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Primary seed dispersal by primates (phase I) followed by secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles (phase II) is a common diplochorous system in tropical forests. In such systems, phase I affects the occurrence/outcome of phase II, triggering cascading effects along the chain of plant recruitment with direct consequences on seed dispersal effectiveness. However, we know very little regarding whether seed dispersal effectiveness is increased or decreased by phase II and whether this effect is consistent among habitats. Using a primate–dung beetle diplochorous system, we determined 1) the characteristics of phase I that may affect phase II; 2) the pathways relating biotic/abiotic factors to seed/seedling survival; and 3) if the direction and/or magnitude of phase II effects on seed dispersal effectiveness depend on phase I characteristics. We marked and characterized the dispersal characteristics of 981 seeds dispersed by two tamarin species (Saguinus mystax, Leontocebus nigrifrons) and checked the fate of 503 of them for ≥1 year. Seeds dispersed by L. nigrifrons and seeds surrounded by larger amounts of dung were more likely to be buried by dung beetles. Burial increased seed survival in secondary forest while low seed density increased germination in both habitats. Seed burial increased seed dispersal effectiveness more strongly in secondary (+52.2%) vs. in primary forest (+5.0%), in L. nigrifrons (+12.9%) vs. in S. mystax (+7.9%) feces, and in larger fecal portions (+22.1%) vs. in small–medium ones (+7.3–7.4%). In conclusion, two seed dispersers are more effective than one only in secondary forest, and the magnitude of increase of seed dispersal effectiveness with phase II depends on how the seeds are primarily dispersed.  相似文献   

Dispersal abilities of invading species emerge from the interaction between the species and some features of the target community. Ligustrum lucidum is a tree species invading different ecosystems. Major spatial patterns of Ligustrum invasions and their ecological consequences have been analyzed, but no study addressed the dispersal process at a fine scale, assessing the effects of different biological and environmental factors. Ligustrum lucidum is an ornithochoric species. The structure of the environment determines bird movements and thus affects seed dispersal. We used inverse modeling to analyze bird-mediated dispersal of L. lucidum seeds in a secondary Yungas forest and surrounding crop-fields. We assessed the effects of egestion mode (regurgitation and defecation) and tree density (as an environment character) on seed dispersal. Seed dispersal presented different spatial patterns depending on the egestion mode. Tree density was positively associated with the number of regurgitated dispersed seeds and negatively associated with the number of defecated dispersed seeds. In both cases, dispersal distance increased in open areas, but absence of perches inhibited seed arrival. Thus, spread of L. lucidum is facilitated in open areas with some trees; inside the native forest, short distance dispersal facilitates the gradual invasion by this exotic species. Our results suggest that processes like crop abandonment and forest succession, which are active in subtropical montane systems, may facilitate L. lucidum invasion. Our seed dispersal models should be combined with actual distribution maps of L. lucidum to identify areas vulnerable to new invasions.  相似文献   

Although many primates are identified as effective endozoochorous seed dispersers in forest ecosystems, epizoochorous seed dispersal by primates has generally been overlooked. In this study, we report epizoochorous seed dispersal in a group of free-ranging golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) residing in the temperate forests of central China by identifying seeds carried by 12 well-habituated individuals. The results showed a total of 1920 seeds (five families, seven genera) belonging to eight plant species attached to the monkeys’ fur; the three most abundant species were Geum aleppicum (54% of the total), Torilis japonica (17%), and Agrimonia pilosa (14%). The majority of seeds (95.3%) that attached to the monkeys’ fur had special morphologies such as hairs, hooks, or awns. We also found that the quantity of seeds attached to the fur was not significantly different by age-sex class, even though adult males have very long fur. Our study provides the first empirical evidence of epizoochorous seed dispersal by primates and suggests the role of primates in seed dispersal may be greater than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by vertebrate animals is important for the establishment of many fleshy-fruited plant species. Different frugivorous species can provide different seed dispersal services according to their specific dietary preferences as well as behaviour and body traits (e.g. body size and beak size of birds). Our aim was to study redundancies and complementarities in seed dispersal and germination between the two main native seed disperser birds and the introduced silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera in the temperate Patagonian forests. For this, we collected fresh droppings from the studied species and analyzed seed content. We conducted germination trials for four plant species common in bird droppings; two native species (Aristotelia chilensis and Rhaphithamnus spinosus) and two invasive non-native species (Rubus ulmifolius and Rosa rubiginosa). Both native frugivorous birds and the silver pheasant dispersed fruits of non- native fleshy-fruited plants, but their roles were non-redundant in terms of species dispersed and effect on seed germination. The silver pheasant dispersed a proportionally high number of non-native seeds, while native birds dispersed a high number of native seeds. In addition, the effect of gut treatment in seed germination differed between seed dispersers. Native birds promoted the germination for the two native plant species studied, while the silver pheasant promoted the germination of one non-native plant. This suggests that seed dispersal by the silver pheasant may contribute to the spread of some invasive fleshy-fruited plants in the ecosystems that otherwise would not be dispersed by any other bird. The understanding of redundancies and complementarities on seed dispersal and germination between native and introduced birds will allow improving the management of fleshy-fruited non-native plants.  相似文献   


Key message

The Neotropical tree Parkia panurensis shows a spatial genetic structure from the seed to the adult stage that is most likely the outcome of the seed dispersal provided by primates.


Seed dispersal and pollination determine the gene flow within plant populations. In addition, seed dispersal creates the template for subsequent stages of plant recruitment. Therefore, the question arises whether and how seed dispersal affects the spatial genetic structure (SGS) of plant populations. In this study, we used microsatellites to analyse the SGS of the Neotropical tree Parkia panurensis (Fabaceae). This plant species is a major food resource for primates and its seeds are mainly dispersed by primates. Seeds were collected during behavioural observations of a tamarin mixed-species troop in north-eastern Peru. Additionally, leaf samples of juveniles and of adults trees of this species were collected throughout the home range of the tamarin troop. A significant SGS for embryos (located within the dispersed seeds) and for non-reproductive plants are found up to a distance of 300 m. This matches the distance within which most seeds are dispersed. In the adult stage, the scale of a significant SGS is reduced to 100 m. While we cannot explain this scale reduction, our study provides the first evidence that primate seed dispersal does influence the SGS of a tropical tree species.  相似文献   

An important feature of seed dispersal mutualism is the differentiation of dispersal-related seed traits (dispersal syndrome), which potentially contribute to partitioning of both seed dispersers and regeneration sites among sympatric plants. Yet, the selective factors underlying the diversity in dispersal syndromes are largely unknown. The differential requirements for seed dispersal distances are often proposed as a main factor in plant adaptations to disperser animals. Focusing on two sympatric ant-dispersed sedges Carex lanceolata and Carex tristachya (Cyperaceae), we tested the association of the adaptation to different dispersers with requirements for seed dispersal distances. We found that C. lanceolata was more frequently dispersed by the large ant Formica japonica (which had relatively long dispersal distances compared with other smaller ants) than by C. tristachya, and this was caused by the higher seed attractiveness of C. lanceolata to F. japonica. Pot experiments manipulating adult-to-seedling distances showed that isolation from conspecific adults only benefited C. lanceolata seedlings, and C. tristachya seedlings were not affected. These results support the importance of differential requirements for seed dispersal distances as a factor underlying the diversity in dispersal syndromes among animal-dispersed plants.  相似文献   

The dispersal and germination unit of some Brassicaceae species is the fruit, and we hypothesized that it could affect germination phenology and promote formation of a soil seed bank. We determined the effects of the indehiscent pericarp on germination and longevity of buried seeds of five Brassicaceae species native to cold deserts of central Asia. Germination phenology (seedling emergence) was monitored for intact dispersal units and isolated seeds of Chorispora sibirica, Goldbachia laevigata, Spirorrhynchus sabulosus, Tauscheria lasiocarpa (annuals), and Sterigmostemum fuhaiense (perennial) at natural temperatures in watered and non-watered (natural precipitation) soil. Intact dispersal units and isolated seeds were buried under natural conditions and exhumed at regular intervals for 35 months to monitor germination, viability and moisture content of isolated seeds, seeds in dispersal units, and seeds removed from dispersal units after burial. Isolated seeds of Goldbachia, Spirorrhynchus, and Tauscheria germinated only the first autumn and those of Chorispora and Sterigmostemum the first autumn and first spring, with higher germination percentages in all species in watered than in non-watered soil. A high percentage of seeds in buried dispersal units of Chorispora, Goldbachia, and Sterigmostemum was viable after 35 months, and seeds exhibited a 6-month dormancy cycle, being non-dormant only in autumn and spring. Seeds in buried dispersal units of Spirorrhynchus and Tauscheria germinated when exhumed in the first spring, but all non-germinated seeds were dead after 1 year. Thus, the presence of the pericarp allows Chorispora, Goldbachia, and Sterigmostemum to form a persistent seed bank but not Spirorrhynchus and Tauscheria.  相似文献   

Africa hosts a rich assemblage of cycads: 66 Encephalartos species, Stangeria eriopus and Cycas thouarsii. Most Encephalartos and S. eriopus adults appear to be fire-tolerant, and certain Encephalartos species may be fire-dependent. Four Encephalartos species and S. eriopus are primarily insect-pollinated. African cycad populations typically have sex ratios of 1:1, with very small populations often male-biased. Coning is typically infrequent and erratic, with many species exhibiting mast-seeding. Viable seed production in Encephalartos populations tends to decline with decreasing population size, and seed predation by weevils is common. Seed dispersal in Encephalartos is usually localized, but vertebrates may facilitate dispersal over longer distances. Stem material of 25 Encephalartos species and S. eriopus is used for traditional medicine, primarily in South Africa. Two-thirds of Africa’s cycad species are threatened, with four species already Extinct in the Wild. The illegal acquisition of cycads from wild populations is the principle threat to their persistence. Further research is recommended on seed and fire ecology, population dynamics, and the outcomes of conservation interventions.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and landscape degradation affect animal-mediated seed dispersal, often collapsing the regeneration of endangered plant species and habitats in anthropogenic landscapes. We first compared the role of red fox and other vertebrates as seed disperser for the keystone scrub Ziziphus lotus. Because it turned out that foxes are the major Z. lotus dispersers, we investigated how fox activity and dispersal service relate to habitat loss and landscape alteration in the threatened Ziziphus semiarid scrublands, a priority habitat for conservation in Europe. Considering its opportunistic behavior, we hypothesized that landscape features should affect moderately fox abundance, while influence in a large extent its dispersal service. Accordingly, we predicted that a substantial decline in Ziziphus fruit consumption rather than in disperser activity would be responsible for seed dispersal collapse under severe habitat loss. We evaluated fox activity and dispersal service in 17 populations of Z. lotus spread through the range of its habitat in Spain and found within landscapes with different land-use intensity. We certified the collapse of the dispersal service by fox under severe habitat loss and confirmed that fox activity was less affected by habitat loss or landscape alteration than consumption of Ziziphus fruits. Consequently, the decline of consumption of Ziziphus fruits under severe habitat loss triggers the collapse of its seed dispersal. Results suggest that without increase of the remnant areas other managements may not suffice to achieve seed dispersal and habitat restoring. Dispersal service and natural regeneration in many Ziziphus habitat remnants will possibly cease in the future if habitat loss continues.  相似文献   

Predation risk has played an important role in primate behavioral evolution, yet natural primate–predator interactions are rarely observed. We describe the consumption and probable predation of an adult bald-faced saki monkey (Pithecia rylandsi) by a black-and-white hawk-eagle (Spizaetus melanoleucus) at the Los Amigos Biological Station in lowland Amazonian Peru. To our knowledge, this is the first published case of a black-and-white hawk-eagle consuming any primate species. We contend that while most reported observations of successful and attempted predation by raptors involves the largest and most notorious species (i.e. the harpy eagle), smaller and lesser known species like S. melanoleucus should be considered more seriously as a predator of neotropical primates. We discuss the predation event in the context of understanding what other neotropical primates might be vulnerable to S. melanoleucus predation given its body size and hunting tactic.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primates represent a strong model for examining the chromosomal, biochemical, and temporal normality of embryos produced byin vitro fertilization. Morein vitro fertilized embryos from the squirrel monkey(Saimiri sciureus) have been produced and examined than with all other primate species combined. In studies over a 13 year period a fertilization rate approximating 60 % has been developed in this species with 30% of these embryos proceeding to the two cell stage and 50% of these to the three-four cell stage. Chromosomal abnormalities (primarily missing or extra chromosomes) at a level of nine to 16% have been found, a value corresponding to that found inin vivo mating andin vitro fertilization in other species. An incidence of triploidy of 16.7% was observed. RNA and protein synthetic rates appear comparable with those of laboratory species subjected toin vitro fertilization and indicate the initial stages of metabolic activity of the newly formed embryo. Similarly, increases in estrogen incorporation appear after fertilization but no effect is observed in progesterone incorporation. Utilizing 2-deoxy-glucose and insulin, it was determined that the glucose requirement as an energy source for early preimplantationin vitro fertilized primate embryos is very low.Of very great importance is the temporal relationship of the development ofin vitro fertilized squirrel monkey embryos compared with similar development in other primates (including humans) afterin vivo andin vitro fertilization. An analysis of over a decade of work with the squirrel monkey embryos demonstrates a pattern of temporal development that is comparable with all other primate species that have been examined (including the human) and comparable with development afterin vivo fertilization.  相似文献   

The seed dispersal patterns of bird-dispersed trees often show substantial seasonal and annual variation due to temporal changes in frugivorous bird and bird-dispersed fruit distributions. Elucidating such variation and how it affects plant regeneration is important for understanding the evolution and seed dispersal maintenance strategies of these plants. In this study, we investigated the seed dispersal quantity and distance of a bird-dispersed plant, Swida controversa, for 2 years and detected large seasonal variations in dispersal pattern. Early in the fruiting season, short seed dispersal distance and large amounts of fruit consumption by birds (seed dispersal quantity) were observed. In contrast, late in the fruiting season, a long seed dispersal distance and small seed dispersal quantity were observed. This relationship between seed dispersal distance and quantity may help to maintain constant seed dispersal effectiveness during the long S. controversa fruiting season. Annual variation was also detected for both seed dispersal quantity and distance. More effective seed dispersal was achieved in the masting year, because both seed dispersal quantity and distance were greater than that in the non-masting year. These seed dispersal dynamics may contribute to the evolution and maintenance of S. controversa masting behavior. Thus, we identified substantial temporal variation on both seasonal and annual scales in the seed dispersal pattern of a bird-dispersed plant. The temporal variation in seed dispersal pattern revealed in this study probably plays a substantial role in the life history and population dynamics of S. controversa.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the fruiting phenology, fruit traits, and seed dispersal in two Pilosocereus (Cactaceae) species that are widely distributed in Caatinga vegetation. We monitored the fruiting phenology of Pilosocereus gounellei and Pilosocereus chrysostele on a monthly basis for a period of 4 years (45 months from March 2009 to November 2012), including 30 individuals of each species. We also carried out focal observations, captured dispersers, and conducted germination tests, to identify the effective seed dispersers of these species. Both species exhibited sub-annual fruiting patterns and high fruiting synchrony index (O jk 0.62), with peaks occurring from February to May for P. gounellei and February to April for P. chrysostele. In all, 248 visits by seven bird and two lizard species were recorded for P. gounellei, and 104 visits by five bird species were recorded for P. chrysostele. The two species shared five seed dispersers. The finch Lanio pileatus was the most frequently visiting bird species. The number of visits to the fruits of P. gounellei was higher than to the fruits of P. chrysostele. Passage of seeds through the digestive tracts of all bird species significantly increased the germination rate for P. chrysostele, whereas for P. gounellei, the birds Forpus xanthopterygius and L. pileatus decreased germination rates. Sub-annual fruiting patterns, similar fruit morphology, and high synchronous fruiting are factors that favor resource sharing among the dispersers of Pilosocereus in the Caatinga.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal mutualisms are essential to ensure the survival of diverse plant species and communities worldwide. Here, we investigated whether the invasive Argentine ant can replace native ants by fulfilling their functional role in the seed dispersal of the rare and threatened endemic myrmecochorous plant, Anchusa crispa, in Corsica (France). Our study addressed the potential of Linepithema humile to disperse elaiosome-bearing seeds of A. crispa, examining L. humile’s effects on (1) the composition of communities of ants removing seeds, (2) the number of seed removals, (3) seed preference, (4) the distance of seed dispersion, and (5) seed germination. We caught seven native species at the control site, but only the Argentine ant at invaded sites. L humile removed A. crispa seeds in greater numbers than did native ants, respectively 66 and 23%, probably due to their higher worker density. The invader was similar to native ants with respect to distance of seed transport. Finally, rates of seed germination were not significantly different between seeds previously in contact with either Argentine ants or not. Taken all together, these results suggest that the Argentine ant is unlikely to pose a threat to A. crispa population. These results have important implications for the management of this rare and threatened endemic plant and provide an example of non-negative interactions between invasive and native species.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying biological invasion of highly disturbed ecosystems are well known, yet mechanisms responsible for biological invasion of undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystems are less understood. The triggering attribute (TA) approach, proposed as a mechanism that explains plant invasion success in undisturbed or weakly disturbed systems, considers that the spread of alien species depends on specific vegetative or regenerative traits in invasive species, discontinuously distributed in comparison to the resident community. In mountain Chaco woodland, fruiting phenology of ornithocorous invasive plants has been proposed as a TA, because it would allow invasive species to benefit from seed dispersal service, which is unused by native plants during a specific period of the year (winter). Under the seed dispersal ecology framework, we evaluated if fruiting phenology (fructification largely uncoupled with native species) of the fleshy-fruited invasive Pyracantha angustifolia affects bird fruit consumption, and allows the invasive to take advantage of the unused seed dispersal service during winter. If uncoupled fructification phenology represents a TA, seed disperser, seed predator, and pulp consumer diversity, abundance, and fruit consumption on P. angustifolia (which fructifies in winter), will be higher than on its exotic congeneric P. coccinea during summer, when fructification overlaps with native Celtis ehrenbergiana and many other native species. We found that: (1) disperser bird abundance and fruit consumption did not differ between P. angustifolia and P. coccinea; (2) the most diverse frugivorous assemblage was observed on C. ehrenbergiana, yet it had the lowest proportion of seed dispersers and the highest fruit consumption by seed predators and, (3) we also observed higher proportion of seed predators on P. angustifolia (uncoupled fructification scenario) than on P. coccinea (coupled fructification scenario). Our results suggest that invasive uncoupled fructification phenology does not represent a true TA which facilitates plant invasion processes in undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystem.  相似文献   

The seed dispersal mechanisms of Salvia species are reviewed, with particular attention to quantitative or experimental evidence of dispersal. Despite having rather uniform fruit morphology, Salvia has several dispersal mechanisms: dispersal of mericarps by water (hydrochory), wind (anemochory), animals (zoochory) or gravity (barochory). Cases of myrmecochory are highlighted, along with dispersal by the plant itself via springy or hygroscopic pedicels. Despite having no visible means of dispersal, many Salvia species disperse for short to medium distances. Many gaps in our knowledge of dispersal exist, despite the fact that knowledge of dispersal mechanisms is critical in evaluating invasive potential, conservation status, usefulness in habitat restoration, and geographic distribution.  相似文献   

There have been recent disagreements as to how many taxa of titi monkeys, genus Callicebus, occur in the region between the Purus and Madeira rivers in western Brazilian Amazonia. Three parapatric taxa were proposed for the area: Callicebus caligatus, Callicebus stephennashi, and Callicebus dubius, but the latter has recently been considered a synonym of C. caligatus, even though both form monophyletic groups and are morphologically distinct. We analyzed the geographic variation in the pelage of Callicebus occurring between the Madeira and Purus rivers and concluded that the phenotypes attributed to C. caligatus and C. dubius are not individual morphs, but rather well-marked and geographically restricted varieties. For this reason, we classify Callicebus caligatus as a polytypic species with two subspecies: Callicebus caligatus caligatus and Callicebus caligatus dubius. This classification is corroborated by molecular evidence as well. The morphological and distributional data indicate that Callicebus stephennashi is a hybrid form of C. c. caligatus and C. c. dubius, due to the presence of intermediate characters. Therefore, until more precise locality records are provided and further evidence is presented, we consider Callicebus stephennashi to be a homonym of the two parental forms.  相似文献   

The process of range expansion often selects for traits that maximize invasion success at range edges. For example, during range expansion, individuals with greater dispersal and colonization ability will be selected for towards range edges. For wind dispersed plants, however, there exists a fundamental trade-off between dispersal and colonization ability (germination success and growth) that is mediated by seed size; smaller seeds often have greater dispersal ability but poorer colonization ability. We investigated the nature of the dispersal/colonization trade-off by comparing dispersal ability (wing loading ratio: seed mass/wing area), germination success and growth related traits across multiple populations of a coastal exotic invasive plant species (Gladiolus gueinzii Kunze) along its entire introduced distribution in eastern Australia. We found that G. gueinzii had significantly greater dispersal ability towards its range edges which was mediated by a decrease in seed mass. However, this was not associated with a decrease in probability of germination or growth after 3 months. In fact, seeds from range edge populations had significantly faster germination times. Our results suggest that a shift towards greater dispersal ability does not have an associated negative effect on the colonization ability of G. gueinzii and may be a key factor in promoting further range expansion of this exotic invasive species.  相似文献   

Macrodasyceras hirsutum Kamijo is the seed parasitoid wasp of the bird-dispersed, dioecious tree, Ilex integra Thunb. The wasp reduces the level of dispersal mutualism between the Ilex tree and its frugivorous birds by manipulating the color of mature berries. The female trees do not blossom every year and sometimes change sex. Thus, the reproduction biology of I. integra affects the population size and structure of M. hirsutum in a forest and consequently influences the seed dispersal mutualism between the tree and birds, because of limited ability of adult locomotion. To investigate the wasp population structure with reference to the dispersal mutualism between trees and birds, we isolated 14 microsatellite loci of M. hirsutum wasps. Every locus was polymorphic among 20 females, with 3–13 alleles per locus, without linkage disequilibrium. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.100 to 0.900 and 0.099 to 0.818, respectively, indicating their utility in molecular analyses of the wasp population.  相似文献   

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