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The capsid of herpes simplex virus has an icosahedral surface lattice with a nonskew triangulation number, T=16. Nevertheless, the proteins arrayed on this lattice necessarily have an intrinsic handedness. We have determined the handedness of both the herpes simplex virus type 1 capsid and its precursor procapsid by a cryoelectron microscopic tilting method.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus 1 capsid is formed in the infected cell nucleus by way of a spherical, less robust intermediate called the procapsid. Procapsid assembly requires the capsid shell proteins (VP5, VP19C, and VP23) plus the scaffolding protein, pre-VP22a, a major component of the procapsid that is not present in the mature virion. Pre-VP22a is lost as DNA is packaged and the procapsid is transformed into the mature, icosahedral capsid. We have employed a cell-free assembly system to examine the role of the scaffolding protein in procapsid formation. While other reaction components (VP5, VP19C, and VP23) were held constant, the pre-VP22a concentration was varied, and the resulting procapsids were analyzed by electron microscopy and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results demonstrated that while standard-sized (T = 16) procapsids with a measured diameter of approximately 100 nm were formed above a threshold pre-VP22a concentration, at lower concentrations procapsids were smaller. The measured diameter was approximately 78 nm and the predicted triangulation number was 9. No procapsids larger than the standard size or smaller than 78-nm procapsids were observed in appreciable numbers at any pre-VP22a concentration tested. SDS-polyacrylamide gel analyses indicated that small procapsids contained a reduced amount of scaffolding protein compared to the standard 100-nm form. The observations indicate that the scaffolding protein concentration affects the structure of nascent procapsids with a minimum amount required for assembly of procapsids with the standard radius of curvature and scaffolding protein content.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) portal complex is a ring-shaped structure located at a single vertex in the viral capsid. Composed of 12 U(L)6 protein molecules, the portal functions as a channel through which DNA passes as it enters the capsid. The studies described here were undertaken to clarify how the portal becomes incorporated as the capsid is assembled. We tested the idea that an intact portal may be donated to the growing capsid by way of a complex with the major scaffolding protein, U(L)26.5. Soluble U(L)26.5-portal complexes were found to assemble when purified portals were mixed in vitro with U(L)26.5. The complexes, called scaffold-portal particles, were stable during purification by agarose gel electrophoresis or sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. Examination of the scaffold-portal particles by electron microscopy showed that they resemble the 50- to 60-nm-diameter "scaffold particles" formed from purified U(L)26.5. They differed, however, in that intact portals were observed on the surface. Analysis of the protein composition by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that portals and U(L)26.5 combine in various proportions, with the highest observed U(L)6 content corresponding to two or three portals per scaffold particle. Association between the portal and U(L)26.5 was antagonized by WAY-150138, a small-molecule inhibitor of HSV-1 replication. Soluble scaffold-portal particles were found to function in an in vitro capsid assembly system that also contained the major capsid (VP5) and triplex (VP19C and VP23) proteins. Capsids that formed in this system had the structure and protein composition expected of mature HSV-1 capsids, including U(L)6, at a level corresponding to approximately 1 portal complex per capsid. The results support the view that U(L)6 becomes incorporated into nascent HSV-1 capsids by way of a complex with U(L)26.5 and suggest further that U(L)6 may be introduced into the growing capsid as an intact portal.  相似文献   

Chi JH  Wilson DW 《Journal of virology》2000,74(3):1468-1476
The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsid shell is composed of four major polypeptides, VP5, VP19c, VP23, and VP26. VP26, a 12-kDa polypeptide, is associated with the tips of the capsid hexons formed by VP5. Mature capsids form upon angularization of the shell of short-lived, fragile spherical precursors termed procapsids. The cold sensitivity and short-lived nature of the procapsid have made its isolation and biochemical analysis difficult, and it remains unclear whether procapsids contain bound VP26 or whether VP26 is recruited following shell angularization. By indirect immunocytochemical analysis of virally expressed VP26 and by direct visualization of a transiently expressed VP26-green fluorescent protein fusion, we show that VP26 fails to specifically localize to intranuclear procapsids accumulated following incubation of the temperature-sensitive HSV mutant tsProt.A under nonpermissive conditions. However, following a downshift to the permissive temperature, which allows procapsid maturation to proceed, VP26 was seen to concentrate at intranuclear sites which also contained epitopes specific to mature, angularized capsids. Like the formation of these epitopes, the association of VP26 with maturing capsids was blocked in a reversible fashion by the depletion of intracellular ATP. We conclude that unlike the other major capsid shell proteins, VP26 is recruited in an ATP-dependent fashion after procapsid maturation begins.  相似文献   

The dispositions of 39 alpha helices of greater than 2.5 turns and four beta sheets in the major capsid protein (VP5, 149 kDa) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were identified by computational and visualization analysis from the 8.5A electron cryomicroscopy structure of the whole capsid. The assignment of helices in the VP5 upper domain was validated by comparison with the recently determined crystal structure of this region. Analysis of the spatial arrangement of helices in the middle domain of VP5 revealed that the organization of a tightly associated bundle of ten helices closely resembled that of a domain fold found in the annexin family of proteins. Structure-based sequence searches suggested that sequences in both the N and C-terminal portions of the VP5 sequence contribute to this domain. The long helices seen in the floor domain of VP5 form an interconnected network within and across capsomeres. The combined structural and sequence-based informatics has led to an architectural model of VP5. This model placed in the context of the capsid provides insights into the strategies used to achieve viral capsid stability.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids were found to assemble spontaneously in a cell-free system consisting of extracts prepared from insect cells that had been infected with recombinant baculoviruses coding for HSV-1 capsid proteins. The capsids formed in this system resembled native HSV-1 capsids in morphology as judged by electron microscopy, in sedimentation rate on sucrose density gradients, in protein composition, and in their ability to react with antibodies specific for the HSV-1 major capsid protein, VP5. Optimal capsid assembly required the presence of extracts containing capsid proteins VP5, VP19, VP23, VP22a, and the maturational protease (product of the UL26 gene). Assembly was more efficient at 27 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. The availability of a cell-free assay for HSV-1 capsid formation will be of help in identifying the morphogenetic steps that occur during capsid assembly in vivo and in evaluating candidate antiherpes therapeutics directed at capsid assembly.  相似文献   

Recent biochemical and genetic studies have demonstrated that an essential step of the herpes simplex virus type 1 capsid assembly pathway involves the interaction of the major capsid protein (VP5) with either the C terminus of the scaffolding protein (VP22a, ICP35) or that of the protease (Pra, product of UL26). To better understand the nature of the interaction and to further map the sequence motif, we expressed the C-terminal 30-amino-acid peptide of ICP35 in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein (GST/CT). Purified GST/CT fusion proteins were then incubated with 35S-labeled herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cell lysates containing VP5. The interaction between GST/CT and VP5 was determined by coprecipitation of the two proteins with glutathione Sepharose beads. Our results revealed that the GST/CT fusion protein specifically interacts with VP5, suggesting that the C-terminal domain alone is sufficient for interaction with VP5. Deletion analysis of the GST/CT binding domain mapped the interaction to a minimal 12-amino-acid motif. Substitution mutations further revealed that the replacement of hydrophobic residues with charged residues in the core region of the motif abolished the interaction, suggesting that the interaction is a hydrophobic one. A chaotropic detergent, 0.1% Nonidet P-40, also abolished the interaction, further supporting the hydrophobic nature of the interaction. Computer analysis predicted that the minimal binding motif could form a strong alpha-helix structure. Most interestingly, the alpha-helix model maximizes the hydropathicity of the minimal domain so that all of the hydrophobic residues are centered around a Phe residue on one side of the alpha-helix. Mutation analysis revealed that the Phe residue is absolutely critical for the binding, since changes to Ala, Tyr, or Trp abrogated the interaction. Finally, in a peptide competition experiment, the C-terminal 25-amino-acid peptide, as well as a minimal peptide derived from the binding motif, competed with GST/CT for interaction with VP5. In addition, a cyclic analog of the minimal peptide which is designed to stabilize an alpha-helical structure competed more efficiently than the minimal peptide. The evidence suggests that the C-terminal end of ICP35 forms an alpha-helical secondary structure, which may bind specifically to a hydrophobic pocket in VP5.  相似文献   

DNA-filled capsids (C capsids) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were treated in vitro with guanidine-HCl (GuHCl) and analyzed for DNA loss by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. DNA was found to be lost quantitatively from virtually all capsids treated with GuHCl at concentrations of 0.5 M or higher, while 0.1 M GuHCl had little or no effect. DNA removal from 0.5 M GuHCl-treated capsids was effected without significant change in the capsid protein composition, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, or in its structure, as judged by electron microscopy. Electron microscopic examination of capsids in the process of emptying showed that DNA was extruded from multiple, discrete sites which appeared to coincide with capsid vertices. DNA exited the capsid in the form of thick strands or fibers that varied in diameter from approximately 4 to 13 nm with preferred diameters of 7 and 11 nm. The fibers most probably correspond to multiple, laterally aligned DNA segments, as their diameters are nearly all greater than that of a single DNA double helix. The results suggest that GuHCl treatment promotes an alteration in the capsid pentons which allows DNA to escape locally. Hexons must be more resistant to this change, since DNA loss appears to be restricted to the pentons. The ability of GuHCl to cause loss of DNA from C capsids with no accompanying change in capsid morphology or protein composition suggests that penton sites may open transiently to permit DNA exist and then return to their original state.  相似文献   

D R Thomsen  L L Roof    F L Homa 《Journal of virology》1994,68(4):2442-2457
The capsid of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is composed of seven proteins, VP5, VP19C, VP21, VP22a, VP23, VP24, and VP26, which are the products of six HSV-1 genes. Recombinant baculoviruses were used to express the six capsid genes (UL18, UL19, UL26, UL26.5, UL35, and UL38) in insect cells. All constructs expressed the appropriate-size HSV proteins, and insect cells infected with a mixture of the six recombinant baculoviruses contained large numbers of HSV-like capsids. Capsids were purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation, and electron microscopy showed that the capsids made in Sf9 cells had the same size and appearance as authentic HSV B capsids. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis demonstrated that the protein composition of these capsids was nearly identical to that of B capsids isolated from HSV-infected Vero cells. Electron microscopy of thin sections clearly demonstrated that the capsids made in insect cells contained the inner electron-translucent core associated with HSV B capsids. In infections in which single capsid genes were left out, it was found that the UL18 (VP23), UL19 (VP5), UL38 (VP19C), and either the UL26 (VP21 and VP24) or the UL26.5 (VP22a) genes were required for assembly of 100-nm capsids. VP22a was shown to form the inner core of the B capsid, since in infections in which the UL26.5 gene was omitted the 100-nm capsids that formed lacked the inner core. The UL35 (VP26) gene was not required for assembly of 100-nm capsids, although assembly of B capsids was more efficient when it was present. These and other observations indicate that (i) the products of the UL18, UL19, UL35, and UL38 genes self-assemble into structures that form the outer surface (icosahedral shell) of the capsid, (ii) the products of the UL26 and/or UL26.5 genes are required (as scaffolds) for assembly of 100-nm capsids, and (iii) the interaction of the outer surface of the capsid with the scaffolding proteins requires the product of the UL18 gene (VP23).  相似文献   

After fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) capsids are transported along microtubules (MTs) from the cell periphery to the nucleus. The motor ATPase cytoplasmic dynein and its multisubunit cofactor dynactin mediate most transport processes directed toward the minus-ends of MTs. Immunofluorescence microscopy experiments demonstrated that HSV1 capsids colocalized with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin. We blocked the function of dynein by overexpressing the dynactin subunit dynamitin, which leads to the disruption of the dynactin complex. We then infected such cells with HSV1 and measured the efficiency of particle binding, virus entry, capsid transport to the nucleus, and the expression of immediate-early viral genes. High concentrations of dynamitin and dynamitin-GFP reduced the number of viral capsids transported to the nucleus. Moreover, viral protein synthesis was inhibited, whereas virus binding to the plasma membrane, its internalization, and the organization of the MT network were not affected. We concluded that incoming HSV1 capsids are propelled along MTs by dynein and that dynein and dynactin are required for efficient viral capsid transport to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein,together with its cofactor dynactin, transports incoming herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids along microtubules (MT) to the MT-organizing center (MTOC). From the MTOC, capsids move further to the nuclear pore, where the viral genome is released into the nucleoplasm. The small capsid protein VP26 can interact with the dynein light chains Tctex1 (DYNLT1) and rp3 (DYNLT3) and may recruit dynein to the capsid. Therefore, we analyzed nuclear targeting of incoming HSV1-DeltaVP26 capsids devoid of VP26 and of HSV1-GFPVP26 capsids expressing a GFPVP26 fusion instead of VP26. To compare the cell entry of different strains, we characterized the inocula with respect to infectivity, viral genome content, protein composition, and particle composition. Preparations with a low particle-to-PFU ratio showed efficient nuclear targeting and were considered to be of higher quality than those containing many defective particles, which were unable to induce plaque formation. When cells were infected with HSV-1 wild type, HSV1-DeltaVP26, or HSV1-GFPVP26, viral capsids were transported along MT to the nucleus. Moreover, when dynein function was inhibited by overexpression of the dynactin subunit dynamitin, fewer capsids of HSV-1 wild type, HSV1-DeltaVP26, and HSV1-GFPVP26 arrived at the nucleus. Thus, even in the absence of the potential viral dynein receptor VP26, HSV-1 used MT and dynein for efficient nuclear targeting. These data suggest that besides VP26, HSV-1 encodes other receptors for dynein or dynactin.  相似文献   

本研究旨在构建单纯疱疹病毒2型(herpes simplex virus type 2,HSV-2)衣壳支架蛋白ICP35的原核表达载体,并分析其在HSV-2增殖中的表达特性。以HSV-2基因组DNA为模板,采用聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)扩增HSV-2 ICP35的编码基因UL26.5,并克隆至原核表达载体pET-32a(+),转化大肠埃希菌BL21(DE3)进行诱导表达,将纯化的重组ICP35免疫家兔后获得抗体,采用免疫荧光检测ICP35在HSV-2增殖中的表达特性。结果显示,HSV-2 UL26.5基因的PCR产物大小约为1 065 bp,原核表达重组蛋白的相对分子质量约为6.3×104,免疫家兔的血清抗体可特异性识别HSV-2 ICP35。免疫荧光检测结果显示,HSV-2 ICP35可在感染后8 h出现于细胞核周围,12 h表达量进一步增加并向细胞核内聚集,16 h后在细胞核、细胞质内均可检测到聚集成斑点状的衣壳支架蛋白。结果表明,HSV-2 ICP35原核表达载体的成功构建及对其在HSV-2增殖中表达特性的分析,将为研究UL26.5基因的功能、蛋白相互作用、病毒与宿主的相互作用及筛选药物靶标等奠定基础。  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) intermediate capsids are composed of seven proteins, VP5, VP19C, VP21, VP22a, VP23, VP24, and VP26, and the genes that encode these proteins, UL19, UL38, UL26, UL26.5, UL18, UL26, and UL35, respectively. The UL26 gene encodes a protease that cleaves itself and the product of the UL26.5 gene at a site (M site) 25 amino acids from the C terminus of these two proteins. In addition, the protease cleaves itself at a second site (R site) between amino acids 247 and 248. Cleavage of the UL26 protein gives rise to the capsid proteins VP21 and VP24, and cleavage of the UL26.5 protein gives rise to the capsid protein VP22a. Previously we described the production of HSV-1 capsids in insect cells by infecting the cells with recombinant baculoviruses expressing the six capsid genes (D. R. Thomsen, L. L. Roof, and F. L. Homa, J. Virol. 68:2442-2457, 1994). Using this system, we demonstrated that the products of the UL26 and/or UL26.5 genes are required as scaffolds for assembly of HSV-1 capsids. To better understand the functions of the UL26 and UL26.5 proteins in capsid assembly, we constructed baculoviruses that expressed altered UL26 and UL26.5 proteins. The ability of the altered UL26 and UL26.5 proteins to support HSV-1 capsid assembly was then tested in insect cells. Among the specific mutations tested were (i) deletion of the C-terminal 25 amino acids from the proteins coded for by the UL26 and UL26.5 genes; (ii) mutation of His-61 of the UL26 protein, an amino acid required for protease activity; and (iii) mutation of the R cleavage site of the UL26 protein. Analysis of the capsids formed with wild-type and mutant proteins supports the following conclusions: (i) the C-terminal 25 amino acids of the UL26 and UL26.5 proteins are required for capsid assembly; (ii) the protease activity associated with the UL26 protein is not required for assembly of morphologically normal capsids; and (iii) the uncleaved forms of the UL26 and UL26.5 proteins are employed in assembly of 125-nm-diameter capsids; cleavage of these proteins occurs during or subsequent to capsid assembly. Finally, we carried out in vitro experiments in which the major capsid protein VP5 was mixed with wild-type or truncated UL26.5 protein and then precipitated with a VP5-specific monoclonal antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Polyribosomes isolated from herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1)-infected cells have been used to program a eucaryotic cell-free translation system. At least 10 HSV-specific polypeptides, with apparent molecular weights of 25,000 to 160,000, are synthesized by wild-type HSV-infected polyribosomes. Polyribosomes prepared from thymidine kinase-negative mutants of HSV direct the synthesis of three putative nonsense termination polypeptides. HSV-specific polypeptides synthesized in vitro are precipitated with antiserum to HSV-infected cell proteins.  相似文献   

Capsids of herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 contain seven polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 154,000 to 12,000 (termed NC-1 through NC-7 in order of descending molecular weight). Antibodies prepared to HSV-1 capsid polypeptides isolated from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels reacted in an immunofluorescence assay against HSV-1-infected KB cells. Three of the antibodies (anti-NC-1, anti-NC-2, and anti-NC-3,4) also reacted with HSV-2-infected cells. Tryptic peptide analysis showed that each of the HSV-1 capsid polypeptides had a unique methionine peptide profile, and none appeared to be derived from the major capsid polypeptide. Comparative peptide analysis of HSV-1 and HSV-2 showed that one polypeptide (NC-7, 12,000 molecular weight) had an identical methionine peptide profile and a very similar arginine peptide profile in both virus types. The arginine peptide profile of NC-7 of HSV-1 was very different from the arginine profile of KB histone H4. Although there were certain intertypic similarities in the methionine peptide profiles of the other capsid components especially in NC-1 (the major capsid protein), there was no case where the tryptic peptides were identical in the two virus types.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus proteins: origin of the capsid components.   总被引:19,自引:16,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The three primary capsid proteins (A, B, and C) of adeno-associated viruses have been shown previously to contain overlapping amino acid sequences (R. McPherson and J. Rose, J. Virol. 46:523-529, 1983). In the present study we demonstrate definitively that these proteins are encoded in the right half of the adeno-associated virus 2 genome, and one or both of the smallest adeno-associated RNA species (2.3- or 2.6-kilobase RNA) account for their synthesis. Protein A (90 kilodaltons) apparently initiates from a site within the intervening sequence, which is intact in the larger (unspliced) 2.6-kilobase mRNA, and may read through one or more termination codons, including a strong stop signal (UAA) that lies 31 bases downstream from the end of the intervening sequence. Proteins B (72 kilodaltons) and C (60 kilodaltons) are not derived from protein A but apparently originate from independent, in-frame initiations that lie downstream from the splice junction. It thus seems likely that production of the three adeno-associated virus capsid proteins involves at least two mRNA species. The B and C proteins presumably arise from the spliced 2.3-kilobase RNA, whereas protein A should be generated by the 2.6-kilobase RNA or a hitherto unidentified spliced RNA species.  相似文献   

Packaging of DNA into preformed capsids is a fundamental early event in the assembly of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) virions. Replicated viral DNA genomes, in the form of complex branched concatemers, and unstable spherical precursor capsids termed procapsids are thought to be the substrates for the DNA-packaging reaction. In addition, seven viral proteins are required for packaging, although their individual functions are undefined. By analogy to well-characterized bacteriophage systems, the association of these proteins with various forms of capsids, including procapsids, might be expected to clarify their roles in the packaging process. While the HSV-1 UL6, UL15, UL25, and UL28 packaging proteins are known to associate with different forms of stable capsids, their association with procapsids has not been tested. Therefore, we isolated HSV-1 procapsids from infected cells and used Western blotting to identify the packaging proteins present. Procapsids contained UL15 and UL28 proteins; the levels of both proteins are diminished in more mature DNA-containing C-capsids. In contrast, UL6 protein levels were approximately the same in procapsids, B-capsids, and C-capsids. The amount of UL25 protein was reduced in procapsids relative to that in more mature B-capsids. Moreover, C-capsids contained the highest level of UL25 protein, 15-fold higher than that in procapsids. Our results support current hypotheses on HSV DNA packaging: (i) transient association of UL15 and UL28 proteins with maturing capsids is consistent with their proposed involvement in site-specific cleavage of the viral DNA (terminase activity); (ii) the UL6 protein may be an integral component of the capsid shell; and (iii) the UL25 protein may associate with capsids after scaffold loss and DNA packaging, sealing the DNA within capsids.  相似文献   

The capsid of the herpes simplex virus initially assembles as a procapsid that matures through a massive conformational change of its 182 MDa surface shell. This transition, which stabilizes the fragile procapsid, is facilitated by the viral protease that releases the interaction between the shell and the underlying scaffold; however, protease-deficient procapsids mature slowly in vitro. To study procapsid maturation as a time-resolved process, we monitored this reaction by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The resulting images were sorted into 17 distinct classes, and three-dimensional density maps were calculated for each. When arranged in a chronological series, these maps yielded molecular movies of procapsid maturation. A single major switching event takes place at stages 8-9, preceded by relatively subtle adjustments in the pattern of interactions and followed by similarly small 'aftershocks'. The primary mechanism underlying maturation is relative rotations of domains of VP5, the major capsid protein.  相似文献   

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