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Dejean A 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19837
I studied the predatory behavior of Platythyrea conradti, an arboreal ponerine ant, whereas most species in this subfamily are ground-dwelling. The workers, which hunt solitarily only around dusk, are able to capture a wide range of prey, including termites and agile, nocturnal insects as well as diurnal insects that are inactive at that moment of the Nyctemeron, resting on tree branches or under leaves. Prey are captured very rapidly, and the antennal palpation used by ground-dwelling ponerine species is reduced to a simple contact; stinging occurs immediately thereafter. The venom has an instant, violent effect as even large prey (up to 30 times the weight of a worker) never struggled after being stung. Only small prey are not stung. Workers retrieve their prey, even large items, singly. To capture termite workers and soldiers defending their nest entrances, ant workers crouch and fold their antennae backward. In their role as guards, the termites face the crouching ants and end up by rolling onto their backs, their legs batting the air. This is likely due to volatile secretions produced by the ants' mandibular gland. The same behavior is used against competing ants, including territorially-dominant arboreal species that retreat further and further away, so that the P. conradti finally drive them from large, sugary food sources.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2001,22(1):55-60
Prey selection by Plectroctena minor workers is two-fold. During cafeteria experiments, the workers always selected millipedes, their essential prey, while alternative prey acceptance varied according to the taxa and the situation. Millipedes were seized by the anterior part of their body, stung, and retrieved by single workers that transported them between their legs. They were rarely snapped at, and never abandoned. When P. minor workers were confronted with alternative prey they behaved like generalist species: prey acceptance was inversely correlated to prey size. This was not the case vis-à-vis millipedes that they selected and captured although larger than compared alternative prey. The semi-specialised diet of P. minor permits the colonies to be easily provisioned by a few foraging workers as millipedes are rarely hunted by other predatory arthropods, while alternative prey abound, resulting in low competition pressure in both cases. Different traits characteristic of an adaptation to hunting millipedes were noted and compared with the capture of alternative prey. We also noted the parsimony of the behavioural phases during their capture compared to the capture of alternative prey.  相似文献   

Patterns of parasitism by insect parasitoids in patchy environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. 1. This paper shows how the different spatial patterns of per cent parasitism in patches of different host density can be explained within a single model framework that takes into account the parasitoid's aggregative response, and the factors limiting the degree of host exploitation within patches.
2. Two contrasting laboratory examples are presented in which the distribution of searching parasitoids and the resulting levels of parasitism in different patches are both known for a range of parasitoid densities.
3. A model is described predicting the number of hosts parasitized per patch, in which the number of parasitoids searching is determined from a simple expression allowing different degrees of aggregation.
4. The model generates patterns of parasitism encompassing the two laboratory examples and a wide range of examples from the field.
5. The importance of density dependent spatial distributions of parasitism to population stability is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Colonies of the African stink ant Paltothyreus tarsatuslocated in the forest have nests with shorter horizontal galleries and a smaller total foraging surface than colonies located in open areas. Each solitary worker specializes on the same central or peripheral hunting zone but she does not specialize on a particular sector during group-retrieving. The search for prey is characterized by a wandering walk with spatial parameters varying in two ways. Capture of a termite releases a path characterized by sinuosity and a decrease in speed of movement. In contrast, a failure in the course of an attempted capture releases an increase in both sinuosity and speed of movement corresponding to a socalled reserve behavior. Each worker shortens her retrieving trip in comparison with her search trip and the straightness of the homing paths depends on the size and shape of the prey. Our data show that behavioral flexibility at the individual level in P. tarsatusis important in determining spatial foraging strategy at the colony level.  相似文献   

Predator/prey behavior has important consequences for individual survival and recruitment into fish populations, both of which can be affected by stressors such as environmental contaminants. The degree to which prey capture or predator avoidance abilities of a predator or prey species are affected will determine the direction in which the balance will be shifted. In a contaminated estuary we have studied, prey capure and predator avoidance of resident mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, are impaired, which may account for individuals in that estuary having reduced growth and longevity compared with those from uncontaminated sites. Exposure to sediments, water, and grass shrimp from the contaminated site can impair the predatory abilities of mummichogs from a clean site. An important prey species, the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, has a greater population density and a greater proportion of large individuals at the polluted site, apparently because of reduced predation pressure. Mummichog larvae at the polluted site are initially more active and better at prey capture and predator avoidance than larvae from clean sites, but later they become poorer at both. Differences in predator vulnerability among larvae appear to be due to population differences in behavior, which may be due in part to both genetic and environmentally-caused factors. Conservation of fish populations should consider fish behavior and its interaction with contaminants.  相似文献   

Synopsis High-speed cinematography and video using modified Schlieren optics and laser illumination helped elicit details of prey capture mechanisms used by Chromis viridis while feeding on calanoid copepods and Artemia. Chromis viridis is capable of a ram-jaw, low-suction feeding, as well as a typical suction feeding behavior described for other species of planktivores. By adjusting the degree of jaw protrusion and amount of suction used during a feeding strike, this fish can modulate its feeding strikes according to the prey type being encountered. The ram-jaw feeding mode enables C. viridis to capture highly evasive calanoid copepods within 6 to 10 msec. The use of specialized feeding behavior for evasive prey and the ability to vary feeding behavior are adaptations for feeding on evasive prey.  相似文献   

Diet of stone martens: an example of ecological flexibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The feeding ecology of the stone marten in a rural area of Central Italy was assessed by faecal analysis. Habitat analysis, performed through a Geographical Information System, and intensive radio-tracking allowed us to investigate intra-population variations of diet in relation to habitat. The species'feeding habits were opportunistic: fruit and berries were the staple diet but mammals and birds were also important. Diet varied seasonally in relation to resource availability, with a predominance of fruit in autumn and frequent presence of insects in summer. Individuals living in adjacent areas but in different habitats (wooded and rural) showed significant variations of diet, adapting their feeding habits to local availability of foods. The great adaptability of the stone marten to very different resource conditions can represent a key to the species'success through its wide range.  相似文献   

For most vertebrates, locomotion is a fundamental componentof prey capture. Despite this ubiquitous link, few studies havequantified the integration of these complex systems. Severalvariables related to locomotor performance, including maximumspeed, acceleration, deceleration, maneuverability, accuracy,and approach stability, likely influence feeding performancein vertebrates. The relative importance of these measures ofperformance, however, depends on the ecology of the predator.While factors such as morphology and physiology likely definethe limits of these variables, other factors such as motivationof the predator, prey type, and habitat structure can also influenceperformance. Understanding how these variables relate to feedingunder a given suite of ecological conditions is central to understandingpredator–prey interactions, and ultimately how locomotionand feeding have co-evolved. The goals of this article are todiscuss several variables of locomotor performance related toprey capture, present new data on the relationship between locomotorand feeding morphology in fishes, discuss the evolution of preycapture in cichlid fishes, and outline some future directionsfor research. While suction feeding is a primary mechanism ofprey capture in fishes, swimming is vital for accurately positioningthe mouth relative to the prey item. Many fishes decelerateduring prey capture using their body and fins, but the pectoralfins have a dominant role in maintaining approach stability.This suggests that fishes employing high-performance suctionfeeding (relatively small mouth) will have larger pectoral finsto facilitate accurate and stable feeding. I provide new dataon the relationship between pectoral fin morphology and maximumgape in centrarchid fishes. For seven species, pectoral finarea was significantly, and negatively, correlated with maximumgape. This example illustrates that the demands from one complexsystem (feeding) can influence another complex system (locomotion).Future studies that examine the morphological, physiological,and functional evolution of locomotion involved in prey captureby aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates will provide insightinto the origin and consequences of diversity.  相似文献   

We studied the prey specialization of Plectroctena minor, a ponerine ant known to capture mostly millipedes. We compared the prey spectrum of the hunting workers from large colonies with that of the founding queens. The hunting workers captured all kinds of tested prey, but hunted mostly millipedes. Founding queens, which avoided relatively large prey, including the millipedes tested, captured mostly isopods under experimental conditions. We also verified that the presence of millipedes in the diet of the larvae of large colonies was necessary for the production of winged females and strongly enhanced the production of workers, permitting us to assert that P. minor is a predatory species specialized in the capture of millipedes. In contrast, the presence of millipedes had no impact on the production of males. We thus assert that millipedes constitute the 'essential prey' of P. minor, while other arthropod taxa are therefore 'alternative prey'.  相似文献   

The painted redstart (Myioborus pictus) represents a group of non-cryptic predators, the flush pursuers, who visually trigger prey escapes by spreading and pivoting their conspicuously patterned tails and wings. The prey are then chased in aerial pursuits. Such an exploitation of prey may be possible because the predation risk from redstarts is smaller than that from the predatory guild of insectivores and their neural pathways are adapted to helping prey avoid common predators rather than "rare enemies". I propose that the pivoting movements of flush pursuers direct insect escapes across the central field of vision of a predator, where it is easier to track and intercept the prey. Eighty per cent of chases by wild redstarts were in a direction suggesting that prey were entering the birds' area of stereoscopic vision. The redstart's fanned and raised tail creates a stronger visual stimulus than a redstart's head. Flies escaped away from the section of the fly's field of vision in which the model's tail was located and towards the area where the predator's stereoscopic vision is likely to be located, in front of a bird's forehead. The experiments suggested that redstarts may not only exploit the sensitivity of typical neural escape pathways, which are non-directionally sensitive, but that they may also exploit the sensitivity of some directionally sensitive neural pathways in prey.  相似文献   

Sulfur is one of the critical elements in living matter, as it participates in several structural, metabolic and catalytic activities. Photosynthesis is an important process that entails the use of sulfur during both the light and carbon reactions. Nearly half of global photosynthetic carbon fixation is carried out by phytoplankton in the aquatic environment. Aquatic environments are very different from one another with respect to sulfur content: while in the oceans sulfate concentration is constantly high, freshwaters are characterized by daily and seasonal variations and by a wide range of sulfur concentration. The strategies that algal cells adopt for energy and resource allocation often reflect these differences. In the oceans, the amount and chemical form of sulfur has changed substantially during the course of the Earth's history; it is possible that sulfur availability played a role in the evolution of marine phytoplankton communities and it may continue to have appreciable effects on global biogeochemistry and ecology. Phytoplankton is also the main biogenic source of sulfur; sulfur can be released into the atmosphere by algal cells as dimethylsulfide, with possibly important repercussions on global climate. These and related matters are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

F. J. Pulido  M. Díaz 《Oecologia》1997,111(3):434-442
 In spite of recent theoretical interest, few field studies have addressed the links between individual behavioral decisions and population distribution. This work analyzes the foraging behavior of individuals and the spatial distribution of a population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) just before the main breeding season, when blue tit foraging was not affected by central-place or flocking behaviors. The study was carried out in open holm oak Quercus ilex woodlands (dehesas) that are patchy for canopy-foraging birds because of the scattered arrangement of trees. Residence time on each tree was not correlated either with previous flight time or with prey abundance in trees. Flight distances between trees were larger than average distances estimated in random samples of holm oaks taken close to foraging birds. Trees were not selected by birds on the basis of their expected energy costs and rewards. Bird abundance was not related to food availability in trees or to tree size across dehesas. However, bird abundance was strongly correlated with tree density and with the availability of tree holes for nesting, to the extent that the proportion of tits matched the proportions of both tree abundance and hole abundance across study plots. Overall, neither the behavior of individuals nor the distribution of the population of blue tits corresponded with food resources, which appeared superabundant; instead, tits appeared to behave and be distributed according to the distribution of structural resources such as trees and tree holes for nesting. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

The greatest diversity of butterflies and their host plants occurs in tropical regions. Some groups of butterflies in the tropics exhibit monophagous feeding in the larval stage, exploiting only one family of plants; others are polyphagous, feeding on plants in two or more distinct families. The two major types of tropical habitats for butterflies, namely primary and secondary forests, offer very different evolutionary opportunities for the exploitation of plants as larval food. Butterflies are faced with the major logistical problem, as are many other herbivorous insects, of depositing eggs on the correct plant for successful larval feeding. This paper, using the concepts of phenotype set and spatial patchiness of resources, attemps to make some predictions as to the optimal phenotypic systems for monophagous and polyphagous feeding in tropical butterflies, as related to the spatial patchiness of larval host plants in primary and secondary forests. In addition to the secondary compound chemistry of larval host plants as playing a role in the evolution of monophagy and polyphagy, the assumption is made that the spatial patchiness of host plants within and among different families also acts as a major factor in determining optimal ranges of phenotypes for different patterns of larval feeding. Owing to the high spatial patchiness of primary forest species of canopy trees and vines, it is predicted that butterflies exploiting these will be mostly polyphagous, whereas secondary forests having stable formations of fewer plant species and larger patches of these plants, will have mostly monophagous species. Forest understories may have both monophagous and polyphagous species, depending upon the layer of forest and the general type of understory (i.e. palmaceous or dicotyledonous). Field data on some groups of butterflies from tropical America support these predictions. Polyphagous butterflies are predicted to possess a genetic system of mixed morphs with a population being polymorphic as a whole; monophagous butterflies are predicted to have individuals all more or less similar genetically, and with a high amount of genic variation within individuals. Other forms of monophagy may evolve in species that are essentially monomorphic but with various mechanisms (physiological, developmental, behavioral) of phenotypic flexibility at the individual level. Although the environment is essentially coarse-grained for larvae since most are sedentary and polymorphism is an optimal adaptive strategy, the oviposition strategy of the adult must also be considered and some situations (i.e. forest canopy) have resources (host plants) distributed in a fine-grained fashion. Other forms of limited polyphagy may result from monomorphic genetic systems in which there is considerable phenotypic flexibility.  相似文献   

Steven L. Kohler 《Oecologia》1984,62(2):209-218
Summary The search behavior of the grazing stream insect Baetis tricaudatus (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) was examined in field and laboratory experiments. Regardless of food abundance in experimental habitats, nymphs spent significantly more time in food patches than predicted if they had moved randomly with respect to patches. A significant reduction in movement rate within patches relative to movement rate between patches largely accounted for these results. The movement pattern within patches was highly systematic and in agreement with predictions of optimal foraging theory since food was uniformly distributed within patches. Between-patch search movements were affected by food abundance in the most recently grazed patch. Search intensity after departure from a patch was positively related to food abundance in the patch while movement rate after patch departure was inversely related to patch food level. These effects produced between-patch movement patterns that were suboptimal in the experimental habitats because they resulted in revisitation of previously depleted patches. However, differences between experimental and natural habitats in the spatial occurrence of patch types suggest that Baetis between-patch search behavior may be adaptive in natural habitats.  相似文献   

High-speed videography was used to describe the initial turning movement of visually triggered escape in frogs and to compare it with the initial turn of frog prey capture behavior. These two types of turning had some general similarities, e.g. turn duration and peak velocity were positively correlated with turn angle. However, there were kinematic differences: for turns of a given angular amplitude, escape turns consistently demonstrated shorter duration and higher peak velocity than prey capture turns. There also were differences predictably matched to stimulus angles; escape turn angles were more variably related to stimulus angles. Both turning movements are believed to depend upon the optic tectum. However, given the observed differences in kinematics and spatial organization, we used lesion experiments to determine if distinct tectal efferent pathways subserve turning under each circumstance. Large unilateral lesions of the brainstem simultaneously disrupted both types of turning. However, smaller laterally placed lesions disrupted escape turning without disrupting prey capture turns. The kinematic differences in combination with the lesion results support the idea that the post-tectal circuitry for visually elicited turning movements is based upon separate descending pathways that control turning toward prey and turning away from threat.Abbreviations CG central gray - OT optic tectum - SEM standard error of the mean  相似文献   

John P. Delong  David A. Vasseur 《Oikos》2013,122(10):1393-1400
The potential connection between exploitation and interference competition was recognized long ago but has not been evaluated. We measured the levels of both forms of competition for the protist Didinium preying upon Paramecium. Across populations, exploitation intensity was tightly linked to interference intensity, and the form of this relationship follows from a simple model of interaction speeds. The variation in interference competition was as large across populations of Didinium as has been observed previously across species from a variety of taxa including birds, mammals, insects, crustaceans, flatworms and protists. The link between exploitation and interference competition alters our understanding of how interference competition influences population dynamics. Instead of simply stabilizing systems, variation in interference levels can shift population dynamics through qualitatively different regimes because of its association with exploitation competition. Strong interference competition pushes a system to a regime of deterministic extinction, but intermediate interference generates a system that is stable with a high competitive ability. This may help to explain why the distribution of interference values is unimodal and mostly intermediate in intensity. Synthesis Exploitation and interference competition are typically viewed as separate processes. Exploitation is described with a functional response in which the inclusion of interference competition – the effect of predator density on foraging rates – is optional. Although recent work indicates that interference competition is widespread, there is little work linking the two forms of competition. In this article we present evidence that exploitation and interference competition are linked mechanistically through movement patterns that simultaneously generate beneficial interactions of consumers with resources and detrimental interactions with other consumers. This connection alters our view of the role that interference plays in ecological dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply a new modelling strategy, called MICMAC modelling for studying the possibility of coexistence of two predators, which live in a patchy environment, which feed exclusively on one and the same prey and which do not interact intra- or interspecifically except through this common resource. The MICMAC modelling strategy enables us to model the interaction within each of the patches, the interaction among the patches, and the interaction between these models. The results of the simulations reveal that each of the following factors can cause coexistence by itself or in collaboration with the others: differences in risk of local extinction, dynamical isolation of patches, differences in relative duration of the growth and starvation phase.  相似文献   

The prey capture phase of feeding behavior in the pteropod molluscClione limacina consists of an explosive extrusion of buccal cones, specialized oral appendages which are used to catch the prey, and significant acceleration of swimming. Several groups of neurons which control different components of prey capture behavior inClione have been previously identified in the CNS. However, the question of their coordination in order to develop a normal behavioral reaction still remains open. We describe here a cerebral interneuron which has wide-spread excitatory and inhibitory effects on a number of neurons in the cerebral and pedal ganglia, directed toward the initiation of prey capture behavior inClione. This bilaterally symmetrical neuron, designated Cr-PC (Cerebral interneuron initiating Prey Capture), produced monosynaptic activation of Cr-A motoneurons, which control buccal cone extrusion, and inhibition of Cr-B and Cr-L motoneurons, whose spike activities maintain buccal cones in a withdrawn position inside the head in non-feeding animals. In addition, Cr-PC produced monosynaptic activation of a number of swim motoneurons and interneurons of the swim central pattern generator (CPG) in the pedal ganglia, pedal serotonergic Pd-SW neurons involved in a peripheral modulation of swimming and the serotonergic Heart Excitor neuron.  相似文献   

We conducted a series of size-structured laboratory experiments to quantify and compare the susceptibility of several estuarine and marine forage fishes to attack and capture by piscivorous predators. Size-dependent estimates of capture success, handling time, and prey profitability were generated from single-species experiments offering bay anchovy, Atlantic menhaden, Atlantic silverside, and age-0 striped bass to piscivores. Bay anchovy and Atlantic menhaden were most susceptible to capture and yielded high profitability compared to Atlantic silverside and age-0 striped bass prey. Variation in capture success among forage species was particularly influential in generating disparate profitability functions. Although morphological differences among forage species contributed to variation in susceptibility to predation, behavioral analyses indicated that variable reaction distances to approaching predators and activity levels of prey may explain a large fraction of the observed differences in susceptibility. When several forage species were offered to predators simultaneously in larger enclosures, mortality was highest and occurred earlier for bay anchovy and Atlantic menhaden compared to other prey, which points to the strong influence of predator capture success on overall forage fish vulnerability. Our results demonstrate species-specific differences among forage fishes in the ability to avoid attack and capture by piscivores, and we conclude that the expression of antipredator behaviors contributes significantly to variation in forage species vulnerability.  相似文献   

Premaxillary protrusion is hypothesized to confer a number of feeding advantages to teleost fishes; however, most proposed advantages relate to enhanced stealth or suction production during prey capture. Cyprinodontiformes exhibit an unusual form of premaxillary protrusion where the descending process of the premaxilla does not rotate anteriorly to occlude the sides of the open mouth during prey capture. Instead, the premaxilla is protruded such that it gives the impression of a beak during prey capture. We quantified premaxillary kinematics during feeding in four cyprinodontiform taxa and compared them with three percomorph taxa to identify any performance consequences of this protrusion mechanism. Individual prey capture events were recorded using digital high-speed video at 250-500 frames per second (n4 individuals, 4 strikes per individual). Species differed in the timing of movement and the maximum displacement of the premaxilla during the gape cycle and in the contribution of the premaxilla to jaw closing. Cyprinodontiform taxa produced less premaxillary protrusion than the percomorph taxa, and were consistently slower in the time to maximum gape. Further, it appears cyprinodontiforms can alter the contribution of the premaxilla to mouth closure on an event-specific basis. We were able to demonstrate that, within at least one species, this variability is associated with the location of the prey (bottom vs. water column). Cyprinodontiform upper jaw movements likely reflect increased dexterity associated with a foraging ecology where prey items are "picked" from a variety of locations: the bottom, water column, or surface. We postulate that dexterity requires slow, precisely controlled jaw movements; thus, may be traded off for some aspects of suction-feeding performance, such as protrusion distance and speed.  相似文献   

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