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Apristurus platyrhynchus and four related species were reviewed taxonomically.A. sibogae from Indonesia andA. micropterygeus from the South China Sea were valid species.A. verweyi from the Philippines andA. acanutus from the South China Sea were junior synonyms ofA. platyrhynchus. A. platyrhynchus was re-described, and its new biological information was provided.  相似文献   


Choricotyle australiensis Roubal, Armitage & Rohde, 1983, a diclidophorid monogenean species, is redescribed and genetically characterised using the partial nuclear 28S ribosomal RNA gene (28S rRNA) and a fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene sequences for specimens collected from Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) off Australia and New Zealand. Previous studies have either provided morphological or genetic results, whereas this study combines morphological and advanced molecular methods. A total of 70 Ch. auratus were examined with 22 individuals of C. australiensis recovered from the gills (overall prevalence of 23%). This study has provided the first evidence for the exploration of mitochondrial cox1 region for C. australiensis. Comparison of the newly generated sequences with other available data supported the distinction of C. australiensis among diclidophorid Furhmann, 1928 species thus confirming its taxonomic status.


A new sciaenid,Johnius (Johnieops) philippinus, is described from the Davao Gulf, Mindanao Island Philippines. It differs from all known species of the subgenus in the combination of 29–32 dorsal fin soft rays, 5–6 scales above and 10–13 scales below the lateral line, 10–12 lower gill rakers, a broadly rounded anterior snout margin (from dorsal aspect), large eyes (28–35% HL), a narrow interorbital space (23–28% HL) and well-developed pleural ribs on 11th vertebra. A synopsis of species included in the subgenusJohnieops is provided.  相似文献   

Of the 70 specimens of the lantern shark,Etmopterus unicolor, collected in Suruga Bay and adjacent waters 22.9% were abnormal hermaphrodites, 30.0% normal males, and 47.1% normal females. Fifteen hermaphrodites had female reproductive organs composed of normal ovaries, oviducts, nidamentai glands and uteri as well as claspers. The clasper lengths of these hermaphrodites increased rapidly after the sharks reached 510 mm TL, the length about equal to the size at maturity for normal females. The ovary and uterus of abnormal females became mature at a total length greater than 500 mm, whereas the size at maturity was about 500 mm TL for normal females compared to 460 mm TL for normal males. In one specimen, the left gonad contained both ovarian and testicular tissues, the bulk of which was testicular.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and illustrations are given for Braunia secunda (Hook.) Bruch & Schimp., and a Humboldt and Bonpland specimen (BM) is selected as the lectotype. Also a collection by Arséne (BM) is designated as the lectotype for B. secunda var. crassiretis Thér. This variety is retained as synonym of B. secunda. The species concept of B. secunda is revised and a provisional key is provided to help in the identification of 23 species of Braunia, based on examination of herbarium specimens worldwide. About half of specimens from Mexico actually represent another species, B. andrieuxii Lorentz. All material examined from India, previously identified as B. secunda belongs to B. macropelma (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger, whereas collections from Africa are actually B. rupestris (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, B. entodonticarpa Müll.Hal., or B. diaphana (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger. These and other species should no longer be considered synonyms of B. secunda. The worldwide distribution of the species is documented for the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Venezuela, and Bolivia.  相似文献   

A fourth capture and third extant specimen of the ophidiid, Apagesoma delosommatus , is reported from tropical eastern North Atlantic continental rise waters. Its morphometric and meristic characters are compared with the holotype and paratype and its left sagitta is illustrated.  相似文献   

Newly born and neonate Torpedo ocellata were obtained from gravid females caught during the autumn off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. The young torpedos, which weighed about 11 g, were fed with live Blennius pavo Risso, and doubled their weight in about 4 months. The behaviour of the torpedo during feeding was examined and photographed. When attacking a fish, the torpedo emerges from being buried in the sand and assaults the approaching prey. First, the prey is trapped under the torpedo and then directed towards the ray's mouth by its body movements. Newborn and neonate torpedos are able to discharge their electric organ. The amplitude of the discharge of one day-old fish is approximately 4 V. It increases dramatically during the first three weeks of life to 20 V, reaching an asymptotic level of about 26 V, by the end of the fourth month.  相似文献   

On the basis of a newly performed cladistic analysis a new classification of the representatives of two Afrotropical tenebrionid genera, Ectateus Koch, 1956 and Selinus Mulsant & Rey, 1853 sensu Iwan 2002a, is provided. Eleoselinus is described as a new genus. The genus Monodius, previously synonymized with Selinus by Iwan (2002), is redescribed and considered as a separate genus. Following new combinations are proposed: Ectateus calcaripes (Gebien, 1904), Monodius laevistriatus (Fairmaire, 1897), Monodius lamottei (Gridelli, 1954), Monodius plicicollis (Fairmaire, 1897), Eleoselinus villiersi (Ardoin, 1965) and Eleoselinus ursynowiensis (Kamiński, 2011). Neotype for Ectateus calcaripes and lectotypes for E. crenatus (Fairmaire, 1897), E. ghesquierei Koch, 1956 and Monodius malaisei malaisei Koch, 1956 are designated to fix the taxonomic status of these taxa. The following synonymies are proposed: Selinus monardi Kaszab, 1951 and Ectateus latipennis Koch, 1956 with E. crenatus (Fairmaire, 1897). Identification keys are provided to all known species of Ectateus sensu novum, Eleoselinus, Monodius and Selinus sensu novum.  相似文献   

The marine-derived stingrays of Potamotrygonidae, endemic to South American river systems, host an interesting parasite fauna equally related to marine lineages. Among those lineages, the diversity and phylogenetic relationships within Potamotrygonocotyle - a monocotylid monogenoidean specific to potamotrygonids - are poorly known, since 9 of 10 species attributed to this genus have been described in the past 3 years. Here, we readdress the diversity of Potamotrygonocotyle after examining the gills of 436 potamotrygonid individuals representing 12 described and 14 potentially undescribed species of freshwater stingrays from 19 major river systems of South America (i.e. sub-basins). We recognized 12 valid species within the parasite genus, of which four are described in this study. Our taxonomic decisions were based on the phylogenetic analysis of 14 ingroup terminal taxa and 12 morphological characters, which resulted in the following hypothesis of sister-group relationships: ((P. dromedarius, P. tatianae sp. nov.), (P. rionegrense, P. auriculocotyle sp. nov., ((P. quadracotyle, P. umbella), (P. septemcotyle sp. nov., (P. chisholmae, P. uruguayense)), (P. tsalickisi, P. eurypotamoxenus, P. rarum, (P. tocantinsense sp. nov., P. aramasae))))). According to our hypothesis, the absence of autapomorphic features for some nominal species, and the re-evaluation of morphological variation among populations, led us to consider P. eurypotamoxenus and P. uruguayense as junior synonymys of P. tsalicksi and P. chisholmae, respectively. Finally, we address the importance of biogeographic and host representation, in order to fully understand the patterns of morphological variation and host specificity within this group. We found that hypotheses of species delimitation depend greatly on efforts to sample specimens throughout its distributional range and that host specificity within this genus varies dramatically among lineages.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were determined for 11 species from four genera of Didymozoinae (Indodidymozoon, Helicodidymozoon, Rhopalotrema and Neometadidymozoon) and a species of the Lecithasteridae, Lecithaster stellatus. Sequences were used to test the validity of species recognised on morphological criteria and to infer phylogenetic relationships. Sequences of the 11 didymozoids differed by 0.5% to 19%. Our phylogenetic analyses: (i) indicate that species in the genera Helicodidymozoon and Rhopalotrema are a monophyletic group; (ii) support separation of the genus Helicodidymozoon from the genera Indodidymozoon and Neometadidymozoon; and (iii) support recognition of Rhopalotrema as a genus distinct from Neometadidymozoon. We found the gonochoristic species, I. pearsoni and I. suttiei, to be genetically similar to the hermaphroditic species in the genus Indodidymozoon and found no evidence to indicate that they belong in a separate genus.  相似文献   


Late-instar Aedes australis larvae were experimentally infected with Coelomomyces opifexi, and the subsequent development of the fungal parasite was studied. Five separate experiments involving 1190 infected larvae were conducted. Of these larvae, 114 continued development and pupated; 38 of them contained sporangia. Histological studies indicated that parasite development slowed down, if not ceased, following pupation of infected larvae, and the presence of sporangia in adults reflected the degree of advancement of infection in the larvae at pupation.  相似文献   

Synonymy of two genus-group names is substantiated: Tricholicinus Poppius, 1912 (type species: Tricholicinus setosus J.R. Sahlberg, 1880) = Martyr Semenov et Znojko, 1929 (type species: Martyr praeteritorum Semenov et Znojko, 1929), syn. n. and Psammodromius Peyerimhoff, 1927 (type species: Psammodromius noctivagus Peyerimhoff, 1927) = Xanthomelina Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964 (type species: Apristus zajtzewi Eichler, 1924), syn. n. Synonymy of the following names of the species-group taxa is established: Calosoma (Callisthenes) elegans (Kirsch, 1859) = C. (Callisthenes) declive (Dohrn, 1884), syn. n., lectotype of the latter is designated; Carabus (Semnocarabus) erosus erosus Motschulsky, 1866 = C. (Semnocarabus) erosus karascharensis (Eidam, 1931), syn. n., lectotype of the latter is designated; C. (Semnocarabus) cicatricosulus pseudoerosus Mandl, 1955 = C. (Semnocarabus) bogdanowi semnocosulus Deuve et Tian, 2013, syn. n.; Chlaenius (Dinodes) viridis (Ménétriés, 1832) = Ch. pallidicornis Ballion, 1871, syn. n.; Licinus (Tricholicinus) setosus (J.R. Sahlberg, 1880) = Licinus mongolicus Reitter, 1900, syn. n. = Martyr praeteritorum Semenov et Znojko, 1929, syn. n. = Martyr alter Semenov et Znojko, 1929, syn. n.; Psammodromius zajtzewi (Eichler, 1924), comb. n. (transferred from the genus Xanthomelina Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964) = Psammodromius pallidicolor (Mandl, 1973), syn. n. = Psammodromius damanabii Morvan, 1977, syn. n.Calosoma (Callisthenes) rostislavi Semenov, 1906, stat. resurr. is resurrected from synonyms of C. (Callisthenes) declive (Dohrn, 1884).  相似文献   

A new rhizocephalan species of the genus Dipterosaccus Van Kampen & Boschma, 1925, is described from the host hermit crab Calcinus vachoni Forest on the coasts of mainland Japan and the Ryukyu Archipelago. Dipterosaccus shiinoi n. sp. differs from the previously described species, D. indicus Van Kampen & Boschma, 1925, which is redescribed, principally in the morphology of the mantle aperture and the disposition of the receptacle ducts. The distribution ranges of the two species partly overlap and they are sympatric at the same reef site near Okinawa Island. Their differentiation as two distinct species was confirmed by partial sequences of the COI gene. The monophyly of Dipterosaccus is supported by high Bayes posterior possibility and bootstrap values.  相似文献   

变豆菜属(Sanicula)是典型的东亚-北美间断分布属,属于北极-第三纪古老区系成分。目前全世界有40种,中国(17种,11个特有种)和美国(22种,13个特有种)是2个分布中心。近年来有关变豆菜属分子系统发育研究表明该属并非单系,不同学者采用了不同的属下分类标准,但属下分类系统和种间界限仍存在争议,特别是药用植物的种类较易混淆。变豆菜属的系统进化研究主要集中在北美Sanicora DC.组及夏威夷Sandwicensis Shan and Constance组的类群,缺少对中国特有种的研究,因此该属的系统位置、起源地、迁移、扩散模式和种间进化关系均不清楚。本文对变豆菜属的分类系统、分类方法、起源和进化的研究进展进行了综述,并提出存在的问题和解决方法。  相似文献   

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