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Lucina pectinata hemoglobin I (HbI), which is a ferric sulfide-reactive hemeprotein, contains a distal pocket characterized by the presence of GlnE7 and PheB10. To elucidate the structural-functional properties of HbI, oxygen binding kinetics and FTIR studies with recombinant HbI (rHbI) and a set of mutants were conducted using CO and CN- as sensors of the hemeprotein environment. Three nuCO modes were observed for rHbI at 1936 cm(-1) (A3, closed conformer) 1950 cm(-1) (A1,2, closed conformer) and 1960 cm(-1) (A0, open conformer). These nuCO were affected by substitution of GlnE7 and PheB10 in the CO complexes. The contribution of GlnE7 is demonstrated when this residue is replaced with Asn, Val or His. For instance, decreasing the positive electrostatic environment with GlnE7Val, causes an increase of 65% in the population of A0 and the disappearance and 55% reduction of the population of the A1,2 and A3 respectively. The contribution of PheB10 to the stabilization of ligands is also observed in the Leu and Tyr mutants. The PheB10Leu mutation produced an 8% decrease in the population of the A3 conformer while that of the A1,2 configuration increased by 30%. This suggests that GlnE7 and PheB10 contribute to the A3 conformer stabilizing the CO in a closed configuration. With CN- as probe no substantial differences in the nuCN was observed upon substitution of GlnE7 by Val while a slight down shift in the nuCN from 2120 cm(-1) to 2117 cm(-1) was observed in the PheB10Leu mutant. This implies that in HbICN GlnE7 moves away from the binding site while PheB10 remains in the vicinity of the bound CN-. Here, a mechanism in which the flexibility of the distal protein matrix coupled with hemeporphyrin movement toward a different configuration is suggested as an important process in the H2S transport and delivery in hemoglobin I.  相似文献   

Lucina pectinata ctenidia harbor three heme proteins: sulfide-reactive hemoglobin I (HbI(Lp)) and the oxygen transporting hemoglobins II and III (HbII(Lp) and HbIII(Lp)) that remain unaffected by the presence of H(2)S. The mechanisms used by these three proteins for their function, including ligand control, remain unknown. The crystal structure of oxygen-bound HbII(Lp) shows a dimeric oxyHbII(Lp) where oxygen is tightly anchored to the heme through hydrogen bonds with Tyr(30)(B10) and Gln(65)(E7). The heme group is buried farther within HbII(Lp) than in HbI(Lp). The proximal His(97)(F8) is hydrogen bonded to a water molecule, which interacts electrostatically with a propionate group, resulting in a Fe-His vibration at 211 cm(-1). The combined effects of the HbII(Lp) small heme pocket, the hydrogen bonding network, the His(97) trans-effect, and the orientation of the oxygen molecule confer stability to the oxy-HbII(Lp) complex. Oxidation of HbI(Lp) Phe(B10) --> Tyr and HbII(Lp) only occurs when the pH is decreased from pH 7.5 to 5.0. Structural and resonance Raman spectroscopy studies suggest that HbII(Lp) oxygen binding and transport to the host bacteria may be regulated by the dynamic displacements of the Gln(65)(E7) and Tyr(30)(B10) pair toward the heme to protect it from changes in the heme oxidation state from Fe(II) to Fe(III).  相似文献   

Hemoglobin I (HbI) from Lucina pectinata reacts with hydrogen sulfide to form the ferric sulfide complex needed to transport H2S to the bacterial endosymbiont. To further study HbI, expression studies of this protein were performed in Escherichia coli. This is the first time that the recombinant HbI was produced using a recombinant DNA expression system. Hemoglobin I cDNA was amplified and cloned into the TOPO-PBAD expression vector, which contains a fusion tag of six histidine residues (6XHis tag). Plasmid clone sequence analysis was carried out in order to ensure that the insert was in the correct reading frame for proper protein expression in E. coli. The expression of recombinant HbI was optimal when induced for 5 hr with 0.002% of l-arabinose as detected by Western blot analysis. The proto-porphyrin group was inserted into the recombinant HbI. Purification of the heme-bound recombinant protein was performed under native conditions by affinity chromatography using Ni-NTA and Probond resins. The sodium dithionite-reduced recombinant protein presented a shift from the Soret band at 413-435 nm, indicating the presence of the heme group in the adequate amino acid environment of HbI. These results indicate that recombinant HbI from Lucina pectinata can be successfully expressed in a prokaryotic system retaining its activity toward reduction, oxidation, and ligand binding.  相似文献   

Blood pressure elevation has been attributed in large part to the consumption of nitric oxide (NO) by extracellular hemoglobin (Hb) therapeutics following infusion in humans. We studied NO and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) oxidative reaction kinetics of monomeric Hbs isolated from the clam Lucina pectinata to probe the effects of their distinctive heme pocket chemistries on ligand controls and heme oxidative stability. HbI (Phe43(CD1), Gln64(E7), Phe29(B10), and Phe68(E11)) reacted with high avidity with NO (k'(ox,NO) = 91 microM-1 s-1), whereas HbII (Phe44(CD1), Gln65(E7), Tyr30(B10), and Phe69(E11)) reacted at a much slower rate (k'(ox,NO)= 2.8 microM-1 s-1). However, replacing B10 (Phe) by Tyr in recombinant HbI (HbI PheB10Tyr) produced only a 2-fold reduction in the NO-induced oxidation rate (k'(ox,NO)= 49.9 microM-1 s-1). Among the clam Hbs, HbII exhibited the fastest NO dissociation and the slowest NO association with ferrous iron. Autoxidation, H2O2-mediated ferryl iron (FeIV) formation, and the subsequent heme degradation kinetics were much slower in HbII and HbI PheB10Tyr when compared to those of HbI. The Tyr(B10) residue appears to afford a greater heme oxidative stability advantage toward H2O2, whereas the close proximity of this residue together with Gln(E7) to the heme iron contributes largely to the distal control of NO binding. Engineering of second-generation Hb-based oxygen therapeutics that are resistant to NO/H2O2-driven oxidation may ultimately require further optimization of the heme pocket architecture to limit heme exposure to solvent.  相似文献   

Diffraction data to 3.1 A resolution were collected on crystals of a complex of components II and III of the cytoplasmic hemoglobin of the symbiont-harboring clam Lucina pectinata. The crystal system is tetragonal, a = 76.3 A, c = 153.1 A and the space group is P42212. The asymmetric unit probably contains a dimer of the tetrameric complex.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic monomeric hemoglobin I from the bacteria-harboring gill of the bivalve mollusc Lucina pectinata has been crystallized in a form suitable for atomic resolution X-ray structural investigations. The crystals have been grown at pH 4.8, in 0.05 M-acetate buffer, using 2.6 M-ammonium sulfate as precipitating agent. The crystals belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1), with unit cell constants a = 50.0 A, b = 38.6 A, c = 42.1 A, beta = 107.1 degrees, and contain one molecule (14,000 Mr) in the asymmetric unit. By means of single crystal microspectrophotometry it has been shown that the crystals contain the ferric form of L. pectinata "sulfide reactive" hemoglobin I. On the other hand, by careful control of the buffering medium composition, it has been possible to obtain stable crystals of the deoxy, oxy and sulfide forms of the protein.  相似文献   

Studies that elucidate the behavior of the hemoglobins (Hbs) and myoglobins upon reaction with hydrogen peroxide are essential to the development of oxygen carrier substitutes. Stopped-flow kinetics and resonance Raman data show that the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and oxygenated and deoxygenated ferric Hb I (oxy- and deoxy-HbI) from Lucina pectinata produce compound I and compound II ferryl species. The rate constants ratio (k23/k41) between the formation of compound II from compound I (k23) and the oxidation of the ferrous HbI (k41, i.e., 25 M(-1) s(-1)) of 12 x 10(-4) M suggests that HbI has a peroxidative capacity for removing H2O2 from solution. Resonance Raman presents the formation of both, met-aquo-HbI and compound II ferryl species in the cyclic reaction of HbI with H2O2. The ferric HbI species is maintained by the presence of H2O2; it can produce HbI compound I, or it can be reduced to a deoxy-HbI derivative to form HbI compound II upon reaction with H2O2. The compound II ferryl vibration frequency appears at 805 and 769 cm(-1) for HbIFe(IV)=(16)O and HbIFe(IV)=(18)O species, respectively. This ferryl mode indicates the absence of hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl group of the distal Q64 and the HbIFe(IV)=O ferryl moiety. The observation suggests that both the trans-ligand effect and the polarizabilty of the HbI heme pocket are responsible for the observed ferryl oxo vibrational energy. The vibrational mode also suggests that the carbonyl group of the distal Q64 is oriented toward the iron of the heme group, increasing the distal pocket electron density.  相似文献   

The formation of ferryl heme (Fe(IV) = O) species, i.e., compound I and compound II, has been identified as the main intermediates in heme protein peroxidative reactions. We report stopped-flow kinetic measurements which illustrate that the reaction of hemoglobin I (HbI) from Lucina pectinata with hydrogen peroxide produce ferryl intermediates compound I and compound II. Compound I appears relatively stable displaying an absorption at 648 nm. The rate constant value (k'(2)) for the conversion of compound I to compound II is 3.0 x 10(-2) s(-1), more than 100 times smaller than that reported for myoglobin. The rate constant value for the oxidation of the ferric heme (k'(12) + k'(13)) is 2.0 x 10(2) M(-1) s(-1). These values suggest an alternate route for the formation of compound II (by k'(13)) avoiding the step from compound I to compound II (k'(2)). In HbI from L. pectinata the stabilization of compound I is attribute to the unusual collection of amino acids residues (Q64, F29, F43, F68) in the heme pocket active site of the protein.  相似文献   

The x-ray crystal structures of the cyanide derivative of Lucina pectinata monomeric hemoglobin I (L. pectinata HbI) and sperm whale (Physeter catodon) myoglobin (Mb), generally taken as reference models for monomeric hemoproteins carrying hydrogen sulfide and oxygen, respectively, have been determined at 1.9 A (R-factor = 0. 184), and 1.8 A (R-factor = 0.181) resolution, respectively, at room temperature (lambda = 1.542 A). Moreover, the x-ray crystal structure of the L. pectinata HbI:cyanide derivative has been studied at 1.4-A resolution (R-factor = 0.118) and 100 K (on a synchrotron source lambda = 0.998 A). At room temperature, the cyanide ligand is roughly parallel to the heme plane of L. pectinata HbI, being located approximately 2.5 A from the iron atom. On the other hand, the crystal structure of the L. pectinata HbI:cyanide derivative at 100 K shows that the diatomic ligand is coordinated to the iron atom in an orientation almost perpendicular to the heme (the Fe-C distance being 1.95 A), adopting a coordination geometry strictly reminescent of that observed in sperm whale Mb, at room temperature. The unusual cyanide distal site orientation observed in L. pectinata HbI, at room temperature, may reflect reduction of the heme Fe(III) atom induced by free radical species during x-ray data collection using Cu Kalpha radiation.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the ferric CN complexes of the heme proteins Myoglobin and Hemoglobin I from the clam Lucina pectinata upon Soret band excitation is monitored using infrared and broad band visible pump-probe spectroscopy. The transient response in the UV-vis spectral region does not depend on the heme pocket environment and is very similar to that known for ferrous proteins. The main feature is an instantaneous, broad, short-lived absorption signal that develops into a narrower red-shifted Soret band. Significant transient absorption is also observed in the 360-390 nm range. At all probe wavelengths the signal decays to zero with a longest time constant of 3.6 ps. The infrared data on MbCN reveal a bleaching of the C triple bond N stretch vibration of the heme-bound ligand, and the formation of a five-times weaker transient absorption band, 28 cm(-1) lower in energy, within the time resolution of the experiment. The MbC triple bond N stretch vibration provides a direct measure for the return of population to the ligated electronic (and vibrational) ground state with a 3-4 ps time constant. In addition, the CN-stretch frequency is sensitive to the excitation of low frequency heme modes, and yields independent information about vibrational cooling, which occurs on the same timescale.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin II from the clam L. pectinata is an O2 reactive protein that remains oxygenated in the presence of other molecules. To determine the mechanism of ligand selection in this hemoglobin, rHbII was expressed in large quantities using an improved fermentation process. The highest protein yield was obtained by: transforming HbII into the BLi5 cells, inducing and supplementing the culture during the mid-log phase with 1 mM IPTG, 30 μg/mL hemin chloride and 1% glucose, and decreasing the temperature to 30 °C after induction. In addition, cell culture density was greatly enhanced by using glycerol, adding MgSO4, supplementing the media with glucose after the glycerol was consumed and maintaining the dissolved oxygen at 35%. Under these conditions the maximum protein yield obtained was ~2,300 mg/L. The results indicate that rHbII is similar to the native protein. The protocol was validated with other hemoglobins, indicating that it can be extended to other hemeproteins.  相似文献   

A new, simple and fast spectrophotometric method for the determination of the H(2)S concentration is reported. This method, based on the 1:1 reaction between H(2)S and the ferric derivative of hemoglobin I (HbI) from the bivalve mollusc Lucina pectinata, allows the quantitative determination of H(2)S dissolved in a given solution even at concentrations as low as 1 x 10(-6) M. Note that L. pectinata HbI is considered the physiological receptor of H(2)S.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic hemoglobin II from the gill of the clamLucina pectinata consists of 150 amino acid residues, has a calculatedM m of 17,476, including heme and an acetylated N-terminal residue. It retains the invariant residues Phe 44 at position CD1 and His 65 at the proximal position F8, as well as the highly conserved Trp 15 at position A12 and Pro 38 at position C2. The most likely candidate for the distal residue at position E7, based on the alignment with other globins, is Gln 65. However, optical and EPR spectroscopic studies of the ferri Hb II (Kraus, D. W., Wittenberg, J. B., Lu, J. F., and Peisach, J.,J. Biol. Chem. 265, 16054–16059, 1990) have implicated a tyrosinate oxygen as the distal ligand. Modeling of theLucina Hb II sequence, using the crystal structure of sperm whale aquometmyoglobin, showed that Tyr 30 substituting for the Leu located at position B10 can place its oxygen within 2.8 Å of the water molecule occupying the distal ligand position. This structural alteration is facilitated by the coordinate mutation of the residue at position CD4, from Phe 46 in the sperm whale myoglobin sequence to Leu 47 inLucina Hb II.  相似文献   

Propionates, as peripheral groups of the heme active center in hemeproteins have been described to contribute in the modulation of heme reactivity and ligand selection. These electronic characteristics prompted the question of whether the presence of hydrogen bonding networks between propionates and distal amino acids present in the heme ligand moiety can modulate physiological relevant events, like ligand binding association and dissociation activities. Here, the role of these networks was evaluated by NMR spectroscopy using the hemoglobin I PheB10Tyr mutant from Lucina pectinata as model for TyrB10 and GlnE7 hemeproteins. (1)H-NMR results for the rHbICN PheB10Tyr derivative showed chemical shifts of TyrB10 OHη at 31.00ppm, GlnE7N(ε1)H/N(ε2)H at 10.66ppm/-3.27ppm, and PheE11 C(δ)H at 11.75ppm, indicating the presence of a crowded, collapsed, and constrained distal pocket. Strong dipolar contacts and inter-residues crosspeaks between GlnE7/6-propionate group, GlnE7/TyrB10 and TyrB10/CN suggest that this hydrogen bonding network loop between GlnE7, TyrB10, 6-propionate group, and the heme ligand contribute significantly to the modulation of the heme iron electron density as well as the ligand stabilization mechanism. Therefore, the network loop presented here support the fact that the electron withdrawing character of the hydrogen bonding is controlled by the interaction of the propionates and the nearby electronic environments contributing to the modulation of the heme electron density state. Thus, we hypothesize that in hemeproteins with similar electrostatic environment the flexibility of the heme-6-propionate promotes a hydrogen bonding network loop between the 6-propionate, the heme ligand and nearby amino acids, tailoring in this way the electron density in the heme-ligand moiety.  相似文献   

The effect of mutagenesis on O(2), CO, and NO binding to mutants of human hemoglobin, designed to modify some features of the reactivity that hinder use of hemoglobin solutions as blood substitute, has been extensively investigated. The kinetics may be interpreted in the framework of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux two-state allosteric model, based on the high-resolution crystallographic structures of the mutants and taking into account the control of heme reactivity by the distal side mutations. The mutations involve residues at topological position B10 and E7, i.e., Leu (B10) to Tyr and His (E7) to Gln, on either the alpha chains alone (yielding the hybrid tetramer Hbalpha(YQ)), the beta chains alone (hybrid tetramer Hbbeta(YQ)), or both types of chains (Hb(YQ)). Our data indicate that the two mutations affect ligand diffusion into the pocket, leading to proteins with low affinity for O(2) and CO, and especially with reduced reactivity toward NO, a difficult goal to achieve. The observed kinetic heterogeneity between the alpha(YQ) and beta(YQ) chains in Hb(YQ) has been rationalized on the basis of the three-dimensional structure of the active site. Furthermore, we report for the first time an experiment of partial CO binding, selective for the beta chains, to high salt crystals of the mutant Hb(YQ) in the T-state; these crystallographic data may be interpreted as "snapshots" of the initial events possibly occurring on ligand binding to the T-allosteric state of this peculiar mutant Hb.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of oxygenated trHbN from Mycobacterium tuberculosis showed an extended heme distal site hydrogen-bonding network that includes Y(B10), Q(E11), and the bound O(2) (Milani, M., et al. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 3902-3909). In the present work, we analyze the effects that substitutions at the B10 and E11 positions exert on the heme and its coordinated ligands, using steady-state resonance Raman spectroscopy, absorption spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Our results show that (1) residues Y(B10) and Q(E11) control the binding and the ionization state of the heme-bound water molecules in ferric trHbN and are important in keeping the sixth coordination position vacant in deoxy trHbN; (2) residue Q(E11) plays a role in maintaining the integrity of the proximal Fe-His bond in deoxy trHbN; (3) in wild-type oxy-trHbN, the size and hydrogen-bonding capability of residue E11 is important to sustain proper interaction between Y(B10) and the heme-bound O(2); (4) CO-trHbN is in a conformational equilibrium, where either the Y(B10) or the Q(E11) residue interacts with the heme-bound CO; and (5) Y(B10) and Q(E11) residues control the conformation (and likely the dynamics) of the protein matrix tunnel gating residue F(E15). These findings suggest that the functional processes of ligand binding and diffusion are controlled in trHbN through the dynamic interaction of residues Y(B10), Q(E11), F(E15), and the heme ligand.  相似文献   

Haemoglobin I from Lucina pectinata is a monomeric protein consisting of 142 amino acids. Its active site contains a peculiar arrangement of phenylalanine residues (PheB10, PheCD1 and PheE11) and a distal Gln at position E7. Active site mutations at positions B10, E7 and E11 were performed in deoxy haemoglobin I (HbI), followed by 10 ns molecular dynamic simulations. The results showed that the mutations induced changes in domains far from the active site producing more flexible structures than the native HbI. Distance analyses revealed that the heme pocket amino acids at positions E7 and B10 are extremely sensitive to any heme pocket residue mutation. The high flexibility observed by the E7 position suggests an important role in the ligand binding kinetics in ferrous HbI, while both positions play a major role in the ligand stabilisation processes. Furthermore, our results showed that E11Phe plays a pivotal role in protein stability.  相似文献   

We have studied the unusual heme ligand structure of the ferric forms of a recombinant Chlamydomonas chloroplast hemoglobin and its several single-amino acid mutants by EPR, optical absorbance, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The helical positions of glutamine-84, tyrosine-63, and lysine-87 are suggested to correspond to E7, B10, and E10, respectively, in the distal heme pocket on the basis of amino acid sequence comparison of mammalian globins. The protein undergoes a transition with a pK of 6.3 from a six-coordinate high-spin aquomet form at acidic pH to a six-coordinate low-spin form. The EPR signal of the low-spin form for the wild-type protein is absent for the Tyr63Leu mutant, suggesting that the B10 tyrosine in the wild-type protein ligates to the heme as tyrosinate. For the Tyr63Leu mutant, a new low-spin signal resembling that of alkaline cytochrome c (a His-heme-Lys species) is resolved, suggesting that the E10 lysine now coordinates to the heme. In the wild-type protein, the oxygen of the tyrosine-63 side chain is likely to share a proton with the side chain of lysine-87, suggested by the observation of a H/D sensitive resonance Raman line at 502 cm(-)(1) that is tentatively assigned as a vibrational mode of the Fe-O bond between the iron and the tyrosinate. We propose that the transition from the high-spin to the low-spin form of the protein occurs by deprotonation and ligation to the heme of the B10 tyrosine oxygen, facilitated by strong interaction with the E10 lysine side chain.  相似文献   

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