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Characteristic frequencies of neurons in the cat auditory cortex (area AI) whose receptive fields are located in different parts of the basilar membrane of the cochlea were determined in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. The higher the characteristic frequency of a neuron in area AI, the nearer its receptive field lies to the base of the cochlea. Receptive fields of neurons with a characteristic frequency higher than 4 kHz lie on the first 10 mm of the basilar membrane. Receptive fields of neurons with a characteristic frequency below 4 kHz lie on the remaining 11–12 mm of the membrane. The effect of electrical stimulation of the center of the receptive field of a neuron corresponds to its response to a tone of characteristic frequency. The more the frequency of the acting tone differs from the characteristic frequency, or the further the point of stimulation from the center of the receptive field of the neuron, the less likely is the neuron to respond with an action potential. Neurons with a low characteristic frequency have wider receptive fields than neurons with a high characteristic frequency. Receptive fields of neurons with close characteristic frequencies on the basilar membrane overlap considerably. It was shown by the method of paired stimulation that excitation evoked in neurons in area AI by the action of a tone of a particular frequency is followed by long-lasting inhibition. This inhibition lasts longest and is most effective if a tone of the characteristic frequency is used.  相似文献   

In experiments on immobilized cats, intra- and extracellular response in tonic type neurons to tones of differing frequencies and intensities were investigated, as well as the organizational pattern of receptive fields in these units. Tonic type neurons were encountered at different cortical layers, but mostly (93% of the total) were located at a depth of 1.0–2.2 mm. Minimum thresholds required for response in these neurons were on average 7.7 dB below that found in neurons generating a phasic reaction in response to a tone. "Tonic" differed from "phasic" neurons in their inferior frequency-discriminative ability, with a Q10 value averaging 4.1±0.4 as against 9.1±0.7 in phasic neurons. Size of receptive fields in tonic neurons (as revealed by occurrence of spike response in these units) was 3.5 times that observed in phasic cells. Length of action potentials in the majority (80%) of tonic neurons was about one and a half times to twice that found in phasic units. Tonic neurons also displayed a high degree of sensitivity to changes in the duration and intensity of acoustic stimulation.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 4, July–August, pp. 498–506, 1969.  相似文献   

Responses of 200 primary auditory cortical neurons to electrical stimulation of nerve fibers in different receptor zones of the cochlea were studied in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. Under the influence of paired stimulation, after the response to the conditioning stimulus a state of prolonged (from 4 to 200 msec) refractiveness to the second stimulus developed in all the neurons tested. This long-lasting inhibition of unit activity was due to inhibition developing in the thalamus and the auditory cortex itself. The intensity and duration of excitation and inhibition in the cortical projection focus were maximal when the center of the receptive field was stimulated and decreased when the stimulus shifted from the center to the periphery. The region of the receptor surface of the cochlea to stimulation of which the auditory cortical neurons respond by an action potential is much narrower than the region whose electrical stimulation depresses the discharge of these neurons.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 418–425, July–August, 1982.  相似文献   

Receptive fields of auditory cortical neurons were studied by electrical stimulation of nerve fibers in different parts of the cochlea in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. The dimensions of the receptive fields were shown to depend on the topographic arrangement of the neuron in the auditory cortex. The more caudad the neuron on the cortical projection of the cochlea in the primary auditory cortex, the more extensive its receptive field. The receptive fields were narrowest in the basal turn of the cochlea and were symmetrical with respect to their center. It is suggested that the region of finest discrimination of acoustic stimuli in cats is located in the basal region of the cochlea, i.e., in that part of its receptor system which has the narrowest receptive field and is represented by significantly more (than the middle and apical regions of the cochlea) nerve cells in the primary auditory cortex [1].A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 467–473, September–October, 1981.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on cats unit responses of the primary auditory cortex (area 50) were studied by microelectrode recording during defensive conditioning to sound. During formation of the reflex biphasic responses with relatively short-latency (50–100 msec) and longer-latency (400–500 and 800–900 msec) activation predominated. Neighboring neurons, whose activity was recorded by the same microelectrode, also were involved more intensively in activity. Application of a differential stimulus in 70% of cases produced definite changes in unit activity, among which responses of activation type predominated. Analysis of the course of spike responses of the same neuron during the period of action of a large number of combinations and its comparison with the formation of the conditioned-reflex motor response revealed no direct correlation between these events.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 99–108, March–April, 1979.  相似文献   

Extracellular and intracellular unit responses of thepars principalis of the medial geniculate body to stimulation of the first (AI), second (AII), and third (AIII) auditory cortical areas were studied in cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. In response to auditory cortical stimulation both antidromic (45–50%) and orthodromic (50–55%) responses occurred in the geniculate neurons. The latent period of the antidromic responses was 0.3–2.5 msec and of the orthodromic 2.0–18.0 msec. Late responses had a latent period of 30–200 msec. Of all neurons responding antidromically to stimulation of AII, 63% responded antidromically to stimulation of AI also, confirming the hypothesis that many of the same neurons of the medial geniculate body have projections into both auditory areas. Orthodromic responses of geniculate neurons consisted either of 1 or 2 spikes or of volleys of 8–12 spikes with a frequency of 300–600/sec. It is suggested that the volleys of spikes were discharges of inhibitory neurons. Intracellular responses were recorded in the form of antidromic spikes, EPSPs, EPSP-spike, EPSP-spike-IPSP, EPSP-IPSP, and primary IPSP. Over 50% of primary IPSP had a latent period of 2.0–4.0 msec. It is suggested that they arose through the participation of inhibitory interneurons located in the medial geniculate body.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 5–12, January–February, 1976.  相似文献   

Direct cortical responses (DCR) to a series of electrical stimuli with a frequency of I to 50 per second with 10 to 20 pulses in each series were studied in chronic experiments on dogs. The nature of cortical responses differed, depending on stimulation parameters. As the stimulation frequency increased, the amplitude and number of late DCR components decreased, and with further increase of frequency, the early components decreased as well. The following types of responses were revealed: recruiting, intermittent and decremental. As the stimulation frequency increased all the three types of responses could be obtained in one and the same cortical point. Recruiting was not typical of high-amplitude and multi-component DCR with a long phase of depression of initial negativity and slightly pronounced short-term subsequent facilitation, while the intermittent type of response appeared at lower frequencies than in other dogs (5 to 10 per sec). A decremental type of response was observed in all the dogs at a stimulation frequency higher than 30 per sec. The duration of the series of after-discharges to a burst of electrical pulses depended on the pattern of the DCR to a single stimulus and on the intensity and frequency of stimulation. With similar parameters of stimulation, the greater the amplitude and the longer the duration of the slow negative DCR wave, the longer the period of after-discharges following a series of stimuli.  相似文献   

Extracellular and intracellular single unit responses of neurons of the auditory cortex to electrical stimulation of geniculocortical fibers (GCF) were recorded in experiments on cats immobilized with tubocurarine. The latent period of responses of 15% of neurons to GCF stimulation was 0.3–1.5 msec. It is postulated that they were excited anti-dromically. The latent period of spikes generated by neurons responding to GCF stimulation orthodromically varied from 1.6 to 12 msec. In 28.6% of neurons the latent period was 1.6–2.5 msec. It is postulated that these neurons were excited monosynaptically. Intracellular recording revealed primary IPSPs in response to GCF stimulation in 63.3% of neurons, a brief EPSP followed by a prolonged IPSP in 17.7%, an EPSP-spike-IPSP complex in 12.3%, and subthreshold EPSPs in 7% of neurons. The latent period of the primary IPSPs varied from 1.8 to 11 msec, being 1.8–3.7 in 72%, 3.8–5.7 in 20.0%, and 5.8–11 msec in 8.0% of neurons. The latent period of responses beginning with an EPSP was 1–4 msec (mean 1.8 msec). Orthodromic responses arising 3–10 msec after the antidromic response, and consisting of 3–5 spikes, were recorded in some antidromically excited neurons. Hypotheses regarding the functional organization of the auditory cortex and mechanisms of inhibition in its neurons are put forward on the basis of the results obtained.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 227–235, May–June, 1972.  相似文献   

Responses of rabbit visual cortical neurons to single and repetitive intracortical electrical stimulation were investigated. The stimulating electrode was located 0.7–1.2 mm away from the recording electrode. Response thresholds to single stimulation were as a rule 150–180 µA, whereas to series of stimuli they were 30–60 µA. The latent period to the first spike averaged 5–15 msec but the probability of the initial discharge was very low, namely 3–6%. With an increase in current intensity the duration of the initial inhibitory pause was increased in half of the neurons responding to it, whereas in the rest it was unchanged. After presentation of series of stimuli spontaneous activity was enhanced for a short time (4–6 sec). In about half of the cells the same kinds of discharge dynamics were observed in response to repetitive stimulation (frequency 0.25 Hz) as in responses to light, but more neurons with sensitization of discharge and fewer "habituating" neurons took part in responses to electrical stimulation. It is postulated that stimulation of a given point of the visual cortex evokes excitation of a local neuron hypercolumn and inhibition of neighboring cell columns.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 412–419, July–August, 1983.  相似文献   

Hearing loss can be caused by primary degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons or by secondary degeneration of these neurons after hair cell loss. The replacement of auditory neurons would be an important step in any attempt to restore auditory function in patients with damaged inner ear neurons or hair cells. Application of beta-bungarotoxin, a toxin derived from snake venom, to an explant of the cochlea eradicates spiral ganglion neurons while sparing the other cochlear cell types. The toxin was found to bind to the neurons and to cause apoptotic cell death without affecting hair cells or other inner ear cell types as indicated by TUNEL staining, and, thus, the toxin provides a highly specific means of deafferentation of hair cells. We therefore used the denervated organ of Corti for the study of neuronal regeneration and synaptogenesis with hair cells and found that spiral ganglion neurons obtained from the cochlea of an untreated newborn mouse reinnervated hair cells in the toxin-treated organ of Corti and expressed synaptic vesicle markers at points of contact with hair cells. These findings suggest that it may be possible to replace degenerated neurons by grafting new cells into the organ of Corti.  相似文献   

Responses of 98 auditory cortical neurons to electrical stimulation of the medial geniculate body (MGB) were recorded (45 extracellulary, 53 intracellularly) in experiments on cats immobilized with tubocurarine. Responses of the same neurons to clicks were recorded for comparison. Of the total number of neurons, 75 (76%) responded both to MGB stimulation and to clicks, and 23 (24%) to MGB stimulation only. The latent period of extracellularly recorded action potentials of auditory cortical neurons in response to clicks varied from 7 to 28 msec (late responses were disregarded), and that to MGB stimulation varied from 1.5 to 12.5 msec. For EPSPs these values were 8–13 and 1–4 msec respectively. The latent period of IPSPs arising in response to MGB stimulation varied from 2.2 to 6.5 msec; for 34% of neurons it did not exceed 3 msec. The difference between the latent periods of responses to clicks and to MGB stimulation varied for different neurons from 6 to 21 msec. Responses of 11% of neurons to MGB stimulation, recorded intracellularly, consisted of sub-threshold EPSPs, while responses of 23% of neurons began with an EPSP which was either followed by an action potential and subsequent IPSP or was at once cut off by an IPSP; 66% of neurons responded with primary IPSPs. Neurons responding to MGB stimulation by primary IPSPs are distributed irregularly in the depth of the cortex: there are very few in layers III and IV and many more at a depth of 1.6–2 mm. Conversely, excited neurons are predominant in layer III and IV, and they are few in number at a depth of 1.6–2 mm. It is concluded that the afferent volley reaching the auditory cortex induces excitation of some neurons therein and, at the same time, by the principle of reciprocity, induces inhibition of others. This afferent inhibition takes place with the participation of inhibitory interneurons, and in some cells the inhibition is recurrent. The existence of reciprocal relationships between neurons in different layers of the auditory cortex is postulated.A. A. Bogomolets' Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 23–31, January–February, 1972.  相似文献   

Yang WW  Zhou XM  Zhang JP  Sun XD 《生理学报》2007,59(6):784-790
本文应用常规电生理学技术,研究电刺激大鼠内侧额叶前皮质(medial prefrontal cortex,mPFC)对初级听皮层神经元频率感受野(receptive field,RF)可塑性的调制。电刺激mPFC,137个听皮层神经元(72.8%)RF可塑性受到影响,其中抑制性调制71个神经元(37.7%),易化性调制66个神经元(35.1%),其余51个神经元(27.2%)不受影响。mPFC的抑制性调制效应表现为,RF的偏移时间延长,恢复时间缩短。相反,mPFC的易化性调制效应表现为,RF的偏移时间缩短,恢复时间延长。电刺激mPFC对RF可塑性的调制与声、电刺激之间的时间间隔有关,最佳时间间隔介于5-30ms之间。结果提示,大鼠mPFC可以调制听皮层神经元的功能活动,可能参与听觉学习记忆过程。  相似文献   

Cholesterol secoaldehyde (ChSeco or 3β-hydroxy-5-oxo-5,6-secocholestan-6-al) has been shown to induce Aβ aggregation and apoptosis in GT1-7 hypothalamic neurons. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of ChSeco on rat primary cortical neuronal cells. ChSeco was cytotoxic at concentrations ranging from 5 to 20 μM, while cholesterol of comparable concentrations showed little or no toxicity. In ChSeco-exposed neuronal cells, there was an increased formation of intracellular peroxide or peroxide-like substance(s), the levels of which were comparable to those found in typical menadione exposures. There was a loss in the mitochondrial transmembrane potential, the extent of which was dependent on concentration of ChSeco employed. Pre-treatment with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (5 mM; 1 h) offered protection against the cytotoxicity and the generation of intracellular oxidants. Cytotoxicity of ChSeco was evidenced by the loss of axonal branches and also condensed apoptotic nuclei in these cells. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a decreased intracellular Aβ42 staining proportional to the loss in the axonal out growth and dendritic branches. The observed decrease in Aβ42 has been suggested to be due to loss of integrity of dendrites and the plasma membrane, possibly resulting from increased production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

During acute experiments on 20 cats a comparative study was made of neuronal reaction to a tone, as recorded during the first few hours after administration of Nembutal and after an interval of 10–30 h. No spontaneous activity was seen in 89% of auditory cortex neurons of the anesthetized cats; these produced a sterotyped on- response to the optimal frequency tone. Late neuronal spike discharges at distinct intervals of 100–150 msec appeared in response to the setting up of acoustic stimulation after a brief latent reaction lasting 9–15 msec. It was shown that this stimulation did not produce an off-response in the cortical neurons. When the animals emerged from Nembutal anesthesia, the neurons reacted very differently to the optimal frequency tone. About 76% of the cells produced an on, on-off or off response, while about 21% responded with either tonic spike discharges or total inhibition of these throughout the acoustic stimulation. In unanesthetized cats the vast majority of AI cortical neurons were capable of reacting as long as the stimulus lasted. It is shown how this ability is lost under deep Nembutal anesthetic.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 728–737, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

The characteristics of extra- and intracellular responses of neurons in the AI region were studied in experiments with unanesthetized cats. It was established that auditory cortex neurons with similar best frequencies showed different forms of responses to tones of the corresponding frequency. About 40% of the auditory cortex neurons generated on responses to tone presentation. On — off and off responses were found in 27% of the neurons. Cortical neurons (27%) in which stimulation or inhibition of impulse discharge persisted throughout tone action were assigned to the tonic type group of cells. Approximately 6% of neurons in the AI region did not respond to a tone. During intracellular recording about 85% of the neurons responded to the turning on and/or off of a tone by generating an action potential followed by an IPSI. In 96% of the cortical neurons studied the IPSPs were a constant component of the intracellular responses to a tone. It is concluded that the inhibition of the impulse activity of the given neurons is of primarily a postsynaptic origin. Neurons showing one or another form of response differ from one another in the relative intensity and time characteristics of excitatory and inhibitory processes interacting on their postsynaptic membranes. In neurons of the phasic type inhibitory processes are dominant over excitatory, while excitatory processes are predominant in neurons of the tonic type.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 500–508, July–August, 1985.  相似文献   

Neuronal responses of an isolated slab of auditory cortex (area AI) to intracortical stimulation at the level IV were studied in curarized cats by extracellular recording 3 weeks after isolation. Dispersion of response latencies in the isolated slab was reduced (compared with that observed soon after isolation); the predominant responses were mono- and disynaptic, and the number of discharges consisting of bursts of spikes increased. However, despite simplification of the structural and functional organization of the chronically isolated slab of auditory cortex, the conditions for complex polysynaptic interaction between neurons of all layers were preserved in it, and in each layer the character of such interaction depended on the distance of the neuron from the focus of origin of the excitation. [In the chronically isolated slab of auditory cortex, just as in the acutely isolated slab, late reponses of over 40 msec were absent.]I. I. Mechnikov Odessa State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 462–469, September–October, 1982.  相似文献   

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