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A high capacity for long‐distance dispersal is a key to success for species confronted with environmental heterogeneity, habitat modification, fragmentation and loss. However, dispersal capacity is difficult to quantify and therefore poorly known in most taxa. Here, we report on a test for an association of variation in dispersal capacity with variable colouration of noctuid moths. First, using data from 12 experienced lepidopterologists, we showed that despite variation among experts in average assessments, different species are consistently classified as having non‐variable, variable or highly variable colour patterns when assessed by different experts. We then compared the incidence of non‐resident species with high inter‐individual variation in colour patterns recorded on the isolated island Utklippan (n = 47), with that in a species pool of potential long‐distance dispersers from the nearest mainland (n = 295). Species with high inter‐individual colour pattern variation were over‐represented on the island compared with species having non‐variable colouration. This finding constitutes rare evidence from the wild of long‐distance dispersal, measured on a spatial scale relevant for moths when tracking habitats in fragmented and changing landscapes or when keeping pace with environmental challenges associated with climate change. Finally, we showed that Swedish noctuid moths classified as agricultural pests (n = 28) had more variable colour patterns compared with non‐pests (n = 368). The majority of agricultural pests were also recorded on the isolated island, an outcome that is indicative of pest species having high dispersal capacity. Data on colour pattern variation may thus offer a simple and cost‐effective proxy to estimate dispersal capacity and can also help identify potential pest species. Our findings are potentially useful when modelling and predicting population and range dynamics of species in spatiotemporally heterogeneous environments, with direct implications for conservation biology and pest management.  相似文献   

Physiology of interspecific chemical communication in Heliothis moths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Electroantennograms were recorded from the antennae of adult male and female corn earworms, Heliothis zea (Boddie). A total of seventeen female moth sex pheromone components from several species were tested. Of these, two components elicited significantly greater responses than the other fifteen. These were (Z)-11-hexadecenal, a conspecific component, and (Z)-9-tetradecenal, a component found in the pheromone blend of a sympatric species H.virescens (F.) that inhibits attraction of H.zea males. The results from dose-response and selective adaptation studies indicate that there are separate populations of receptors for these two chemical signals on the antenna of male H.zea. The more sensitive population is selective for (Z)-11-hexadecenal, while the less sensitive one responds to (Z)-9-tetradecenal. These findings provide a physiological basis by which H.zea males can distinguish the interspecific repellent from the conspecific pheromone blend. It is likely that this discrimination contributes to reproductive isolation between these two species.  相似文献   

Urbanization exposes wild animals to increased levels of light, affecting particularly nocturnal animals. Artificial light at night might shift the balance of predator–prey interactions, for example, of nocturnal echolocating bats and eared moths. Moths exposed to light show less last‐ditch maneuvers in response to attacking close‐by bats. In contrast, the extent to which negative phonotaxis, moths’ first line of defense against distant bats, is affected by light is unclear. Here, we aimed to quantify the overall effect of light on both types of sound‐evoked antipredator flight, last‐ditch maneuvers and negative phonotaxis. We caught moths at two light traps, which were alternately equipped with loudspeakers that presented ultrasonic playbacks to simulate hunting bats. The light field was omnidirectional to attract moths equally from all directions. In contrast, the sound field was directional and thus, depending on the moth''s approach direction, elicited either only negative phonotaxis, or negative phonotaxis and last‐ditch maneuvers. We did not observe an effect of sound playback on the number of caught moths, suggesting that light might suppress both types of antipredator flight, as either type would have caused a decline in the number of caught moths. As control, we confirmed that our playback was able to elicit evasive flight in moths in a dark flight room. Showing no effect of a treatment, however, is difficult. We discuss potential alternative explanations for our results, and call for further studies to investigate how light interferes with animal behavior.  相似文献   

Six compounds were identified from gland extracts of the cotton bollworm, Heliothis armigera(Hubner): (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), (Z)-9-hexa-decenal (Z9-16:Ald), hexadecanal, (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z11-16:OH), (Z)-7-hexadecenal (Z7-16:Ald), and (Z)-9-tetradecenal (Z9-14:Ald). Each of the compounds that were identified was examined for its ability to elicit sexual responses from male moths in a flight tunnel. Males flew upwind to Z11-16:Ald alone, but greater levels of copulatory responses were evoked with the addition of 2.5% Z9-16:Ald to the Z11-16:Ald. Addition of hexadecanal to the binary mixture had no effect in raising the behavioral response of the males in the flight tunnel. The effect of Z7-16:Ald on male flight depended on the loading. The addition of 1% of this component to 2 mg of the binary mixture reduced levels of copulatory response, but the same addition (1 %) to 10 g of the binary mixture increased copulatory response. The addition of 79-14:Ald or Z11-16:OH to the binary mixture reduced behavioral responses of males. High loadings of the binary mixture (200–2000 g) were better than a low loading (10 g) in eliciting response of males.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 2455-E, 1988 series.  相似文献   

  • 1 Studies were made in Kenya of the flight behaviour of African armyworm moths which had emerged from areas previously infested with‘gregarious’caterpillars. The use of radar and an infra-red optical detector permitted quantitative, direct observations of the flying moths, over all of their flight altitudes, without disturbing their behaviour.
  • 2 Almost all of the successfully emergent moths climbed to altitudes of several hundred metres above ground level and migrated from the emergence sites. Their migratory flights sometimes started on the night of emergence, but on other occasions the moths remained roosting in trees until dawn, then engaged in short dispersal flights, concealed themselves during the day. and commenced migration in mass flights at dusk the following night.
  • 3 The onset of these‘dusk flights’occurred when the irradiance level fell on average to 2.7 × 10?5Wm?2 nm?1 in the 450–800 nm range (in the photometric units appropriate for human vision this corresponds approximately to 2 lux). The‘dawn flights’began with the first sustained increase in irradiance at dawn, and terminated at the end of dawn twilight.
  • 4 Migratory flight in the strong, easterly winds which usually occurred during the first half of the night resulted in rapid, down-wind displacement to the west. Observations of groups of flying moths passing successively over two radars demonstrated that these migrations could cover at least 20 km.
  • 5 In the second half of the night, winds were usually weak and variable, and up-wind or cross-wind directions of displacement were sometimes observed.
  • 6 Moths were observed to disperse rapidly during their migration, so that the mass influxes which lead to outbreaks must be a consequence of subsequent reconcentration. The importance of meso-scale wind convergence zones in reconcentrating flying moths, and the role of rainfall in inducing descent, and possibly landing, are discussed.

  • 1 The annual cycle of noctuid moths feeding as larvae on the foliage of eighteen woody plant species (belonging to ten different families) was studied at two southeastern Spanish Mediterranean forest habitats. Two questions were addressed in this study. (1) Does the rigorous (hot and dry) summer season characteristic of the Mediterranean-type climate impose a constraint on noctuid life histories? (2) Are there detectable differences in abundance or phenological patterns between the noctuid assemblages feeding on evergreen and winter-deciduous trees and shrubs?
  • 2 Regardless of their leaf persistence habit, the majority of woody species studied had short shoot growth and leaf production periods in spring. Abundance of noctuid larvae peaked in May-June, shortly after host plants started to produce new leaves. Virtually no noctuid larvae were found on the foliage of the woody species studied at other times of year. Abundance and seasonal pattern of occurrence of larvae were similar on evergreen and deciduous food plants.
  • 3 In contrast with the unimodal seasonal pattern exhibited by larvae, the abundance of adult moths (assessed by light trapping) showed two distinct peaks in early summer and early autumn, and a marked minimum in mid-summer.
  • 4 Most woody plant-feeding noctuids recorded in this study (86% of species, about 95% of individuals) were univoltine. Univoltine species fell into one of two distinct life history categories, corresponding to pre- and post-summer flight periods. These two contrasting phenologies were associated with a bimodality in the duration of the pupal stage (‘short’ versus ‘long’), and were closely related to taxonomical affiliation at the subfamily level.
  • 5 Within the ‘short’ pupal duration group, some species mate and oviposit shortly after emergence and pass the dry season in the egg stage, while others remain as potentially active, non-reproductive adults over most of the summer and mate by the end of that season. Species in the ‘long’ pupal duration group pass the summer in pupal or prepupal stage.
  • 6 In the Mediterranean habitats studied, the adversity of the summer dry season seems to have led to a woody plant-feeding noctuid species assemblage almost entirely made up of univoltine species that concentrate their larval phases when suitable food (young leaves) is most abundant, and ‘avoid’ mid-summer as a flight time by emerging either shortly before or shortly after the adverse summer drought period. Year-round foliage availability afforded by dominant evergreen plants does not seem to have influenced the seasonal organization of noctuid cycles in any substantial way.

1. The movement of organisms can be driven by multiple factors and has implications for fitness and the spatial distribution of populations. Insects spend a large proportion of their adult lives foraging by flying for resources; however, their capability and motivation to move can vary across individuals. 2. The aims of this study were to examine interindividual and sex differences in flight performance and flight characteristics, using a flight mill bioassay, in Megarhyssa nortoni (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), one of the most important pests of pine afforestation worldwide. We also assessed the influence of morphological traits in combination with sex on flight and explored the cost of flight on longevity and mass loss. 3. The results show a difference between sexes in flight characteristics and performance. Females show greater total distance flown than males, and have a better capacity to undergo sustained flight. Sexual size dimorphism was also found and it was noted that size positively affects distances travelled. Females have a longer life span than males, yet no differences were noted in longevity within sex between individuals that did not fly and those that flew. Age did not influence flight performance of females or impacted on post‐flight longevity. Females lost less body mass than males even after flying longer distances. 4. These results suggest that sex‐specific behaviours probably govern flight abilities together with (and not only because of) morphological traits. The paper discusses sex‐specific life‐history strategies in parasitoids and their implications for biocontrol programmes.  相似文献   

Abstract .Unilaterally antennectomized Heliothis virescens (F.) males flying close to the central axis of a plume of sex pheromone display no significant differences in behaviour compared to sham-operated males in course angles, track angles, airspeed and groundspeed. This demonstrates that right/left antennal information is not necessary for normal orientation movements in response to pheromone, but rather that it is 'blended' within the moth's central nervous system before pheromone-mediated manoeuvres are made. However, some unilaterally antennectomized moths (36%) make repetitive, asymmetrical, saw-tooth-shaped tracks during pheromone-mediated upwind progress, whereas control moths never make such tracks. Unilaterally antennectomized moths made such tracks on the side of the plume contralateral to the missing antenna. We hypothesize that these occasional asymmetrical tracks in unilaterally ablated males are the result of reiterative asymmetrical pheromone stimulation of a higher probability on track legs going toward rather than away from the long axis of the plume on males with a single antenna remaining on the 'away from axis' side. Combined with a greater propensity for treated moths to lock onto the plume away from the central axis on one side rather than the other, repetitive successive asymmetrical track legs (resulting in a saw-tooth-shaped track) are commonly observed in these moths. Control moths do also make asymmetric successive track legs but they rarely are repeated and thus are not readily observed.  相似文献   

Flight in insects can be long-range migratory flights, intermediate-range dispersal flights, or short-range host-seeking flights. Previous studies have shown that flight mills are valuable tools for the experimental study of insect flight behavior, allowing researchers to examine how factors such as age, host plants, or population source can influence an insects'' propensity to disperse. Flight mills allow researchers to measure components of flight such as speed and distance flown. Lack of detailed information about how to build such a device can make their construction appear to be prohibitively complex. We present a simple and relatively inexpensive flight mill for the study of tethered flight in insects. Experimental insects can be tethered with non-toxic adhesives and revolve around an axis by means of a very low friction magnetic bearing. The mill is designed for the study of flight in controlled conditions as it can be used inside an incubator or environmental chamber. The strongest points are the very simple electronic circuitry, the design that allows sixteen insects to fly simultaneously allowing the collection and analysis of a large number of samples in a short time and the potential to use the device in a very limited workspace. This design is extremely flexible, and we have adjusted the mill to accommodate different species of insects of various sizes.  相似文献   

Dispersal propensity of green leafhoppers was compared between a tropical species, Nephotettix virescens, and a temperate species, N. cincticeps. The flight ability was measured with tethered flight technique under laboratory conditions (25°C, 16L-8D). The pre-flight period was shorter and the flight duration was longer in N. virescens than in N. cincticeps in both sexes. No significant correlations were found between the flight activity and morphometric characters for either of the two species. The results suggested that dispersal propensity of N. virescens is higher than that of N. cincticeps.  相似文献   

A pulsed cloud of sex pheromone elicits upwind flight in male moths   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
ABSTRACT. Male oriental fruit moths do not fly upwind in a continuous uniform cloud of pheromone, but readily do so when the cloud is pulsed at 1 or 0.5/s or when a plume from a point source of pheromone is placed within the continuous cloud. It is suggested that males of moth species that require such fluctuating pheromone stimulation for upwind flight will normally receive it from a filamentous, point-source-produced plume. However, we hypothesize that upwind progress may cease close to the source due to excessively high emission rates or inappropriate blend ratios, when fluctuating sensory output becomes attenuated, despite higher actual molecular concentration fluctuations.  相似文献   

鸟类和其他动物经常死于车撞, 每年因车撞而死亡的个体可达数百万只。为什么有的物种比其他物种更易于死于车撞的问题,迄今未研究过。该文推测物种本身所具有的冒险行为可能是这些物种的某些个体更常死于车撞的一个原因。此外,不同物种个体在公路上的行为、个体数量、栖息地偏好、繁殖社会性以及健康状况都可能是影响个体车撞风险的潜在因素。2001—2006 年,对丹麦一个农村地区进行定期统计取样, 得到该地区不同种鸟类个体被车撞死事件发生的频率,以及周边环境中 50 种鸟类的个体数量数据, 并利用这些数据来检验我们的预测。车撞频率随鸟类个体数量线性增加和位于道路上或者低空飞越道路的个体所占比例增加,这两个因素几乎无法解释鸟类车撞频率差异。在考虑到丰富度这个因素后,发现那些鸟类惊飞距离短、面对潜在危险而更具有冒险性的物种个体更易遭遇车撞而亡。另外, 独居的物种、疟原虫感染率高的物种及因体型大而拥有大法氏囊的物种个体死于车撞的频率更高。这些发现表明, 一系列反映冒险行为、视敏度和健康状况的因子导致某些鸟类物种易受到车撞影响。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between oogenesis and flight duration and the use of tethered flight as an indicator of tendency to migrate inAnthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), the boll weevil. When boll weevils were flown to exhaustion in tethered flight tests, many flew between 2 and 3 h, with several flying more than 4 h. To test the validity of the tethered flight test as an indicator of tendency to migrate, comparisons of mean flight duration were made between boll weevils trapped in pheromone traps far from any cultivated cotton and those trapped at the edge of heavily infested, flowering cotton fields. There was a significant difference in mean flight time between the two groups, supporting the assumption that long-duration tethered flight in the laboratory reflects the tendency to make long-distance flights in the field. Groups of weevils of different ages were killed after flight testing, and the degree of ovarian development and fat body status were determined and related to duration of tethered flight. Insects with undeveloped or partially developed ovaries were the most likely to make long flights. Weevils with ovaries bearing chorionated eggs made very few long flights. Flight duration was positively correlated with degree of fat body development. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the degree of ovarian development with fat body status. We conclude from these experiments thatA. grandis grandis is capable of long-distance flight, that this species displays some behavioral and physiological characteristics typical of many insect migrants including an oogenesis-flight syndrome, and that a tethered flight test is an appropriate means of measuring migratory tendency in this species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A simple method of recording stereoscopically the behaviour of moths in nocturnal, low-altitude flight in the field is described. Sample results, showing the flight of Heliothis armigera (Hiibner) and other noctuids at 2–11 m above a crop of pigeon-pea in India are presented. Flight trajectories, reconstructed in three dimensions, demonstrated that most of the moths flew close to the horizontal, in straight lines, and that their average air (flight) speed was 5.0 ± 1.9 m s-1. There was no evidence of mass climbing flight away from the crop.  相似文献   

Variation in the ability to fly or not is a key mechanism for differences in local species occurrences. It is increasingly acknowledged that physiological or behavioral mechanisms rather than morphological differences may drive flight abilities. However, our knowledge on the seasonal variability and stressors creating nonmorphological differences in flight abilities and how it scales to local and regional occurrences is very limited particularly for small, short‐lived species such as insects. Here, we examine how flight ability might vary across seasons and between two closely related genera of freshwater beetles with similar geographical ranges, life histories, and dispersal‐related morphology. By combining flight experiments of >1,100 specimens with colonization rates in a metacommunity of 54 ponds in northern and eastern Europe, we have analyzed the relationship between flight ability and spatio‐environmental distribution of the study genera. We find profound differences in flight ability between the two study genera across seasons. High flight ability for Acilius (97% of the tested individuals flew during the experiments) and low for Graphoderus (14%) corresponded to the different colonization rates of newly created ponds. Within a 5‐year period, 81 and 31% of the study ponds were colonized by Acilius and Graphoderus, respectively. While Acilius dispersed throughout the season, flight activity in Graphoderus was restricted to stressed situations immediately after the emergence of adults. Regional colonization ability of Acilius was independent of spatial connectivity and mass effect from propagule sources. In contrast, Graphoderus species were closely related to high connectivity between ponds in the landscape. Our data suggest that different dispersal potential can account for different local occurrences of Acilius and Graphoderus. In general, our findings provide some of the first insights into the understanding of seasonal restrictions in flight patterns of aquatic beetles and their consequences for species distributions.  相似文献   

The effect of flight on reproduction in an outbreaking forest lepidopteran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post‐flight reproductive investment by female insects may be limited as a result of a trade‐off in resource allocation between flight and reproduction. Outbreaking forest pests reduce their habitat quality as a result of severe defoliation when population densities are high. Female relocation to better‐quality habitats can increase offspring survival but reduce their reproductive fitness through flight. In the present study, the effect of flight on the capacity of female Choristoneura conflictana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to mate and produce eggs is examined. Females are flown on flight mills, and the subsequent reproductive capacity of each moth is assessed through measures of mating success and egg production. There is no effect of flight on commencement or the duration of mating. Although flight does not affect egg production directly, energy expenditure as a result of flight (as measured by weight loss) shows a negative correlation to potential fecundity, possibly indicating the resorption of eggs in some females. The effect of female size on fecundity is dependent on mating status, suggesting that energy allocated to reproduction is not dependent on flight treatment. Female moth longevity also has a significant effect on egg production but is dependent on flight and mating treatments. There is a relationship between energy expenditure to flight and reproduction in C. conflictana. Females that fly away from dense populations may produce fewer offspring, although this cost may be mitigated by improved offspring survivorship in less defoliated habitats.  相似文献   

Aspects of the intermittent fine structure of an odor plume were mimicked and experimentally modified in the wind tunnel using an air-pulsing device. Filaments of a behaviorally active blend of six sex-pheromone components created by the device in a temporally regular fashion elicited sustained upwind flight and source location in male Heliothis virescens.Males did not exhibit sustained upwind flight in significant numbers until a frequency of 4 filaments/s was delivered, at a loading of 1 g of the major component, Z11-16: Ald, with the other components loaded at their appropriate ratios. A loading of 10 g Z11-16: Ald was found to be optimal at this filament delivery rate. Electroantennogram recordings to different filament delivery rates of the complete blend indicated that a stationary male antenna can respond to the pulse rates used in this study. Importantly, when a main component necessary for upwind flight, Z9-14:Ald, was isolated into its own filaments and pulsed alternately against filaments of the five other components (including the other component essential for upwind flight, Z11-16: Ald), upwind flight to the source was significantly reduced (9%) compared to upwind flight and source location in response to filaments composed of the entire blend (30%), indicating that the complete pheromone blend must arrive on the antenna simultaneously for optimal evocation of sustained upwind progress. Neurophysiological evidence from other studies suggests that higher-order interneurons whose phasic response is enhanced when the entire blend is presented simultaneously may be of importance in explaining this behavioral difference stemming from synchronous vsasynchronous arrival of the components.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The flight pattern of mated female navel orangeworm moths, Amyelois transitella (Walker), responding to odour from potential larval hosts is zigzagging upwind flight. However, at times these moths are capable of flying nearly directly upwind towards the odour source (track angles near 0). This response indicates that these females are capable of very accurate anemotactic control of their heading or course angle, since small angular errors in this measure would translate into larger deviations from direct upwind flight. Males of this species exhibit flight patterns similar to those of females, including track angles clustered about 0 when flying upwind to a source of the female-produced pheromone, but under these experimental conditions they flew with a higher average airspeed than the females. When females lose contact with an odour plume they initiate a well-defined programme of cross-wind counterturning or casting, which may normally increase their chances of retrieving contact with that plume when the wind direction shifts. The resultant track angles of females increase significantly by 0.8 s after plume loss, indicating that the female has initiated changes in both her course angle and airspeed. By 1 s after plume loss the females' track angles are no longer unimodally distributed about 0, but are bimodally distributed about -90 and +90. Males responded more rapidly to the loss of a pheromone plume, demonstrating a significant change in track angle 0.4 s after plume loss. Overall, female and male A.transitella exhibited remarkably similar anemotactic flight manoeuvres during upwind flight to odour sources as well as after plume loss.  相似文献   

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