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Allozymes and mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to examine the phylogeographical history of the rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa, in western North America. Nineteen populations were analysed for allozyme variation at 45 loci, and 23 populations were analysed for cytochrome b sequence variation. Both data sets agree that populations in the southern part of the range are characterized by isolation by distance, whereas northern populations fit the expectations of a recent range expansion. However, the northern limit of isolation by distance (and the southern limit of range expansion) is located in Oregon State by the mtDNA data, and in Washington State by the allozyme data. Nevertheless, both data sets are consistent with the known Pleistocene history of western North America, with phylogenetically basal populations in central and northern California, and a recent range expansion in the north following the retreat of the Cordilleran ice sheet 10,000 years ago. Additionally, a population in Idaho, previously considered introduced from central California based on morphometric analyses, possesses a distinct mtDNA haplotype, suggesting it could be native. The relevance of these results for Pacific Northwest biogeography is discussed.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to evaluate a possible opioid involvement in the regulation of sexual behavior (amplectic clasping of a female) in intact adult male rough-skinned newts (Taricha granulosa) during the breeding season. It was found that an ip injection of bremazocine, a kappa-receptor opiate agonist, can markedly reduce sexual activity and that an ip injection of naloxone can reverse this inhibition in a dose-dependent fashion. In contrast, in male newts that were sexually inactive before treatment, injections of naloxone failed to induce sexual behavior, suggesting that opioid mechanisms do not normally exert a tonic inhibition of amphibian sexual behavior. In addition, an injection of ethylketocyclazocine (another kappa-receptor agonist), but not morphine (a mu-receptor agonist) suppressed sexual behaviors of male newts. These results indicate that opioid mechanisms that include kappa-type opioid receptors may contribute to the regulation of sexual behavior in nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of temperature on the growth and development of embryonic and early larval stages of a western North American amphibian, the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa). We assigned newt eggs to different temperatures (7, 14, or 21 °C); after hatching, we re-assigned the newt larvae into the three different temperatures. Over the course of three to four weeks, we measured total length and developmental stage of the larvae. Our results indicated a strong positive relationship over time between temperature and both length and developmental stage. Importantly, individuals assigned to cooler embryonic temperatures did not achieve the larval sizes of individuals from the warmer embryonic treatments, regardless of larval temperature. Our investigation of growth and development at different temperatures demonstrates carry-over effects and provides a more comprehensive understanding of how organisms respond to temperature changes during early development.  相似文献   

Prepuberally castrated male guinea pigs were treated in adulthood with estradiol benzoate, testosterone propionate, dihydrotestosterone propionate or corn oil (vehicle control). Both corn oil and estradiol benzoate were ineffective in augmenting or inducing any aspect of adult male sexual behavior. Dihydrotestosterone propionate and testosterone propionate were both effective in establishing the complete male sexual behavior pattern, although they differed in the manner in which they affected specific components. For example, males treated with testosterone propionate showed more non-intromissive but not more intromissive mounts than males treated with dihydrotestosterone propionate. In addition, the average frequency of thrusts per intromission was greater for males treated with dihydrotestosterone propionate than for males treated with testosterone propionate.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine differences between old and young rhesus males in levels and diurnal patterns of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, cortisol, and estradiol, and to determine correlations between these hormones and sexual behavior of the old males. Blood was drawn from old (n = 9) and young (n = 9) rhesus males over 5 consecutive days at 0900, 1300, and 2100 hr. The two groups of males did not differ in mean serum levels of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or estradiol at any time. Although the old and young did not differ in cortisol levels at 0900 and 1300 hr, the cortisol levels at 2100 hr were lower in the old males. Diurnal variations in testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and cortisol were comparable in old and young males. Mean serum levels of estradiol were significantly higher at 0900 hr than at 1300 hr in the old males, whereas in the young males estradiol levels did not differ with time of day. There was a significant positive correlation between testosterone and yawning rate, and cortisol levels were correlated positively with rate of contacting, rate of mounting, and percentage of tests with erections. The decline in sexual performance of old rhesus males cannot be attributed to changes in the levels or diurnal patterns of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or estradiol, but lower cortisol levels in old males may contribute to the decline in sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of the free forms of testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and estradiol (E2) upon male mouse (Mus musculus) courtship vocalizations and seminal vesicle weight. In the first experiment, administration of T to castrated males was associated with a large number of vocalizations and large seminal vesicle weights, DHT was associated with large seminal vesicle weights but very few vocalizations, whereas E2 was associated with low measures of both vocalization and seminal vesicle weight. In the second experiment, T and DHT had effects highly similar to those of the previous experiment; however, in contrast to the previous experiment, both low and high dosages of E2 were associated with large numbers of ultrasonic vocalizations but small seminal vesicles. A mixture of E2 and DHT was very similar to T in its effect upon both measures. We suggest from these results that hormonal mechanisms similar to those reported for rat sex behavior may interact with situational variables to determine the expression of male mouse courtship.  相似文献   

The effects of castration and sex steroid manipulations on the expression of sexual behavior were investigated in a small fish, the peacock blenny, Salaria pavo. In this species, large males defend nests and attract females while small "sneaker" males reproduce by imitating the female morphology and courtship behavior in order to approach nests during spawning events and parasitically fertilize eggs. Sneakers switch into nest holders in their second breeding season, thus displaying both male and female-like sexual behavior during their lifetime. We tested the effects of castration and of an aromatase inhibitor (Fadrozole, F), testosterone (T) or 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) implants on the expression of male and female-like behavior in sneakers. Sneakers were either sham-operated, castrated or castrated and implanted with vehicle, F, T+F or E(2)+F. Seven days after the treatment, sneakers were placed in a tank with a nesting male, two ripe females and an available nest. Castrated fish had lower levels of circulating T and increased the time spent displaying female typical nuptial coloration. T implants had the opposite effect, inhibiting the expression of female-like behavior and coloration. E(2) implants had no significant effect on the display of sexual behavior but the frequency of aggressive displays decreased. The results agree with previous findings in sneakers of S. pavo that demonstrated an inhibition of female-like behavior by 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT). The reported increase in T and 11-KT production when sneakers change into nest holders may thus contribute to behaviorally defeminize sneakers. Contrarily, both T and E(2) failed to promote male-like behavior, suggesting that behavioral masculization during tactic switching depends on other neuroendocrine mechanisms or that the time length of the experiment was insufficient to induce male-like behavioral changes in sneakers.  相似文献   

Male rough-skinned newts (Taricha granulosa) were collected from the same natural population every second week from early April to mid-June. They were either field-tested for their sexual responsiveness or used to measure the plasma concentrations of androgens and corticosterone, the brain concentrations of immunoreactive (ir) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and arginine vasotocin (AVT), and morphological parameters. During the experimental period, the percentage of sexually responsive males gradually declined from 100 to 4%, concurrent with a decrease of plasma concentrations of androgens, but not corticosterone. Concentrations of irGnRH in two brain regions (medial septum; ventral telencephalon containing the nervus terminalis) did not change significantly during this time. In the infundibulum, irGnRH concentrations increased from the end of May to mid-June, which coincided with an increase in plasma androgen concentrations, a marked increase in testis weights, and a decrease of the proportion of males with spermatozoa in their vas deferens. During this period, no changes in irAVT concentrations in four brain regions (infundibulum; pars distalis of the pituitary; interpeduncular nucleus; cerebrospinal fluid) were detected, but significant changes were observed for irAVT in the dorsal preoptic area that were not correlated with the seasonal changes in behavior. Also, during this period, there were decreases in mean body weight and tail height, and in the proportion of males with smooth skin and dark nuptial pads. These results are discussed in view of our current knowledge of the endocrine mechanisms that regulate sexual behaviors and secondary sex characteristics in male amphibians.  相似文献   

Castrated androgen-insensitive rats exhibited mounting and intromission patterns in response to testosterone propionate (TP), estradiol benzoate (EB), or EB combined with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) treatment in adulthood. Treatment with DHT alone was ineffective in stimulating male mating behavior in the mutant rats. Since androgen-insensitive rats, like normal males, have the potential to show mounting behavior following hormone treatment in adulthood, the neural substrate underlying this behavior must be masculinized during development. The effectiveness of gonadal hormones in activating the entire copulatory sequence in castrated littermate males (King-Holtzman) was also examined. TP treatment induced mating behavior in the control rats. DHT also stimulated the complete copulatory pattern, although it was not as effective as TP. The administration of EB, however, did not induce ejaculation in control rats. These results do not support the hypothesis that the activation of male mating behavior by testosterone requires its metabolite estrogen (aromatization hypothesis).  相似文献   

Serum estradiol (E2), testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were measured in juvenile (pre-pubertal) male rhesus monkeys injected with either 8 mg or 80 mg of testosterone propionate (TP). After one week, the three steroids were elevated and remained essentially unchanged for the duration of the study. There was little difference in serum E2 or DHT when comparing the two groups of steroid-treated monkeys. In contrast, T levels were consistently greater in the animals given the high dosage of TP.  相似文献   

Groups of female TMD rats were treated either with estradiol benzoate (EB), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), testosterone propionate (TP), EB + DHTP (EB/DHTP), or with oil. These groups of females were tested for social aggression and for masculine and feminine sexual behavior. In addition, patterns of masculine and feminine sexual responses during the aggressive encounters, were investigated. TP-treated females of the same strain were used as opponents in the tests for aggression. In accordance with previous results, EB did not activate aggression whereas TP treatment resulted in a significant increase in aggression in females. Aggressive responses were activated by adding DHTP to EB, up to levels equal to those activated by TP. Sexual responses were observed in the tests for aggression as well as in tests for sexual behavior. The results indicated that feminine and masculine sexual responses were affected significantly by hormonal treatment. Mounting behavior in the test for aggression was activated by TP and by EB/DHTP. Lordosis and proceptive responses were inhibited in these groups as compared to EB-treated females, both in tests for aggression and in tests for sexual behavior. The results are consistent with the idea that dihydrotestosterone inhibits feminine and activates masculine sexual activity. The results also indicate that EB and DHTP synergistically activate aggression.  相似文献   

Eighteen genetic females born co-twin with males and diagnosed as being sterile intersexes (freemartins) were studied from birth to 79 weeks of age. Testosterone (T) and estrone (EI) were administered in Silastic capsules of two groups from birth to 50 weeks of age and other animals were left untreated. At 50 weeks the two treated groups had larger implants installed and the untreated animals were assigned to a new estrone (EII) and estradiol (E2) treatment. Later a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) group was formed in comparison with new E2 and testosterone propionate-enanthate (TP-TE) groups, plus untreated controls. Vulvar interest, Flehmen lip curl, mounting, and agonistic behavior were recorded daily for 30 min while animals were allowed social interaction. Agonistic behavior, interest in the genital area, and mounting were induced or stimulated by T, TP-TE, and E2, but not by DHT or estrone (EI or EII). Also, only animals in the T, TP-TE, and E2 groups induced to mount displayed the standing type of behavioral estrus. Flehmen lip curl was stimulated only by T or TP-TE. The evidence is interpreted to indicate that T, per se, evokes the lip curl, but it probably stimulates other responses at the neural level by conversion to E2. Also, the freemartin response, the response of castrates to steroid hormones, and current knowledge of circulating steroid hormones in male and female cattle could be interpreted to indicate that the neural tissue responsible for sexual behavior in both sexes of this species may respond similarly in several respects.  相似文献   

Three groups of inexperienced castrated male rats were treated daily for 15 days with oil, estradiol benzoate (1 μg), or dihydrotestosterone (1 mg), and thereafter injected daily with testosterone (1 mg) for 21 days. Sexual behavior was tested every third day after the start of the pretreatment until day 36. Estradiol benzoate or dihydrotestosterone failed to elicit sexual behavior. Pretreatment with dihydrotestosterone, but not estradiol benzoate, significantly shortened the intervals to initiation of mounting and intromission in response to testosterone. The results suggest that fully developed genitals (penis and/or sexual accessories) facilitate initiation of copulatory behavior in response to testosterone administration.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that carotenoid-based traits are under the control of testosterone (T) by up-regulation of carotenoid carriers (lipoproteins) and/or tissue-specific uptake of carotenoids. T can be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2), and variation in conversion rate may partly explain some contradictory findings in the literature. Moreover, most studies on the effect of T on sexual signals have focused on the male sex only, while in many species females show the same signal, albeit to a lesser extent. We studied the effects of T, DHT, and E2 treatment in male and female diamond doves Geopelia cuneata in which both sexes have an enlarged red eye ring, which is more pronounced in males. We first showed that this periorbital ring contains very high concentration of carotenoids, of which most are lutein esters. Both T and DHT were effective in enhancing hue, UV-chroma and size in both sexes, while E2 was ineffective. However, E2 dramatically increased the concentration of circulating lipoproteins. We conclude that in both sexes both color and size of the secondary sexual trait are androgen dependent. The action of androgens is independent of lipoproteins regulation. Potential mechanisms and their consequences for trade-off are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of testosterone propionate (Tp) and dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTp) at doses of 1, 3 and 9 mg daily for 30 days on the copulatory behavior of prepuberally castrated male New Zealand white rabbits was studied. Tp was significantly more effective than DHTp in eliciting copulatory behavior at each dose level tested. Three milligrams Tp was the minimal dose required to elicit mounting consistently. DHTp at the high dose level (9 mg) only elicited sexual activity comparable to that observed with the low dose of Tp (1 mg). The results suggest that T does not need to be reduced to DHT to stimulate sexual behavior in the male rabbit.  相似文献   

J C Butte  J A Moore  R Kakihana 《Life sciences》1979,24(25):2343-2349
Current evidence indicates that the secretion of testosterone during perinatal life is essential in organizing the male brain which subsequently directs the male pattern of gonadotrophin (GTH) secretion and adult male sexual behavior in the rat. It has been hypothesized that testosterone is converted into estradiol enzymatically in the brain prior to its action. In the absence of testosterone and with the resultant low levels of estradiol, female patterns of gonadotrophin secretion and behavior result. In order to investigate this hypothesis further, the endogenous levels of gonadal steroids in the plasmas and brains of 24–48 hr old male and female rats were determined. Pooled samples were analyzed for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol by radioimmunoassay. Testosterone levels in male brain and plasma samples were significantly (10-fold) higher than those in the female brain and plasma samples. Brain levels of estradiol were significantly higher in the male than in the female neonate, while plasma levels were identical. Whether the higher level of estradiol in the male brain is due to enzymatic conversion from testosterone within the brain differences in permeability or some other mechanism cannot be stated at this point. The significantly higher brain levels of both testosterone and estradiol in male neonates do fit the pattern predicted by the present concept of sexual differentiation. Dihydrotestosterone levels in brain and plasma of male rats were about 25% of those of testosterone. However in females the brain levels of dihydrotestosterone were significantly higher than testosterone even though the plasma levels of these hormones were identical. This may reflect a protective mechanism through which permeability of testosterone is lowered in the neonatal female brain during the critical period or simply a functional conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the female during this period.  相似文献   

Few studies have influenced thought on the nature of sexual selection to the extent of the classic paper of A. J. Bateman on mating patterns in Drosophila. However, interpretation of his study remains controversial, and a lack of modern empirical evidence prevents a consensus with respect to the perceived utility of Bateman's principles in the study of sexual selection. Here, we use a genetic study of natural mating patterns in the rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa, to investigate the concordance between Bateman's principles and the intensity of sexual selection. We found that males experienced strong sexual selection on tail height and body size, while sexual selection was undetectable in females. This direct quantification of sexual selection agreed perfectly with inferences that are based on Bateman's principles. Specifically, males (in comparison with females) exhibited greater standardized variances in reproductive and mating success, as well as a stronger relationship between mating success and reproductive success. Overall, our results illustrate that Bateman's principles provide the only quantitative measures of the mating system with explicit connections to formal selection theory and should be the central focus of studies of mating patterns in natural populations.  相似文献   

In adulthood, male rats express higher levels of arginine vasopressin (AVP) mRNA in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) than do female rats. We tested whether this sex difference is primarily due to differences in neonatal levels of testosterone. Male and female rats were gonadectomized on the day of birth and treated with testosterone propionate (TP) or vehicle on postnatal days 1, 3, and 5 (P1, P3, and P5). Three months later, all rats were implanted with testosterone-filled capsules. Two weeks later, brains were processed for in situ hybridization to detect AVP mRNA. We found that neonatal TP treatment significantly increased the number of vasopressinergic cells in the BST over control injections. We then sought to determine the effects of testosterone metabolites, estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, given alone or in combination, on AVP expression in the BST. Rat pups were treated as described above, except that instead of testosterone, estradiol benzoate (EB), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), a combination of EB and DHTP (EB+DHTP), or vehicle was injected neonatally. Neonatal treatment with either EB or EB+DHTP increased the number of vasopressinergic cells in the BST over that of DHTP or oil treatment. However, treatment with DHTP also significantly increased the number of vasopressinergic cells over that of oil treatment. Hence, in addition to bolstering evidence that estradiol is the more potent metabolite of testosterone in causing sexual differentiation of the brain, these data provide the first example of a masculinizing effect of a nonaromatizable androgen on a sexually dimorphic neuropeptide system.  相似文献   

In adulthood, male rats express higher levels of arginine vasopressin (AVP) mRNA in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) than do female rats. We tested whether this sex difference is primarily due to differences in neonatal levels of testosterone. Male and female rats were gonadectomized on the day of birth and treated with testosterone propionate (TP) or vehicle on postnatal days 1, 3, and 5 (P1, P3, and P5). Three months later, all rats were implanted with testosterone‐filled capsules. Two weeks later, brains were processed for in situ hybridization to detect AVP mRNA. We found that neonatal TP treatment significantly increased the number of vasopressinergic cells in the BST over control injections. We then sought to determine the effects of testosterone metabolites, estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, given alone or in combination, on AVP expression in the BST. Rat pups were treated as described above, except that instead of testosterone, estradiol benzoate (EB), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), a combination of EB and DHTP (EB+DHTP), or vehicle was injected neonatally. Neonatal treatment with either EB or EB+DHTP increased the number of vasopressinergic cells in the BST over that of DHTP or oil treatment. However, treatment with DHTP also significantly increased the number of vasopressinergic cells over that of oil treatment. Hence, in addition to bolstering evidence that estradiol is the more potent metabolite of testosterone in causing sexual differentiation of the brain, these data provide the first example of a masculinizing effect of a nonaromatizable androgen on a sexually dimorphic neuropeptide system. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 54: 502–510, 2003  相似文献   

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