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The model simulates the cycling of N in grassland systems grazed by beef cattle and predicts the annual amount of N in liveweight gain, and the amounts lost through ammonia volatilization, denitrification and leaching, on the basis of fertilizer application and soil and site characteristics. It aims to provide a better understanding of the way in which these various factors interact in their influence on N transformations. The model has been programmed to run on IBM-compatible personal computers and responds rapidly to changes in input parameters. The model has been constructed from the average annual amounts of N passing through various components of the N cycle in ten field systems grazed by beef cattle. The amounts were either measured directly or were calculated from empirical sub-models, assuming a balance between inputs to, and outputs from the soil inorganic N pool. The model is given wide applicability through the inclusion of a mineralization sub-model which is sensitive to soil texture, sward age, previous cropping history, and climatic zone. Another important sub-model determines the partitioning of soil inorganic N to either plant uptake or the processes of loss: the proportion partitioned to plant uptake decreases as the total amount of soil inorganic N increases. Outputs from the model indicate that fertilizer N has a strong influence on ammonia volatilization, denitrification and leaching at a given site but that, over a range of sites with a given rate of fertilizer N, total loss and the proportions lost by the three processes are greatly influenced by the amount of N mineralized by the soil. The model indicates how fertilizer N should be matched with mineralization to limit gaseous and leaching losses and to achieve optimum efficiency of N use in grazing systems.  相似文献   

Microbial transformations of various steroids are reviewed. Newer developments in this field are discussed. A compilation of different steroid substrates used for transformations by various microorganisms during the period 1979–1982, along with the metabolites formed, is included  相似文献   

Significant attention has been given to the way in which the soil nitrogen (N) cycle responds to permafrost thaw in recent years, yet little is known about anaerobic N transformations in thermokarst lakes, which account for more than one-third of thermokarst landforms across permafrost regions. Based on the N isotope dilution and tracing technique, combined with qPCR and high-throughput sequencing, we presented large-scale measurements of anaerobic N transformations of sediments across 30 thermokarst lakes over the Tibetan alpine permafrost region. Our results showed that gross N mineralization, ammonium immobilization, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction rates in thermokarst lakes were higher in the eastern part of our study area than in the west. Denitrification dominated in the dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes, being two and one orders of magnitude higher than anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), respectively. The abundances of the dissimilatory nitrate reduction genes (nirK, nirS, hzsB, and nrfA) exhibited patterns consistent with sediment N transformation rates, while α diversity did not. The inter-lake variability in gross N mineralization and ammonium immobilization was dominantly driven by microbial biomass, while the variability in anammox and DNRA was driven by substrate supply and organic carbon content, respectively. Denitrification was jointly affected by nirS abundance and organic carbon content. Overall, the patterns and drivers of anaerobic N transformation rates detected in this study provide a new perspective on potential N release, retention, and removal upon the formation and development of thermokarst lakes.  相似文献   

In studies of nitrate leaching both experimenters and modellers experience problems arising from soil variability. Because of the small-scale heterogeneity that gives rise to mobile and immobile categories of water, both measurements and modelling are easiest in homogeneous sandy soils and most difficult in strongly structured clay soils. There are also parallels at plot and field scale in the problems caused to experimenters by log-normal distributions of nitrate concentrations and those caused to modellers by non-linearity in models. All researchers need to be aware that a reliable estimate of the mean from a set of measurements or a model may necessitate considerations of variances as well as means.  相似文献   

Is the sequential in situ incubation of undisturbed soil cores, developed for forest stands applicable to arable soils? The incubation of covered and uncovered soil cores allows the estimation of net nitrogen mineralization (NNM), plant nitrogen uptake (Nuptake) and potential leaching losses (Ntrans). The amounts and temporal dynamics of these N fluxes were determined at four arable soils in a two-year study. Results suggest that: (i) the method can not be recommended for the estimation of N uptake and leaching losses, but (ii) it is suitable for the estimation of NNM; (iii) incubations should preferably be started when soil is moist; (iv) the length of incubation periods should be reduced (<4 weeks); (v) dynamics of NNM is mainly determined by temperature and moisture conditions if there is no interference by agricultural management. Inputs of straw, manure, slurry or green manure strongly influence the amount and the dynamics of NNM.  相似文献   

Forest N fertilization is a common practice in areas of Sweden that are not affected by high levels of N deposition. The environmental consequences of high N input to closed forests are fairly well known, but the long-term effects following clear-felling are a lot less well known. Thus, residual effects on soil and planted seedlings of previous N additions at an experimental N gradient 11 years after clear-felling were studied at a naturally nutrient-poor forest site in central Sweden. The experimental N gradient had been established by three repeated applications (in 1967, 1974 and 1981) of six dosages of NH4NO3 with increments of 120 kg N ha–1. Thus, in total, the applied N dose ranged between 0 and 1800 kg N ha–1. The study examined extractable base cations and P, soil pH, total-N, total-C, net N-mineralization and potential nitrification in four soil horizons (the humus layer, and 0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm in the mineral soil). We also measured the survival and growth of planted Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings. The applied N had no effect on the amounts of extractable-P or base cations in the soil. The soil pH decreased with increasing N dose in the deeper soil horizons, while in the humus the pH showed a weak but statistically significant increase due to the N application. Both total-C and total-N increased as a result of the N application, while the C/N ratio decreased. In the humus layer and the uppermost mineral soil layer NH4 + was the major inorganic N source, in contrast to the lowest mineral soil horizon where NO3 dominated. For most of the studied horizons, there was a positive linear relationship between applied N dose and amount of inorganic N. Both net N-mineralization and potential nitrification showed increases with increasing N dose. As for the plants, no difference in survival or growth was found between the different N treatments. For doses generally applied in forest fertilization no significant differences in any of the studied properties were found.  相似文献   

Nitrogen catch crops are grown to absorb nitrogen from the rooting zone during autumn and winter. The uptake of N (Nupt) from the soil inorganic N pool (Nmin) to a pool of catch crop nitrogen, will protect the nitrogen against leaching. After incorporation, a fraction (m) of the catch crop nitrogen is mineralized and becomes available again. However, not all available nitrogen present in the soil in the autumn is lost by leaching during winter. A fraction (r) of the nitrogen absorbed by the catch crop would, without a catch crop, have been retained within the rooting zone. The first year nitrogen beneficial effect (Neff) of a catch crop may then be expressed b N eff = m*N upt - r* N upt The soil-plant simulation model DAISY was evaluated for its ability to simulate the effects of catch crops on spring Nmin and Neff. Based on incubation studies, parameter values were assigned to a number of catch crop materials, and these parameter values were then used to simulate spring Nmin. The model was able to predict much of the vairiation in the measured spring Nmin (r2 = 0.48***) and there was good agreement between the measured and the simulated effect of winter precipitation on spring Nmin and Neff.Scenarios including variable soil and climate conditions, and variable root depth of the succeeding crop were simulated. It is illustrated that the effect of catch crops on nitrogen availability for the succeeding crop depends strongly on the rooting depth of the succeeding crop. If the succeeding crop is deep rooted and the leaching intensity is low, there is a high risk that a catch crop will have a negative effect on nitrogen availability. The simulations showed that the strategy for the growing of catch crops should be adapted to the actual situation, especially to the expected leaching intensity and to the rooting depth of the succeeding crop.  相似文献   

Amendments with glucose significantly reduced the amount of nitrate leached from a sandy soil amended with nitrate. The decrease was most likely caused by immobilisation of the nitrate into microbial cells. Populations of ciliates and flagellates and amoebae, but not nematodes, increased 7–14 days following glucose amendments. Mineralisation of the immobilised nitrate occurred during this period. Some of the mineralised nitrogen appeared to be available to ryegrass plants only if the roots exploited most of the soil during the period of maximum predator activity. After 28 days, 44% of the organic N remaining in the soil after leaching was taken up by the plants. The difference developed over the last 2 weeks when amoebal populations were large.  相似文献   

Hagedorn  F.  Steiner  K.G.  Sekayange  L.  Zech  W. 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(2):365-375
The effects of green manures, sorghum residues and farmyard manure on N dynamics and crop yields were studied during three dry and wet seasons on a Typic Sombriudox in South Rwanda. In addition, a resin core study was conducted within a 4-year green manure field experiment to follow the seasonal pattern of N mineralization and leaching after application of residues from Tephrosia vogelii, Sorghum bicolor, a mixture of both materials, and farmyard manure.During the dry season, topsoil (0–20 cm) mineral N remained constant. At the beginning of the wet season, the rainfall pattern determined N availability. With low rainfall intensities a mineralization flush occurred, doubling topsoil mineral N concentrations within 5 days after wetting. In contrast, under heavy rains at the onset of the rainy season, topsoil mineral N decreased by 50–70% within the first two weeks.The application of organic fertilizers has a strong influence on N availability, but the effects can be negated by heavy rainfall. Incorporation of leaves from Tephrosia vogelii (2.7 t dm ha-1) and farmyard manure (7 t dm ha-1) doubled the mineralization flush after the first rains. During the rest of the wet season, N release by the green manure was small, whereas the farmyard manure was found to mobilize N after a period of N immobilization. Incorporation of sorghum residues had only a small effect, while mixing the straw with green and farmyard manure immobilized N temporarily.Nitrogen leaching, measured by exchange resins at a depth of 20 cm, was increased up to 50% by the incorporation of green and farmyard manure. This points to rapid N translocation of easily mineralizable N. The additional incorporation of sorghum residues reduced N leaching of both materials significantly. Since rainfall is often unpredictable, the synchronization of N released from crop residues with crop N demand may require additional management practices.  相似文献   

Two Dutch heathland sites Hoorneboeg (HB) and Ede, dominated by Deschampsia flexuosa and differing in nitrate production, were sampled for an entire growing season. A large number of soil and plant parameters were monitored in an attempt to assess the contribution of nitrate in the N supply and its assimilation by Deschampsia.Average NO3 and NH4 + concentrations (mg kg–1) in the top 10-cm depth were 0.03 and 2.2, respectively, for HB, and 2.1 and 6.7, respectively, for Ede. Laboratory incubations of intact cores and experiments with FH-layer suspensions showed significantly higher mineralization and nitrification rates for the Ede site during most of the season. Nitrification was largely controlled by the rate of net N-mineralization, which in turn was highly affected by soil moisture. Nitrate production was virtually zero at HB and accounted for 25% of the net N-mineralization at Ede.Shoot chemical composition showed no essential differences for the two sites, but mean in vivo (current) foliar NRA was almost 2-fold higher at Ede than at HB, indicating some utilization of nitrate at the former location. At the HB site with essentially no nitrate production, however, enzyme activities were clearly higher than basal constitutive levels in NH4 +-fed plants. Apparently, shoot NRA at the HB site became positively affected by factors other than nitrate availability and/or showed disproportional increases in response to atmospheric nitrate inputs. Root NRA displayed the same low basal level at the two sites. Nitrate fertilization (100 kg N ha–1) yielded maximally induced foliar NRAs similar to levels found in hydroponic nitrate plants. Although no accumulation of free NO3 was observed in shoots from fertilized plots, increases in foliar concentrations of both organic N and carboxylates clearly indicated nitrate assimilation. Root NRA showed no response to nitrate addition.It is concluded that current NRA measurements in Deschampsia at heathland sites are of limited value only, especially when interpreted in isolation. A combined approach, using concurrently conducted soil and plant analyses, will allow the extent of nitrate utilization in the field to be best characterized.Publication 2013 of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology.FAX no corresponding author: +31 8306 23227  相似文献   

Oxisols have a high likelihood of NO3 leaching which may strongly reduce N availability for tropical crops. The aim of this work was to evaluate the N and the water submodels of the STICS crop model for its ability to estimate N availability in N-fertilised field maize crops on two oxisols in Guadeloupe (French West Indies) with and without Al toxicity: a non-limed plot (NLI, pHKCl 3.9, 2.1 cmol Al3+ kg–1), and a limed plot (LI, pHKCl 4.5, 0 cmol Al3+ kg–1). An uncropped plot (UC, pHKCl 4.5, 0 cmol Al3+ kg–1) was used in order to fit some model parameters for soil evaporation, nitrification and NO3 transport. The model was modified in order to describe nitrification as a partially inhibited process in acid soils, and to take into account NO3 retention in oxisols. Nitrification was described as the result of the multiplicative effects of soil acidity, temperature and soil water content. Soil moisture and NO3 and NH4 + content up to 0.8 m soil depth, above-ground biomass and N uptake by crops, and their leaf area index (LAI), were measured from sowing to the beginning of grain filling. The model described correctly the changes in soil water content during the moist and the dry periods of the experiment, and there was some evidence that capillary rise occurred in the dry period. Nitrogen mineralization, nitrification in UC, NO3 transport and plant uptake were satisfactorily simulated by the model. Because of the effect of Al toxicity on plant growth, LAI at flowering was three times higher in LI than in NLI. Some discrepancies between observed and simulated data were found for the distribution of NO3 and NH4 + in the cropped plots. This was probably due to the change of the ionic N form absorbed by the crops as a function of soil acidity and available P in the soil. No leaching was observed below 0.8 m depth and this was associated with NO3 retention in the soil. The results showed that partial inhibition of nitrification and NO3 retention should be taken into account by crop models to obtain realistic estimates of N availability for plants in tropical acid soils.  相似文献   

Increased reactive atmospheric N deposition has been implicated in floristic changes in species‐rich acidic and calcareous grasslands, but the fate of this pollutant N in these ecosystems is unknown. This paper reports the first analysis of N budgets and N fluxes for two grasslands in the White Peak area of Derbyshire, one of the most heavily N‐polluted locations in the UK. N fluxes were monitored in lysimeter cores (retaining the original turfs) taken from field plots of unimproved acidic and calcareous grasslands that had received (in addition to ambient N deposition) simulated enhanced N deposition treatments of 3.5 and 14 g N m?2 yr?1 for 6 years. The influence of reducing phosphorus limitation was assessed by factorial additions of P. Seasonal leached losses of nitrate, ammonia and organic N were monitored in detail along with estimates of N removal through simulated grazing and gaseous losses through denitrification and volatilization. The rates of N fluxes by these pathways were used to create N budgets for the grasslands. Both grasslands were found to be accumulating much of the simulated additional N deposition: up to 89% accumulated in the calcareous grassland and up to 38% accumulated in the acidic grassland. The major fluxes of N loss from these grasslands were by simulated grazing and leaching of soluble organic N (constituting 90% of leached N under ambient conditions). Leached inorganic N (mainly nitrate) contributed significantly to the output flux of N under the highest N treatment only. Loss of N through ammonia volatilization accounted for less than 6% of the N added as simulated deposition, while denitrification contributed significantly to output fluxes only in the acidic grassland during winter. The implications of the results for ecosystem N balances and the likely consequences of N accumulation on these grasslands are discussed.  相似文献   

The governing factors for soil nitrogen dynamics were identified with a simulation model. In addition, the model was used to interpret measurements from a plot fertilisation experiment in southwest Sweden.Simulated moisture and temperature conditions were the driving variables for the simulation of soil nitrogen dynamics and leaching during a 6-year period. The results of the simulation were compared with monthly observations on two plots with grain crops, one with liquid manure and commercial fertilisers applied and one with commercial fertilisers only.Simulated temporal variations of the nitrate and ammonium storages generally agreed with observations. The dominant role of the crops as a determinant of soil nitrogen conditions was demonstrated. A higher leaching loss from the plot with application of commerical fertilisers only occurred both in simulations and measurements compared to the plot with application of both commercial fertilisers and manure. The main reason was the higher N-application in the former treatment.The effect of water flows in macropores was interpreted as a delay of simulated leaching compared to observed leaching on some occasions in summer and early autumn. No direct effect of the macropores on the yearly rates of leaching could be seen.  相似文献   

绿洲农田氮素积累与淋溶研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨荣  苏永中  王雪峰 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1308-1317
作物对氮素的吸收利用及氮素在土壤中的积累和运移,制约着绿洲农田生产力并对农田环境造成影响,是绿洲农田生态系统可持续发展和绿洲稳定性研究的一个重要方面。针对农田氮素积累和淋溶这一绿洲资源消耗量增加、耕作方式粗放结果下的环境问题,对其特征及引发的环境效应进行了详细阐述,并从不同的角度综述了缓减绿洲氮素淋失及环境污染的对策。指出在未来还需加强绿洲地下水氮污染调查及农田氮素积累和淋溶现状的区域评价,并针对一些在绿洲大面积推广的农田管理技术开展其对农田氮素积累和淋溶影响的研究,并强调人文因素在绿洲农田氮素积累与淋溶调控中的重要性。  相似文献   

Dr Willem Asman concluded that the major global sources of atmospheric NH3 are excreta from domestic animals and fertilizers. A question raised was: how reliable are the emission estimates and extrapolations? The answer was that emission estimates are surrounded by uncertainty, which is a major handicap to sound modelling of NH3 dry deposition and, consequently, to obtaining good estimates of critical load exceedences.
Major uncertainties in emission estimates seem to be related to the use of simple emission factors, many of which are highly empirical or have been derived from measurements carried out under conditions which deviate considerably from those following modern practices of handling and applying manure and fertilizers. An example is provided by the commonly used emission factors for synthetic fertilizers (see e.g. Bouwman et al . (1997)), which are much higher than recent micrometeorological assessments seem to suggest. Thus, emission from urea, the most widespread fertilizer used in the world (currently around 55% of world N consumption) can be completely avoided if the fertilizer is incorporated into the upper soil layers. Similarly, a growing crop can reduce losses to well below 10% of the applied amount of urea-N, i.e. to less than half of the generally used emission factors of 15% for Europe and 25% for the tropics. The emission factor for NPK-fertilizer is set at 4%, whereas that for pure calcium-ammonium-nitrate, the same N compound as is present in NPK-fertilizers, is assumed to be only 2%.  相似文献   

A long-term comparison between two routine soil nitrogen tests, soil nitrate versus plant indicator method, was performed on the Negev Desert loessial soil in Israel. The Gilat plant indicator method was found to be a better method to reflect the soil nitrogen availability for wheat under field conditions. It was found that 15 to 38 kg ha-1 of NO3-N, measured by nitrate soil test, for each 30 cm soil increment, is not available for plant uptake. This plant unavailable NO3-N background in the soil cannot be leached by repeated irrigation cycles of 100 mm each, or by heavy rains.  相似文献   

Owen  Jeffrey S.  Wang  Ming Kuang  Sun  Hai Lin  King  Hen Biau  Wang  Chung Ho  Chuang  Chin Fang 《Plant and Soil》2003,251(1):167-174
We used the buried bag incubation method to study temporal patterns of net N mineralization and net nitrification in soils at Ta-Ta-Chia forest in central Taiwan. The site included a grassland zone, (dominant vegetation consists of Yushania niitakayamensis and Miscanthus transmorrisonensis Hayata) and a forest zone (Tsuga chinensis var. formosana and Yushania niitakamensis). In the grassland, soil concentration NH4 + in the organic horizon (0.1–0.2 m) ranged from 1.0 to 12.4 mg N kg–1 soil and that of NO3 varied from 0.2 to 2.1 mg N kg–1 soil. In the forest zone, NH4 + concentration was between 2.8 and 25.0 mg N kg–1 soil and NO3 varied from 0.2 to 1.3 mg N kg–1 soil. There were lower soil NH4 + concentrations during the summer than other seasons. Net N mineralization was higher during the summer while net nitrification rates did not show a distinct seasonal pattern. In the grassland, net N mineralization and net nitrification rates were between –0.1 and 0.24 and from –0.04 to 0.04 mg N kg–1 soil day–1, respectively. In the forest zone, net N mineralization rates were between –0.03 and 0.45 mg N kg–1 soil day–1 and net nitrification rates were between –0.01 and 0.03 mg N kg–1 soil day–1. These differences likely result from differing vegetation communities (C3 versus C4 plant type) and soil characteristics.  相似文献   

杨文亭  李志贤  舒磊  王建武 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6108-6115
通过田间试验探讨了甘蔗//大豆1 ∶ 1、1 ∶ 2间作模式和施氮(300 kg/hm2,525 kg/hm2)水平对甘蔗鲜重产量、甘蔗单株氮含量、土壤硝态氮、铵态氮以及微生物量氮的影响。结果表明:减量施氮(300 kg/hm2)水平下,间作甘蔗鲜重产量较单作显著下降,但间作的土地当量比均大于1,且大豆产量为1.52和3.25 t/hm2。不同施氮水平对甘蔗鲜重无显著影响,施氮水平和种植模式对甘蔗单株氮吸收量、甘蔗收获后土壤硝态氮和微生物量氮均无显著影响。土壤氮素随甘蔗大豆的不同生长时期而变化,在甘蔗分蘖末期(大豆收获期)达到最低值,此时期减量施氮水平下甘蔗//大豆间作模式(1 ∶ 1)土壤硝态氮显著高于单作。综合以上结果,从提高土地利用率和保护农业生态环境考虑,甘蔗//大豆间作模式下减量施氮具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

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