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本文以豚鼠和大白鼠心肌肌浆网膜(SR)Ca~(2+)-ATPase的活力,心肌质膜(SL)(Ca~(2+)Mg~(2+))-ATPase的活力和电子显微镜的方法探索克山病病区粮中低硒与心肌细胞钙转运调控的共系,实验结果为硒对克山病有预防作用的观点提供了新的理论依据,并进一步支持了“克山病是一种心肌线粒体病”的观点。  相似文献   

将实验大鼠放置模拟5000m海拔高度低压舱内1、2和4周。结果表明:与对照组比较,1,2和4周组动物的心肌重量分别增加15%,18%和57%;心肌SRCa2+摄取分别降低33%,38%和53%;心肌SRCa2+ATPase活性分别降低54%,60%和74%;钙泵mRNA含量(基因表达分别降低14%,46%和68%。这些结果提示,缺氧导致的SR钙泵功能降低可能是心肌功能受损的重要生化基础之一,而钙泵数目减少可能是钙泵功能降低的分子生物学机制。  相似文献   

本文应用光镜和电镜组化方法,对胚胎晚期至生后早期的 Wistar 大鼠气管上皮细胞Ca~(2+)-ATPase 的动态变化进行了观察。结果证实在胚胎期气管上皮细胞侧面膜和表面膜及纤毛细胞的纤毛干处有 Ca~(2+)-ATPase 活性反应产物,提示胚胎期气管上皮细胞之间可能已存在与气管上皮细胞分化、发育密切相关的钙;在生后早期,纤毛细胞的基粒和纤毛小根处出现活性 Ca~(2+)-ATPase,表明生后早期已出现纤毛运动,其对廓清气道具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据Cd~(2+)、Pb~(2+)、Hg~(2+)和Al~(3+)对丹磺酰标记钙调蛋白(D-CaM)的荧先强度、最大发射波长及偏振度的影响来研究它们对CaM及Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase构象变化的影响.研究发现,无论溶液中是否存在Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase,Cd~(2+)、Pb~(2+)和Hg~(2+)对D-CaM的荧光最大发射波长、偏振度的影响以Cd~(2+)的最大,Pb~(2+)次之,Hg~(2+)最小,Al~(3+)对D-CaM产生的影响与这三种二价金属离子的并不相同.这证明这几种离子与CaM和Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase的作用并不遵循同样的机理.  相似文献   

柠条Ca~(2+)-ATPase的性质及钙调素含量与抗旱性的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分离纯化旱生植物柠条的叶细胞质膜,测定其Ca2+-ATPase的最适反应pH、最适反应温度、底物ATP和激活剂Ca2+对酶活性的影响,并与中生植物小麦叶细胞质膜Ca2+-ATPase的性质进行比较。实验表明柠条叶细胞质膜Ca2+-ATPase的最适反应pH为7.5,最适反应温度为55℃,酶对ATP的Hill系数为0.94,符合米氏动力学类型,对Ca2+的Hill系数为0.35,具有负协同作用。还测定了柠条和小麦叶片中及叶细胞质膜结合的钙调素含量,发现钙调素含量与植物的抗旱性成正相关。  相似文献   

 从猪脑中提取钙调蛋白和突触质膜,我们研究了山莨菪碱对经有限蛋白水解和磷脂酶A_2处理后的突触膜Ca~(2+)-ATPase活性影响。发现药物对不同预处理后的Ca~(2+)-ATPase表现出不同影响并调节钙调蛋白对它的激活作用。  相似文献   

吉勇  董林旺 《生理学报》1995,47(4):336-342
本工作在大鼠盲肠结扎加穿孔(CLP)腹膜炎败血症休克模型上休克不同阶段心肌肌浆网(SR)钙摄取功能的变化,并探讨了其变化机制。结果显示:败血症休克早期,心肌SR摄钙初速率降低,但SR最大摄钙量及Ca^2+-ATPase活性没有明显变化;败血症休克晚期,心肌SR摄钙初速率、最大摄钙量以及Ca^2+-ATPase活性显著降低。测定Xa^2+,Mg^2+和ATP对早、晚期要克大鼠心肌SR钙泵的亲和力以及  相似文献   

吴雁  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):299-303
模拟高原低氧条件研究高原鼠兔肝细胞内质网(Endoplasmicreticulum,ER)和心肌肌浆网(Sarcoplasmicreticulum,SR)钙泵功能变化。实验设对照组(海拔2300m)和两个低氧实验组(模拟海拔5000m和7000m)。24h急性低氧时,海拔5000m组高原鼠兔ER的Ca2+泵活性无变化,海拔7000m组高原鼠兔ERCa2+泵活性下降29.02%。7d亚急性低氧时高原鼠兔SR的Ca2+泵活性无显著变化。高原鼠兔ER的Ca2+泵活性在海拔5000m组和7000m组分别升高32.50%和33.33%。25d慢性低氧时高原鼠兔ER,SR的Ca2+泵活性均无显著变化.表明:急性低氧对Ca2+泵功能有抑制作用,低氧7d后抑制缓解,至25d低氧时趋于恢复。  相似文献   

粉防已碱是一种新的钙调蛋白拮抗剂,专一性抑制人红细胞膜上依赖CaM的Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase。在较高浓度下,它也不同程度地抑制Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase基本活性、Na~+-K~+-ATPase和Mg~(2+)-ATPase的活性。 除CaM外,不饱和脂肪酸和有限水解均导致膜Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase的活化,所有这些活化作用被Tet在大约相同的浓度范围内抑制,表明Tet除与CaM结合外,也与膜Ca~(2+)-Mg~(2+)-ATPase结合。 Tet具有抗抵渗溶血的性能,反映了拮抗CaM与药物的膜稳定性间存在相关性。  相似文献   

细胞膜质微区(microdomain)是细胞膜上特殊的结构域,在细胞信号转导和物质运输过程中起着非常重要的作用.绝大多数膜质微区来源于全细胞膜,即包括质膜和细胞器膜.最新研究表明细胞器膜如高尔基体膜也有膜质微区,因此分离了猪心肌浆网膜的膜质微区.首先获得了没有质膜污染的猪心肌浆网,用去污剂TritonX-100处理该肌浆网,获得了去污剂不溶的质膜微区(SR-DRM),该微区富集胆固醇和鞘磷脂.质膜微区的标记脂和蛋白质:神经节苷脂GM1和Caveolin-3也在该区富集.同时还研究了心肌浆网Ca2 -ATPase(SERCA2a)的分布,结果表明,相当数量的SERCA2a分布在膜质微区,并且有正常的生理功能.上述研究结果表明,在心肌浆网膜上有膜质微区的存在,进一步证明膜质微区不仅存在于细胞质膜,也普遍存在于细胞器膜.  相似文献   

建立了一种亲和层析纯化肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶的方法.用非离子型去污剂C12E8 溶解肌质网,再通过反应红-120琼脂糖亲和层析柱使肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶纯度从粗品中的65%提高到99%,并具有较高ATP水解活性.经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,为电泳纯.  相似文献   

我们曾报道跨膜Ca~(2+)梯度可通过膜脂影响肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶的构象和活性。本文就跨膜Ca~(2+)梯度对肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶的调节是否具有特异性作进一步研究。结果表明这种特异性表现在两方面:一是跨膜Ca~(2+)梯度对肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶功能的调节不能归结于跨膜Ca~(2+)浓度梯度所导致的膜电位的作用,离子载体FCCP 可消除跨膜电位但并不影响肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶的活力;二是其它二价金属离子如Sr~(2+)的跨膜梯度对肌质网Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶活力基本无影响。荧光偏振系列探剂n-AS 测定的结果表明跨膜Ca~(2+)与Sr~(2+)梯度对嵌有Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶的脂酶体的中部流动性的影响有较大差异。而Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶的Ca~(2+)结合位点正处于脂双层中部,这进一步提示膜脂参与了跨膜Ca~(2+)梯度对Ca~(2+)-ATP 酶的调节作用。  相似文献   

Studies with electron microscopy have shown that sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) andmitochondria locate close to each other in cardiac muscle cells. We investigated the hypothesis thatthis proximity results in a transient exposure of mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (CaUP) to highconcentrations of Ca2+ following Ca2+ release from the SR and thus an influx of Ca2+into mitochondria. Single ventricular myocytes of rat were skinned by exposing them to aphysiological solution containing saponin (0.2 mg/ml). Cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c)and mitochondrial Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]m) were measured with fura-2 and rhod2,respectively. Application of caffeine (10 mM) induced a concomitant increase in[Ca2+]c and [Ca2+]m.Ruthenium red, at concentrations that block CaUP but not SR release, diminished thecaffeine-induced increase in [Ca2+]m but not[Ca2+]c. In the presence of 1 mM BAPTA, a Ca2+ chelator,the caffeine-induced increase in [Ca2+]m was reduced substantially less than [Ca2+]c. Moreover,inhibition of SR Ca2+ pump with two different concentrations of thapsigargin caused anincrease in [Ca2+]m, which was related to the rate of [Ca2+]c increase. Finally, electronmicroscopy showed that sites of junctions between SR and T tubules from which Ca2+ is released,or Ca2+ release units, CRUs, are preferentially located in close proximity to mitochondria.The distance between individual SR Ca2+ release channels (feet or ryanodine receptors) isvery short, ranging between approximately 37 and 270 nm. These results are consistent withthe idea that there is a preferential coupling of Ca2+ transport from SR to mitochondria incardiac muscle cells, because of their structural proximity.  相似文献   

Notexin belongs to a class of snake venom neurotoxins and myotoxins that have phospholipase A2 activity. Previous studies have shown that these toxins affect target cells differently from phospholipases that are not neurotoxic or myotoxic. Notexin inhibited the Ca2+ uptake into fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit skeletal muscle, but it did not cause an efflux of previously accumulated Ca2+ or inhibit the Ca2+–ATPase activity. It is suggested that notexin specifically binds to and decreases the conductance for Ca2+ of the Ca2+ pump and/or the conductance of a channel for an ion that facilitates Ca2+ transport. The K+ ionophore valinomycin reversed the notexin-induced inhibition of Ca2+ uptake into sarcoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that the molecular target of notexin could be a K+ channel. Two types of reconstitution experiments make it unlikely that notexin acts by degrading a minor lipid that is resistant to hydrolysis by nontoxic phospholipases A2. Notexininactivated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were reactivated (with respect to Ca2+ uptake) by simple solubilization with detergent and subsequent reconstitution by detergent removal. Second, notexin was still active on sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles after >94% of the lipids were replaced by soybean phosphoglycerides during the reconstitution procedure.  相似文献   

目的:探讨弱磁场对提取的骨骼肌肌质网系(SR)Ca(2+)转运、钙泵(Ca(2+)-Mg(2+)-ATPase)及钙释放通道(RyR)活性的影响,从分子水平和细胞信号系统的角度来解释生物电磁效应。方法:利用动态光谱法检测0.4 mT弱磁场辐照过的SR Ca(2+)转运、Ca(2+)-ATPase活性,还原型辅酶(NADH)的氧化初速率和超氧(O_2-)产率,以及用同位素标记方法检测[3H]-Ryanodine与RyR的平衡结合度。结果:弱磁场辐照引起SR的Ca(2+)摄取功能和Ca(2+)-ATPase的活性明显下降,Ca(2+)释放和[3H]-Ryanodine平衡结合度上升,同时上调了NADH的氧化初速率和O_2-的产率。结论:提示0.4 mT弱磁场辐照30 min对SR Ca(2+)-ATPase活性有明显抑制,对RyR有一定的激活效果。  相似文献   

Phospholamban (PLN) phosphorylation contributes largely to the inotropic and lusitropic effects of beta-adrenergic agonists on the heart. The mechanical effects of PLN phosphorylation on the heart are generally attributed solely to an increase in the apparent affinity of the Ca pump in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes for Ca2+ with little or no effect on V max(Ca). In the present report, we compare the kinetic properties of the cardiac SR Ca pump in commonly studied crude microsomes with those of our recently developed preparation of light SR vesicles. We demonstrate that in crude microsomes, the increase in the apparent affinity of the pump for Ca2+ is larger, while the increase in V max(Ca) is smaller, than in purified vesicles. The greater phosphorylation-induced increase in apparent Ca2+ affinity in crude microsomes may be further enhanced by an ATP-sensitive inhibitory effect of ruthenium red on the activity of the pump at subsaturating, but not saturating, Ca2+ concentrations as a result of a greater inhibition in unphosphorylated microsomes. Upon increasing the ATP concentration from 1 to 5 mm, an inhibition by 10 μm ruthenium red is eliminated in phosphorylated microsomes and reduced in control microsomes. Addition of the phosphoprotein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid produces a considerable increase in the phosphorylation-induced effects in both crude and purified microsomes. We conclude that the use of purified cardiac SR vesicles is critical for the demonstration of a major increase in V max(Ca) in addition to an increase in the pump's apparent affinity for Ca2+ in response to phosphorylation of PLN by protein kinase A. Received: 20 May 1998/Revised: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

Benzophenone (BP) was used as a photosensitizer to initiate lipid peroxidation in model and native biological membranes at concentrations of BP that do not perturb bilayer structure, as assessed by stearic acid spin label dynamics. Illumination of BP partitioned into sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes (SR) results in an exponential decay of BP and a linear accumulation of conjugated dienes and other products of lipid peroxidation as observed previously for micelles of linoleic acid [Marcovic and Patterson. Photochem. Photobiol. 58:329–334, 1993]. Lipid peroxidation was substantially inhibited in the presence of membrane-spanning proteins in SR compared to protein-free lipid vesicles, suggesting the competitive reaction of the initiator (triplet BP) and BP-derived radical species with protein groups. Modification of the predominant integral membrane protein, the Ca2+-ATPase, was demonstrated by changes in Ca2+-ATPase amino acid composition as well as by its functional inhibition. The rate of calcium transport showed an immediate exponential decay to completion, while calcium-dependent ATPase activity exhibited an initial lag before modest inactivation. These results are consistent with the respective localization of calcium transport sites within membrane-spanning peptides and the ATP-binding site within the cytosolic domain of the Ca2+-ATPase, further suggesting that photosensitization of BP models oxidative stress inside the hydrophobic interior of the SR membrane.  相似文献   

We have already reported that A3 adenosine receptor stimulation reduces [3H]-ryanodine binding and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release in rat heart. In the present work we have investigated the transduction pathway responsible for this effect. Isolated rat hearts were perfused for 20 min in the presence of the following substances: 100 nM N6-(iodobenzyl)-adenosine-5′-N-methyluronamide (IB-MECA), an A3 adenosine agonist; 10 μM U-73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor; 2 μM chelerythrine, a protein kinase C inhibitor. At the end of perfusion, the hearts were homogenized and [3H]-ryanodine binding was assayed. IB-MECA produced a significant decrease in ryanodine binding, which was abolished in the presence of chelerythrine but not in the presence of U-73122. RT-PCR experiments showed that ryanodine receptor gene expression was not affected by IB-MECA. In Western blot experiments, ryanodine receptor phosphorylation on serine 2809 was not modified after perfusion with IB-MECA. We conclude that modulation of SR Ca2+ release channel by IB-MECA is dependent on protein kinase C activation. However, in this model protein kinase C activation is not due to phospholipase C activation. In addition, changes in ryanodine receptor gene expression or direct phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor on serine 2809 residue do not appear to occur.  相似文献   

大麦根细胞质膜Ca~(2+)-ATP酶和Ca~(2+)转运系统的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用大麦质膜微囊研究细胞质膜 Ca~(2+)转运过程,发现质膜 Ca~(2+)—ATP酶在反应系统中不存在Mg~(2+)时可正常表现活性。跨膜Ca~(2+)转运按其对Mg~(2+)的需求可分为两个过程,一个是不需Mg~(2+)的、具高Ca~(2+)亲和力和较低的转运能力;另一个则是需Mg~(2+)的、具低Ca~(2+)亲和力和较高的转运能力。前者的动力学特征与Ca~(2+)—ATP酶相近,而后者则相差很大。据此推测,大麦根细胞质膜上除Ca~(2+)—ATP酶外,还存在另一个不同的Ca~(2+)转运系统。由两者分别承担的Ca~(2+)转运过程在细胞钙信使系统中可能起着不同的作用。  相似文献   

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