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The results of multidrug therapy of 44 male patients with non-seminomatous testicular tumours are discussed. The diagnosed tumours were of all stages of the clinical advances and were treated with combined chemotherapy (surgery and PVP regimen). Thirty two patients (73%) are followed up between 7 and 103 months and survived, complete remission is noted in 29 patients (66%) including 6 patients who survived over 5 years. Symptoms of the tumour are found in 3 patients. Twelve patients (27%) died. The treatment did not produce life-threatening complications. The obtained results have been compared with those reported by other authors.  相似文献   

Monocytes accumulate in the epidermis and along the dermo-epidermal junction in several different inflammatory skin diseases. To determine whether human epidermal keratinocytes elaborate a specific chemotaxin responsible for the accumulation of monocytes at these anatomic sites, monocyte chemotactic activity in conditioned 16-h cultured keratinocyte supernatants were assayed using human peripheral blood monocytes as the target cell. Dilutional analysis revealed directed monocyte migration in IFN-gamma-treated (100 U/ml) keratinocyte supernatants (80% maximal FMLP response) which was 10-fold more than IFN-gamma itself or untreated keratinocyte activity alone. Gel filtration chromatography revealed that this activity eluted just ahead of a 12.5-kDa molecular mass marker. Blocking studies demonstrated that a rabbit polyclonal antibody to monocyte chemotaxis and activating factor (MCAF) inhibited all monocyte chemotaxis by greater than 80%. Keratinocytes were metabolically labeled with 35S-cysteine/methionine, and after 16 h incubation the supernatants immunoprecipitated with the same anti-MCAF antibody. MCAF was detected as a protein doublet of 12 and 9 kDa only in IFN-gamma-treated (100 U/ml) keratinocyte supernatants. Incubation with IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha (250 U/ml) in combination resulted in increased production of MCAF protein. By Northern blot analysis, MCAF mRNA was constitutively expressed in keratinocytes and upregulated only in the presence of IFN-gamma. TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, transforming growth factor-beta and phorbol esters had no positive or negative influence on MCAF mRNA. These studies demonstrate that biologically active MCAF is elaborated by human epidermal keratinocytes upon activation by IFN-gamma, a cytokine also required for the induction of adherence between monocytes and keratinocytes. Keratinocyte-derived MCAF is likely to be important in the regulation of cutaneous monocyte trafficking and may also be responsible for the recruitment of Langerhans cells and dermal dendrocytes, which share many phenotypic features with monocytes/macrophages, to their anatomic locations in skin.  相似文献   

Patients with infectious allergic bronchial asthma have been shown to have a defect in the chemotaxis of neutrophils. This defect is more pronounced in corticosteroid-dependent patients.  相似文献   

Summary Monocyte chemotactic responsiveness (MCR) in 14 patients with small cell anaplastic bronchogenic carcinoma was depressed before treatment compared with the MCR in 28 normal controls (P=0.00004). MCR was subsequently monitored during combination chemotherapy and after 6 months the MCR had become normalized compared with pretreatment values (P=0.00006).In addition, chemotactic factor inhibitor (CFI) activity in plasma was measured before treatment and after 6 months. When incubated with plasma before treatment casein had 62% of normal activity and when incubated with plasma after chemotherapy, 81% of normal activity (P=0.0009). CFI activity decreased by greater amounts in patients in complete remission than in patients in partial remission or in non-responders (P=0.01). This study supports the concept that cancer patients have depressed monocyte function. Chemotherapy seems to enhance monocyte chemotaxis in vitro and to decrease CFI activity in plasma.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty biopsy specimens from the contralateral testis in patients with unilateral germinal testicular cancer were analysed by light microscopy for carcinoma-in-situ changes. Changes were found in 13 (5.2%) patients. One-third of patients with an atrophic contralateral testis (volume less than or equal to 12 ml) and one-fifth of patients with a history of cryptorchidism had changes in the remaining testis. In the present series 85% of cases with carcinoma-in-situ changes would have been diagnosed if the one-fifth of the patients having an atrophic testis or a history of cryptorchidism or both had been screened. Since the natural course of carcinoma in situ in the contralateral testis of patients with germinal testicular cancer has not been established, the patients are being re-evaluated frequently. To date two patients with carcinoma in situ have developed a second cancer.  相似文献   

Summary Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by peripheral blood monocytes was determined in 120 patients who had gastrointestinal tract (GIT), lung and breast cancer, melanoma, or Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Results were expressed in terms of maximum cytotoxicity and cytotoxicity at E : T=1 : 10 and were compared with the results obtained in 63 normal subjects. There was a significant decrease in maximal cytotoxicity for both the GIT cancer and the melanoma patient groups, but not for any of the other groups. These differences were not confirmed when results were expressed at low effector: target cell ratios, e.g., cytotoxicity at E : T=1 : 10. The relationship between monocyte ADCC and disease extent was examined in those groups with sufficient numbers. Monocyte ADCC was higher in patients with GIT cancer of limited extent than in patients with extensive GIT cancer and in the control group.  相似文献   

The chemotaxis of normal leukocytes washed and suspended in Hanks solution is inhibited by addition of serum from patients with definite rheumatoid arthritis as was shown by experiments in which an extract from Proteus mirabilis served as attractant. From a suspension of normal leukocytes to which normal serum had been added, significantly more leukocytes actively moved through a millipore filter toward the attractant than from a suspension of similar leukocytes in serum from patients.  相似文献   

Summary Monocyte-mediated tumoricidal activity, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) secretion and gene expression were examined in astrocytoma patients, patients with other types of brain tumors (primary or metastatic), and normal individuals. The spontaneous monocyte-mediated tumoricidal activity of either patient group against an astrocytoma cell line was significantly greater than normal. There was no difference between patient groups. When monocytes were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide in vitro, tumoricidal activity increased in all patient groups. Patient monocyte activity tested shortly (48 h) after surgery was not different from that before surgery. Both spontaneous and stimulated monocyte cytocidal activities were tumor-cell-restricted: melanoma and astrocytoma cells were equally susceptible but non-neoplastic glial cells were not affected. Examination of monocyte TNF secretion and mRNA expression indicated that patient activity was comparable to or greater than normal. These results demonstrate that, despite steroid therapy, circulating monocytes in astrocytoma and other brain tumor patients retain intact functional activity.Supported in part by grant CA-49 950 from the National Cancer Institute (B.P.B) and grant 1454-HL from the National Institutes of Health (M.L.E.)  相似文献   

The burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) cannot be fully addressed by therapy targeting known pathophysiological pathways. Even with stringent control of all risk factors CVD events are only diminished by half. A number of additional pathways probably play a role in the development of CVD and might serve as novel therapeutic targets. Genome wide expression studies represent a powerful tool to identify such novel pathways. We compared the expression profiles in monocytes from twenty two young male patients with premature familial CAD with those from controls matched for age, sex and smoking status, without a family history of CVD. Since all patients were on statins and aspirin treatment, potentially affecting the expression of genes in monocytes, twelve controls were subsequently treated with simvastatin and aspirin for 6 and 2 weeks, respectively. By whole genome expression arrays six genes were identified to have differential expression in the monocytes of patients versus controls; ABCA1, ABCG1 and RGS1 were downregulated in patients, whereas ADRB2, FOLR3 and GSTM1 were upregulated. Differential expression of all genes, apart from GSTM1, was confirmed by qPCR. Aspirin and statins altered gene expression of ABCG1 and ADBR2. All finding were validated in a second group of twenty four patients and controls. Differential expression of ABCA1, RSG1 and ADBR2 was replicated. In conclusion, we identified these 3 genes to be expressed differently in CAD cases which might play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic vascular disease.  相似文献   

The role of prolactin (PRL) in testicular function and in its disorders is still obscure. To draw some preliminary conclusions on the relation between the PRL and testis cancer, we assessed the PRL response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (THR) in 15 patients with testicular cancer (8 seminoma; 6 nonseminoma; 1 leydigioma), and in 11 healthy male subjects as controls. The results showed that 5/15 cancer patients gave no PRL response to TRH; 4 of them had a nonseminoma and the fifth a seminomatous testis carcinoma. Patients with nonseminoma had significantly lower mean peak values of PRL after TRH than controls or patients with seminoma. The biological significance of the altered PRL response to TRH in testicular carcinoma has still to be established.  相似文献   

Summary Testicular neoplasms occur spontaneously in androgen insensitive mice with testicular feminization (tfm/y); they are composed of Leydig cells, lipid-laden cells, fibroblastlike cells, and macrophages. The small Leydig cells in the periphery of the tumor are structurally similar to nontumorous tfm/y Leydig cells, whereas centrally located large Leydig cells contain numerous lipid droplets, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The lipid-laden cells exhibit a crescentic nucleus which is displaced toward the periphery of the cytoplasm by a large lipid vacuole. The fibroblastlike cells have a large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, free ribosomes, and lipid vacuoles. Macrophages are characterized by numerous layered and dense osmiophilic structures closely associated with crystalshaped bodies. An in vitro study shows that, in comparison with the normal testes, the tfm/y tumors produce significantly less testosterone but a larger quantity of androstenedione. Also, the tumors are capable of converting progesterone to estrone and estradiol-17. The plasma level of testosterone is significantly lower in tumor-bearing animals than in normal littermates, but slightly higher than in the nontumorous tfm/y animals. Since the abnormal steroid enzyme activity is found in both tumor-bearing and nontumorous tfm/y mice, the basic cause of aberrations in sex steroid production appears to be genetic rather than the direct result of alterations in their Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Testicular and adrenal function were evaluated in 12 patients with adrenoleukodystrophy and 2 patients with adrenomyeloneuropathy. Although only 5 subjects had clinical symptoms suggesting adrenal insufficiency, an additional 5 showed laboratory evidence of reduced adrenal reserve. 9 of the 14 patients developed neurological deficits prior to the onset of clinical or biological adrenal insufficiency. In the remaining 5 patients, adrenal insufficiency antedated the appearance of neurological symptoms; 2 of these 5 patients had only laboratory evidence of hypoadrenocorticism, and 3 had both clinical and laboratory abnormalities. None of the prepubertal patients had detectable signs of testicular insufficiency, while 3 of the 7 pubertal/adult patients had elevated serum LH or FSH levels. This mild testicular deficiency was seen only in association with clinical adrenal insufficiency and significant neurological impairment.  相似文献   

Shikanai-Yasuda  M.A.  Assis  C.M.  Takeda  K.M.  Tamashiro  Nair  Bueno  J.P. 《Mycopathologia》1997,138(2):65-69
Independent and dependent (C3b/Fc receptors) opsonic adherence ability of monocytes from thirty-three patients with acute or chronic paracoccidioidomycosis and from 13 healthy individuals were studied in the presence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), Paracoccidioides brasiliensis opsonized by patient's serum (PbPS) or normal serum (PbNS), zymosan opsonized by fresh sera from healthy donors (ZyNS) and erythrocytes opsonized by hemolysin (EA). Statistically significant differences concerning the percentage of adhered monocytes to PbPS (number of adhered monocytes/total number of monocytes) were detected between control and chronic (active and inactive) groups. Significant differences in relationship to the mean number of PbPS (number of fungi in monocytes/total number of monocytes) were also observed between control and chronic active mycosis. Present data suggest that patients with chronic disease have more ability in the first step of phagocytic activity, considered as the main effector mechanism to control the dissemination and severity of paracoccidiodomycosis. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To quantitatively evaluate the effects of integrins α1β1, α2β1, α3β1, α4β1, α5β1, and α6β1 on the chemotaxis of hepatocelluar carcinoma (HCC) cell line SMMC-7721 to laminin (LN). A modified dual-micropipette system was used to dynamically and quantitatively monitor the formation of pseudopod protrusion of HCC cells toward LN in the presence or absence of specific antibodies against integrins α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, and β1. Additionally, the expression levels of different integrin subunits on the surface of the cells were determined via flow cytometry analysis. In response to equal concentrations of LN in both micropipettes, HCC cells form symmetrical pseudopod protrusions on both sides. Addition of antibodies against α3, α6, or β1 into one micropipette leads to significant reduction of pseudopod formation on that side, while antibodies against α1, α2, α4, and α5 do not affect the symmetrical formation of pseudopods in either micropipette. The percentages of HCC cells positive for expression of integrins α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, and β1 were 95.07, 23.17, 95.55, 2.47, 34, 14.29, and 95.78%, respectively. Integrins α3β1 and α6β1 are important cell surface receptors that mediate the chemotaxis of HCC cells toward LN.  相似文献   

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