, independent of the presence or absence of symptoms of VVC were included in this study. Of these, women with immunodeficiency or with an infection of the genital tract by another agent were excluded. Candida albicans was the most frequently yeast isolated (60%). Among non-C. albicans yeasts, 61.5% were isolated of the asymptomatic women, 38.7% from patients with VVC and 11.1% of those from patients with RVVC. C. albicans was associated with symptoms of VVC and while, the presence of non-C. albicans yeasts with asymptomatic women. However, there was no association between the number of fungal colonies and symptoms.  相似文献   

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