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Extracts from the human dermis were prepared and evaluated with respect to their ability to influence fibroblasts to contract collagen gels in vitro. The extract which had the most inhibitory effect on fibroblasts to cause contraction of collagen gels was extract D. It also inhibited fibroblast growth. Inhibition of contraction was not simply related to fibroblast cell numbers and the data suggests a specific effect upon the ability of fibroblasts to cause contraction. Other extracts were without significant effect.  相似文献   

Both rat derived vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) and human myofibroblasts contain α smooth muscle actin (SMA), but they utilize different mechanisms to contract populated collagen lattices (PCLs). The difference is in how the cells generate the force that contracts the lattices. Human dermal fibroblasts transform into myofibroblasts, expressing α‐SMA within stress fibers, when cultured in lattices that remain attached to the surface of a tissue culture dish. When attached lattices are populated with rat derived vascular SMC, the cells retain their vascular SMC phenotype. Comparing the contraction of attached PCLs when they are released from the culture dish on day 4 shows that lattices populated with rat vascular SMC contract less than those populated with human myofibroblast. PCL contraction was evaluated in the presence of vanadate and genistein, which modify protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and ML‐7 and Y‐27632, which modify myosin ATPase activity. Genistein and ML‐7 had no affect upon either myofibroblast or vascular SMC‐PCL contraction, demonstrating that neither protein tyrosine kinase nor myosin light chain kinase was involved. Vanadate inhibited myofibroblast‐PCL contraction, consistent with a role for protein tyrosine phosphatase activity with myofibroblast‐generated forces. Y‐27632 inhibited both SMC and myofibroblast PCL contraction, consistent with a central role of myosin light chain phosphatase. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 362–369, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Type I collagen is a fibrillar protein, a member of a large family of collagen proteins. It is present in most body tissues, usually in combination with other collagens and other components of extracellular matrix. Its synthesis is increased in various pathological situations, in healing wounds, in fibrotic tissues and in many tumors. After extraction from collagen-rich tissues it is widely used in studies of cell behavior, especially those of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. Cells cultured in a classical way, on planar plastic dishes, lack the third dimension that is characteristic of body tissues. Collagen I forms gel at neutral pH and may become a basis of a 3D matrix that better mimics conditions in tissue than plastic dishes.  相似文献   

Tissue formation and healing both require cell proliferation and migration, but also extracellular matrix production and tensioning. In addition to restricting proliferation of damaged cells, increasing evidence suggests that cellular senescence also has distinct modulatory effects during wound healing and fibrosis. Yet, a direct role of senescent cells during tissue formation beyond paracrine signaling remains unknown. We here report how individual modules of the senescence program differentially influence cell mechanics and ECM expression with relevance for tissue formation. We compared DNA damage-mediated and DNA damage-independent senescence which was achieved through over-expression of either p16Ink4a or p21Cip1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in primary human skin fibroblasts. Cellular senescence modulated focal adhesion size and composition. All senescent cells exhibited increased single cell forces which led to an increase in tissue stiffness and contraction in an in vitro 3D tissue formation model selectively for p16 and p21-overexpressing cells. The mechanical component was complemented by an altered expression profile of ECM-related genes including collagens, lysyl oxidases, and MMPs. We found that particularly the lack of collagen and lysyl oxidase expression in the case of DNA damage-mediated senescence foiled their intrinsic mechanical potential. These observations highlight the active mechanical role of cellular senescence during tissue formation as well as the need to synthesize a functional ECM network capable of transferring and storing cellular forces.  相似文献   

Contraction of 3D collagen matrices by fibroblasts frequently is used as an in vitro model of wound closure. Different iterations of the model – all conventionally referred to as “contraction” – involve different morphological patterns. During floating matrix contraction, cells initially are round without stress fibers and subsequently undergo spreading. During stressed matrix contraction, cells initially are spread with stress fibers and subsequently undergo shortening. In the current studies, we used siRNA silencing of myosin IIA (MyoIIA) and myosin IIB (MyoIIB) to test the roles of myosin II isoforms in fibroblast interactions with 3D collagen matrices and collagen matrix contraction. We found that MyoIIA but not MyoIIB was required for cellular global inward contractile force, formation of actin stress fibers, and morphogenic cell clustering. Stressed matrix contraction required MyoIIA but not MyoIIB. Either MyoIIA or MyoIIB was sufficient for floating matrix contraction (FMC) stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor. Neither MyoIIA or MyoIIB was necessary for FMC stimulated by serum. Our findings suggest that myosin II-dependent motor mechanisms for collagen translocation during extracellular matrix remodeling differ depending on cell tension and growth factor stimulation.  相似文献   

Interactions among growth factors, cells, and extracellular matrix regulate proliferation during normal development and in pathologies such as atherosclerosis. SPARC (secreted protein, acidic, and rich in cysteine) is a matrix-associated glycoprotein that modulates the adhesion and proliferation of vascular cells. In this study, we demonstrate that SPARC inhibits human arterial smooth muscle cell proliferation stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor or by adhesion to monomeric type I collagen. Binding studies with SPARC and SPARC peptides indicate specific and saturable interaction with smooth muscle cells that involves the C-terminal Ca2+-binding region of the protein. We also report that SPARC arrests monomeric collagen-supported smooth muscle cell proliferation in the late G1-phase of the cell cycle in the absence of an effect on cell shape or on levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Cyclin-dependent kinase-2 activity, p107 and cyclin A levels, and retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation are markedly reduced in response to the addition of exogenous SPARC and/or peptides derived from specific domains of SPARC. Thus, SPARC, previously characterized as an inhibitor of platelet-derived growth factor binding to its receptor, also antagonizes smooth muscle cell proliferation mediated by monomeric collagen at the level of cyclin-dependent kinase-2 activity.  相似文献   

Cellular studies have long been performed on the bench top, within Petri dishes and flasks that expose cells to surroundings that differ greatly from their native environment. The complexity of a human tissue is such that to truly replicate a cell’s physiologic microenvironment in vitro is currently impossible. It is nevertheless important to determine how various factors of the microenvironment interact to drive cell behavior, particularly with regard to disease states, such as cancer. Here we focus on two key elements of the cellular microenvironment, matrix stiffness and architecture, in the context of tumor cell behavior. We discuss recent work focusing on the effects of these individual properties on cancer cell migration and describe one technique developed by our lab that could be applied to dissect the effects of specific structural and mechanical cues, and which may lead to useful insights into the potentially synergistic effects of these properties on tumor cell behavior.  相似文献   

Cellular studies have long been performed on the bench top, within Petri dishes and flasks that expose cells to surroundings that differ greatly from their native environment. The complexity of a human tissue is such that to truly replicate a cell’s physiologic microenvironment in vitro is currently impossible. It is nevertheless important to determine how various factors of the microenvironment interact to drive cell behavior, particularly with regard to disease states, such as cancer. Here we focus on two key elements of the cellular microenvironment, matrix stiffness and architecture, in the context of tumor cell behavior. We discuss recent work focusing on the effects of these individual properties on cancer cell migration and describe one technique developed by our lab that could be applied to dissect the effects of specific structural and mechanical cues, and which may lead to useful insights into the potentially synergistic effects of these properties on tumor cell behavior.  相似文献   

Dermal fibroblasts are in apposition to type VII (anchoring fibril) collagen in both unwounded and wounded skin. The NC1 domain of type VII collagen contains multiple submodules with homology to known adhesive molecules, including fibronectin type III-like repeats and a potential RGD cell attachment site. We previously reported the structure and matrix binding properties of authentic and recombinant NC1. In this study, we examined the interaction between dermal fibroblasts and the NC1 domain of type VII collagen. We found that both recombinant and authentic NC1 vigorously promoted human fibroblast attachment. Adhesion of fibroblasts to NC1 was dose dependent, saturable, and abolished by both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to NC1. Cell adhesion to NC1 was divalent cation dependent and specifically inhibited by a monoclonal antibody directed against the α2 or β1 integrin subunits, but not by the presence of RGD peptides. Furthermore, the cell-binding activity of NC1 was not conformation dependent, since heat-denatured NC1 still promoted cell adhesion. Using a series of recombinant NC1 deletion mutant proteins, the cell binding site of NC1 was mapped to a 158-aa (residues 202–360) subdomain. We conclude that human dermal fibroblasts interact with the NC1 domain of type VII collagen and this cell–matrix interaction is mediated by the α2β1 integrin and is RGD independent.  相似文献   

In articular cartilage, type VI collagen is concentrated in the pericellular matrix compartment. During protein synthesis and processing at least the alpha3(VI) chain undergoes significant posttranslational modification and cleavage. In this study, we investigated the processing of type VI collagen in articular cartilage. Immunostaining with a specific polyclonal antiserum against the C5 domain of alpha3(VI) showed strong cellular staining seen in nearly all chondrocytes of articular cartilage. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy allowed localization of this staining mainly to the cytoplasm and the immediate pericellular matrix. Double-labeling experiments showed a narrow overlap of the C5 domain and the pericellular mature type VI collagen. Our results suggest that at least in human adult articular cartilage the C5 domain of alpha3(VI) collagen is synthesized and initially incorporated into the newly formed type VI collagen fibrils, but immediately after secretion is cut off and is not present in the mature pericellular type VI matrix of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

To examine the in vivo functions of protein kinase N (PKN), one of the effectors of Rho small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), we used the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a genetic model system. We identified a C. elegans homologue (pkn-1) of mammalian PKN and confirmed direct binding to C. elegans Rho small GTPases. Using a green fluorescent protein reporter, we showed that pkn-1 is mainly expressed in various muscles and is localized at dense bodies and M lines. Overexpression of the PKN-1 kinase domain and loss-of-function mutations by genomic deletion of pkn-1 resulted in a loopy Unc phenotype, which has been reported in many mutants of neuronal genes. The results of mosaic analysis and body wall muscle-specific expression of the PKN-1 kinase domain suggests that this loopy phenotype is due to the expression of PKN-1 in body wall muscle. The genomic deletion of pkn-1 also showed a defect in force transmission. These results suggest that PKN-1 functions as a regulator of muscle contraction-relaxation and as a component of the force transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

The absence of a controllable in vitro model of soft tissue remodeling is a major impediment, limiting our understanding of collagen pathologies, tissue repair and engineering. Using 3D fibroblast-collagen lattice model, we have quantified changes in matrix tension and material properties following remodeling by blockade of cell-generated tension with cytochalasin D. This demonstrated a time-dependent shortening of the collagen network, progressively stabilized into a built-in tension within the matrix. This was differentially enhanced by TGFB1 and mechanical loading to give subtle control of the new, remodeled matrix material properties. Through this model, we have been able to identify the 'tension remodeling' process, by which cells control material properties in response to environmental factors.  相似文献   

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