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Feeding invertebrate larvae may be food limited while developingin the ocean. If they are, then their time in the plankton isprolonged, which likely increases mortality. Food limitationcould be due to the quantity and/or quality of the food available.In an effort to answer how food type influences larval nutrition,we compared growth, development and lipid deposition for Dendrasterexcentricus larvae reared in natural seawater from two depths(1 and 20 m) and in filtered seawater on a monoculture laboratorydiet of 6 cells µL–1 of the green alga Dunaliellatertiolecta (Butcher). Five days post-fertilization, larvaereared on the laboratory diet had developed to the latest stage,were the largest and had lipid deposits. Larvae reared on naturalsurface water were intermediate in size and developmental stage,and larvae reared in the water from 20 m depth were the smallestand developed the slowest. This trend continued at 8 days post-fertilizationwhen surface water diet larvae were similar in size to laboratorydiet larvae, but their juvenile rudiments were significantlysmaller. To assess food availability in each food treatment,we compared the concentration of chlorophyll (Chl) a, b andc in natural seawater from each depth and in D. tertiolectaculture in filtered seawater. Natural seawater collected fromthe surface had the highest concentration of Chl a and c, whereasChl b was not significantly different between treatments. IncreasedChl concentrations in the surface water are likely due to higherconcentrations of diatoms and dinoflagellates, which are typicallynot high-quality food items for echinoid larvae. Our resultssupport a hypothesis that echinoid larvae in the water columnmay be limited by food quality.  相似文献   

Larvae of Carcinus maenas L. were reared in the laboratory from hatching through metamorphosis at 9, 12, and 18°C. Dry weight (DW) and elemental contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and hydrogen (H) were analysed at short intervals through successive larval moulting cycles (four zoea-stages, megalopa), and newly metamorphosed crabs. C. maenas larvae grew significantly during all instars, at all temperatures tested. Biomass (DW, C, N, H) and energy (Joule) slightly declined shortly before ecdysis in zoea stages. This terminal decrease was more distinct in the megalopa stage, where ≈39 and 83% of the maximum energy attained, was lost at 12 and 18°C, respectively. Changes of biomass and energy in successive moult cycles showed best fits to quadratic equations, whereas their maximum in successive larval instars formed exponential sequences with time. Due to parabolic growth curves, biomass and energy accumulation within single instars were discussed as maximum (MG) and effective growth (EG), considering gain both at times of maximum biomass, and shortly before ecdysis. Metamorphosing larvae achieved EG with 1137% (DW), 1195% (C), 1108% (N), 1395% (H), 1339% (Joule) at 12°C, and 1140% (DW), 1099% (C), 1133% (N), 1225% (H), 1107% (Joule) at 18°C, relative to newly hatched zoea-1. Ash content and inorganic C in newly hatched zoea-1, were 29.4% and 5.5% ash, respectively. The stoichiometric C H N method of Gnaiger & Bitterlich was used to assess protein, lipid, and carbohydrate compositions. Obviously proteins formed the major part of larval biomass (>50% DW). C: N ratios indicate that more lipid than protein was built up shortly after moulting, but relatively more protein was subsequently accumulated. Temperature effects on larval growth (MG, EG), growth rates (GR), and gross growth efficiencies (K1) were discussed. C. maenas zoea stages accumulated energy and biomass with higher efficiencies at 18 than at 12°C. Megalopa growth seemed to be limited at 18°C, showing lower K1 values than at 12°C. N was accumulated with higher efficiencies than C in all larval stages. Characteristic variations in larval K1 values between premoult and ecdysis were discussed. Cumulative gross growth efficiencies (MG-related) were calculated as ≈11 and 10%, at 12 and 18°C, respectively.  相似文献   

Macropetasma africanus (Balss) has been successfully spawned and its larvae reared under controlled laboratory conditions. The relationship between egg number (E) and female total length (L) was E = 18.59 L2.11. An experiment was designed to test the effect of temperature on larval development, survival and growth. Temperature effected larval development time, from 13–15 days at 25°C, to 25 days at 15°C (nauplius 1 to post-larva). Mortality was low for the naupliar stages at 25, 22 and 18°C, while at 15°C only 52% of the larvae reached nauplius 6. Mortality was highest from nauplius 6 to protozoea 1 (17, 21, and 18% at 25, 22, and 18°C, respectively), but decreased considerably for all temperatures once the mysis stage was reached. Overall survival rates from nauplius 1 to post-larva decreased with decreasing temperature (65, 54, 48, and 39% at 25, 22, 18, and 15°C respectively). Temperature also significantly affected larval growth. At 25°C mean total length was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than at 15°C (protozoea 2 to post-larva), while from protozoea 3 to post-larva total length differences were significantly different (P < 0.05) between 18 and 25°C. M. africanus has a major spawning peak in summer, suggesting that there may be a selective advantage to reproducing during the warmer months.  相似文献   

The artificial fertilization of the puffer,Takifugu chrysops (Hilgendorf), was carried out at Sajima in Yokosuka City on May 22, 1984. Hatched larvae were reared for a period of about 150 days. The spawning period seems to extend from mid to late May in the eastern part of Sagami Bay. The eggs were spherical, pale milky white and semitransparent, demersal and adhesive in nature, measuring 1.32±0.04 mm in diamter, and with a cluster of small oil-globules. The incubation period was about 162 hours at a water temperature of 17.4 to 21.8°C. During embryonic development, the only pigment cells that appeared on the embryo were the black chromatophores. The newly hatched larvae measured from 2.72 to 3.06 mm TL, averaging 2.87±0.1 mm TL, and 22–23 (9 + 13?14) myomeres. At yolk absorption, 4 days after hatching, the larvae attained 3.64–3.79 mm TL. On the 11th day, postlarvae averaged 4.69±0.24 mm TL. Larval finfolds disappeared and rudimental dorsal, anal and caudal fins were formed. There were two large clusters of melanophores, one on the back, exteding from the mid-base of the dorsal fin to the caudal peduncle region, the other along the anal fin base. The color of the body began to turn pale green to brownish-orange and spinelike scales appeared on the belly. Eighteen days after hatching (7.02±0.27 mm TL), the caudal notochord began to turn up and a “constriction” appeared on the posterior margin of the caudal fin membrane. This notch moved upwards as the notochord upturning advances. The larvae attained full fin ray counts and reached the juvenile stage at 9.1-9.5 mm TL, 24 days after hatching. Characteristic black blotches on the back and specific brownish orange body color appeared at the stage of 20 mm TL, 24 days after hatching. The growth during the larval stage and early juvenile stage (24 to 51 days after hatching) were expressed by the following equations, wherey is total length (mm) andx is days after hatching.y 1=2.8424× 1.05099 (0≦x≦24)y 2 = 3.7872×1.0372x (24≦x≦51)  相似文献   

Moult cycle and morphogenesis in larval instars (zoea I, zoea II, megalopa) of the spider crabHyas araneus (L.) were studied in the laboratory. Changes in the epidermis and cuticle were documented photographically at daily intervals to characterize the stages of the moult cycle. Stage A (early postmoult) is a very short period during which the larva takes up water. During late postmoult (B) and intermoult (C) the endocuticle is secreted, and there is conspicuous epidermal tissue condensation and growth. The onset of early premoult (D0) is characterized by epidermal apolysis, occurring first at the bases of the setae in the telson of zoeal instars or in the rostrum of the megalopa, respectively. Intermediate premoult (D1) is the main period of morphogenesis, in particular of setogenesis: in the setae of the zoeal telson and carapace there is invagination or (in the zoea II) degeneration of epidermal tissues. Formation of new setae in the interior of epidermal tubules was observed in zoeal maxillipeds and in the antennae of the zoea II and megalopa instars. During late premoult (Stages D2–4) part of the new cuticle is secreted, and the results of morphogenesis become clearly visible. For technical reasons (rigid exoskeleton) only a preliminary account of the moult cycle in the megalopa can be given. A time schedule is suggested for the stages of the moult cycle. It is estimated that postmoult (A–B) takes ca 9 to 15 % of total instar duration, intermoult (C) ca 22 to 37 %, and premoult (D) ca 48 to 69 %. There is an increasing trend of relative portions of time (% of total instar duration) from instar to instar in Stages A–C (mainly in the latter) and a decreasing trend in Stage D (mainly in D0 and D2–4).  相似文献   

Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonica) is a migratory marine fish of high economic significance in Taiwan. The adult Japanese anchovies migrate from the East China sea to spawn in coastal waters of Taiwan; the larvae then drift back to the East China Sea to complete their life cycle. We developed six highly polymorphic microsatellites for E. Japonica (expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.751 to 0.971) and these microsatellites can be used as genetic markers for identifying stocks to establish regulations in fishing management. Moreover, the markers will be useful in inferring the stock origins and migration routes in the future.  相似文献   

Various species of marine fish larvae were reared in the laboratory to allow observation of the substratum preferences of newly settling fish. The range of preferences for settling larvae of intertidal species corresponded to the adult niche breadth. The preferred substratum was always an element of the adult habitat, although not necessarily the same substratum preferred by the adults. Experiments with artificial substrata indicated that settlement preferences are based on tactile cues and light transmission. Depending upon the species, other factors such as current speed or salinity can also influence settlement.  相似文献   

We report wavelength-specific thresholds of leptocephali of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica determined from their negative-phototactic behaviour. Leptocephali are most sensitive to wavelengths 400–500 nm and at very short wavelengths. Their visual sensitivity decreases more sharply at wavelengths >500 nm than it does at wavelengths <400 nm. The spectral sensitivity of leptocephali adapts to the optical conditions of their habitat. The mean visual sensitivity threshold of leptocephali is 7.22 × 10−4 μmol m−2 s−1 between 400 and 500 nm. Based on visual sensitivity thresholds of 475 nm, the most transparent wavelength in waters where these leptocephali occur, the daytime depth of occurrence of these larvae may exceed 250 m. LEDs emitting light of wavelength 625 nm in culture environments would minimise disturbance to leptocephali during facility maintenance.  相似文献   

Embryonic, larval and juvenile development of the labrid fish,Halichoeres poecilopterus, is described using a laboratory-reared series. The eggs, measuring 0.60–0.72 mm in diameter, were pelagic and spherical with a single oil globule (0.12–0.16 mm in diameter). Hatching occurred 18 h 48 min after spawning. The newly-hatched larvae, measuring 1.46–1.70 mm TL, had 8–114 + 16–18 myomeres. A conspicuous melanophore appeared on the dorsal finfold 8 h after hatching, at ca. 2 mm TL. The yolk was completely absorbed 3 days after hatching, at 2.52–2.72 mm TL. Flexion of the notochord started at ca. 6 mm TL and was finished at ca. 8 mm TL. Aggregate numbers of all fin rays were completed at ca. 14 mm TL. Squamation was almost completed at ca. 20 mm TL.  相似文献   

The larvae of Clyde and Baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.), cod (Gadus morhua L.) and flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) were reared and fed to examine the changes in feeding ability and survival during progressive starvation. The time to initial feeding for yolk-sac larvae and to the point-of-no-return (PNR, when 50% of the larvae, although still alive, are no longer strong enough to feed) for both yolk-sac and older larvae were determined. The yolk-sac larvae of Clyde and Baltic herring, cod and flounder begin to feed on days 6, 3, 5 and 6 post-hatching at rearing temperatures of 7.5, 9.2, 6.9 and 9.5°C, respectively. The time to reach the PNR for yolk-sac larvae of these species is only 3–5 days after yolk resorption. From the onset of starvation in older larvae the time to reach the PNR is 6–7 days for 36-and 60-day-old Clyde herring at 9.6 and 10.5°C and for 46-day-old Baltic herring at 13.1°C but it is 23 days for 32-day-old flounder at 12.3°C. In yolk-sac larvae the peak of feeding rate and intensity usually occurred on the day that the yolk became exhausted, or 1 day later. Older larvae could withstand longer periods without food than yolk-sac larvae, especially in flounder. While the feeding rate during starvation of older larvae slowly decreased the feeding intensity first increased significantly and then decreased. Survival of larvae remained high up to the PNR.  相似文献   

In order to extend our knowledge of the presence of bacteria in hatcheries and their influence on rearing performance, the aerobic and facultative bacterial flora associated with farmed turbot larvae were studied in relation to the microflora of the water and diets. A settlement of specific groups of bacterial populations was found in the gut of the larvae. A clear succession of bacterial phenotypes was also observed from day 1 to day 90 post-hatching. Oxidative Gram-negative rods were predominant at the initial stages, whereas some phenotypes of Vibrio were frequent at the final stages. A high heterogeneity of Vibrio species was observed in the intermediate period when the highest mortalities of turbot larvae occur.  相似文献   

微流水培养条件下斑鳜仔鱼的摄食与生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在孵化环道连续微流水培养、水温(24±2)℃条件下,斑鳜(Siniperca scherzeri Steindachner)初孵仔鱼全长为(4.87±0.10)mm(n=50),卵黄囊体积为(1.461±0.172)mm3(n=50),油球直径为(0.47±0.04)mm(n=50).仔鱼孵出12h,胸鳍增大,具有一定阵发性水平游动能力,1日龄巡游模式建立;2日龄口膜消失,开始主动摄食,进入混合营养期,3 日龄外源性摄食关系完全建立.5日龄仔鱼的卵黄和油球全部消失.进入外源营养期;15日龄全长达到(13.72±0.76)mm(n=12).仔鱼发育过程中,其全长生长存在内源性营养阶段的较快速生长,混合营养阶段的慢速生长以及外源性营养阶段的快速生长三个生长期相,平均增长率为0.59 mm/d,对仔鱼全长TL(mm)与日龄D(d)进行同归,其生长模型为:TL=-0.0004D3+0.0283D2+0.2159D + 4.9335(R2=0.985,n=261).2-15 日龄,口宽与全长呈正比关系.仔鱼从初孵到PNR仅为5-6d,具有摄食能力的时间4d,仔鱼依赖外源性营养开始时间较早,对饥饿的耐受力较差.  相似文献   

Different laboratory cultures of the acarine tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini, 1888) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) were infested by small Megaselia scalaris (Loew, 1866) (Diptera: Phoridae) flies. Larvae of this species exhibited opportunistic parasitism predominantly on engorged female ticks, causing severe damage to their cuticle through which the flies were able to reach R. microplus internal organs, on which they fed until developing into pupae in the tick's remains. The flies were kept by continuous propagation on fresh ticks over six generations during which the same parasitoid behaviour was observed. Here we report on an ixodid tick laboratory culture used for rearing M. scalaris.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to evaluate the influence of rearing temperature and food concentration (20 and 30 °C, 1×105 and 2×105 cells ml−1) on the starvation threshold and nucleic acid content of the larvae of Balanus amphitrite. The larvae were also field-reared using micro-enclosures. Laboratory-reared larvae were larger in size than the field-reared larvae. An increase in size, DNA content and instar index of the starved II instar larvae was observed indicating that the absence of food may not be fatal to this early instar. The temperature at which larvae were raised and the food concentration had variable influence on the capacity to withstand starvation. Exposure to increased temperatures during starvation eliminated the effect of doubling food concentration during their feeding period prior to starvation. The larvae reared at 20 °C had comparatively lower nucleic acid content. The laboratory-reared larvae had ca. 1.7 times greater RNA:DNA ratio than larvae raised at comparable temperature in the field.  相似文献   

Larval development of the spider crab, Pisoides bidentatus (A.Milne-Edwards, 1873) (Decapoda: Majoidea: Pisidae), inhabitingthe Russian waters of the Sea of Japan is described and illustratedfor the first time from larvae reared in the laboratory. Thedevelopment included two zoea and one megalopa, thus followingthe typical pattern in the Majoidea. At a temperature of 20–22°Clarval development of P. bidentatus took from 9 to 13 days.The comparative analysis revealed that the larvae of two Pisoidesspecies differ in numerous characters whereas zoea of P. bidentatusand Pugettia quadridens belonging to different families arenearly identical. According the larval characters, P. bidentatusand P. quadridens should be assigned to one genus. The larvaldata lend the support to revision the taxonomic position ofP. bidentatus.  相似文献   

The period of gestation of the volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) was measured. Females were cohabited within one hour after confirmation of coitus or were separated from the males after cohabiting overnight. In 12 females which gave birth 20 times in total, the gestation period was 39 days in 35%, 40 days in 50% and 41 days in 15%; 85% of animals showed a gestation period of 39 or 40 days.  相似文献   

Larvae from artificially bred grey mullet were reared in the laboratory and survival rates of 0.2 %, 5 % and 5 % achieved in three of six trials. Food consisted of wild zooplankton and Anemia nauplii. Feeding began on the fifth day, when the yolk sac was depleted, and intensified on the ninth day. The rate of yolk absorption and feeding intensity were reflected in the growth curve. Larval survival was not affected by withholding food from the larvae till the seventh day from hatching. Two critical periods associated with high larval mortality were apparent on the 2nd–3rd and 8th–11th days after hatching. These were preceded by an increase in specific gravity of larvae followed by passive sinking to the bottom of the rearing tank. Larval length increased from 2.63 mm at hatching to 17.69 mm at the end of the 42-day larval period. The larvae survived on benthic diatoms therefter. Maximum survival rates were achieved at 22°C. (Oceanic Institute Contribution No. 101).  相似文献   

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