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Tree populations usually show adaptations to their local environments as a result of natural selection. As climates change, populations can become locally maladapted and decline in fitness. Evaluating the expected degree of genetic maladaptation due to climate change will allow forest managers to assess forest vulnerability, and develop strategies to preserve forest health and productivity. We studied potential genetic maladaptation to future climates in three major European tree species, Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba), and European beech (Fagus sylvatica). A common garden experiment was conducted to evaluate the quantitative genetic variation in growth and phenology of seedlings from 77 to 92 native populations of each species from across Switzerland. We used multivariate genecological models to associate population variation with past seed source climates, and to estimate relative risk of maladaptation to current and future climates based on key phenotypic traits and three regional climate projections within the A1B scenario. Current risks from climate change were similar to average risks from current seed transfer practices. For all three climate models, future risks increased in spruce and beech until the end of the century, but remained low in fir. Largest average risks associated with climate projections for the period 2061–2090 were found for spruce seedling height (0.64), and for beech bud break and leaf senescence (0.52 and 0.46). Future risks for spruce were high across Switzerland. However, areas of high risk were also found in drought‐prone regions for beech and in the southern Alps for fir. Genetic maladaptation to future climates is likely to become a problem for spruce and beech by the end of this century, but probably not for fir. Consequently, forest management strategies should be adjusted in the study area for spruce and beech to maintain productive and healthy forests in the future.  相似文献   

The response of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 is constrained by nutrient availability. It is thus crucial to account for nutrient limitation when studying the forest response to climate change. The objectives of this study were to describe the nutritional status of the main European tree species, to identify growth‐limiting nutrients and to assess changes in tree nutrition during the past two decades. We analysed the foliar nutrition data collected during 1992–2009 on the intensive forest monitoring plots of the ICP Forests programme. Of the 22 significant temporal trends that were observed in foliar nutrient concentrations, 20 were decreasing and two were increasing. Some of these trends were alarming, among which the foliar P concentration in F. sylvatica, Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris that significantly deteriorated during 1992–2009. In Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris, the decrease in foliar P concentration was more pronounced on plots with low foliar P status, meaning that trees with latent P deficiency could become deficient in the near future. Increased tree productivity, possibly resulting from high N deposition and from the global increase in atmospheric CO2, has led to higher nutrient demand by trees. As the soil nutrient supply was not always sufficient to meet the demands of faster growing trees, this could partly explain the deterioration of tree mineral nutrition. The results suggest that when evaluating forest carbon storage capacity and when planning to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing use of wood biomass for bioenergy, it is crucial that nutrient limitations for forest growth are considered.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems in central Europe are predicted to face an increasing frequency and severity of summer droughts because of global climate change. European beech and Norway spruce often coexist in these forests with mostly positive effects on their growth. However, their different below‐ground responses to drought may lead to differences in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community composition and functions which we examined at the individual root and ecosystem levels. We installed retractable roofs over plots in Kranzberg Forest (11°39′42″E, 48°25′12″N; 490 m a.s.l.) to impose repeated summer drought conditions and assigned zones within each plot where trees neighboured the same or different species to study mixed species effects. We found that ECM fungal community composition changed and the numbers of vital mycorrhizae decreased for both tree species over 3 drought years (2014–2016), with the ECM fungal community diversity of beech exhibiting a faster and of spruce a stronger decline. Mixed stands had a positive effect on the ECM fungal community diversity of both tree species after the third drought year. Ectomycorrhizae with long rhizomorphs increased in both species under drought, indicating long‐distance water transport. However, there was a progressive decline in the number of vital fine roots during the experiment, resulting in a strong reduction in enzyme activity per unit volume of soil. Hydrolytic enzyme activities of the surviving ectomycorrhizae were stable or stimulated upon drought, but there was a large decline in ECM fungal species with laccase activity, indicating a decreased potential to exploit nutrients bound to phenolic compounds. Thus, the ectomycorrhizae responded to repeated drought by maintaining or increasing their functionality at the individual root level, but were unable to compensate for quantitative losses at the ecosystem level. These findings demonstrate a strong below‐ground impact of recurrent drought events in forests.  相似文献   

The response of forest productivity to climate extremes strongly depends on ambient environmental and site conditions. To better understand these relationships at a regional scale, we used nearly 800 observation years from 271 permanent long‐term forest monitoring plots across Switzerland, obtained between 1980 and 2017. We assimilated these data into the 3‐PG forest ecosystem model using Bayesian inference, reducing the bias of model predictions from 14% to 5% for forest stem carbon stocks and from 45% to 9% for stem carbon stock changes. We then estimated the productivity of forests dominated by Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica for the period of 1960–2018, and tested for productivity shifts in response to climate along elevational gradient and in extreme years. Simulated net primary productivity (NPP) decreased with elevation (2.86 ± 0.006 Mg C ha?1 year?1 km?1 for P. abies and 0.93 ± 0.010 Mg C ha?1 year?1 km?1 for F. sylvatica). During warm–dry extremes, simulated NPP for both species increased at higher and decreased at lower elevations, with reductions in NPP of more than 25% for up to 21% of the potential species distribution range in Switzerland. Reduced plant water availability had a stronger effect on NPP than temperature during warm‐dry extremes. Importantly, cold–dry extremes had negative impacts on regional forest NPP comparable to warm–dry extremes. Overall, our calibrated model suggests that the response of forest productivity to climate extremes is more complex than simple shift toward higher elevation. Such robust estimates of NPP are key for increasing our understanding of forests ecosystems carbon dynamics under climate extremes.  相似文献   

  • Temperate tree species differ in their physiological sensitivity to declining soil moisture and drought. Although species‐specific responses to drought have often been suggested to be the result of different water uptake depths, empirical evidence for such a mechanism is scarce.
  • Here we test if differences in water uptake depths can explain previously observed species‐specific physiological responses of temperate trees to drought and if the water uptake depth of different species varies in response to declining soil moisture. For this purpose, we employed stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of soil and xylem water that we collected over the course of three growing seasons in a mature temperate forest in Switzerland.
  • Our data show that all investigated species utilise water from shallow soil layers during times of sufficient soil water supply. However, Fraxinus excelsior, Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus were able to shift their water uptake to deeper soil layers when soil water availability decreased in the topsoil. In contrast, Picea abies, was not able to shift its water uptake to deeper soil layers.
  • We conclude from our data that more drought‐resistant tree species are able to shift their water uptake to deeper soil layers when water availability in the topsoil is becoming scarce. In addition, we were able to show that water uptake depth of temperate tree species is a trait with high plasticity that needs to be characterised across a range of environmental conditions.



Do vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity differ between managed and structurally complex unmanaged stands? To what extent do species richness and beta‐diversity relate to forest structural attributes and heterogeneity?


Five national parks in central and southern Italy.


We sampled vascular plant species composition and forest structural attributes in eight unmanaged temperate mesic forest stands dominated or co‐dominated by beech, and in eight comparison stands managed as high forests with similar environmental features. We compared plant species richness, composition and beta‐diversity across pairs of stands (unmanaged vs managed) using GLMM s. Beta‐diversity was quantified both at the scale of each pair of stands using plot‐to‐plot dissimilarity matrices (species turnover), and across the whole data set, considering the distance in the multivariate species space of individual plots from their centroid within the same stand (compositional heterogeneity). We modelled the relationship between species diversity (richness and beta‐diversity) and forest structural heterogeneity and individual structural variables using GLMM s and multiple regression on distance matrices.


Species composition differed significantly between managed and unmanaged stands, but not richness and beta‐diversity. We found weak evidence that plant species richness increased with increasing levels of structural heterogeneity and canopy diversification. At the scale of individual stands, species turnover was explained by different variables in distinct stands, with variables related to deadwood quantity and quality being selected most often. We did not find support for the hypothesis that compositional heterogeneity varies as a function of forest structural characteristics at the scale of the whole data set.


Structurally complex unmanaged stands have a distinct herb layer species composition from that of mature stands in similar environmental conditions. Nevertheless, we did not find significantly higher levels of vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity in unmanaged stands. Beta‐diversity was related to patterns of deadwood accumulation, while for species richness the evidence that it increases with increasing levels of canopy diversification was weak. These results suggest that emulating natural disturbance, and favouring deadwood accumulation and canopy diversification may benefit some, but not all, facets of plant species diversity in Apennine beech forests.

Forests respond to increasing intensities and frequencies of drought by reducing growth and with higher tree mortality rates. Little is known, however, about the long‐term consequences of generally drier conditions and more frequent extreme droughts. A Holm oak forest was exposed to experimental rainfall manipulation for 13 years to study the effect of increasing drought on growth and mortality of the dominant species Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia, and Arbutus unedo. The drought treatment reduced stem growth of A. unedo (?66.5%) and Q. ilex (?17.5%), whereas P. latifolia remained unaffected. Higher stem mortality rates were noticeable in Q. ilex (+42.3%), but not in the other two species. Stem growth was a function of the drought index of early spring in the three species. Stem mortality rates depended on the drought index of winter and spring for Q. ilex and in spring and summer for P. latifolia, but showed no relation to climate in A. unedo. Following a long and intense drought (2005–2006), stem growth of Q. ilex and P. latifolia increased, whereas it decreased in A. unedo. Q. ilex also enhanced its survival after this period. Furthermore, the effect of drought treatment on stem growth in Q. ilex and A. unedo was attenuated as the study progressed. These results highlight the different vulnerabilities of Mediterranean species to more frequent and intense droughts, which may lead to partial species substitution and changes in forest structure and thus in carbon uptake. The response to drought, however, changed over time. Decreased intra‐ and interspecific competition after extreme events with high mortality, together with probable morphological and physiological acclimation to drought during the study period, may, at least in the short term, buffer forests against drier conditions. The long‐term effects of drought consequently deserve more attention, because the ecosystemic responses are unlikely to be stable over time.Nontechnical summaryIn this study, we evaluate the effect of long‐term (13 years) experimental drought on growth and mortality rates of three forest Mediterranean species, and their response to the different intensities and durations of natural drought. We provide evidence for species‐specific responses to drought, what may eventually lead to a partial community shift favoring the more drought‐resistant species. However, we also report a dampening of the treatment effect on the two drought‐sensitive species, which may indicate a potential adaptation to drier conditions at the ecosystem or population level. These results are thus relevant to account for the stabilizing processes that would alter the initial response of ecosystem to drought through changes in plant physiology, morphology, and demography compensation.  相似文献   

In the 45 years after legislation of the Clean Air Act, there has been tremendous progress in reducing acidic air pollutants in the eastern United States, yet limited evidence exists that cleaner air has improved forest health. Here, we investigate the influence of recent environmental changes on the growth and physiology of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) trees, a key indicator species of forest health, spanning three locations along a 100 km transect in the Central Appalachian Mountains. We incorporated a multiproxy approach using 75‐year tree ring chronologies of basal tree growth, carbon isotope discrimination (?13C, a proxy for leaf gas exchange), and δ15N (a proxy for ecosystem N status) to examine tree and ecosystem level responses to environmental change. Results reveal the two most important factors driving increased tree growth since ca. 1989 are reductions in acidic sulfur pollution and increases in atmospheric CO2, while reductions in pollutant emissions of NOx and warmer springs played smaller, but significant roles. Tree ring ?13C signatures increased significantly since 1989, concurrently with significant declines in tree ring δ15N signatures. These isotope chronologies provide strong evidence that simultaneous changes in C and N cycling, including greater photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of trees and increases in ecosystem N retention, were related to recent increases in red spruce tree growth and are consequential to ecosystem recovery from acidic pollution. Intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) of the red spruce trees increased by ~51% across the 75‐year chronology, and was driven by changes in atmospheric CO2 and acid pollution, but iWUE was not linked to recent increases in tree growth. This study documents the complex environmental interactions that have contributed to the recovery of red spruce forest ecosystems from pervasive acidic air pollution beginning in 1989, about 15 years after acidic pollutants started to decline in the United States.  相似文献   

Vegetation in water‐limited ecosystems relies strongly on access to deep water reserves to withstand dry periods. Most of these ecosystems have shallow soils over deep groundwater reserves. Understanding the functioning and functional plasticity of species‐specific root systems and the patterns of or differences in the use of water sources under more frequent or intense droughts is therefore necessary to properly predict the responses of seasonally dry ecosystems to future climate. We used stable isotopes to investigate the seasonal patterns of water uptake by a sclerophyll forest on sloped terrain with shallow soils. We assessed the effect of a long‐term experimental drought (12 years) and the added impact of an extreme natural drought that produced widespread tree mortality and crown defoliation. The dominant species, Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo and Phillyrea latifolia, all have dimorphic root systems enabling them to access different water sources in space and time. The plants extracted water mainly from the soil in the cold and wet seasons but increased their use of groundwater during the summer drought. Interestingly, the plants subjected to the long‐term experimental drought shifted water uptake toward deeper (10–35 cm) soil layers during the wet season and reduced groundwater uptake in summer, indicating plasticity in the functional distribution of fine roots that dampened the effect of our experimental drought over the long term. An extreme drought in 2011, however, further reduced the contribution of deep soil layers and groundwater to transpiration, which resulted in greater crown defoliation in the drought‐affected plants. This study suggests that extreme droughts aggravate moderate but persistent drier conditions (simulated by our manipulation) and may lead to the depletion of water from groundwater reservoirs and weathered bedrock, threatening the preservation of these Mediterranean ecosystems in their current structures and compositions.  相似文献   

升温突变对川西道孚林线川西云杉和鳞皮冷杉生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高山林线作为理想的全球气候变化监测器,是研究植被与气候变化关系的重要场所。利用川西道孚县高山林线川西云杉(Picea likiangensis var.balfouriana)和鳞皮冷杉(Abies squamata)的年轮宽度资料,基于树木年代学的方法,构建差值年表并通过升温突变前后(1995年前后)年轮指数与气候要素的相关分析,探讨了该区林线主要针叶树种的年轮响应变化,为研究青藏高原地区树木与气候响应关系提供研究基础。结果表明:(1)年尺度上,1995年气温突变前后川西云杉和鳞皮冷杉年轮指数和生长弹性时间变化趋势均不显著,没有发生显著的响应分歧现象。(2)月尺度上,升温突变前川西云杉年轮指数与前一年11月月均最高温、5-7月月均温、6月月均最高温、7月月均最低温呈显著正相关;鳞皮冷杉则与前一年11月月均温、11月月均最高温和12月月均温呈显著正相关;表明升温突变前林线树木生长分别受夏季和冬季温度控制;升温突变后川西云杉年轮指数与前一年11月月均温呈显著负相关,和当年2月降水量及7月月均最低温呈显著正相关;而鳞皮冷杉则与当年5月月均温和5月月均最低温呈显著负相关,与5月降水的正相关性达到最大;表明升温突变后林线川西云杉生长依然受夏季温度控制,而鳞皮冷杉生长则受到春季干旱胁迫的影响。未来气候若随着升温出现干暖化,则林线鳞皮冷杉可能会发生明显的响应分歧现象。  相似文献   

In plant–ant–hemipteran interactions, ants visit plants to consume the honeydew produced by phloem‐feeding hemipterans. If genetically based differences in plant phloem chemistry change the chemical composition of hemipteran honeydew, then the plant's genetic constitution could have indirect effects on ants via the hemipterans. If such effects change ant behavior, they could feed back to affect the plant itself. We compared the chemical composition of honeydews produced by Aphis nerii aphid clones on two milkweed congeners, Asclepias curassavica and Asclepias incarnata, and we measured the responses of experimental Linepithema humile ant colonies to these honeydews. The compositions of secondary metabolites, sugars, and amino acids differed significantly in the honeydews from the two plant species. Ant colonies feeding on honeydew derived from A. incarnata recruited in higher numbers to artificial diet, maintained higher queen and worker dry weight, and sustained marginally more workers than ants feeding on honeydew derived from A. curassavica. Ants feeding on honeydew from A. incarnata were also more exploratory in behavioral assays than ants feeding from A. curassavica. Despite performing better when feeding on the A. incarnata honeydew, ant workers marginally preferred honeydew from A. curassavica to honeydew from A. incarnata when given a choice. Our results demonstrate that plant congeners can exert strong indirect effects on ant colonies by means of plant‐species‐specific differences in aphid honeydew chemistry. Moreover, these effects changed ant behavior and thus could feed back to affect plant performance in the field.  相似文献   

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