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Phagocytosing Amoeba proteus at different stages of forming foodcups have been observed by scanning electron microscopy. A nonphagocytosing ameba is characterized by dorsal and lateral ridges running longitudinally over the posterior half of the cell and its attachment to the substrate over small areas. When stimulated by prey organisms, the ameba loses polarity and ridges, and adheres to the substrate more firmly over a wider area of contact. Then it forms broad pseudopods to surround its prey and this results in the formation of foodcups. The surface of all ameba is covered with small projections, and membranous blebs are often seen on the surface of phagocytosing organisms.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A small ameba found both in rocky tide pools and tide washed sand is described. It is widely distributed, having been collected in both Pacific and Gulf of Mexico waters. The ameba extends clear, conical pseudopods which wave prior to retraction. It is presented as Vexillifera telmathalassa n. sp., in the Family Mayorellidae, Order Amoebida.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The name Nebela tuberculata comb. nov. is proposed for the testate ameba formerly known as Difflugia tuberculata (Wallich, 1864) Archer, 1867. The generic reassignment is based upon the test construction material which is shown, by electronmicrographs and X-ray diffraction, to be autogenous regular and irregular silicious rods. A brief history of the animal is recounted utilizing works of several authors who have encountered the ameba over the last century.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to A. culbertsoni was studied in 15 Old World monkeys by intranasal, intravenous, or intrathecal inoculation of trophozoites. No clinically detectable disease resulted from either intranasal or intravenous inoculation, but 4 of 7 monkeys inoculated intrathecally succumbed to acutely fatal meningoencephalitis. Virulence of the ameba varied with cultural age of the inoculum. Size of inoculum, passages through animal tissues, and host-immune competence were other factors of consideration in pathogenicity of the ameba.  相似文献   

In an aggregation territory of Dictyostelium discoideum, outwardly moving, nondissipating waves of the chemoattractant cAMP sweep across each ameba. At the front of each wave, an ameba experiences an increasing temporal and a positive spatial gradient of cAMP. At the back of a wave, an ameba experiences a decreasing temporal and a negative spatial gradient of cAMP. Employing a perfusion chamber, we have mimicked the temporal dynamics of these waves in the absence of a spatial gradient and demonstrated that the frequency of lateral pseudopod formation and the frequency of turning are dramatically affected by the direction and dynamics of the temporal gradient. In addition, since an ameba will move in a directed fashion up a shallow, nonpulsatile gradient of cAMP, we also mimicked the increasing temporal gradient generated by an ameba moving up a shallow spatial gradient. The frequency of lateral pseudopod formation and the frequency of turning were depressed. Together, these results demonstrate that amebae can assess the direction of a temporal gradient of chemoattractant in the absence of a spatial gradient and alter both the frequency of pseudopod extension and turning, accordingly. Although these results do not rule out the involvement of a spatial mechanism in assessing a spatial gradient, they strongly suggest that the temporal dynamics of a cAMP wave or the temporal gradient generated by an ameba moving through a spatial gradient may play a major role in chemotaxis.  相似文献   

By means of micro-dissection and injection Amœba proteus was treated with the chlorides of Na, K, Ca, and Mg alone, in combination, and with variations of pH. I. The Plasmalemma. 1. NaCl weakens and disrupts the surface membrane of the ameba. Tearing the membrane accelerates the disruption which spreads rapidly from the site of the tear. KCl has no disruptive effect on the membrane but renders it adhesive. 2. MgCl2 and CaCl2 have no appreciable effect on the integrity of the surface membrane of the ameba when applied on the outside. No spread of disruption occurs when the membrane is torn in these salts. When these salts are introduced into the ameba they render the pellicle of the involved region rigid. II. The Internal Protoplasm. 3. Injected water either diffuses through the protoplasm or becomes localized in a hyaline blister. Large amounts when rapidly injected produce a "rushing effect". 4. HCl at pH 1.8 solidifies the internal protoplasm and at pH 2.2 causes solidification only after several successive injections. The effect of the subsequent injections may be due to the neutralization of the cell-buffers by the first injection. 5. NaCl and KCl increase the fluidity of the internal protoplasm and induce quiescence. 6. CaCl2 and MgCl2 to a lesser extent solidify the internal protoplasm. With CaCl2 the solidification tends to be localized. With MgCl2 it tends to spread. The injection of CaCl2 accelerates movement in the regions not solidified whereas the injection of MgCl2 induces quiescence. III. Pinching-Off Reaction. 7. A hyaline blister produced by the injection of water may be pinched off. The pinched-off blister is a liquid sphere surrounded by a pellicle. 8. Pinching off always takes place with injections of HCl when the injected region is solidified. 9. The injection of CaCl2 usually results in the pinching off of the portion solidified. The rate of pinching off varies with the concentration of the salt. The injection of MgCl2 does not cause pinching off. IV. Reparability of Torn Surfaces. 10. The repair of a torn surface takes place readily in distilled water. In the different salt solutions, reparability varies specifically with each salt, with the concentration of the salt, and with the extent of the tear. In NaCl and in KCl repair occurs less readily than in water. In MgCl2 repair takes place with great difficulty. In CaCl2 a proper estimate of the process of repair is complicated by the pinching-off phenomenon. However, CaCl2 is the only salt found to increase the mobility of the plasmalemma, and this presumably enhances its reparability. 11. The repair of the surface is probably a function of the internal protoplasm and depends upon an interaction of the protoplasm with the surrounding medium. V. Permeability. 12. NaCl and KCl readily penetrate the ameba from the exterior. CaCl2 and MgCl2 do not. 13. All four salts when injected into an ameba readily diffuse through the internal protoplasm. In the case of CaCl2 the diffusion may be arrested by the pinching-off process. VI. Toxicity. 14. NaCl and KCl are more toxic to the exterior of the cell than to the interior, and the reverse is true for CaCl2 and MgCl2. 15. The relative non-toxicity of injected NaCl to the interior of the ameba is not necessarily due to its diffusion outward from the cell. 16. HCl is much more toxic to the exterior of a cell than to the interior; at pH 5.5 it is toxic to the surface whereas at pH 2.5 it is not toxic to the interior. NaOH to pH 9.8 is not toxic either to the surface or to the interior. VII. Antagonism. 17. The toxic effects of NaCl and of KCl on the exterior of the cell can be antagonized by CaCl2 and this antagonism occurs at the surface. Although the lethal effect of NaCl is thus antagonized, NaCl still penetrates but at a slower rate than if the ameba were immersed in a solution of this salt alone. 18. NaCl and HCl are mutually antagonistic in the interior of the ameba. No antagonism between the salts and HCl was found on the exterior of the ameba. No antagonism between the salts and NaOH was found on the interior or exterior of the ameba. 19. The pinching-off phenomenon can be antagonized by NaCl or by KCl, and the rate of the retardation of the pinching-off process varies with the concentration of the antagonizing salt. 20. The prevention of repair of a torn membrane by toxic solutions of NaCl or KCl can be antagonized by CaCl2. These experiments show directly the marked difference between the interior and the exterior of the cell in their behavior toward the chlorides of Na, K, Ca, and Mg.  相似文献   

Large numbers of 2 species of Entamoeba, Entamoeba coli and Entamoeba bovis, were recovered from captive white-tailed deer from Georgia. The trophozoite of the first ameba was a large form with a well-defined vesicular nucleus bearing a prominent eccentric endosome, abundant peripheral chromatin, and numerous periendosomal granules. Cytoplasmic vacuoles containing bacteria and other substances were common. Mature cysts were octonucleate. Glycogen vacuoles and irregularly shaped chromatoids were frequently present. This ameba was identified as Entamoeba coli. The trophozoite of the second ameba was small, with a typical Entamoeba nucleus. Cysts were uninucleate, containing numerous chromatoids resembling bars, splinters of wood, and irregular masses. There was occasionally a glycogen vacuole. This ameba was identified as Entamoeba bovis.  相似文献   

A theory of the random change of the shape of an ameba, produced by protusion and retraction of pseudopods is developed on the assumption that a local disturbance, which reduces the surface tension, travels along the surface of the ameba. Quantitative relations suggesting experimental verification are derived for the average size and average duration of a pseudopod.  相似文献   

Twenty-five oxidation-reduction indicators were injected in oxidized or reduced form into Amoeba dubia and Amœba proteus under controlled conditions of oxygen access. (1) Under anaerobiosis the ameba was able to reduce completely all the reversible oxidation-reduction indicators down to and including indigo disulfonate. (2) Under anaerobiosis the ameba was unable to reoxidize six of the most easily oxidizable indicators. (3) Under aerobiosis the ameba was able to reduce completely all the indicators down to and including 1-naphthol-2-sulfonate indo-2, 6-dichlorophenol. Toluylene blue, methylene blue and indigo tetrasulfonate were sometimes completely and sometimes only partly reduced, depending on the quantity of indicator injected and the duration of observation. (4) The time of reduction varied approximately with the size of the injection. Reduction was more rapid under anaerobiosis than under aerobiosis, more rapid in active than in sluggish cells and was retarded by toxic compounds. (5) Sulfonated compounds were somewhat toxic, as a rule. In interpreting reduction phenomena of micro injection, it is necessary to take into consideration the intensity, capacity and rate factors. It then becomes apparent that the ameba has a high reducing potential lying on the rH scale below the zone of indigo disulfonate. The reducing capacity of the ameba seems to be relatively great in the region of the simple indophenols and of a progressively diminishing magnitude as the zone of the indigos is approached. Material of high reduction potential appears to be generated within the ameba at a measurable rate. These phenomena, observed in the interior of the cell with the aid of indicators, parallel very closely those found in reduction electrode studies on bacterial cultures.  相似文献   

The quiescence, rounding, sinking of the granules, and paling of the nucleus are similar to the effects seen after the injection of potassium and sodium chloride (11). Since the sodium salts of the anions were used, it might be inferred that the sodium is the active agent in the injected solutions. This is not entirely the case, however, for the effective concentrations of NaCl required are many times greater than those required in the case of the sodium salts of the calcium-precipitating anions. The fact that practically the same effects can be obtained in both cases leads one to suspect that there is a relation between the results of an increase in sodium ions and a decrease in calcium ions. It has been shown that a M/416 CaCl2 solution will antagonize a M/1 NaCl solution and even a more concentrated solution of KCl inside the ameba (12). Therefore the reduction in amount of calcium may leave a comparatively high concentration of unantagonized sodium and potassium. The fine, purplish red granules resulting from the injection of the alizarin are, no doubt, the insoluble calcium alizarinate. Recovery of an ameba from such an injection may be explained by the postulate that the free calcium ions in the living ameba are in equilibrium with a reserve supply of unionized calcium. The equilibrium is upset when the free calcium is removed by precipitation or by other means, and the system may possibly react in such a way as to counteract the effect of the change imposed. By mobilization of the calcium from a reserve supply the ameba can therefore gradually resume its normal activity. The time required for the recovery depends on the amount of alizarin injected. The diffuse red color which is seen immediately following the injection of alizarin probably represents that extra amount of dye which was not used in precipitating the immediately available calcium. Then, as the calcium is being liberated from the reserve, it is taken up by this surplus alizarin, resulting in a gradual loss of the diffuse coloration and an increase in the number of purplish See PDF for Structure red calcium alizarinate granules. Only when all of the injected dye has been precipitated can the mobilized calcium be used to carry on the normal physiological processes of the organism. The need of calcium to effect ameboid movement has been shown by Pantin (13) in a series of immersion experiments. This fact is quite suggestive, because the first effect of the injection of any of the calcium precipitants is absolute quiescence. Furthermore, there is no return to normal movement until the calcium apparently becomes available to the protoplasm. In support of the conception of a reserve supply of calcium is the presence of the large crystals which give a positive reaction with alizarin for calcium on the death of the ameba. Schewiakoff (14), from crystallographic studies, claims that they are calcium phosphate. The effect of the injection of the calcium-precipitating anions on the calcium of the protoplasm may be shown in another way. In determining the relative toxicity of these salts an arbitrarily standardized injection, about one-fourth of the volume of an ameba, was used. This was introduced because of the necessity to avoid effects due to variable amounts of the solvent, viz., water.. Thus the water effect was kept constant, and the variations in actual amount of salt injected were obtained by using a graded series of concentrations. Arranging the sodium salts of these anions in order of increasing toxicity in one column, and the in vitro solubility products of the corresponding calcium salts in another column, it is seen that as the toxicity increases, the solubility product decreases (Table 1). This fact strongly suggests that the toxicity depends on the ability of the salt to remove calcium ions from the protoplasm. The apparent deviation of the carbonate from the rule can be explained by the specific effect of 002 (10) which is always present from the hydrolysis of the carbonate.  相似文献   

Microscopic observations of live cultures of the pathogenic ameba Balamuthia mandrillaris and mammalian cells showed that amebic feeding involved the invasion of the pseudopodia, and/or the whole ameba into the cells. The ameba, recognized by their size and flow of organelles in the cytosol, was seen to extend the tip of a pseudopodium into the cytoplasm of a cell where it moved about leaving visible damage when retracted. In rounded cells, whole amebas were seen to enter into and move around before exiting a cell and then remain quiescent for hours. The invaded mammalian cells retained their turgidity and excluded vital dyes until only their denuded nuclei remained. The cytoplasm of the cells was consumed first, then the nuclei, but not their mitotic chromosomes. The feeding pattern of four isolates of B. mandrillaris, two from humans and two from soil samples, was by amebic invasion into the mammalian cells. The resulting ameba population included cysts, amebas on the surface, and free-floating amebas as individuals or in dense-packed clusters. There was no morphologic indication of a cytopathic change in the mammalian cells before their invasion by the amebas. Feeding by cell invasion is a distinctive feature of B. mandrillaris.  相似文献   

1. Egg albumin when injected into an ameba or discharged into the solution about it raises the apparent pH of the cytoplasm of the ameba. 2. With time the cytoplasm returns to the original pH 6.9 if the nucleus is present. Amebae that have received repeated injections of albumin in some cases extrude their nuclei. In these cells the cytoplasm remains at the more alkaline pH induced by the albumin for at least 12 hours. 3. When a 2 per cent solution of albumin is introduced into a suspension of amebae there is a temporary marked rise in the rate at which CO2 is given off with no corresponding rise in O2 uptake. 4. The results observed can be explained if the albumin discharged onto the surface of the ameba rapidly enters the cell and there becomes distributed in a phase of the cytoplasm other than the one which contains the phenol red.  相似文献   

Balamuthia mandrillaris is a free-living ameba and an opportunistic agent of granulomatous encephalitis in humans and other mammalian species. Other free-living amebas, such as Acanthamoeba and Hartmannella, can provide a niche for intracellular survival of bacteria, including the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, Legionella pneumophila. Infection of amebas by L. pneumophila enhances the bacterial infectivity for mammalian cells and lung tissues. Likewise, the pathogenicity of amebas may be enhanced when they host bacteria. So far, the colonization of B. mandrillaris by bacteria has not been convincingly shown. In this study, we investigated whether this ameba could host L. pneumophila bacteria. Our experiments showed that L. pneumophila could initiate uptake by B. mandrillaris and could replicate within the ameba about 4 to 5 log cycles from 24 to 72 h after infection. On the other hand, a dotA mutant, known to be unable to propagate in Acanthamoeba castellanii, also did not replicate within B. mandrillaris. Approaching completion of the intracellular cycle, L. pneumophila wild-type bacteria were able to destroy their ameboid hosts. Observations by light microscopy paralleled our quantitative data and revealed the rounding, collapse, clumping, and complete destruction of the infected amebas. Electron microscopic studies unveiled the replication of the bacteria in a compartment surrounded by a structure resembling rough endoplasmic reticulum. The course of intracellular infection, the degree of bacterial multiplication, and the ultrastructural features of a L. pneumophila-infected B. mandrillaris ameba resembled those described for other amebas hosting Legionella bacteria. We hence speculate that B. mandrillaris might serve as a host for bacteria in its natural environment.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations lead to the expectation of some regularities in the apparently random changes of shape of an ameba. We should expect quasiperiodic fluctuations of the ratio of the perimeter to the area of the optical cross-section of an ameba, when plotted against time. The quasi-period should be characteristic of the species. Preliminary experiments appear to bear out that prediction.  相似文献   

In addition to its classic glycolytic role, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been implicated in many activities unrelated to glycolysis, such as membrane fusion, binding to host proteins and signal transduction. GAPDH can be the target of several modifications that allow incorporation to membranes and possible regulation of its activity; among these modifications is mono-ADP-ribosylation. This post-translational modification is important for the regulation of many cellular processes and is the mechanism of action of several bacterial toxins. In a previous study, we observed the extracellular ADP-ribosylation of a 37-kDa ameba protein. We report here that GAPDH and cysteine synthase A are the main ADP-ribosylated proteins in Entamoeba histolytica extracellular medium, GAPDH is secreted from ameba at 37 degrees C in a time-dependent manner, and its enzymatic activity is not inhibited by ADP-ribosylation. Extracellular GAPDH from ameba may play an important role in the survival of this human pathogen or in interaction with host molecules, as occurs in other organisms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We recently reported the isolation of a leptomyxid ameba from the brain of a mandrill baboon that died of meningo-encephalitis. Based on light and electron microscopic studies, animal pathogenicity tests, and immunofluorescence patterns, we conclude that our isolate differs fundamentally from the other two amebas ( Leptomyxa and Gephyramoeba ) included in the Order Leptomyxida. We therefore created a new genus, Balamuthia , to accommodate our isolate and described it as Balamuthia mandrillaris to reflect the origin of the type species. Briefly, B. mandrillaris is a pathogenic ameba that causes amebic encephalitis in humans and animals. It has trophic and cyst stages in its life cycle, and is uninucleate with a large vesicular nucleus and a central nucleolus. Mature cysts have a tripartite wall consisting of an outer loose ectocyst, an inner endocyst and a middle mesocyst. Unlike Acanthamoeba and Naegleria , the other two amebas that cause amebic encephalitis in humans, Balamuthia will not grow on agar plates seeded with enteric bacteria. However, Balamuthia grows on a variety of mammalian cell cultures and kills mice following intranasal or intraperitoneal inoculation. Based on immunofluorescence testing, 35 cases of amebic encephalitis in humans and three in other animals have been identified worldwide as being caused by Balamuthia .  相似文献   

Amebostomes of Naegleria fowleri   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The strain of ameba, culture incubation temperature, and phase of ameba growth affected the number of amebostomes present on amebae of Naegleria fowleri. Serial passage of N. fowleri through mice decreased the average number of amebostomes. Amebostomes were shown to be functional by their ability to engulf yeast cells.  相似文献   

The strain of ameba, culture incubation temperature, and phase of ameba growth affected the number of amebostomes present on amebae of Naegleria fowleri. Serial passage of N. fowleri through mice decreased the average number of amebostomes. Amebostomes were shown to be functional by their ability to engulf yeast cells.  相似文献   

This study has demonstrated that in the ameba, Pelomyxa carolinensis Wilson (Chaos chaos L.) the limiting membranes of mitochondria and postdivision nuclei are often continuous. The morphological relationship may be functional in that it permits an exchange of material resulting directly or indirectly in an increased enzyme content of the mitochondria. It is suggested that through a series of progressive foldings of its envelope, the nucleus may be a site of formation of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Intracellular organelle transport was studied in a new model system, the giant freshwater ameba Reticulomyxa. The ameba extends a large reticulate network of cytoplasmic strands in which various phase-dense organelles can be seen to move at a rate of up to 25 microns/s. This combined light and high voltage electron microscopic study shows that organelles move bidirectionally in even the finest network strands that contain only a single microtubule. In terms of microtubule-associated intracellular transport, this observation defines a minimum set of conditions necessary for such movement. The implications of this finding for possible models of force generation are discussed.  相似文献   

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