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Food intake and growth of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , in fresh water was studied at three temperatures 2·9, 8·4 and 13·1° C). Best growth and highest food intake occurred at 13·1°C. The approximate chemical composition was dependent upon rearing temperature, fish reared at the highest temperature depositing large quantities of fat. Fish were later grown on in either fresh or salt water where two growth patterns were observed. In the light of published data for Salvelinus spp., it is suggested that the poorest growth was shown by fish which were incapable of complete adaptation to saltwater conditions.  相似文献   

Arctic charr and European whitefish are common species in northern Europe, but have a parapatric distribution pattern and rarely coexist in substantial densities within the same lake. Whitefish is considered to be the strongest competitor, usually causing competitive relegation or exclusion of co-occurring charr. Some exceptions do however occur, and the present study addresses niche utilization and resource partitioning of an Arctic charr population coexisting with whitefish and grayling in a subarctic lake. There was a distinct resource partitioning with respect to habitat and diet utilization of the three species. Grayling were exclusively caught in shallow near-shore areas, feeding chiefly on surface insects and Trichoptera larvae. Whitefish dominated in all lake habitats, feeding predominantly on small-sized planktonic and benthic crustaceans. Arctic charr were mainly found along the benthic profile, feeding predominantly on insects and snails and showing a low dietary overlap with whitefish which appeared to have monopolised the zooplankton resources. The highly restricted trophic niche of Arctic charr suggests a severe competitive impact due to the presence of whitefish, but the coexistence of the two species may be facilitated by the presence of grayling.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and diet on the specific growth rate and food consumption of 1-summer-old Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied. Fish were reared singly in aquaria at six different constant temperatures (5, 9, 13, 16, 18 and 20°C). They were fed Neomysis integer or commercial pelleted food for 2 weeks and growth and food consumption were measured. In both experiments, growth rate increased to an optimum at 15°C. Growth rates were high in the range 13–18°C, with no significant ( P >0·05) differences between temperatures. No significant ( P> 0·05) differences in growth were found between fish at 9 and 20°C. There were no effects of diet on size-adjusted growth rates. The growth efficiency decreased with increasing temperature in both treatments, but the decrease was faster in the Neomysis treatment. Charr seemed to compensate for the high water content (79·5%) of Neomysis by having a higher food intake.  相似文献   

The mortality of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , previously grown-on in salt water during the summer months, was studied during the winter 1980–81. Mortality did not appear to be related to a' critical size' but rather to rates of growth shown by the fish during the summer months. Mortality was high amongst the slow-growing fish.
The results are discussed in relation to published data on the osmoregulatory capabilities of Salvelinus spp.  相似文献   

Growth, maturation and reproductive investment in Arctic charr   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Size and rates of growth in a cohort of 1 + Arctic charr housed in standard conditions were tracked over 12 months (December to December) and mature and immature males and females compared retrospectively. In both sexes, maturing fish were larger than non-maturing ones. In males, this size differential was the result of differences in growth in winter and early spring, but not in the remainder of the study period. In females, size differentials resulted mainly from growth rate differences immediately prior to breeding. In females but not in males, gonadosomatic index was predicted by growth rates in the months leading up to maturation, and among the females that matured, faster growing fish produced more eggs. Lipid reserves in July were correlated negatively with growth during the previous 7 months and, in females only, lipid reserves were significantly lower in maturing fish than in non-maturing fish, indicating that mobilization of lipid energy reserves in maturing fish had commenced by this time. Variation in investment in gonadal tissue, measured as gonadosomatic index, was not explained by variation in July lipid reserves for either males or females. However, July lipid reserves were negatively correlated with egg number, so females investing more in ova exhibited greater depletion of lipid reserves. These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between body condition and the onset of maturation in salmonids, relative investment in reproduction and sexual differences in the cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in feeding and growth of immature (1 +), maturing male (1 +), and mature male and female (3+) Arctic charr were studied by monitoring feed intake and growth of individually-marked fish for over 1 year. The fish were held at a constant temperature (4°C) under conditions of liberal feed supply. Feed intake and growth remained low in the period December-April, with only 20–60% of the fish having fed on each occasion that feed intake was monitored. Feed intake and growth increased markedly during the late spring and summer, but the increases were delayed by approximately 1–2 months in the immature fish compared with their maturing counterparts. Maturing fish decreased feeding during the late summer and by September there had been an almost complete cessation of feeding. This was reflected in changes in fish body weight and condition, both of which declined from August-September onwards. By contrast, the immature fish peaked in weight and condition in September, and weight loss during the autumn tended to be less rapid than observed for the maturing fish. The fish appeared to reduce feeding once a'threshold condition' of 1–4—1–5 had been attained. It is suggested that the fish may become anorexic once there has been replenishment of the energy reserves required for overwintering and, in the case of maturing individuals, for the completion of gonadal growth and Spawning.  相似文献   

The optimal growth of mesophilic methanotrophic bacteria (collection strains of the genera Methylocystis, Methylomonas, Methylosinus, and Methylobacter) occurred within temperature ranges of 31-34 degrees C and 23-25 degrees C. None of the strains studied were able to grow at 1.5 or 4 degrees C. Representatives of six methanotrophic species (strains Mcs. echinoides 2, Mm. methanica 12, Mb. bovis 89, Mcs. pyriformis 14, Mb. chroococcum 90, and Mb. vinelandii 87) could grow at 10 degrees C (with a low specific growth rate). The results obtained suggest that some mesophilic methane-oxidizing bacteria display psychrotolerant (psychrotrophic) but not psychrophilic properties. In general, the Rosso model, which describes bacterial growth rate as a function of temperature, fits well the experimental data, although, for most methanotrophs, with symmetrical approximations for optimal temperature.  相似文献   

The parental influences on three progeny traits (survival to eyed‐embryo stage, post‐hatching body length and yolk‐sac volume) of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied under two thermal conditions (2 and 7° C) using a factorial mating design. The higher temperature resulted in elevated mortality rates and less advanced development at hatching. Survival was mostly attributable to maternal effects at both temperatures, but the variation among families was dependent on egg size only at the low temperature. No additive genetic variation (or pure sire effect) could be observed, whereas the non‐additive genetic effects (parental combination) contributed to offspring viability at 2° C. In contrast, any observable genetic variance in survival was lost at 7° C, most likely due to the increased environmental variance. Irrespective of temperature, dam and sire–dam interaction contributed significantly to the phenotypic variation in both larval length and yolk size. A significant proportion of the variation in larval length was also due to the sire effect at 2° C. Maternal effects were mediated partly through egg size, but as a whole, they decreased in importance at the high temperature, enabling a concomitant increase in non‐additive genetic effects. For larval length, however, the additive component, like maternal effects, decreased at 7° C. The present results suggest that an exposure to thermal stress during incubation can modify the genetic architecture of early developmental traits in S. alpinus and presumably constrain their short‐term adaptive potential and evolvability by increasing the amount of environmentally induced variation.  相似文献   

Underyearling Arctic charr were acclimated to six temperatures between 6 and 21·5°C and thermal tolerance and resistance were tested after an acclimation period of at least 2 weeks. Resistance times were influenced by acclimation temperature and the highest upper incipient lethal temperature was 23–24°C. An upper limit for cultivation of Lake Inari charr is suggested to be 21°C which is the intercept of the function which represents the upper limit of the thermal tolerance zone.  相似文献   

The temperature relationship of routine metabolic rate (Rr) of non-feeding, non-growing Coregonus lavaretus larvae between 2 and 15°C is characterized by Q10-values ranging from l.8-2.45. The rate of growth, based on weight determinations, of first-feeding larvae amounted to 3.5, 7.6 and 9.4% day-1 at 5, 10 and 12°C respectively, from which Q10-values between 4.0 and 4.8 can be calculated. The rate of increase of muscle mass between 5 and 10°C, based on the determination of the cross-sectional area of inner muscle fibres, resulted in a Q10-value of 4.5. Water temperature influenced the pattern of growth of the inner muscle fibres. At hatching, after 360 day degrees, total muscle mass of larvae reared at 4 and 8°C was independent of temperature, but at 4°C the rate of mass increase owed more to hyperplasia (increase in fibre number) than to hypertrophy (increase in fibre mass), whereas at 8°C the opposite was the case. The calculation of power budgets (including the metabolic cost of growth) of first-feeding larvae yielded net conversion efficiencies (K2) increasing with temperature from 46.3% at 5°C to 54.7% at 12°C. Comparing our data with literature data two general conclusions can be drawn. (1) In first-feeding larvae the net, but not the gross, conversion efficiency of food energy increases with temperature. This is due to net energy input being characterized by a much higher Q10-value than energy expenditures. (2) In embryos of freshwater fish so far investigated hyperplasia plays a greater role in the increase of fibre mass than hypertrophy at the lower temperature, whereas in embryos of marine fish hyperplasia prevails at the higher temperature. It is suggested that this discrepancy correlates with the high concentration of free amino acids in the eggs of marine species which provide an additional, easily available, source of metabolic energy absent in freshwater species.  相似文献   

A total of 58 bacterial strains degrading naphthalene and salicylate were isolated from soil samples polluted with oil products, collected in different regions of Russia during winter and summer. The isolates were assessed for their ability to grow at low temperatures (4, 8, and 15 degrees C); bacteria growing at 4 degrees C in the presence of naphthalene or salicylate accounted for 65% and 53%, respectively, of the strains isolated. The strains differed in the temperature dependence of their growth rates. It was demonstrated that the type of expression of Nah+ phenotype at low temperatures depended on the combination of the host bacterium and the plasmid.  相似文献   

Polymorphism and speciation in Arctic charr   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus exhibits 1–4 sympatric morphs in postglacial lakes, of which one or two are epibenthic zoobenthos feeders, one is a limnetic planktivore and one is a piscivorous form. In addition, northern rivers support partly migratory populations with anadromous and freshwater resident fish. The morphs vary in their coloration, morphology, life history, behaviour and genetic characteristics. The morphs usually differentiate according to their ontogenetic stage at maturity, which parallels paedomorphism in amphibians. The young usually start as epibenthic zoobenthivores, but may become pelagic at a certain size according to the predation risk experienced at that time. From a length of > 20–25 cm, charr start to become piscivorous. The proportion of piscivorous fish increases with increasing body size. In partly anadromous populations, fish that mature before smolting become freshwater resident, the others anadromous. In some rivers, the morphs occupy separate niches (epibenthic and limnetic), from emergence onwards. The morphs exhibit different degrees of reproductive isolation that vary from a high degree of interbreeding to complete isolation. Usually, they spawn within morph (assortative mating), but alternative male mating behaviour (sneaking, fighting) may occur in stream‐spawning populations and at great depths in lakes. Morphologically specialized morphs appear to feed more effectively than intermediate forms, and selection according to feeding mode, site fidelity and associated assortative mating are prerequisites for the evolution of the different morphs. Charr morphs develop into stable feeding niches under conditions of intense intraspecific competition when there is little competition with other species. Sympatric morphs exhibit different degrees of speciation, but similar morphs in different systems are not individual species because of (1) their polyphyletic origin, (2) the supporting systems are often young, transient environments making the future situation for the populations uncertain, and (3) the genetic differentiation among morphs is low. Sympatric morphs may interbreed and produce fertile hybrids. Nevertheless, sympatric charr morphs should be managed as separate species. Changes in the natural conditions or human impacts to which the morphs are adapted will have a strong influence on the persistence and survival of each different morph.  相似文献   

Piscivory and cannibalism in Arctic charr   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Piscivory and cannibalism in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , were studied in three lakes in northern Norway: Guolasjavri, which contains only charr, Takvatn, where Arctic charr coexist with three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus and brown trout, Salmo trutta , and Stuorajavri, where whitefish, Coregonus lavarelun dominate a fish community containing six species. The prevalence of piscivory in the Arctic charr populations generally increased with increasing predator size. In all three lakes, many charr larger than 20 cm were piscivorous, but the extent of piscivory and cannibalism varied. The greatest prevalence of cannibalism was found in Guolasjavri, where 27% of charr greater than 20 cm in length had fed upon smaller conspeciflcs. In Takvatn, 5% of charr larger than 20 cm were cannibalistic, and an additional 9% had eaten three-spined sticklebacks. In Stuorajavri, up to 74% of the charr greater than 20 cm had eaten whitefish but cannibalism was not recorded. The possible role of cannibalism in population regulation within Arctic charr populations is considered.  相似文献   

There is limited knowledge about the effects of oil-based vaccines on the growth of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, in particular at different rearing temperatures. One-year-old Arctic charr were immunized intraperitoneally at 2.9 degrees C with a metabolizable oil-adjuvanted, bivalent vaccine containing killed typical and atypical Aeromonas salmonicida bacteria. After vaccination the non-vaccinated (controls) and vaccinated individually marked fish were held for 20 d at 10.0 degrees C and then for 7 wk at 10.3, 14.1 or 18.1 degrees C. During the first 20 d at 10.0 degrees C the growth rate (G) was higher for non-vaccinated than vaccinated fish. Thereafter vaccinated charr had higher G than control fish at 10.3 and 14.1 degrees C. In contrast, at 18.1 degrees C there was no difference in G and therefore no compensation of earlier growth suppression in vaccinated fish was observed at that temperature. The study indicates that vaccination has no ultimate negative effects on the growth of Arctic charr at temperatures ranging from 10.3 to 14.1 degrees C.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation rates were determined for different sizes of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) at sub-zero temperatures (−1.4 and −0.5°C). These temperatures represent ambient conditions for Arctic cod in the Canadian high Arctic. Evacuation half-times, the time required for half of the content of the stomach to be evacuated, were longer (36–70 h; mean=51 h) than those reported in studies carried out on other fish species. Gastric evacuation rates at low temperatures were equal to, or below, those predicted by extrapolation from experiments conducted at higher temperatures. There were no significant differences in evacuation rates among fish size-groups or diets, but evacuation rates were slower for fish that had been starved prior to experiments. Estimated daily rations for Arctic cod in Resolute Bay, N.W.T., were 0.51% body weight for small fish (4.5 g) and 1.13% body weight for large fish (51 g). Slow stomach evacuation rates at low temperatures may limit daily food intake when food is seasonally abundant. This may contribute to slow growth rates and limited maximum size of Arctic cod in Canadian high Arctic waters. Received: 14 July 1997 / Accepted: 15 November 1997  相似文献   

In a comparative experiment the effect of cortisol and growth hormone (GH) on the hypo-osmoregulatory ability of a landlocked and an anadromous strain of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) was investigated. Cortisol and GH were implanted either alone or in combination, and the fish were exposed to a 24 h seawater challenge test (SWT) on days 14 and 28 after implantation. Hypo-osmoregulatory ability, measured as plasma osmolality and chloride concentration after the SWTs, was better in the anadromous than in the landlocked strain, irrespective of treatment. However, cortisol provided a strong stimulation of hypo-osmoregualtory ability in both strains, and this stimulation seemed to be potentiated by GH in an additive manner. Improved hypo-osmoregulatory ability in GH + cortisol treated anadromous Arctic charr was accompanied by increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and Na+–K+–2Cl cotransporter protein abundance, but no changes in gill Na+,K+-ATPase α1a and α1b mRNA levels. For landlocked charr the improved hypo-osmoregulatory ability in GH +cortisol treated fish was accompanied only with an increase in gill Na+–K+–2Cl cotransporter protein abundance. Hormone treatment caused an improvement of hypo-osmoregulatory ability that was of approximately the same magnitude in the landlocked as in the anadromous Arctic charr. This suggests that the lack of spontaneous development of hypo-osmoregulatory ability often seen in landlocked populations of Arctic charr may depend, at least partly, on a lack of the hormonal activation seen in anadromous populations.  相似文献   

Development of the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) at low temperatures was determined to identify rearing conditions that might result in adults that were in reproductive diapause. Diapausing adults would be expected to survive cold storage longer than nondiapausing adults for use in biological control programs. Only a few eggs were found in the ovaries when H. hebetor females were reared during the immature stages at 17.5 and 20°C with a 16-h photoperiod, and the ovaries were poorly developed and contained no eggs when females were reared with a 10-h photoperiod in these low temperatures. Rearing H. hebetor at 17.5 and 20°C did not result in diapause of immature stages, but did appear to result in possible adult reproductive diapause when the immature stages were reared with a 10-h photoperiod. Females reared during the immature stages at 17.5°C with a10-h photoperiod lived longer and took longer to lay their first eggs and to lay 50% of their eggs than those females reared at 17.5°C with a16-h photoperiod. Females reared during the immature stages at 20°C with a10-h photoperiod took longer to lay their first eggs and to lay 50% of their eggs, and they had a lower respiration rate, than those females reared at 20°C with a16-h photoperiod. Females that were reared in conditions that appeared to induce reproductive diapause resumed oviposition and their respiration rate increased soon after being transferred to a higher temperature (27.5°C). Thus, females reared at a 10-h photoperiod at 17.5 and 20°C appear to enter reproductive diapause.  相似文献   

Two laboratory rearing experiments with newly hatched European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus larvae were performed to study the effects of UV‐B (280–315 nm) radiation on their survival and growth. The results indicate that under normal circumstances in Finnish lakes, enhanced UV irradiance will not be a threat to the survival of newly hatched European whitefish larvae.  相似文献   

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