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Lipid metabolism was studied in different photobiont species from lichens by following incorporation of radiolabel from [1-14C]acetate. In four algal photobionts, Coccomyxa mucigena, C. peltigera variolosae, Trebouxia aggregata, T. erici, polar lipids were mainly (73-90%) labelled while triacylglycerols were the most highly labelled non-polar lipid class. A rhamnose-containing lipid was found in two Coccomyxa species, representing about 11% of the polar lipids of C. mucigena. All the major algal glycosyl- and phospho-glycerides were labelled with monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol, respectively, being the main labelled lipids in the polar lipid classes. The photobionts were grown in media differing in their phosphate content by one hundred-fold. Low phosphate levels caused only a small decrease in the proportion of phosphoglyceride labelling--mainly in phosphatidylglycerol. However, total lipid labelling was reduced (by 83.3 and 76.6% in two Coccomyxa spp. and 62.1 and 27% in two Trebouxia spp.) for the green algae. By comparison, variations in phosphate availability had no significant effect on a Nostoc sp. Examination of the algal species by electron microscopy revealed phosphorus-containing granules. This reserve of phosphorus explains why the algal photobionts were able to maintain the proportion of phosphoglyceride labelling well and may be an important adaptive mechanism for lichens.  相似文献   

饥饿胁迫对瓦氏黄颡鱼脂肪代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水温(252)℃条件下, 对初始体重为(23.652.82) g的瓦氏黄颡鱼进行30d饥饿处理, 于饥饿第0、第7、第15和第30天取样, 分析了饥饿胁迫对瓦氏黄颡鱼的生长、体成分、脂肪酸组成和脂肪代谢相关基因表达的影响. 结果表明: 饥饿胁迫显著降低了瓦氏黄颡鱼肥满度、脂体比及肝体指数(p0.05). 肌肉脂肪含量也随着饥饿时间的延长而下降(p0.05). 肝脏中的饱和脂肪酸和肌肉中的单不饱和脂肪酸显著下降, 而肝脏中多不饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸及肌肉中的多不饱和脂肪酸显著上升(p0.05). 此外, 肌肉中的n-6和n-3及肝脏中的n-6多不饱和脂肪酸显著上升, 而肝脏中的n-3多不饱和脂肪酸显著下降(p0.05), 表明瓦氏黄颡鱼饥饿期间主要消耗饱和脂肪酸及单不饱和脂肪酸供能, 保留多不饱和脂肪酸. 饥饿胁迫15-30d, 瓦氏黄颡鱼肝脏脂蛋白酯酶、肝酯酶及肉碱酰基转运酶mRNA表达显著高于对照组(0d)(p0.05), 而脂肪酸结合蛋白及脂肪酸合成酶mRNA的表达显著低于对照组(p0.05), 表明饥饿胁迫可能会促进肝脏脂肪分解供能, 降低脂肪的生物合成.    相似文献   

Processes involved in photosynthetic CO2 acquisition were characterised for the isolated lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae) and compared with Coccomyxa (Chlorophyta), a lichen photobiont without a photosynthetic CO2-concentrating mechanism. Comparisons of ultrastructure and immuno-gold labelling of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco; EC showed that the chloroplast was larger in T. erici and that the majority of Rubisco was located in its centrally located pyrenoid. Coccomyxa had no pyrenoid and Rubisco was evenly distributed in its chloroplast. Both species preferred CO2 rather than HCO3? as an external substrate for photosynthesis, but T. erici was able to use CO2 concentrations below 10–12 μM more efficiently than Coccomyxa. In T. erici, the lipid-insoluble carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC inhibitor acetazolamide (AZA) inhibited photosynthesis at CO2 concentrations below 1 μM, while the lipid-soluble CA inhibitor ethoxyzolamide (EZA) inhibited CO2-dependent O2 evolution over the whole CO2 range. EZA inhibited photosynthesis also in Coccomyxa, but to a much lesser extent below 10–12 μM CO2. The internal CA activity of Trebouxia, per unit chlorophyll (Chl), was ca 10% of that of Coccomyxa. Internal CA activity was also detected in homogenates from T. erici and two Trebouxia-lichens (Lasallia hispanica and Cladina rangiferina). In all three, the predominating CA had α-type characteristics and was significantly inhibited by low concentrations of AZA, having an I50 below 10–20 nM. In Coccomyxa a β-type CA predominates, which is much less sensitive to AZA. Thus, the two photobionts differed in three major characteristics with respect to CO2 acquisition, the subcellular location of Rubisco, the relative requirement of CA and the biochemical characteristics of their predominating internal CA. These differences may be linked to the ability of Trebouxia to accumulate dissolved inorganic carbon internally, enhancing their CO2 use efficiency at and below air-equilibrium concentrations (10–12 μM CO2) in comparison with Coccomyxa.  相似文献   

A structural study of the carbohydrates from Coccomyxa mucigena, the symbiotic algal partner of the lichenized fungus Peltigera aphthosa, was carried out. It produced an O-methylated mannogalactan, with a (1 → 6)-linked β-galactopyranose main-chain partially substituted at O-3 by β-Galp, 3-OMe-α-Manp or α-Manp units. There were no similarities with polysaccharides previously found in the lichen thallus of P. aphthosa. Moreover, the influence of lichenization in polysaccharide production by symbiotic microalgae and the nature of the photobiont in carbohydrate production in lichen symbiosis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Green lichens have been shown to attain positive net photosynthesis in the presence of water vapour while blue-green lichens require liquid water (Lange et al. 1986). This behaviour is confirmed not only for species with differing photobionts in the genusPseudocyphellaria but for green and blue-green photobionts in a single joined thallus (photosymbiodeme), with a single mycobiont, and also when adjacent as co-primary photobionts. The different response is therefore a property of the photobiont. The results are consistent with published photosynthesis/water content response curves. The minimum thallus water content for positive net photosynthesis appears to be much lower in green lichens (15% to 30%, related to dry weight) compared to blue-greens (85% to 100%). Since both types of lichen rehydrate to about 50% water content by water vapour uptake only green lichens will show positive net photosynthesis. It is proposed that the presence of sugar alcohols in green algae allow them to retain a liquid pool (concentrated solution) in their chloroplasts at low water potentials and even to reform it by water vapour uptake after being dried. The previously shown difference in δ13C values between blue-green and green lichens is also retained in a photosymbiodeme and must be photobiont determined. The wide range of δ13C values in lichens can be explained by a C3 carboxylation system and the various effects of different limiting processes for photosynthetic CO2 fixation. If carboxylation is rate limiting, there will be a strong discrimination of13CO2, at high internal CO2 partial pressure. The resulting very low δ13C values (-31 to-35‰) have been found only in green lichens which are able to photosynthesize at low thallus water content by equilibraiton with water vapour. When the liquid phase diffusion of CO2 becomes more and more rate limiting and the internal CO2 pressure decreases, the13C content of the photosynthates increases and less negative δ13C values results, as are found for blue-green lichens.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the lipid composition of cultured and non-cultured pig embryos during cleavage using histochemical methods. The authors studied pig zygotes as well as 2-to 4-cell embryos, morulae, and blastocysts that were either non-cultured or cultured in NCSU-23 medium. To detect different types of lipids, the authors used the Churukian method with Oil red O, the Sudan black B method, the Cain method with Nile blue sulfate, and the modified osmium tetroxide-ethanol treatment. In the zygotic lipid droplets, diverse classes of unsaturated and saturated lipids were found, with particularly high levels of unsaturated hydrophobic lipids, mainly triglycerides and other esters, free fatty acids, and phospholipids. In the zygotic cytoplasm, the authors observed high levels of fatty acids and phospholipids. The total lipid content remained constant up to the morula stage, decreasing later at the blastocyst stage, but the overall amount of unsaturated lipids declined earlier, at the 2-to 4-cell stage. The amount of free fatty acids and phospholipids decreased during cleavage in both non-cultured and cultured porcine embryos. The main differences between the non-cultured and cultured embryos were the more pronounced reduction in the amount of unsaturated hydrophobic lipids in droplets and the cytoplasmic free fatty acids observed in the cultured morula and the lower content of phospholipids in the cytoplasm of the cultured 2-to 4-cell embryos relative to the non-cultured embryos. The decrease in the unsaturated lipid, free fatty acid, and phospholipid content during in vivo development and the differences in the amount of these types of lipids between developmentally matched cultured and non-cultured pig embryos correlate well with modifications of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Two homogeneous galactomannan fractions were isolated from the lichen, Roccella decipiens, one (FP) containing Man and Gal in an 81:19 molar ratio and the other (RFS), having Man, Gal, and Glc in a 43:56:1 molar ratio. FP consisted of a main chain with (1-->4)-linked alpha-D-Manp units, most of which were substituted at O-2 with side chains consisting of nonreducing end-, 2-O- and 6-O-substituted alpha-Manp units. The latter appeared to be substituted by single-unit beta-D-Galf nonreducing ends. RFS contained a similar alpha-D-Manp core structure, but with side chains containing nonreducing end, 5-O-, 6-O-, and 5,6-di-O-substituted beta-D-Galf units. Such polysaccharide structures have not been previously reported.  相似文献   

Entamoeba, Giardia, and trichomonads are the prominent members of a group known as 'mucosal parasites'. While Entamoeba and Giardia trophozoites colonise the small intestine, trichomonads inhabit the genitourinary tracts of humans and animals. These protozoa lack mitochondria, well-developed Golgi complexes, and other organelles typical of higher eukaryotes. Nonetheless, they have developed unique metabolic pathways that allow them to survive and multiply in the small intestine and reproductive tracts by scavenging nutrients from the host. Various investigators have shown that these protozoa are unable to synthesise the majority of their own lipids and cholesterol de novo; rather, they depend mostly on supplies from outside sources. Therefore, questions of how they transport and utilise exogenous lipids for metabolic purposes are extremely important. There is evidence suggesting that these parasites can take up the lipids and cholesterol they need from lipoprotein particles present in the host and/or in the growth medium. Studies also support the idea that individual lipid and fatty acid molecules can be transported without the help of lipoproteins. Exogenous phospholipids have been shown to undergo fatty acid remodelling (by deacylation/reacylation reactions), which allows these protozoa to alter lipids, bypassing the synthesis of entirely new phospholipid molecules. In addition, many of these amitochondriates are, however, capable of elongating/desaturating long-chain fatty acids, and assembling novel glycophospholipid molecules. In this review, progress in various aspects of lipid research on these organisms is discussed. Attempts are also made to identify steps of lipid metabolic pathways that can be used to develop chemotherapeutic agents against these and other mucosal parasites.  相似文献   

The spore-derived mycobionts of the lichen Pyrenula sp. were cultivated on a malt-yeast extract medium supplemented with 10% sucrose. The investigation of their metabolites resulted in isolation of four compounds, three isocoumarins and a biogenetically related benzofuran; their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

During the screening of a variety of plant sources for their anti-obesity activity, it was found that a water-soluble extract, named PG105, prepared from stem parts of Cucurbita moschata, contains potent anti-obesity activities in a high fat diet-induced obesity mouse model. In this animal model, increases in body weight and fat storage were suppressed by 8-week oral administration of PG105 at 500 mg/kg, while the overall amount of food intake was not affected. Furthermore, PG105 protected the development of fatty liver and increased the hepatic beta-oxidation activity. Results from blood analysis showed that the levels of triglyceride and cholesterol were significantly lowered by PG105 administration, and also that the level of leptin was reduced, while that of adiponectin was increased. To understand the underlying mechanism at the molecular level, the effects of PG105 were examined on the expression of the genes involved in lipid metabolism by Northern blot analysis. In the liver of PG105-treated mice, the mRNA level of lipogenic genes such as SREBP-1c and SCD-1 was decreased, while that of lipolytic genes such as PPARalpha, ACO-1, CPT-1, and UCP-2 was modestly increased. Our data suggest that PG105 may have great potential as a novel anti-obesity agent in that both inhibition of lipid synthesis and acceleration of fatty acid breakdown are induced by this reagent.  相似文献   

BackgroundChromium picolinate (CrPic) is commonly used to reduce muscle fatigue after exercise. We aimed to elucidate the effects of CrPic on glucose and lipid metabolism and the expression of glucose transporters in exercised rats.MethodsForty-two male Wistar rats (8-week-old) were distributed into six groups (n = 7) as follows: Control, CrPic, Chronic Exercise (CEx), CEx + CrPic, Acute Exercise (AEx), and AEx + CrPic. CEx consists of 30 m/min, 30 min/day, and 5 days/week for 6 weeks. CrPic was supplemented at 400 μg elemental Cr/kg of diet for 6 weeks. In the AEx groups, animals were run on the treadmill at 30 m/min until exhaustion.ResultsCEx significantly lowered blood glucose (BG), total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) levels, but elevated insulin concentration (IC), compared with control (P < 0.05). CEx significantly decreased the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the serum, liver, and muscle while AEx elevated it (P < 0.001 for all). CrPic significantly decreased BG, TC, TG levels, and increased IC with a remarkable effect in CEx rats (P < 0.01). CrPic also significantly reduced serum, liver, and muscle MDA levels (P < 0.001). Both AEx and CEx increased the expression of liver glucose transporter 2 (GLUT-2) and muscle GLUT-4 with the highest level in CEx rats (P < 0.05). Moreover, CrPic supplementation significantly elevated GLUT-2 and GLUT-4 expressions in the liver and muscle of sedentary and exercise-treated rats (P < 0.05).ConclusionCrPic improves various metabolic parameters and reduces oxidative stress in CEx and AEx rats by decreasing BG, TC, TG, MDA levels in serum and elevating GLUT-2 and GLUT-4 expression in the liver and muscle samples. The efficacy of CrPic was more pronounced in CEx rats.  相似文献   

Reduced plasma retinol concentrations occur in human malaria but the benefits of supplementation remain uncertain. We assessed the in vivo efficacy of retinol administration, and its effect on lipid peroxidation, in a Plasmodium berghei murine model. Animals received vehicle (n=17) or retinol (i) before P. berghei inoculation (four doses), (ii) at parasitaemia 10-15% (three to four doses) or (iii) before and after inoculation (six to seven doses; n=15 in each group), with euthanasia on day 8 post-inoculation or when the parasitaemia exceeded 50%. Multiple-dose pre-inoculation retinol reduced endpoint parasitaemia by 24% (P=0.001 versus controls). A reduction of 18% (P=0.042) was observed when retinol was given to parasitaemic animals. Retinol was ineffective when given both before and after infection (11% reduction; P=0.47). Although retinol supplementation did not change plasma retinol concentrations, liver retinol content increased and correlated inversely with endpoint parasitaemia (r=-0.45, P=0.001). Malaria infection augmented concentrations of the free radical lipid peroxidation end-product F(2)-isoprostanes in plasma, erythrocytes and liver by 1.8-, 2.8- and 4.9-fold, respectively, but retinol supplementation had no effect on these increases. Consistent with some human malaria studies, prophylactic retinol reduces P. berghei parasitaemia. This effect relates to augmentation of tissue retinol stores rather than to retinol-associated changes in oxidant status.  相似文献   

Intact mitochondria have been successfully prepared from body tissues from the termites Nasutitermes walkeri and Coptotermes formosanus. This is the first report of the successful isolation of mitochondria from termites (Isoptera: Termitidae). Using an oxygen electrode, oxygen consumption by the mitochondria during the oxidation of various respiratory substrates was determined and their properties measured in terms of respiratory control index and ADP/O. ADP/O was as expected for substrates such as pyruvate, acetylcarnitine and acetyl-CoA and carnitine. Pyruvate and acetate were the major respiratory substrates in both species. The total activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) in the mitochondria from N. walkeri and C. formosanus was determined to be 72.87+/-8.98 and 8.29+/-0.42 nmol/termite/h, respectively. Mitochondria isolated in the presence of inhibitors of PDHc interconversion were used to determine that about 60% of the PDHc was maintained in the active form in both N. walkeri and C. formosanus. The sufficient PDHc activity and high rate of pyruvate oxidation in mitochondria from N. walkeri suggest that pyruvate is rapidly metabolised, whereas the low mitochondrial PDHc activity of C. formosanus suggests that in this species more pyruvate is produced than can be oxidised in the termite tissues.  相似文献   

Feeding and starvation experiments were carried out with Clione limacina sampled in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Arctic) during summer 2002. Dry mass and lipid mass, lipid class and fatty acid compositions were analysed. Specimens of C. limacina used for the feeding study had a mean length of 25 mm, a dry mass (DM) of 13.7 mg, and a moderate lipid content of 12.1%DM. Animals were allowed to ingest only one individual of its exclusive prey, Limacina helicina which had 8.0 mm in diameter, 21.4 mg DM and 8.7% lipid of ash-free DM. Five days after feeding, the dry mass of C. limacina had increased from 13.7 to 25.3 mg which corresponds to an uptake of about 80% of the ash-free DM (14.3 mg) of L. helicina. Lipid mass increased from 1.5 to 3.9 mg which is almost two times more the ingested lipid from L. helicina (1.2 mg lipid). Thus, the major portion of lipids was synthesised de novo by C. limacina from non-lipid compounds. These lipids were triacylglycerols (TAG) and 1-O-alkyldiacylglycerol ethers (DAGE), increasing from low proportions of 6.1% and 5.7% to 42.3% and 25.8%, respectively. Considerable de novo synthesis was observed for the monounsaturated fatty acids 16:1(n − 7), 17:1(n − 8), 18:1(n − 9), and 18:1(n − 7) and the alkyl moiety 16:0. The increase in the polyunsaturated fatty acids 22:6(n − 3), 20:5(n − 3), and 18:4(n − 3) corresponded with the amount available by ingestion of L. helicina, supporting that C. limacina is not able to synthesise polyunsaturates. After 15 days of digestion, dry mass and lipids dropped almost back to the initial values.During the 100-day starvation experiment, two groups of animals were separately considered as storage lipid-rich and lipid-poor animals because of their large differences in the amount and proportion of TAG and DAGE. Storage lipid-rich C. limacina were only found until day 50, whereas lipid-poor animals were present throughout the experiment. In the lipid-rich specimens, the levels of TAG were about twice that of DAGE. The proportions of TAG decreased considerably during the 50 days of starvation (from 48.3% to 25.1% of total lipid). DAGE, varying between 16.5% and 20.5%, showed only a small decrease. The lipid-poor animals survived 100 days of starvation, exhibiting low initial amounts and proportions of storage lipids which were nearly exhausted at the end. In all C. limacina specimens, the total lipid content remained almost constant showing that lipid and non-lipid components were simultaneously utilised. This implies that body shrinkage may be an important adaptation to long-term starvation. Based on these results, it is possible to estimate the potential survival period of lipid-rich C. limacina under food limitation. A model, which considers maturity and reproduction (egg production), reveals that lipid-rich specimens might be able to survive up to 260 days without food.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gup1p is a membrane-bound O-acyltransferase. Previous works involved GUP1 in a wide range of crucial processes for cell preservation and functioning. These include cytoskeleton polarization and secretory/endocytic pathway, GPI-anchor remodelling, wall composition and integrity, and membrane lipids, with a reduction in phospholipids and an increase in acylglycerols. DRM fractions were found in considerably lower amounts in gup1Δ than in wt strain. Additionally, the proteins presumably associated with lipid micro domains, Gas1p and Pma1p, were present in much smaller amounts in the mutant DRMs. Pma1p is also found in minor quantities in the whole cells extracts of the gup1Δ mutant. Accordingly, H+-ATPase activity was reduced in about 40%. Deletion of GUP1 resulted in higher sensibility to specific sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitors and a notorious resistance to ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors. Furthermore, the majority of mutant cells displayed an even (less punctuated) sterol distribution. The present work presents improvements to DRMs extraction methodology and filipin-sterol staining, provides evidence supporting that Gup1p is involved in lipid metabolism and shows the direct consequences of its absence on the plasma membrane sphingolipid-sterol-ordered domains integrity/assembly.  相似文献   

Bioactive phenolic compounds from a medicinal lichen, Usnea longissima   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Natural products, longissiminone A (1) and longissiminone B (2), were isolated along with a known compound, glutinol (3), from a medicinal lichen, Usnea longissima. The structures of compounds 1 and 2 were determined with the help of spectroscopic studies. Compound 1 was found to possess potent anti-inflammatory activity in a cell-based contemporary assay. Cytotoxicity activity measured by cell viability assay showed 100% viability in the presence of 200 microg/mL conc. of these compounds.  相似文献   

Ae Park S  Choi MS  Cho SY  Seo JS  Jung UJ  Kim MJ  Sung MK  Park YB  Lee MK 《Life sciences》2006,79(12):1207-1213
This study examines whether anti-diabetic effects of genistein and daidzein are mediated by hepatic glucose and lipid regulating enzyme activities in type 2 diabetic animals. Male C57BL/KsJ-lepr(db)/lepr(db) (db/db) mice and age-matched non-diabetic littermates (db/+) were used in this study. The db/db mice were divided into control, genistein (0.02%, w/w) and daidzein (0.02%, w/w) groups. The blood glucose and HbA(1c) levels were significantly lower in the genistein and daidzein groups than in the control group, while glucose tolerance only was significantly improved in the genistein-supplemented group. The plasma insulin and C-peptide levels did not differ significantly between groups, yet the glucagon level was lower in the genistein and daidzein groups compared to that in the control db/db or db/+ group. The genistein and daidzein supplements increased the insulin/glucagon ratio in the type 2 diabetic animals. While the hepatic glucokinase activity was significantly lower in the db/db control group, the glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activities were significantly higher in the control group compared to the db/+ group. Interestingly, these hepatic glucose metabolizing enzyme activities were reversed by the genistein and daidzein supplementation in db/db mice compared to the control group. The hepatic fatty acid synthase, beta-oxidation and carnitine palmitoyltransferase activities were all significantly lower in the genistein and daidzein groups than in the control group. The genistein and daidzein supplements also improved the plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol, free fatty acid and hepatic triglyceride concentrations in the db/db mice. These results suggest that genistein and daidzein exert anti-diabetic effect in type 2 diabetic conditions by enhancing the glucose and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Canine copper toxicosis is an important inherited disease in Bedlington terriers, because of its high prevalence rate and similarity to human copper storage disease. It can lead to chronic liver disease and occasional haemolytic anaemia due to impaired copper excretion. The responsible gene for copper toxicosis in Bedlington terriers has been recently identified and was found not to be related to human Wilson’s disease gene ATP7B. Although our understanding of copper metabolism in mammals has improved through genetic molecular technology, the diversity of gene mutation related to copper metabolism in animals will help identify the responsible genes for non-Wilsonian copper toxicoses in human. This review paper discusses our knowledge of normal copper metabolism and the pathogenesis, molecular genetics and current research into copper toxicosis in Bedlington terriers, other animals and humans.  相似文献   

The association of the geoduck Panopea abbreviata and the green alga Coccomyxa parasitica is described. The identity of the green alga was confirmed by molecular studies; the alga was found within the hemocytes that infiltrate the connective tissue of the geoduck siphons. Cytological characteristics of hemocytes were not altered by algal infection; very often the algae were seen enveloped by a digestive vacuole within the hemocyte cytoplasm, evidencing diverse degrees of resorption. Connective cells of siphons were rarely infected by C. parasitica. The mean prevalence of C. parasitica was higher (82%) in San Matías Gulf (42°00′S, 65°05′W) than in San José Gulf (45%) (40°32′S, 64°02′W); except for spring, when the two locations showed no differences in prevalences (80%). Independently of location, season and host size, infected geoducks showed lower condition index values than uninfected ones. Regarding other bivalve species, only one specimen of the razor clam Ensis macha was found infected, and none of the oysters Ostrea puelchana and Pododesmus rudis and scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus was parasitized by the green alga.  相似文献   

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