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Fine analysis of DNA damage and repair at the subgenomic level has indicated a microheterogeneity of DNA repair in mammalian cells, including human. In addition to the well established Southern hybridization-based approach to investigate gene-specific DNA damage and repair, alternative methods utilizing the sensitivity of PCR have been evaluated. The latter technique has relied on decreased PCR amplification due to damage in template DNA. We have developed a novel quantitative assay combining the selective recovery of DNA damage containing genomic fragments with the PCR amplification. DNA isolated from 7,8-dihydroxy-anti-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti-BPDE) treated human skin fibroblasts was immunoprecipitated with polyclonal antibody BP-1. Recovered target sequences were amplified by PCR using primers encompassing a 149 bp target region around codon 12 of the H-ras proto-oncogene. Quantitative DNA damage specific response was observed with nanogram amounts of genomic DNA. This approach allowed analysis of the initial DNA damage at a level less than 1 anti-BPDE adduct per 6.4 kbp ras gene fragment. Repair proficient GM637 cells exposed to 2 microM anti-BPDE showed a faster removal of the adducts from the H-ras gene segment than from the genome overall. Gene-specific repair was not apparent in GM4429 xeroderma pigmentosum (complementation group A) cells. The established technique could be extended to the quantitative measurement of the repair of diverse DNA base lesions in any genomic region of known sequence.  相似文献   

The region-specific heterogeneity of repairing DNA damage has been established in several biological systems. A flexible and sensitive approach, based upon DNA damage specific antibodies, is described to monitor the repair of specific lesions within discrete genomic segments. Membrane transblotted DNA restriction fragments are immunoanalyzed for the initial formation and repair of 254 nm radiation induced pyrimidine dimers. Sensitivity of dimer immunodetection increases proportional to fragment concentration and size. Antibody binding was detectable in a 0.5 kb fragment obtained from approx. 100 ng of restriction digested phage lambda DNA irradiated with 50 J m-2. Dimers within larger fragments (greater than 5 kb) could be detected at ultraviolet doses as low as 1 to 2 J m-2. To determine the occurrence of preferential repair in prokaryotic cells, damage was assessed in DNA sequences established in various Escherichia coli strains. In vivo repair of 8.9 kb vector and 6.4 and 3.2 kb gene inserts occurred with an approximate t1/2 of 45 min in UvrABC excision repair-proficient strains. Antibody binding sites were retained by DNA within repair-deficient strains. Compared to UvrABC, the repair of DNA fragments mediated by T4 endonuclease V was rapid and complete within 30 min of cellular irradiation. The efficient repair in DenV+ strain is attributable to a highly processive repair enzyme rather than to selective repair of actively replicating target genes. The results demonstrate the exceptional ability of antibodies specific for altered biomolecular lesions to map damage and repair in gene segments episomally established within cells.  相似文献   

An immunological method was developed that isolates DNA fragments containing bromouracil in repair patches from unrepaired DNA using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes bromouracil. Cultured monkey cells were exposed to either UV light or the activated carcinogen aflatoxin B1 and excision repair of damage in DNA fragments containing the integrated and transcribed E. coli gpt gene was compared to that in the genome overall. A more rapid repair, of both UV and AFB1 damage was observed in the DNA fragments containing the E. coli gpt genes. The more efficient repair of UV damage was not due to a difference in the initial level of pyrimidine dimers as determined with a specific UV endonuclease. Consistent with previous observations using different methodology, repair of UV damage in the alpha sequences was found to occur at the same rate as that in the genome overall, while repair of AFB1 damage was deficient in alpha DNA. The preferential repair of damage in the gpt gene may be related to the functional state of the sequence and/or to alterations produced in the chromatin conformation by the integration of plasmid sequences carrying the gene.  相似文献   

To test the effectiveness of ordering shotgun DNA-templates prior to sequence analysis, the 450 kb left arm of yeast chromosome XII was randomly subcloned into a phagemid vector. Clones were ordered by hybridisation to an average map density of one new insert every 125 bp and are currently used for sequencing the chromosomal fragment. An 11.5 kb overlap between the template map and a DNA fragment that had been sequenced earlier allowed an independent evaluation of the strategy's effectiveness. To this end, clones were selected from the map and tag-sequenced from either end, thus comparing the map position with the actual location within the 11.5 kb. Of 65 selected clones, taken mostly at random from a total of 423, 58 mapped on average about a quarter of a clone length around their predicted position, with the other seven being between 0.6 and 1.5 clone length off. 75-86 sequencing reactions on clones selected from the map would have been sufficient for completely sequencing both strands of the 11.5 kb fragment. The results demonstrate the efficacy of such template sorting, considerably assisting sequencing at relatively little cost on the mapping level.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA is constantly assaulted by both endogenous and exogenous damaging agents. The resulting DNA damage, if left unrepaired, can interfere with DNA replication and be converted into mutations. Genomic DNA is packaged into a highly compact yet dynamic chromatin structure, in order to fit into the limited space available in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. This hierarchical chromatin organization serves as both the target of DNA damaging agents and the context for DNA repair enzymes. Biochemical studies have suggested that both the formation and repair of DNA damage are significantly modulated by chromatin. Our understanding of the impact of chromatin on damage and repair has been significantly enhanced by recent studies. We focus on the nucleosome, the primary building block of chromatin, and discuss how the intrinsic structural properties of nucleosomes, and their associated epigenetic modifications, affect damage formation and DNA repair, as well as subsequent mutagenesis in cancer.  相似文献   

Rap1 (repressor-activator protein 1) is a multifunctional protein that controls telomere function, silencing and the activation of glycolytic and ribosomal protein genes. We have identified a novel function for Rap1, regulating the ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) genes that are required for DNA repair and telomere expansion. Both the C terminus and DNA-binding domain of Rap1 are required for the activation of the RNR genes, and the phenotypes of different Rap1 mutants suggest that it utilizes both regions to carry out distinct steps in the activation process. Recruitment of Rap1 to the RNR3 gene is dependent on activation of the DNA damage checkpoint and chromatin remodelling by SWI/SNF. The dependence on SWI/SNF for binding suggests that Rap1 acts after remodelling to prevent the repositioning of nucleosomes back to the repressed state. Furthermore, the recruitment of Rap1 requires TAF(II)s, suggesting a role for TFIID in stabilizing activator binding in vivo. We propose that Rap1 acts as a rheostat controlling nucleotide pools in response to shortened telomeres and DNA damage, providing a mechanism for fine-tuning the RNR genes during checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Replicated DNA molecules are physically connected by cohesin complexes from the time of their synthesis in S-phase until they are segregated during anaphase of the subsequent mitosis or meiosis. This sister chromatid cohesion is essential for the biorientation of chromosomes on the mitotic or meiotic spindle. In addition, cohesion is also essential during G2-phase of the cell cycle to allow repair of DNA double-strand breaks by homologous recombination. Although cohesion can normally only be established during S-phase, recent work in yeast has shown that DNA double-strand breaks induce the recruitment of cohesin to the damage site and lead to the de novo formation of cohesion at this site. It is unknown if similar mechanisms operate in higher eukaryotes, but in mammalian cells phosphorylation of the cohesin subunit Smc1 by the protein kinase Atm has been shown to be important for DNA repair. We discuss how cohesin and sister chromatid cohesion might facilitate the repair of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, inheritance of both exact DNA sequence and its arrangement into the chromatin is critical for maintaining stability of the genome. Various DNA lesions induced by endogenous and exogenous factors make this maintanance problematic. To understand completely how cells resolve this problem the knowledge on the nature of these lesions, their detection, and repair within the chromatin environment should be integrated. Understanding of these processes is complicated by multiple types of DNA lesions and repair pathways, as well as the intricate organization of the chromatin. Recent advances in all these directions help to get insight on the repair regulation of DNA within the chromatin at the molecular and cellular level.  相似文献   

蛋白质的翻译后修饰在很大程度上决定了蛋白质的活性、细胞定位、稳定性及蛋白质之间的相互作用.而在DNA损伤修复过程中,通过调控不同修复蛋白的翻译后修饰来影响他们的活性及细胞定位,进而导致DNA损伤修复途径的不同和修复结果的差异.新近研究表明,蛋白质的SUMO化修饰在DNA损伤修复和基因组稳定性的维护方面发挥重要作用.本文将对SUMO化修饰对DNA损伤修复的调控的最新研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

During a systematic analysis of conserved gene context in prokaryotic genomes, a previously undetected, complex, partially conserved neighborhood consisting of more than 20 genes was discovered in most Archaea (with the exception of Thermoplasma acidophilum and Halobacterium NRC-1) and some bacteria, including the hyperthermophiles Thermotoga maritima and Aquifex aeolicus. The gene composition and gene order in this neighborhood vary greatly between species, but all versions have a stable, conserved core that consists of five genes. One of the core genes encodes a predicted DNA helicase, often fused to a predicted HD-superfamily hydrolase, and another encodes a RecB family exonuclease; three core genes remain uncharacterized, but one of these might encode a nuclease of a new family. Two more genes that belong to this neighborhood and are present in most of the genomes in which the neighborhood was detected encode, respectively, a predicted HD-superfamily hydrolase (possibly a nuclease) of a distinct family and a predicted, novel DNA polymerase. Another characteristic feature of this neighborhood is the expansion of a superfamily of paralogous, uncharacterized proteins, which are encoded by at least 20–30% of the genes in the neighborhood. The functional features of the proteins encoded in this neighborhood suggest that they comprise a previously undetected DNA repair system, which, to our knowledge, is the first repair system largely specific for thermophiles to be identified. This hypothetical repair system might be functionally analogous to the bacterial–eukaryotic system of translesion, mutagenic repair whose central components are DNA polymerases of the UmuC-DinB-Rad30-Rev1 superfamily, which typically are missing in thermophiles.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in DNA repair and DNA damage tolerance   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Li X  Heyer WD 《Cell research》2008,18(1):99-113
Homologous recombination (HR) comprises a series of interrelated pathways that function in the repair of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). In addition, recombination provides critical support for DNA replication in the recovery of stalled or broken replication forks, contributing to tolerance of DNA damage. A central core of proteins, most critically the RecA homolog Rad51, catalyzes the key reactions that typify HR: homology search and DNA strand invasion. The diverse functions of recombination are reflected in the need for context-specific factors that perform supplemental functions in conjunction with the core proteins. The inability to properly repair complex DNA damage and resolve DNA replication stress leads to genomic instability and contributes to cancer etiology. Mutations in the BRCA2 recombination gene cause predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer as well as Fanconi anemia, a cancer predisposition syndrome characterized by a defect in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks. The cellular functions of recombination are also germane to DNA-based treatment modalities of cancer, which target replicating cells by the direct or indirect induction of DNA lesions that are substrates for recombination pathways. This review focuses on mechanistic aspects of HR relating to DSB and ICL repair as well as replication fork support.  相似文献   

DNA damage by peroxynitrite characterized with DNA repair enzymes.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA damage induced by peroxynitrite in isolated bacteriophage PM2 DNA was characterized by means of several repair enzymes with defined substrate specificities. Similar results were obtained with peroxynitrite itself and with 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1), a compound generating the precursors of peroxynitrite, nitric oxide and superoxide. A high number of base modifications sensitive to Fpg protein which, according to HPLC analysis, were mostly 8-hydroxyguanine residues, and half as many single-strand breaks were observed, while the numbers of oxidized pyrimidines (sensitive to endonuclease III) and of sites of base loss (sensitive to exonuclease III or T4 endonuclease V) were relatively low. This DNA damage profile caused by peroxynitrite is significantly different from that obtained with hydroxyl radicals or with singlet molecular oxygen. The effects of various radical scavengers and other additives (t-butanol, selenomethionine, selenocystine, desferrioxamine) were the same for single-strand breaks and Fpg-sensitive modifications and indicate that a single reactive intermediate but not peroxynitrite itself is responsible for the damage.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, recombinational repair is choreographed by multiprotein complexes that are organized into focal assemblies. These foci are highly dynamic giga-dalton structures capable of simultaneously repairing multiple DNA lesions. Moreover, the composition of these repair centers depends on the nature of the DNA lesion and is tightly coordinated with progression of the cell cycle. Components of DNA repair centers are regulated by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation. Repair foci progress through four distinct stages: first, DNA damage recognition and binding of DNA ends by the Mre11 complex and Ku70/80; second, end-processing and binding of single-stranded DNA by replication protein A, which recruits checkpoint proteins; third, recombinational repair during S and G(2) phase; and fourth, disassembly of foci and resumption of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced DNA damage and its repair   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Application of modern methods of organic chemistry and recombinant DNA technologies has provided new insights in the field of DNA radiation damage and its repair. An overview of the chemical nature of the lesions inflicted on DNA by ionizing radiation is presented. The structures of 29 different DNA modified base or sugar residues are shown in comprehensive formation schemes. A fraction of radiation-induced modified bases is spontaneously released from the DNA chain during irradiation. Another part remains attached to the DNA chain backbone and for its characterization mild formic acid or enzymatic hydrolysis have been used. Starting from the chemical formulae of the altered base residues, the specific repair enzymes and their modes of action are discussed. Various glycosylases and endonucleases have been purified to homogeneity, and in some cases the gene which encodes the protein cloned. Using methods derived from Maxam and Gilbert sequencing procedures and DNA fragment 32P-labelled at one end, it has been shown that the alkali-labile sites in DNA induced by radiation are strongly dependent on the DNA base sequence. Enzymatic methods have been used to analyse the DNA base defects produced by gamma-irradiation of cells under in vivo conditions. Structures of modified bases were the same as those observed when DNA was irradiated in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair and DNA damage signalling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stojic L  Brun R  Jiricny J 《DNA Repair》2004,3(8-9):1091-1101
Postreplicative mismatch repair (MMR) increases the fidelity of DNA replication by up to three orders of magnitude, through correcting DNA polymerase errors that escaped proofreading. MMR also controls homologous recombination (HR) by aborting strand exchange between divergent DNA sequences. In recent years, MMR has also been implicated in the response of mammalian cells to DNA damaging agents. Thus, MMR-deficient cells were shown to be around 100-fold more resistant to killing by methylating agents of the S(N)1type than cells with functional MMR. In the case of cisplatin, the sensitivity difference was lower, typically two- to three-fold, but was observed in all matched MMR-proficient and -deficient cell pairs. More controversial is the role of MMR in cellular response to other DNA damaging agents, such as ionizing radiation (IR), topoisomerase poisons, antimetabolites, UV radiation and DNA intercalators. The MMR-dependent DNA damage signalling pathways activated by the above agents are also ill-defined. To date, signalling cascades involving the Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR), as well as the stress-activated kinases JNK/SAPK and p38alpha have been linked with methylating agent and 6-thioguanine (TG) treatments, while cisplatin damage was reported to activate the c-Abl and JNK/SAPK kinases in MMR-dependent manner. MMR defects are found in several different cancer types, both familiar and sporadic, and it is possible that the involvement of the MMR system in DNA damage signalling play an important role in transformation. The scope of this article is to provide a brief overview of the recent literature on this subject and to raise questions that could be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

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