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Whereas in severe burns cultured human epithelial cells may well serve as a life saving method, the true value of tissue-engineered skin products in chronic wound care has yet to be clearly defined. Among other well-known clinical problems, the engraftment rate of commercially available multilayered "sheet grafts" has been shown to vary extremely. Adherence of transplanted cells to the wound bed--especially in the presence of potential wound contamination-- is one of the crucial aspects of this technique. Keratinocyte suspensions in a natural fibrin sealant matrix can potentially treat a variety of skin defects. In acute burn wounds, as well as in chronic wounds the clinical application of this type of tissue-engineered skin substitute demonstrates the capacity of cultured human autologous keratinocytes in a fibrin sealant matrix to adhere to wound beds, attach and spread over the wound resulting in reepithelialization of both acute and chronic wounds. In full thickness burns the combination of this new tool with allogenic dermis is a promising option to achieve complete dermal-epidermal reconstitution by means of tissue engineering and guided tissue repair. When transferring this technique into the treatment of chronic wounds we found an optimal preparation of such recipient wound beds to be crucial to the success. The additional application of continuous negative pressure (vacuum therapy) and preliminary chip skin grafting to optimally prepare the recipient site may be helpful tools to achieve such well-prepared and graftable surfaces. Prospective controlled comparative studies should be designed to further assess the clinical efficacy of this technique.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering of cultured skin substitutes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Skin replacement has been a challenging task for surgeons ever since the introduction of skin grafts by Reverdin in 1871. Recently, skin grafting has evolved from the initial autograft and allograft preparations to biosynthetic and tissue-engineered living skin replacements. This has been fostered by the dramatically improved survival rates of major burns where the availability of autologous normal skin for grafting has become one of the limiting factors. The ideal properties of a temporary and a permanent skin substitute have been well defined. Tissue-engineered skin replacements: cultured autologous keratinocyte grafts, cultured allogeneic keratinocyte grafts, autologous/allogeneic composites, acellular biological matrices, and cellular matrices including such biological substances as fibrin sealant and various types of collagen, hyaluronic acid etc. have opened new horizons to deal with such massive skin loss. In extensive burns it has been shown that skin substitution with cultured grafts can be a life-saving measure where few alternatives exist. Future research will aim to create skin substitutes with cultured epidermis that under appropriate circumstances may provide a wound cover that could be just as durable and esthetically acceptable as conventional split-thickness skin grafts. Genetic manipulation may in addition enhance the performance of such cultured skin substitutes. If cell science, molecular biology, genetic engineering, material science and clinical expertise join their efforts to develop optimized cell culture techniques and synthetic or biological matrices then further technical advances might well lead to the production of almost skin like new tissue-engineered human skin products resembling natural human skin.  相似文献   

Repair of damaged cartilage usually requires replacement tissue or substitute material. Tissue engineering is a promising means to produce replacement cartilage from autologous or allogeneic cell sources. Scaffolds provide a three-dimensional (3D) structure that is essential for chondrocyte function and synthesis of cartilage-specific matrix proteins (collagen type II, aggrecan) and sulfated proteoglycans. In this study, we assessed porous, 3D collagen sponges for in vitro engineering of cartilage in both standard and serum-free culture conditions. Bovine articular chondrocytes (bACs) cultured in 3D sponges accumulated and maintained cartilage matrix over 4 weeks, as assessed by quantitative measures of matrix content, synthesis, and gene expression. Chondrogenesis by bACs cultured with Nutridoma as a serum replacement was equivalent or better than control cultures in serum. In contrast, chondrogenesis in insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS+3) serum replacement cultures was poor, apparently due to decreased cell survival. These data indicate that porous 3D collagen sponges maintain chondrocyte viability, shape, and synthetic activity by providing an environment favorable for high-density chondrogenesis. With quantitative assays for cartilage-specific gene expression and biochemical measures of chondrogenesis in these studies, we conclude that the collagen sponges have potential as a scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to examine the effect of high intensity, short duration pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on the healing of full thickness skin wounds in rats. Full thickness skin wounds were surgically created in two groups of Sprague-Dawley male rats. The rats were randomly divided into two groups, each containing 20 rats. Animals in the treatment group received treatments with the PEMF device on day 0, 3, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, and 22, while the rats in the control group were subjected to the same procedure, but with the PEMF device not activated. Photographs of the surgically created wounds were obtained on day 0, 3, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, and 22. Wound contraction (WC), wound epithelialization (WE), non-healed wound, and contraction-epithelialization (CE) ratio were calculated for each wound. No significant difference was found between the two groups for the parameters of WC, WE, non-healed wound, and CE ratio. A significant group x time interaction was found for WE and CE ratio. This type of PEMF did not have a significantly beneficial effect on wound healing. Wounds in the PEMF treated group were relatively less contracted and showed a compensatory increase in epithelialization in the early stages of wound repair.  相似文献   

The role of quality control in a skin bank: tissue viability determination.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
New surgical procedures requiring viable skin have increased rapidly over the last few years. The cell viability assessment in allograft skin is a major step forward in burn treatment, since it is well-known that taking is correlated with grafted tissue viability. Various methods, both qualitative and quantitative, are currently used. Although qualitative assays (histomorphology, immunocytochemistry) are routinely performed in our laboratory, there arose a need to set up a standardised quantitative assay in an attempt to obtain a cut-off value so that the skin sample could be determined valid or not for grafting. Therefore, two different tetrazolium salt compounds MTT and WST-1, were compared in order to determine their efficacy in the evaluation of tissue viability. Several experimental conditions were analysed: 1- cellular cultures of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, 2- fresh skin tissue samples, 3- the same specimen tested daily for at least 2 weeks, 4- after cryopreservation and thawing. Viable cells were analysed by the cleavage of tetrazolium salts to formazan by cellular enzymes. The formazan dye produced by metabolically active cells was then quantified by measuring the absorbance of the dye solution at the appropriate wavelength. It was seen that WST-1 is easier to handle, more stable, has a wider line arrange, accelerated colour development and is more sensitive than MTT on fresh specimens and cell suspension. However, after 72 hours of storage at 4°C, most of the WST-1 tested specimens no longer gave any absorbance signal, whilst MTT specimens were seen to give a signal for more than two weeks. Moreover, after thawing WST-1 tested samples were almost negative,whilst MTT samples continued to give strong signals. In conclusion, WST-1 assay offers rapid and precise results as to the cell viability of fresh allografts and cell cultures, whilst the MTT method is much more useful in establishing viability after long conservation and cryopreservation. In our clinical experience, allografts transplanted at 72 hr post-harvesting or after cryopreservation showed a mean of take more than of 80%, demonstrating that the MTT system is more reliable for the determination of allograft viability. Studies are ongoing with larger clinical cohorts to establish the precise cut-off value for skin graft validation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of low-intensity laser irradiation in the red (632.8 nm), green (532 nm), and blue (441.2 nm) spectral ranges on wound healing has been studied in rats. The effect of the traditionally used red laser irradiation has been compared with the effect caused by laser irradiation in other spectral ranges, aiming to support the provisional hypothesis that a similar healing effect could be achieved at lower doses of wound irradiation by lasers emitting in the blue and green spectral ranges. The following parameters have been used to characterize healing of the experimental wounds: the functional activity of phagocytes in the wound exudate, which was determined from luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, the phagocyte number; the wound exudates’ antioxidant activity; and the rate of healing, which was determined as the change of the wound surface area. It was found that in all cases the laser irradiation accelerated the healing of wounds. Exposure to red laser irradiation at the dose of 1.5 J/cm2), and to blue or green laser irradiation at a dose of 0.75 J/cm2 shortened the time of the wound healing from 22 to 17 and 19 days, respectively. The functional activity of leukocytes in irradiated groups increased by day 5 after surgery, whereas in the control group it decreased. The superoxide dismutase activity increased in all experimental groups by day 5 after surgery. Laser irradiation in the red spectral range at a dose of 1.5 J/cm2 resulted in a larger increase in superoxide dismutase activity, as compared to that found after exposure to laser irradiation in the blue and green spectral ranges at a dose of 0.75 J/cm2.  相似文献   

Autologous engineered skin substitutes (ESS) containing melanocytes (hM) may restore pigmentation and photoprotection after grafting to full‐thickness skin wounds. In this study, normal hM were isolated from discard skin, propagated with or without tyrosinase inhibitors, cryopreserved, recovered into culture, and added to ESS (ESS‐P) before transplantation. ESS‐P were incubated in either UCMC160/161 or UCDM1 medium, scored for hM densities, and grafted to mice. The results showed that sufficient hM can be propagated to expand donor tissue by 100‐fold; incubation of hM in tyrosinase inhibitors reduced pigment levels but did not change hM recovery after cryopreservation; hM densities in ESS‐P were greater after incubation in UCDM1 than UCMC160 medium; hM were localized to the dermal–epidermal junction of ESS‐P; and UCDM1 medium promoted earlier pigment distribution and density. These results indicate that hM can be incorporated into ESS‐P efficiently to restore cutaneous pigmentation and UV photoprotection after full‐thickness skin loss conditions.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of a tissue-engineered skin containing melanocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to establish a new method for reconstruction of a tissue-engineered skin containing melanocytes by employing tissue engineering. The keratinocytes, melanocytes and dermal fibroblasts were isolated and purified from human foreskin biopsies. Then the cells were used to construct a tissue-engineered skin containing melanocytes. The localization of melanocytes in the tissue-engineered skin was detected by DOPA staining, S-100 immunohistochemical staining and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results showed that the melanocytes could be detected in the basal layer of the constructed skin and the melanocytes showed dendritic morphology. Moreover the constructed skins were used to repair the athymic mice skin defects. Animal experiment results indicated that the skin equivalents could successfully repair full thickness skin defects in athymic mice and generated black skins by 6weeks after grafting. Melanocytes located in the basal layer of the athymic mice skin could also be detected by using the S-100 immunohistochemical staining. Our established method is useful to repair the full-thickness skin defects.  相似文献   

Objective Human skin allografts are used in the treatment of severe burns and their preservation is therefore critical for optimal clinical benefit. Current preservation methods, such as 4°C storage or cryopreservation, cannot prevent the decrease of tissue viability. The aim of this study was to assess viability and function of skin allografts in a new skin organ culture model, allowing conservation parameters as close as possible to physiological conditions: 32°C, air–liquid interface and physiological skin tension. Design Twelve skin samples, harvested from 6 living surgical donors, were conserved 35 days in two conditions: conservation at 4°C and organ culture. Viability and function of skin samples were investigated at Day 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 using cell culture methods (trypan blue exclusion, Colony Forming Efficiency and Growth Rate), histopathological and histoenzymological studies (Ki67 immunostaining). Results In the two conditions, fibroblast and keratinocyte viability was progressively affected by storage, with a significant decrease observed after 35 days. No statistical difference could be observed between the two conditions. The two methods were also comparable regarding alterations of fibroblast and keratinocyte culture parameters, which were respectively significantly reduced at Day 7 and 21, compared to fresh skin. By contrast, histopathological and histoenzymological studies revealed a better preservation of skin architecture and proliferative potential at 4°C, as compared to organ culture. Conclusion These results indicate that skin organ culture does not provide significant advantages for skin allograft preservation. However, its potential use as an experimental model to study skin physiology and wound healing should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering essentially refers to technology for growing new human tissue and is distinct from regenerative medicine. Currently, pieces of skin are already being fabricated for clinical use and many other tissue types may be fabricated in the future.Tissue engineering was first defined in 1987 by the United States National Science Foundation which critically discussed the future targets of bioengineering research and its consequences. The principles of tissue engineering are to initiate cell cultures in vitro, grow them on scaffolds in situ and transplant the composite into a recipient in vivo. From the beginning, scaffolds have been necessary in tissue engineering applications. Regardless, the latest technology has redirected established approaches by omitting scaffolds. Currently, scientists from diverse research institutes are engineering skin without scaffolds. Due to their advantageous properties, stem cells have robustly transformed the tissue engineering field as part of an engineered bilayered skin substitute that will later be discussed in detail. Additionally, utilizing biomaterials or skin replacement products in skin tissue engineering as strategy to successfully direct cell proliferation and differentiation as well as to optimize the safety of handling during grafting is beneficial. This approach has also led to the cells’ application in developing the novel skin substitute that will be briefly explained in this review.  相似文献   

Ceramides (CERs), cholesterol, and free fatty acids (FFAs) are the main lipid classes in human stratum corneum (SC, outermost skin layer), but no studies report on the detailed analysis of these classes in a single platform. The primary aims of this study were to 1) develop an LC/MS method for (semi-)quantitative analysis of all main lipid classes present in human SC; and 2) use this method to study in detail the lipid profiles of human skin substitutes and compare them to human SC lipids. By applying two injections of 10 μl, the developed method detects all major SC lipids using RPLC and negative ion mode APCI-MS for detection of FFAs, and NPLC using positive ion mode APCI-MS to analyze CERs and cholesterol. Validation showed this lipid platform to be robust, reproducible, sensitive, and fast. The method was successfully applied on ex vivo human SC, human SC obtained from tape strips and human skin substitutes (porcine SC and human skin equivalents). In conjunction with FFA profiles, clear differences in CER profiles were observed between these different SC sources. Human skin equivalents more closely mimic the lipid composition of human stratum corneum than porcine skin does, although noticeable differences are still present. These differences gave biologically relevant information on some of the enzymes that are probably involved in SC lipid processing. For future research, this provides an excellent method for (semi-)quantitative, ‘high-throughput’ profiling of SC lipids and can be used to advance the understanding of skin lipids and the biological processes involved.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe bioactive glasses (BGs) are very attractive materials increasingly used in healing skin lesions due to their antibacterial effect and stimulation of collagen deposition and angiogenesis. In this study, three specimens of bioactive glasses (BG1, BG2 and BG3) have been synthesized and characterized.MethodsIn order to evaluate their in vitro bioactivity, the pH measurements, zeta potential and the concentration of Ca2+ and fluor ions released after immersion in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) followed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and for BG1 and BG3, X-ray powder diffraction analysis, were performed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was also used for detection of different ions in the solid bioglasses before immersion in PBS. The impact of BG1 and BG3 on skin healing mechanisms was evaluated by oxidative stress and matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-2 and -9 and by histopathological analysis.ResultsThe results have shown that all the BGs tested are characterized by a very high degradation rate and a very fast Ca2+, fluor and boron releases and displayed changed surface morphology at SEM, after 7 and 14 days of immersion in PBS. In addition, BG1 and BG3 reduced in vivo the lipid peroxidation, increased the nitric oxide, especially at 14 days and improved superoxide dismutase activity, mainly in BG1 treated animals. In parallel, both BG1 and BG3, diminished MMP-9 at 14 days and increased the proportion of normal collagen in the bed of the wound, particularly BG3.ConclusionThese results suggested that due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of components released from BGs and regulatory properties on MMPs activities, BGs can exert beneficial effects in wound healing.  相似文献   

目的设计一套生物反应器,能针对不同支架材料———细胞复合物进行构建组织工程皮肤。方法根据皮肤的自身生长特点和不同支架材料-细胞复合物的特性,模拟皮肤的生长环境和力学环境,通过生物反应器解决组织工程皮肤构建中支架的装夹和气液界面问题。结果生物反应器由控制系统和生物反应器主体两部分构成,能提供对多种皮肤细胞复合物的动态培养。结论皮肤生物反应器能够满足不同组织工程皮肤产品的需要。能够形成气液界面和模拟生物力学的刺激。  相似文献   

Autologous keratinocytes can be used to augment cutaneous repair, such as in the treatment of severe burns and recalcitrant ulcers. Such cells can be delivered to the wound bed either as a confluent sheet of cells or in single-cell suspension. The standard method for expanding primary human keratinocytes in culture uses lethally irradiated mouse 3T3 fibroblasts as feeder cells to support keratinocyte attachment and growth. In an effort to eliminate xenobiotic cells from clinical culture protocols where keratinocytes are applied to patients, we investigated whether human autologous primary fibroblasts could be used to expand keratinocytes in culture. At a defined ratio of a 6:1 excess of keratinocytes to fibroblasts, this co-culture method displayed a population doubling rate comparable to culture with lethally irradiated 3T3 cells. Furthermore, morphological and molecular analysis showed that human keratinocytes expanded in co-culture with autologous human fibroblasts were positive for proliferation markers and negative for differentiation markers. Keratinocytes expanded by this method thus retain their proliferative phenotype, an important feature in enhancing rapid wound closure. We suggest that this novel co-culture method is therefore suitable for clinical use as it dispenses with the need for lethally irradiated 3T3 cells in the rapid expansion of autologous human keratinocytes.  相似文献   

There is significant interest in the development of tissue-engineered skin analogues, which replace both the dermal and the epidermal layer, without the use of animal or human derived products such as collagen or de-epidermalised dermis. In this study, we proposed that alginate hydrogel could be used to encapsulate fibroblasts and that keratinocytes could be cultured on the surface to form a bilayered structure, which could be used to deliver the co-culture to a wound bed, initially providing wound closure and eventually expediting the healing process. Encapsulation of fibroblasts in 2 and 5% w/v alginate hydrogel effectively inhibited their proliferation, whilst maintaining cell viability allowing keratinocytes to grow uninhibited by fibroblast overgrowth to produce a stratified epidermal layer. It was shown that the alginate degradation process was not influenced by the presence of fibroblasts within the hydrogel and that lowering the alginate concentration from 5 to 2% w/v increased the rate of degradation. Fibroblasts released from the scaffold were able to secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) and thus should replace the degrading scaffold with normal ECM following application to the wound site. These findings demonstrate that alginate hydrogel may be an effective delivery vehicle and scaffold for the healing of full-thickness skin wounds.  相似文献   

Human artificial skin models are increasingly employed as non‐animal test platforms for research and medical purposes. However, the overall histopathological quality of such models may vary significantly. Therefore, the effects of manufacturing protocols and donor sources on the quality of skin models built‐up from fibroblasts and keratinocytes derived from juvenile foreskins is studied. Histo‐morphological parameters such as epidermal thickness, number of epidermal cell layers, dermal thickness, dermo‐epidermal adhesion and absence of cellular nuclei in the corneal layer are obtained and scored accordingly. In total, 144 full‐thickness skin models derived from 16 different donors, built‐up in triplicates using three different culture conditions were successfully generated. In univariate analysis both media and donor age affected the quality of skin models significantly. Both parameters remained statistically significant in multivariate analyses. Performing general linear model analyses we could show that individual medium‐donor‐interactions influence the quality. These observations suggest that the optimal choice of media may differ from donor to donor and coincides with findings where significant inter‐individual variations of growth rates in keratinocytes and fibroblasts have been described. Thus, the consideration of individual medium‐donor‐interactions may improve the overall quality of human organ models thereby forming a reproducible test platform for sophisticated clinical research.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to investigate the phenotypic characteristics of human immortal skin keratinocytes (HaCaT) cells and the role of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) in coculture system of HaCaT cells and ADM. Flow cytometry was used to examine the cluster of differentiation (CD) makers of HaCaT cells. Apoptosis analysis was applied to detect the apoptosis rate of HaCaT cells. Morphological observation of ADM isolated from the reticular layer of Sprague-Dawley rat dermis was utilized to evaluate the morphological structure of ADM. Methylthiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay and morphological experiments were further used to confirm the scaffold role of ADM in HaCaT cells. A wound-healing mice model accompanied by HaCaT-ADM scaffold transplantation was performed to further verify the function of HaCaT-ADM scaffold. Our results showed that CD71, CD49f, K19, and CD29 were highly expressed in HaCaT cells, and the percentage of apoptosis cells was significantly increased, which represented that HaCaT cells had much stronger capacities of adhesion and proliferation than normal human keratinocytes. Additionally, the morphological structure of ADM presented many natural microbores, which made cells rapidly grow on ADM. The results exhibited that the HaCaT cells indeed promptly proliferate on ADM and easily grow into the microbores of ADM. Finally, an in vivo experiment further confirmed that the transplantation of the HaCaT-ADM scaffold into the dorsal skin of a wound-healing mice model could gradually repair the injured wound. Thus, these findings indicated that HaCaT cells might be as seed cells to develop skin tissue engineering and the HaCaT-ADM scaffold might be a better candidate to promote skin repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage cannot repair itself in response to degradation from injury or osteoarthritis. As such, there is a substantial clinical need for replacements of damaged cartilage. Tissue engineering aims to fulfill this need by developing replacement tissues in vitro. A major goal of cartilage tissue engineering is to produce tissues with robust biochemical and biomechanical properties. One technique that has been proposed to improve these properties in engineered tissue is the use of non-enzymatic glycation to induce collagen crosslinking, an attractive solution that may avoid the risks of cytotoxicity posed by conventional crosslinking agents such as glutaraldehyde. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine whether continuous application of ribose would enhance biochemical and biomechanical properties of self-assembled articular cartilage constructs, and (2) to identify an optimal time window for continuous ribose treatment. Self-assembled constructs were grown for 4 weeks using a previously established method and were subjected to continuous 7-day treatment with 30 mM ribose during culture weeks 1, 2, 3, or 4, or for the entire 4-week culture. Control constructs were grown in parallel, and all groups were evaluated for gross morphology, histology, cellularity, collagen and sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content, and compressive and tensile mechanical properties. Compared to control constructs, it was found that treatment with ribose during week 2 and for the entire duration of culture resulted in significant 62% and 40% increases in compressive stiffness, respectively; significant 66% and 44% increases in tensile stiffness; and significant 50% and 126% increases in tensile strength. Similar statistically significant trends were observed for collagen and GAG. In contrast, constructs treated with ribose during week 1 had poorer biochemical and biomechanical properties, although they were significantly larger and more cellular than all other groups. We conclude that non-enzymatic glycation with ribose is an effective method for improving tissue engineered cartilage and that specific temporal intervention windows exist to achieve optimal functional properties.  相似文献   

Fabrication of collagen hybridized elastic PLCL for tissue engineering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lim JI  Yu B  Lee YK 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(12):2085-2090
Biodegradable elastic poly(l-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) (50:50) copolymer was blended with collagen (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2% w/w) in an acidic dioxane solution to form a collagen/PLCL hybrid material suitable for tissue engineering applications. Stability and dispersivity of collagen on collagen/PLCL hybrid films and collagen coated PLCL films under mechanical stress were determined by a collagen release test and water contact angle measurement. Hybrid films had a higher stability than collagen-coated PLCL films. Elastic recovery as well as high interconnectivity and uniform pore morphology of the hybrid scaffolds were not affected by the collagen concentration. Fibroblasts (NIH-3T3) cell culture test was performed for cell growth and viability evaluation. Collagen concentration had little affect on the initial cell adhesion after 4 h cell culture; but after 48 h cell culture, increased cell proliferation on the hybrid films was observed. The hybrid material can be applied as a scaffold for vessel and cartilage regeneration for mechano-active tissue engineering.  相似文献   




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