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The mucin composition of the rat distal colonic pre-epithelial mucus layer (PML) was studied by lectin histochemistry in conventional (CV), and germ-free (GF) rats to define effects exerted by the gut flora. No peanut agglutinin (PNA) binding was observed in the PML of GF rats, while the PML of their CV counterparts showed a considerable PNA linkage, indicating terminal Gal-beta1,3-GalNAc residues. Soybean agglutinin (SBA) and Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) stained the PML mucins in CV and in GF rats, indicating terminal GalNAc moieties. A quantitative difference in the Limax flavus agglutinin (LFA) binding capacity was found between CV and GF rats, indicating terminal sialic acid moieties: the staining intensity of bound LFA/ FiTC was higher in CV rats than in GF rats. No linkage of Datura stramonium agglutinin (DSA) and of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) was found in the PML of GF rats, indicating the absence of terminal GlcNAc, while in CV rats, a clearly marked border was visible next to the luminal content as a "nipple edge" when stained with DSA or WGA. Canavalia ensiformis agglutinin (ConA), indicative for branched mannose, stained PML mucins and goblet cell mucins of GF rat distal colon. In CV rats, both locations were free of ConA binding sites. These results suggest degrading effects, exerted by the gut flora on the rat colonic pre-epithelial mucus layer.  相似文献   

Summary When Clostridium acetobutylicum was grown in continuous culture under glucose limitation at neutral pH and varying dilution rates the only fermentation products formed were acetate, butyrate, carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen. The Y glucose max and (Y ATP max ) gluc exp values were 48.3 and 23.8 dry weight/mol, respectively. Acetone and butanol were produced when the pH was decreased below 5.0 (optimum at pH 4.3). The addition of butyric acid (20 to 80 mM) to the medium with a pH of 4.3 resulted in a shift of the fermentation from acid, to solvent formation.A preliminary report of part of this work was presented at a symposium Trends in the Biology of Fermentations for Fuels and Chemicals held December 7–11, 1980, at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York; Gottschalk and Bahl 1981  相似文献   

Limited data in animal models suggest that colonic mucosa undergoes adaptive growth following massive small bowel resection (SBR). In vitro data suggest that intestinal cell growth is regulated by reactive oxygen species and redox couples [e.g., glutathione (GSH)/glutathione disulfide (GSSG) and cysteine (Cys)/cystine (CySS) redox]. We investigated the effects of SBR and alterations in redox on colonic growth indexes in rats after either small bowel transection (TX) or 80% midjejunoileal resection (RX). Rats were pair fed +/- blockade of endogenous GSH synthesis with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). Indexes of colonic growth, proliferation, and apoptosis and GSH/GSSG and Cys/CySS redox potentials (E(h)) were determined. RX significantly increased colonic crypt depth, number of cells per crypt, and epithelial cell proliferation [crypt cell bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation]. Administration of BSO markedly decreased colonic mucosal GSH, GSSG, and Cys concentrations in both TX and RX groups, with a resultant oxidation of GSH/GSSG and Cys/CySS E(h). BSO did not alter colonic crypt cell apoptosis but significantly increased all colonic mucosal growth indexes (crypt depth, cells/crypt, and BrdU incorporation) in both TX and RX groups in a time- and dose-dependent manner. BSO significantly decreased plasma GSH and GSSG, oxidized GSH/GSSG E(h), and increased plasma Cys and CySS concentrations. Collectively, these data provide in vivo evidence indicating that oxidized colonic mucosal redox status stimulates colonic mucosal growth in rats. The data also suggest that GSH is required to maintain normal colonic and plasma Cys/CySS homeostasis in these animal models.  相似文献   

Polyphenols from tea and other beverages such as red wine have been regarded with interest as possible chemopreventive agents against cancer. Here we report that red wine polyphenols (50 mg/kg) administered with the diet to F344 rats for 16 weeks inhibited colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane (AOM, 7.4 mg/kg, total dose 74 mg/kg) or dimethylhydrazine (DMH, 30 mg/kg, total dose, 300 mg/kg). Polyphenol-treated animals had a consistently lower tumour yield compared to controls. In polyphenol-treated rats, the main bacterial strains in the faeces at sacrifice were Bacteroides, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp., whereas microorganisms predominantly identified in control-fed rats were Bacteroides, Clostridium and Propionibacterium spp. Wine polyphenols (57 mg/kg for 10 days, by gavage), administered to rats not treated with carcinogens, produced a significant decrease in the basal level of DNA oxidative damage of the colon mucosa as measured with the comet assay (average pyrimidine oxidation was reduced by 62% and purine oxidation by 57%, p<0.05). To further explore the molecular effects of wine polyphenols we used the microarray technology to study gene expression profiles: rats were treated with 50 mg/kg wine polyphenols for 14 days, mixed in the diet. Global expression analysis of 5707 genes revealed an extensive down-regulation of genes involved in a wide range of physiological functions, such as metabolism, transport, signal transduction and intercellular signalling. By analysing metabolic pathways with the GenMAPP software program we observed that two major regulatory pathways were down-regulated in the colon mucosa of polyphenols-treated rats: inflammatory response and steroid metabolism. We also found a down-regulation of many genes regulating cell surface antigens, metabolic enzymes and cellular response to oxidative stress. In conclusion, reduction of oxidative damage, modulation of colonic flora and variation in gene expression may all concur in the modulation of intestinal function and carcinogenesis by wine polyphenols.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium butyrate on the intracellular cyclic AMP levels and the activities of cyclic AMP-regulating enzymes were examined in two types of mastocytoma p-815 cells in culture: one type (S cell) was sensitive and the other (R cell) was resistant to the induction of differentiation by sodium butyrate. In the presence of sodium butyrate, adenylate cyclase activity increased in both S and R cells to the same degree, whereas the level of cyclic AMP was elevated only in S cells. Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity increased in R cells but not in S cells. Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activities of two cell populations differed in their response to sodium butyrate and they seem to have an important role in regulating cellular level of cyclic AMP that might be an important factor in controlling cell differentiation.  相似文献   

N-linked glycopeptides were prepared from colonic tumor (adenocarcinoma) and mucosa in rats treated with carrageenan, an indigestible polysaccharide, and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. Sialic acids, N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-glycolylneuraminic acid, obtained by acid hydrolysis of the glycopeptides were determined by HPLC. The N-acetylneuraminic acid/N-glycolylneuraminic acid ratio in colonic tumor was 25.2, while each treated mucosa had the values between 0.29 and 0.55. Thus, necessity which observes the qualitative change of sialic acid in malignant transformation was suggested.  相似文献   

Intestinal sphingolipids of feces of germ-free and conventional rats were analyzed during the pair feeding of a complete defined diet containing phytohemagglutinin lectin (PHA) from red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) as 1% dietary protein in comparison to casein fed controls. Phytohemagglutinin in the diet increased the total fecal excretion of sphingomyelins (18-fold for germ-free and 20-fold for conventional rats), of non-acid glycosphingolipids (3.5-fold for germ-free and 9-fold for conventional rats) and also of the gangliosides (2.5-fold) for the germ-free rats compared to controls. For germ-free rats the increase of non-acid glycolipids was ascribed to an effect of the lectin strictly on the small intestinal mucosa, while for conventional rats an effect was seen also on the large intestinal mucosa. Increase of fecal gangliosides of germ-free rats was due mainly to an increased excretion ofN-acetylneuraminosyl-lactosylceramide, a ganglioside species restricted to epithelial cells of duodenum, of upper jejunum and of large intestines. The effects on glycolipid excretion observed in germ-free rats and the rather similar effects seen in conventional animals suggested that the influence of dietary PHA was due directly to effects elicited by PHA binding to the enterocyte brush border membrane and not to secondary effects induced by increase in the luminal microflora.  相似文献   

The protective effect of a dietary high-amylose cornstarch (HAS) against trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis was examined in rats. Rats were fed a HAS-free basal diet or, a 15% or 30% HAS supplemented diet for 10 d, and then received intracolonic TNBS to induce colitis and fed the respective diets for a further 8 d. HAS ingestion significantly protected colonic injuries as evidenced by lower colonic myeloperoxidase activity. Rats fed the HAS diet showed greater cecal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production than those fed the basal diet. Further, just before TNBS administration, HAS ingestion dose-dependently increased fecal and cecal mucin contents, and protein and nucleic acid contents in the colonic mucosa. HAS ingestion also reduced colonic permeability. The protective effect of HAS ingestion on TNBS-induced colitis is perhaps exerted through alterations in colonic mucosa, possibly due to cecal SCFA production.  相似文献   

Concussion can occur from a variety of events (falls to ice, collisions etc) in ice hockey, and as a result it is important to identify how these different impact sources affect the relationship between impact kinematics and strain that has been found to be associated to this injury. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between kinematic variables and strain in the brain for impact sources that led to concussion in ice hockey. Video of professional ice hockey games was analyzed for impacts that resulted in reported clinically diagnosed concussions. The impacts were reconstructed using physical models/ATDs to determine the impact kinematics and then simulated using finite element modelling to determine maximum principal strain and cumulative strain damage measure. A stepwise linear regression was conducted between linear acceleration, change in linear velocity, rotational acceleration, rotational velocity, and strain response in the brain. The results for the entire dataset was that rotational acceleration had the highest r2 value for MPS (r2 = 0.581) and change in rotational velocity for cumulative strain damage measure (r2 = 450). When the impact source (shoulder, elbow, boards, or ice impacts) was isolated the rotational velocity and acceleration r2 value increased, indicating that when evaluating the relationships between kinematics and strain based metrics the characteristics of the impact is an important factor. These results suggest that rotational measures should be included in future standard methods and helmet innovation and design in ice hockey as they have the highest association with strain in the brain tissues.  相似文献   



The classical cadherins such as E- and N-cadherin are Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecules that play important roles in the development and maintenance of renal epithelial polarity. Recent studies have shown that a variety of cadherins are present in the kidney and are differentially expressed in various segments of the nephron. However, the interpretation of these findings has been complicated by the fact that the various studies focused on different panels of cadherins and utilized different species. Moreover, since only a few of the previous studies focused on the rat, information regarding the expression and localization of renal cadherins in this important species is lacking. In the present study, we have employed dual immunofluorescent labeling procedures that utilized specific antibodies against either E- or N-cadherin, along with antibodies that target markers for specific nephron segments, to characterize the patterns of cadherin expression in frozen sections of adult rat kidney.  相似文献   

Butyrate absorption in the proximal colon of the anaesthetized rabbit was evaluated by measuring the variations in the concentration of butyrate in colonic loops and in arterial and venous plasmas; metabolic conversions were studied using (3,4-14C) butyrate. Interrelations between butyrate absorption and metabolism and the excretory cycle of the rabbit were examined, as well as the effects of exogenous aldosterone, the hormone generally implicated in the diurnal rhythm of the fecal excretion. The colonic tissue metabolized butyrate via 2 main pathways. They were of differing intensity according to the 2 phases of the excretory cycle. When the plasma level of aldosterone was high (during hard faeces production), the butyrate was mainly oxidized to CO2, yielding energy for metabolic processes. When the plasma level of aldosterone was lower (during soft production), butyrate was also oxidized to CO2 but it was a better source of free amino acids. Exogenous aldosterone (30 micrograms/kg) enhanced absorption and oxidative metabolism of the butyrate, which occurred normally when hard faeces were elaborated.  相似文献   

Incubation of cultured murine proximal tubular cells in serum-free media containing 450 mg/dl of glucose resulted in cellular hypertrophy as defined by an increase in cell size, total protein content, and synthesis after 72 h. 10 nM angiotensin II further increased this hypertrophy, but failed to have any effect on cells grown in 100 mg/dl glucose. This enhancement by angiotensin II was blocked by treatment with 1 microM of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist DuP 753. Although cells incubated in either glucose media exhibited similar high-affinity angiotensin II-receptors, the receptor density was elevated only in cells grown in the presence of high glucose. Stimulation of cells in high glucose for 60 min with 10 nM angiotensin II also reduced significantly intracellular cAMP concentrations. This was not the case for proximal tubular cells cultured in normal glucose. Our results indicate that high glucose and angiotensin II have additive effects on the induction of hypertrophy in renal tubular cells.  相似文献   

WAG/Rij rats, a genetic model of absence epilepsy, show two types of spike-wave discharges (Type 1 and Type 2) in their EEG activity. The large interindividual variation in the expression of the phenotypes (number and mean duration of spike-wave discharges) suggests that as well as genetic, environmental factors also play a role. The aim of our study was to establish effects of strain and housing on the incidence and expression of both types of paroxysms. Therefore, WAG/Rij and ACI rats were housed from weaning in either an enriched or impoverished environment for 60 days. At three months of age the EEG of the rats was recorded for four hours to examine the effects of strain and housing on the incidence and expression of the two types of paroxysms. Generally, enriched housing led to worsening of Type 1 and Type 2 spike-wave discharges (SWD). However, the number of affected rats and the expression (number and mean duration) of Type 1 and Type 2 spike-wave discharges were differently influenced by strain and housing. This suggests that Type 1 and Type 2 spike-wave discharges are independent phenomena and that number and mean duration of these paroxysms are controlled by different mechanisms. Finally, the worsening of absence seizures after enrichment is different from what has been found for convulsive seizures.  相似文献   

The participation of amino-terminal domains in human ether-a-go-go (eag)-related gene (HERG) K(+) channel gating was studied using deleted channel variants expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Selective deletion of the HERG-specific sequence (HERG Delta138-373) located between the conserved initial amino terminus (the eag or PAS domain) and the first transmembrane helix accelerates channel activation and shifts its voltage dependence to hyperpolarized values. However, deactivation time constants from fully activated states and channel inactivation remain almost unaltered after the deletion. The deletion effects are equally manifested in channel variants lacking inactivation. The characteristics of constructs lacking only about half of the HERG-specific domain (Delta223-373) or a short stretch of 19 residues (Delta355-373) suggest that the role of this domain is not related exclusively to its length, but also to the presence of specific sequences near the channel core. Deletion-induced effects are partially reversed by the additional elimination of the eag domain. Thus the particular combination of HERG-specific and eag domains determines two important HERG features: the slow activation essential for neuronal spike-frequency adaptation and maintenance of the cardiac action potential plateau, and the slow deactivation contributing to HERG inward rectification.  相似文献   

The effect of pH (between 4.4 and 6.6) on butyrate uptake by the mutant strain of Clostridium acetobutylicum was studied using the fermentation broth from fermentor-2 (solventogenic stage) of a two-fermentor continuous system. Low pH (?1 butyrate, under batch incubation at 30?°C, was not inhibited at pH?>?5.2, however, at pH??1. Batch incubation at relatively higher temperatures (35° and 37?°C) indicated a similar trend i.e., a pH of >5.5 was required for uptake of >8?g l?1 butyrate. Optimization studies for butyrate uptake by C. acetobutylicum suggested a direct correlation between minimum pH and butyrate concentration or temperature. The role of undissociated butyric acid appears to be critical in regulation of butyrate uptake.  相似文献   

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