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Marine infaunal burrows and tubes greatly enhance solute transport between sediments and the overlying water column and are sites of elevated microbial activity. Biotic and abiotic controls of the compositions and activities of burrow and tube microbial communities are poorly understood. The microbial communities in tubes of the marine infaunal polychaete Diopatria cuprea collected from two different sediment habitats were examined. The bacterial communities in the tubes from a sandy sediment differed from those in the tubes from a muddy sediment. The difference in community structure also extended to the sulfate-reducing bacterial (SRB) assemblage, although it was not as pronounced for this functional group of species. PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from Diopatra tube SRB by clonal library construction and screening were all related to the family Desulfobacteriaceae. This finding was supported by phospholipid fatty acid analysis and by hybridization of 16S rRNA probes specific for members of the genera Desulfosarcina, Desulfobacter, Desulfobacterium, Desulfobotulus, Desulfococcus, and Desulfovibrio and some members of the genera Desulfomonas, Desulfuromonas, and Desulfomicrobium with 16S rRNA gene sequences resolved by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Two of six SRB clones from the clone library were not detected in tubes from the sandy sediment. The habitat in which the D. cuprea tubes were constructed had a strong influence on the tube bacterial community as a whole, as well as on the SRB assemblage.  相似文献   

Egg crypsis and clutch survival in three species of blackbirds (Icteridae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For most open-nesting passerine birds, the primary function of egg pigmentation is crypsis. Interspecific variation for egg coloration is quite high, even among species that nest in the same locale. This variation might be maintained by selection to blend into species-specific nest cups, which vary in pattern because they are constructed from different materials. To test this hypothesis we photographed 30 clutches of Brewer's blackbirds ( Euphagus cyanocephalus ), 26 clutches of red-winged blackbirds ( Agelaius phoeniceus ), and 24 clutches of yellow-headed blackbirds ( Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus ), and quantified crypsis in terms of pattern (PD crypsis), brightness (MB crypsis) and brightness disparity (BD crypsis). The species were equally cryptic in terms of pattern crypsis, but differed significantly ( P < 0.01) in MB and BD crypsis. Intraspecific variation in pattern crypsis was surprisingly high. Mean clutch pattern disparity was highly correlated with mean background pattern disparity ( r = 0.999); this suggests selection for disparity matching, rather than for crypsis. We also monitored 25 clutches (7 Brewer's, 9 red-winged, and 9 yellow-headed blackbirds) for a 9-day period to determine if survival was related to crypsis. For Brewer's and yellow-headed blackbirds, successful nests were no more cryptic than failed nests. For red-winged blackbirds, there was a tendency ( P = 0.1) for less cryptic clutches to have higher survival; in addition, successful red-winged blackbird clutches had significantly ( P < 0.05) higher egg pattern disparity and background pattern disparity. Red-winged blackbird clutches are not concealed by overhanging vegetation, and high pattern disparity may enable them to blend into a large-scale heterogeneous background.  相似文献   

Both laboratory experiments and field observations were usedto examine the prey-attraction hypothesis for the function ofthe silk decoration on the orb web of Octonoba sybotides. Thereflectance spectrum of the decorative silk showed that thedecorations reflect relatively more ultraviolet (UV) light.Choice experiments were conducted using Drosophila melanogaster,a common prey species of the spider, to determine whether webswith silk decoration attract more flies than undecorated webs.The choice experiment showed that webs with silk decorationattract more flies in light that includes UV rays. However,flies choose their flight direction randomly in light withoutUV rays. This suggests that the silk decoration might attract preyinsects that tend to fly toward UV-reflecting objects. Fieldobservations comparing the prey capture rate between webs withand without a silk decoration showed that more prey are caughtin decorated webs. In this study, no difference between thetwo forms of silk decoration, linear and spiral, was detectedeither in prey attraction in the choice experiment or in theprey capture rate in the field observations.  相似文献   

The relationships between bean yellow mosaic (BYMV), bean common mosaic (BCMV), clover yellow vein (CYVV), lettuce mosaic (LMV), potato virus Y (PVY), turnip mosaic (TuMV) and celery mosaic (CeMV) viruses were studied in homologous and heterologous reactions, using simple and relatively rapid electron microscope serology decoration tests. The degree of relationship between these viruses was assessed by the intensity of antibody coating when the viruses were decorated by heterologous antibodies. A close relationship was observed between BYMV and CYVV, and between BYMV and LMV but not between CYVV and LMV. CeMV was quite closely related to BYMV and CYVV. Antibodies to BCMV and BYMV intensely decorated different strains of their own virus, but decoration was negligible in cross reactions.  相似文献   

Hultgren KM  Stachowicz JJ 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):519-528
Although camouflage is a common predator defense strategy across a wide variety of organisms, direct tests of the adaptive and ecological consequences of camouflage are rare. In this study, we demonstrated that closely related crabs in the family Epialtidae coexist in the same algal environment but use alternative forms of camouflage––decoration and color change––to protect themselves from predation. Decoration and color change are both plastic camouflage strategies in that they can be changed to match different habitats: decoration occurs on a short timescale (hours to days), while color change accompanies molting and occurs on longer timescales (months). We found that the species that decorated the most had the lowest magnitude of color change (Pugettia richii); the species that decorated the least showed the highest magnitude of color change (Pugettia producta), and a third species (Mimulus foliatus) was intermediate in both decoration and color change, suggesting a negative correlation in utilization of these strategies. This negative correlation between color change and decoration camouflage utilization mirrored the effectiveness of these camouflage strategies in reducing predation in different species. Color camouflage primarily reduced predation on P. producta, while decoration camouflage (but not color camouflage) reduced predation on P. richii. These results indicate there might be among-species trade-offs in utilization and/or effectiveness of these two forms of plastic camouflage, with important consequences for distribution of these species among habitats and the evolution of different camouflage strategies in this group.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animal species display striking color differences with respect to geographic location, sex, and body region. Traditional adaptive explanations for such complex patterns invoke an interaction between selection for conspicuous signals and natural selection for crypsis. Although there is now a substantial body of evidence supporting the role of sexual selection for signaling functions, quantitative studies of crypsis remain comparatively rare. Here, we combine objective measures of coloration with information on predator visual sensitivities to study the role of crypsis in the evolution of color variation in an Australian lizard species complex (Ctenophorus decresii). We apply a model that allows us to quantify crypsis in terms of the visual contrast of the lizards against their natural backgrounds, as perceived by potential avian predators. We then use these quantitative estimates of crypsis to answer the following questions. Are there significant differences in crypsis conspicuousness among populations? Are there significant differences in crypsis conspicuousness between the sexes? Are body regions “exposed” to visual predators more cryptic than “hidden” body regions? Is there evidence for local adaptation with respect to crypsis against different substrates? In general, our results confirmed that there are real differences in crypsis conspicuousness both between populations and between sexes; that exposed body regions were significantly more cryptic than hidden ones, particularly in females; and that females, but not males, are more cryptic against their own local background than against the background of other populations. Body regions that varied most in contrast between the sexes and between populations were also most conspicuous and are emphasized by males during social and sexual signaling. However, results varied with respect to the aspect of coloration studied. Results based on chromatic contrast (“hue’ of color) provided better support for the crypsis hypothesis than did results based on achromatic contrast (“brightness’ of color). Taken together, these results support the view that crypsis plays a substantial role in the evolution of color variation and that color patterns represent a balance between the need for conspicuousness for signaling and the need for crypsis to avoid predation.  相似文献   

Ambush foragers use a hunting strategy that places them at risk of predation by both visual and olfaction-oriented predators. Resulting selective pressures have driven the evolution of impressive visual crypsis in many ambushing species, and may have led to the development of chemical crypsis. However, unlike for visual crypsis, few studies have attempted to demonstrate chemical crypsis. Field observations of puff adders (Bitis arietans) going undetected by several scent-orientated predator and prey species led us to investigate chemical crypsis in this ambushing species. We trained dogs (Canis familiaris) and meerkats (Suricata suricatta) to test whether a canid and a herpestid predator could detect B. arietans using olfaction. We also tested for chemical crypsis in five species of active foraging snakes, predicted to be easily detectable. Dogs and meerkats unambiguously indicated active foraging species, but failed to correctly indicate puff adder, confirming that B. arietans employs chemical crypsis. This is the first demonstration of chemical crypsis anti-predatory behaviour, though the phenomenon may be widespread among ambushers, especially those that experience high mortality rates owing to predation. Our study provides additional evidence for the existence of an ongoing chemically mediated arms race between predator and prey species.  相似文献   

Multiple lineages of bats have evolved striking facial and body pelage makings, including spots, stripes and countershading. Although researchers have hypothesized that these markings mainly evolved for crypsis, this idea has never been tested in a quantitative and comparative context. We present the first comparative study integrating data on roosting ecology (roost type and colony size) and pelage coloration patterns across bats, and explore the hypothesis that the evolution of bat pelage markings is associated with roosting ecologies that benefit from crypsis. We find that lineages that roost in the vegetation have evolved pelage markings, especially stripes and neck collars, which may function in crypsis through disruptive coloration and a type of countershading that might be unique to bats. We also demonstrate that lineages that live in larger colonies and are larger in size tend not to have pelage markings, possibly because of reduced predation pressures due to the predator dilution effect and a lower number of potential predators. Although social functions for pelage color patterns are also possible, our work provides strong support for the idea that roosting ecology has driven the evolution of pelage markings in bats.  相似文献   

There have been many different and conflicting definitions of mimicry. Some of the definitions of mimicry include crypsis and others do not. Each definition includes different groups of phenomena and uses different criteria to distinguish mimetic from non-mimetic phenomena. The confusion is eliminated by a consideration of the criteria of all definitions. This shows that there are in fact three major criteria dividing six phenomona, rather than a single dichotomy between mimicry and crypsis (Table 2). The criteria are defined by the results of a mistake in discrimination between the model and mimìc: (a) the mistake does or does not depend upon relationship between mimic and background; (b) the mistake has or has no effect on the population dynamics or evolution of the model and (c) the mistake affects dynamics or evolution of one or of many models. The main reason for the contusion about mimicry and crypsis is that each author's definition includes differing and partially overlapping subsets of the six classes: crypsis; masquerade; Batesism; Müllerism; polymorphism and convergence.  相似文献   

DNA single strand breaks (ssb) have been induced in FLC/C cells in culture. They have been visualized in the electron microscope after decoration with biotin-avidin-ferritin complexes and spreading as monomolecular mixed films. This allowed one to determine the average number of decorated ssbs per unit of DNA length applying straight-forward and simple evaluation methods. This method has been used to investigate the DNA alterations by benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) on FLC/C culture cells. Thus a B[a]P-DNA damage curve can be constructed as a regression with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.97, while its isomer benzo[e]pyrene (B[e]P) known to have only low mutagenicity under the same experimental conditions is virtually without effect. The method has further informational potential regarding damage distribution and repair of DNA.  相似文献   

Decreased beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) number occurs both in animal models of cardiac hypertrophy and failure and in patients. beta-AR recycling is an important mechanism for the beta-AR resensitization that maintains a normal complement of cell surface beta-ARs. We have shown that 1) in severe pressure overload cardiac hypertrophy, there is extensive microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4) decoration of a dense microtubule network; and 2) MAP4 microtubule decoration inhibits muscarinic acetylcholine receptor recycling in neuroblastoma cells. We asked here whether MAP4 microtubule decoration inhibits beta-AR recycling in adult cardiocytes. [(3)H]CGP-12177 was used as a beta-AR ligand, and feline cardiocytes were isolated and infected with adenovirus containing MAP4 (AdMAP4) or beta-galactosidase (Adbeta-gal) cDNA. MAP4 decorated the microtubules extensively only in AdMAP4 cardiocytes. beta-AR agonist exposure reduced cell surface beta-AR number comparably in AdMAP4 and Adbeta-gal cardiocytes; however, after agonist withdrawal, the cell surface beta-AR number recovered to 78.4 +/- 2.9% of the pretreatment value in Adbeta-gal cardiocytes but only to 56.8 +/- 1.4% in AdMAP4 cardiocytes (P < 0.01). This result was confirmed in cardiocytes isolated from transgenic mice having cardiac-restricted MAP4 overexpression. In functional terms of cAMP generation, beta-AR agonist responsiveness of AdMAP4 cells was 47% less than that of Adbeta-gal cells. We conclude that MAP4 microtubule decoration interferes with beta-AR recycling and that this may be one mechanism for beta-AR downregulation in heart failure.  相似文献   

Colours influence numerous aspects of an animal's ecology. One possibility is that colour helps make an animal cryptic against the background on which it is resting. We test this hypothesis for two different, geographically separated colour forms (dark forms and light forms) of the Western Terrestrial Garter Snake, Thamnophis elegans. We quantified crypsis of snakes, in terms of colour (chromatic crypsis) and brightness (achromatic crypsis), by using objective measures of spectral reflectance of snakes and the surrounding habitat. These data were visually modelled from the perspective of potential snake predators and human researchers. Overall, snakes of both colour forms selected basking sites that increased chromatic crypsis over that which would have been achievable on random backgrounds. Both colour forms of T. elegans appear to exhibit similar achromatic and chromatic crypsis when viewed by potential predators, such as mammals and birds. From the perspective of the human visual model, dark T. elegans were generally more chromatically cryptic than light T. elegans, contrary to our a priori subjective impression. The main contribution of the present study is that we provide one of the first objective comparisons of snakes and their backgrounds as a measure of crypsis. Although we found some evidence for crypsis as a factor in choice of basking sites for snakes, other factors (e.g. thermoregulatory opportunities) undoubtedly play important roles as well. We also have not addressed whether snakes involved in other activities are cryptic or whether there are differences between the sexes or between reproductive and nonreproductive females. The adaptive significance of colour variation has been studied in diverse taxonomic groups. Although the mechanisms are not straightforward, the opportunities to carry out further work in this area are enhanced by the availability of objective approaches. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London,  相似文献   

Impermeable seed/fruit coat, i.e. physical dormancy (PY) occurring in seeds of many genera of 19 angiosperm plant families has been traditionally viewed as a form of dormancy that regulates germination timing. However, this view was recently challenged by an alternative explanation claiming that the impermeable seed coat evolved as a coping mechanism to escape predators, i.e. crypsis hypothesis. Here, I wish to call for more careful attention on crypsis as an evolutionary factor because (1) information of volatile compounds is not known in PY families except Fabaceace; (2) impermeability is not induced until the moisture content of the seeds drops below species-specific threshold suggesting that drying determines development of impermeable seed coats; (3) the crypsis hypothesis does not explain the year-to-year or between site variations in proportions of impermeable seeds produced by plants; and (4) dry seeds of species from non-PY families also do not emit volatile compounds, and do not develop impermeable seed coats. For these reasons, it appears crypsis might be an exaptation, i.e., a trait that performs a function for which it was not originally evolved. Based on the available evidence, it is suggested that climate drying might have resulted in evolution of impermeable seed coats.  相似文献   

The colors of deep-sea species are generally assumed to be cryptic,but it is not known how cryptic they are and under what conditions.This study measured the color of approximately 70 deep-sea species,both pelagic and benthic, and compared the results with twosets of predictions: 1) optimal crypsis under ambient light,2) optimal crypsis when viewed by bioluminescent "searchlights."The reflectances of the pelagic species at the blue-green wavelengthsimportant for deep-sea vision were far lower than the predictedreflectances for crypsis under ambient light and closer to thezero reflectance prediction for crypsis under searchlights.This suggests that bioluminescence is more important than ambientlight for the visual detection of pelagic species at mesopelagicdepths. The reflectances of the benthic species were highlyvariable and a relatively poor match to the substrates on whichthey were found. However, estimates of the contrast sensitivityof deep-sea visual systems suggest that even approximate matchesmay be sufficient for crypsis in visually complex benthic habitats.Body coloration was generally uniform, but many crabs had strikingpatterns that may serve to disrupt the outlines of their bodies.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,98(4):1523-1536
Neurofilaments in the axons of mammalian spinal cord neurons are extensively cross-linked; consequently, the filaments and their cross- bridges compose a three-dimensional lattice. We have used antibody decoration in situ combined with tissue preparation by the quick- freeze, deep-etch technique to locate three neurofilament polypeptides (195, 145, and 73 Kd) within this lattice. When antibodies against each polypeptide were incubated with detergent-extracted, formaldehyde-fixed samples of rabbit spinal cord, each antibody assumed a characteristic distribution: anti-73-Kd decorated the neurofilament core uniformly, but not the cross-bridges; anti-145-Kd also decorated the core, but less uniformly; sometimes the anti-145-Kd antibodies were located over the bases of cross-bridges. In contrast, anti-195-Kd primarily decorated the cross-bridges between the neurofilaments. These observations show that the 73-Kd polypeptide is a component of the central core of neurofilaments, and that the 195-Kd polypeptide is a component of the inter-neurofilamentous cross-bridges. It is consistent with this conclusion that we found few cross-bridges between neurofilaments in the optic nerves of neonatal rabbits during a developmental period when the ratio of 195 to 73 or 145-Kd polypeptides is much lower than in adults. The ratio of 195-Kd polypeptide to the other two neurofilament polypeptides also appeared much lower in the cell bodies and dendrites than in axons of adult spinal cord neurons, when the dispositions of the three polypeptides were studied by immunofluorescence experiments. The cell bodies apparently contain neurofilaments composed primarily of 145- and 73-Kd polypeptides, because we observed antibody decoration of individual neurofilaments in the cell bodies with anti-73- and -145-Kd, but not with anti-195-Kd. We conclude that the 195-Kd polypeptide participates in a cross-linking function, and that this function is, at least in certain neurons, most prevalent in the mature axon.  相似文献   

Natural selection shapes the evolution of anti-predator defences, such as camouflage. It is currently contentious whether crypsis and disruptive coloration are alternative mechanisms of camouflage or whether they are interrelated anti-predator defences. Disruptively coloured prey is characterized by highly contrasting patterns to conceal the body shape, whereas cryptic prey minimizes the contrasts to background. Determining bird predation of artificial moths, we found that moths which were dissimilar from the background but sported disruptive patterns on the edge of their wings survived better in heterogeneous habitats than did moths with the same patterns inside of the wings and better than cryptic moths. Despite lower contrasts to background, crypsis did not provide fitness benefits over disruptive coloration on the body outline. We conclude that disruptive coloration on the edge camouflages its bearer independent of background matching. We suggest that this result is explainable because disruptive coloration is effective by exploiting predators' cognitive mechanisms of prey recognition and not their sensory mechanisms of signal detection. Relative to disruptive patterns on the body outline, disruptive markings on the body interior are less effective. Camouflage owing to disruptive coloration on the body interior is background-specific and is as effective as crypsis in heterogeneous habitats. Hence, we hypothesize that two proximate mechanisms explain the diversity of visual anti-predator defences. First, disruptive coloration on the body outline provides camouflage independent of the background. Second, background matching and disruptive coloration on the body interior provide camouflage, but their protection is background-specific.  相似文献   

Abstract: The focus of digital photography has moved from documentation to quantitative analysis. To illustrate the potential application of this diagnostic tool to quantify color and shape, we photographed both artificial and natural semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) nests to determine what benefits, if any, were derived from egg crypsis (i.e., eggshell color and egg marking shape). This simple and cost-effective method provides precise and repeatable quantification of color and shape that discriminated subtle differences in egg crypsis of artificial and natural nests that were not visible to us. The advantages of digital photography and image-editing software outweigh any shortcomings, as long as standard protocols are followed for capturing and analyzing images. Used with due care, digital photography is useful in studies that need to quickly assign biological traits, such as age and sex, to individuals, and to document temporal change that may occur as a response to management or disturbance.  相似文献   

Actin filaments were identified in the epithelial cells of rat uterus following detergent extraction and decoration of microfilaments (MF) with myosin subfragment 1 (S1). MF connections with cytoplasmic organelles and the apical plasma membrane are also described. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the regular microvilli of non-pregnant, oestrous animals contain several decorated MF with rootlets descending into a densely filamentous terminal web. Following mating, the actin cytoskeleton was examined on days 1, 3 and 6 of pregnancy. In this period, the irregular projections that replace MV assumed an underlying, dense network of decorated MF, whilst smoother surfaces displayed few cytoplasmic filaments. At the time of blastocyst implantation, a structured terminal web was no longer present. Structural details were revealed concerning the contents of large, bleb-like projections found on the apical surface.  相似文献   

There have been many different and conflicting definitions of mimicry. Some of the definitions of mimicry include crypsis and others do not. Each definition includes different groups of phenomena and uses different criteria to distinguish mimetic from non-mimetic phenomena. The confusion is eliminated by a consideration of the criteria of all definitions. This shows that there are in fact three major criteria dividing six phenomona, rather than a single dichotomy between mimicry and crypsis (Table 2). The criteria are defined by the results of a mistake in discrimination between the model and mimìc: (a) the mistake does or does not depend upon relationship between mimic and background; (b) the mistake has or has no effect on the population dynamics or evolution of the model and (c) the mistake affects dynamics or evolution of one or of many models. The main reason for the contusion about mimicry and crypsis is that each author's definition includes differing and partially overlapping subsets of the six classes: crypsis; masquerade; Batesism; Müllerism; polymorphism and convergence.  相似文献   

Optimization of cryptic coloration in heterogeneous habitats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a theoretical approach to the optimization of crypsis in heterogeneous habitats. Our model habitat consists of two different microhabitats, and the optimal combination of crypsis in the microhabitats is supposed to maximize the probability of escaping detection by a predator. The probability of escaping detection for a prey is a function of: (i)degree of crypsis, (ii) probability of occurrence in the microhabitats and (iii) probability of encountering a predator in the microhabitats. Because crypsis is background-specific there is a trade-off between crypsis in two visually different microhabitats. Depending on the nature of the trade-off, the optimal coloration is either a compromise between the requirements of the differing microhabitats or entirely adapted to only one of them. An increased risk of predation in one of the microhabitats favours increased crypsis in that microhabitat. Because the trade-off constrains possible optimal solutions, it is not possible to predict the optimal coloration only from factors (i)-(iii). However, habitat choice may fundamentally change the situation. If minimizing predation risk does not incur any costs, the prey should exclusively prefer the microhabitat where it has a lower probability of encountering a predator and better crypsis. The implications of these results for variation in cryptic coloration and polymorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

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