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The half-banded sea perch, Hypoplectrodes maccullochi (Serranidae) exhibits protogynous hermaphroditism, based on the presence of transitional individuals collected from rocky reefs along the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Males dominated the larger size and age classes, whereas females predominated the smaller size and age groups. Histological preparations suggested that sex change occurs between 55–85 mm s.l. and 1 + to 4+ years of age. Three transitional phases were identified which varied according to the proportion of gametogenic tissue and remnant oocytes present within their gonads. All individuals greater than 85 mm s.l. were functional males containing well defined crypts of spermatids and spermatozoa. Remnant oocytes within these testes indicated prior female function. H. maccullochi were sexually monochromatic. The occurrence of some small males derived from pre-spawning females suggested pre-maturational sex change occurred in some individuals. Sex changing individuals were found in all the months of the year that gonads were examined in detail (January, February, April and June 1989). Fish were ripe in August and November. H. maccullochi conforms with the pattern of reproduction evident within the genus Hypopleclrodes .  相似文献   

Juvenile Moses perch were fed various rations of penaeid prawn and pilchard foods at 26.4 and 28.7° C to elucidate feeding–growth relationships. Maintenance rations amounted to 5.0 and 3.8% of body weight per day (BW day–1) on prawn and pilchard diets, respectively, at 26.4° C and 4.5% BW day 1 for prawn at 28.7° C. This apparent reduction in maintenance ration at higher temperature is probably due to reduction in activity levels. Starvation weight loss, an indicator of resting metabolic rate, increased with temperature and exhibited a Q10 of 2.0 to 2.4.
Fish fed ad libitum once or twice per day at 26.4° C grew at 1.1 % BW day–1 and ingested about 9% of their BW day–1. At 28.7° C fish ingested about 8% of their BW day–1 and grew 1 .0% BW day–1. These growth rates are comparable to those of similar sized lutjanids in the wild. Since prawns comprise 64% of the diet of Moses perch in northern Australia, this level of consumption would require about 6% BW day–1 of prawns. The relevance of these findings to the assessment of predator impact on prawns in Australian estuaries is discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Opercular bones from 323 perch from the River Stour were used for age and back-calculated growth determinations. Annuli were formed during May at the beginning of the growth period. Growth was minimal from October to April. Female perch grew faster than males, and the growth rates of both sexes were higher than those observed in most other European waters. Spawning occurred during late April and early May; male gonads began development in August and had attained their maximum weight in September, but the ovaries developed gradually from August until April. Immature perch had an annual cycle of condition with a maximum in June-July and a minimum in December-January. The condition of mature males and females was affected by the gonad cycle. The fecundity of Stour perch is expressed by the formula: log egg number = 2.40 log length (mm) - 1.34.
Approximately 25% of males were mature at age I and all were mature at age II, whereas most females did not spawn until age III. Ephemeroptera nymphs and minnow fry constituted the bulk of the diet of 0-group perch; Ephemeroptera nymphs, minnow fry and Corixidae were the most numerous items in I group perch, whereas older perch contained Corixidae and a wider range of fish prey species, although minnows were the most numerous of these.  相似文献   

Coccidae is one of the major families of scale insects, with many species considered to be serious agricultural or horticultural pests. However, the phylogenetic relationships among coccid subfamilies, tribes and genera are poorly understood because existing hypotheses are based on morphological characters and cladistic analyses. Here, we present the first molecular phylogeny of the family Coccidae based on DNA fragments of a mitochondrial gene (COI), nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (18S and 28S), and elongation factor-1α (EF-1α). We found that some genera (Coccus Linnaeus and Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti), tribes (Coccini, Paralecaniini, Pulvinariini and Saissetiini) and subfamilies (Coccinae and Filippiinae) within the family are nonmonophyletic. Formation of a waxy ovisac and the distribution and structures of ventral tubular ducts have been used to define the tribe Pulvinariini morphologically; however, these were found to be homoplastic traits based on ancestral state reconstruction. Accordingly, we propose a new classification of certain groups as follows: (i) the Paralecaniini is raised to subfamily rank, Paralecaniinae stat.n. , except that Neosaissetia Tao, Wong & Chang is retained as a member of Coccinae; (ii) Megapulvinaria Yang and Pulvinarisca Borchsenius are transferred from Coccinae to Pulvinariscinae stat.n. ; and (iii) Metaceronema Takahashi is transferred from Filippiinae to Pulvinariscinae stat.n. We provide amended diagnoses for the newly proposed subfamilies.  相似文献   

Changes in the size of the infrapopulations of metacercariae of Diplostomum gasterostei and Tylodelphys clavata were studied in a small lake for a period of seven years in perch Perca fluviatilis . Tylodelphys clavata appeared in the lake at the commencement of the study and its subsequent population increase and changes were typical of those of a species recently established in a new habitat. Population size increased slowly at first, then rapidly, then declined again as population density approached equilibrium level. By contrast, the population size of D. gasterostei declined throughout the study. Two processes were responsible for the decline: a decrease in the proportion of fish carrying heavy infections which was continuous throughout the seven years and a dramatic decline in recruitment rate in young fish during the last two years. In earlier years recruitment rate had changed annually and changes in overall infrapopulation size had largely reflected the recruitment rate two years previously. It was concluded that these two processes were independent of each other and related to changes in the population density of other species of eyeflukes. The decline in the proportion of heavily infected fish was significantly negatively correlated with the increase in population density of T. clavata and the decline in recruitment rate in young fish was coincident with the appearance and infrapopulation increase of T. podicipina metacercariae in the eyes of young perch. It is suggested that these two species interact negatively with D. gasterostei and are currently partitioning the perch habitat between themselves.  相似文献   

A decline in the growth rate of perch in Malham Tarn, Yorkshire, has occurred in recent times. This was found to coincide precisely with the resumption of stocking of brown trout, after a period of several years during which no stocking took place. In the absence of any other known correlating factor, it is suggested that the increase in population density of the trout may be responsible for the observed decline in perch growth.  相似文献   

Larvae of the nematode Raphidascaris acus were found free or encapsulated in the liver of yellow perch. Blood vessels were distorted or destroyed during larval migrations and larvae were eventually encapsulated in a thick-walled whitish nodule. Successful walling-off of the parasite resulted in the formation of a collagenous nodule and a complete loss of the worm. No mortality of perch was associated with larval R. acus but the introduction of susceptible fishes into a lake harboring this parasite may be important in some stocking programs.  相似文献   

I examined the annual and seasonal growth of dark chub, Zacco temmincki, in a Japanese river. Investigation of opercular rings showed that the fish reached a maximum age of 8 years. There was no significant sexual size difference at younger ages (3–5 years), but males were larger than females at older ages (6–7 years). Annual increments of length and weight for males that were recaptured were also larger than those for females. The fish spawn from June to August. Females grew for a short period from April to May, but males on average grew for a longer period from April to August. There was no sexual difference in growth rate except during the spawning period. Annual growth rate was negatively correlated with fish length in each sex. The sexual size differences at older ages of the fish might be due to the polygynous mating system in which most mature males could not obtain females and invested for somatic growth in the spawning period, and a short growing season that was overlapped considerably with the spawning period.  相似文献   

In laboratory studies mites of Aceria sheldoni were reared on citrus fruit peels, beneath coloured cellophane hoods, to cater for their thigmotaxis and sensitivity to light of particular wave lengths. Hatching was most successful at 25°C and 98% r.h. but was reduced by low humidities (35–40% r.h.), when abnormal dwarf larvae emerged. The eggs hatched in 3–14 days; the length of a generation (egg to egg) was 12–33 days. The threshold of embryonic development was 9 °C and that for completion of the life cycle, egg to egg, was 12.5 °C. The average number of eggs laid per female was six (4–8). It increased to twelve (5–19) if the mite, during its larval stages, had been fed on buds. The vitality of both the eggs and the mature mites was tested by exposure to extreme low and high temperatures (below 0 °C, 39 °C): 50% of mites died after 30 min at 30 °C; 50% died after 30 min at –15 °C or lower.  相似文献   

The results of a field study carried out between 1966 and 1969 indicate that the spawning migrations of Macquarie perch, Macquaria australasica, from Lake Eildon, Victoria, into the inflowing Delatite, Howqua, Jamieson, Goulburn and Big Rivers occurred when water temperatures in the rivers reached 16.5°C. Because of different temperature regimes the times of the spawning migration and spawning differed from river to river. Migrating fish were of a uniform size and were in their fifth to tenth years of life. Recaptures of tagged fish suggest that some fish use the same river each year for spawning. Observations on pre-spawning and spawning behaviour and on the characteristics of the spawning site are recorded. Fecundity of fourteen fish in the size range 305–405 mm standard length varied from 50189 to 107 724 eggs per fish. The virtual disappearance of Macquarie pereh from Lake Eildon was probably caused by a combination of several factors, including changed habitat, overfishing of the spawning stock and predation by, and competition for food with, introduced fish.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(1):134-139
Two new subspecies, Oroplexia fortunata siranga Volynkin, Saldaitis & Gyulai, ssp. n. and Oroplexia erinacea cunicula, Saldaitis, Volynkin & Gyulai, ssp. n. are described from western Sichuan (China). The male genitalia of Oroplexia fortunata fortunata Hreblay and Ronkay, 1997 are illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

The life cycle ofCryptochlora perforans is described under culture conditions, including the following stages: Naked and walled amoebae, cysts, coccoid, palmelloid and flagellate stages. Phagotrophy of living diatoms, movement and reproduction are documented. Amoebae ofCryptochlora are chemotactically attracted by damaged algal filaments, perforate and penetrate such filaments, and subsequently engulf part of their contents. A comparison is made with a culture ofChlorarachnion reptans Geitler, according to earlier and own observations. Chloroplast structure as well as zoospore morphology confirm close affinities betweenCryptochlora andChlorarachnion. Generic characters as well as possible phylogenetic affinities with amoeboidXanthophyta andProtozoa are discussed.  相似文献   

The composition of seven dipteran families from the complex of larvae dwelling in sandy soils of the southeastern Karakum Desert, represented by both free-living soil forms and endobionts ecologically dependent mainly on herbaceous plants, is analyzed. In the surface horizons of the soil, at a depth of up to 20 cm, free-living soil-dwellers form a stable complex, which includes saprophagous coleopteran larvae and their constant companions, the obligatorily predaceous dipteran larvae. Previously unknown data on the lifestyle of the larvae of five therevid genera are given.  相似文献   

The heart of Leiopotherapon unicolor comprises 0.135±0.005% of total body weight compared to the average teleost heart size of 0.081±0.002% body weight. The respiratory surface area of 569 mm2 g−1 is also much larger than that found in most freshwater fish. The exponent b in the equation Gill Area = a. body wtb was evaluated at 1.04, whereas the theoretical value for b is only 0.75. It is therefore evident that L. unicolor has an excessively large gill area and a large heart, which facilitate oxygen uptake in hypoxic environments.  相似文献   

In the Amellago area (central High Atlas), the widely distributed Toarcian succession consists of marls and marly limestones of the Tagoudite and Agoudim formations. We here describe, for the first time, the ammonites of the Polymorphum Zone from the Tagoudite Formation, including Canavaria cf. rosenbergi Fucini, C. aff. zancleana (Fucini), Dactylioceras (Eodactylites) mirabile (Fucini), D. (E.) aff. mirabile (Fucini), D. (E.) pseudocommune Fucini, D. (E.) simplex (Fucini), D. (Orthodactylites) aff. crosbeyi (Simpson), Lytoceras gr. villae Meneghini, Neolioceratoides cf. hoffmanni (Gemmellaro) and Praepolyplectus sp. This ammonite assemblage is closely correlated with those reported from the Polymorphum Zone of several basins of the Tethyan margins and the Northwest European Subboreal Realm, indicating marine communications between the different Moroccan Jurassic basins and the central Atlantic trough. The overlying Agoudim Formation yields ammonites of the Levisoni Zone in its base and rare ammonites of the Bifrons Zone in the middle part. Four significant changes in the ammonite assemblages during the early-middle Toarcian and their probable causes are also discussed.  相似文献   

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