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Distribution of different forms of cytochrome P-450 (forms C, D and B) in human placenta by immunohistochemical methods on light microscopy level with colloid gold was studied. Positive reaction with cytoplasm of endothelial cells, called the "epithelioid" plates of chorionic villi was found. Trophoblastic and stromal cells were not stained.  相似文献   

We used specific monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to human cytochrome P450 isoenzymes to determine the presence of these proteins in human epidermal cells. Two MAb (P450-5 and P450-8) recognize major forms of hepatic cytochrome P450 involved in biotransformation of xenobiotics. A third MAb, to cytochrome P450-9, is not fully characterized. The proteins were determined by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique after fixation with methanol and acetone. Biopsy materials for cultured keratinocytes, i.e., foreskin and hair follicles, contained the two major forms of cytochrome P450. In cultured keratinocytes derived from hair follicles the proteins were undetectable, whereas the keratinocytes derived from foreskin continued to express the two major forms of hepatic cytochrome P450. Cultured human fibroblasts and a human keratinocyte cell line (SVK14) showed staining similar to that of the foreskin keratinocytes. Cytochrome P450-9 was detectable only in human hepatocytes. The results indicate that, under the culture conditions applied, cultured human foreskin cells and the cell line SVK14 continue to express specific cytochrome P450 isoenzymes in culture, in contrast to hair follicle keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s or CYPs) are good candidates for biocatalysis in the production of fine chemicals, including pharmaceuticals. Despite the potential use of mammalian P450s in various fields of biotechnology, these enzymes are not suitable as biocatalysts due to their low stability, low catalytic activity, and limited availability. Recently, wild-type and mutant forms of bacterial P450 BM3 (CYP102A1) from Bacillus megaterium have been found to metabolize various. It has therefore been suggested that CYP102A1 may be used to generate the metabolites of drugs and drug candidates. In this report, we show that the oxidation reactions of typical human CYP1A2 substrates (phenacetin, ethoxyresorufin, and methoxyresorufin) are catalyzed by both wild-type and mutant forms of CYP102A1. In the case of phenacetin, CYP102A1 enzymes show only O-deethylation product, even though two major products are produced as a result of O-deethylation and 3-hydroxylation reactions by human CYP1A2. Formation of the metabolites was confirmed by HPLC analysis and LC–MS to compare the metabolites with the actual biological metabolites produced by human CYP1A2. The results demonstrate that CYP102A1 mutants can be used for cost-effective and scalable production of human CYP1A2 drug metabolites. Our computational findings suggest that a conformational change in the cavity size of the active sites of the mutants is dependent on activity change. The modeling results further suggest that the activity change results from the movement of several specific residues in the active sites of the mutants.  相似文献   

The one-electron autoxidation of human cytochrome P450 3A4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monomeric cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), the most prevalent cytochrome P450 in human liver, can simultaneously bind one, two, or three molecules of substrates and effectors. The difference in the functional properties of such binding intermediates gives rise to homotropic and heterotropic cooperative kinetics of this enzyme. To understand the overall kinetic processes operating in CYP3A4, we documented the kinetics of autoxidation of the oxy-ferrous intermediate of CYP3A4 as a function of testosterone concentration. The rate of autoxidation in the presence of testosterone was significantly lower than that observed with no substrate present. Stability of the oxy-ferrous complex in CYP3A4 and the amplitude of the geminate CO rebinding increased significantly as a result of binding of just one testosterone molecule. In contrast, the slow phase in the kinetics of cyanide binding to the ferric CYP3A4 correlated with a shift of the heme iron spin state, which is only caused by the association of a second molecule of testosterone. Our results show that the first substrate binding event prevents the escape of diatomic ligands from the distal heme binding pocket, stabilizes the oxy-ferrous complex, and thus serves as an important modulator of the uncoupling channel in the cytochromes P450.  相似文献   

If cholesterol is a substrate of P450 3A4, then it follows that it should also be an inhibitor, particularly in light of the high concentrations found in liver. Heme perturbation spectra indicated a K(d) value of 8 μM for the P450 3A4-cholesterol complex. Cholesterol inhibited the P450 3A4-catalyzed oxidations of nifedipine and quinidine, two prototypic substrates, in liver microsomes and a reconstituted enzyme system with K(i) ~ 10 μM in an apparently non-competitive manner. The concentration of cholesterol could be elevated 4-6-fold in cultured human hepatocytes by incubation with cholesterol; the level of P450 3A4 and cell viability were not altered under the conditions used. Nifedipine oxidation was inhibited when the cholesterol level was increased. We conclude that cholesterol is both a substrate and an inhibitor of P450 3A4, and a model is presented to explain the kinetic behavior. We propose that the endogenous cholesterol in hepatocytes should be considered in models of prediction of metabolism of drugs and steroids, even in the absence of changes in the concentrations of free cholesterol.  相似文献   

We have isolated from a single human liver cDNA library two clones which are highly homologous (78% over the coding region) to the major phenobarbital-inducible P450 from rat (P450IIB1). This is the first direct demonstration of the presence of the P450IIB gene subfamily in humans. This subfamily is much less extensive than the rodent homologues, but does appear to contain at least two genes. Of the cDNA clones isolated one is apparently normally spliced, whereas the other lacks exon 8 and retains all or part of intron 5. Both clones contain transcribed Alu sequences. The human P450IIB gene has been located to chromosome 19q12----19q13.2 using a probe derived from intron 5, and is close to the CYP 2A locus encoding cytochrome P450IIA2. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been found with the enzymes BamHI and MspI which will enable linkage to be determined between these two loci.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) catalyzes the initial step in the clearance of many pharmaceuticals and foreign chemicals. The structurally diverse nature of CYP3A4 substrates complicates rational prediction of their metabolism and identification of potential drug interactions. The first molecular structures of human CYP3A4 were recently determined, revealing an active site of sufficient size and topography to accommodate either large ligands or multiple smaller ligands, as suggested by the heterotropic and homotropic cooperativity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Human cytochrome P450 3A4 forms a series of minor testosterone hydroxylation products in addition to 6 beta-hydroxytestosterone, the major product. One of these, formed at the next highest rate after the 6 beta- and 2 beta-hydroxy products, was identified as 1 beta-hydroxytestosterone. This product was characterized from a mixture of testosterone oxidation products using an HPLC-solid phase extraction-cryoprobe NMR/time-of-flight mass spectrometry system, with an estimated total of approximately 6 microg of this product. Mass spectrometry established the formula as C(19)H(29)O(3) (MH(+) 305.2080). The 1-position of the added hydroxyl group was established by correlated spectroscopy and heteronuclear spin quantum correlation experiments, and the beta-stereochemistry of the added hydroxyl group was assigned with a nuclear Overhauser correlated spectroscopy experiment (1 alpha-H). Of several human P450s examined, only P450 3A4 formed this product. The product was also formed in human liver microsomes.  相似文献   

Human liver P450 NF25 (CYP3A4) had been previously expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the inducible GAL10-CYC1 promoter and the phosphoglycerate kinase gene terminator [Renaud, J. P., Cullin, C., Pompon, D., Beaune, P. and Mansuy, D. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 194, 889-896]. The use of an improved expression vector [Urban, P., Cullin, C. and Pompon, D. (1990) Biochimie 72, 463-472] increased the amounts of P450 NF25 produced/culture medium by a factor of five, yielding up to 10 nmol/l. The availability of recently developed host cells that simultaneously overexpress yeast NADPH-P450 reductase and/or express human liver cytochrome b5, obtained through stable integration of the corresponding coding sequences into the yeast genome, led to biotechnological systems with much higher activities of yeast-expressed P450 NF25 and with much better ability to form P450 NF25-iron-metabolite complexes. 9-fold, 8-fold, and 30-fold rate increases were found respectively for nifedipine 1,4-oxidation, lidocaine N-deethylation and testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylation between P450 NF25-containing yeast microsomes from the basic strain and from the strain that both overexpresses yeast NADPH-P450 reductase and expresses human cytochrome b5. Even higher turnovers (15-fold, 20-fold and 50-fold rate increases) were obtained using P450 NF25-containing microsomes from the yeast just overexpressing yeast NADPH-P450 reductase in the presence of externally added, purified rabbit liver cytochrome b5. This is explained by the fact that the latter strain contained the highest level of NADPH-P450 reductase activity. It is noteworthy that for the three tested substrates, the presence of human or rabbit cytochrome b5 always showed a stimulating effect on the catalytic activities and this effect was saturable. Indeed, addition of rabbit cytochrome b5 to microsomes from a strain expressing human cytochrome b5 did not further enhance the catalytic rates. The yeast expression system was also used to study the formation of a P450-NF25-iron-metabolite complex. A P450 Fe(II)-(RNO) complex was obtained upon oxidation of N-hydroxyamphetamine, catalyzed by P450-NF25-containing yeast microsomes. In microsomes from the basic strain expressing P450 NF25, 10% of the starting P450 NF25 was transformed into this metabolite complex, whereas more than 80% of the starting P450 NF25 led to complex formation in microsomes from the strain overexpressing yeast NADPH-P450 reductase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

After ovulation of an oocyte, granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle differentiate into luteal cells and become a major factor dedicated to the synthesis of the steroid hormone progesterone. We recently established granulosa cell lines by cotransfection of granulosa cells with SV-40 and Ha-ras oncogene. In these cells progesterone secretion can be induced by cAMP as in normal rat granulosa cells. The induction of progesterone secretion is observed only after approximately 24 h and closely follows the delayed but quantitatively dramatic induction of the mitochondrial cytochrome P450scc which catalyzes the first step in steroid hormone biosynthesis. The mitochondrial P450 system electron transport proteins, adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase, are also induced but adrenodoxin shows a faster induction. Immunofluorescence studies show that the three enzymes are induced in all cells and incorporated into all mitochondria uniformly. Electron microscopic examination using immunogold technique further confirms this and reveals that adrenodoxin is predominantly located on the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Thus, adrenodoxin, which is a small highly charged protein, shows a distribution similar to P450scc which is an integral membrane protein. The uniformity of the response of the cells provides further evidence for the homogeneity of the cell line and makes this new granulosa cell line a highly promising system for the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in changes in gene expression during the process of granulosa cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Human hepatic cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) was expressed in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While the expression level was high as compared with other human hepatic cytochrome P450s, CYP3A4 showed almost no catalytic activity toward testosterone. Coexpression of CYP3A4 with yeast NADPH-P450 reductase did not give a full activity. Low monooxygenase activity of CYP3A4 was attributed to the insufficient reduction of heme iron of CYP3A4 by NADPH-P450 reductase. To enhance the efficiency of electron transfer from NADPH-P450 reductase to CYP3A4, a fused enzyme was constructed between CYP3A4 and yeast NADPH-P450 reductase. The rapid reduction of the heme iron of the fused enzyme by NADPH was observed. The fused enzyme showed a high testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation activity with a sigmoidal velocity saturation curve. However, the coupling efficiency between NADPH utilization and testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation was only 10%. Finally, coexpression of the fused enzyme and human cytochrome b5 was examined. A significant decrease in the Km value and a remarkable increase in the coupling efficiency were observed. Substrate-induced spectra revealed that the dissociation constant of the fused enzyme for testosterone significantly decreased with coexpression of human cytochrome b5. These results strongly suggest that human cytochrome b5 directly interacts with the CYP3A4 domain of the fused enzyme and modifies the tertiary structure of substrate binding pocket, resulting in tight binding of the substrate and high coupling efficiency.  相似文献   

We have incorporated CYP3A4 (cytochrome P450 3A4) and CPR (NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase) into liposomes with a high lipid/protein ratio by an improved method. In the purified proteoliposomes, CYP3A4 binds testosterone with Kd (app)=36±6 μM and Hill coefficient=1.5±0.3, and 75±4% of the CYP3A4 can be reduced by NADPH in the presence of testosterone. Transfer of the first electron from CPR to CYP3A4 was measured by stopped-flow, trapping the reduced CYP3A4 as its Fe(II)-CO complex and measuring the characteristic absorbance change. Rapid electron transfer is observed in the presence of testosterone, with the fast phase, representing 90% of the total absorbance change, having a rate of 14±2 s(-1). Measurements of the first electron transfer were performed at various molar ratios of CPR/CYP3A4 in proteoliposomes; the rate was unaffected, consistent with a model in which first electron transfer takes place within a relatively stable CPR-CYP3A4 complex. Steady-state rates of NADPH oxidation and of 6β-hydroxytestosterone formation were also measured as a function of the molar ratio of CPR/CYP3A4 in the proteoliposomes. These rates increased with increasing CPR/CYP3A4 ratio, showing a hyperbolic dependency indicating a Kd (app) of ~0.4 μM. This suggests that the CPR-CYP3A4 complex can dissociate and reform between the first and second electron transfers.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical studies with a monoclonal antibody (MAb-HL3), which recognises a major isozyme of human hepatic cytochrome P-450, have demonstrated this cytochrome in both cryostat and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of normal human adult liver. Prior trypsin digestion of the formalin-fixed sections prevented staining. There was a zonal distribution of immunoreactive cytochrome P-450, with localization predominantly in the hepatocytes of zone 3 of the hepatic acinus (the centrilobular region). Cytochrome P-450 was also demonstrated in foetal liver, but all foetal hepatocytes contained immunoreactive cytochrome P-450 and there was no zonal distribution of the protein. The biliary epithelium of adult liver contained a small amount of immunoreactive cytochrome P-450 whereas there was no immunoreactivity in the epithelium of foetal bile ducts.  相似文献   

Family 3A mammalian liver cytochromes P450 (3A1, rat; 3A3/4, human) catalyze the 6 beta-hydroxylation of endogenous steroids and are steroid inducible. Our recent finding that A6 cells (a toad kidney epithelial cell line) contain corticosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity as a steroid-inducible microsomal cytochrome P450 raised the possibility that corticosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity in the A6 cells is catalyzed by a member of the 3A family. We found that incubation of A6 cell microsomes from dexamethasone-induced cells with antibodies against family 3A proteins specifically inhibited corticosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity. Microsomes from A6 cells analyzed on immunoblots developed with family 3A specific antibodies revealed immunoreactive proteins and treatment of A6 with corticosterone or dexamethasone increased the amounts of 3A immunoreactive protein(s). Furthermore, A6 RNA hybridized with 3A cDNAs on Northern blots and genomic DNA from A6 cells hybridized with a 3A cDNA on a Southern blot. Thus, toad kidney A6 cells express a family 3A P450 that is immunochemically, functionally, and genetically related to the mammalian liver 3A proteins. Prompted by these findings in amphibian kidney, we examined mammalian kidney for evidence of family 3A proteins. Immunocytochemical studies of frozen cryostat sections of normal adult rat kidney incubated with 3A1 antibody showed immunoreactivity only with collecting duct. Immunoblot analysis of human kidney microsomes found three protein bands representing 3A3/4, 3A5, and a 53-kDa Mr protein immunoreactive with human 3A antibody. An unexpected finding was the polymorphic expression of 3A3/4 in human kidney with only one of seven (14%) adult human kidneys tested expressing this protein while 3A5, a protein which is polymorphically expressed in adult human livers, was routinely present in the adult human kidney samples tested. Since human fetal liver contains a family 3A P450 we examined human fetal kidney microsomes by immunoblot analysis with human liver 3A antibody and found expression of a protein tentatively identified as 3A7. Thus, like A6 amphibian cells, family 3A P450 proteins and mRNAs are prominent, functional components in the kidney of mammals, including man.  相似文献   

Induction of P450 3A1 and P450 3A2 was studied in adult rat liver following treatment with a single high dose of dexamethasone (DEX). The increase of both P450 3A1 and 3A2 occurred at the level of mRNA as well as protein. P450 3A isozymes thus induced were catalytically active. No constitutive expression of P450 3A1 mRNA or protein was observed in males or females. Constitutive expression of P450 3A2 mRNA and protein was observed in males but not in females. Additionally, in females, P450 3A2 was almost nondetectable compared to that in males, at any dose of DEX. A time course study following DEX treatment showed that P450 3A1 mRNA and protein were detectable in both sexes at 12 hours, increased until 48 hours, and then declined. The decline was more rapid in males. P450 3A2 mRNA and protein increased as early as 3 hours, increased further up to 48 hours, and slowly declined thereafter. A dose-response study indicated that P450 3A1 mRNA and protein progressively increased in both sexes from a dose of 30 mg/kg. In contrast, P450 3A2 mRNA and protein in males did not increase up to a dose of 30 mg/kg but increased at higher doses. Total P450 content and P450 3A catalytic activity were also found to increase with time and dose. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied mefloquine metabolism in cells and microsomes isolated from human and animal (monkey, dog, rat) livers. In both hepatocytes and microsomes, mefloquine underwent conversion to two major metabolites, carboxymefloquine and hydroxymefloquine. In human cells and microsomes these metabolites only were formed, as already demonstrated in vivo, while in other species several unidentified metabolites were also detected. After a 48 hr incubation with human and rat hepatocytes, metabolites accounted for 55-65% of the initial drug concentration, whereas in monkey and dog hepatocytes, mefloquine was entirely metabolized after 15 and 39 hrs, respectively. The consumption of mefloquine was less extensive in microsomes, and unchanged drug represented 60% (monkey) to 85-100% (human, dog, rat) of the total radioactivity after 5 hr incubations. The involvement of the cytochrome P450 3A subfamily in mefloquine biotransformation was suggested by several lines of evidence. Firstly, mefloquine metabolism was strongly increased in hepatic microsomes from dexamethasone-pretreated rats, and also in human and rat hepatocytes after prior treatment with a cytochrome P450 3A inducer. Secondly, mefloquine biotransformation in rifampycin-induced human hepatocytes was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the cytochrome P450 3A inhibitor ketoconazole and thirdly, a strong correlation was found between erythromycin-N-demethylase activity (mediated by cytochrome P450 3A) and mefloquine metabolism in human microsomes (r=0.81, P < 0.05, N=13). Collectively, these findings concerning the role of cytochrome P450 3A in mefloquine metabolism may have important in vivo consequences especially with regard to the choice of agents used in multidrug antimalarial regimens.  相似文献   

Characterization of human cytochrome P450 enzymes.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many biochemical approaches have been applied to the human cytochrome P450 enzymes, and more than 20 different gene products have been characterized with regard to their properties and catalytic specificities. The complement of the various cytochrome P450 enzymes in a given individual varies markedly, and dramatic differences may be seen in drug metabolism, pharmacological response, and susceptibility to toxic effects. An understanding of the nature of the individual cytochrome P450 enzymes and their regulation should be useful in determining the most suitable animal models, ascertaining risk from chemicals, and in avoiding undesirable drug interactions.  相似文献   

A novel human cytochrome P450 cDNA designated CYP2U1 was identified using homology searches, and the corresponding gene is located on chromosome 4. The deduced 544 amino acid sequence displays up to 39% identity to other CYP2 family members, with closest resemblance to CYP2R1 and is highly conserved between species. CYP2U1 shows some structural differences compared to other CYP2 family members. The gene has only five exons and the enzyme harbors two insertions in the N-terminal region. Northern blot analysis revealed high mRNA expression in human thymus, with weaker expression in heart and brain, whereas in the rat similar mRNA levels were detected in thymus and brain. Western blot analysis revealed much higher CYP2U1 protein expression in rat brain than in thymus, particularly in limbic structures and in cortex. The physiological and toxicological role of this novel P450 is still unknown, but the selective tissue distribution suggests an important endogenous function.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) structure of human aromatase (CYP 19) was modeled on the basis of the crystal structure of rabbit CYP2C5, the first solved X-ray structure of an eukaryotic cytochrome P450 and was evaluated by docking S-fadrozole and the steroidal competitive inhibitor (19R)-10-thiiranylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione, into the enzyme active site. According to a previous pharmacophoric hypothesis described in the literature, the cyano group of S-fadrozole partially mimics the steroid backbone C(17) carbonyl group of (19R)-10-thiiranylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione, and was oriented in a favorable position for H-bonding with the newly identified positively charged residues Lys 119 and Arg435. In addition, this model is consistent with the recent combined mutagenesis/modeling studies already published concerning the roles ofAsp309 and His480 in the aromatization of the steroid A ring.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) structure of human aromatase (CYP19) was modeled on the basis of the crystal structure of rabbit CYP2C5, the first solved X-ray structure of an eukaryotic cytochrome P450 and was evaluated by docking S-fadrozole and the steroidal competitive inhibitor (19R)-10-thiiranylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione, into the enzyme active site. According to a previous pharmacophoric hypothesis described in the literature, the cyano group of S-fadrozole partially mimics the steroid backbone C(17) carbonyl group of (19R)-10-thiiranylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione, and was oriented in a favorable position for H-bonding with the newly identified positively charged residues Lys119 and Arg435. In addition, this model is consistent with the recent combined mutagenesis/modeling studies already published concerning the roles of Asp309 and His480 in the aromatization of the steroid A ring.  相似文献   

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