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Limestone applications to the catchment of one tributary to Woods Lake were highly effective in reducing stream acidity and stabilizing seasonal fluctuations in pH. The resulting improvement in stream water quality also led to a dramatic shift in reproductive strategy of the Woods Lake brook trout population. Prior to catchment liming, brook trout in Woods Lake were restricted to spawning on poor quality near shore substrate with limited ground water seepage. Reproductive success was limited by high mortality of eggs and larvae and recruitment from in lake spawning was not successful. Spawning brook trout did not utilize the tributary for spawning prior to watershed liming. Mitigation of acidity in the tributary, by catchment liming, effectively extended the spawning habitat available to the Woods Lake brook trout population and one year following treatment brook trout spawned successfully in the tributary for the first time in 6 years of observation. Significant recruitment of young trout into the lake population occurred from 1991 through 1993, although the absolute number of fish captured was relatively small. In the fall of 1993, four year classes of naturally spawned brook trout were present in the lake. Although reproductive success was enhanced by improving tributary spawning habitat in the Woods Lake basin, self maintenance of the population may be limited by low recruitment rates of young trout, due to high levels of summer mortality resulting from predation. Mitigation of this constraint would require substantially higher levels of fry production than were observed in Woods Lake and/or enhanced refugia for young trout. The results of this experiment suggest that re-establishment of tributary spawning populations of brook trout may be possible, with future reductions in acidic deposition, in acidic Adirondack lakes with limited in-lake spawning habitat.  相似文献   

Test fishing with multimesh gillnets was performed in 103 acidified Swedish lakes before and 2–4 years after liming. In a subset of 39 lakes additional test fishing was carried out 5–9 years after liming. Taking into account the sampling biases due to differences between water temperature and number of nets used on different sampling occasions, an increase of the total CPUE, the number of species caught and recruitment of dominating species was evident after liming. Decreased recruitment was found for perch (Perca fluviatilis) at a pH below 5.2 and for roach (Rutilus rutilus) at a pH below 6.1. During the acidification phase and 2–4 years after liming acid-tolerant perch dominated the lakes, but when a longer time had elapsed after liming species dominance shifted and acid-sensitive planktivorous species increased in CPUE while perch decreased.  相似文献   

Calcite treatment of chronically acidic lakes has improved fish habitat, but the effects on downstream water quality have not previously been examined. In this study, the spatial and temporal effects of watershed CaCO3 treatment on the chemistry of a lake outlet stream in the Adirondack Mountains of New York were examined. Before CaCO3 treatment, the stream was chronically acidic. During spring snowmelt before treatment, pH and acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) in the outlet stream declined, and NO 3 and inorganic monomeric aluminum (AlIM) concentrations increased sharply. During that summer, SO 4 and NO 3 concentrations decreased downstream, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and ANC increased, in association with the seasonal increase in decomposition of organic matter and the attendant SO 4 -reduction process. A charge-balance ANC calculation closely matched measured downstream changes in ANC in the summer and indicated that SO 4 reduction was the major process contributing to summer increases in ANC. Increases in Ca2+ concentration and ANC began immediately after CaCO3 application, and within 3 months, exceeded their pretreatment values by more than 130 eq/L. Within 2 months after treatment, downstream decreases in Ca2+ concentration, ANC, and pH, were noted. Stream mass balances between the lake and the sampling site 1.5 km downstream revealed that the transport of all chemical constituents was dominated by conservative mixing with tributaries and ground water; however, non-conservative processes resulted in significant Ca2+ losses during the 13-month period after CaCO3 treatment. Comparison of substrate samples from the buffered outlet stream with those from its untreated tributaries showed that the percentage of cation-exchange sites occupied by Ca2+ as well as non-exchangeable Ca, were higher in the outlet-stream substrate than in tributary-stream substrate. Mass-balance data for Ca2+ H+, AlIM, and DOC revealed net downstream losses of these constituents and indicated that a reasonable set of hypothesized reactions involving AlIM, HCO 3 , Ca2+, SO 4 NO 3 , and DOC could have caused the measured changes in stream acid/base chemistry. In the summer, the sharp decrease in ANC continued despite significant downstream decreases in SO4 2– concentrations. After CaCO3 treatment, reduction of SO 4 was only a minor contributor to ANC changes relative to those caused by Ca2+ dilution from acidic tributaries and acidic ground water, and Ca2+ interactions with stream substrate.  相似文献   

From December 1996 to August 1997, beech litter breakdown and stream benthic macroinvertebrate communities were investigated to assess the effects of acidic precipitation on community structure and function in two second-order headwater streams of the Vosges Mountains (NE France). Because of microscale changes in bedrock mineral composition, one of the streams was acidified (mean pH=4.53, mean total Al=421 g.l-1) and the other circum-neutral (mean pH=7.23, mean total Al=36 g.l-1). Results showed that both litter breakdown rate and macroinvertebrate community structure were drastically affected under acidic conditions. The rate of leaf litter breakdown decreased by nine times in the acidic stream. Benthic sampling showed that scrapers were totally eradicated and both gathering and filtering collectors were drastically reduced. Such drastic effects appear to be the consequences of the toxicity of acid water including both proton and aluminum toxicity. A decrease in shredder abundance and a shift from the efficient acid-sensitive Amphipoda Gammarus fossarum to acid-tolerant Nemouroidea (mainly Leuctra sp.) was observed in the acidic stream. Our results indicate that freshwater acidification significantly alters the action of shredders processing leaf litter in the acidic stream. Consequently, interactions between structural and functional responses to acidification probably have profound consequences on the efficiency of acidified stream ecosystems, which in return may alter downstream functioning.  相似文献   

Ola Broberg 《Hydrobiologia》1987,150(1):11-24
The acidified lakes Lake Gårdsjön and Lake Stora Hästevatten the reference lake have been monitored since 1979 and 1980 respectively. The lakes are situated in SW Sweden; in an area severly affected by acid deposition. Lake Gårdsjön was limed in spring 1982. This paper analyses changes in nutrient concentrations upon liming of Lake Gårdsjön. The liming of Lake Gårdsjön was followed by a slight increase in ammonium, nitrate, and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations. A drastic decrease occurred in particulate nitrogen and particulate carbon, whereas dissolved organic carbon increased. Total phosphorus and particulate phosphorus concentrations were similar to pre-limed conditions. The long-term decrease in phosphorus concentration, exhibited by the reference lake, was not identified in Lake Gårdsjön after liming, but total phosphorus concentration was still less than half compared to Lake Gårdsjön in the early 1970's. Additional measures such as phosphorus fertilization, should in certain cases be considered in addition to liming if the goal is to restore lakes to their pre-acidic conditions.  相似文献   

The Experimental Watershed Liming Study (EWLS) was initiated to evaluate the application of CaCO3 to a forested watershed in an effort to mitigate the acidification of surface water. The objective of the EWLS was to assess the response of the Woods Lake watershed to an experimental addition of CaCO3. During October 1989, 6.89 Mg CaCO3/ha was applied by helicopter to two subcatchments comprising about 50% (102.5 ha) of the watershed area. The EWLS involved individual investigations of the response of soil and soil water chemistry, forest and wetland vegetation, soil microbial processes, wetland, stream and lake chemistry, and phytoplankton and fish to the CaCO3 treatment. In addition, the Integrated Lake/Watershed Acidification (ILWAS) model was applied to the site to evaluate model performance and duration of the treatment. The results of these studies are detailed in this volume. The purposes of this introduction and synthesis paper are to: 1) present the overall design of the EWLS, 2) discuss the linkages between the individual studies that comprise the EWLS, and 3) summarize the response of the lakewater chemistry to watershed addition of CaCO3 and compare these results to previous studies of direct lake addition. An analysis of lake chemistry revealed the watershed treatment resulted in a gradual change in pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and Ca2+ in the water column. This pattern was in contrast to direct lake additions of CaCO3 which were characterized by abrupt changes following base addition and subsequent rapid reacidification. Over the three-year study period, the supply of ANC to drainage waters was largely derived from dissolution of CaCO3 in wetlands. Relatively little dissolution of CaCO3 occurred in freely draining upland soils. The watershed treatment had only minor effects on forest vegetation. The watershed treatment eliminated the episodic acidification of streamwater and the near-shore region of the lake during snowmelt, a phenomenon that occurred during direct lake treatments. Positive ANC water in the near-shore area may improve chemical conditions for fish reproduction, and allow for the development of a viable fish population. The watershed CaCO3 treatment also decreased the transport of Al from the watershed to the lake, and increased the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved silica (H4SiO4) in stream and lakewater. The watershed treatment appeared to enhance soil nitrification, increasing concentrations of NO3 in soilwater and surface waters. However, the acidity associated with this NO3 release was small compared to the increase in ANC due to CaCO3 addition and did not alter the acid-base status of Woods Lake. Acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) budgets for 12-month periods before and after the watershed treatment showed that the lake shifted from a large source of ANC to a minor source due to retention of SO4 2–, NO3 , Al and the elevated inputs of Ca2+ associated with the watershed CaCO3 application. In contrast to the direct lake treatments, Ca2+ inputs from the watershed application were largely transported from the lake.  相似文献   

A bioassay was developed, involving steady-state ATP level determinations, for estimation of phosphate demand and deficiency in natural phytoplankton communities. The studies were performed on phytoplankton from the moderately acidified Lake Njupfatet in central Sweden before and after liming. Phytoplankton samples from in situ enclosure experiments with low-dose enrichments of nitrate and phosphate and removal of large (> 100 µm) zooplankton and from the lake water were collected. The phytoplankton were concentrated by through-flow centrifugation and post-cultured in the laboratory with or without the addition of phosphate. A relative increase in the ATP:chlorophyll a ratio after the phosphate treatment as compared to samples without phosphate enrichment was found to be a highly reproducible indicator of phosphate deficiency in the natural phytoplankton population. In contrast, the absolute ATP:chlorophyll a ratio varied substantially between different sampling occasions. No phosphate deficiency was detected in phytoplankton from the acidic lake or from fertilized in situ enclosures. However, phytoplankton from in situ enclosures without added nutrients showed evidence of phosphate limitation after 21 days incubation. Also, the phytoplankton community developed a significant phosphate deficiency the summer after lake liming. The results from the ATP analyses are compared with chemical data of the lake water, phytoplankton community structure and phosphatase activities in the lake before and after liming. The average total biomass of phytoplankton and the average Tot-P measured during May to September decreased with appr. 30% after liming while Tot-N was essentially unaffected and the phosphatase activities increased by 1000–2000%.  相似文献   

1. Additions of large wood are being used to restore streams that have been subjected to channelization, wood removal or riparian timber harvest. This added wood potentially increases channel stability, habitat complexity and organic matter retention and improves habitat and productivity of higher trophic levels. However, few stream restorations monitor restoration effectiveness after project completion. 2. We added 25 aspen logs (each 2.5 m length × 0.5 m diameter) to 100‐m reaches of each of three forested headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A. These wood‐poor streams drain forests that were completely harvested of timber over a century ago and have been selectively logged for the past 50–60 years. An upstream unmanipulateds 100‐m reach in each stream served as the control. 3. We evaluated responses in organic matter processing by measuring red maple leaf decomposition 1 year before and 2 years after wood addition. We also quantified coarse organic matter standing stocks in the main channel and in debris accumulations associated with large wood. In response to wood addition, we predicted both organic matter standing stocks and leaf decomposition rates would increase, thereby enhancing resource availability to higher trophic levels. 4. Leaf decomposition rates did not change following wood addition. Temporal variation in rates among streams was mostly explained by differences in degree days, water velocity, scour/burial and water column inorganic nitrogen concentrations, but not large wood. Variation within streams across years was explained by differences in degree days, water velocity and shredder biomass. 5. Contrary to our prediction, organic matter standing stocks did not increase significantly at the reach scale. However, the experimentally added wood retained c. 4% of total annual coarse benthic organic matter (CBOM) in the first year and an additional c. 15% in the second year, suggesting accumulation over time in the manipulated reaches. The CBOM held by the new logs may be more biologically available because it is less susceptible to burial and transport than material in the streambed. 6. Some shredding macroinvertebrates responded to changes caused by the wood additions. In particular, the common caddisfly shredder, Lepidostoma sp., increased in abundance in leaf bags following wood addition, whereas the biomass of the winter stoneflies, Capniidae, declined in the first year. 7. Considerable funds are spent to restore in‐stream habitat, but few restorations are monitored, particularly over long periods (>5 years). Our results show that longer‐term monitoring is needed to determine the efficacy of these restorations on ecosystem function; organic matter decomposition in our low‐gradient streams did not respond to a substantial increase in large wood after 2 years.  相似文献   

The decomposition of allochthonous leaf litter is retarded by stream acidification, but few studies have evaluated whether this effect can be offset by liming – the palliative addition of calcium carbonate either to streams or their catchments. We assessed the response of litter decomposition to pH and experimental liming in Welsh upland streams. Small-mesh (<335 μm) litter-bags containing common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were submerged in main river sites along the River Wye, and in replicate acid, circumneutral and experimentally limed tributaries (all n = 3) for 20 days. Beech decomposition was inhibited in acid tributaries and main river sites compared to circumneutral tributaries. Despite having only moderately increased pH relative to acid streams, limed sites had increased decomposition rates that were indistinguishable from naturally circumneutral streams. Decomposition rates increased highly significantly with pH across all 12 sites studied, and values were near identical to those in more prolonged experiments elsewhere. There were no significant variations in shredder numbers with decomposition rate, and no evidence that sites with faster decomposition had smaller shredder proportions. Although based on short-term observations and leaves from just one tree species, these results are consistent with the well-known retardation at low pH of some aspect microbial decomposition (e.g. by hyphomycete fungi). They are among the first to suggest that stream liming to combat acidification might reverse such impacts of low pH. Further data are required on the microbiological causes and ecological consequences of altered detrital processing in acid-sensitive and limed streams.  相似文献   

Changes in soil structure and aeration due to liming and acid irrigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biologic activity is one of the main factors controlling the floating equilibrium between loosening and compacting forces in humic forest soils. Therefore it can be expected that both acid deposition and compensatory liming indirectly influence the soil structure and soil aeration. To measure macro-pore structure, CO2 concentrations in the soil air, and respiration rates we used naturally structured soil cores from the Höglwald forest-ecosystem research plots with experimental acid deposition and liming, but standardized water supply. Results are integrated in an one-dimensional soil-aeration model. Compared to the control plot, in the top soil of the limed plot both gaseous diffusion coefficients and respiration rates are increased. Since the CO2 concentration in the soil air is decreased at the same time, the soil aeration status of the whole profile can be regarded as stabilized. On the acid irrigated plot, gas-diffusion coefficients are not significantly changed with regard to the control. In the top-mineral soil, in contrast to the working hypothesis, they are tendencially increased. In the case of liming, a stimulation of biologic activity and a positive feedback on the soil structure could be attributed to an increased earth-worm activity due in turn to decreased acidity and enhanced feeding conditions. The acid irrigation leads to increased Al3+ activity, which can stabilize the soil structure.  相似文献   

Evidence of chemical recovery from acidification in European freshwaters has emerged in recent years, with many previously damaged systems responding to decades of reduced acidifying emissions. Biological recovery, however, has often lagged behind, and this has been ascribed to several possible mechanisms, including inertia in the food web. We examined two decades of change in hindcasted food webs for Lochnagar, a Scottish mountain lake, to make inferences about the potential dynamical stability of the system and to assess the prospects for future biological recovery. Although community composition tracked temporal changes in acidity, this was neither sustained nor directional, and mainly manifested as shifts in relative abundances rather than the establishment of more acid‐sensitive species. The food web was highly interconnected and reticulate, especially in years when species richness was low, and subsidized by external inputs of detritus. Among the primary consumers, generalist herbivore–detritivores maintained feeding links with the scant algal resources, which appeared insufficient to support viable populations of specialist grazers. Together, these characteristics, which are shared with many other acidified freshwaters, are likely to make the community dynamically stable and resistant to invasions of potential new colonists, thereby slowing the pace of future biological recovery.  相似文献   

1. We examined the relative importance of litter quality and stream characteristics in determining decomposition rate and the macroinvertebrate assemblage living on autumn‐shed leaves. 2. We compared the decomposition rates of five native riparian tree species (Populus fremontii, Alnus oblongifolia, Platanus wrightii, Fraxinus velutina and Quercus gambelii) across three south‐western streams in the Verde River catchment (Arizona, U.S.A.). We also compared the decomposition of three‐ and five‐species mixtures to that of single species to test whether plant species diversity affects rate. 3. Decomposition rate was affected by both litter quality and stream. However, litter quality accounted for most of the variation in decomposition rates. The relative importance of litter quality decreased through time, explaining 97% of the variation in the first week but only 45% by week 8. We also found that leaf mixtures decomposed more quickly than expected, when all the species included were highly labile or when the stream environment led to relatively fast decomposition. 4. In contrast to decomposition rate, differences in the invertebrate assemblage were more pronounced across streams than across leaf litter species within a stream. We also found significant differences between the invertebrate assemblage colonising leaf mixtures compared with that colonising pure species litter, indicating non‐additive properties of litter diversity on stream invertebrates. 5. This study shows that leaf litter diversity has the capacity to affect in‐stream decomposition rates and stream invertebrates, but that these effects depend on both litter quality and stream characteristics.  相似文献   

May  Linda 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):333-340
Seathwaite Tarn, in the English Lake District, was used as an experimental site to test the feasibility of increasing the pH of an acidified waterbody by adding a phosphorus-based fertiliser solution. The impact of this experiment on the planktonic rotifer community was assessed by monitoring for two years before treatment (1990–1991), and for a further two years once treatment had begun (1992–1993). The pH of the water rose by 0.5 pH units over the period of fertilisation, and the lake became very eutrophic. This had little effect on the species composition of the rotifer assemblage, which continued to reflect the acid, oligotrophic nature of the untreated lake. However, there were marked changes in the levels of abundance of most planktonic species. Population densities of Keratella serrulata and Trichocerca longiseta increased in early spring, compared to pre-treatment levels, apparently due to the rises in chlorophyll-a concentrations. In contrast, Polyarthra dolichoptera became very scarce after fertilisation began. The treatment seemed to have little effect on the population dynamics of the dominant openwater rotifer, Polyarthra remata. In 1993, very high densities of Bosmina coregoni (up to 250 × 103 ind M–3 ) developed in response to the eutrophication programme. This seemed to suppress the rotifer community in the summer months.  相似文献   

路颖  李坤  梁强  李传荣  张彩虹 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3175-3186
为研究泰山不同造林树种凋落物叶分解对细菌群落的影响。以泰山4种主要优势造林树种刺槐(Robinia pseucdoacacia)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)和赤松(Pinus densiflora)为研究对象,采用凋落物分解袋法及Illumina Miseq测序平台对细菌16S rDNA V4—V5区扩增产物进行双端测序,分析了4种树种叶片凋落物分解对细菌群落结构及多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)4种树种叶片分解速率差异显著(P0.05),刺槐分解速率显著高于其他3个树种(P0.05),表现为刺槐赤松油松麻栎。(2)4种叶凋落物分解一年后化学元素含量与初始化学元素相比均存在显著差异。C、木质素含量均显著降低(P0.05);N、P含量显著升高(P0.05)。(3)所有样品一共获得643440条有效序列,分属于35门,92纲,121目,246科,410属,206种。细菌群落NMDSβ-多样性分析显示除油松和赤松间差异较小外,其他树种间差异程度均较大。其中,细菌群落相对丰度在5%以上的优势类群是变形菌门、放线菌门、拟杆菌门、酸杆菌门,且在4种处理之间差异显著(PSymbol|@@0.05)。在纲水平上,α-变形菌纲、β-变形菌纲、不明放线菌纲、鞘脂杆菌纲、γ-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲为主要的优势纲,其中不明放线菌纲和鞘脂杆菌纲差异显著(PSymbol|@@0.05)。在种水平上,Bradyrhizobium elkanii和Luteibacter rhizovicinus在4个处理中都为优势种,每个处理也都有自己所特有的优势种。(4)4个处理细菌丰富度(OUT、观测到的物种数和ACE指数)和系统发育多样性(PD指数)之间差异显著(PSymbol|@@0.05),且阔叶树种刺槐和麻栎显著高于针叶树种赤松和油松。(5)叶片凋落物性状和细菌群落NMDS分析表明,细菌群落多样性受到凋落物化学性质的影响,尤其是凋落物初始C/N比和木质素/N比。此外,在细菌群落多样性和叶片凋落物化学性质两个因素中,分解速率与凋落物化学性质相关性更大。研究结果有助于理解细菌群落结构和多样性对森林生态系统叶片凋落物分解的影响。  相似文献   

A comparative study of relationships between stream acidity and bacteria, macroinvertebrates, and fish in the Adirondack Mountains of upper New York state and in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains of eastern Tennessee, USA, was conducted. Although the study sites in both regions spanned a pH range from approximately 4.5 to 6.4, considerably greater seasonal variability in pH and higher monomeric Al concentrations characterized the Adirondack sites. Relationships between several biological characteristics and stream water acidity were similar in both regions, including lower production of epilithic bacteria and bacteria on decomposing leaves, lower leaf decomposition rates, lower density and generic richness of scraper/grazer macroinvertebrates, particularly Ephemeroptera, and lower fish abundance and survival in more acidic streams. Densities of total macroinvertebrates and densities of macroinvertebrates and bacteria inhabiting or closely associated with stream sediments were generally not related to stream water acidity.Regional differences occur in some of the relationships between biological characteristics and stream water acidity. Negative correlations between bacterial production on rocks and pH, between bacterial production on decomposing leaves and pH, and between densities of Ephemeroptera and scrapers and pH were stronger in the Adirondacks than in the Southern Blue Ridge. Higher Al concentrations in the Adirondacks may be responsible for the stronger relationships with pH there. The steeper slopes of the relationships between Ephemeroptera density and all forms of Al in the Adirondacks compared with the Southern Blue Ridge suggests that there may be some adaptation among a few acid/aluminum-tolerant species in the seasonally more constant acidic Southern Blue Ridge streams. Fish bioassays indicated longer survival times in acidic streams in the Adirondacks compared with the Southern Blue Ridge, but these results may be an artifact associated with the use in the Southern Blue Ridge of rainbow trout as the test species which is known to be more acid sensitive compared with brook trout, the test species used in the Adirondacks.  相似文献   

贺湛斐  童春富 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4619-4631
太浦河连接东太湖和黄浦江,是东太湖向下游行洪的主河道,也是黄浦江上游重要的引水水源。分别于2017年10月、12月和2018年3月、6月在太浦河沿程设置的5个站点开展了大型底栖动物季节频次的取样调研,分析了太浦河大型底栖动物群落的结构特征及其主要影响因子。调查期间共采集到大型底栖动物25种,隶属于3门6纲14科,其中以河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)为代表的双壳类和以铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)为代表的腹足类处优势地位。太浦河大型底栖动物群落的密度、生物量及多样性特征在不同站点间均存在显著差异(P<0.05);而在不同季节间均不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。聚类排序分析表明,太浦河大型底栖动物群落在空间上的差异较季节间的变化更为明显。太浦河大型底栖动物群落的物种组成特征与太浦河、东太湖的水文连通格局密切相关;而沿程不同程度人为干扰下的水体营养水平以及底质类型与生境异质性等生境条件对太浦河大型底栖动物群落的分布特征具有重要影响,其综合作用机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Hansjörg Thies 《Hydrobiologia》1994,274(1-3):143-154
During the hydrological years 1989 and 1990, water analyses of the dystrophic mountain cirque Lake Huzenbach and the precipitation within its watershed were performed. Periods of droughts which are supposed to be induced by climate change as well as acidic pulses modify the chemical composition of lake water. Snow melt and heavy rains cause flash floods in lake inflows which are controlled by subsurface-flow. One of the inflows exhibits extremely low pH values [pHmin = 3.66], high concentrations for aluminium [Almax = 1.10 mg l-1], dissolved organic carbon [DOCmax = 30.7 mg l-1], and sulfate [SO4max = 9.08 mg l-1]. Organic and inorganic acids are both likely to contribute to the acidity of these surface waters. During baseflow conditions, groundwater springs still show slightly positive alkalinity values as well as increased pH values up to about 6.0. Since 1985 lake surface samples demonstrate an increasing tendency towards pH values higher than 5.0 during dry summer periods. Positive alkalinity values occur in the hypolimnion during anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Qian  X.M.  Kottke  I.  Oberwinkler  F. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(1):99-109
A study of mycorrhizal activity was conducted in a mature Norway spruce ((Picea abies) [L.] Karst.) stand subjected to soil treatments of liming and acidification for six years (Höglwald research project). Samples were collected five times during one growing season using a soil corer. All the turgescent, not shriveled mycorrhizal tips were sorted out and identified on the fungal species level as far as yet possible. The proportion of each mycorrhizal type on the plots was calculated. The results revealed a shift in the mycorrhizal communities caused by both acid rain and liming. Data are in agreement with the findings of the more comprehensive study on the mycorrhizal communities carried out by another research group on the same plots (Taylor et al., submitted)The activity of the predominant types of mycorrhizas, Piceirhiza gelatinosa, Piceirhiza nigra, Russula ochroleuca-P. abies, Tuber puberulum-P. abies, Tylospora sp.-P. abies, Xerocomus badius-P. abies, was investigated by staining hand sectioned tips with FDA and their fluorescence. Different FDA-hydrolysing activities of the mycorrihizal types had been found in a previous-year study on the same plots and were confirmed during the second year. The proportion of the different stages of activity of the mycorrhizal tissues was calculated on the type level and in connection to the soil treatments. X. badius-P. abies and R. ochroleuca-P. abies displayed the most active fungal tissues and proportion increased on the acidic plots while Tuber puberulum-P. abies and Piceirhiza nigra were the most active types and occurred in higher proportion after liming. Thus, the overall activities of the mycorrhizas were only slightly changed by the treatments. In addition to the mycorrhizal effect acidification reduced while liming enhanced the meristematic activity of the short root tips. The same tendency was found by studying root production on the same plots (Hahn and Marschner, 1998). Although nearly 3000 mycorrhizal tips were studied, the data are still limited, allowing no statistical validation. This is, however, the first investigation connecting overall activity of the mycorrihizal tissues with the proportion of the mycorrhizal types as influenced both by alterations of the forest soil caused by acid rain and liming. The results are interesting and reasonable but further investments are necessary to validate the general conclusions.  相似文献   

王璐  杨海军  李玲  南晓飞  张振兴  李昆 《生态学杂志》2017,28(11):3775-3783
长白山森林源头溪流每年11月至次年4月有约70%的河面被冰覆盖,季节性冻融过程特征明显.为了揭示溪流冻结初期凋落叶分解与底栖动物定殖的关系,在长白山地区1条源头溪流中,利用2种孔径(5和0.3 mm)的尼龙分解袋对色木槭、紫椴、蒙古栎的单一及混合凋落叶进行了为期35 d的分解研究.结果表明: 凋落叶质量损失率在单一树种间差异显著,表现为:色木槭>紫椴>蒙古栎,而在4种混合凋落叶间差异不显著;除紫椴和3树种混合凋落叶外,粗、细分解袋间凋落叶质量损失率差异不显著;凋落叶混合效应仅出现在紫椴-蒙古栎混合的粗分解袋内;定殖在不同凋落叶分解袋内的底栖动物群落结构差异较大,但撕食者密度在3种凋落叶间差异不显著,撕食者对凋落叶混合效应的响应也不显著.由结果可知,溪流冻结初期微生物是凋落叶的主要分解者,底栖动物的贡献率较低.虽然撕食者密度较低,但撕食者的活动是凋落叶混合效应出现的必要条件.底栖动物对食物和栖息地有一定的选择性,但由于定殖时间较短,凋落叶对撕食者定殖的影响不显著.本研究对源头溪流生态系统的冬季生态过程研究及生态系统管理具有一定的理论意义.  相似文献   

滇池底栖无脊椎动物群落结构及水质评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滇池位于云南省昆明市西南郊,海拔1885m的高原面上,受纳盘龙江、宝象河等21条入湖水源,湖水出口南流转北注入金沙江。滇池南北长39.0km^2,东西最宽12.5km^2,最窄2.44km^2,湖岸线151.2km^2,面积为330.0km^2,属于高原构造型亚热带石灰岩富营养型湖。  相似文献   

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