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We have completely sequenced the mtDNA cytochrome b gene of ground squirrels from the zone of overlapping ranges of Spermophilus major and S. erythrogenys in the Tobol-Ishim interfluve, which is a putative hybridization zone of these species. The results of the sequencing showed extensive introgression of mtDNA genes of the short-tailed ground squirrel S. e. brevicauda, whose haplotype had fully replaced the S. major haplotype. All of the ground squirrels from the Tobol-Ishim interfluve had a variant of the S. e. brevicauda mtDNA haplotype that was specific for this zone. On average, 119 substitutions (10.44%) were found between S. major from Ul'yanovsk oblast and S. e. brevicauda from the northern Kazakhstan, the mean genetic distance (D) between them being 0.115, which conforms to the corresponding parameters for the S. e. brevicauda-S. pygmaeus pair (122 substitutions, D = 118). Insignificant differences (seven substitutions, D = 0.043) were found between the S. major and S. pygmaeus haplotypes, which suggest that these species have similar mitochondrial haplotypes. Five to ten nucleotide substitutions (0.44--0.88%) were detected between the animals from the Tobol--Ishim interfluve and S. e. brevicauda. The mtDNA haplotype divergence D within the genus Spermophilus (ten species) for all codon positions ranged from 0.035 to 0.158. Phylogenetic reconstructions (MP, ML, and NJ trees) showed two well-differentiated clusters with high bootstrap support. However, there was different branching topology within the cluster and their species composition varied. The maximum likelihood tree, ML, differentiating the species into two subgenera, Citellus and Colobotis, most reliably reflected taxonomic relationships of the species from the genus Spermophilus, inferred from morphological and genetic biochemical data. The morphologically pure S. major (subgenus Colobotis) animals, used in the analysis, proved to carry the haplotype of another species, S. pygmaeus (subgenus Citellus). This poses a question on the existence of the specific haplotype of S. major, the reason of its replacement by haplotype of other species, and possible consequences of this phenomenon for survival of the species.  相似文献   

Populations of two ground squirrel species, Spermophilus major and S. erythrogenys, from the interfluvial area of the Tobol and Ishim rivers, where their ranges overlap, have been examined using RAPD-PCR. We have identified 253 loci, which included taxon-specific markers for S. major and S. erythrogenys as well as markers for geographic populations. Estimation of genetic diversity and construction of phylogenetic relationships were performed using software programs POPGENE, TEPGA, and TREECON. In all, based on morphological traits, animals from the Tobol-Ishim interfluve were assigned to the two parental morphotypes and showed similar levels of genetic variability (H, n(a), n(e)). However, the total polymorphism level proved to be higher in ground squirrels with the major morphotype (P = 40.32%, P95 = 27.27%) than in animals with the erythrogenys morphotype (P = 32%, P95 = 22.13%). Nevertheless, the number of rare alleles was high in both cases, constituting about 70% of the total number. By contrast, interpopulation differentiation was considerably higher in S. major (6 = 0.50) than in S. erythrogenys (delta = 0.41). The genetic differentiation between local samples from the Tobol-Ishim interfluvial area was lower than that between the parental species. A significant part of the genetic diversity of the species examined and animals from the zone of overlapping ranges was accounted for by intrapopulation variability. Animals from the northern and southern parts of the Tobol-Ishim interfluve were characterized by the core traits of S. major and S. erythrogenys, respectively, falling into two distinct clusters in the UPGMA and NJ reconstructions. In addition to three hybrid individuals, identified by the bioacoustic method, three hybrid animals were distinguished using RAPD analysis. These animals earlier were thought to be "pure" species and formed their own clusters in phylogenetic reconstructions. Thus, the RAPD-PCR results directly showed the existence of stable hybridization (20% genetic hybrids) between S. major and S. erythrogenys in the Tobol-Ishim interfluvial area, which is more extensive than inferred previously from morphological and bioacoustic data.  相似文献   

The populations of mykizha Parasalmo (O.) mykiss from western and eastern coasts of Kamchatka were studied by restriction analysis of a fragment of fish mitochondrial genome that included the control region and the region of the cytochrome b gene (cytb). The restriction patterns obtained with five enzymes (MspI; Tru1I; RsaI; BsuRI; DdeI) were identical in all studied individuals. Sequencing of the cytb gene showed high similarity between all samples (99.6-100%). In general, the geographical group of mykiss from Kamchatka is monophyletic with low genetic divergence at the population level. Shantarian mykiss originates most likely from that native to Kamchatka.  相似文献   

Analysis of Spermophilus pallidicauda Satunin, 1903 from three localities in Mongolia using cytogenetic characteristics (chromosome number and morphology, as well as the number and localization of nucleolus organizer regions) revealed the presence of a first-generation (F1) hybrid animal (2n = 36), of the paletailed S. pallidicauda (2n = 34) and alashanic S. alaschanicus (2n = 38) ground squirrels in the contact zone of their ranges. Analysis of nuclear DNA from ten ground squirrels (from a set of karyologically examined animals) by RAPD-PCR with eight oligonucleotide primers (OPA10, OPA12, OPC02, OPC5, OPC08, OPC09, OPC12, and OPD05) revealed four hybrids in two sites. with one of the hybrid being F1. The position of the hybrids in phylogenetic reconstructions made for the subgenera Citellus and Colobotis species varied depending on the method used. In the UPGMA dendrogram of genetic similarity hybrids formed their own subcluster with high bootstrap index (949) within the cluster of Citellus species. In the NJ phylogenetic tree, hybrids also clustered with high boot-strap index (886). But in this case they were located between the Colobotis and Citellus species clusters. The mtDNA haplotypes of the three hybrids examined were highly similar to the Colobotis ground squirrels, albeit in phylogenetic reconstructions they were placed between Colobotis and Citellus. The sites of the hybrid animals identification were located more than 200 km apart. Hence, the contact zone between the S. pallidicauda and S. alaschanicus can encompass a large territory in Mongolia.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic diversity between the populations of woolly flying squirrels (Eupetaurus) from the eastern and western extremes of the Himalayas, partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (390-810 bp) that were determined from the museum specimens were analyzed using maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. The molecular data reveal that the two specimens that were collected in northwestern Yunnan (China) are members of the genus Eupetaurus. Reconstructed phylogenetic relationships show that the populations of Eupetaurus in the eastern and western extremes of the Himalayas are two distinct species with significant genetic differences (12%) and diverged about 10.8 million years ago. Eupetaurus is significantly different from Petaurista and Pteromys. The level of estimated pairwise-sequence divergence observed between Eupetaurus and Petaurista or Pteromys is greater than that observed between Eupetaurus and Trogopterus, Belomys, Glaucomys, or Hylopetes. Considering the divergence time of the two Eupetaurus groups, the glaciations and the uplift of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Tibet plateau during the Pliocene-Pleistocene period might be the major factors affecting the present distribution of Eupetaurus along the Himalayas.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence fragments of the mitochondrial DNA gene encoding cytochrome b were examined in 26 individuals belonging to the seven species of Barbus endemic to the Iberian Peninsula: Barbus haasi, B. bocagei, B. graellsii, B. sclateri, B. comiza, B. guiraonis, and B. microcephalus. Six of the seven currently recognized species can be distinguished on the basis of their cytochrome b nucleotide sequences. Sequence divergence estimates for Spanish species of Barbus (0-6.5%) are, in general, low in comparison to those reported for other fish species, and hybrid individuals were found. All of these observations suggest a recent radiation. The inferred phylogenetic tree has two main clades, one including B. graellsii, B. guiraonis, and B. microcephalus, and the other the remaining species groups.  相似文献   

To ascertain intra- and interspecific differentiation patterns of some Sylvaemus wood mice species (S. uralensis, S. sylvaticus, S. ponticus, S. flavicollis, and S. fulvipectus), sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) fragment (654 bp) was analyzed and the data obtained using several molecular genetic markers were compared. Distinct isolation of all Sylvaemus species (including closely related allopatric S. flavicollis and S. ponticus), as well as of the European and Asian races of pygmy wood mouse S. uralensis at the COI gene was demonstrated. However, genetic differences of the Sylvaemus species were 1.5 times and more higher than the distance (D) between the races of S. uralenciis. This finding provides no ample grounds to treat the latter as the independent species. The only specimen of Pamir-Alay subspecies S. uralensis pallipes examined showed closest relatedness to to the Asian race, although was rather distant from it (D = 0.038). No reliable isolation of the eastern European and southern European chromosomal forms, representing the European race of S. uralensis, as well as of their presumptive hybrids from the outskirts of the city of Sal'sk, Rostov region, at the COI gene was revealed. A hybrid origin of the populations of pygmy wood mouse from the outskirts of the Talapker railway station, Novovarshavsky district, Omsk region, was confirmed. In preliminary studies, based on karyotypic characters, these populations were diagnosed as distant hybrids of the eastern European chromosomal form and the Asian race. In yellow-necked wood mouse S. flavicollis from the territory of Russia and Ukraine, weak differentiation into northern and southern lineages (with mean genetic distance between them of 0.020) was observed. Considerably different relative genetic distances between the races of S. uralensis and the S. flavicollis--S. ponticus species pair, inferred from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome b gene data, indicated that the rates of evolution of different mitochondrial genome regions could be very different. It is suggested that transformations of the cytochrome b gene, or at least its part, were irregular in time and/or in different phyletic lineages (i.e., accelerated upon the formation of pygmy wood mouse races, and delayed upon the establishment of S. flavicollis and S. ponticus).  相似文献   

To specify the taxonomic rank of form ciscaucasoides (independent species Sylvaemus ciscaucasoides, or intraspecific form of pygmy wood mouse, S. uralensis), a 402-bp the mtDNA cytochrome b gene fragment (402 bp) was examined in S. ciscaucasoides individuals from six geographic localities of the Caucasus and Ciscaucasus, (Krasnodar krai and Adygeya Republic) and 17 S. uralensis individuals from seven localities of the Russian Plai (Saratov oblast, Smolensk oblast, Voronezh oblast, Tula oblast, Moscow oblast, and Tver' oblast). For comparison, the cytochrome b gene was partly sequenced in the samples of yellow necked, S. flavicollis (n = 2, Samara oblast), and Caucasian, S. ponticus (n = 6, Krasnodar krai), wood mice. One Mus musculus specimen from Western Europe, whose nucleotide sequences were deposed in the GenBank, was used as intergeneric outgroup. Phylogenetic trees for the forms examined were constructed based on the mtDNA sequence variation and using the neighbor joining and maximum parsimony methods. The network of the cytochrome b haplotypes was also constructed. The level of genetic divergence was evaluated using Kimura's two-parameter algorithm. Based on the data on the sequence variation in a 402-bp mtDNA cytochrome b gene fragment, the hypothesis on the species status of the ciscaucasicus form was. The mean intergroup distances (d) between the geographic groups of S. uralensis varied from 0.0036 to 0.0152. At the same time, the distances between the pygmy wood mice and the group of S.flavicollis-S. ponticus varies in the range from 0.0860 to 0.0935, and the level of intergeneric genetic differentiation (Sylvaemus-Mus) is higher than the latter index (d = 0.142). Ciscaucasoides should be considered as geographic substitution form of S. uralensis. Furthermore, the Caucasian populations of S. uralensis (= ciscaucasoides) were characterized by a threefold lower value of intergroup genetic divergence (d = 0.0062) than the East European populations (d= 0.0179). This finding pointed to some isolation of Caucasian populations of pygmy wood mouse and depletion of their gene pool. However other molecular genetic data (similarity of nucleotide composition and consistence of the levels of intra- and intergroup distances) suggest the absence of geographic subdivision between Caucasian and East European populations ofS. uralensis relative to the molecular marker examined.  相似文献   

Variation of the cytochrome b gene fragment was examined in 27 flat-headed voles Alticola strelzowi from different parts of the species range. A total of 15 haplotypes were described, while the species as a whole was characterized by low levels of genetic differentiation and polymorphism. The haplotypes fell into three haplogroups, one of which corresponded to the subspecies A. s. strelzowi, and the other two, to A. s. desertorum. Based on different index values, the level of genetic polymorphism in the later subspecies was considered to be higher than in the first one. Phylogeographic analysis suggested post-glacial dispersal of flat-headed voles from a single refugium located in Western Altai. Using different techniques, relatively recent colonization of the Central Altai territory was demonstrated (subspecies A. s. strelzowi), which determined low level of genetic variation in this territory.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic relationships between the New World Sciurus and the Old World Sciurus and their biogeographic history, the partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (1,040 base pairs) were analyzed on six Sciurus species: S. aberti, S. carolinensis, S. lis, S. niger, S. stramineus, and S. vulgaris. Phylogenetic trees (maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood methods) commonly showed two groups with high bootstrap values (73-100%): one consisting of the New World Sciurus and the other consisting of the Old World Sciurus. Genetic distances among the New World Sciurus species were remarkably larger than that between two Sciurus species of the Old World, suggesting the earlier radiation of the New World Sciurus than the Old World Sciurus.  相似文献   

A major cytochrome b peptide was purified from yeast mitochondria by a procedure involving solubilization in deoxycholic and cholic acids, ammonium sulfate fractionation, proteolytic digestion, and sucrose gradient centrifugation in the presence of Tween 80. The homogeneity of the purified protein was established by the criteria that the product was spectrally pure and yielded a single band on both sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and by gel isoelectric focusing. The purified cytochrome b polypeptide had absorption maxima at 562, 532, and 430 nm in the reduced form and at 525 to 570 nm and 419 nm in the oxidized form. The reduced minus oxidized difference spectra revealed absorption bands at 562, 532, and 430 nm at room temperature and 559, 529, and 429 nm at 77 K, respectively. The heme group was identified as protoheme by formation of the reduced pyridine hemochromogen. Treatment of the reduced form with carbon monoxide affected the absorption spectrum, indicating that the isolated hemoprotein was modified compared to native cytochrome b. The apparent molecular weight of the preparation was 28,000 based on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and 28,800 based on sucrose gradient centrifugation. The isolated cytochrome b polypeptide showed a strong tendency to aggregate.  相似文献   

DNA sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial DNA genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among four species of mullids. Approximately 238 bp of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 261 bp of the cytochrome b (cytb) genes were sequenced from representatives of three mullid genera (Mullus, Upeneus, Pseudopeneus), present in the Mediterranean Sea. Trees were constructed using three methods: maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor joining (NJ) and parsimony (MP). The results of the analyses of these data together with published data of the same mtDNA segments of two other perciform species (Sparus aurata, Perca fluviatilis), support the previous taxonomic classification of the three genera examined, as well as the classification of the two red mullet species in the same genus.  相似文献   

The piprids (manakins) are small-bodied Neotropical birds characterized by sexual dimorphism of the plumage and elaborate courtship rituals. The phylogenetic relationships of some of piprid genera, in particular Pipra , are not well defined. Recently, Pipra was divided into three distinct groups, and the recognition of two new genera — Lepidothrix and Dixiphia — was suggested, based on the characteristic of the syringial morphology. In the present study, we analyse the phylogenetic relationships among these genera on the basis of data from the mitochondrial genes rRNA 16S and cytochrome b . Bayesian Inference (BI), Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) methods of analyses produced phylogenetic trees with very similar topologies with regard to the groupings formed by the species representing the three genera. These results indicate that the genera Pipra, Lepidothrix and Dixiphia do not constitute a single monophyletic clade, and support the current hypothesis of polyphyletism for the former representatives of the genus Pipra . However, the topologies presented do not coincide exactly with the phylogeny suggested by the morphological data with regard to the relationship between these three groups and the remaining piprid genera analysed here, emphasizing the need for further studies of this group of birds. The agreement between the molecular data presented here and the biogeographical information available for some of the species analysed appears to confirm the potential of using segments of the mitochondrial genome for the study of phylogeographical patterns in this group of organisms.  相似文献   

The three species of bluefin tunas, Thunnus orientalis, T. maccoyii, and T. thynnus, are morphologically similar, which can pose problems for fisheries management and marketing. We examined intraspecific genetic diversity and interspecific genetic boundaries among these three species by analyzing the cytochrome (Cyt) b gene. The full lengths of the nucleotide sequences were 1,141 bp in T. orientalis and T. thynnus and ranged 1,138?~?1,141 bp in T. maccoyii. Mean nucleotide diversities were 0.0019?±?0.0002 in T. thynnus (n?=?8), 0.0063?±?0.0005 in T. orientalis (n?=?22), and 0.0059?±?0.0007 in T. maccoyii (n?=?24). Average numbers of nucleotide differences and nucleotide substitutions per site among the three species were 18.748?±?2.879 and 0.017?±?0.003, respectively. The Neighbor-joining and minimum-evolution trees showed distinct clades with high bootstrapping value support, and the high Fst value indicated significant differentiation among the three species. T. thynnus, T. orientalis, and T. maccoyii could be individually distinguished from each other Thunnus tunas by the 132nd, 375th, and 1,023rd sites of the Cyt b sequences. In the mismatch analysis, Fu??s and Tajima??s tests of sequences from T. orientalis and T. maccoyii provided evidence of their population expansion dating to the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of the 18S small-subunit (SSU) rRNA and Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP) genes indicate that multiple unique Cryptosporidium isolates are shed by separate species of Spermophilus ground squirrels (S. beecheyi, S. beldingi, and S. lateralis) throughout California, despite some squirrel populations' being geographically isolated. The data support our assertion that Spermophilus squirrels shed novel Cryptosporidium species.  相似文献   

Using the data of karyological analysis, the phylogenetic relationships of Caucasian shrew Sorex satunini and the cryptic species of superspecies Sorer araneus were examined. In the population of Sorex satunini from the plain of North Ciscaucasia two deeply radiated cytochrome b genes (A and B) were identified. Genetic distance between haplotype A and B groups constituted 0.0675 +/- 0.008, which is higher than any distance in superspecies S. araneus. Possible introgression of type B haplotypes from the populations of the evolutionary lineage S. subaraneus--S. araneus in Pleistocene and the time of the appearance of the chromosomal polymorphism of S. araneus is discussed. Our results show that the use of only one mitochondrial marker can lead to false conclusions on taxonomic diversity  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of pond frogs distributed in the Far East and Europe were investigated by analyses of nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA (12S rRNA) and cytochrome b (cyt b) genes. The nucleotide sequences of a 412-bp segment of the 12S rRNA gene and a 534-bp segment of the cyt b gene were determined by the PCR-direct sequencing method using 19 frogs belonging to six species and one subspecies distributed in the Palearctic region. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood methods using Rana catesbeiana or Xenopus laevis as an outgroup. The 412-bp segment of the 12S rRNA gene contained 65 variable sites including gap sites, and the 534-bp segment of the cyt b gene contained 160 variable sites. The nucleotide sequence divergences of the 12S rRNA gene were 0.25-4.83% within the Far Eastern frogs, 0.25-6.22% within the European frogs, and 8.74-11.24% between the Far Eastern and the European frogs, whereas those of the cyt b gene were 3.64-14.73% within the Far Eastern frogs, 0.38-14.42% within the European frogs, and 16.53-23.58% between the Far Eastern and the European frogs. Although most nucleotide substitutions were at the third codon position of the cyt b gene and were silent mutations, 4 amino acid replacements occurred within the Far Eastern frogs, 4 within the European frogs, and 11 between the Far Eastern and the European frogs. The phylogenetic trees constructed from the nucleotide sequence divergences showed slightly different topologies for the 12S rRNA and cyt b genes. R. esculenta from Ukraine was closely related to R. lessonae from Luxembourg in both the 12S rRNA and the cyt b gene sequences.  相似文献   

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