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The immunopolymorphism database (IPD) provides a single nomenclature for alleles at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci for a range of different species. The minimum requirements for inclusion of a sheep class II DRB1 sequence is a submission that includes all polymorphic sites within the second exon from at least two independent polymerase chain reactions (PCR). In order to meet these requirements, we have developed a DNA-based genotyping method for the rapid analysis of allelic diversity at the DRB1 locus in domestic sheep, Ovis aries. Using a series of primers located within introns flanking exon 2 and genomic DNA from a cohort of 214 sheep representing 15 different breeds and crossbreeds, the complete exon 2 sequences of 38 Ovar-DRB1 alleles were obtained. This sequence resource allowed the development of a generic set of locus-specific primers which amplify a fragment that includes all polymorphic sites within the second exon. Bidirectional sequence analysis of the PCR product provides a composite sequence where each polymorphic site is represented by the corresponding International Union of Biochemistry nucleotide code. A Basic Local Alignment Search Tool search of alleles held within the IPD or National Center for Biotechnology Information databases allows individual allele sequences to be identified. Low levels of homozygosity (7.48%) within the cohort and verification of previously genotyped samples confirmed the broad allelic specificity of this method. It improves on currently available methods and is broadly applicable to the analysis of MHC diversity in studies investigating linkages with resistance or susceptibility to disease.  相似文献   

Our previous linkage analysis suggested that the DNA segment D7S122 is located between MET and D7S8, the two genetic markers that are thought to flank the cystic fibrosis locus (CF). Subsequent chromosome walking experiments revealed that D7S122 in within close distance to another randomly isolated DNA marker, D7S340. To determine the physical relationship among D7S122, D7S340, MET, and D7S8, we have constructed a long-range restriction map of the region containing these four DNA segments, by using DNA from a human/hamster somatic hybrid cell line 4AF-KO15 (containing a single human chromosome 7) and a series of rare-cutting restriction enzymes. The combined results of complete, partial, and double digestion analyses confirm that D7S122 and D7S340 are located between MET and D7S8. The order of these markers is MET-D7S340-D7S122-D7S8, with distance intervals of approximately 500, 10, and 980 kbp, respectively. Together with family analysis, this information will be useful for eventual identification of the CF gene.  相似文献   

Human Ia(-like) specificities controlled by gene loci other thanHLA-DR were searched for at the molecular level in cells of human B-cell-type cell lines which carrytwo established DR specificities. Chevalier cells of DRw3 and 7 and U698M cells of DRw2 and 4 were used. Their Ia molecules were partially purified, radioiodinated and analyzed for Ia specificities by the direct binding and sequential binding assays with a selected panel of human Ia alloantisera. It was possible in both the cell lines to define a third subset of Ia molecules carrying a new specificity in addition to two Ia subsets carrying the established DR specificities. The new specificity was detected by putative anti-DRw4 and anti-DRw7 antisera and was closely associated with DRw4 and DRw7 at population level. It was thus designated provisionally as BR4X7. These results suggest that the BR4X7 specificity is coded for by a separateIa locus closely linked toHLA-DR locus. The determinant(s) responsible for BR4X7 was located on the small subunit of Ia molecules.  相似文献   

TNF-alpha and lymphotoxin (LT, TNF-beta) genes are tandemly arranged and map within the MHC centromeric to HLA-B and telomeric to the class III genes. Both cytokines encoded by these genes are potent immunomodulators. On the other hand, some MHC-linked autoimmune diseases are characterized by abnormal levels of their expression or inducibility. A search for the putative disease-associated TNF/LT alleles depends on the informative genetic markers at the TNF locus. Previously, a low degree of genetic polymorphism at the human TNF locus has been reported, mostly bi-allelic RFLP. To localize and define additional polymorphic markers, we probed the collection of genomic clones with synthetic tandemly repeated dinucleotides, corresponding to the sequences known as microsatellites. We mapped and characterized three (TC/GA) and one (AC/GT) repeats within cloned 40-kb DNA comprising the human TNF locus. Using a polymerase chain reaction-based technique, we analyzed three of these four microsatellites and observed their length of polymorphism. Using DNA samples from blood donors, two families, and three human cell lines, we detected 13 distinct alleles of the AC/GT microsatellite neighboring human TNF genes. The variability was further increased by simultaneous analysis of the second linked microsatellite. This linked TC/GA repeat showed at least five alleles, whereas the least polymorphic TC/GA repeat located in the first intron of LT (TNF-beta) gene had two alleles. TNF alleles defined by microsatellites were stably inherited and segregated in the Mendelian way. Therefore, we describe thus far the most informative level of DNA sequence polymorphism in this part of human MHC. We propose a nomenclature for microsatellite tagged LT/TNF alleles based on their size and variability, which could also be extended to include RFLP and other not yet identified polymorphic markers. Microsatellite tagged polymorphism described here can be used in systematic linkage studies of HLA-associated diseases.  相似文献   

A cell line hemizygous for a deletion of the human chromosome region 7q22----q32 was used for fine mapping three probes closely linked to the cystic fibrosis locus. The three markers, J.3.11, 7c22, and met, were all found to be deleted from the region 7q22----q32. This finding, in combination with previously published mapping data, led to the assignment of J3.11 to 7q22.  相似文献   

F1 complementation results indicate that a new gene, putatively controlling a minor histocompatibility antigen, is closely linked to the minor histocompatibility gene, H-3, in the fifth linkage group of chromosome 2 of the mouse. This gene controls a product that was capable of inducing as well as acting as a target for cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL). The lytic activity of CTL developed in B10.LP-H-3D mice specific for the product of the new gene of B10 was restricted to target cells possessing H-2Db antigens. This contrasts to the H-2Kb-restricted activity of H-3.1 specific CTL.  相似文献   

Skews in the observed allele-frequency spectrum are frequently viewed as an indication of non-neutral evolution. Recent surveys of microsatellite variability have used an excess of alleles as a statistical approach to infer positive selection. Using neutral coalescent simulations we demonstrate that the mean numbers of alleles expected under the stepwise-mutation model and infinite-allele model deviate from the observed numbers of alleles. The magnitude of this difference is dependent on the sample size, mutation rates (theta-values) and observed gene diversities. Moreover, we show that the number of observed alleles differs among loci with the same observed gene diversity but different mutation rates (theta-values). We propose that a reliable test statistic based on allele excess must determine the confidence interval by computer simulations conditional on the observed gene diversity and theta-values. As the latter are notoriously difficult to obtain for experimental data, we suggest that other statistics, such as lnRV, may be better suited to the identification of microsatellite loci subject to selection.  相似文献   

Given their large population sizes and presumed high dispersal capacity, protists are expected to exhibit homogeneous population structure over large spatial scales. On the other hand, the fragmented and short‐lived nature of the lentic freshwater habitats that many protists inhabit promotes strong population differentiation. We used microsatellites in two benthic freshwater diatoms, Eunotia bilunaris ‘robust’ and Sellaphora capitata, sampled from within a pond and connected ponds, through isolated ponds from the same region to western Europe to determine the spatial scale at which differentiation appears. Because periods of low genotypic diversity contribute to population differentiation, we also assessed genotypic diversity. While genotypic diversity was very high to maximal in most samples of both species, some had a markedly lower diversity, with up to half (Eunotia) and over 90% (Sellaphora) of the strains having the same multilocus genotype. Population differentiation showed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern with very low standardized FST values between samples from the same or connected ponds but high values between isolated ponds, even when situated in the same region. Partial rbcL sequences in Eunotia were consistent with this pattern as isolated ponds in the same region could differ widely in haplotype composition. Populations identified by Structure corresponded to the source ponds, confirming that ‘pond’ is the main factor structuring these populations. We conclude that freshwater benthic diatom populations are highly fragmented on a regional scale, reflecting either less dispersal than is often assumed or reduced establishment success of immigrants, so that dispersal does not translate into gene flow.  相似文献   

Mesophotic reefs (30‐150 m) have been proposed as potential refugia that facilitate the recovery of degraded shallow reefs following acute disturbances such as coral bleaching and disease. However, because of the technical difficulty of collecting samples, the connectivity of adjacent mesophotic reefs is relatively unknown compared with shallower counterparts. We used genotyping by sequencing to assess fine‐scale genetic structure of Montastraea cavernosa at two sites at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic coral reef ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico, and downstream sites along the Florida Reef Tract. We found differentiation between reefs at Pulley Ridge (~68 m) and corals at downstream upper mesophotic depths in the Dry Tortugas (28–36 m) and shallow reefs in the northern Florida Keys (Key Biscayne, ~5 m). The spatial endpoints of our study were distinct, with the Dry Tortugas as a genetic intermediate. Most striking were differences in population structure among northern and southern sites at Pulley Ridge that were separated by just 12km. Unique patterns of clonality and outlier loci allele frequency support these sites as different populations and suggest that the long‐distance horizontal connectivity typical of shallow‐water corals may not be typical for mesophotic systems in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. We hypothesize that this may be due to the spawning of buoyant gametes, which commits propagules to the surface, resulting in greater dispersal and lower connectivity than typically found between nearby shallow sites. Differences in population structure over small spatial scales suggest that demographic constraints and/or environmental disturbances may be more variable in space and time on mesophotic reefs compared with their shallow‐water counterparts.  相似文献   



R gene-mediated resistance is one of the most effective mechanisms of immunity against pathogens in plants. To date some components that regulate the primary steps of plant immunity have been isolated, however, the molecular dissection of defense signaling downstream of the R proteins remains to be completed. In addition, R genes are known to be highly variable, however, the molecular mechanisms responsible for this variability remain obscure.  相似文献   

X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an inherited recessive disorder in which the primary defect is not known and the gene product has yet to be identified. Utilizing genetic linkage analysis, we previously localized the XLA gene to the map region of Xq21.3-Xq22 with DNA markers DXS3 and DXS17. In this study, further mapping was performed with two additional DNA probes, DXS94 and DXS178, by means of multipoint analysis of 20 families in which XLA is segregating. Thirteen of these families had been previously analyzed with DXS3 and DXS17. Three crossovers were detected with DXS94 and no recombinations were found between DXS178 and the XLA locus in 9 informative families. Our results show that XLA is closely linked to DXS178 with a two-point lod score of 4.82 and a multipoint lod score of 10.24. Thus, the most likely gene order is DXS3-(XLA,DXS178)-DXS94-DXS17, with the confidence interval for location of XLA lying entirely between DXS3 and DXS94. In 2 of these families, we identified recombinants with DXS17, a locus with which recombination had not previously been detected by others in as many as 40 meiotic events. Furthermore, DXS178 is informative in both of these families and does not show recombination with the disease locus. Therefore, our results indicate that DXS178 is linked tightly to the XLA gene.  相似文献   

A laboratory population derived from a single wild inseminated female has a lethal so closely linked to the major esterase locus that in 3 years of observations no crossover products have been detected. Linkage with a chromosome inversion was excluded by cytological analysis. The heterozygotes are superior to the homozygotes in egg-adult viability, egg-laying rate, and longevity. Electrophoretic analysis of larvae, pupae, and 2-h-old adults shows that the specific phase for the lethal effect in homozygotes is the pupal stage.  相似文献   

New alleles of murine factor B (Bf) protein were demonstrated. When ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-plasmas from inbred and wild mice were analyzed by isoelectro-focusing (IEF) and immunofixation, murine Bf proteins were visualized as distinct protein bands in all mice tested. Four variants of murine Bf could be demonstrated in a large number of tested mice: Bf 1 (isoelectro-focusing point (P.I.) range of 5.8–6.1) exemplified by B10 and B10.BR, Bf 2 (P.I. range of 5.8–6.0) exemplified by B10.MOL (OHM), Bf 3 (P.I. range of 5.6–5.9) exemplified by B10.MOL (TEN2) and Mus musculus (Mus m.) subspecies Chc, Bf4 (P.I. range of 6.0–6.3) exemplified by Mus m. subspecies Shh. The genetic linkage between S locus and Bf locus was studied with two backcross progenies — [B 10.BR × (B10.BR × Mus m. subspecies Chc)F1] and [B 10.BR × (B10.BR × Mus m. subspecies Shh)F1]. Totally, 256 backcross progenies were typed for Bf type and for Ss type (plasma level of the fourth complement protein regulated by S locus). The results indicated that murine Bf was controlled by a single codominant locus located close to the H-2 complex because no mouse showing recombination between Bf locus and S locus was found.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with biotin-labeled probes mapping to 11p13 has been used for the molecular analysis of deletions of the WAGR (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary abnormalities, and mental retardation) locus. We have detected a submicroscopic 11p13 deletion in a child with inherited aniridia who subsequently presented with Wilms tumor in a horseshoe kidney, only revealed at surgery. The mother, who has aniridia, was also found to carry a deletion including both the aniridia candidate gene (AN2) and the Wilms tumor predisposition gene (WT1). This is therefore a rare case of an inherited WAGR deletion. Wilms tumor has so far only been associated with sporadic de novo aniridia cases. We have shown that a cosmid probe for a candidate aniridia gene, homologous to the mouse Pax-6 gene, is deleted in cell lines from aniridia patients with previously characterized deletions at 11p13, while another cosmid marker mapping between two aniridia-associated translocation breakpoints (and hence a second candidate marker) is present on both chromosomes. These results support the Pax-6 homologue as a strong candidate for the AN2 gene. FISH with cosmid probes has proved to be a fast and reliable technique for the molecular analysis of deletions. It can be used with limited amounts of material and has strong potential for clinical applications.  相似文献   

Summary The prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is now routinely performed by using two probes tightly linked to the CF locus (XV2C and KM19). These probes have been shown to exhibit a strong linkage disequilibrium with the CF locus. Our data (103 families) have been pooled with other French data (237 families). They are consistent with the hypothesis of a unique ancestral mutation initially associated with a B (D1E2) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotype, subsequently reassociated by cross-over with A, C or D haplotypes. Assuming such an hypothesis, the mutation is supposed to be 3000–6000 years old, depending on generation length and the true recombination ratio between the KM19 and CF loci. Up-to-date Spanish, Danish and Greek data are reported together with other previously published population data in order to discuss the geographic origin and age of the mutation in Europe. The action of selection in terms of heterozygote advantage and distorsion of segregation is discussed.  相似文献   

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