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Haemonchus contortus is a sheep parasitic nematode that causes severe economic losses. Previous studies have indicated a high degree of genetic heterogeneity, which is hardly affected by selection for drug resistance. As a tool for the analysis of the population dynamics of H. contortus and its response to drug resistance, we designed a strategy to study the inbreeding of a benzimidazole-sensitive and a benzimidazole-resistant strain. After 15 generations, a theoretical inbreeding coefficient of 0.87 was achieved. The different stages of inbreeding were analysed using restriction fragment polymorphism, microsatellite variability and amplified fragment length polymorphism. Model-based clustering of the amplified fragment length polymorphism genotypes showed that the allele frequencies of the benzimidazole-resistant strain were stable during the last eight generations. In the sensitive strain a gradual shift of allele frequencies was observed, which led to a temporary increase of the genetic diversity around the eight generations.  相似文献   

The genus Haemonchus consists of blood-sucking parasitic nematodes in the abomasum of ruminants. Members of this genus are responsible for extensive production losses, particularly of small ruminants in the tropics but are also found in temperate regions. In this study, we examined the internal transcribed spacers-1 and -2 of rRNA in Haemonchus spp. The rRNA region spanning the internal transcribed spacers-1, -2 and the 5.8S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR from each of 10 worms from Swedish sheep, a Swedish goat and Kenyan sheep. The fragments were sequenced and examined with respect to genetic differences fixed among the three isolates. These and additional worms were further analysed with Pyrosequencing technology. This technique allowed us to rapidly analyse 110 individuals in three putative polymorphic nucleotide positions that were initially identified with dideoxy sequencing. The geographical isolates could to a large extent be genetically distinguished, but none of the polymorphic positions were consistent among all individuals within each isolate. Furthermore an alignment of our sequences and a consensus sequence published for Haemonchus contortus revealed two differences in positions 123 and 196 in internal transcribed spacers-2. Although these positions were previously reported as heterogenic, no polymorphism was detected among the 30 worms sequenced in the present study. Modelling of the internal transcribed spacers-2 secondary structure based on our data also identified a new putative long-range interaction. The isolates are best described as populations. In conclusion, consistent differences were not identified and the studied isolates are therefore best described as discrete populations. This study also reveals for the first time the potential of Pyrosequencing technology as a tool in the analysis of nematode population genetics.  相似文献   

Many of the Haemonchus contortus isolates currently used for experimental work were originally derived from different regions of the world and are commonly exchanged between laboratories. In most cases, these are largely genetically uncharacterised other than the analyses conducted on specific genes of interest. We have used a panel of eight microsatellite markers to genetically characterise five different commonly used H. contortus isolates including MHco3 (ISE), the isolate chosen for full genome sequencing as part of the H. contortus genome project. There is an extremely high level of genetic differentiation between each of the isolates except the two which have a common origin, MHco1 (MOSI) and MHco3 (ISE). We have investigated the amplification of microsatellite markers from pooled DNA as a potential method for fingerprinting different isolates. Good estimates of the true allele frequencies can be made by amplification from either pooled adult DNA or bulk L3 DNA for seven out of the eight markers tested. Both single worm genotyping and bulk DNA fingerprinting revealed no genetic differentiation between adult worms in the host and larvae derived from faecal culture. Furthermore, none of the eight markers showed genetic changes when isolates were passaged through different individual hosts. Hence the microsatellite genotyping of bulk larval DNA samples provides a simple and rapid method to genetically define and monitor laboratory isolates, and to determine their relationship with particular field populations.  相似文献   

Rock carp [Procypris rabaudi (Tchang)] is an endemic species widely distributed throughout the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and its tributaries. Recently, the wild genetic resources of this species have markedly declined and it has been listed as vulnerable in China. Thus, conservation policies for this species are required urgently. However, information supporting decision-making on the conservation of this species is insufficient, especially at the genetic level. In this work, eight populations covering the entire natural range of the species were investigated using amplified fragments length polymorphism markers to determine the genetic diversity and population genetic structure. The results indicated that this species is characterized by moderate levels of genetic polymorphism (46.4% polymorphic loci) and genetic diversity (He = 0.163), and by moderate to high levels of differentiation among the geographical populations. Principal coordinate and Bayesian assignment analysis were used to investigate the genetic structure of this species. No genetically distinct groups among the individuals were detected. The results provided new genetic information and have wide implications for genetic assessment, fishery management and conservation of the rock carp.  相似文献   

Eimeria maxima is one of the seven Eimeria spp. that infect the chicken and cause the disease coccidiosis. The well characterised immunogenicity and genetic diversity associated with E. maxima promote its use in genetics-led studies on avian coccidiosis. The development of a genetic map for E. maxima, presented here based upon 647 amplified fragment length polymorphism markers typed from 22 clonal hybrid lines and assembled into 13 major linkage groups, is a major new resource for work with this parasite. Comparison with genetic maps produced for other coccidial parasites indicates relatively high levels of genetic recombination. Conversion of ∼14% of the markers representing the major linkage groups to sequence characterised amplified region markers can provide a scaffold for the assembly of future genomic sequences as well as providing a foundation for more detailed genetic maps. Comparison with the Eimeria tenella genetic map produced 10 years ago has revealed a less biased marker distribution, with no more than nine markers mapped within any unresolved heritable unit. Nonetheless, preliminary bioinformatic characterisation of the three largest publicly available genomic E. maxima sequences suggest that the feature-poor/feature-rich structure which has previously been found to define the first sequenced E. tenella chromosome also defines the E. maxima genome. The significance of such a segmented genome and the apparent potential for variation in genetic recombination will be relevant to haplotype stability and the longevity of future anticoccidial strategies based upon multiple loci targeted by novel chemotherapeutic drugs or recombinant subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

Members of the PAR-1/MARK serine/threonine protein kinase (STK) subfamily are important regulators of the cytoskeleton, and their characterization can provide insights into a number of critical processes relating to the development and survival of an organism. We previously investigated the mRNA expression for and organization of a gene (hcstk) representing HcSTK, an STK from the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus. In the present study, a recombinant form of HcSTK was expressed and characterized. Affinity-purified anti-HcSTK antibodies reacted with native HcSTK in protein homogenates extracted from third-stage larvae (L3) of H. contortus and were also used to immunolocalize the protein around the nuclei of ovarian and intestinal tissues of adult H. contortus. The enzyme activity of the recombinant HcSTK protein was also demonstrated. The findings show that recombinant HcSTK is a functional protein kinase, with activity directed to KXGS motifs, consistent with other members of the PAR-1/MARK STK subfamily.  相似文献   

A discrete time model was built to understand the origin of the sex-specific population structure of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni. We have estimated both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of this parasite taking into account all the experimental published values on differential male and female life-history traits all along the life cycle. We considered in our model male and female life-history traits when both separated and together. The model showed that both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of S. mansoni adults are biased toward males in each combination. This bias was more important in male/female genotype ratio than in the male/female individual ratio for the same initial values of cercarial development success. This model could explain the sex specific population structure of this parasite. Firstly, we showed that the male-biased individual ratio finds its origin in the vertebrate host. Secondly, we showed that the male-biased genotype ratio originates prior to any interrelationship between adult worms and could generate by itself a sex-specific genetic structure.  相似文献   

In vitro anthelmintic activity of crude extracts of the ripe fruits of Hedera helix was investigated on eggs and adult nematode parasites Haemonchus contortus. Aqueous extract of H. helix was also evaluated for in vivo anthelmintic activity at dose of 1.13 and 2.25 g/kg in sheep artificially infected with H. contortus. ED(50) for egg hatch inhibition was 0.12 and 0.17 mg/ml for aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the activity of the two extract types (p>0.05). Hydro-alcoholic extract showed better in vitro activity against adult parasites compared to the aqueous extract. Significant faecal egg count reduction (FECR) was detected in groups treated with both doses of H. helix (p<0.05) on day 2 post-treatment. On day 7 post-treatment significant reduction was detected only for higher dose of H. helix (p<0.05) while on day 14 post-treatment there was no significant FECR in both groups treated with H. helix. The percentage of larvae recovered from culturing faeces obtained from groups of sheep treated with lower and higher doses of H. helix was 47.52% and 36.07%, respectively, which was significantly lower than (p<0.05) that recovered from the control group (60%). Significant (p<0.05), dose dependent total worm count reduction (WCR) was observed for groups of sheep treated with H. helix. Increasing the dose of H. helix improved the efficacy against the male than the female parasites. Treatment with both doses of H. helix helped the animals maintain their packed cell volume (PCV) unlike the untreated control group. The overall findings of the current study indicated that H. helix has a potential anthelmintic benefit and further in vitro and in vivo evaluation of the different parts and fractions is needed to make use of this plant for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

African animal trypanosomiasis, or Nagana, is a debilitating and economically costly disease with a major impact on animal health in sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosoma vivax, one of the principal trypanosome species responsible for the disease, infects a wide host range including cattle, goats, horses and donkeys and is transmitted both cyclically by tsetse flies and mechanically by other biting flies, resulting in a distribution covering large swathes of South America and much of sub-Saharan Africa. While there is evidence for mating in some of the related trypanosome species, Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma cruzi, very little work has been carried out to examine this question in T. vivax. Understanding whether mating occurs in T. vivax will provide insight into the dynamics of trait inheritance, for example the spread of drug resistance, as well as examining the origins of meiosis in the order Kinetoplastida. With this in mind we have identified orthologues of eight core meiotic genes within the genome, the presence of which imply that the potential for mating exists in this species. In order to address whether mating occurs, we have investigated a sympatric field population of T. vivax collected from livestock in The Gambia, using microsatellite markers developed for this species. Our analysis has identified a clonal population structure showing significant linkage disequilibrium, homozygote deficits and disagreement with Hardy-Weinberg predictions at six microsatellite loci, indicative of a lack of mating in this population of T. vivax.  相似文献   

Yellowcheek carp (Elopichthys bambusa) is the only species of genus Elopichthys. It is widely distributed in Chinese freshwaters but currently its populations have declined to threatening level. We examined the genetic diversity and population structure of E. bambusa in the Yangtze River basin. A total of nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were employed to study five populations occurring in middle and lower reaches of the river. The results revealed low-to-moderate genetic diversity. The number of alleles per locus varied between 3 and 8 with an average of 4.8. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.15 to a maximum of 1.00. Significant deviations (P < 0.01) from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed for all the tested locus-population combinations with clear heterozygosity deficits. AMOVA indicated that majority of the variance lies within populations (93.81%) than among the populations (7.05%). Pairwise FST and unbiased genetic distance pointed out significant differentiation among the samples from populations with different connections to the Yangtze River. In the UPGMA dendrogram, clustering pattern of populations indicated that most of the populations are reproductively isolated due to anthropogenic interventions. Clustering of PYL and DTL populations shows ongoing gene flow through the mainstream. The recent hydrological alterations and overfishing are major factors shaping the current genetic structure. These results can be helpful for effective management and sustainable conservation of E. bambusa populations.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of the genus Sousa were carried out across their geographic range and focused especially on the genetic variation patterns and population structure of Sousa chinensis in Chinese waters. The analyses were based on 287-bp of the mitochondrial control region from 122 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) and two Atlantic humpback dolphins (Sousa teuszii). All specimens from China grouped together in a well-supported clade with high bootstrap (BS) and Bayesian posterior probability values (BPP), strongly suggesting that only one species of Sousa exists in China. Six haplotypes were identified in 65 individuals from Xiamen and Pearl River Estuary in China. The extremely low level of detected mtDNA genetic diversity strongly suggests a high priority in conservation of Sousa. The highly significant genetic differentiation between the two populations in Xiamen and Pearl River Estuary supports the designation of these two populations as separate management units (MUs) when designing management programs for this species.  相似文献   

High levels of protection can be attained against Haemonchus contortus challenge infection in sheep using native antigens isolated from the gut of the adult parasite. However, vaccination with recombinant forms of these antigens, or components thereof, has disappointingly failed to generate similar levels of protection, suggesting that appropriate nematode glycosylation may be a prerequisite for protection. The free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans is closely related to H. contortus and has been shown to share similar glycan moieties. In order to investigate the potentially protective role of these glycan moieties, a complex set of glycoproteins was isolated from C. elegans using ConA-lectin chromatography and their efficacy as immunogens against H. contortus challenge infection evaluated in sheep. Despite the generation of a high titre systemic IgG antibody response to the C. elegans glycoproteins and the ability of these antibodies to bind to the microvillar surface of the gut of H. contortus, no protection against challenge infection was observed. Serum antibodies to the C. elegans glycoproteins cross-reacted with the H. contortus host-protective antigen, H-gal-GP, by ELISA, although the level of cross-reactivity was not of a magnitude considered protective. Qualitative differences were also determined between the glycan epitopes of the C. elegans ConA-binding proteins and those of H-gal-GP, suggesting the presence of H. contortus-specific patterns of glycosylation.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to examine the occurrence and interaction between Oestrus ovis and Haemonchus contortus in experimentally infected Ethiopian Afar breed of goats. Twenty goats were divided into four groups (O, OH, H, and C) of five animals each. Each animal of groups O and OH received weekly infections for 5 weeks with 66 first instar larvae (L1) of O. ovis. Then animals of groups OH and H were infected with a single dose of 5000 third stage larvae (L3) of H. contortus. Goats of group C were kept free of any infection as non-infected control. Faecal egg count (FEC), blood cell count, total serum protein level and body weight were recorded weekly throughout the study period. At necropsy worm burden, female worm length, fecundity and larval burden of O. ovis in the nasal-sinus cavities of infected animals were assessed. The results showed that the presence of H. contortus in the abomasum of goats of group OH had no influence on the development of O. ovis. On the contrary, a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in FEC, worm burden, fecundity and female worm length was revealed in group OH animals compared to the mono-infected animals (group H). This was associated with eosinophilia and reduced packed cell volume.  相似文献   

Commonly studied nematode parasites have not proven amenable to simple genetic analyses and this has significantly reduced the available research options. We introduce here a nematode parasite of mammals, Parastrongyloides trichosuri, which has features uniquely suited for genetic analysis. This parasite has the capacity to undergo multiple reproductive cycles as a free-living worm and thereby amplify the numbers of its infective L3s in faeces. Culture conditions are presented that permit facile laboratory maintenance of this worm for >90 free-living life cycles (to date) without the need for re-entry into a permissive host. Even after long maintenance as a free-living worm, culture conditions can be manipulated to favour development of infective L3 worms, which remain able to successfully infect their marsupial hosts. The switch to infective L3 development is triggered by a secreted factor contained in culture medium conditioned by multiple generations of free-living worm culture. It is simple to perform single pair crosses with P. trichosuri to carry out Mendelian genetics in the laboratory and this has been done multiple times with sibling pairs to generate highly inbred lines. Lines of worms can readily be cryopreserved and recovered. Over 7000 expressed sequence tags have been produced from cDNAs at different life cycle stages and used to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites as genetic markers. Free-living worms live only a few days on average while the patency of parasitic infections can last for several months. Since we show this is not the result of re-infection, we conclude that parasitic worms have a lifespan capacity at least 20-30 times longer than their free-living counterparts. We discuss how it should be possible to exploit these unique features of P. trichosuri as a model for future studies that explore the genetic basis of longevity and parasitism.  相似文献   

Together with host and environmental factors, the systematics and population genetic variation of Opisthorchis viverrini may contribute to recorded local and regional differences in epidemiology and host morbidity in opisthorchiasis and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). In this review, we address recent findings that O. viverrini comprises a species complex with varying degrees of population genetic variation which are associated with specific river wetland systems within Thailand as well as the Lao PDR. Having an accurate understanding of systematics is a prerequisite for a meaningful assessment of the population structure of each species within the O. viverrini complex in nature, as well as a better understanding of the magnitude of genetic variation that occurs within different species of hosts in its life cycle. Whether specific genotypes are related to habitat type(s) and/or specific intermediate host species are discussed based on current available data. Most importantly, we focus on whether there is a correlation between incidence of CCA and genotype(s) of O. viverrini. This will provide a solid basis for further comprehensive investigations of the role of genetic variation within each species of O. viverrini sensu lato in human epidemiology and genotype related morbidity as well as co-evolution of parasites with primary and secondary intermediate species of host.  相似文献   

Li X  Du A  Cai W  Hou Y  Pang L  Gao X 《Experimental parasitology》2007,115(3):242-246
The nematode Haemonchus contortus (H. contortus) is one of the most pathogenic and economically important parasites of sheep. A 24 kDa protein is one of the important components in H. contortus excretory/secretory (ES), which was shown to have important biological function. In our research, the cDNA of its open reading frame (ES24) was obtained and analyzed. Then the ES24 was sub-cloned into pET-30a expression vector. The recombinant vector that codes hexahistidyl peptide fusion protein (His-ES24) was transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) strain. After induction, a high expression level of His-ES24 was found at 6h taking about 26% of the total bacterial protein analyzed by gel thin-layer scanning. The expressed His-ES24 was purified and then used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect specific antibodies in serum samples. The ELISA was able to differentiate between H. contortus-infected sheep serum and Fasciola hepatica-infected sheep serum or non-infected sheep serum. No cross-reaction was observed in sheep sera that have been experimentally infected with F. hepatica. A total of 153 field sheep serum samples conserved in our laboratory were examined using the His-ES24 ELISA, and 82 (53.6%) of them were found seropositive to H. contortus. Our results demonstrate that the prokaryotic-expressed His-ES24 might be a useful diagnostic reagent for epidemiological studies of H. contortus in sheep.  相似文献   

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