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Plant isoprene emissions have been linked to several reaction pathways involved in atmospheric photochemistry. Evidence exists from a limited set of past observations that isoprene emission rate (Is) decreases as a function of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, and that increased temperature suppresses the CO2 effect. We studied interactions between intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and temperature as they affect Is in field‐grown hybrid poplar trees in one of the warmest climates on earth – the Sonoran Desert of the southwestern United States. We observed an unexpected midsummer downregulation of Is despite the persistence of relatively high temperatures. High temperature suppression of the Is:Ci relation occurred at all times during the growing season, but sensitivity of Is to increased Ci was greatest during the midsummer period when Is was lowest. We interpret the seasonal downregulation of Is and increased sensitivity of Is to Ci as being caused by weather changes associated with the onset of a regional monsoon system. Our observations on the temperature suppression of the Is:Ci relation are best explained by the existence of a small pool of chloroplastic inorganic phosphate, balanced by several large, connected metabolic fluxes, which together, determine the Ci and temperature dependencies of phosphoenolpyruvate import into the chloroplast.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in modeling isoprene emissions from terrestrial vegetation, because these emissions exert a principal control over the oxidative capacity of the troposphere. We used a unique field experiment that employs a continuous gradient in CO2 concentration from 240 to 520 ppmv to demonstrate that isoprene emissions in Eucalyptus globulus were enhanced at the lowest CO2 concentration, which was similar to the estimated CO2 concentrations during the last Glacial Maximum, compared with 380 ppmv, the current CO2 concentration. Leaves of Liquidambar styraciflua did not show an increase in isoprene emission at the lowest CO2 concentration. However, isoprene emission rates from both species were lower for trees grown at 520 ppmv CO2 compared with trees grown at 380 ppmv CO2. When grown in environmentally controlled chambers, trees of Populus deltoides and Populus tremuloides exhibited a 30–40% reduction in isoprene emission rate when grown at 800 ppmv CO2, compared with 400 ppmv CO2. P. tremuloides exhibited a 33% reduction when grown at 1200 ppmv CO2, compared with 600 ppmv CO2. We used current models of leaf isoprene emission to demonstrate that significant errors occur if the CO2 inhibition of isoprene is not taken into account. In order to alleviate these errors, we present a new model of isoprene emission that describes its response to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The model logic is based on assumed competition between cytosolic and chloroplastic processes for pyruvate, one of the principal substrates of isoprene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The leaves of many plants emit isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) to the atmosphere, a process which has important ramifications for global and regional atmospheric chemistry. Quantitation of leaf isoprene emission and its response to environmental variation are described by empirically derived equations that replicate observed patterns, but have been linked only in some cases to known biochemical and physiological processes. Furthermore, models have been proposed from several independent laboratories, providing multiple approaches for prediction of emissions, but with little detail provided as to how contrasting models are related. In this review we provide an analysis as to how the most commonly used models have been validated, or not, on the basis of known biochemical and physiological processes. We also discuss the multiple approaches that have been used for modeling isoprene emission rate with an emphasis on identifying commonalities and contrasts among models, we correct some mathematical errors that have been propagated through the models, and we note previously unrecognized covariances within processes of the models. We come to the conclusion that the state of isoprene emission modeling remains highly empirical. Where possible, we identify gaps in our knowledge that have prevented us from achieving a greater mechanistic foundation for the models, and we discuss the insight and data that must be gained to fill those gaps.  相似文献   

A. S?ber 《Photosynthetica》1997,34(4):599-603
A positive correlation was found between steady state values of hydraulic (L pA) and stomatal conductance (g s) of French bean leaves: both were lower in the dark than in the light and lower in water-deficient plants than in the well-watered ones. The relative rate of stomatal opening after a pressure rise in the xylem was also positively related to L pA. The L pA and g s were both related to the maximal photosynthetic rate at saturating CO2 concentrations. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sôber  A. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(4):599-603
A positive correlation was found between steady state values of hydraulic (L pA) and stomatal conductance (g s) of French bean leaves: both were lower in the dark than in the light and lower in water-deficient plants than in the well-watered ones. The relative rate of stomatal opening after a pressure rise in the xylem was also positively related to L pA. The L pA and g s were both related to the maximal photosynthetic rate at saturating CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Miscanthus is one of the most promising bioenergy crops with high photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE). It is unclear how nitrogen (N) influences the photosynthesis in Miscanthus. Among three Miscanthus genotypes, the net photosynthetic rate (P N) under the different light intensity and CO2 concentration was measured at three levels of N: 0, 100, and 200 kg ha?1. The concentrations of chlorophyll, soluble protein, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) large subunit, leaf anatomy and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in the leaf were analyzed to probe the response of photosynthesis in Miscanthus genotypes to N levels. P N in all genotypes rose significantly as N application increased. The initial slope of response curves of P N to C i was promoted by N application in all genotypes. Both stomatal conductance and C i were increased with increased N supply, indicating that stomatal factors played an important role in increasing P N. At a given C i, P N in all genotypes was enhanced by N, implying that nonstomatal factors might also play an important role in increasing P N. Miscanthus markedly regulated N investment into PEPC rather than the Rubisco large subunit under higher N conditions. Bundle sheath leakiness of CO2 was constant at about 0.35 for all N levels. Therefore, N enhanced the photosynthesis of Miscanthus mainly by increasing stomatal conductance and PEPC concentration.  相似文献   

Pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) is known as a strong isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) emitter. Diurnal changes in isoprene emission were determined by branch enclosure measurements. In contrast to the diurnal cycle in emission rates, specific isoprene synthase activity in the leaves remained unchanged. Based on in vitro enzyme activity and its temperature dependency, an isoprene synthesis capacity at specific leaf temperatures was calculated. The comparison of these 'leaf temperature-dependent enzyme capacities' and the measured emission rates revealed that the enzyme activity of isoprene synthase is comparable to the observed isoprene emission rates. In addition, variation in the isoprene synthase activity of the leaves due to changes in light intensity during leaf development was investigated. A 50% reduction of light intensity by shading of single branches reduced isoprene synthase activity by ≈ 60% compared with full sunlight. The calculation of isoprene synthesis capacities based on enzymatic data obtained under optimum reaction conditions, corrected for actual leaf temperature and related to leaf surface area, provides a sound basis for predicting the isoprene emission potential of plants.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic parameters in leaves of three-year-old seedlings of Fraxinus rhynchophylla L. were studied under different soil water conditions and CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) with a LI-COR 6400 portable photosynthesis system. The objective was to investigate the response of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance (g s) to various [CO2] and soil water conditions, and to understand the adaptability of F. rhynchophylla to such conditions. The results showed that the soil water content (RWC) required to maintain high photosynthetic productivity in F. rhynchophylla was 49.5–84.3%; in this range, net photosynthetic rate (P N) rose with [CO2] increasing from 500 to 1,400 μmol mol?1. Outside this RWC range, P N decreased significantly. The apparent maximum photosynthetic rate (P max,c) and carboxylation velocity (V c) increased with increasing RWC and remained relatively high, when RWC was between 49.5 and 96.2%. CO2 compensation points and photorespiration rate exhibited a trend opposite to that of P max,c and V c, indicating that moderate water stress was beneficial for increasing plant assimilation, decreasing photorespiration, and increasing production of photosynthates. g s declined significantly with increasing [CO2] under different water supplies, but the RWC range maintaining high g s increased. g s reached its maximum, when RWC was approximately 73% and then decreased with declining RWC. The maximal g s was found with increasing RWC. Thus, based on photosynthetic characteristics in artificial, vegetation construction in semiarid loess hill and gully area, F. rhynchophylla could be planted in habitats of low soil water content.  相似文献   

The qualitative influence of patchy stomatal conductance distributions on the values of photosynthesis (A) and intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) as determined by gas-exchange measurements were investigated using computer modelling. Gas-exchange measurements were simulated for different conductance distributions by modelling photosynthesis explicitly for each patch, summing these rates, and inferring ci from a diffusion equation. Qualitative relationships are presented between conductance distribution features and the difference between assimilation rates measured for patchy and homogeneous leaves at the same ci (Ap and Ah, respectively). These data show that, although most conductance distributions have little effect on the value of A measured for a given ci, some distribution features (which we have termed ‘bimodality’, ‘position’, ‘skewness’ and ‘range’) play a key role in controlling the magnitude of these effects. Distributions that are more nearly bimodal, span regions of lower conductance, are right-skewed, or have broader conductance ranges are associated with larger effects on the A(ci) relationship. To clarify our mathematical analysis and illustrate some of the trends it predicts, we present conductance distributions and gas-exchange data from leaves of Malus dolgo var. Spring Snow Dial were treated with ABA. The results are discussed in the light of recent controversy over the effect of patchy stomatal conductance on gas-exchange data.  相似文献   

The patterns of the CO2 exchange of single vegetative bean plants were monitored during steady state exchange and after lowering the irradiance, the CO2 concentration, or the temperature. The measured patterns were used to calculate the dynamics of the rate of synthesis of structural dry matter and of the amount of the reserve materials during the experiments. The rate of synthesis of structural dry matter was assumed to be proportional to growth respiration (total minus maintenance). The growth conversion efficiency was assumed to be independent of the treatments. The maintenance respiration coefficient was taken to be dependent only on the temperature. Change in the amounts of reserve materials was calculated as a difference between the net CO2 input and the amount converted into new structural dry matter.During the first day of a low CO2 uptake a substantial depletion of reserve materials took place also during light hours, since the rate of synthesis of structural dry matter lagged behind the decrease of photosynthesis. On the second day the rate of synthesis was adapted to the low CO2 input and there occurred little change in the amount of reserve materials. There was a rapid increase in the amount of reserve materials after the irradiance was increased again or after temperature was lowered.A saturating dependence of the specific growth rate on the content of reserve materials was found to exist irrespective of the mode of changing the content of reserve materials. A hysteresis-like retardation of the specific growth rate took place after the reserve had already been exhausted for some time. During retardation a replenishment of reserve materials took place.It is suggested that adaptation processes tend to keep the content of reserve materials within a certain (probably optimal) range.  相似文献   

I. R. Cowan 《Planta》1972,106(3):185-219
Summary Measurements of transpiration, leaf water content, and flux of water in a cotton plant exhibiting sustained oscillations, in stomatal conductance are presented, and a model of the mechanism causing this behaviour is developed. The dynamic elements, of the model are capacitors—representing the change of water content with water potential in mesophyll, subsidiary and guard cells—interconnected by resistances representing flow paths in the plant. Increase of water potential in guard cells causes an increase in stomatal conductance. Increase of water potential in the subsidiary cells has the opposite effect and provides the positive feed-back which can cause stomatal conductance to oscillate. The oscillations are shown to have many of the characteristics of free-running oscillations in real plants. The behaviour of the model has been examined, using an analogue computer, with constraints and perturbations representing some of those which could be applied to real plants in physiological experiments. Aspects of behaviour which have been simulated are (a) opening and closing of stomata under the influence of changes in illumination, (b) transient responses due to step changes in potential transpiration, root permeability and potential of water surrounding the roots, (c) the influence of these factors on the occurrence and shape of spontaneous oscillations, and (d) modulation of sustained oscillations due to a circadian rhythm in the permeability of roots.  相似文献   

Plants utilize isoprene emission as a thermotolerance mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isoprene is a volatile compound emitted from leaves of many plant species in large quantities, which has an impact on atmospheric chemistry due to its massive global emission rate (5 x 10(14) carbon g year(-1)) and its high reactivity with the OH radical, resulting in an increase in the half-life of methane. Isoprene emission is strongly induced by the increase in isoprene synthase activity in plastids at high temperature in the day time, which is regulated at its gene expression level in leaves, while the physiological meaning of isoprene emission for plants has not been clearly demonstrated. In this study, we have functionally overexpressed Populus alba isoprene synthase in Arabidopsis to observe isoprene emission from transgenic plants. A striking difference was observed when both transgenic and wild-type plants were treated with heat at 60 degrees C for 2.5 h, i.e. transformants revealed clear heat tolerance compared with the wild type. High isoprene emission and a decrease in the leaf surface temperature were observed in transgenic plants under heat stress treatment. In contrast, neither strong light nor drought treatments showed an apparent difference. These data suggest that isoprene emission plays a crucial role in a heat protection mechanism in plants.  相似文献   

Carbon-water balance and patchy stomatal conductance   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Stomata govern carbon-water balance by simultaneously controlling photosynthesis (A) and transpiration (E). It is unclear how patchy stomatal conductance influences this control. Cowan and Farquhar showed that for a given water supply available during a fixed time interval, carbon gain is maximized by a pattern of stomatal behavior that keeps the partial derivative of A with respect to E constant. This result implies that spatially uniform stomatal conductance is optimal (provided photosynthetic performance and environmental conditions are spatially uniform), so patchy stomatal conductance should be detrimental to carbon-water balance. However, these results required that the curvature of A versus E be uniformly negative. Using mathematical arguments and computer modeling, we show that (1) this caveat is violated under some environmental conditions, (2) water-use efficiency (A/E) is nearly unaffected, and can actually be improved, by patchiness under these conditions, and (3) patchiness has most often been observed under conditions similar to these. These results imply that under many conditions, patchiness may not significantly influence carbon-water balance, consistent with recent work suggesting patchiness may be common but unobserved. Additionally, we discuss implications of these results that muddle the definition of `optimal' in the context of plant gas exchange in some situations, and extend the work of Cowan and Farquhar under conditions causing positive curvature in A versus E. Received: 15 May 1998 / Accepted: 14 October 1998  相似文献   

Use of infrared analyzers to measure water vapor concentrations in photosynthesis systems is becoming common. It is known that sensitivity of infrared carbon dioxide and water vapor analyzers is affected by the oxygen concentration in the background gas, particularly for absolute analyzers, but the potential for large errors in estimates of stomatal conductance due to effects of oxygen concentration on the sensitivity of infrared water vapor analyzers is not widely recognized. This work tested three types of infrared water vapor analyzers for changes in sensitivity of infrared water vapor analyzers depending on the oxygen content of the background gas. It was found that changing from either 0 or 2% to 21% oxygen in nitrogen decreased the sensitivity to water vapor for all three types of infrared water vapor analyzers by about 4%. The change in sensitivity was linear with oxygen mole fraction. The resulting error in calculated stomatal conductance would depend strongly on the leaf to air vapor pressure difference and leaf temperature, and also on whether leaf temperature was directly measured or calculated from energy balance. Examples of measurements of gas exchange on soybean leaves under glasshouse conditions indicated that changing from 21% to 2% oxygen produced an artifactual apparent increase in stomatal conductance which averaged about 30%. Similar errors occurred for `conductances' of wet filter paper. Such errors could affect inferences about the carbon dioxide dependence of the sensitivity of photosynthesis to oxygen. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

整树水力导度协同冠层气孔导度调节森林蒸腾   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
赵平 《生态学报》2011,31(4):1164-1173
冠层气孔导度决定森林的蒸腾效率,它对驱动水汽移动的水汽应力的响应受树木水力结构的影响,并随水汽压亏缺上升和水力导度下降而降低,维持水势在最低阈值之上,避免出现水力灾变,调控冠层蒸腾。由于叶形和树冠结构的特点,部分脱耦联反映了湿润地区阔叶林冠层与大气的水汽交换特征,单纯以气孔导度的变化难以完整描述水分通量的调节规律,因而,需要考虑冠层气孔导度与水力导度协同控制冠层蒸腾的潜在机理。通过整合叶片气孔气体交换、树干液流、冠层微气象和其他环境因子的野外观测值,估测不同时间尺度的森林冠层气孔导度与大气的脱耦联系数和变异范围,以基于树干液流的冠层蒸腾,结合叶片/土壤水势梯度计算的水力导度,分析水力导度影响冠层气孔导度响应水汽压亏缺的敏感性,可以揭示和阐明水力导度和冠层气孔导度联合调节森林蒸腾的机理,对准确估测全球变化背景下森林对水资源利用的潜在生态效应有明显的理论意义。  相似文献   

气孔导度对CO2浓度变化的模拟及其生理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王建林  温学发 《生态学报》2010,30(17):4815-4820
基于气孔运动的生理生化机制重点进行了气孔导度(gs)对CO2浓度变化的响应机制分析,并推导得到气孔导度(gs)对CO2浓度变化响应模型,并以9种植物进行了模型验证。结果表明:随着CO2浓度的升高,气孔导度会逐渐降低,且下降的幅度会随着CO2浓度的升高而逐渐减弱。气孔导度对CO2浓度(Cs)变化的响应模型可以表达为gs=gmax/(1+Cs/Cs0),其中式中gmax是最大气孔导度和Cs0是实验常数。该模型较好地模拟了气孔导度随CO2浓度变化的规律,模型参数具有明确的生理意义,与Jarvis模型和Ball-Berry模型相比,该模型如何实现多种环境因子的耦合有待进一步突破。另外,模型是在短期改变叶片CO2浓度的条件下得出的,在CO2浓度长期胁迫下的适用性也有待进一步确认。  相似文献   

Isoprene emission by plants is affected by transmissible wound signals   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Isoprene (2-methyl 1,3-butadiene) is emitted from many plants, but the signals regulating isoprene emission are unknown. Mounting leaves in a gas exchange chamber or taking small leaf punches for biochemical analysis was found to reduce the rate of isoprene emission (Loreto & Sharkey 1993). This phenomenon was investigated by putting terminal leaflets of velvet bean (Mucuna deeringeniana L.) and kudzu [Pueraria lobaia (Willd) Ohwi.] into a gas exchange chamber and monitoring isoprene emission and photosynthesis. Lateral leaflets or remote leaves were then wounded or mechanically stimulated. The rate of isoprene emission was reduced after 1 min by up to 75% by burning a lateral leaflet with a match. Even a 7 ms?1 (25km h?1) wind imposed on a lateral leaflet reduced isoprene emission from the terminal leaflet by 18%. Photosynthesis rates were either unaffected by these treatments or reduced more slowly than isoprene emission rates, indicating that the effect of isoprene emission rates was not a consequence of changes in photosynthetic activity. Isoprene emission from a terminal leaflet was reduced by burning leaves above and below the monitored leaflet when on the same stem. The effect was much reduced if the burned leaf (all three leaflets) was on a different stem from the monitored leaflet. Reduction of the rate of isoprene emission was observed even when the burned leaf was 52 cm distant from the measured leaflet. Increasing the distance between the stressed leaf and the monitored leaf caused the effect to be slower and smaller. It is speculated that a signal is generated by wounding which propagates through the plant at 1.3 mm s?1. This velocity was consistent throughout the measurements and is similar to the rate of propagation of electrical signals such as action potentials and variation potentials. The effect of the environmental stress, and particularly the wind effect, can be frequent in nature and should be considered when estimating local and regional emission of isoprene for modelling atmospheric chemistry. If leaf samples used for isoprene determination are exposed to the type of stress we investigated, isoprene emission inventories based on leaf level measurements will be underestimated.  相似文献   

Process-based modelling of isoprene emission by oak leaves   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
The emission rate of the volatile reactive compound isoprene, emitted predominantly by trees, must be known before the level of photo‐oxidants produced during summer smog can be predicted reliably. The emission is dependent on plant species and local conditions, and these dependencies must be quantified to be included in any empirical algorithm for the calculation of isoprene production. Experimental measurements of isoprene emission rates are expensive, however, and existing data are scarce and fragmentary. To overcome these difficulties, it is promising to develop a numerical model capable of precisely calculating the isoprene emission by trees for diverse ecosystems, even under changing environmental conditions. A basic process‐based biochemical isoprene emission model (BIM) has therefore been developed, which describes the enzymatic reactions in leaf chloroplasts leading to the formation of isoprene under varying environmental conditions (e.g. light intensity, temperature). Concentrations of the precursors of isoprene formation, 3‐phosphoglyceric acid and glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate, are provided by a published light fleck photosynthesis model. Specific leaf and enzyme parameters were determined for the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), so that the BIM is capable of calculating oak‐specific isoprene emission rates as influenced by the leaf temperature and light intensity. High correlation was observed between isoprene emission rates calculated by the BIM and the diurnal isoprene emission rates of leaves measured under controlled environmental conditions. The BIM was even capable of describing changes in isoprene emission caused by midday depression of net photosynthesis.  相似文献   


Key message

Warmer summer conditions result in increased terpene emissions except under severe drought, in which case they strongly decrease.


Water stress results in a reduction of the metabolism of plants and in a reorganization of their use of resources geared to survival. In the Mediterranean region, periods of drought accompanied by high temperatures and high irradiance occur in summer. Plants have developed various mechanisms to survive in these conditions by resisting, tolerating or preventing stress. We used three typical Mediterranean tree species in Israel, Pinus halepensis L., Quercus calliprinos and Quercus ithaburensis Webb, as models for studying some of these adaptive mechanisms. We measured their photosynthetic rates (A), stomatal conductance (g s), and terpene emission rates during spring and summer in a geophysical gradient from extremely dry to mesic from Yatir (south, arid) to Birya (north, moist) with intermediate conditions in Solelim. A and g s of P. halepensis were threefold higher in Birya than in Yatir where they remained very low both seasons. Quercus species presented 2–3-fold higher A and g s but with much more variability between seasons, especially for Q. ithaburensis with A and g s that decreased 10–30-fold from spring to summer. Terpene emission rates for pine were not different regionally in spring but they were 5–8-fold higher in Birya than in Yatir in summer (P < 0.05). Higher emissions were also observed in Solelim for the drought resistant Q. ithaburensis (P < 0.001) but not for Q. calliprinos. α-Pinene followed by limonene and 3-carene were the dominant terpenes. Warmer summer conditions result in increased Terpene emission rates except under severe drought, in which case they strongly decrease.

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