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Interaction of DNA with nuclear scaffolds in vitro   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
We have previously identified a number of specific DNA fragments called SARs (scaffold-associated regions) that are associated with the nuclear scaffold and define the basis of DNA loops. We demonstrate that cloned DNA fragments containing SAR sequences bind to nuclear scaffolds in vitro with the same specificity as have genomic SAR fragments. This specific interaction is observed with the biochemically complex type I scaffolds. These scaffolds are composed of the nuclear lamina proteins and a set of other proteins that forms the internal network of these structures. So-called type II scaffolds, which are composed primarily of the lamina proteins and lack the proteins of the internal network, do not bind the SAR fragments at a detectable level. Competition experiments show that different SARs share common structural elements and can bind to the same sites on the nuclear scaffold, although with different affinities. Moreover, the SAR binding sites appear to be evolutionarily conserved, as all the Drosophila SARs also bind with identical specificity to nuclear scaffolds derived from rat liver nuclei. These Sar interaction studies were carried out with lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate-extracted nuclei. Interestingly, scaffolds prepared by high-salt extraction also bind the genomic and exogenously added SAR fragments specifically. However, the endogenous transcribed sequences, as opposed to the same fragments added as purified DNA, associate randomly with these scaffolds.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to localize the previously detected strong and weak bonds of nuclear matrix proteins with DNA in some groups of proteins, using fractionation of the matrix into lamina and intranuclear fibrils, isolation of the "elementary globules", fractionation of matrix nucleoproteins on hydroxyapatite. It was shown that both weak and strong bonds are localized on the nuclear lamina and in the intranuclear fibrils. The single-stranded DNA enriched fraction of the matrix nucleoproteins contained mostly strong bonds. The strong bond is less resistant to pronase treatment. A method for isolating nuclear matrix nucleoprotein fractions carrying only strong or only weak bonds is proposed.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of positively and negatively charged unilamellar and multilamellar phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) with rat-liver parenchymal cells in primary monolayer culture. Radioactive liposomal phosphatidylcholine was taken up more rapidly and to a larger extent from unilamellar than from multilamellar vesicles. No significant difference in uptake characteristics was observed between vesicles of different charge. The presence of serum greatly reduced uptake of liposomal phosphatidylcholine of both unilamellar and multilamellar vesicles. This serum effect was independent of surface charge of the vesicles. When cells were allowed to take up radioactive liposomal phospholipid and then incubated further in absence of vesicles, part of the radioactivity associated with the cells was released into the medium, most of it as water soluble degradation products. When cells were preincubated with vesicles containing horseradish peroxidase and then, after removal of the vesicles, further incubated, peroxidase activity could be demonstrated in the culture medium, part of it only after addition of Triton X-100. These observations were taken to indicate that part of the phospholipid taken up the cells represented vesicles binding to the cell surface rather than having been internalized. Vesicle-entrapped [125I]albumin was taken up by the cells and rapidly hydrolyzed as indicated by the appearance of radioactivity soluble in trichloroacetic acid within minutes after starting the incubation. No uptake of free albumin could be demonstrated. The kinetics of albumin uptake and release of trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity from the cells suggest that, initially, liposomes are internalized predominantly by endocytosis, while during prolonged incubation fusion of the liposomal membrane with the plasma membrane gradually contributes more substantially to the overall uptake process. The significance of these findings is emphasized with special reference to the use of liposomes as intravenous carriers of enzymes or drugs.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of hepatocytes isolated by collagenase perfusion of adult rats were transformed by infection with adenovirus type 5 or transfection with adenovirus DNA. Total virion DNA or recombinant plasmid DNA containing the adenovirus E1A and E1B genes transformed hepatocytes at comparable frequencies. No foci of replicating hepatocytes were detected after transfection with a plasmid containing the E1A gene alone. The frequency of transformation by the adenovirus E1A and E1B genes was dependent on the composition of the culture medium. Transformation occurred at a low frequency when the transfected hepatocytes were maintained in a chemically defined medium (CDM), but the frequency was enhanced 8- to 10-fold when the cells were maintained in (i) serum-supplemented medium or (ii) CDM supplemented with epidermal growth factor. Cell lines derived from the adenovirus-transformed colonies of hepatocytes expressed adenovirus E1A and E1B RNAs. When hepatocytes were maintained in CDM supplemented with dimethyl sulfoxide and transfected with plasmids containing the E1A and E1B genes, it was possible to derive cell lines that retained the ability to express several liver-specific genes, including albumin, transferrin, hemopexin, and the third component of complement. The amount of albumin secreted per cell varied from 1 to 5 pg per cell per 24 h, and in one cell line it was below detectable levels by passage 9. Adenovirus-transformed hepatocytes were not tumorigenic when inoculated subcutaneously into neonatal syngeneic rats. We conclude that the adenovirus E1A and E1B genes are capable of transforming adult rat hepatocytes, a differentiated epithelial cell type.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated that the nuclear matrix of rat liver possesses the protease activity. The specific activity of nuclear matrix proteases exceeds that of intact nuclei 7-fold. The optimum activity of nuclear matrix proteases is observed at pH 8-9. The protease activity of the nuclear matrix is inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate, N-ethylmaleimide, EDTA, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. This suggests that thiol, serine and metalloproteases are associated with the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Monolayer cultures of rat hepatocytes activated tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate (Tris-BP) more efficiently than 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF), to genotoxic products which caused mutations in co-cultures of S. typhimurium. In contrast, AAF caused a greater genotoxic response in the hepatocytes than Tris-BP, as judged by the increase in DNA-repair synthesis measured by liquid scintillation counting of 3H-TdR incorporated into DNA isolated from the nuclei of the hepatocytes. Covalent binding of 0.05 mM 3H-Tris-BP to cellular proteins occurred at a similar rate as covalent binding of 0.25 mM 14C-AAF. Tris-BP was the more cytotoxic of the two compounds as determined by leakage of cellular lactate dehydrogenase into the culture medium. The observed differences in the cytotoxic and genotoxic responses between Tris-BP and AAF were probably caused by differences in the nature of their reactive metabolites with respect to stability, lipophilicity and/or their interactions with variuos cellular nucleophilic sites. The relative DNA-repair synthesis induced by an AAF exposure for 18 h decreased with time after plating of isolated hepatocytes. Tris-BP first caused an increase in the relative DNA-repair synthesis up to 27 h after plating, whereafter the response declined reaching control values using cultures 75 h after plating. In parallel with the decreased relative response in DNA-repair synthesis with time, the background radioactivity in isolated nuclei from untreated cells increased both when the hepatocytes were incubated in the presence or absence of hydroxyurea to inhibit replicative DNA synthesis. Increased DNA-repair synthesis was demonstrated as early as 3 h after commencing exposure to the test substances. While the induced DNA-repair synthesis caused by Tris-BP remained constant after 6 h of exposure, the response caused by AAF increased with increased exposure time beyond 6 h. To assess the role of different metabolic pathways in the genotoxic and cytotoxic responses of Tris-BP and AAF, the hepatocytes were exposed to test substances in the presence of various metabolic inhibitors for 3 h, whereafter the cell medium was removed and replaced by cell-culture medium containing 3H-TdR and hydroxyurea. The cytochrome P-450 inhibitor metyrapone decreased both the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of Tris-BP, while α-naphthoflavone reduced the genotoxic effect of AAF. The addition of glutathione (GSH) or N-acetylcysteine decreased both the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of Tris-BP, while cellular depletion of GSH by diethylmaleate increased these effects. Manipulations in the cellular levels of sulhydryl-containing substances in the hepatocytes by these agents had little effects on the DNA-repair synthesis caused by AAF. The results indicate that such a hepatocyte culture system may be very useful as a tool to study mechanisms involved in the formation of cytotoxic and/or genotoxic metabolites from various xenobiotics.  相似文献   

Rat liver glucocorticoid-receptor complexes (GRC) acquire the ability to bind to DNA in a high affinity manner after activation by heating or precipitation with (NH)2SO4. DNA is practically non-saturable by GRC in low salt buffers as well as in 0.15 M NaCl-containing buffer, although in the latter case the binding decreases approximately 3--5 times. GRC bind to homo- and heterologous prokaryotic DNA in a similar way; in both cases an addition of KCl (up to 0.15 M) to the medium is followed by the same decrease of the binding. This data suggest that the association of GRC with DNA observed in vitro is not accompanied by "recognition" of any certain DNA site. Besides DNA, activated GRC can associate with other polymers, charged positively (DEAE-cellulose) or negatively (RNA, polyvinylsulfate). GRC interact very weakly with neutral compounds of the cellulose type but are strongly adsorbed on hydroxyapatite. Hence the activated GRC can be considered as an amphoteric protein. Salt solutions provoke dissociation of the GRC-DNA triple complexes: a complete dissociation is observed in the presence of 0,4 M NaCl or 0,4 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6,9). Sodium phosphate buffer also elutes GRC from other sorbents such as DEAE-cellulose or hydroxyapatite. No significant dissociation of the GRC-DNA complexes is observed at sucrose concentration up to 2 M. The data obtained are indicative of an essential role of electrostatic forces for the interaction of GRC with DNA. The non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 at a concentration as low as 0,05% completely destroys the GRC-DNA triple complexes. The models explicating the selectivity of the genome activation by GRC without their "recognition" of any specific DNA sequences are proposed.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis in hepatocytes was studied by incorporation of [3H]thymidine administered to portal vein of gamma-irradiated (80 Gy) rats. It was shown that the rate of replicative DNA synthesis decreased in hepatocytes of the regenerating liver and unscheduled DNA synthesis was induced at the nuclear matrix of resting cells of the intact liver. In addition to repair synthesis, DNA synthesis resembling replicative one ("aberrant" DNA synthesis) accounts for a considerable fraction of gamma-radiation-induced synthesis of DNA at the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis was studied as a function of age in hepatocytes isolated from 6- to 32-months-old rats. Unscheduled DNA synthesis was measured by both DNA specific activity and autoradiography. Using both procedures, a significant decline in unscheduled DNA synthesis was observed after 14 months of age.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes were used as an in vitro model to investigate A possible interaction between oxytetracycline (OXT) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). LDH leakage, RNA and protein synthesis and glycogen accumulation were measured in the presence of both drugs, either separately or in combination. The evolution of LDH leakage during the incubation was identical in untreated and treated cells. AFB1 inhibited RNA and protein synthesis at a concentration of 10–7 M and 10–6 M, respectively, and higher, whereas OXT did not influence RNA synthesis but inhibited protein synthesis at the highest tested concentration, 10–3 M. As far as glycogen is concerned, rats were injected with glucagon before sacrifice in order to obtain a constant synthesis rate in isolated hepatocytes. AFB1 inhibited the accumulation of glycogen from 10–6 M upward. This effect was never observed before 90 min of incubation. OXT had no effect on glycogen synthesis. In the presence of both drugs, no interaction was demonstrated as far as RNA and protein synthesis were concerned, but OXT opposed the inhibition induced by AFB1 on glycogen accumulation. If the in vivo protection, provided by OXT against AFBI-induced toxicity, is due to a direct interference in the toxic mechanisms of the mycotoxin, these results show that OXT does not influence the AFB1-inhibition of RNA and protein synthesis. The latter are early and sensitive parameters inhibited by AFB1. On the contrary, taking into consideration the results on glycogen accumulation, it seems more interesting to investigate further this metabolism.Abbreviations AFB1 Aflatoxin B1 - OXT Oxytetracycline - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase - DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin  相似文献   

Nalidixic acid, a DNA topoisomerase inhibitor, has been reported to inhibit DNA repair in some mammalian systems. To investigate the effect of nalidixic acid on DNA repair in cultured rat hepatocytes, DNA damage was induced by ultraviolet light or N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The presence of aphidicolin, a DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor resulted in a decrease in DNA repair. Nalidixic acid had no inhibitory effect. Neither aphidicolin nor nalidixic acid induced DNA repair. These results indicate that nalidixic acid does not damage DNA or inhibit DNA repair processes in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the collagenase perfusion of adult rat liver results in significant damage to nuclear DNA as evaluated by the alkaline elution technique. The extent of the damage is related to the perfusion time as well as to the clostridial enzyme preparation used. The DNA structure of isolated cells is almost completely repaired within 12 h of their culture in chemically defined medium.  相似文献   

Several preparations of nuclear matrices containing varying amounts of DNA were obtained from mouse plasmocytoma P3-X63-Ag8.653 cells and tested for the presence of RNA polymerase II activity. It has been demonstrated that about 25% of RNA polymerase II activity detected in the original nuclei can be recovered in isolated nuclear matrices. Only DNA-bound RNA polymerase II was found in the isolated matrices, while both free and DNA-bound RNA polymerase II activities were detected in the original nuclei. RNA polymerase II activity found in the isolated matrices did not depend on the portion of DNA recovered in the nuclear matrices in a large interval between 91 and 1.5% of DNA content in the original nuclei. The conclusion has been drawn that initiated RNA polymerase II molecules are non-randomly distributed along DNA loops. They are concentrated near the points of DNA attachment to the nuclear skeleton.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of extranucleolar RNA transcribed during short periods of labeling with [3H]UdR in isolated rat hepatocytes is studied using high resolution autoradiography combined with a preferential staining for ribonucleoproteins. The labeled RNA is characterized in parallel experiments by electrophoresis on exponential polyacrylamide gels under denaturing conditions. It is demonstrated, using ultrathin sections of Epon embedded cells, that after 2 or 5 min of labeling the radioactivity is predominantly associated with perichromatin fibrils localized frequently in proximity to condensed chromatin regions. Autoradiographs of ultrathin frozen sections confirm the perichromatin localization of the rapidly labeled RNA. The great majority of this label is represented by growing chains of pre-mRNA. After 2 or 4 h of non-radioactive chase following the radioactive incubation, the major part of silver grains is still associated with perichromatin fibrils but is found distributed rather homogeneously throughout the nucleoplasm. This would suggest a migration of a part of the labeled perichromatin fibrils towards the interchromatin regions. At this time the label is characterized as pre-mRNA of intermediate size. These findings are discussed in the context of other recent investigations of the localization of newly transcribed nuclear RNA.  相似文献   

Regulation of nuclear DNA synthesis in rat liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Comparative studies with rat transferrin (rTf) and asialotransferrin (asialo-rTf) were performed on suspended adult rat hepatocytes with the aim of elucidating the mechanism of enhanced hepatic Fe acquisition from asialo-rTf observed previously in vivo. At low ligand concentrations (0.05-20 micrograms/ml), the cells bound more asialo-rTf than rTf. However, the excess binding was abolished by incubation either in the presence of 1.55 mg/ml of diferric rTf or of 1 mg/ml of asialomucin. Following either treatment, asialo-rTf and rTf were bound to comparable extents. These findings indicate that both transferrin receptors and the hepatic galactose recognition system (lectin) are essential for preferential binding of asialo-rTf by hepatocytes. The possibility is considered that the lectin facilitates capture of asialo-rTf by the same binding sites that are normally available for rTf rather than that it functions as an alternative pathway. In agreement with this view, asialo-rTf could not be channeled into the lectin-mediated degradative pathway by blocking Tf receptors with human Tf. Enhanced Fe uptake from asialo-rTf was fully prevented by asialomucin and partially prevented by human Tf. The incomplete efficacy of human Tf in this regard supports reports in the literature about Fe uptake by the liver in a manner that is independent of Tf receptors. Rhesus asialo-Tf was deployed to show that no recognition mechanism exists for heterologous asialo-Tf in rat hepatocytes. The importance of using undenatured labeled proteins for studies with cells is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the main characteristics of the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine within the nucleus of rat hepatocytes. The glycosylation pathway includes the presence of lipids which mediate the nuclear proteins glycosylation. The level of dolichylphosphate seems low and thus could be a regulation factor in the nuclear glycosylations. The discussion deals with the membranous character of the acceptors and the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, the N-linkage of the sugar moiety to nuclear proteins and the function of such glycosylation.  相似文献   

1. Nuclei were prepared from rat hepatocytes. A biochemical analysis of marker enzymes showed that the nuclei are not contaminated by other subcellular fractions, especially endoplasmic reticulum. 2. The transfer of [14C]N-acetylglucosamine to endogenous acceptors were studied comparatively in the nuclei and in the other subcellular fractions of rat hepatocytes. 3. In this report we describe the presence of the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine within the nucleus of rat hepatocytes. We found 21% of this transfer in the nucleus fraction with an enrichment of 26 in comparison to homogenate.  相似文献   

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