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Large carnivore community structure is affected by direct and indirect interactions between intra-guild members. Co-existence between different species within a carnivore guild may occur through diet, habitat or temporal partitioning. Since carnivore species are highly dependent on availability and accessibility of prey, diet partitioning is potentially one of the most important mechanisms in allowing carnivores to co-exist. Intra-guild interactions may vary over time as carnivore prey preference and diet overlap can change due to seasonal changes in resource availability. We conducted scat analysis to compare the seasonal changes in prey preference, diet partitioning and niche breadth of four large carnivore species, namely leopard Panthera pardus, spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta, brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea and wild dog Lycaon pictus in central Tuli, Botswana. Large carnivores in central Tuli display a high dietary overlap, with spotted hyena and brown hyena displaying almost complete dietary overlap and the other carnivore species displaying slightly lower but still significant dietary overlap. Dietary niche breadth for both hyena species was high possibly due to their flexible foraging strategies, including scavenging, while leopard and wild dog showed a relatively low niche breadth, suggesting a more specialised diet. High dietary overlap in central Tuli is possibly explained by the high abundance of prey species in the area thereby reducing competition pressure between carnivore species. Our research highlights the need to assess the influence of diet partitioning in structuring large carnivore communities across multiple study sites, by demonstrating that in prey rich environments, the need for diet partitioning by carnivores to avoid competition may be limited.  相似文献   

Capsule Variation in prey availability appears to influence Chough fledging success and juvenile survival.

Aims To determine seasonal and annual variations in Chough prey and how these influence fledging success and juvenile survival.

Methods Chough faeces (n = 437, 3905 invertebrates) were collected year-round and analysed to determine diet composition. Seasonal and annual variation in prey abundance in Chough foraging habitat was assessed using pitfall trapping (n = 747, 27 124 invertebrates) between 1996 and 2003. Fledging success was estimated for a population of 12 breeding pairs; juvenile survival was estimated by year-round resighting (n < 2500) of individual birds that were colour-ringed as nestlings.

Results From April to June a high biomass of prey and a great variety of species were observed. Between July and October, both biomass and species diversity were reduced; prey consisted mainly of ants and a few beetle species. From November to March, biomass availability was intermediate, with the diet consisting mostly of Tipulidae larvae, plants and dung beetles. Chough juvenile monthly survival was low in August, November and December. Annual variation in fledging success was correlated with prey biomass availability in May.

Conclusion Seasonal variation in the availability of prey species and their biomass influences Chough demography.  相似文献   

The role of mutualistic interactions in adaptive diversification has not been thoroughly examined. Lycaenid butterflies provide excellent systems for exploring mutualistic interactions, as more than half of this family is known to use ants as a resource in interactions that range from parasitism to mutualism. We investigate the hypothesis that protection from predators offered to caterpillars by ants might facilitate host-range evolution. Specifically, experiments with the butterfly Lycaeides melissa investigated the role of ant association in the use of a novel host, alfalfa, Medicago sativa, which is a sub-optimal host for larval development. Survival on alfalfa is increased by the presence of ants, thus supporting the hypothesis that interaction with ants might be important for host-range evolution. Using a demographic model to explore ecological conditions associated with host-range expansion in L. melissa, we conclude that the presence of ants might be an essential component for populations persisting on the novel, sub-optimal host.  相似文献   

The diet and population dynamics of the Eurasian lynxLynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758 as well as an index of its main prey abundance were studied in transitional mixed forests of northern Belarus in 1985-2004. Monitoring of the lynx population and its main potential prey (the mountain hareLepus timidus, and the roe deerCapreolus capreolus) was done by snow-tracking. Also, abundance of tetraonids (Tetraonidae) was monitored by sight count. Hare numbers were fairly stable during the study period, whereas density of the roe deer population markedly increased, and tetraonids decreased. Composition of the lynx diet was stable seasonally. Lynx fed mostly on hares, roe deer and birds (usually tetraonids) year-round. However, the share of roe deer in lynx diet increased significantly during the period of its higher abundance and the share of tetraonids decreased with their decreasing numbers. There was also a remarkable increase of lynx population, which followed that of the roe deer, despite the pronounced decline of tetraonids. The results of the study emphasised the importance of roe deer as a prey of the Eurasian lynx.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of food resources is a major factor influencing animal populations. I studied the effect of a roe and red deer population decline on diet composition, home range size and foraging pattern in the Eurasian lynxLynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest (BPF), eastern Poland. The population of cervids in BPF experienced a nearly two-fold reduction in size from 1991 through 2006 due to severe hunting pressure between 1991 and 1996. Comparison of published data on lynx diet during the high abundance of ungulates with new data obtained for the low abundance period showed that despite a significant decline in their availability, cervids (roe and red deer) continued to form the majority of the diet of lynx, with roe deer being most preferred in both periods. Home range sizes of lynx showed a tendency to increase with declining prey densities, as indicated by relative percentage increases in average yearly home range sizes amongst different sex/age groups. In response to lower availability of their main prey, lynx increased their daily straight-line movement distances by 44% and doubled the ranges covered in 5-day periods. This illustrated that, with declining prey abundance, the lynx increased their hunting efforts by either spending more time actively searching for prey or continuing foraging even after a successful hunt. Spatial analysis of the distribution of ungulates and lynx indicated that deer were evenly distributed throughout lynx ranges in BPF and spatial proximity of the predator to prey sites did not play an important role in the efficiency of hunting. Lynx may adapt to changing prey availability by increasing search effort, but this was not sufficient to prevent the negative influences of the prey decline on the lynx population. Prey depletion has an immediate effect on lynx spatial organization and, in consequence, on their density. This information has to be considered in prioritizing lynx conservation measures and management of ungulates.  相似文献   

The greatest threat to the protected Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Central Europe is human‐induced mortality. As the availability of lynx prey often peaks in human‐modified areas, lynx have to balance successful prey hunting with the risk of encounters with humans. We hypothesized that lynx minimize this risk by adjusting habitat choices to the phases of the day and over seasons. We predicted that (1) due to avoidance of human‐dominated areas during daytime, lynx range use is higher at nighttime, that (2) prey availability drives lynx habitat selection at night, whereas high cover, terrain inaccessibility, and distance to human infrastructure drive habitat selection during the day, and that (3) habitat selection also differs between seasons, with altitude being a dominant factor in winter. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed telemetry data (GPS, VHF) of 10 lynx in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem (Germany, Czech Republic) between 2005 and 2013 using generalized additive mixed models and considering various predictor variables. Night ranges exceeded day ranges by more than 10%. At night, lynx selected open habitats, such as meadows, which are associated with high ungulate abundance. By contrast, during the day, lynx selected habitats offering dense understorey cover and rugged terrain away from human infrastructure. In summer, land‐cover type greatly shaped lynx habitats, whereas in winter, lynx selected lower altitudes. We concluded that open habitats need to be considered for more realistic habitat models and contribute to future management and conservation (habitat suitability, carrying capacity) of Eurasian lynx in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Will D. Wiggins  Shawn M. Wilder 《Oikos》2018,127(7):1024-1032
Growth is an important factor in predicting an organism's overall success as an adult. Understanding how abiotic and biotic factors influence body size is key to predicting how environmental changes will impact organisms and predicting optimal behaviors under varying conditions. Food items can vary widely in nutrient content and this variation can affect growth. We tested how the quantity and macronutrient content of live prey affected the growth of juvenile jumping spiders, Phiddipus audax, using 420 spiderlings raised on one of 21 diets. In addition, we measured the nutrient content of prey from the field and compared average prey nutrient content with the diet at which spiders maximized growth. Our results show that the quantity and nutrient content of prey have significant and interacting effects on the growth of an actively hunting predator. In particular, spiders grew larger in body size (tibia/patella length and posterior lateral eye width) and were heavier on diets with higher lipid content. Yet, data on the nutrient content of prey from the field shows that most potential prey have high protein and low lipid content in their bodies. This apparent mismatch between spider nutritional requirements and prey nutrient availability likely presents a challenge to spiders seeking to maximize growth in the field. Several hypotheses for how these predators overcome this challenge to reach the large body sizes observed in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

  • Species responses to climate change will be primarily driven by their environmental tolerance range, or niche breadth, with the expectation that broad niches will increase resilience. Niche breadth is expected to be larger in more heterogeneous environments and moderated by life history. Niche breadth also varies across life stages. Therefore, the life stage with the narrowest niche may serve as the best predictor of climatic vulnerability. To investigate the relationship between niche breadth, climate and life stage we identify germination niche breadth for dormant and non‐dormant seeds in multiple populations of three milkweed (Asclepias) species.
  • Complementary trials evaluated germination under conditions simulating historic and predicted future climate by varying cold–moist stratification temperature, length and incubation temperature. Germination niche breadth was derived from germination evenness across treatments (Levins Bn), with stratified seeds considered less dormant than non‐stratified seeds.
  • Germination response varies significantly among species, populations and treatments. Cold–moist stratification ≥4 weeks (1–3 °C) followed by incubation at 25/15 °C+ achieves peak germination for most populations. Germination niche breadth significantly expands following stratification and interacts significantly with latitude of origin. Interestingly, two species display a positive relationship between niche breadth and latitude, while the third presents a concave quadratic relationship.
  • Germination niche breadth significantly varies by species, latitude and population, suggesting an interaction between source climate, life history and site‐specific factors. Results contribute to our understanding of inter‐ and intraspecific variation in germination, underscore the role of dormancy in germination niche breadth, and have implications for prioritising and conserving species under climate change.

The application of species distribution models (SDMs) to areas outside of where a model was created allows informed decisions across large spatial scales, yet transferability remains a challenge in ecological modeling. We examined how regional variation in animal‐environment relationships influenced model transferability for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), with an additional conservation aim of modeling lynx habitat across the northwestern United States. Simultaneously, we explored the effect of sample size from GPS data on SDM model performance and transferability. We used data from three geographically distinct Canada lynx populations in Washington (n = 17 individuals), Montana (n = 66), and Wyoming (n = 10) from 1996 to 2015. We assessed regional variation in lynx‐environment relationships between these three populations using principal components analysis (PCA). We used ensemble modeling to develop SDMs for each population and all populations combined and assessed model prediction and transferability for each model scenario using withheld data and an extensive independent dataset (n = 650). Finally, we examined GPS data efficiency by testing models created with sample sizes of 5%–100% of the original datasets. PCA results indicated some differences in environmental characteristics between populations; models created from individual populations showed differential transferability based on the populations'' similarity in PCA space. Despite population differences, a single model created from all populations performed as well, or better, than each individual population. Model performance was mostly insensitive to GPS sample size, with a plateau in predictive ability reached at ~30% of the total GPS dataset when initial sample size was large. Based on these results, we generated well‐validated spatial predictions of Canada lynx distribution across a large portion of the species'' southern range, with precipitation and temperature the primary environmental predictors in the model. We also demonstrated substantial redundancy in our large GPS dataset, with predictive performance insensitive to sample sizes above 30% of the original.  相似文献   

When wild‐caught Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from the Slovak Carpathian Mountains were reintroduced to Central Switzerland in the early 1970s and spread through the north‐western Swiss Alps (NWA), they faced a largely unfamiliar landscape with strongly fragmented forests, high elevations, and intense human land use. For more than 30 years, radio‐collared lynx have been monitored during three different project periods (in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2010s). Our study explored, how lynx over generations have learned to adjust to the alpine environment. We predicted that (1) lynx nowadays select more strongly for open habitats, higher elevations, and steep slopes compared to the early stages of recolonization and that (2) consequently, there were significant changes in the Eurasian lynx’ prey spectrum. To test our predictions, we analyzed telemetry data (VHF, GPS) of 13 adult resident lynx in the NWA over 35 years, using Resource Selection Functions. Furthermore, we compared kills recorded from different individuals inhabiting the same region during three project periods. In general, lynx preferred forested areas, but over the years, they avoided open habitat less. Compared to the early stage of the recolonization, lynx in the most recent project period selected for higher elevations and the proportion of chamois in their prey spectrum surmounted that of roe deer. Potential driving factors for the observed changes could be increasing tolerance to human presence, intraspecific competition, or fitness benefits through exploitation of new resources. Long‐term studies like ours provide important insight into how animals can respond to sudden environmental changes, e.g., in the course of translocations into new areas or anthropogenic alterations of their habitats.  相似文献   

Exploring a trade‐off between quantity and quality of offspring allows differences in the fitness between alternative life histories to be accurately evaluated. We addressed the mechanism that maintains alternative life histories (small oceanic planktivores vs. large neritic benthivores) observed in a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) population, which has been suggested to be environmental, based on the lack of genetic structure and a large difference in reproductive output. We examined whether maternal foraging habitat affects offspring quality, by measuring the morphology, emergence success, and righting response of hatchlings following incubation in a common open sand area over the whole nesting season at Yakushima Island, Japan, and by recording early growth and survival of offspring that were reared in a common environment at a Japanese aquarium. Furthermore, we tested whether sea turtles adjust egg size in response to temporal shifts of the incubation environment. There were no significant differences in any hatchling traits between oceanic and neritic foragers (which were classified by stable isotope ratios), except for clutches laid during the warmest period of the nesting season. There were also no significant differences in the growth and survival of offspring originating from the two foragers. The size of eggs from both foragers significantly increased as the season progressed, even though the rookery had heavy rainfall, negating the need to counteract heat‐related reduction in hatchling morphology. In comparison, the sizes of adult body and clutches from both foragers did not vary significantly. The results further support our previous suggestions that the size‐related foraging dichotomy exhibited by adult sea turtles does not have a genetic basis, but derives from phenotypic plasticity. Adjustment in reproductive investment may be associated with: (1) predation avoidance, (2) founder effect, and/or (3) annual variation in egg size.  相似文献   

1. The distribution patterns of unicellular and multicellular organisms have recently been shown to differ profoundly, with the former probably being mostly cosmopolitan, whereas the latter are mostly restricted to certain regions. However, the within‐region distribution patterns of these two organism groups may be rather similar. 2. We predicted that the degree of regional occupancy in unicellular eukaryotes would be related to niche characteristics, dispersal ability and size, as has been found previously for multicellular organisms. The niche characteristics we considered were niche position, that measures marginality in species habitat distribution, and niche breadth, that measures amplitude in species habitat distribution. Niche characteristics were determined using Outlying Mean Index (OMI) analysis. 3. We found that the regional occupancy in our model group of unicellular eukaryotes, stream diatoms, was primarily a reflection of the niche position of a species or, more generally, habitat availability. Thus, non‐marginal species (i.e. species that occupied common habitat conditions across the region) tended to be more widely distributed than marginal species (i.e. species that were restricted to a limited range of rare habitat conditions). This finding was further supported by the general linear model, with niche position, niche breadth, maximum size and attachment mode as explanatory variables: niche position was by far the most important variable accounting for variability in regional occupancy, with significant amounts of additional variation related to niche breadth and maximum size of diatoms. 4. Thus, the degree of regional occupancy among unicellular eukaryotes may be primarily governed by habitat availability, supporting former findings for multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic and plastic components of polyphagy were investigated in a population ofLymantria dispar, the gypsy moth. A simple genetic experiment assessed the expression of (1) genetic variability in life history traits within each of four environments, (2) genetic variability in diet breadth, expressed as a change in the ranks of family performance across hosts, and (3) homeostasis (equivalent performance by a family across hosts) versus phenotypic plasticity (variable performance by a family across hosts). Sibs from each of 14 families, randomly selected from a single population, were reared on four diets: two natural hosts — chestnut and red oak, and two synthetic hosts — a standard laboratory diet and a low-protein version of this diet. Average population performance, measured in terms of development time and pupal weight, was better on standard laboratory diet than on low-protein diet, and was equal on chestnut and red oak for pupal weight, but better on chestnut oak for development time. Average population performance provided no information about the genetic component of host use ability. The gypsy moth expressed genetic variation in development time within each host environment and in pupal weight within natural host environments. Phenotypic plasticity was expressed by a significant number of families in development time and pupal weight across synthetic hosts and, to a lesser extent, across natural hosts. It was only across natural hosts that genetic variation in diet breadth was expressed, and this was confined to females. Genetic variability in diet breadth may be maintained in this species as a consequence of the unpredictability of its food sources.  相似文献   

The European lynx (Lynx lynx) hasexperienced significant decline in populationnumbers over large parts of its formerdistribution area in central and northernEurope. In Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway), thespecies has been subject to intense hunting and inthe early 20th century the population size mayhave been as low as about 100 animals. Duringthe rest of the century there have beenalternating periods of restricted hunting andtotal protection. Future management of theScandinavian lynx population will requireinsight into what effects demographicbottlenecks may have had on genetic variabilityand structure. For this purpose, 276 lynxesfrom Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia andLatvia were analysed for polymorphism at 11feline microsatellite loci and at themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region.Scandinavian lynxes were found to be fixed fora single mtDNA haplotype, while this and threeadditional haplotypes were seen in Finland andthe Baltic States (Estonia and Latvia); thehaplotypes were all very similar, onlydiffering at 1–4 sites within a 700 bp regionsequenced. Microsatellite variability wasmoderate (He = 0.51–0.62) with lowerheterozygosity and fewer alleles in Scandinaviathan in Finland and the Baltic States together,though significant so only for the latter.Heterozygosity data in Scandinavia wereconsistent with a recent population bottleneck.Various analyses (e.g. Fst, individual-basedtree, assignment test) revealed distinctgenetic differentiation between Scandinavianlynxes and animals from Finland and the BalticStates. Some structure was evident withinScandinavia as well, suggesting an isolation bydistance. The observed partition of geneticvariability between Scandinavia and the easterncountries thereof indicates that lynxpopulations from the two regions may need to beseparately managed. We discuss what factors canhave contributed to the population geneticstructure seen in northern European lynxpopulations of today.  相似文献   

Summary We document two episodes, in different years, of Barn Owls (Tyto alba) preying on a winter population of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) on a southern California island. The predation in each case followed a marked shift in the diet of the Barn Owls, due to the cyclic decline of their normal small mammal prey. Heavy predation in the first year resulted in the extirpation of the Burrowing Owls on the island. Such heavy predation on alternative prey species is commonly reported in cyclic predator-prey systems, however this is the first documented case of extirpation of the alternative prey. Complete elimination of any prey species by terrestrial predators is, in fact, very rare.  相似文献   

Determining the patterns, causes and consequences of character displacement is central to our understanding of competition in ecological communities. However, the majority of competition research has occurred over small spatial extents or focused on fine-scale differences in morphology or behaviour. The effects of competition on broad-scale distribution and niche characteristics of species remain poorly understood but critically important. Using range-wide species distribution models, we evaluated whether Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) or bobcat (Lynx rufus) were displaced in regions of sympatry. Consistent with our prediction, we found that lynx niches were less similar to those of bobcat in areas of sympatry versus allopatry, with a stronger reliance on snow cover driving lynx niche divergence in the sympatric zone. By contrast, bobcat increased niche breadth in zones of sympatry, and bobcat niches were equally similar to those of lynx in zones of sympatry and allopatry. These findings suggest that competitively disadvantaged species avoid competition at large scales by restricting their niche to highly suitable conditions, while superior competitors expand the diversity of environments used. Our results indicate that competition can manifest within climatic niche space across species’ ranges, highlighting the importance of biotic interactions occurring at large spatial scales on niche dynamics.  相似文献   

The diet of an individual animal is subject to change over time, both in response to short‐term food fluctuations and over longer time scales as an individual ages and meets different challenges over its life cycle. A metabarcoding approach was used to elucidate the diet of different life stages of a migratory songbird, the Eurasian reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) over the 2017 summer breeding season in Somerset, the United Kingdom. The feces of adult, juvenile, and nestling warblers were screened for invertebrate DNA, enabling the identification of prey species. Dietary analysis was coupled with monitoring of Diptera in the field using yellow sticky traps. Seasonal changes in warbler diet were subtle, whereas age class had a greater influence on overall diet composition. Age classes showed high dietary overlap, but significant dietary differences were mediated through the selection of prey; (i) from different taxonomic groups, (ii) with different habitat origins (aquatic vs. terrestrial), and (iii) of different average approximate sizes. Our results highlight the value of metabarcoding data for enhancing ecological studies of insectivores in dynamic environments.  相似文献   

The introduction of non‐native species to new locations is a growing global phenomenon with major negative effects on native species and biodiversity. Such introductions potentially bring competitors into contact leading to partial or total species replacements. This creates an opportunity to study novel species interactions as they occur, with the potential to address the strength of inter‐ and intraspecific interactions, most notably competition. Such potential has often not been realized, however, due to the difficulties inherent in detecting rapid and spatially expansive species interactions under natural field conditions. The invasive amphipod crustacean Gammarus pulex has replaced a native species, Gammarus duebeni celticus, in river and lake systems across Europe. This replacement process is at least partially driven by differential parasitism, cannibalism, and intraguild predation, but the role of interspecific competition has yet to be resolved. Here, we examine how abundance of an invasive species may affect spatial niche breadth of a native congeneric species. We base our analyses of niche breadth on ordination and factor analysis of biological community and physical parameters, respectively, constituting a summative, multidimensional approach to niche breadth along environmental gradients. Results derived from biological and environmental niche criteria were consistent, although interspecific effects were stronger using the biological niche approach. We show that the niche breadth of the native species is constrained as abundance of the invader increases, but the converse effect does not occur. We conclude that the interaction between invasive G. pulex and native G. d. celticus under natural conditions is consistent with strong interspecific competition whereby a native, weaker competitor is replaced by a superior invasive competitor. This study indicates a strong role of interspecific competition, alongside other known interactions such as differential intraguild predation, in rapid and expansive species replacements following biological invasions.  相似文献   

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