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From 1955 to the mid 1980s the loads of both nitrogen and phosphorus from the river Rhine to the Dutch coastal area, the Wadden Sea included, increased. Since 1985 the phosphorus loads has decreased significantly, while the nitrogen load remained about the same.Annual primary production in the western Dutch Wadden Sea has increased fromc. 40 g C m–2 (1950) to 150 (mid 1960s) and over 500 g C m–2 (1986). The biomass of macrozoobenthos has more than doubled since 1970. Simultaneously, the meat yield of cultured blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), has increased since the 1960s. Previously, it was indicated that the increase in primary production of the phytoplankton over the period 1950 to 1986 was stimulated by the load of dissolved inorganic phosphate from Lake IJssel, a reservoir supplied by Rhine water. Since 1990, however, primary production has been higher than was expected from decreased phosphate loads from Lake IJssel. It is argued that this lack of response may have been caused by increased concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphate at sea originating from increased inflow from a.o. the Strait of Dover, which compensate for the decrease in phosphate from the rivers, possibly in combination with a significant improvement of the light conditions of the water in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

Daly  Marymegan 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):241-248
Two species of Anthopleura, A. ballii and A. thallia, co-occur in Northern Europe with Bunodosoma biscayensis, a species closely allied to Anthopleura. The historical factors underlying their distribution are here investigated as part of a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of morphological data. Based on this analysis, Bunodosoma is nested within Anthopleura, and B. biscayensis is more closely related to members of Anthopleura than to other members of Bunodosoma. Because B. biscayensis also has adhesive verrucae, rather than non-adhesive, rounded vesicles, it is transferred to Anthopleura.The tree consists of two major clades, each of which includes species from the Atlantic and the Pacific. The tree shows geographic structure: one clade includes species found only in the Northern Hemisphere, and the other includes widespread species and species found only in the Southern Hemisphere. Although all of the European species of Anthopleura are part of the Northern Hemisphere clade, none are one another’s closest relative.  相似文献   

A new species, Dolichopteryx rostrata, is described on the basis of a single specimen (66.2 mm in standard length) collected west of the Hebrides Islands, eastern North Atlantic Ocean. The new species is characterized by an elongate snout and head, small pouchlike eyes, an adipose fin, short dorsal fin base, anal fin base originating under dorsal fin base, a clear longitudinal suborbital brownish band extending forward from behind posterior margin of orbit to snout tip, and 41 (=26 + 15) vertebrae. Total fecundity is low; the ovarian eggs number only 473, despite the ovary having developed ova. Ovarian eggs could be clearly subdivided into an “undeveloped group” (0.1–0.7 mm diameter classes, n = 405) and a “developed group” (0.9–1.3 mm classes, n = 68), based on their frequency distribution. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10228-005-0306-2  相似文献   

The ubiquity and high productivity associated with blooms of colonial Phaeocystis makes it an important contributor to the global carbon cycle. During blooms organic matter that is rich in carbohydrates is produced. We distinguish five different pools of carbohydrates produced by Phaeocystis. Like all plants and algal cells, both solitary and colonial cells produce (1) structural carbohydrates, (hetero) polysaccharides that are mainly part of the cell wall, (2) mono- and oligosaccharides, which are present as intermediates in the synthesis and catabolism of cell components, and (3) intracellular storage glucan. Colonial cells of Phaeocystis excrete (4) mucopolysaccharides, heteropolysaccharides that are the main constituent of the mucous colony matrix and (5) dissolved organic matter (DOM) rich in carbohydrates, which is mainly excreted by colonial cells. In this review the characteristics of these pools are discussed and quantitative data are summarized. During the exponential growth phase, the ratio of carbohydrate-carbon (C) to particulate organic carbon (POC) is approximately 0.1. When nutrients are limited, Phaeocystis blooms reach a stationary growth phase, during which excess energy is stored as carbohydrates. This so-called overflow metabolism increases the ratio of carbohydrate-C to POC to 0.4–0.6 during the stationary phase, leading to an increase in the C/N and C/P ratios of Phaeocystis organic matter. Overflow metabolism can be channeled towards both glucan and mucopolysaccharides. Summarizing the available data reveals that during the stationary phase of a bloom glucan contributes 0–51% to POC, whereas mucopolysaccharides contribute 5–60%. At the end of a bloom, lysis of Phaeocystis cells and deterioration of colonies leads to a massive release of DOM rich in glucan and mucopolysaccharides. Laboratory studies have revealed that this organic matter is potentially readily degradable by heterotrophic bacteria. However, observations in the field of accumulation of DOM and foam indicate that microbial degradation is hampered. The high C/N and C/P ratios of Phaeocystis organic matter may lead to nutrient limitation of microbial degradation, thereby prolonging degradation times. Over time polysaccharides tend to self-assemble into hydrogels. This may have a profound effect on carbon cycling, since hydrogels provide a vehicle to move DOM up the size spectrum to sizes subject to sedimentation. In addition, it changes the physical nature and microscale structure of the organic matter encountered by bacteria which may affect the degradation potential of the Phaeocystis organic matter.  相似文献   

The extensive buildup of phytoplankton biomass in the Ross Sea conflicts with the view that high rates of herbivory occur in all regions of the Southern Ocean. Nano and microplanktonic consumers comprise a significant fraction of total plankton biomass; however, the importance of grazing remains uncertain in the Ross Sea. Microzooplankton ingestion of solitary and colonial cells of Phaeocystis antarctica were calculated using a novel live-staining fluorescently-labeled algae method. Different morphotypes of P. antarctica were stained different colors, mixed, and observed inside Euplotes to determine their feeding preference. The blue (7-aminocoumarin) (CMAC) stain was used on the colonies and the green (CMFDA) CellTracker Probe was used on solitary cells. Both morphotypes can be seen inside the food vacuoles of the ciliate, supporting the idea that microzooplankton are capable of ingesting cells within the colonial matrix. This suggests that P. antarctica colonies enter the microbial loop in the Ross Sea before sedimentation.  相似文献   

Knowledge of marine phages is highly biased toward double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) phages; however, recent metagenomic surveys have also identified single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) phages in the oceans. Here, we describe two complete ssDNA phage genomes that were reconstructed from a viral metagenome from 80 m depth at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the northwestern Sargasso Sea and examine their spatial and temporal distributions. Both genomes (SARssφ1 and SARssφ2) exhibited similarity to known phages of the Microviridae family in terms of size, GC content, genome organization and protein sequence. PCR amplification of the replication initiation protein (Rep) gene revealed narrow and distinct depth distributions for the newly described ssDNA phages within the upper 200 m of the water column at the BATS site. Comparison of Rep gene sequences obtained from the BATS site over time revealed changes in the diversity of ssDNA phages over monthly time scales, although some nearly identical sequences were recovered from samples collected 4 years apart. Examination of ssDNA phage diversity along transects through the North Atlantic Ocean revealed a positive correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance between sampling sites. Together, the data suggest fundamental differences between the distribution of these ssDNA phages and the distribution of known marine dsDNA phages, possibly because of differences in host range, host distribution, virion stability, or viral evolution mechanisms and rates. Future work needs to elucidate the host ranges for oceanic ssDNA phages and determine their ecological roles in the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation at the west coast of the North Sea, the breeding colony of black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at Helgoland in the south-eastern North Sea did not exhibit severe declines since 1990 but instead numbers increased and only lately stabilised. Declines at the west coast of the North Sea were attributed to a lower abundance and lower quality of the key prey, sandeels. We hypothesised that kittiwakes at Helgoland do not rely as heavily on sandeels as their conspecifics. We analysed stomach contents of nestlings and adults of 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2006. In concordance with earlier studies of the 1980s and 1990s, young whiting Merlangius merlangus was the most important prey species in 2001, 2002 and 2004. Clupeids and sandeels were consumed in lower proportions. While earlier studies suggested whiting to originate from fisheries discards, evidence now supports that kittiwakes prey upon whiting in areas of hydrographic fronts. No whiting was recovered in samples of 2006 and the proportion of fish prey was low. Main prey items were polychaete worms (Nereidae), which were presumably consumed as swarming Heteronereis stages. An observed strong rise in water temperature in summer 2006 might have influenced food availability of kittiwakes by inducing swarming of Nereidae. Overall, kittiwakes breeding on Helgoland showed a positive population trend for several decades while mainly feeding on whiting.  相似文献   

During the past decade, a bottom-dwelling, aggressive, multiple-spawning fish, the round goby (Gobiidae: Neogobius melanostomus), has spread from its native region in the Ponto-Caspian throughout Europe and to the Laurentian Great Lakes in North America. An international workshop, held at the Hel Marine Station, Poland, was organized to summarize population features of the round goby. Common fish predators of round gobies in the Great Lakes and in native regions are obligate and facultative benthic fishes and occasionally, pelagic fishes. In contrast, the main predator of the round goby in the Gulf of Gdansk is the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). In the Great Lakes, round gobies have lead to the decline of mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) and logperch (Percina caprodes) and reduced the hatching success of native fishes by feeding on their eggs. In the Gulf of Gdansk, round gobies have increased in abundance, while three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) have declined. Round gobies have a broad diet throughout their range; larger specimens are molluscivores. There are fewer species of parasites and lower infection rates of round gobies in recently colonized areas than in native areas. Overall, newly colonized round gobies in brackish waters and lakes are smaller, mature earlier, have a male biased operational sex ratio and are more short-lived compared with round gobies from marine (native) habitats.  相似文献   

As part of integrated biological-effect monitoring, the parasite fauna of the flounder Platichthys flesus (L.) was investigated at five locations in the German Bight, with a view to using parasite species as bio-indicators. Over a period of 6 years, parasites from 30 different taxa were identified, but only 7 taxa of the parasite community occurred regularly at all locations and in sufficient abundance that they could be considered as potential indicator species. These species were the ciliophoran Trichodina spp., the copepods Acanthochondria cornuta, Lepeophtheirus pectoralis and Lernaeocera branchialis, the helminths Zoogonoides viviparus and Cucullanus heterochrous and metacercaria of an unidentified digenean species. Infection characteristics of these parasites are presented, with a comparison of the results from individual sampling periods and those of the long-term data set. Natural influences on the infection levels, such as temporal variations, habitat conditions and host-related factors, were evaluated. All of these parasite species showed significant differences in their infection levels between the Elbe estuary, as the most polluted site, and the less polluted coastal and marine locations: Helgoland, Outer Eider estuary and Spiekeroog, especially in the long-term data set. Gradual differences between the Elbe, the Outer Eider and Helgoland, which were not detected in individual sampling periods, also became evident in the pooled-data set. These were found in the prevalence of Trichodina spp., A. cornuta, Z. viviparus and C. heterochrous. Although salinity is considered as the most important natural factor, influencing the distribution pattern of the majority of the potential indicator species, infection levels of most of these species differed between locations with similar salinity conditions. Infection levels corresponded to a contamination gradient (Elbe > Inner Eider, Outer Eider > Helgoland) established across the locations. Seasonal variation in the infection parameters affected the spatial distribution of the copepod species Lepeophtheirus pectoralis and Lernaeocera branchialis. Annual variations are considered to occur in the range of natural variability, so no trend of increasing or decreasing infection levels of the parasites was found during the course of the study. This study underlined the idea that an analysis of fish-parasite fauna is very useful in ecosystem monitoring. Communicated by H. von Westerhagen, A. Diamant  相似文献   

Nagasawa  Kazuya  Imai  Yoshihiro  Ishida  Kyoichi 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):571-577
Changes in the population size and geographical distribution of the mesoparasitic copepod Pennella sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Pennellidae) on the saury, Cololabis saira, were studied for a period of six years (1981–86) in the western North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. The parasite was first recorded in the western North Pacific in 1981. Its population size increased rapidly in 1982–83 and declined slightly in 1984. During these years, infected fish were widely distributed in the western and central North Pacific and also found in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. However, the population declined dramatically in 1985 and its distributional range was reduced. The parasite disappeared in 1986. The observed frequency distributions of parasites on the host population were the Poisson in 1981 and 1985, but those during 1982–1984 were over-dispersed and fitted the negative binomial.Parasites of the saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort)-IV.  相似文献   

The effects of iron limitation on photoacclimation to a dynamic light regime were studied in Phaeocystis antarctica. Batch cultures were grown under a sinusoidal light regime, mimicking vertical mixing, under both iron-sufficient and -limiting conditions. Iron-replete cells responded to changes in light intensity by rapid xanthophyll cycling. Maximum irradiance coincided with maximum ratios of diatoxanthin/diadinoxanthin (dt/dd). The maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (F v /F m ) was negatively related to both irradiance and dt/dd. Full recovery of F v /F m by the end of the light period suggested successful photoacclimation. Iron-limited cells displayed characteristics of high light acclimation. The ratio of xanthophyll pigments to chlorophyll a was three times higher compared to iron-replete cells. Down-regulation of photosynthetic activity was moderated. It is argued that under iron limitation cells maintain a permanent state of high energy quenching to avoid photoinhibition during exposure to high irradiance. Iron-limited cells could maintain a high growth potential due to an increased absorption capacity as recorded by in vivo absorption, which balanced a decrease in F v /F m . The increase in the chlorophyll a-specific absorption cross section was related to an increase in carotenoid pigments and a reduction in the package effect. These experiments show that P. antarctica can acclimate successfully to conditions as they prevail in the Antarctic ocean, which may explain the success of this species.  相似文献   

The occurrence and toxicity of Amphidinium carterae Hulburt is hereby reported for the first time from the North Arabian Sea on the coast of Pakistan. The concentrations of 1.2 × 104 cells ml−1 were found in intertidal pools that were also inhabited by the brown macroalga Sargassum wightii. Both wild and cultured A. carterae cells were tested for ciguatera toxicity through exposure to brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia salina) and albino mice. Although the brine shrimp did not appear to be affected mortalities in mice ranged between 13 and 16% at doses of 7.2 × 104 and 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1, respectively. When mice were affected pharmacological effects such as muscle contraction in lower back area, increased respiration, immobility and paralysis in hind limbs were observed for 2 h. These effects appeared to be reversible and gradually disappeared within 24 h.  相似文献   

Human-caused genetic changes in two Atlanticsalmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks, from therivers Iijoki and Oulujoki in Finland, wereassessed by comparing the genetic parameters ofthese stocks before and after the hatcherybreeding of several successive generations,corresponding to 40 and 33 years since the wildstate. The changes were also compared withthose observed in a large wild salmon stock inthe River Teno during 56 years. In all, thevariation at seven microsatellite DNA loci wasexamined in 11 Atlantic salmon samplesoriginating from these three rivers. Theeffective population size, Ne, duringbreeding of the Iijoki broodstock and for theTeno salmon was also estimated by the temporalmethod based on allele frequency changes. Forthe Iijoki broodstock, the changes could betracked generation by generation from thefounding of the stock. Statisticallysignificant changes in allele frequencies werecommon in the hatchery stocks (F = 0.029, forIijoki), but not in the wild Teno stock, whichwas temporally very stable (F = 0.007). Allelicrichness decreased statistically significantly(24.8%) in the Oulujoki broodstock, from 62.1to 46.7 alleles at nine loci. On average, therewere 9.7 fewer alleles (15.7%) in thecontemporary broodstocks than in thecorresponding historical stocks. The meanheterozygosity was 6.6% lower in thecontemporary Oulujoki broodstock, but remainedunchanged in the Iijoki broodstock. Theestimated Ne for the Iijoki broodstock wasunder 80 for 4.5 generations from 1962 to 1995and for the wild Teno salmon over 900 for 56years from 1939 to 1995.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of pelagic Archaea was studied in the southern North Sea by rRNA hybridization, sequencing and quantification of 16S rRNA gene and membrane lipid analyses and related to physical, chemical and biological parameters to determine the factors influencing archaeal biogeography. A clear temporal variability was observed, with marine Crenarchaeota (Group I.1a) being relatively more abundant in winter and Euryarchaeota dominating the archaeal assemblage in spring and summer. Spatial differences in the lateral distribution of Crenarchaeota were also evident. In fact, their abundance was positively correlated with the copy number of the gene encoding the alpha subunit of crenarchaeotal ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) and with concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus. This suggests that most Crenarchaeota in the North Sea are nitrifiers and that their distribution is determined by nutrient concentrations. However, Crenarchaeota were not abundant when larger phytoplankton (>3 microm) dominated the algal population. It is hypothesized that together with nutrient concentration, phytoplankton biomass and community structure can predict crenarchaeotal abundance in the southern North Sea. Euryarchaeotal abundance was positively correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations, but not with phytoplankton community structure. Whether this is related to the potential of Euryarchaeota to perform aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy remains to be shown, but the conspicuous seasonal distribution pattern of Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota suggests that they occupy a different ecological niche.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic and taxonomic relationships among 54 North Atlantic populations of the snowbed grass genusPhippsia were investigated based on isozymes and genetically based morphological variation. The results support recognition of two distinct species,P. algida andP. concinna, the latter with at least two subspecies. Both of these self-fertilizing arctic pioneer species were genetic allotetraploids almost without intrapopulational variation. The two species showed strikingly different phylogeographies in the North Atlantic region in spite of their similarity in morphology, habitat ecology, mating system, and dispersal ecology, and in spite of their present cooccurrence in many geographic areas, sometimes even in the same snowbeds. The same electrophoretic multilocus phenotype was observed in all populations ofP. algida, and although this species showed considerable morphological variation, the variation was unstructured geographically. Thus,P. algida showed a pattern similar to other arctic species investigated in the North Atlantic region; it has probably dispersed postglacially across the sea barriers among Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, and Scandinavia. In contrast,P. concinna was virtually fixed for different multilocus phenotypes in the three main geographic areas analyzed (S Norway, Svalbard, Greenland), corresponding to fairly distinct divergence in morphology. This pattern suggests absence of postglacial among-area dispersal ofP. concinna in spite of all of its similarities with its congener; it may have immigrated to the North Atlantic from different source areas and/or survived the last glaciationin situ.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation within and between North Atlantic minke whale samples(Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from West Greenland, Iceland, and Norway was investigated. In the West Greenland samples, 28 enzyme systems were examined, representing 36 loci, of which 6 were found to be polymorphic. In Icelandic and Norwegian samples, 22 enzyme systems were examined, representing 29 loci, of which 6 and 5 were found to be polymorphic, respectively. The average heterozygosity was 0.058 (SE=0.024) in samples from West Greenland, 0.074 (SE=0.028) in samples from Iceland, and 0.054 (SE=0.023) in samples from Norway. No significant deviations from the expected Hardy—Weinberg genotypic frequencies, within samples taken from the same area, were found. Significant differences in allele frequencies were observed, however, between samples from the three different areas. The average Nei's genetic distance was 0.014 and the averageF st value was 0.126. The genetic differences between the samples from the different areas indicate that those from West Greenland, Iceland, and Norway represented different breeding populations.  相似文献   

We examined polymorphism at 12 microsatelliteloci in 807 harbour porpoises , Phocoenaphocoena, collected from throughout thecentral and eastern North Atlantic to theBaltic Sea. Multilocus tests for allelefrequency differences, assignment tests,population structure estimates (FST) andgenetic distance measures (DLR andDC) all indicate six geneticallydifferentiated populations/sub-populationsafter pooling sub-samples within regions.Harbour porpoises from West Greenland, theNorwegian Westcoast, Ireland, the British NorthSea, the Danish North Sea and the inland watersof Denmark (IDW) are all geneticallydistinguishable from each other. A sample ofharbour porpoises collected off the Dutch coast(mainly during winter) was geneticallyheterogeneous and likely comprised a mixture ofindividuals of diverse origin. A mixed stockanalysis indicated that most of the individualsin this sample (77%) were likely migrantsfrom the British and Danish North Sea.  相似文献   

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