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Diet and immunity are both highly complex processes through which organisms interact with their environment and adapt to variable conditions. Parents that are able to transmit information to their offspring about prevailing environmental conditions have a selective advantage by ‘priming’ the physiology of their offspring. We used a meta‐analytic approach to test the effect of parental diet on offspring immune responses. Using the geometric framework for nutrition (a method for analysing diet compositions wherein food nutrient components are expressed as axes in a Cartesian coordinate space) to define dietary manipulations in terms of their energy and macronutrient compositions, we compiled the results of 226 experiments from 38 published papers on the intergenerational effects of diet on immunity, across a range of study species and immunological responses. We observed intergenerational impacts of parental nutrition on a number of offspring immunological processes, including expression of pro‐inflammatory biomarkers as well as decreases in anti‐inflammatory markers in response to certain parental diets. For example, across our data set as a whole (encompassing several types of dietary manipulation), dietary stress in parents was seen to significantly increase pro‐inflammatory cytokine levels measured in offspring (overall d = 0.575). All studies included in our analysis were from experiments in which the offspring were raised on a normal or control diet, so our findings suggest that a nutrition‐dependent immune state can be inherited, and that this immune state is maintained in the short term, despite offspring returning to an ‘optimal’ diet. We demonstrate how the geometric framework for nutrition can be used to disentangle the role that different forms of dietary manipulation can have on intergenerational immunity. For example, offspring B‐cell responses were significantly decreased when parents were raised on a range of different diets. Similarly, our approach allowed us to show that a parental diet elevated in protein (regardless of energy composition and relative to a control diet) can increase expression of inflammatory markers while decreasing B‐cell‐associated markers. By conducting a systematic review of the literature, we have identified important gaps that impair our understanding of the intergenerational effects of diet, such as a paucity of experimental studies involving increased protein and decreased energy, and a lack of studies directed at the whole‐organism consequences of these processes, such as immune resilience to infection. The results of our analyses inform our understanding of the effects of diet on physiological state across diverse biological fields, including biomedical sciences, maintenance of agricultural breed stock and conservation breeding programs, among others.  相似文献   

The complexity of processes and interactions that drive soil C dynamics necessitate the use of proxy variables to represent soil characteristics that cannot be directly measured (correlative proxies), or that aggregate information about multiple soil characteristics into one variable (integrative proxies). These proxies have proven useful for understanding the soil C cycle, which is highly variable in both space and time, and are now being used to make predictions of the fate and persistence of C under future climate scenarios. However, the C pools and processes that proxies represent must be thoughtfully considered in order to minimize uncertainties in empirical understanding. This is necessary to capture the full value of a proxy in model parameters and in model outcomes. Here, we provide specific examples of proxy variables that could improve decision‐making, and modeling skill, while also encouraging continued work on their mechanistic underpinnings. We explore the use of three common soil proxies used to study soil C cycling: metabolic quotient, clay content, and physical fractionation. We also consider how emerging data types, such as genome‐sequence data, can serve as proxies for microbial community activities. By examining some broad assumptions in soil C cycling with the proxies already in use, we can develop new hypotheses and specify criteria for new and needed proxies.  相似文献   

Plant species are known to adapt locally to their environment, particularly in mountainous areas where conditions can vary drastically over short distances. The climate of such landscapes being largely influenced by topography, using fine‐scale models to evaluate environmental heterogeneity may help detecting adaptation to micro‐habitats. Here, we applied a multiscale landscape genomic approach to detect evidence of local adaptation in the alpine plant Biscutella laevigata. The two gene pools identified, experiencing limited gene flow along a 1‐km ridge, were different in regard to several habitat features derived from a very high resolution (VHR) digital elevation model (DEM). A correlative approach detected signatures of selection along environmental gradients such as altitude, wind exposure, and solar radiation, indicating adaptive pressures likely driven by fine‐scale topography. Using a large panel of DEM‐derived variables as ecologically relevant proxies, our results highlighted the critical role of spatial resolution. These high‐resolution multiscale variables indeed indicate that the robustness of associations between genetic loci and environmental features depends on spatial parameters that are poorly documented. We argue that the scale issue is critical in landscape genomics and that multiscale ecological variables are key to improve our understanding of local adaptation in highly heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Ecological theory predicts that if animals with very similar dietary requirements inhabit the same landscape, then they should avoid niche overlap by either exploiting food resources at different times or foraging at different spatial scales. Similarly, it is often assumed that animals that fall in different body mass modes and share the same body plan will use landscapes at different spatial scales. We developed a new methodological framework for understanding the scaling of foraging (i.e. the range and distribution of scales at which animals use their landscapes) by applying a combination of three well‐established methods to satellite telemetry data to quantify foraging patch size distributions: (1) first‐passage time analysis; (2) a movement‐based kernel density estimator; and (3) statistical comparison of resulting histograms and tests for multimodality. We demonstrate our approach using two sympatric, ecologically similar species of African ducks with quite different body masses: Egyptian Geese (actually a shelduck), and Red‐billed Teal. Contrary to theoretical predictions, the two species, which are sympatric throughout the year, foraged at almost identical spatial scales. Our results show how ecologists can use GPS tracking data to explicitly quantify and compare the scales of foraging by different organisms within an animal community. Our analysis demonstrates both a novel approach to foraging data analysis and the need for caution when making assumptions about the relationships among niche separation, diet, and foraging scale.  相似文献   

With recent technological advances in tracking devices, movements of numerous animal species can be recorded with a high resolution over large spatial and temporal ranges. This opens promising perspectives for understanding how an animal perceives and reacts to the multi‐scale structure of its environment. Yet, conceptual issues such as confusion between movement scales and searching modes prevent us from properly inferring the movement processes at different scales. Here, I propose to build on stationarity (i.e. stability of statistical parameters) to develop a consistent theoretical framework in which animal movements are modelled as a generic composite multi‐scale multi‐mode random walk model. This framework makes it possible to highlight scales that are relevant to the studied animal, the nature of the behavioural processes that operate at each of these different scales, and the way in which the processes involved at any given scale can interact with those operating at smaller or larger scales. This explicitly scale‐focused approach should help properly analyse actual movements by relating, for each scale and each mode, the values of the main model parameters (speed, short‐ and long‐term persistences, degree of stochasticity) to the animal's needs and skills and its response to its environment at multiple scales.  相似文献   

1. We test two nutritional hypotheses for the ecological diversity of ungulates, the browser/grazer (diet type) and diet quality models, among free-ranging herbivores in a South African savanna, the Kruger National Park. Tests are based on assessment of relationships between diet type and diet quality with body mass and hypsodonty, two morphological features that have been associated with both elements. 2. We use stable carbon isotope ratios of faeces to reconstruct diet in terms of proportions of C(3) plants (browse) and C(4) plants (grass) consumed by different species in different seasons. These data are combined with proxies for diet quality (per cent nitrogen, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, and acid detergent lignin) from faeces to track changes in diet quality. 3. Two statistical approaches are used in model selection, i.e. tests of significant correlations based on linear regression analyses, and an information-theory approach (Akaike's Information Criterion) providing insight into strength of evidence for models. 4. Results of both methods show that, contrary to many predictions, body mass and diet type are not related, but these data confirm predictions that diet quality decreases with increasing body size, especially during the dry season. Hypsodonty, as expected, varies with diet type, increasing with increased grass intake. 5. These findings support both a diet type and diet quality model, implying some degree of exclusivity. We propose that congruence between models may be achieved through addition of diet quality proxies not included here, because hypsodonty is more likely a reflection of the abrasive properties of consumed foods, i.e. related to food quality, rather than food type. This implies that adaptation to diets of varying quality, through changes in body size and dental features, has been the primary mechanism for diversification in ungulates. 6. Our interpretation contrasts with several recent studies advocating diet type as the primary factor, exemplifying that further reconciliation between the two models is needed. We discuss the implications of this study for future approaches to achieve a more cohesive understanding of the evolutionary outcomes of herbivore nutrition.  相似文献   

Turtles (Testudinata) are a diverse group of reptiles that conquered a broad set of habitats and feeding ecologies over the course of their well‐documented evolutionary history. We here investigate the cranial shape of 171 representatives of the turtle lineage and the relationship of shape to different habitat and diet preferences using two‐dimensional geometric morphometrics. The skull shape of extant turtles correlates with both ecological proxies, but is more affected by habitat than diet. However, the application of these correlations to extinct turtles produces mostly flawed results, as least when compared to external data such as sedimentary environment, highlighting that the morphospace held by extant turtles is not necessarily the optimal location in tree space for a particular ecology. The inability of this study to correctly predict the ecology of extinct turtles is likely related to the fact that the shape of turtle skulls is dominated by the emarginations and jaw closure mechanisms, two shape features unrelated to habitat or feeding ecology. This indicates that various specializations that are apparent in the skull only contribute little to overall shape.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel spatially explicit framework for decomposing species distributions into multiple scales from count data. These kinds of data are usually positively skewed, have non‐normal distributions and are spatially autocorrelated. To analyse such data, we propose a hierarchical model that takes into account the observation process and explicitly deals with spatial autocorrelation. The latent variable is the product of a positive trend representing the non‐constant mean of the species distribution and of a stationary positive spatial field representing the variance of the spatial density of the species distribution. Then, the different scales of emergent structures of the distribution of the population in space are modelled from the latent density of the species distribution using multi‐scale variogram models. Multi‐scale kriging is used to map the spatial patterns previously identified by the multi‐scale models. We show how our framework yields robust and precise estimates of the relevant scales both for spatial count data simulated from well‐defined models, and in a real case‐study based on seabird count data (the common guillemot Uria aalge) provided by large‐scale aerial surveys of the Bay of Biscay (France) performed over a winter. Our stochastic simulation study provides guidelines on the expected uncertainties of the scales estimates. Our results indicate that the spatial structure of the common guillemot can be modelled as a three‐level hierarchical system composed of a very broad‐scale pattern (~ 200 km) with a stable location over time that might be environmentally controlled, a broad‐scale pattern (~ 50 km) with a variable shape and location, that might be related to shifts in prey distribution, and a fine‐scale pattern (~ 10 km) with a rather stable shape and location, that might be controlled by behavioural processes. Our framework enables the development of robust, scale‐dependent hypotheses regarding the potential ecological processes that control species distributions.  相似文献   

Hunter‐gatherers, especially Pleistocene examples, are not well‐represented in archeological studies of niche construction. However, as the role of humans in shaping environments over long time scales becomes increasingly apparent, it is critical to develop archeological proxies and testable hypotheses about early hunter‐gatherer impacts. Modern foragers engage in niche constructive behaviors aimed at maintaining or increasing the productivity of their environments, and these may have had significant ecological consequences over later human evolution. In some cases, they may also represent behaviors unique to modern Homo sapiens. Archeological and paleoenvironmental data show that African hunter‐gatherers were niche constructors in diverse environments, which have legacies in how ecosystems function today. These can be conceptualized as behaviorally mediated trophic cascades, and tested using archeological and paleoenvironmental proxies. Thus, large‐scale niche construction behavior is possible to identify at deeper time scales, and may be key to understanding the emergence of modern humans.  相似文献   

Ecological understanding of the role of consumer–resource interactions in natural food webs is limited by the difficulty of accurately and efficiently determining the complex variety of food types animals have eaten in the field. We developed a method based on DNA metabarcoding multiplexing and next‐generation sequencing to uncover different taxonomic groups of organisms from complex diet samples. We validated this approach on 91 faeces of a large omnivorous mammal, the brown bear, using DNA metabarcoding markers targeting the plant, vertebrate and invertebrate components of the diet. We included internal controls in the experiments and performed PCR replication for accuracy validation in postsequencing data analysis. Using our multiplexing strategy, we significantly simplified the experimental procedure and accurately and concurrently identified different prey DNA corresponding to the targeted taxonomic groups, with ≥60% of taxa of all diet components identified to genus/species level. The systematic application of internal controls and replication was a useful and simple way to evaluate the performance of our experimental procedure, standardize the selection of sequence filtering parameters for each marker data and validate the accuracy of the results. Our general approach can be adapted to the analysis of dietary samples of various predator species in different ecosystems, for a number of conservation and ecological applications entailing large‐scale population level diet assessment through cost‐effective screening of multiple DNA metabarcodes, and the detection of fine dietary variation among samples or individuals and of rare food items.  相似文献   

Environmental factors at both macro‐ecological and landscape scales are likely to affect (meta) population dynamics and species distributions, through direct or indirect effects on individual phenotypes. Although disentangling these scale effects is of prime importance in evolutionary ecology and conservation biology, most studies dealing with the links between phenotype and the environment have mainly focused on the landscape scale, and none has addressed the interactions between effects at both scales. In ectotherms, movement abilities are strongly dependent upon thermoregulation abilities, and thus likely vary with latitude. Moreover, in such species, movement is also highly dependent upon landscape geometry at the landscape scale. Here, we quantified the combined effects of latitude and habitat fragmentation on movement ability in relation with thermoregulation abilities in the butterfly Pieris brassicae as model for understanding the relative contributions of macro‐ecological and landscape scale effects on species’ mobility. We sampled individuals at an early developmental stage (eggs or caterpillars), in natural populations from 27 sites with different degrees of habitat connectivity, along a latitudinal gradient across France and Belgium. Adult flight and heating rate were measured in laboratory controlled conditions and were used as proxies for movement ability and thermoregulation ability, respectively. We found that flight endurance for both sexes and female heating rate increased with latitude. Habitat connectivity had a sex‐dependent effect on both traits: flight endurance in males increased with decreasing habitat connectivity, while the opposite was found in females. Moreover, heating rate increased with increasing habitat connectivity, the effect being stronger in males. Overall, our results highlight the need to integrate intraspecific variation in movement ability at different spatial scales when studying species’ responses to global environmental change.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in species performances of different ecological functions is one of the most common explanations for coexistence in communities. Despite the potential for species coexistence occurring at local or regional spatial scales, trade‐offs are typically approached at a single scale. In recent years, ecologists have increasingly provided evidence for the importance of community processes at both local and regional spatial scales. This review summarizes the theoretical predictions for the traits associated with trade‐offs under different conditions and at different spatial scales. We provide a spatial framework for understanding trade‐offs, coexistence and the supportive empirical evidence. Predictions are presented that link the patterns of diversity observed to the patterns of trade‐offs that lead to coexistence at different spatial scales. Recent evidence for the evolution of trade‐offs under different conditions is provided which explores both laboratory microcosm studies and phylogenetic tests. Examining trade‐offs within a spatial framework can provide a strong approach to understanding community structure and dynamics, while explaining patterns of species diversity.  相似文献   

Teeth have long been used as indicators of primate ecology. Early work focused on the links between dental morphology, diet, and behavior, with more recent years emphasizing dental wear, microstructure, development, and biogeochemistry, to understand primate ecology. Our study of Lemur catta at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar, has revealed an unusual pattern of severe tooth wear and frequent tooth loss, primarily the result of consuming a fallback food for which these primates are not dentally adapted. Interpreting these data was only possible by combining our areas of expertise (dental anatomy [FC] and primate ecology [MS]). By integrating theoretical, methodological, and applied aspects of both areas of research, we adopted the term "dental ecology"-defined as the broad study of how teeth respond to the environment. Specifically, we view dental ecology as an interpretive framework using teeth as a vehicle for understanding an organism's ecology, which builds upon earlier work, but creates a new synthesis of anatomy and ecology that is only possible with detailed knowledge of living primates. This framework includes (1) identifying patterns of dental pathology and tooth use-wear, within the context of feeding ecology, behavior, habitat variation, and anthropogenic change, (2) assessing ways in which dental development and biogeochemical signals can reflect habitat, environmental change and/or stress, and (3) how dental microstructure and macro-morphology are adapted to, and reflect feeding ecology. Here we define dental ecology, provide a short summary of the development of this perspective, and place our new work into this context.  相似文献   

Hierarchy theory recognises that ecological and evolutionary units occur in a nested and interconnected hierarchical system, with cascading effects occurring between hierarchical levels. Different biological disciplines have routinely come into conflict over the primacy of different forcing mechanisms behind evolutionary and ecological change. These disconnects arise partly from differences in perspective (with some researchers favouring ecological forcing mechanisms while others favour developmental/historical mechanisms), as well as differences in the temporal framework in which workers operate. In particular, long‐term palaeontological data often show that large‐scale (macro) patterns of evolution are predominantly dictated by shifts in the abiotic environment, while short‐term (micro) modern biological studies stress the importance of biotic interactions. We propose that thinking about ecological and evolutionary interactions in a hierarchical framework is a fruitful way to resolve these conflicts. Hierarchy theory suggests that changes occurring at lower hierarchical levels can have unexpected, complex effects at higher scales due to emergent interactions between simple systems. In this way, patterns occurring on short‐ and long‐term time scales are equally valid, as changes that are driven from lower levels will manifest in different forms at higher levels. We propose that the dual hierarchy framework fits well with our current understanding of evolutionary and ecological theory. Furthermore, we describe how this framework can be used to understand major extinction events better. Multi‐generational attritional loss of reproductive fitness (MALF) has recently been proposed as the primary mechanism behind extinction events, whereby extinction is explainable solely through processes that result in extirpation of populations through a shutdown of reproduction. While not necessarily explicit, the push to explain extinction through solely population‐level dynamics could be used to suggest that environmentally mediated patterns of extinction or slowed speciation across geological time are largely artefacts of poor preservation or a coarse temporal scale. We demonstrate how MALF fits into a hierarchical framework, showing that MALF can be a primary forcing mechanism at lower scales that still results in differential survivorship patterns at the species and clade level which vary depending upon the initial environmental forcing mechanism. Thus, even if MALF is the primary mechanism of extinction across all mass extinction events, the primary environmental cause of these events will still affect the system and result in differential responses. Therefore, patterns at both temporal scales are relevant.  相似文献   

What truly happened in the terrestrial ecosystems in response to the famous Messinian salinity crisis is still the matter of extensive discussions. Did mammals record any faunal and/or a climatic or environmental fluctuation is a question that still remains open. Our objective is to investigate mammalian faunas before, during and after the crisis within different terrestrial basins surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. We therefore apply here two methods, the cenogram method and a transfer function based on murine (rodents) species richness to better understand if our proxies can record any qualitative or quantitative climatic or environmental change. The results indicate that mammal faunas do not record any particular shift in climate or environment at the scale of the whole peri-Mediterranean area. The trend is different at the regional scale of terrestrial basins as temperatures increase (Calatayud-Daroca-Teruel Basin) or decrease (Languedoc-Roussillon region) punctually occurs just after the crisis; stable conditions in different areas (e.g. Greece) contradict these trends. Biases in the fossil record or in the methodologies could produce such discrepancies.  相似文献   

Population divergence can occur due to mechanisms associated with geographic isolation and/or due to selection associated with different ecological niches. Much of the evidence for selection‐driven speciation has come from studies of specialist insect herbivores that use different host plant species; however, the influence of host plant use on population divergence of generalist herbivores remains poorly understood. We tested how diet breadth, host plant species and geographic distance influence population divergence of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea; FW). FW is a broadly distributed, extreme generalist herbivore consisting of two morphotypes that have been argued to represent two different species: black‐headed and red‐headed. We characterized the differentiation of FW populations at two geographic scales. We first analysed the influence of host plant and geographic distance on genetic divergence across a broad continental scale for both colour types. We further analysed the influence of host plant, diet breadth and geographic distance on divergence at a finer geographic scale focusing on red‐headed FW in Colorado. We found clear genetic and morphological distinction between red‐ and black‐headed FW, and Colorado FW formed a genetic cluster distinct from other locations. Although both geographic distance and host plant use were correlated with genetic distance, geographic distance accounted for up to 3× more variation in genetic distance than did host plant use. As a rare study investigating the genetic structure of a widespread generalist herbivore over a broad geographic range (up to 3,000 km), our study supports a strong role for geographic isolation in divergence in this system.  相似文献   

Newly colonised, isolated habitats, like islands, provide diverse niches to be filled and are prone to facilitate ecological separation which might lead to an adaptive radiation. Examples of such radiations can be found in the Mediterranean for the genera Candiacervus (Crete), Nesogoral (Sardinia) and Hoplitomeryx (Gargano). A different strategy to cope with limited resources on islands is generalism. We test whether populations of the endemic bovid Myotragus balearicus from two sites and Pleistocene as well as Holocene levels on Mallorca island displays ecological separation indicated by diet, or whether the species shifted its dietary trait towards generalism. We expect to find either: (1) dietary divergence in space and time (between sites and stratigraphic levels), which would indicate niche partitioning and/or a shift in dietary traits due to environmental influences; or (2) dietary congruence in a less specialised, generalistic dietary strategy in space and time which would indicate a flexible trait to cope with instable resource availability. We compare individuals from a fossil assemblage at a northern site and one assemblage from the eastern coast in terms of their dietary traits. Traits are reconstructed using dental dietary proxies, complementary in time scale and resolution. (1) 3D-dental topometry and (2) enamel surface texture analysis. Data suggest that individuals from both assemblages of M. balearicus behaved as variable browse dominated intermediate feeders. We thus conclude that the observed variability relates to a shift towards generalism as a subsistence strategy. We consider hypsodonty the pre-adaptation for this life style that enabled M. balearicus to exploit almost any food source in its energetically restricted island habitat.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon across scales   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Mechanistic understanding of scale effects is important for interpreting the processes that control the global carbon cycle. Greater attention should be given to scale in soil organic carbon (SOC) science so that we can devise better policy to protect/enhance existing SOC stocks and ensure sustainable use of soils. Global issues such as climate change require consideration of SOC stock changes at the global and biosphere scale, but human interaction occurs at the landscape scale, with consequences at the pedon, aggregate and particle scales. This review evaluates our understanding of SOC across all these scales in the context of the processes involved in SOC cycling at each scale and with emphasis on stabilizing SOC. Current synergy between science and policy is explored at each scale to determine how well each is represented in the management of SOC. An outline of how SOC might be integrated into a framework of soil security is examined. We conclude that SOC processes at the biosphere to biome scales are not well understood. Instead, SOC has come to be viewed as a large‐scale pool subjects to carbon flux. Better understanding exists for SOC processes operating at the scales of the pedon, aggregate and particle. At the landscape scale, the influence of large‐ and small‐scale processes has the greatest interaction and is exposed to the greatest modification through agricultural management. Policy implemented at regional or national scale tends to focus at the landscape scale without due consideration of the larger scale factors controlling SOC or the impacts of policy for SOC at the smaller SOC scales. What is required is a framework that can be integrated across a continuum of scales to optimize SOC management.  相似文献   

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