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灵长类近节指趾骨的弯曲程度被认为是树栖性和悬垂位移行为的一个重要指标。几何形态测量学—多项式曲线拟合法(GM-PCF)提供了一种更加精准的指趾骨弯曲程度的定量化指标,以剔除指趾骨大小因素之后的标准化曲线高度(NPCH)作为其弯曲程度的指标,配合指趾骨的曲线长度,可以更加全面地定量分析灵长类指趾骨弯曲程度与位移行为的对应关系。尤其是涵盖灵长类大部分位移行为方式的15个类群、328个个体、5000余件指趾骨的参考样本,基本可以满足各种化石灵长类指趾骨弯曲程度分析和位移行为方式重建的需求。本文总结了发现有完整第II-V近节指趾骨化石材料的人猿超科成员的颅后骨骼形态适应及位移行为的重建,并运用GM-PCF对这些指趾骨化石的弯曲程度进行了对比分析,以通过指趾骨弯曲程度重建人猿超科成员的位移行为适应,并可为这些人猿超科成员位移行为的完整演化图景增加新的认识。  相似文献   

长久以来,指骨弯曲程度都被用来推断化石灵长类移动行为方式。此前已有一些方法被提出并用于定量化比较指骨弯曲程度,包括半径弯曲程度法(radius of curvature)、夹角法(included angle, IA)、标准化矩臂弯曲程度法(normalized curvature moment arm, NCMA)以及高精度多项式曲线拟合法(high-resolution polynomial curve fitting, HR-PCF)。然而,在对指骨弯曲程度进行定量化的过程中,这些方法都显示出了理论或技术上的局限性。因此,在运用这些方法之前,应当谨慎考虑其适用性和精确程度对分析结果所产生的影响。鉴于此,为了避免先前方法中存在的问题并更加精确地定量描述指骨弯曲程度,本文介绍了一种新方法作为替代。该方法基于对指骨侧视图背侧轮廓曲线几何形态测量学标志点数据的四阶多项式曲线拟合,称为几何形态测量学—多项式曲线拟合法(4th order polynomial curve fitting on geometric morphometric landmark data, GM-PCF)。它以标准化指骨曲线高度(normalized phalangeal curve height, NPCH)作为指骨弯曲程度的定量指标,并且可以将平均标准化指骨曲线进行可视化以用于其弯曲程度的直观对比。此外,它还可以提供在解释指骨弯曲程度的功能意义中非常关键的指骨(背侧轮廓曲线)长度比例信息。GM-PCF还能够分析化石中常见的不完整的指骨。为了检验新方法的适用性,我们从现生类人猿(anthropoids)中选取了15个涵盖灵长类大部分移动行为方式的类群作为参考样本,采用GM-PCF方法对其指骨弯曲程度进行了定量分析,结果表明标准化指骨曲线高度(NPCH)对灵长类移动行为方式有很好的指示意义,配合指骨曲线长度,还可以更进一步了解树栖四足行走(arboreal quadrupedalism)、悬垂(suspension)与摆荡(brachiation)等行为与灵长类体型大小的关系。作为个案,我们采用新方法对中国中新世的两种禄丰古猿(禄丰禄丰古猿Lufengpithecus lufengensis和蝴蝶禄丰古猿Lufengpithecus hudienensis)的指骨弯曲程度与参考样本进行了对比,并根据对比结果对其最为可能的移动行为方式偏好进行了推断。  相似文献   

Eleven proximal and ten intermediate partial or complete hominoid phalanges have been recovered from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar in Turkey. Based on species representation at Pa?alar, it is likely that most or all of the phalanges belong to Griphopithecus alpani rather than Kenyapithecus kizili, but both species may be represented. All of the complete or nearly complete phalanges appear to be manual, so comparisons to extant and other fossil primate species were limited to manual phalanges. Comparisons were made to extant hominoid and cercopithecoid primate genera expressing a variety of positional repertoires and varying degrees of arboreality and terrestriality. The comparisons consisted of a series of bivariate indices derived from previous publications on Miocene catarrhine phalangeal morphology. The proximal phalanges have dorsally expanded proximal articular surfaces, which is characteristic of cercopithecoids and most other Miocene hominoids, and indicates that the predominant positional behaviors involved pronograde quadrupedalism. Among the extant primates, many of the proximal and intermediate phalangeal indices clearly distinguish more habitually terrestrial taxa from those that are predominantly arboreal, and especially from taxa that commonly engage in suspensory activities. For nearly every index, the values of the Pa?alar phalanges occupy an intermediate position-most similar to values for Pan and, to a lesser extent, Macaca-indicating a generalized morphology and probably the use of both arboreal and terrestrial substrates. At least some terrestrial activity is also compatible with reconstructions of the Pa?alar habitat. Most proximal and intermediate phalanges of other middle and late Miocene hominoids have similar index values to those of the Pa?alar specimens, revealing broadly similar manual phalangeal morphology among many Miocene hominoids.  相似文献   

The early Miocene catarrhine fossil record of East Africa represents a diverse and extensive adaptive radiation. It is well accepted that these taxa encompass a dietary range similar to extant hominoids, in addition to some potentially novel dietary behaviour. There have been numerous attempts to infer diet for these taxa from patterns of dental allometry and incisor and molar microwear, however, morphometric analyses until now have been restricted to the post-canine dentition. It has already been demonstrated that given the key functional role of the incisors in pre-processing food items prior to mastication, there is a positive correlation between diet and incisal curvature (Deane, A.S., Kremer, E.P., Begun, D.R., 2005. A new approach to quantifying anatomical curvatures using High Resolution Polynomial Curve Fitting (HR-PCF). Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 128(3), 630-638.; Deane, A.S., 2007. Inferring dietary behaviour for Miocene hominoids: A high-resolution morphometric approach to incisal crown curvature. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Toronto.). This study seeks to re-examine existing dietary hypotheses for large-bodied early Miocene fossil catarrhines by contrasting the incisal curvature for these taxa with comparative models derived from prior studies of the correlation between extant hominoid incisor curvature and feeding behaviour. Incisor curvature was quantified for 78 fossil incisors representing seven genera, and the results confirm that early Miocene fossil catarrhines represent a dietary continuum ranging from more folivorous (i.e., Rangwapithecus) to more frugivorous (i.e., Proconsul) diets, as well as novel dietary behaviours that are potentially similar to extant ceboids (i.e., Afropithecus). Additionally, early Miocene fossil catarrhine incisors are less curved than extant hominoid incisors, indicating a general pattern of increasing mesio-distal and labial curvature through time. This pattern of morphological shifting is consistent with the Red Queen Effect (Van Valen, L., 1973. A new evolutionary law. Evol. Theory 1, 1-30), which predicts that taxa that are removed from one another by geological time, although potentially having similar diets, may exhibit differing degrees of a similar dietary adaptation (i.e., differing degrees of incisal curvature).  相似文献   

Phalanges are considered to be highly informative in the reconstruction of extinct primate locomotor behavior since these skeletal elements directly interact with the substrate during locomotion. Variation in shaft curvature and relative phalangeal length has been linked to differences in the degree of suspension and overall arboreal locomotor activities. Building on previous work, this study investigated these two skeletal characters in a comparative context to analyze function, while taking evolutionary relationships into account. This study examined the correspondence between proportions of suspension and overall substrate usage observed in 17 extant taxa and included angle of curvature and relative phalangeal length. Predictive models based on these traits are reported. Published proportions of different locomotor behaviors were regressed against each phalangeal measurement and a size proxy. The relationship between each behavior and skeletal trait was investigated using ordinary least-squares, phylogenetic generalized least-squares (pGLS), and two pGLS transformation methods to determine the model of best-fit. Phalangeal curvature and relative length had significant positive relationships with both suspension and overall arboreal locomotion. Cross-validation analyses demonstrated that relative length and curvature provide accurate predictions of relative suspensory behavior and substrate usage in a range of extant species when used together in predictive models. These regression equations provide a refined method to assess the amount of suspensory and overall arboreal locomotion characterizing species in the catarrhine fossil record.  相似文献   

The extinct dryopithecine Hispanopithecus (Primates: Hominidae), from the Late Miocene of Europe, is the oldest fossil great ape displaying an orthograde body plan coupled with unambiguous suspensory adaptations. On the basis of hand morphology, Hispanopithecus laietanus has been considered to primitively retain adaptations to above-branch quadrupedalism-thus displaying a locomotor repertoire unknown among extant or fossil hominoids, which has been considered unlikely by some researchers. Here we describe a partial skeleton of H. laietanus from the Vallesian (MN9) locality of Can Feu 1 (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula), with an estimated age of 10.0-9.7 Ma. It includes dentognathic and postcranial remains of a single, female adult individual, with an estimated body mass of 22-25 kg. The postcranial remains of the rib cage, shoulder girdle and forelimb show a mixture of monkey-like and modern-hominoid-like features. In turn, the proximal morphology of the ulna-most completely preserved in the Can Feu skeleton than among previously-available remains-indicates the possession of an elbow complex suitable for preserving stability along the full range of flexion/extension and enabling a broad range of pronation/supination. Such features, suitable for suspensory behaviors, are however combined with an olecranon morphology that is functionally related to quadrupedalism. Overall, when all the available postcranial evidence for H. laietanus is considered, it emerges that this taxon displayed a locomotor repertoire currently unknown among other apes (extant or extinct alike), uniquely combining suspensory-related features with primitively-retained adaptations to above-branch palmigrady. Despite phylogenetic uncertainties, Hispanopithecus is invariably considered an extinct member of the great-ape-and-human clade. Therefore, the combination of quadrupedal and suspensory adaptations in this Miocene crown hominoid clearly evidences the mosaic nature of locomotor evolution in the Hominoidea, as well as the impossibility to reconstruct the ancestral locomotor repertoires for crown hominoid subclades on the basis of extant taxa alone.  相似文献   

The partial skeleton of Pierolapithecus, which provides the oldest unequivocal evidence of orthogrady, together with the recently described phalanges from Pa?alar most likely attributable to Griphopithecus, provide a unique opportunity for understanding the changes in hand anatomy during the pronogrady/orthogrady transition in hominoid evolution. In this paper, we describe the Pierolapithecus hand phalanges and compare their morphology and proportions with those of other Miocene apes in order to make paleobiological inferences about locomotor evolution. In particular, we investigate the orthograde/pronograde evolutionary transition in order to test whether the acquisition of vertical climbing and suspension were decoupled during evolution. Our results indicate that the manual phalanges of Miocene apes are much more similar to one another than to living apes. In particular, Miocene apes retain primitive features related to powerful-grasping palmigrady on the basal portion, the shaft, and the trochlea of the proximal phalanges. These features suggest that above-branch quadrupedalism, inherited from stem hominoids, constituted a significant component of the locomotor repertories of different hominoid lineages at least until the late Miocene. Nonetheless, despite their striking morphological similarities, several Miocene apes do significantly differ in phalangeal curvature and/or elongation. Hispanopithecus most clearly departs by displaying markedly-curved and elongated phalanges, similar to those in the most suspensory of the extant apes (hylobatids and orangutans). This feature agrees with several others that indicate orang-like suspensory capabilities. The remaining Miocene apes, on the contrary, display low to moderate phalangeal curvature, and short to moderately-elongated phalanges, which are indicative of the lack of suspensory adaptations. As such, the transition from a pronograde towards an orthograde body plan, as far as this particular anatomical region is concerned, is reflected only in somewhat more elongated phalanges, which may be functionally related to enhanced vertical-climbing capabilities. Our results therefore agree with the view that hominoid locomotor evolution largely took place in a mosaic fashion: just as taillessness antedated the acquisition of an orthograde body plan, the emergence of the latter—being apparently related only to vertical climbing—also preceded the acquisition of suspensory adaptations, as well as the loss of primitively-retained, palmigrady-related features.  相似文献   

Accurately interpreting fossil primate dietary behaviour is necessary to fully understand a species' ecology and connection to its environment. Traditional methods developed to infer diet from hominoid teeth successfully group taxa into broad dietary categories (i.e., folivore, frugivore) but often fail to represent the range of dietary variability characteristic of living apes. This oversimplification is not only a consequence of poor resolution, but may also reflect the use of similar fallback resources by closely related taxa with dissimilar diets. This study demonstrates that additional dietary specificity can be achieved using a morphometric approach to hominoid incisor curvature. High-resolution polynomial curve fitting (HR-PCF) was used to quantify the incisor curvatures of closely related hominoid taxa that have dissimilar diets but similar morphological adaptations to specific keystone resources (e.g., Gorilla gorilla beringei vs. G. g. gorilla). Given the key role of incisors in food processing, it is reasonable to assume that these teeth will be at least partially influenced by the unique selective pressures imposed by the mechanical loading specific to individual diets. Results from this study identify a strong correlation between hominoid dietary proportions and incisor linear dimensions and curvature, indicating that more pronounced incisor curvature is positively correlated with higher levels of frugivory. Hard-object frugivores have the greatest mesiodistal and cervico-incisal curvature and dedicated folivores have the least curved incisors. Mixed folivore/frugivores are morphological intermediates between dedicated folivores and hard- and soft-object frugivores. Mesiodistal curvature varied only in the degree of curvature; however, cervico-incisal curvature was shown to differ qualitatively between more frugivorous and more folivorous taxa. In addition to identifying a greater range of dietary variability among hominoids, this study also demonstrates that HR-PCF is capable of identifying morphological distinctions between closely related taxa with overlapping diets that rely on similar fallback foods (e.g., Pan paniscus vs. P. troglodytes).  相似文献   

This article examines the curvature of the manual proximal and middle phalanges of species belonging to Pan, Gorilla, Ateles, Macaca, Pongo, Hylobates, and Cebus to determine whether middle phalangeal curvature, when considered in conjunction with proximal phalangeal curvature, yields a locomotor signal. Prior studies have demonstrated the discriminatory power of proximal phalanges for separating suspensory species (including knuckle walkers) from pronograde quadrupedal species, but less emphasis has been placed on the distinguishing phalangeal characteristics of taxa within the suspensory category. This study demonstrates, first, that middle phalanges discriminate suspensory from nonsuspensory species, although not as cleanly as proximal phalanges. Finer discrimination of locomotor signals, including subtle differences among animals employing different modes of suspension, is possible through a comparison of the curvatures of the proximal phalanges and corresponding middle phalanges. Their relative curvature differs in quadrupeds, brachiators, and knuckle walkers. Knuckle walkers (Pan and Gorilla) have relatively little curvature of the middle phalanges coupled with marked curvature of the proximal phalanges, whereas brachiators (Ateles and Hylobates) display marked curvature of both proximal and middle phalanges, and pronograde quadrupeds (Cebus and Macaca) have relatively straight proximal and moderately curved middle phalanges. Quadrumanous climbers (Pongo) have a unique combination of traits, whereby curvature is high in both proximal and middle phalanges, but less so in the latter than the former. These differences, predictable on the basis of the biomechanical forces to which digits are subjected, may open a new venue for future research on the locomotor repertoire of prebipedal ancestors of hominins.  相似文献   

Bone is capable of adapting during life in response to stress. Therefore, variation in locomotor and manipulative behaviours across extant hominoids may be reflected in differences in trabecular bone structure. The hand is a promising region for trabecular analysis, as it is the direct contact between the individual and the environment and joint positions at peak loading vary amongst extant hominoids. Building upon traditional volume of interest-based analyses, we apply a whole-epiphysis analytical approach using high-resolution microtomographic scans of the hominoid third metacarpal to investigate whether trabecular structure reflects differences in hand posture and loading in knuckle-walking (Gorilla, Pan), suspensory (Pongo, Hylobates and Symphalangus) and manipulative (Homo) taxa. Additionally, a comparative phylogenetic method was used to analyse rates of evolutionary changes in trabecular parameters. Results demonstrate that trabecular bone volume distribution and regions of greatest stiffness (i.e., Young''s modulus) correspond with predicted loading of the hand in each behavioural category. In suspensory and manipulative taxa, regions of high bone volume and greatest stiffness are concentrated on the palmar or distopalmar regions of the metacarpal head, whereas knuckle-walking taxa show greater bone volume and stiffness throughout the head, and particularly in the dorsal region; patterns that correspond with the highest predicted joint reaction forces. Trabecular structure in knuckle-walking taxa is characterised by high bone volume fraction and a high degree of anisotropy in contrast to the suspensory brachiators. Humans, in which the hand is used primarily for manipulation, have a low bone volume fraction and a variable degree of anisotropy. Finally, when trabecular parameters are mapped onto a molecular-based phylogeny, we show that the rates of change in trabecular structure vary across the hominoid clade. Our results support a link between inferred behaviour and trabecular structure in extant hominoids that can be informative for reconstructing behaviour in fossil primates.  相似文献   

Morphological and biometrical analyses of the partial hand IPS18800 of the fossil great ape Hispanopithecus laietanus (=Dryopithecus laietanus), from the Late Miocene (about 9.5Ma) of Can Llobateres (Catalonia, Spain), reveal many similarities with extant orang-utans (Pongo). These similarities are interpreted as adaptations to below-branch suspensory behaviours, including arm-swinging and clambering/postural feeding on slender arboreal supports, due to an orang-like double-locking mechanism. This is confirmed by the long and highly curved phalanges of Hispanopithecus. The short and stout metacarpals with dorsally constricted heads, together with the dorsally extended articular facets on proximal phalanges, indicate the persistence of significant degrees of palmigrady. A powerful grasping capability is indicated by the great development of basal phalangeal tubercles, the marked insertions for the flexors on phalangeal shafts and the large pits for the collateral ligaments. The morphology of the Hispanopithecus long bones of the hand indicates a unique positional repertoire, combining orthogrady with suspensory behaviours and palmigrade quadrupedalism. The retention of powerful grasping and palmigrady suggests that the last common ancestor of hominids might have been more primitive than what can be inferred on the basis of extant taxa, suggesting that pronograde behaviours are compatible with an orthograde bodyplan suitable for climbing and suspension.  相似文献   

The primate distal humerus has been used both in phylogenetic reconstruction and in assessing locomotor and postural adaptations. This study uses an allometric approach to predict locomotor patterns of extant primates regardless of phylogenetic position. By showing the relationship between form and function in living primate taxa it will be possible to use this data set to predict locomotor behavior of extinct primates. Several linear measurements were taken from the distal humerus of 71 extant primate species (anthropoids and prosimians). Allometric regressions of each measurement were performed with mandibular M2 area as a surrogate for body size. These measurements were used to determine if significant differences in distal humerus morphology exist among locomotor groups. The results were then used to test several hypotheses about the relationship between humeral form and function. For example, the hypothesis that suspensory primates have a large medial epicondyle is confirmed; the hypothesis that terrestrial quadrupeds have a deep olecranon fossa could not be confirmed with quantitative data. In addition to this hypothesis testing, the residuals from the allometric regressions of the humeral measurements were used in a discriminant functions analysis to estimate locomotor behavior from distal humerus morphology. The discriminant functions analysis correctly reclassified 64/71 (90%) species.  相似文献   

The relationship between locomotor behavior and long bone structural proportions is examined in 179 individuals and 13 species of hominoids and cercopithecoids. Articular surface areas, estimated from linear caliper measurements, and diaphyseal section moduli (strengths), determined from CT scans, were obtained for the femur, tibia, humerus, radius, and ulna. Both within-bone (articular to shaft) and between-bone (forelimb to hindlimb) proportions were calculated and compared between taxa. It was hypothesized that: 1) species emphasizing slow, cautious movement and/or more varied limb positioning (i.e., greater joint excursion) would exhibit larger articular to cross-sectional shaft proportions, and 2) species with more forelimb suspensory behavior would have relatively stronger/larger forelimbs, while those with more leaping would have relatively stronger/larger hindlimbs. The results of the analysis generally confirm both hypotheses. Several partial exceptions can be explained on the basis of more detailed structural-functional considerations. Associations between locomotion and structural proportions can be demonstrated both across major groupings (hominoids and cercopithecoids) and between relatively closely related taxa, e.g., mountain and lowland gorillas, siamangs and gibbons, and Trachypithecus and other colobines. Furthermore, structure and function do not always covary with taxonomy. For example, compared to cercopithecoids, mountain gorillas have relatively larger joints, like other hominoids, but do not have relatively stronger forelimbs, unlike other hominoids. This is consistent with a locomotor repertoire emphasizing relatively slow movement but with very little forelimb suspension. Proportions of Proconsul nyanzae, Proconsul heseloni, Morotopithecus bishopi, and Theropithecus oswaldi are compared with modern distributions to illustrate the application of the techniques to fossil taxa.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of new fossil hominid species have been accompanied by several phylogenetic hypotheses. All of these hypotheses are based on a consideration of hominid craniodental morphology. However, Collard and Wood (2000) suggested that cladograms derived from craniodental data are inconsistent with the prevailing hypothesis of ape phylogeny based on molecular data. The implication of their study is that craniodental characters are unreliable indicators of phylogeny in hominoids and fossil hominids but, notably, their analysis did not include extinct species. We report here on a cladistic analysis designed to test whether the inclusion of fossil taxa affects the ability of morphological characters to recover the molecular ape phylogeny. In the process of doing so, the study tests both Collard and Wood's (2000) hypothesis of character reliability, and the several recently proposed hypotheses of early hominid phylogeny. One hundred and ninety-eight craniodental characters were examined, including 109 traits that traditionally have been of interest in prior studies of hominoid and early hominid phylogeny, and 89 craniometric traits that represent size-corrected linear dimensions measured between standard cranial landmarks. The characters were partitioned into two data sets. One set contained all of the characters, and the other omitted the craniometric characters. Six parsimony analyses were performed; each data set was analyzed three times, once using an ingroup that consisted only of extant hominoids, a second time using an ingroup of extant hominoids and extinct early hominids, and a third time excluding Kenyanthropus platyops. Results suggest that the inclusion of fossil taxa can play a significant role in phylogenetic analysis. Analyses that examined only extant taxa produced most parsimonious cladograms that were inconsistent with the ape molecular tree. In contrast, analyses that included fossil hominids were consistent with that tree. This consistency refutes the basis for the hypothesis that craniodental characters are unreliable for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships. Regarding early hominids, the relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Ardipithecus ramidus were relatively unstable. However, there is tentative support for the hypotheses that S. tchadensis is the sister taxon of all other hominids. There is support for the hypothesis that A. anamensis is the sister taxon of all hominids except S. tchadensis and Ar. ramidus. There is no compelling support for the hypothesis that Kenyanthropus platyops shares especially close affinities with Homo rudolfensis. Rather, K. platyops is nested within the Homo + Paranthropus + Australopithecus africanus clade. If K. platyops is a valid species, these relationships suggest that Homo and Paranthropus are likely to have diverged from other hominids much earlier than previously supposed. There is no support for the hypothesis that A. garhi is either the sister taxon or direct ancestor of the genus Homo. Phylogenetic relationships indicate that Australopithecus is paraphyletic. Thus, A. anamensis and A. garhi should be allocated to new genera.  相似文献   

Our understanding of locomotor evolution in anthropoid primates has been limited to those taxa for which good postcranial fossil material and appropriate modern analogues are available. We report the results of an analysis of semicircular canal size variation in 16 fossil anthropoid species dating from the Late Eocene to the Late Miocene, and use these data to reconstruct evolutionary changes in locomotor adaptations in anthropoid primates over the last 35 Ma. Phylogenetically informed regression analyses of semicircular canal size reveal three important aspects of anthropoid locomotor evolution: (i) the earliest anthropoid primates engaged in relatively slow locomotor behaviours, suggesting that this was the basal anthropoid pattern; (ii) platyrrhines from the Miocene of South America were relatively agile compared with earlier anthropoids; and (iii) while the last common ancestor of cercopithecoids and hominoids likely was relatively slow like earlier stem catarrhines, the results suggest that the basal crown catarrhine may have been a relatively agile animal. The latter scenario would indicate that hominoids of the later Miocene secondarily derived their relatively slow locomotor repertoires.  相似文献   

With the exception of leaping, lorises and galagos move in many similar ways although frequencies and styles differ. This peculiar locomotor distinction in two closely related subfamilies has profoundly altered their respective postcranial anatomies from their common ancestor. A comparison of postcranial adaptation in extant forms shows that lorises and galagos differ somewhat in forelimb mobility, but are more fundamentally disparate in hindlimb adaptation. Inferences concerning locomotor adaptation in the lorisid fossil record indicate a more generalized locomotor pattern which is more like that of extant cheirogaleids than either living galagos or lorises. Thus, vertical clinging and leaping in galagines and the slow-climbing and suspensory movements of lorisines appear to be evolutionarily recent innovations from a more generalized locomotor past.  相似文献   

The relationship between femoral neck superior and inferior cortical thickness in primates is related to locomotor behavior. This relationship has been employed to infer bipedalism in fossil hominins, although bipeds share the same pattern of generalized quadrupeds, where the superior cortex is thinner than the inferior one. In contrast, knuckle‐walkers and specialized suspensory taxa display a more homogeneous distribution of cortical bone. These different patterns, probably related to the range of movement at the hip joint and concomitant differences in the load stresses at the femoral neck, are very promising for making locomotor inferences in extinct primates. To evaluate the utility of this feature in the fossil record, we relied on computed tomography applied to the femur of the Late Miocene hominoid Hispanopithecus laietanus as a test‐case study. Both an orthograde body plan and orang‐like suspensory adaptations had been previously documented for this taxon on different anatomical grounds, leading to the hypothesis that this fossil ape should display a modern ape‐like distribution of femoral neck cortical thickness. This is confirmed by the results of this study, leading to the conclusion that Hispanopithecus represents the oldest evidence of a homogeneous cortical bone distribution in the hominoid fossil record. Our results therefore strengthen the utility of femoral neck cortical thickness for making paleobiological inferences on the locomotor repertoire of fossil primates. This feature would be particularly useful for assessing the degree of orthograde arboreal locomotor behaviors vs. terrestrial bipedalism in putative early hominins. Am J PhyAnthropol 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The abundant fossils of avian stem taxa unearthed during the last years make it necessary to review and improve the models for estimating body mass used in palaeoecological studies. In this article, single and multiple regression functions based on osteological measurements were obtained from a large data set of extant flying birds for estimating the body mass of 42 Mesozoic specimens from stem taxa Archaeopterygidae, Jeholornithidae, Sapeornithidae, Confuciusornithidae, and Enantiornithes, and basal members of Ornithuromorpha. Traditionally, body mass has been estimated in fossil vertebrates using univariate scaling functions. In contrast, multiple regression functions have been used less frequently. Both predictive methods can be affected by different sources of error from statistics, phylogenetic relationships, ecological adaptations, and bone preservation; however, although some studies have addressed these biases, few have tested them within the context of a single data set. In our data set, we find that the models with greater predictive strength and applicability for new specimens, especially for stem taxa, are those derived from multiple regression analyses. For this reason, we suggest that multiple regression analyses may provide improved predictive strength for stem group specimens. Moreover, the methodology used for selecting variables allowed us to obtain specific sets of predictors for each fossil stem group that presumably minimized the variation resulting from historical contingency (i.e. differences in skeletal morphology arising from phylogeny), locomotor adaptations, and diagenetic compaction. The loss of generalizability in the multiple regression models resulting from collinearity effects was negligible on the body mass estimates derived from our data set. Therefore, the body mass values obtained for Mesozoic specimens are accurate and can be used in future studies in a number of palaeobiological and evolutionary aspects of extinct birds, particularly the first stages of avian flight. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Evolution of hominoid locomotion is a traditional topic in primate evolution. Views have changed during the last decade because a number of crucial differences between early and advanced hominoid morphologies have been demonstrated. Increasing evidence on primate behaviour and ecology show that any direct analogies between living and fossil hominoids must be made extremely carefully. The necessity of synthesizing data on primate behaviour, locomotion, morphology and ecology and simultaneously defining the framework in which the data should be interpreted are explained. Results of our studies of ontogeny of locomotor and behavioural patterns (LBP) are presented that could help identify the main features of early hominoid locomotor patterns (LP) and the mechanisms of their changes. The early hominoid LP was different from those of pronograde monkeys and specialized antipronograde living apes. Some similar features could be expected between early hominoid LP and the LP of ceboid monkeys. Analogous mechanisms of change of LBP exist in all groups of living higher primates. Crucial early mechanisms of change are the ontogenetic shifts in LBP connected with ethoecological changes. Analysis of fossil evidence has shown that Miocene hominoids differ morphologically from any group of living primates. Certain features present in Miocene hominoids could be found in Atelinae and living Asian apes but they are limited to some functional regions of the postcrania only. Consequently the early hominoid general LP can not be strictly analogous either to that of any monkey group or to the LP of apes. We suppose that certain pronograde adaptations, such as climbing, bipedality, limited suspensory activity and sitting constituted the main part of their LP.  相似文献   

Extant hominoids share similar elbow joint morphology, which is believed to be an adaptation for elbow stability through a wide range of pronation-supination and flexion-extension postures. Mild variations in elbow joint morphology reported among extant hominoids are often qualitative, where orangutans are described as having keeled joints, and humans and gorillas as having flatter joints. Although these differences in keeling are often linked to variation in upper limb use or loading, they have not been specifically quantified. Many of the muscles important in arboreal locomotion in hominoids (i.e., wrist and finger flexors and extensors) take their origins from the humeral epicondyles. Contractions of these muscles generate transverse forces across the elbow, which are resisted mainly by the keel of the humeroulnar joint. Therefore, species with well-developed forearm musculature, like arboreal hominoids, should have more elbow joint keeling than nonarboreal species. This paper explores the three- and two-dimensional morphology of the trochlear notch of the elbow of extant hominoids and fossil hominins and hominoids for which the locomotor habitus is still debated. As expected, the elbow articulation of habitually arboreal extant apes is more keeled than that of humans. In addition, extant knuckle-walkers are characterized by joints that are distally expanded in order to provide greater articular surface area perpendicular to the large loads incurred during terrestrial locomotion with an extended forearm. Oreopithecus is characterized by a pronounced keel of the trochlear notch and resembles Pongo and Pan. OH 36 has a morphology that is unlike that of extant species or other fossil hominins. All other hominin fossils included in this study have trochlear notches intermediate in form between Homo and Gorilla or Pan, suggesting a muscularity that is less than in African apes but greater than in humans.  相似文献   

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