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The gamete pigments of Hormosira banksii have been separatedby thin-layer chromatography and identified by absorption spectrophotometry.Male gametes contain predominantly ß-carotene, andfemale gametes predominantly chlorophyll and fucoxanthin. Severalminor pigments have also been tentatively identified.  相似文献   

The release of the C11-hydrocarbon spermatozoid attractant hormosirene by eggs of the Australian fucoid Hormosira banksii has been determined quantitatively using a closed-loop extraction technique. The eggs secrete erotactin for more than 2 weeks with an exponentially decreasing rate. The initial secretion rate was estimated to be 75 fmol h?1 egg?1 and the total amount of hormosirene produced per egg to be 2.35 pmol (0.35 ng). The results were used to calculate the threshold range for spermatozoid chemotaxis in the pheromone gradient around eggs.  相似文献   

Light microscope and fine structural studies of the gametes of Hormosira banksii show the antherozoids as typical Fucales biflagellate gametes with a posterior whiplash flagellum and an anterior flagellum with mastigonemes. The oospheres are enclosed in a plasma membrane, are highly vacuolate and contain abundant phenolic inclusions.

Antherozoids attach to the surface of the oospheres by their anterior flagellum at conjugation. Following fertilization Golgi derived vesicles underlying the plasma membrane decrease in electron density and an exterior surface coat appears outside this membrane. This may be a “fertilization barrier” which prevents further penetration by other male gametes.

Subsequently a fibrous layer appears which develops into a cell wall around the developing zygote. Histochemical studies show the cell wall of these young zygotes is probably made up of alginic acid. Fine structural and histochemical examination of the young zygotes suggest that whereas there is no preformed adhesive in the oosphere, large reserves of lipid and polysaccharide provide materials necessary for synthesis of wall material and the potential for adhesive production following fertilization.  相似文献   

From the lipophilic extract of the brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata collected off the Atlantic coast of Southern Brittany (Quiberon, France), five polar linear diterpenoids have been isolated. These metabolites have been identified as hydroxylated derivatives of 13-oxo- and 13-hydroxygeranylgeraniol. Their structures were characterized on the basis of chemical and spectral evidence including two-dimensional NMR experiments and mass spectrometric techniques. The absolute configuration of the 13-position has been determined, for the 13-hydroxygeranylgeraniol derivatives, to be R by means of a modified Mosher's method and therefore that of 13-hydroxygeranylgeraniol (eleganediol) has been revised. Along with these compounds, three related known geranylgeraniol derivatives were also identified, and these data were used for chemotaxonomical purposes.  相似文献   

Pavia  Henrik  Åberg  Per 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):199-203
Spatial variation in polyphenolic content in annual shoots of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum was quantified using a hierarchical sampling design. Three sampling levels, covering distances of 100–106 m, were used. Comparisons were made between two areas, Tjärnö on the Swedish west-coast and the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, with very different types of environmental conditions. No significant differences in mean polyphenolic levels were found between the two study areas (6.6% of dry mass at Tjärnö and 9.2% at the Isle of Man), whereas significant and substantial differences were found among sites within areas (range 5.7%–11.4%) and among quadrats within sites (range 3.7%–13.1 %). The extensive variation at the smaller spatial scales points out the importance of using thorough sampling procedures at all levels in large-scale studies on algal polyphenolics, e.g. biogeographical comparisons, which have been neglected in several previous studies. Moreover, the results imply that experiments on causal factors of polyphenolic variation should be designed to explain the spatial scales on which the factors are impportant. This study also investigated the relationship between polyphenolic concentration and both plant size and mean area of annual shoots. The mean area was used as an estimate of the mean growth rate of the annual shoots within an individual. No significant relationships were found between shoot growth rate, or plant size, and polyphenolic levels in annual shoots at any of the three spatial scales that were investigated.  相似文献   

The relative growth rate of the brown alga Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh in the sea at Maizuru Bay, Japan, was investigated from summer to winter to examine the impact of declining solar radiation and temperature. The observed change in the growth rate between summer and winter was insignificant, in spite of a major decline in solar radiation and water temperature. The mean relative growth rate was 4.6% per day, equivalent to the daily net photosynthetic production previously reported for this species.  相似文献   

13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) has been used to study the metabolic flux of carbon through the intracellular pools of the isomeric hexitols d-altritol and d-mannitol in Himanthalia elongata. Natural abundance 13C NMR spectra of freshly collected plant material showed altritol as the dominant intracellular low-molecular-weight organic solute, with mannitol present at less than 20% of the altritol concentration. Plant material incubated in seawater medium with added 13C-enriched bicarbonate showed a rapid increase in the 13C signal due to mannitol, with an increase of more than 12-fold in under 48 h, in contrast to the altritol signal, which increased by approximately 2-fold over the same period. The intracellular mannitol signal decreased rapidly when 13C-enriched plant material was transferred to a non-enriched medium, while altritol showed a slower decline. These results are consistent with previous observations on the effects of salinity on the intracellular hexitol pools of H. elongata, suggesting that mannitol is more rapidly metabolised than altritol. Estimates of the half-time for tracer exchange support this view, with a half-time for the turnover of altritol (> 400 h) which is an order of magnitude greater than that for mannitol turnover (≈ 50h).  相似文献   

Spontaneous formation and development of adventive embryos were observed in cauline leaves of Sargassum macrocarpum in laboratory culture. Semi-spherical swellings, which were 200–250 μm in diameter, arose from the surface of cauline leaves of thalli cultured for 4 months from zygotic embryos. Swellings became cylindrical protuberances and grew into ‘daughter’ thalli with one or two small cauline leaves. These thalli detached from ‘mother’ thalli and attached to the surface of culture vessels by rhizoids produced within 1 week after detachment. Each daughter thallus developed into an individual thallus exhibiting the same morphological processes as zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

Sargassum vachellianum Greville is one of the most important members in the subtidal seaweed flora along the coasts of the Eastern China Sea. In order to understand the embryology of zygotes and development of germlings in S. vachellianum, we performed artificial ripening, systematically observed the morphological changes and development of the fertilized eggs and germlings, and explored the effects of culture conditions on the growth of the germlings. The receptacles matured, and eggs and sperm were released after 1–5 days of culture at 21–24 °C under 60–90 μmol photons m?2 s?1 (14L:10D). Once fertilized, zygotes immediately detached from the female receptacles and began to germinate. Eight nuclei in the released fresh zygote soon begun to fuse, forming a large central nucleus, and underwent two horizontal divisions to produce a small “original rhizoid cell,” which eventually formed rhizoids after several divisions, and three other cells which eventually formed landmine-like germlings after several continuous divisions. The germlings then formed rhizoids and attached onto the bottom of the flask within 12 h of culture. The growth and development of the germlings younger than 20 days were significantly influenced by the culture temperature and light, with the optimal conditions being 21 °C and 40 μmol photons m?2 s?1. However, for germlings older than 30 days, the optimal conditions were 24 °C and 60 μmol photons m?2 s?1.  相似文献   

Trono  Gavino C.  Lluisma  Arturo O. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):331-338
The seasonality of standing crop of a Sargassum bed was investigated by conducting monthly sampling from February 1988 to July 1989. Environmental parameters of water movement, salinity, number of daytime minus tides, and water temperature were also measured. An intra-annual pattern of variation in standing crop of Sargassum crassifolium, S. cristaefolium, S. oligocystum, and S. polycystum was observed. Standing crop was generally lowest in February, March, April, or May, and highest in November through January. Sargassum accounted for about 35 to 85% of the monthly algal standing crop of the bed, and the observed variation in overall standing crop of the bed generally reflected the standing crop of Sargassum. The seasonality of the standing crops of the associated algal divisions also followed an annual cycle, but their maximum and minimum standing crops did not coincide with those of Sargassum. Individually, as well as collectively, the standing crops of the Sargassum spp. were poorly correlated with the environmental factors observed.  相似文献   

The palaeoceanography of southern Australia has been characterized by fluctuating sea levels during glacial periods, changing temperature regimes and modified boundary currents. Previous studies on genetic structuring of species in southeastern Australia have focused mainly on the differentiation of eastern and western populations while the potential role of Bass Strait as a region of overlap for three biogeographic provinces (Peronia, Maugea, and Flindersia) has been largely ignored. This study aimed to explore the likely roles of historic and contemporary factors in determining divergence patterns in the habitat‐forming intertidal seaweed Hormosira banksii in southeastern Australia with a special focus on postglacial dispersal into Bass Strait. We examined the genetic diversity of 475 Hormosira specimens collected from 19 sites around southern Australia using DNA sequence analysis of cytochrome oxidase 1. Three major haplotype groups were identified (western, centre and eastern) corresponding with the three existing biogeographical provinces in this region. Historic break points appeared to be retained and reinforced by modern day dispersal barriers. Phylogeographic grouping of Hormosira reflected a combination of historic and contemporary oceanography. As western and eastern group haplotypes were largely absent within Bass Strait, re‐colonization after the last glacial maximum appeared to have originated from refuges within or near present day Bass Strait. Patterns of genetic structure for Hormosira are consistent with other marine species in this region and highlight the importance of biogeographical barriers in contributing to modern genetic structure.  相似文献   

One male and one female gametophyte of Ectocarpus siliculosus have been detected in a sample of 19 plants taken from the Isle of Man. Fertilization takes place between gametes formed in plurilocular gametangia. Clear cross-fertility exists with Mediterranean strains. This result confirms the notion that the concept of the gametic character of meiospores in Ectocarpus should be abandoned.  相似文献   

Two separate 1?m2 plots were cleared of algal cover every 3 or 4 wk for 1 yr and each time, one was filled with cleaned, sun-dried coralline rocks. These plots were closely monitored in subsequent months for any sign of Sargassum regrowth. Control plots were also monitored during the same period. New growth was first detected in December in cleared and control plots, 3 months after the start of the reproductive season for Sargassum spp. in the area. New growth was observed in the plots with coralline rocks in January, and only on rocks placed at least 3 months earlier. No new growth was observed in cleared and control plots after June, nor throughout the rest of the experimental period on rocks placed after October. Pre-conditioning of the coralline rocks appeared to be a prerequisite for settling of Sargassum germlings and the importance of timing in laying these rocks for successful colonization of Sargassum spp. is discussed.  相似文献   

The present distribution of the invasive brown alga Sargassum muticum in the southwest Netherlands is updated. Populations of the alga were found to remain at their 1985 level in Lake Grevelingen, with a small eastward expansion into the Eastern Scheldt estuary. A new population for the brackish, non-tidal Lake Veere is reported. Within Lake Grevelingen S. muticum forms a persistent, extensive canopy of 100% cover (4,442.5 ± 525.6 g fresh wt m–2, 640.3 ± 75.8 g dry wt m–2) that has a marked effect upon the penetration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (reduced by 97% at 0.1 m). Surface sea water temperatures can be elevated by 2.7 °C above water not associated with a Sargassum canopy; furthermore, the dense canopy shades and hence reduces water temperatures below 0.1 m depth. Productivity studies indicate that assimilation occurs in the upper levels of the canopy (57.09 µg C mg dry wt–1 m–2 at a mean PAR rate of 106.7 J cm–2 h–1). Self-shading and a resultant decrease in the rate of assimilation was evident below the canopy.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study has shown that in Fucus serratus and Fucus distichus, young zygotes and embryos are highly susceptible to elevated levels of both UVA (UVAR) and UVB radiation (UVBR). Zygotes treated with UVAR are able to polarise and germinate, but are very slow to divide; if they do, they often have skewed division planes or deformed rhizoids. Those treated with UVAR and UVBR remain spherical, they do not polarise, germinate to form rhizoids or undergo cell division. We suggest that the UVR may be affecting the cytoskeleton. Conversely, zygotes and embryos of Fucus spiralis are able to withstand these same UVR levels and, at the light microscope level, appear to develop normally. When the brown algal phenolic compound phloroglucinol was placed in a filter covering the developing embryos, normal development was seen under all treatments. Phenolic compounds protect the developing fucoids from UVR. In comparison with the other two species, Fucus spiralis grows high up on the shore and is exposed for much longer periods of time and, presumably, to higher levels of natural UVR. The failure of the juvenile stages of F. serratus and F. distichus to withstand UVR stress may have implications for the continued survival of these species in the intertidal, and may prove detrimental to the population as a whole if UVR levels increase.  相似文献   

Summary Promeristematic cells of theCystoseira thallus have been studied by transmission electron microscopy and cytochemistry in order to observe vacuole formation and development.Vacuolation seems to occur by different processes. Those here concerned involve the intervention of provacuolar formations, originating probably from G.E.R.L., in the sequestration of cytoplasmic materials. The sequestrated portion then undergoes a degradation. These observations agree with the processes recently reported in root meristematic cells of two higher plants:Euphorbia characias andHordeum sativum.  相似文献   

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